For the longest time, Dorothy and her new friends kept walking. Trudging across the countryside passing many different farms, cornfields, and a few rivers. They had no earthly idea where they were going; quite frankly, they didn't care. As long as they were far away from Ms. Gulch as possible, even if it pained Dorothy to leave her family behind, what choice did she have?
Every now and then, Dorothy would look over her shoulder. On one hand, she was making sure they weren't being followed. But at the same time, she was looking back toward the only place she had ever known and was now leaving behind. The ponies and Spike took notice of what Dorothy was doing and couldn't help but feel concerned.
"Ya'll alright, Dorothy?" Applejack asked.
"It's not too late to turn back, darling," Rarity assured.
"No, I'm alright," Dorothy insists. "I miss them dearly, but I can't go back now. I won't let them take away Toto or my new best friends."
Though every pony was touched by Dorothy's kindness, they felt somewhat guilty for being one of the reasons Dorothy had to leave the farm.
"You know, Rainbow," Fluttershy whispered. "I feel just awful about all this."
"Me too, Fluttershy," Rainbow Dash nodded. "But that old windbag, wart-faced Gulch will be waiting for us even if we do go back."
Rainbow Dash may not have known this Gulch for long, but just thinking about how awful this woman was made her growl. True she was always taught to 'love and tolerate' even the lowliest of creatures, but this Gulch was different, she could feel it in her bones. The next time she sees that woman face-to-face, no matter what any pony says, she's giving her one-for.
As the group continued their journey, walking along a bridge over a river, Toto's barking drew them to the side. Before their eyes, they stumbled upon what appears to be an old wagon parked along the riverbank. As they drew closer, they could make out the bit of writing along the side.
Professor Marvel
Acclaimed by The Crown Heads of Europe
Let Him Read Your Past-Present and Future in his Crystal Ball
Also Juggling and Sleight of Hand
As the group studied the sign, every pony heard a light sound as if someone was humming a tune. As they rounded the carriage to investigate, they stumble upon an elderly man stepping out of the carriage. He wore checkered slacks, a dress shirt and vest, a black dress coat and a simple tie. He soon noticed the farm girl and the ponies, not seeing Spike hidden behind the girls, and smiled.
"Well, well, well," He chuckled. "House guests, huh? And who might you be?"
The ponies and Dorothy were just about to respond, until...
"No, no – Now don't tell me."
The man sat by the fire, picking up a stick with a wiener on one end as if that was going to be his supper. He studies the girl and her unusual friends, stroking his bearded chin while figuring out who they were... Or for that matter, whatthey are (Especially seeing the most unusual appendages on some of these ponies). Rainbow Dash, her eyebrow raised, leans over to Twilight.
"Is this guy for real?" She whispers.
Twilight merely shrugs as the man finally spoke again.
"Let's see – You're – You're travelling in disguise. No, that's not right. I – You're – You're going on a visit. No, I'm wrong. That's... You're – You're running away."
"How did you guess?" Dorothy smiled.
"Professor Marvel never guesses --- He knows!" The old man chuckled.
"Or maybe because he happened to see her suitcase," Spike muttered, sarcastically.
"Every pony, group huddle," Twilight announced, quietly.
Every pony, along with the baby dragon, slowly walk off along the side while their new friend spoke to that quirky old man.
"Ah can't believe she's actually fallin' fur this malarkey," Applejack whispered.
"This guy wouldn't know a thing about magic if it came up and bit him on the flank," Rainbow Dash agreed.
"Ok girls, so maybe he's a fraud," Twilight admits. "But he seems harmless enough; maybe he can help us out."
"Twilight is right," Rarity agreed. "We can't judge what's in a pony's heart simply by first appearances."
"Exactly, like that first-time meeting Zecora when we thought she was an evil enchantress who curses ponies," Pinkie recalls.
"You mean the Zebra you did a whole song about how she'd turn us into soup?" Spike reminded.
"Okay, first of all I said 'stew' not 'soup'. Secondly, even I can admit that maybe it was a silly mistake to make assumptions. Turns out Zecora's one of the most stupendous, kindest, nicest ponies you could ever meet!"
"Yeah, but at least Zecora could actually do the things she claims," Dash retorts. "This guy couldn't predict the weather even if he had instructions."
Little did the group know, but as they spoke Twilight was suddenly quiet at the mention of Zecora's name. As if all at once, she suddenly remembered that errand she had neglected to finish when she first discovered the enchanted television. Twilight felt a little down about it, something that didn't go unnoticed by a certain 'number one assistant'.
In the meantime, Professor Marvel was still trying to figure out Dorothy's story. The poor girl was oblivious to the fact that this man wasn't all as he seemed.
"Now why are you running away?" The old man asked.
"Why –" Dorothy began.
"No, no – Now don't tell me," Professor Marvel interrupts. "They – They don't understand you at home. They don't appreciate you. You want to see other lands – Big cities – Big mountains – Big oceans –"
Dorothy continues to smile, believing this man knew exactly what was going on in her head.
"Why, it's just like you could read what was inside of me."
"Yes," The Professor nods.
"Please, Professor, why can't we go along with you?" Dorothy asked.
The Old Man was suddenly caught off guard by that request, completely at a loss for words trying to figure out how to answer this poor girl's pleas.
"Well, we – Uh –"
Unbeknownst to the two, Toto snuck by and grabbed the sausage Professor Marvel was roasting over the fire, eating it. Neither realized what he did till it was too late.
"Oh, Toto, that's not polite!" Dorothy scolds her dog. "We haven't been asked yet."
Professor Marvel merely chuckles, as he grabs another piece of sausage placing it on the stick back over the fire.
"Oh, he's perfectly welcome," The Professor assures. "As one dog to another, huh? Here now – Let's see where were we? Oh, yes you... You wanted to go home, huh?"
"Oh, no, I want to go along with you," Dorothy answered.
"Nobody cares about me at home," Dorothy continues. "They wouldn't even miss me."
"Aw, come, come, come –" The Professor waved off.
"No, they won't – Honestly."
"Oh –"
"Auntie Em was even going to let them kill Toto yesterday for biting Miss Gulch," Dorothy continued. "Oh, please, Professor, why can't we go with you and see all the Crowned Heads of Europe?"
"Do you know any?"
Dorothy cocks her head to the side, just as Professor Marvel realized his mistake.
"Oh, you mean the thing," The Professor corrects himself, motioning toward the sign. "Yes, well, I – I never do anything without consulting my crystal first. Let's go inside here – We'll – Just come along and I'll show you..."
Professor Marvel leads Dorothy into the carriage, completely unnoticed by the group of ponies and the baby dragon. They were still discussing their predicament, when Spike noticed she wasn't by the fire.
"Hey guys," Spike speaks up. "Where's Dorothy?"
It was then that the ponies turned around, finally noticed the farm girl was no longer outside.
"She musta gone inside with the Professor," Applejack concluded.
"Well, we can't just go in there and talk to them," Rarity said. "We saw how everyone else reacted when they met us."
"Rainbow Dash, can you and Fluttershy please fly up to the window and see what's going on?" Twilight asked.
"You got it, Twi," Dash replied, saluting.
"Oh yes, of course," Fluttershy whispered.
The two Pegasi quietly fly toward the lone window of the carriage, peering in to see what's going on. Dorothy and Professor Marvel sat around a small circular table, where a crystal ball sits in the middle. This time the professor had placed a turban on his head, as he showed the naïve girl his 'magic crystal'.
"This – This is the same genuine, magic, authentic crystal used by the Priests of Isi and Osiris in the days of the Pharaohs of Egypt," The Professor explained, theatrically. "In which Cleopatra first saw the approach of Julius Caesar and Marc Anthony, and – And so on and so forth."
Fluttershy's eyes grew in wonder at the idea, while Rainbow Dash's eyes had a hard time staying open.
"This... Is... So... Boring," Rainbow moaned.
Meanwhile, Professor Marvel instructs Dorothy to close her eyes.
"Now, you – You'd better close your eyes, my child, for a moment – In order to be better in tune with the infinite."
Dorothy closed her eyes, just the way the Professor instructed. Completely unbeknownst to her, Professor Marvel grabs her basket and rummaged through the contents. Eventually, he pulls out a picture of her and Aunt Em standing side-by-side.
"We – We can't do these things without reaching out into the infinite," The Professor continues.
He quickly puts the picture away, not wanting to be caught in the act as he instructs the girl to open her eyes. Unfortunately for him, Rainbow Dash had her eyes open long enough to see that.
"Why that swindler!" Rainbow Dash muttered. "He's gonna trick Dorothy with some kinda mumbo-jumbo about Aunt Em!"
Rainbow Dash was about to jump through the window, when Fluttershy grabbed her tail in between her teeth.
"Let me go!" Dash growled. "I'm gonna knock him silly!"
"No, Rainbow!" Fluttershy mumbled.
The usually timid Pegasus proved surprisingly strong, keeping her friend's tail clenched in her jaw. Dorothy heard a commotion and turned, only to miss Fluttershy pulling Dash away from the window before turning back to Marvel with a shrug. Twilight and the others, meanwhile, were standing at the bottom of the wagon wonder what was going on. Just then, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash returns, the latter folding her arms while Fluttershy still held her by the tail.
"What's happening?" Twilight asked.
"That schmuck is trying to trick Dorothy into thinking something bad is happening to her aunt," Dash replied.
"Oh my!" Rarity gasped. "Are you quite certain, darling?"
"As sure as when I finally get the news of joining the Wonderbolts!" Rainbow answered.
"Rainbow, you're already a Wonderbolt," Spike points out.
Rainbow turns around toward Pinkie Pie, who happened to have a trombone on her. The Pegasus snarls and glares toward Pinkie, who chuckles before putting the trombone back in her mane and ducks behind Twilight, who looks back with annoyance. The ponies slowly make for the wagon entrance, to listen in to what's going on.
Back inside, Dorothy and Professor Marvel studied the crystal ball. The Professor himself began to witness a 'prophecy' about the future.
"What's this I see?" The Professor examined. "A house – With a picket fence, and a barn – With a weathervane and u, uh... Of a – Of a running horse. No, it's – It's – A crowing rooster."
Though the Professor stumbled a bit, Dorothy's eyes widen like saucers.
"That's our farm!" She gasped.
"Oh yes," The Professor nods. "Yes, there's a woman – She's wearing a polka-dot dress... Her face is careworn..."
"That's Aunt Em," Dorothy said.
"Her – Her name is Emily."
"That's right! What's she doing?"
"Well, I – I can't quite see," The Professor looks deeper. "It's hard to say... But she's crying. Someone has hurt her – Someone has just about broken her heart."
Upon hearing those words, Dorothy's face fell.
"Me?" She asked, worriedly.
"Well, it's – It's someone she loves very much. Someone she's been very kind to. Someone she's taken care of in sickness."
"I had the measles once and she stayed right by me every minute," Dorothy recalls.
"Aww," Fluttershy cooed.
Rainbow Dash turns to her yellow friend, a 'seriously' look on her face. The timid Pegasus squeaked and covered her mouth with her hooves. Dash merely shakes her head and turns back to look inside the wagon. Fortunately, the two were too preoccupied to notice them spying.
"What's she doing now?" Dorothy asked.
Professor Marvel peers closely into the crystal.
"Well, she's – She's going into a little bedroom..."
"Has it poppies on the wall?" Dorothy interrupts.
"Oh yes, poppies on the wallpaper," The Professor continues. "Eh, she's – What's this!? Why, she's... She's putting her hand on her heart – She's – She's dropping down on the bed."
"Oh no – No!" Dorothy gasped again.
"That's all," The Professor concludes. "The crystal's gone dark."
After hearing this terrifying prediction, Dorothy suddenly jumps up from the chair.
"Oh you don't suppose she could really be sick, do you?" Dorothy asked, grabbing her bags. "Oh – Oh, I've got to go home right away!"
"But – What's this?" The Professor asked. "I thought you were going along with me."
"Oh, no, no, I have to get to her, right away!" Dorothy insists. "Come on, Toto! Come on! Come on!"
Professor Marvel looks on as Dorothy quickly got up and rushed out of his carriage. When she came outside, every pony looked at her curiously.
"Dorothy, is everything okay?" Twilight asked.
"No Twilight, we have to get home right away!" She responds, urgently.
Dash and Fluttershy flew down from the carriage window.
"Oh, come on, Dorothy," Dash argues. "That guy is a total sham, a sleazy con artist with nothing better to do than scamming innocent people."
"Besides, you said if we go home, they'd send poor Toto over to the Sheriff," Fluttershy reminds Dorothy.
"We don't know that for certain," Dorothy insists. "What if Auntie Em really is sick? If we don't get back, Aunt Em may – Well, she may die!"
"Well, what are we going to do?" Rarity asked.
Dorothy paused to think for a moment, turning to Toto then back to the ponies.
"I know what I'll do!" Dorothy declared. "I'll give Toto to Hunk."
"Hunk?" The girls asked, in unison.
"Yes, why didn't I think of this before? If anyone can watch out for Toto, he would. But we've got to hurry!"
"Here we go again," Spike shrugged.
Spike jumps on Twilight's back, as Dorothy ran up the hill with all the ponies following close behind. Dorothy looks behind her, one last time.
"Goodbye, Professor Marvel," Dorothy waves. "And thanks a lot!"
Meanwhile, the Professor himself emerged from the wagon as suddenly a huge wave of wind blew the leaves around. He approached his horse as he looks around.
"Better get under cover, Sylvester," The Professor said. "There's a storm blowing up a whopper, to speak in the vernacular of the peasantry. Poor little kid, I hope she gets home all right."
In the meantime, Dorothy and the ponies ran/galloped as faster than they have in their entire life, hoping to get back to the Gale Farm. It was only when they felt the wind pick up and heard a cry they stopped in their tracks.
Every pony turns around and noticed Pinkie shaking uncontrollably, again.
"Oh no!" Spike grimaced. "Not another Pinkie Sense!"
Spike hid himself inside Twilight's mane, shaking himself as Twilight turned to Pinkie.
"What's wrong now?" Twilight asked.
"S-S-S-Something... RE-RE-RE-Really, really... REALLY ba-ba-ba-bad is coming!" Pinkie said, shakily.
"Like what, darling?" Rarity asked.
Pinkie looks off into the distance, gasping with a horrified expression. She lifts a shaky hoof, pointing toward her gaze.
"L-L-Like that!"
Every pony turned toward where Pinkie was pointing. Once their eyes landed on what scared the pink party pony, they couldn't help but feel a twinge of fear themselves. Off in the distance, quickly coming closer, a rapidly rotating column of air made contact between the surface and a nearby cumulonimbus cloud, tearing it's way through the valley.
"IT'S A TWISTER!" Applejack points out.
"WE HAVE TO GET BACK NOW!" Dorothy shouts.
No pony argued with her, running as fast as possible to get back home.
In the meantime, back on the Gale Farm, the wind's were picking up speed as the twister approached. The chickens flew and scrambled down the yard, running by passing weeds and dust carried by the severe wind. Uncle Henry rushed toward one of the nearby farmhands, Hunk.
"Hunk, get them horses loose!" Henry instructs. "Where's Hickory? Hickory! Hickory! Doggone it, Hick –"
"Right here!" Hickory called out.
Henry turns and sees Hickory working on the wind machine. Henry pushes against the wind, as Hickory tried to get the machine to turn on.
"What are you doing there?!" Henry called out.
"This is my chance!" Hickory declares. "The cyclone is coming. Let me show you what my machine can do! You see, it goes—"
"Doggone you, Hick!" Henry interrupts. "Help Hunk get them horses loose!"
"All right – But you'll be sorry."
"Go on, hurry up! Hurry up, I tell you!"
Meanwhile, as Hunk and the others drew the horses out of the barn, Zeke points up to the sky.
"She's here!" Zeke shouts. "It's a twister; it's a twister!"
The cyclone was rapidly approaching the farm, the winds growing stronger by the minute. Aunt Em ran out of the house, calling out with her hands cups to her mouth.
"Dorothy!" Aunt Em called, running to the corner. "Dorothy! Twilight!"
In the midst of all this chaos, Dorothy and her friends were trying to get back home. But the increasing winds made it difficult for them, the storm blowing them in all different directions. Twilight was able to look up just as a large mail-post flew through the air, directly toward Dorothy.
"DOROTHY, LOOK OUT!" Twilight shouts.
Twilight jumped and tackled Dorothy to the ground, just as the post almost hit her. Instead, it rammed into the fence, shattering it to pieces. But now before passing over Pinkie, who managed to duck as it took some of her mane with it. Pinkie, however, didn't notice.
"Wow! Talk about a close shave," Pinkie giggled.
Every pony just turned to her with shock and nodded their heads slowly. Twilight and Dorothy gat back up from the ground, brushing the dust off.
"Wow, thanks Twilight," Dorothy said, gratefully.
"Anytime," Twilight replied. "Now we really need to get back to the farm."
With that, every pony kept running as fast as they could back to the farmhouse. The twister itself was getting even closer with that slight delay. All the horses turned loose, Uncle Henry and the three farmhands ran off.
"Come on!" Henry called out. "Everybody in the storm cellar!"
Dorothy, Toto, Spike and the ponies pressed on against the wind. The weeds and sticks blowing through, as the wind seemed to cause the sky to scream. Dorothy stopped to pick up Toto, leaving most of her luggage behind.
Aunt Em was still on the porch, looking for Dorothy and her new friends, when Uncle Henry and the Farmhands arrived.
"Henry! Henry! I can't find Dorothy or the girls!" Aunt Em cried. "They're somewhere out in the storm! Dorothy!"
"We can't look for them now!" Henry shouts, as the farmhands opens the cellar. "Come on, get in the cellar! Hurry up!"
"DOROTHY!" Aunt Em shouts.
By then, Dorothy and her friends finally got back to the house. Dorothy pulls the screen door open, but the wind tore it right off its hinges and they watched it blow away into the sky. They just entered the house at the same time Dorothy's family and the farmhands entered the storm cellar, shutting the door behind them. Unaware of what happened, they rushed through the house desperately searching for them.
"Auntie Em!" Dorothy cried out. "Auntie Em!"
Dorothy ran from room to room, unable to find anybody. The ponies and Spike did the same, with no luck.
"Hunk!" Twilight shouts.
"Hickory!" Rainbow yells.
"Zeke!?" Applejack cried.
"Any pony!" Pinkie shouts.
"Where are you guys?" Spike yelled.
They soon noticed Dorothy run back out toward the backyard and followed her. They stepped out briefly and noticed her banging on the cellar door.
"Auntie Em! Uncle Henry!" She screamed.
"Dorothy, ah don't think they can hear yah!" Applejack yelled.
"The wind's picking up," Twilight notes. "We need to get back in the house and take shelter!"
Dorothy didn't want to give up so easily, but as she peered over the white picket fence in the backyard she noticed the twister getting closer than before. With no alternative, Dorothy reluctantly followed the ponies and the baby dragon back into the house toward Dorothy's room. The sounds of the wind whipping against the house was all they could hear, as the twister drew closer and closer.
"Auntie Em," Dorothy called out, one last time.
Suddenly, in a split second, the bedroom window blew off and crashed into the back of Dorothy's head. She screamed and grabbed the back of her head, the impact knocking her out cold as she plopped onto the bed.
"Dorothy!" Every pony shouted.
They all got onto the bed, trying to shake Dorothy awake. But she was completely dead to the Earth as they all huddled close together. It was then they could feel the house itself start to shake, the house creaking and moaning as the cyclone struck. The house began to rip off the ground and after a full minute it shot up into the sky. Every pony screamed, holding on tightly as the house spun uncontrollably. After a few minutes, the violent spin stops, and all was still.
It was during which time Dorothy stirs and sat straight up, much to their relief.
"Dorothy!" Applejack sighs. "Are yah okay, sugar cube?"
"Yes, I'm alright," She responds, rubbing her head. "What happened?"
"We're definitely not on the ground anymore," Spike points out. "Look!"
A roosters call alerted the others to the window, noticing a variety of different things flying and spinning around in midair. From a chicken coop with all its inhabitants, to a little old lady knitting in a rocking chair with a little cat on her lap. Dorothy and the group were too shocked for words, as the old woman waved to them. All they could do was wave back, before the woman passed and a cow floats by mooing sending Toto ducking under the bed. As if it couldn't get any weirder, two men rowing a boat passed by tipping their hats before going about their business.
Even Pinkie Pie rubbed her eyes hoping her mind wasn't playing tricks on her, as Dorothy looked down. It was in this moment, when she noticed the swirling motion, she suddenly realized what was going on.
"We must be up inside the cyclone!" She yelled.
Twilight paced around the floor, trying to figure out what to do. Just then, an idea came to her as she turned to Rainbow Dash.
"Rainbow, you're a weather pony, can you possibly stop this twister?" She asked, hopefully.
"As awesome as I may be, I'm not sure," She responds. "Even back with the twister in Equestria, I had a whole team of Pegasi helping me out. I've never had to do this by myself!"
"You're the fastest flier in Equestria," Spike said. "If any pony can stop this twister, you can!"
"If you need a helping hoof, count me in!" Twilight said, flapping her own wings.
"I'll help too!" Fluttershy stepped up.
"Are you sure, Fluttershy?" Rainbow asked. "You see how strong this Twister is right? We all know you're not the best flier."
"Yes it's true, I'm not the best flier," Fluttershy admits, boldly. "But I'm not entirely helpless. I said I'd help Dorothy in any way and it's time I did so now."
"We believe in you girls!" Pinkie encouraged.
"We know you can do it!" Rarity added.
"Just tell us what to do, Rainbow, and we'll follow you," Twilight said.
Rainbow looked at the determination of the two ponies, ready to take to the sky beside her. A bold expression of confidence appears on her face as she nods.
"All right, girls!" Rainbow barks, ready to take off. "Get on my flank! Follow me!"
"Spike, these winds are very strong!" Twilight shouts back. "Stay here and make sure Rarity and the others are safe!"
"Don't have to tell me twice!" Spike said, sticking close to Rarity.
With that, Rainbow Dash zipped out of the window, Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy following close behind through the spinning vortex. They charged at full speed in the opposite direction, hoping to decrease the twister's speed. Rainbow went so fast, her whole face looked as if it would peel all the way back, as tears streamed off Fluttershy's eyes as she flapped harder. Rainbow started to pick up speed, hoping to pull off the sonic rainboom. But no matter how fast the girls flew, the twister was not slowing down. As a matter of fact, it seemed to pick up speed.
Suddenly, Rainbow and the others got tired and started slowing down. Before long, the twister swept the girls aside sending them screaming and flying through the air. The wind pushed them back into the room, landing hard against the wall and onto each other. Rainbow peeled off and plopped onto the floor, followed by Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy.
"Twilight!" Spike shouts, concerns. "Girls, are you okay?"
Rainbow was so dizzy, tiny little Wonderbolts float around her head.
"You spin me right round baby, right... Right round," Rainbow replied, before falling unconscious.
Dorothy looks back out the window and noticed a very familiar figure.
"Oh!" She gasped. "Ms. Gulch!"
Every pony else looked out the window, noticing the very same tall, lanky woman riding her bike just as she had before. But then suddenly, Ms. Gulch's appearance changed as her wardrobe shifted into a black dress with a long flowing cape. Instead of a bicycle, now she appeared to ride a broomstick and wore a large pointy hat. As this evil woman wasn't scary before, now Ms. Gulch had turned into an evil witch cackling loudly as she flew away.
"SWEET MOTHER OF BANANAS!" Rarity cried, fainting onto the bed.
The room kept spinning over and over, as Dorothy and the girls screamed for their lives. All the furniture was tossed around and about, as they huddled together in a tight embrace. Suddenly, the house began to fall faster and faster towards the ground. Where it would land, no pony knew as it kept falling... Falling... Falling, till suddenly...
CRASH! And then... Silence...
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