Part 26
Song Jie Rim sudah mula bekerja serta masih lagi dalam modeling.Song Jie Rim bekerja didalam bidang modeling full time Dan banyak masa di dalam program Modeling kadangkala tidak masa melayan atau meluangkan masa Dengan Rebecca.
Rebecca juga mula banyak tugasan Dan banyak mengikuti pertandingan muzik yang diadakan universiti juga di luar.
"Becky,KAU tidak keluar petang ni?selalu mesti sama-sama dengan Song Jie Rim keluarga,kamu dua ada masalah lagi,"tanya Auntie Marty sedikit hairan.
"Jangan tanyalah auntie.Malas saya keluar juga,baik duduk rumah.Lagipun Jie Rim oppa mana ada masa dengan saya lagi.Mungkin dia ada orang lain sudah,"jawab Rebecca dan mengeluh kecil.
"Jangan terlalu prasangka Sayang.Dia bekerja sebagai modeling Dan juga sibuk di tempat kerja dia.Sabar Becky,ada peluang dia akan datang berjumpa dengan KAU,"kata Auntie Marty Cuba tenangkan hati Rebecca.
Hari berganti hari,minggu berganti minggu. Perhubungan Song Jie Rim Dan Rebecca semakin suram.Suatu petang Song Jie Rim menghubungi Rebecca. Rebecca dalam masa praktis untuk muziknya kerana semester baru tidak akan lama lagi.
Cuti semester akan bermula juga,Rebecca merancang untuk mencari kerja part time untuk mengisi masa cutinya.Walaupun keluarga Rebecca keluarga berkemampuan tetapi Rebecca mahu berdikari.
"Becky, you have plan this afternoon.I want to see you, in the usual place,"kata Song Jie Rim.
"Yes..I want to see you too.There are important things I have to tell you,"Jawab Rebecca Dan terus menamatkan talian. Song Jie Rim tersentak apa yang dilakukan oleh Rebecca.
Petangnya mereka berjumpa di tempat yang di janjikan.Rebecca memecut keretanya menuju tempat yang di janjikan oleh Song Jie Rim. Wajah sayu menyelubungi Rebecca, Song Jie Rim memandang tanpa mengalihkan padangannya.Rebecca menundukkan dirinya.
"Hello becky, how are you? You look a little skinny. Are you unwell?,"tanya Song Jie Rim bila melihat susuk badan Rebecca yang sedikit kurus.
"My heart is sick, There is a lover but straight away ignored. Some months you did not contact me asking my news. If you are bored with me, or you already have someone other than me. Why not explain to me so I will not be Waiting,"kata Rebecca tanpa memandang wajah Song Jie Rim.
"Forgive Me, Not Just So But I'm Too Busy And Sometimes There Is No Time To Call You,"jawab Song Jie Rim.
"All that's your reason. It's because of the bustle and you have no time contacting me even a minute,"kata Rebecca lagi,airmata Rebecca mula mengalir membasahi Pipinya.
"Forgive me Becky, I know my weakness because I do not think of your heart and your feelings. That will not be repeated again. I'm sorry I'm probably the end of our relationship. I will not hurt you anymore, and I'm sure you'll have someone better understanding you. Once again I'm sorry, because I can not fulfill my promise to you. Keep you safe, protect you and do not want to let you cry. But I can not do it,"kata Song Jie Rim Dan tersentak Rebecca bila mendengarnya. Airmata Rebecca tidak boleh di tahan-tahan lagi.Terus bercucuran membasahi pipi Rebecca.
Rebecca tidak dapat berkata-kata lagi Dan kemudiannya berdiri membalikkan dirinya meninggalkan Song Jie Rim. Bagaikan pisau yang meremukkan hati Rebecca.Dia menuju ke keretanya Dan terus menghidupkan enjin keretanya.
"Please, do not drive in your condition. Take the taxi back home,"kata Song Jie Rim yang tiba-tiba mendekati Rebecca.
"What Do you care? This is my car. Who are you to stop me driving my car,"jawab Rebecca melaraikan lengannya Dari di pegang oleh Song Jie Rim.
"In this situation you are. You do not focus on driving. I'm afraid you will be injured that causes the accident as well,"jawab Song Jie Rim Dan mengambil kunci kereta Rebecca.
"Give me back my car, I'm suffering from injury or accident what you care. You are not anyone with me. I hope for you to love you, and you who are ruin also. If I am in trouble all of it is your fault. Because of you,"kata Rebecca dan merampas kunci keretanya dari tangan Song Jie Rim.
Rebecca masuk dalam kenderaannya dan memecutkan keretanya tanpa tahu arah kemana.Rebecca memandu Dan terus memandu sehingga dia tiba di sungai Han.
Rebecca memberhentikan keretanya Dan turun Dari kenderaannya. Rebecca tersunggkur sambil teresak-esak menangis.
"Kenapa saya terlalu Bodoh percayakan lelaki itu?.Saya sakit,sangat sakit...,"Kata Rebecca seorang diri.
Dari jauh Song Jie Rim memandang Rebecca dengan hati sayu. Hati Song Jie Rim masih mencintai Dan memang DIA tidak dapat melupakan Rebecca.Namun kerana desakan keluarganya untuk menyatukan Song Jie Rim dengan pilihan keluarganya demi perniagaan Keluarganya yang hampir bankrupt.
Satu malam Rebecca tidak balik rumah.Telefon tidak dapat dihubungi.Risau Auntie Marty dibuatnya,Takut-takut DIA mengalami kemalangan.Rebecca tiba-tiba rasa sakit kepala Dan DIA Cuba bangun untuk masuk ke dalam keretanya Namun.Pandangannya Gelap Dan tidak mengingati apa-apa lagi.
Terkejut Song Jie Rim melihat Rebecca Dan mendekatinya.Hidung Rebecca berdarah,Song Jie Rim menghubungi Lee Sang Yoon untuk datang di Sungai Han untuk Memandu kereta Rebecca.Song Jie Rim tidak memberitahu keadaan sebenarnya.Song Jie Rim membawa Rebecca ke hospital Dan Rebecca terus di bilik kecemasan Dan doktor terus menyambungkan oksigen pada Rebecca.Kemudiannya di scan Dan di dapati ada tompokan darah beku di bahagian kepala Rebecca.
"Who is the family of the patient named Rebecca William?,"tanya Doktor Go In Suk yang memeriksa Rebecca.
"Me,"jawab Song Jie Rim ringkas menjawab pertanyaan doktor itu.
"What is your relationship with her?,"tanya Doktor Go In Suk lagi.
"Her husband to be,"jawab Song Jie Rim membohongi doktor tersebut.
"Well, come to my office now. Because your wife's situation is in the current situation. She needs to be dissected to remove blood clots in her brain. Has your wife ever fallen before?,"tanya Doktor Go In Suk.
"She has been involved in a crash a year ago. But I do not know that there is a blood clot in his brain. Can she be safe if she is on the surgery now? Saving my wife doctor,I can not lose her, I have to tell my wife family in Malaysia so they will come quickly. Do the surgery, I will be responsible and sign all the original documents she is safe,"kata Song Jie Rim Dan DIA sangat risau akan Rebecca.
"Well, I'll set up the document first. I'll call you later,"kata Doktor Go In Suk Dan Song Jie Rim pun keluar Dari bilik Doktor Go In Suk.
"Forgive me Becky, I can not lose you. Whatever happens with my family. I will explain to those who I can not accept their will to marry me to people I do not love. Just Rebecca in my heart,"kata Song Jie Rim berkata sendiri.
Kelihatan Lee Sang Yoon Dan Henry Kim berlari mendekati Song Jie Rim.
"What exactly happened Jie Rim, what about Becky?,"tanya Henry Kim yang memang sangat rapat pada Rebecca.
"Becky is bleeding in the brain and the blood is frozen in his brain.Doktor says she needs to be surgically removed to get rid of the blood before falling. I am guilty, because we were originally together and I said to break our relationship because my Family wanted me to marry the choice girl they are in order to save our business which is a problem. Becky I'm blocking to drive but she is hard-hearted and goes to the Han River. I'm trailing hmler, I see her crying and I'm also very hurt really in the mood. After that I see her awake and suddenly faint . As I approach her, Rebecca's nose bleeds and she's fainted,"kata Song Jie Rim menjelaskan keadaan yang berlaku.
"Jie Rim, you're not a kid yet to follow your family's wishes. Do you love Becky your heart? This will not happen if you do not start it. If there's anything with Becky, I do not hesitate to punch your face. contact his family?,"kata Henry Kim yang memang sangat ambil berat Pada Rebecca. Kerana Rebecca hubungan keluarga Henry dengannya dapat dipulihkan atas bantuan Rebecca.Rebecca Menasihati Henry untuk melembutkan hatinya,Kerana ibubapa Henry bukan meninggalkannya sendirian tetapi kerana perkara yang tidak boleh dielakkan semasa kecil Henry Dulu.
"I have not contacted Becky's family yet. But I will contact them after I sign a Becky's surgical document. I will be responsible for Becky's payment and surgery agreement,"kata Song Jie Rim Dan menundukkan wajahnya sedih.
"Mr. Song Jie Rim, let in my room for a signature of a surgical permit for your wife,"kata Doktor Go In Suk,terkejut kedua mereka mendengar doktor itu.
"What? The wrong one told me the doctor said Song Jie Rim's Wife,"kata Henry dan menandang Lee Sang Yoon.
"Wow !! Song Jie Rim really loves Becky. He says Becky's wife, hopefully this will not spread to the media's knowledge. This may add another problem to them. What else Becky is still learning,"kata Lee Sang Yoon Dan Henry tertawa kecil kerana mendengar Lee Sang Yoon.
Selesai Song Jie Rim menandatangani perjanjian pembedahan untuk Rebecca,dia pun keluar Dari bilik Doktor Go.
Berlari anak Henry Dan Lee Sang Yo on mendekatinya.
"You're serious Jie Rim.Doktor says Becky your wife. Since when you're getting married, Be careful for fear that the media will know and do not want you to have any problems spreading Yet,"kata Henry Kim memberitahu kepada Song Jie Rim.
"I purposely did that, because of course the doctor wanted to wait for Becky's family. I was wrong, for Becky was like this. Regarding the media, I was ready to answer and if I needed to purpose Becky to be my real wife.I can't lose her again, about my family, i will face it and be frank as i can not marry someone i do not love,"kata Song Jie Rim Dan tersenyum.
"How is Becky's current situation? She's already aware. You need to contact Becky's family as well as his guard as they may be worried about Her,"kata Henry mengingatkan Song Jie Rim.
"Becky is still unconscious.Yes .. I have to meet Becky's guard. Please help me keep Becky Henry. I want to go to Becky's house and explain them both. After all I do not know what a family Becky phone Number,"kata Song Jie Rim dan kemudianya berlari meninggalkan Henry.Lee Sang Yoon juga menyertai Song Jie Rim.
Setiba di rumah Rebecca sekitar jam4pagi.Song Jie Rim tel ah menjelaskan kepada Auntie Marty Dan Uncle Paul keadaan Rebecca. Dan Auntie Marty juga memberitahu yang Rebecca selalu mengadu sakit kepala Dan berdarah hidungnya. Selalu juga Auntie Marty membawanya untuk membuat check up tetapi Rebecca selalu mengelak Dan mengatakan hanya sekadar sakit kepala selalu lewat tidur.
Auntie Marty menghubungi keluarga Rebecca.Dan Song Jie Rim memohon agar DIA yang akan bercakap dengan Keluarga Rebecca.
"Hello,tuan saya INI Marty.Saya mahu beritahu kamu sesuatu tetapi Song Jie Rim meminta saya serahkan Telefon INI padanya,"kata Auntie Marty.
"Boleh,serahkan telefon ITU padanya,"kata Tuan William menantikan apa yang disampaikan oleh Song Jie Rim.
"Uncle, this is Song Jie Rim. I apologize first, because me Becky like this. Becky is now in emergency room right now, Becky has not been aware yet.She's fainting at the Han River and the doctor confirms Becky's brain got Clot blood and needs to be expedited as fast which is possible. I have signed the authorization form, I will be responsible for everything. Every hospital will be paid by Becky. I have been lying with Doctor Go, my wife Becky. I'm sorry for my uncle for doing so,"kata Song Jie Rim menjelaskan segalanya.
"Thank you Jie Rim.Uncle understand, We'll fly to Korea Tonight later. Help us keep Becky. I have no problem if you really love my daughter. But I beg to let it be after Becky finish his Schooling and graduate I just release her to you,"kata Tuan William memberikan kebenaran kepada Song Jie Rim.
"Thank you uncle, I'll keep Becky right,"kata Song Jie Rim Dan menamatkan panggilan.
Sebaik sahaja Song Jie Rim selesai berbual dengan Ayah Rebecca.Telefon Song Jie Rim berdering Dan Henry menghubunginya.
"Jie Rim, Becky is aware. Getting back to the hospital maybe the Doctor wants to tell you something,"kata Henry Kim,supaya Song Jie Rim balik hospital dengan cepat.
"Alright,"jawab Song Jie Rim ringkas.Dan menamatkan panggilan.
"Auntie Marty, I want to go back to the hospital. You want to go, Becky is conscious so I have to come quickly where did Doctor want to tell something,"kata Song Jie Rim Dan terus berlalu Bersama Lee Sang Yoon.
"No, Jie Rim, Auntie and Uncle will go later.Auntie needs to pack up Becky's Luggage for hospital,"kata Auntie Marty Dan tersenyum.
"Carefully drive Jie Rim,"kata Uncle Paul menasihati Song Jie Rim.
"Thank you uncle,"jawab Song Jie Rim Dan terus meluru ke keretanya Bersama Lee Sang Yoon.
Sekali lagi Song Jie Rim dihubungi Dan Kali ini Park In Jung yang menghubunginya.
"Jie Rim quickly returned to the hospital.Becky vomiting blood and she was in critical condition now.Doktor summoned her husband, at first I was surprised who Becky's husband was. Henry,telling me is was you. Proffesor Kim Kwan In's also here. Quick Jie Rim,"kata Park In Jung Dan Badan Song Jie Rim lemas mendengar apa yang dikatakan oleh Park In Jung.
"What happened to Becky? Give me the key of the car, do not drive in your heart to be confused. Better i drive, remember God and rely on Her. God's power will heal Becky,"Kata Lee Sang Yoon menenangkan Hati Song Jie Rim.
Lee Sang Yoon menghidupkan enjin kereta kemudian memecut ke hospital.
nantikan apakah Rebecca boleh di selamatkan
Part 27
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