Part 27
Lee Sang Yoon terus memecut kereta Song Jie Rim ke AMC hospital di Mana Rebecca ditempatkan.Song Jie Rim berdiam kaku mengingat apa keadaan Rebecca yang dalam keadaan kritikal.DIA menyesali bila teringat apa yang dikatakannya sebelumnya kepada Rebecca.Pasti hal ITU tidak akan berlaku.
45minit perjalanan mereka menuju AMC hospital Dan setiba di hadapan Hospital tersebut Tanpa menghiraukan Lee Sang Yoon.Song Jie Rim berlari ke bilik vvip di mana Rebecca ditempatkan.Setibanya di di ruangan Bilik Rebecca,Lemah longlai Song Jie Rim mendekati susuk tubuh kekasihnya yang di sambungkan oleh bantuan oksigen Dan serta wayar-wayar seluruh tubuhnya.Rebecca terbaring kaku tanpa Sedar.Tersunggkur Song Jie Rim dihadapan Rebecca sambil memegang lengan Rebecca.
"Do not leave me Becky.Forgive me for causing you to be this. You have to be strong Becky, you are a strong girl. I promise not to leave you again, you are my first and last love. In my heart there is only you. Becky, you be strong in dealing with this surgery .. Please do not leave me Becky .. help do not leave me, I can not live without you.I promise to take care and love you to the end of my life,"kata Song Jie Rim sambil menangis teresak-esak.
"You also need to be strong Jie Rim.Becky will be sad when she know this too. Remember God, Nothing is impossible for him. God will save Becky from this critical condition. You must support Becky for this surgery,"kata Victor Park yang juga bersama dengan Mereka berlima Dan juga merupakan Rakan sekerja Song Jie Rim dalam modeling.
"I can not lose Becky, Victor. Just her is a person I love. How do I want to be strong in seeing his situation like that. It's here to connect with only Oxygen help. It's all my fault, suppose I did not say Breaking up to her this would not happen . I was too much for the family's wishes so I did not think about the consequences for Becky,"kata Song Jie Rim lagi Dan menangis teresak-esak sambil berpaut kepada Lengan Rebecca yang diam seribu bahasa.
Kesemua sahabat Song Jie Rim turut memberi semangat kepada Song Jie Rim kerana melihat keadaanya yang begitu terpukul dengan keadaan Rebecca. Doktor Go In Suk masuk untuk memerhati keadaan Rebecca.
"Doctor how my wife's condition is when surgery will be performed. Doctor saved my wife, do her best for me. I can not afford to lose my wife. Some of my wife's funding is willing to pay as long as she is Safe,"kata Song Jie Rim merayu kepada Doktor Go In Suk.
"I do the best for your wife but you should support your Wife to go through this surgery. Through my examinations, your spouse's brain is swollen and the blood clot in his brain grows. According to the theory of the state of your wife 50/50 to succeed in passing this surgery. But leave it to God, I am the channel to take care of the patient but the God who is in charge of our lives,"kata Doktor Go In Suk Dan berlalu.
"Until this level happened to Becky. I did not want to lose her. How do I want to live without Becky, I regret what I told her. If not because of my words, this may not happen,"kata Song Jie Rim Dan terduduk menghadap Rebecca dengan tidak henti-henti airmatanya mengalir.
"Jie Rim enthusiasm. We give it to God, do not forget to rely on him. God's Power More to Know, He is the doctor of all the doctors in the World,"kata Proffesor Lee Kwan In menepuk bahu Song Jie Rim serta memberikan DIA semangat.
"True Jie Rim, You got excited and strong. Remember God, Well I told you, when you accidentally Becky did not budge before you, prayed for you. But as soon as you realized, you did not remember her and she tried to hide for a cry. She believed the God will surely restore your memory to Remember her. Now this is the time you need to make it like Becky. Trust, The True and Real Prayers are sure to be answered. As Becky's situation is now in critical condition, God still wants Becky to live. God will give the best for both of you,"kata
Lee Jin Hyun yang juga merupakan sahabat sekuliah Grace Dan merupakan seorang pendengar setia Grace bila DIA memiliki masalah.
"Mr. Song Jie Rim come to my room. I need to tell you and your consent to this,"kata Doktor Go In Suk masuk ruangan ward Rebecca untuk memanggil Song Jie Rim.
"Doctor can we with Song Jie Rim to hear what you want to say. We all take care of Rebecca. She is like our family,"tanya Henry memohon supaya mereka semua bersama Dengan Song Jie Rim.
"All right, let's get in my room,"kata Doktor Go In Suk Dan dia berlalu depan mereka.
Lee Sang Yoon menuntun Song Jie Rim berjalan.Lemas kaki Song Jie Rim until berjalan namun digagahinya untuk melangkah masuk Ruang Bilik Doktor Go In Suk untuk mendengar apa yang hendak dikatakan olehnya.
"Sit down,"kata Doktor Go In Suk mengarah Song Jie Rim duduk.
"Doctor how my wife's condition and what doctors want to tell Me. Save my wife Doctor,"kata Song Jie Rim dengan penuh kerisauan.
"I will try my best for your wife. We beg for permission to do surgery on your wife now. I fears the swelling of her brain is getting worse. Because her swelling causes her to vomit blood. If your wife vomits the second time, it will again harm to wife,"kata Doktor Go In Suk menjelaskan kepada Song Jie Rim.
"Do the best doctor. In the present situation Song Jie Rim is not good enough. We give permission on behalf Song Jie Rim. I am a lecturer and student guard of Rebecca William agreed doctor doing the surgery for her now,"kata Proffesor Lee Kwan In menjawab bagi pihak Song Jie Rim.
Pembedahan Rebecca diawalkan memandangkan keadaan Rebecca semakin teruk.Auntie Marty Dan Uncle Paul baru tiba di ward Rebecca Dan doktor sedang mempersiapkan pembedahan Untuk Rebecca. Song Jie Rim Hanya sekadar melihat keadaan Kekasihnya yang dalam kritikal.Keluarga Song Jie Rim juga berusaha Menghubunginya kerana hari yang di janjikan untuk mereka menentukan tarikah pertunangan Song Jie Rim Dan Gadis pilihan keluarganya.
"Hello Jie Rim, where are you? Since yesterday mumy call you,Your phone did not pick mumy call,"tanya Ibu Song Jie Rim puan Kim Sun Ah.
"Mumy, I can not do this. I have someone I love. His condition is now in critical condition and I will not leave Her. How I will receive someone I do not love. I'm sorry Mumy, I can not do,"kata Song Jie Rim dan menamatkan talian panggilan Dari ibunya.
Rebecca dibawa keluar untuk masuk ke bilik pembedahan.Song Jie Rim Dan rakan-rakan yang lain di bawah ke dewan bilik khas pembedahan untuk melihat sendiri pembedahan Rebecca. Auntie Marty Cuba menenangkan Song Jie Rim.
Pembedahan berjalan lancar,sebaik mereka mengeluarkan darah beku yang membeku di bahagian otak Rebecca,tiba-tiba keadaan tidak terkawal kerana pernafasan Rebecca menurun ke tahap yang sangat kritikal.Doktor Go Dan yang lain berusaha untuk mengambalikan denyutan jantung Rebecca.Song Jie Rim tidak sanggup melihat lagi,DIA keluarga disertai oleh Han Byung Chul,Park In Jung Dan Kim Yoon Jun.Bagaikan dirasuk Song Jie Rim dibuatnya kerana melihat keadaan kekasihnya.
"No ... no .. I can not afford to be left by Becky. How do I want to live without Becky. Help .. Help ... Do not leave me, you must be strong and get up again. I promise not to leave you again. How is this Yoon Jun , I can not see Becky like this. All of this is my fault Yoon Jun, as Becky makes it critical to this level,"kata Song Jie Rim Dan meraung-raung menangis di luar bilik Pembedahan itu.
"She must be strong Jie Rim. Please, remember God's power to join this surgery. Trust me, Becky will be saved,"kata Kim Yoon Jun tenangkan hati Song Jie Rim
"Do not give up Jie Rim.What do you think, we also feel.Rebecca some of our friends are also attending with us.She is a sister to us, If you like this how Becky face it. You have to be strong, where your faith that the Power of God can heal Becky through her channel to Becky. Doctor Go In Suk a doctor who specializes in this disease. Come, we, pray for Rebecca as well as Go In Suk doctor. So through doctor Go, Becky can be cured,"kata Han Byung Chum sambil menepuk-nepukkan bahu Song Jie Rim.
"We are with you Jie Rim. We will not be quiet until Becky gets back. We are so excited, your love and love for Becky is so Deep,"kata Park In Jung juga memberikan semangat terus kepada Song Jie Rim.
Auntie Marty mendekati Song Jie Rim Dan memeluknya dengan penuh kasih. Auntie Marty menenangkan Hati Song Jie Rim supaya kuat menghadapi kehendak Tuhan.
"God knows what you are right now. God knows what's best for you and Becky. If God wants Becky's life is long, He'll definitely give Becky back to you. We're just planning a decent God, Whatever happens to you to accept it. But auntie wants to remind you to strong your heart is because of the joy and happiness that you will receive. Our God lives, whenever he can take,"kata Auntie Marty dan Song Jie Rim semakin lemas Dan tidak bermaya lagi.
"How is Becky's condition?,"tanya Song Jie Rim memandang ke arah Auntie Marty.
"The doctor is still trying to save Becky. Becky's heart stops and blood goes out of the section. But we're both praying and confident Becky must be able to get past these critical moments,"jawab Auntie Marty Dan memberikan senyuman kepada Song Jie Rim.
"Jie Rim ... Jie Rim, becky's heart can be restored. They are now starting to patch up the skull head of Rebecca,"kata Ahn Hee Yoon sambil berlari mendapatkan Song Jie Rim Dan yang lainnya.
"Thank God. You saved my employer's daughter. Thank God for the Power of God. Come on, we're in Jie Rim. You've got to see Becky's situation,"kata Auntie Marty Dan kemudianya masuk kedalam ruang bilik khas pembedahan.
Lebih kurang 2 setengah jam dari saat kritikal Rebecca,maka selesai juga Pembedahannya.Masa pembedahan Rebecca mengambil masa 5jam lebih.Tubuh Rebecca dibawa ke keluar Dari bilik pembedahan ke ward vvip di mana Rebecca ditempatkan.
Uncle Paul dihubungi keluarga Rebecca bertanya keadaan Rebecca.
"Terima kasih Tuhan,sudah selamatkan Becky Tuan.DIA baru sahaja dibawa masuk di ward,tapi belum sedar lagi.Banyak rakan-rakan Dan pensyarah Becky bersama kami sekarang.Mereka lagi awal Dari kami,apa yang saya dengar.Dari semalam lagi mereka berada disini,"kata Uncle Paul menghembuskan nafas lega.
"Syukurlah,penerbangan kami ke Korea malam nanti Dan akan tiba di Korea awal pagi esok,"kata Tuan Willam.
"Baik tuan,nanti saya akan tunggu kamu di airport,"kata Uncle Paul.
Keadaan Rebecca semakin baik,namun belum sedarkan diri.Auntie Marty Dan Uncle Paul memohon kebenaran untuk balik ke rumah kerana.Keluarga Rebecca akan sampai esok pagi.
"Sayang,auntie balik dulu.Nanti petang nanti saya datang.Mahu kemaskan rumah kerana Mumy,daddy dan Abang akan sampai esok pagi.Auntie yakin kau seorang yang kuat,di sini Song Jie Rim Dan rakan-rakanmu ada,"kata Auntie Marty Dan tangan Rebecca bertindak balas.
"Look, Becky responds. This is a good sign,"kata Henry Kim begitu gembira kerana tindak balas Dari Rebecca.
"we go ahead.Be careful Rebecca, call us if Rebecca needs anything. Soon we'll come back,"kata Auntie Marty Dan mereka keluar Dari ward bilik Rebecca berada.
"We also want to go out for a while. We have not had a face, have not changed the clothes and eat. We left you for a moment there is nothing you want to call us only. After you have not eaten breakfast too. While it is already noon. You need any Song Jie Rim,"kata Lee Sang Yoon bertanya sekiranya ada yang diperlukan oleh Song Jie Rim.
"I do not feel hungry but can get my clothes and baths at home. This is my key,"kata Song Jie Rim dan menyerahkan kunci rumah kepada Lee Sang Yoon yang tinggal sebangunan dengan Song Jie Rim.
proffesor Lee Kwan In juga memohon diri sebab dia perlu ke universiti untuk menyiapkan laporan.Tinggallah Rebecca Dan Song Jie Rim berdua di Dalam ward.Kerana terlalu letih Song Jie Rim tertidur.
Rebecca terbangun dan melihat Song Jie Rim tertidur di sampingnya.Pelahan-lahan Rebecca mengangkat tangannya Dan mengusap-usap rambut Song Jie Rim.
Terkejut Song Jie Rim sepertinya Kepalanya diraba.Dia terbangun Dan Melihat Rebecca sudah sedar.Rebecca tersenyum lesu melihat Song Jie Rim.
"Thank you Oppa,"kata Rebecca perlahan.Song Jie Rim bangun Dan berlari mendapatkan Doktor Go.Setiba Doktor Go di dalam Ward.
"Thanks God, your wife is aware,"kata Doktor Go In Suk,terkejut sedikit Rebecca mendengar doktor mengatakan yang isteri Song Jie Rim.
"Do not move much and talk much. You have a lot of rest, then you will feel dizzy later,"kata Song Jie Rim Dan tersenyum.Rebecca pun mendiamkan diri.
Selepas Doktor Go In Suk mengcheck keadaan Rebecca DIA pun memberitahu Song Jie Rim untuk biarkan Isterinya Merehatkan dirinya. Rebecca mengengam tangan Song Jie Rim,kemudian Song Jie Rim memandang Rebecca Dan sekadar tersenyum.
"You rest first. Then I will explain to you,"kata Song Jie Rim mengusapkan Rambut Rebecca.Dan Rebecca menutupkan matanya.
Part 28
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