The Tin Man
Wandering down the Yellow Brick Road, the motley crew spent their time conversing with their new friend, the Scarecrow. Though not truly human, he acts more like a person than just a giant bag of straw. To pass the time, the ponies and Spike told their new friends stories about Equestria, along with the amazing adventures they've been on. Their stories drew the attention between Scarecrow and Dorothy, who found their adventures amazing.
"So we trekked through the Everfree Forest, encountering all sorts of danger," Twilight explained. "Manticores, giant serpents, but we almost got killed many times just by nearly falling to our deaths."
"Oh my!" Dorothy gasped, concerned. "Were you hurt?"
"Eh, nothing we can't get up from," Rainbow brags. "We're just that awesome!"
"Anyway, we finally reach the Castle of the Two Sisters ready to gather the 'Elements of Harmony' all together," Twilight continues. "Then Nightmare Moon arrived and destroyed their statues. I admit I almost thought she won, and the night would last forever like she planned."
"But..." Spike joins in. "It wasn't until the others showed up that Twilight realized 'what', or rather 'who', represented the Elements themselves."
Spike gestures to all the other ponies in the group, all of them waving.
"Honesty," Applejack smiles.
"Generosity," Rarity added.
"Kindness," Fluttershy whispered.
"Loyalty!" Dash continued. "And major awesomeness!"
"And I represent laughter!" Pinkie cried, bouncing excitedly. "And fun parties! But let me tell you, it's a TON of responsibility. I mean always making sure every party is the most supertastic party ever, bigger than the last one. Besides, it's not the best party if not every pony is smiling like Gilda or Svengallop or Cozy Glow..."
"PINKIE, CHILL!!!" Twilight yells.
The party pony instantly stops bouncing and appears to be frozen in mid-air. Dorothy and the Scarecrow look at Pinkie's position, completely amazed while Twilight shakes her head.
"Would you mind coming down, Pinkie?" Twilight asked.
"But you told me to 'chill'!" Pinkie said, between her teeth.
"Alright, alright, 'un-chill'!"
All at once, Pinkie Pie plopped onto the ground comically while all the other ponies slapped their heads.
"Thank you," Twilight sighs. "Anyway, after we realized we represented the 'spirits' of the Elements we all joined together and defeated Nightmare Moon. Course, we never would've won if I hadn't realized that by making friends like Celestia wanted me I wouldn't have discored that I represent the last element of friendship: Magic!"
"Wow, that sounds amazing!" The Scarecrow exclaims.
"It most certainly does," Dorothy nods. "What happened next?"
"By defeating Nightmare Moon, Princess Celestia returned to say how proud she was of us for joining together and discovering the Elements," Twilight continues. "As it turned out, Nightmare Moon was really her sister, Princess Luna, who was only freed from the darkness thanks to the power of the Elements themselves. Reunited for the first time in a thousand years, Celestia insisted they put the past behind them, to move forward, and rule Equestria together as they were meant to. Luna accepted and has ruled over Equestria with her sister peacefully ever since, we even became great friends... But that's another story."
By the end, Scarecrow and Dorothy couldn't help but applaud. The ponies bow to them, as their new friends continue clapping.
"Well, I certainly didn't know you were all heroes," Dorothy said. "Now this Equestria of yours sounds more amazing than I imagined."
"You know, I'd give all the stuffing from my left leg to visit such a place," Scarecrow adds.
Every pony giggled at his choice of words.
"That won't be necessary, darling," Rarity replies. "But maybe after we meet the Wizard, I don't see why you can't come over for a visit."
"Ah mean, we've had a hoot-and-nanny time traveling and meeting ya'll," Applejack smiled. "Mind you, I dunna know how it works but we ponies sure like meetin' new friends."
"Oh yes, we love meeting new visitors," Pinkie said, excitedly. "Spoiler alert: If you do come, I'm throwing the biggest welcome party Ponyville... No, ALL of Equestria has ever seen! Oh yeah!"
The group laughs as they proceed down the path leading them through the forest. As they trek down, from the corner of her eye, Twilight thought she saw a flash of black-and-green disappear behind a tree.
"Hold on a moment," Twilight announced, pausing a moment.
The group stops, turning to her with confusion. They watch as Twilight slowly and cautiously trots toward the tree. Slowly, she looms behind the tree only to find... Nothing. Nothing stood there, which was rather strange as she thought she saw someone... Familiar.
"You okay, Twilight?" Scarecrow asked.
The alicorn Princess turns back after a moment.
"Yes, it's alright," Twilight nods, uncertain. "I just thought I saw something... Or someone."
"Oh!" Dorothy cried. "Apples! Oh, look!
The whole group turn to Dorothy, then face toward where she's looking. Before there very eyes, there were indeed large apple trees all around them. Granted, not as many as Sweet Apple Acres, but there was such an abundance of fresh, juicy red apples ready for picking.
"Awesome!" Rainbow Dash said. "I've been dying for some chow."
"There was plenty of corn back in the fields," Rarity points out "But I do agree: I could go for a bite myself."
"Well, come on ya'll," Applejack said. "Least we can do is gather up some viddles while we're here."
Dorothy approaches on apple tree, reaching toward one apple just within arm's length. Suddenly, just as she picked the apple off the tree branch, the tree itself seemed to snatch the apple and smack her hand away.
"Ouch!" She cried.
The group, wide-eyed and shocked, witnessed the scene before their eyes.
"G-G-G-Girls," Fluttershy whispered, fearfully. "D-Did that t-tree just m-move?"
"No way!" Rainbow scoffed. "It's probably this place playing tricks on us, again."
"Hang on, ya'll," Applejack said. "Ah'll get 'em down."
Applejack stretches her hind legs, approaches toward one tree, turns herself around, and delivers a nice, strong buck against the bark.
"Hey, that hurts!" A voice cried.
"Sorry about that," Applejack replied, then turns back. "Huh?!"
"What do you think you're doing?"
Every pony froze. They all looked up at the tree and the other one, noticing not only was it moving... But they were talking. As if that wasn't enough, they could see the front of the tree motion as if it had almost a human face... Almost.
"We've been walking a long way and I was hungry and –" Dorothy began.
"Um Dorothy, I think we've got a bigger problem," Twilight interrupts, facing the tree. "Excuse me, uh... 'Sir', did you say something?"
"She was hungry!" The tree said to another.
"She was hungry!" The other tree said, mockingly.
"Well, how would you like to have someone come along and pick something off of you?" The first tree asks, facing Applejack. "Or kicking you on the side?!"
"I'm terribly sorry 'bout that," Applejack apologized. "It's just what ah do back home fur harvest season. Nothin' personal."
"Oh dear, I keep forgetting I'm not in Kansas," Dorothy said.
"Or Equestria," Spike said. "I mean we do have trees that move in the Everfree Forest, but that's beside the point."
But Scarecrow merely frowns at the tree. He knew Dorothy and her friends were hungry after such a long walk. There was no telling when they'd find the next village or town and they wouldn't get far without nourishment or sustenance. Then, as if an idea popped in his head, he beckons Applejack and the others. The ponies, Spike and Dorothy lean in to listen.
"I've got a plan on how to get you all some apples," He whispered.
"Whatcha got in mind, partner?" Applejack asked.
"Trust me," He answers.
Although they didn't know what Scarecrow was planning or even if it was a fool-proof one, nevertheless the ponies and Spike nod showing they trust him. The Scarecrow stands back up and puts the plan into motion.
""Come along, ladies and Spike," The Scarecrow began. "You don't want any of those apples."
"Huh?" Spike asked, not following.
Whatever Scarecrow was doing, the Tree itself took great offense to the straw man's words.
"What do you mean 'they don't want any of those apples'?" The tree asked, offended. "Are you hinting my apples aren't what they ought to be?"
"Oh, no!" The Scarecrow mocked. "It's just that they don't like little green worms!"
"Oh you...!"
The tree lunged toward the group, but they all escaped and ran off to the side as the Scarecrow brushed off the tree's attempt. Fortunately, seeing as how they were rooted to the ground, the trees were unable to follow them.
"That was your plan?!" Rarity shouts. "How is verbally bashing those trees going to help us?!"
"I'm showing you how to get apples," Scarecrow whispers.
The Scarecrow makes a mocking gesture at the trees, who start picking apples off their branches and hurl them toward the Scarecrow, who fell back after getting an apple in the face.
"Oh, now I get it!" Spike realized, stepping. "Hey blister lips! Your momma was a rocking chair!"
"You can't... Say that to me!" The trees yelled, between throws. "I'll... Show you! I'll give you little green worms!"
The girls and the rest narrowly dodged the apples the trees were pelting, the latter completely unaware of what they were doing. Rainbow narrowly dodged the airborne apples, as if this were a game of dodgeball. This was making one tree very mad.
"Hold you still, you little...!" The tree barked.
"HA! You couldn't even pitch ONE inning!" Rainbow mocked, shaking her rear.
"WHY... YOU...!"
Meanwhile, Twilight and Rarity dodge the other apples and at one point using their magic to actually catch the apples in mid-air and casually stuff them into Twilight's saddlebag. Poor Fluttershy barely dodged an apple as some would bounce right in front of her or having to duck some near her mane. Before she knew it, she catches a few apples with her tail (Like during her 'Buck-ball' games) and surprisingly starts juggling them between her hooves.
"Hey," Fluttershy said. "I didn't know I could do this!"
"Hey, you can't do that!" The trees shout. "STOP THEM!"
Meanwhile, Pinkie made this out to be like a fun little game with the trees hurtling apples at her, some of which ended up going through her mane. Like what she did with the trees, she merely laughed and giggled at their attempts even blowing a few raspberries. The trees were far from pleased.
"MISS ME! MISS ME!" Pinkie said, singing. "NOW YOU GOTTA KISS..."
One apple did manage to get into her mouth before she finished, interrupting her little song. Pinkie eventually clamps her jaw against the side of the apple as it fell to the ground. She starts chewing the juice slice in her mouth, as a smile forms in her face.
"Mmm! Juicy!"
Meanwhile, Applejack was dodging apples and managed to duck one, when suddenly there was a loud 'CLANG!' In the chaos, Applejack paused and looked back as if the tree hit something very hard.
"Now that's an odd sound for an apple to make... OW!"
An apple hit the farm pony on the side of her head, causing her hat to fall off. Now Applejack turned to the tree angry and had just about enough with being pelted by fruit, even though the plan was working. To add a slight comeback, Applejack reels around and bucks one apple so hard it explodes right on a tree's face as the tree tried to clean it off.
"Sorry... NOT sorry!" Applejack said, putting her hat back on.
Eventually, enough apples were stripped from most of the branches. Though the Scarecrow took the worst of it, being pelted by so many, the entire group found enough apples on the ground to collect. More than enough to eat for the remainder of their journey.
"Hooray! Hooray!" Scarecrow cheered. "I guess that did it! Help yourselves!"
"I gotta admit, buddy," Rainbow praised. "That was a pretty good idea!"
"Don't you mean an 'awesome' idea?" Pinkie asked.
"Ah, come on, Pinkie. I don't see 'awesome' all the time!"
"Sure, ya don't," Applejack smiled.
"How did you know that would work?" Spike asked the Scarecrow.
"I didn't," The Scarecrow replied.
Every pony were about to ask what the Scarecrow meant to say, but they were too hungry to care and just shrugged it off.
"I'm just glad my mane wasn't too messed up," Rarity replied, turning to one side. "Um, Fluttershy dear. You can stop doing that right now."
The group soon noticed that Fluttershy was a little carried away, distracted by her juggling with the apples. Upon being spoken to, Fluttershy immediately stops as all the apples, apart from one, fell onto the ground. Fluttershy smiles nervously, cheeks blushing, then proceeds to lightly eat the one apple she caught.
Every pony else wandered the grounds, picking up every apple they could find. Twilight, Applejack, Scarecrow and Rarity went off in one direction, taking their share and filling it into Twilight's bag. In the meantime, Dorothy, Fluttershy, Rainbow, Spike, and Pinkie went to the other side to gather their own pile.
As Dorothy leans down to pick up one apple, she noticed something rather... Odd. There was a large metallic object that looked strangely like a foot. She gave a light tap on the foot and the leg, which made a metal clanging. As she slowly gets up and looks upward, she notices more metal made out legs... Then a torso... A set of arms, one holding an axe... And even a human-like head.
As Spike met up to give Dorothy whatever his little arms could carry, he gave a little cry of surprise and almost dropped his stash. Before the two, standing by a rather big tree partly chopped through and near an abandoned looking cottage, with an uplifted axe in his hands, it appeared to be some sort of man, yet made entirely of hollow tin. He was slightly rusted, but he appears to be some tin-smith's masterpiece. His tin head and arms and legs were all jointed upon his tin torso, but he stood perfectly motionless, as if he could not stir at all. This was one of the most astonishing things either Dorothy or Spike had ever come across in their young lives.
"Hey, guys!" Spike called out. "I think we found something over here!"
"What is it, sugar cube?" Applejack called out.
"Why, it's a man!" Dorothy called out. "A man made out of tin!"
Every pony else and the Scarecrow immediately rushed over to see what Dorothy and Spike were talking about. Sure enough, it was a tin man standing there clear as day.
"Wow!" Rarity marveled. "This is the most bizarre, yet intriguing piece of art I've ever seen!"
"Must be some kinda sculpture or something," Applejack suggests.
"Yeah! Like something made for a commercial on pasta, with hungry children chasing it!" Pinkie added, gleefully.
"Yeah, sure Pinkie," Twilight said, distractedly. "Whatever you say."
"It does look rather charming," Fluttershy admits, brushing off the leaves.
"Well, whoever made it sure put a lot of detail into this hunk of tin," Rainbow said, tapping the torso.
It was then they all heard something, like a very muffled voice they could barely hear. But the oddest part was that it was coming from the tin man himself. The group leaned close trying to make it out, as if the voice tried to speak.
"Did you say something?" Dorothy asked.
The muffled voice squeaked again, desperately trying to communicate. Pinkie smiled so huge it's impossible to describe the length in words.
Or because we didn't want to make this chapter any longer than it is.
What are you complaining for? I'm doing all the writing.
I'M the one you asked to do the editing!
Oh, hush!
"Ooh! Ooh!" Pinkie bounced. "I love guessing games! Okay, let me see. Um... Him... Two words. Okay, let's see. Two words... First word..."
"PINKIE PIE!" The group shout, loudly.
"We're trying to concentrate!" Twilight shouts, exasperated.
Pinkie Pie instantly hushed, as her demeanor changed slightly to sadness and disappointment. As if that wasn't enough, her mane went flat like a deflated balloon.
"I'm just trying to have some fun," Pinkie said, sadly.
The ponies and Spike felt bad, they knew Pinkie was trying to lighten the mood. One thing they've known about her over the years is that she'd make fun out of 'everything', even at the worst of times. But right now, they are separated from home (Two homes, technically), lost in a world completely different from their own, a homicidal witch out to get them, and there's barely a time or place for jokes. Nevertheless, snipping at their friend didn't make it any easier as they sat alongside Pinkie Pie.
"We're ever so sorry darling," Rarity said, sweetly. "We didn't mean to shout."
"We're just under a lot ah pressure, that's all," Applejack added. "We're just tryin' to get Dorothy and ourselves home."
"We never meant to hurt your feelings, Pinkie," Fluttershy offered, quietly. "We're oh so very, very sorry."
Pinkie was touched by her friends words, but still she felt a little disheartened. But for more than what just happened.
"You think I don't know how important it is to get home? You think I purposely make a fool out of myself just because we're in a bad situation? That I'm just the 'silly, side character whose only meant to be the butt of jokes amongst her friends'?"
"Pinkie Pie..." Twilight began.
"I'M... NOT... FINISHED!" Pinkie yelled, then took a deep breath. "We're stuck in another world, with no idea how to get back to either Kansas or Equestria, and ole 'Greenie Meanie' chasing us for reasons that don't make sense even to me! I'm not as stupid as every pony makes me out to be, or those 'writers' on the internet. I know we're in a pickle and chances of us succeeding our unlikely. But I'm just doing what Pinkies do best: Keeping every pony's spirits up. Is that really so wrong?"
"We appreciate it, Pinkie Pie," Twilight understood. "And you're right... Maybe we're not being fair to you... I'm not being fair to you. You've never let us down when it matters, and we should 'never' forget that. You've been a good friend and I promise you this: When we get back to Equestria, if and when we do, we'll have a humongous party and you can plan whatever you want."
"... Anything?" Pinkie asked, her spirit lightens.
"Anything," Twilight nodded.
The whole group, especially Spike, nods. Then suddenly, Pinkie's mane pops back to normal, as she jumps and cheers, prancing around the Tin Man.
"OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! This is gonna be so amazing! Oh, I better get cracking on party plans, plot permitted. I'm going to think of a recipe for a cake fitting for the occasion. Hmm... We'll definitely need some decorations... Oh... I'm so happy!"
As Pinkie rambled on, the whole group looked at each and smile at having Pinkie Pie back. Suddenly, they hear another muffling sound coming from the 'Tin Man' whose been trying to get their attention for hours.
"Mmm mmm!" The tin man muffled. "MMM MMM!"
"Any pony figured out what he's sayin'?" Applejack asked.
"Oil can!" Pinkie Pie said.
The whole group turned to the party pony flabbergasted.
"How'd you know that's what he said?" Dorothy said.
"That was going to be my first guess!" Pinkie smiled, then thought. "Okay, maybe my second... Seventh... Upteenth?"
"He said 'oil can'," Dorothy thought.
"Oil can what?" Scarecrow said, confused.
"No, no, no," Twilight shook her head. "'Oil can', like something you use for maintenance."
"Oil can?" Dorothy wondered. "Oh!"
It was then she noticed a small tin oil can, just sitting on a nearby tree stump. She quickly runs and snatches it up.
"Oh, here it is!" Dorothy replied, coming back. "Where do you want to be oiled first?"
She asked the Tin Man, but only a muffled response came out from his mouth. The Scarecrow listened very closely, then grabbed the oil can.
"He said his mouth," Scarecrow answered.
Making sure the can works, the Scarecrow begins spraying oil all over the Tin Man's mouth.
"Here," Dorothy points out. "Here."
"The other side," Scarecrow instructs, handing the can to Dorothy.
"Yes..." Rarity said, inspecting. "A little over here... And there... Ooh! Careful, don't get any on me!"
After spaying both sides, they watch the Tin Man's mouth slowly shift side to side. Each motion made a loud creaking sound, as it slowly started to open.
"Mm... Mm... Mm... M... My, my, my, my, my goodness!" The Tin Man sighed. "I can talk again! Oh – Oil my arms, please – Oil my elbows."
They did just as Tin Man asked, oiling his arms and elbows as he sighs with relief.
"Hang on," Twilight said. "I'll help you out."
Using her horn, which began to glow, Twilight Sparkle quietly summons a magical aura surrounding the Tin Man's arm. The Tin Man looks on as she uses her magic to carefully pull the Tin Man's arm down. This was very difficult as it gave a bit of resistance. Finally, after a bit more effort, his arm came down along with the axe, which barely missed Spike.
"WHOA!" Spike shouts, jumping out of the way. "Now 'that' was a close shave!"
"Sorry, Spike," Twilight apologized.
She turns toward the Tin Man, who breathed heavily as his eyes were barely open.
"Oh, I'm sorry sir. Did I pull too hard? Did that hurt at all?"
"No, it feels wonderful," Tin Man answers, relieved. "I've held that axe up for ages. Oh..."
"Oh you poor, poor soul," Fluttershy replied, soothingly. "How did you ever get like this?"
"Oh... Well, about a year ago," Tin Man explained. "I was chopping that tree – Minding my own business – When suddenly it started to rain and right in the middle of a chop, I... I rusted solid. And I've been that way ever since."
Dorothy, Scarecrow, and the ponies, yes even Spike, started shifting his tin limbs around getting them in working order. Scarecrow and Dorothy, in particular, kept oiling him to keep him in motion.
"Well, you're perfect now," Dorothy said.
"My... My neck. My... My neck. Perfect? Oh – Bang on my chest if you think I'm perfect. Go ahead – Bang on it!"
As instructed, Dorothy bangs on his tin chest. What they receive in return was a perfect echo.
"Beautiful!" Scarecrow said. "What an echo!"
"It's empty," Tin Man shook his head sadly. "The tinsmith forgot to give me a heart."
"No heart?" The group asked.
"No heart. All hollow."
The Tin Man bangs his chest so heart, he stumbles backward a bit. The group runs up to him quickly, as he starts to sing.
Tin Man (Sings):
When a man's and empty kettle,
He should be on his mettle.
And yet I'm torn apart.
Just to say I'm presumin'
That I could be kind-a human,
If I only had a heart.
Tin Man leans toward Dorothy and the ponies, smiling.
Tin Man (Sings):
I'd be tender, I'd be gentle
And awful sentimental
Regarding love and art
I'd be friends with the sparrows
And the boy who shoots the arrows
If I only had a heart.
Picture me... A balcony... Above a voice sings low.
Snow White (Sings):
Wherefore art thou, Romeo?
Every pony looked off, clearly hearing the voice.
"Guys, did that sound familiar?" Rainbow asked.
"You too?" Pinkie asked.
Before any other pony could respond, they hear a thumping noise in the background.
Tin Man (Sings):
I hear a beat... How sweet!
Just to register emotion
Jealousy — Devotion
And really feel the part,
I could stay young and chipper,
And I'd lock it with a zipper,
If I only had a heart...!
Tin Man starts to walk, but his legs are still a bit rusty. Tin Man stops as one of his joints sticks. Dorothy quickly re-oils them again, Tin Man walks a few more steps, then the other knee sticks. Meaning more oil for him. He turns to bow toward the group but stumbles backward a bit. He quickly caught himself and before their eyes he starts to dance.
The others watch him dance in amazement as he moves around. He stops for a moment to tap his chest, makes the whistle in his funnel hat blow as two tuffs of smoke pop out amazing every pony. They all look over and notice Dorothy and Scarecrow whispering something back and forth. Dorothy gestures Twilight to her, as the princess leans over so her friend can whisper in her ear.
"I think we should let him come with us," Dorothy suggests. "To see if the Wizard can get him a heart."
"That's an amazing idea!" Twilight whispers back. "I feel bad for him; such a poor soul."
They both nod in agreement, as the Tin Man continues dancing. He jumps forward slightly, folds his arms, then locks in that position. Suddenly, he starts leaning to his side and the whole group rushes to steady him. As he steadied, he starts leaning the other way. This continues for a moment or two, until Scarecrow and a few ponies stay on one side while Dorothy and the others stand on the other to keep him still.
Just then, the Tin Man starts to fall again but Scarecrow grabbed onto his arm while the ponies bit into his back to pull them both back. But the Tin Man stumbles so greatly, the Scarecrow and the ponies tumble to the ground. Eventually, he collides his back upon a tree stump and every pony runs to his side.
"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, are you alright?" Dorothy asked.
"I'm afraid I'm a little rusty yet," He responds.
"Sweet Celestia, that was so cool!" Rainbow pats Tin Man's back.
"I must agree, darling," Rarity agreed. "A momentous performance! Simply divine!"
"Now that's what I call some good old-fashioned Pinkie Pie fun!" Pinkie added.
Dorothy and Twilight both look at each other, nodding as they approach the Tin Man. Dorothy oils the Tin Man some more while he's still sitting.
"You know, we were just wondering why you couldn't come to Emerald City with us to ask the Wizard of Oz for a heart," Dorothy offered.
"You really deserve to have on, Mr. Tin Man sir," Twilight said. "If we're able to help you get it anyway, we certainly will."
"Emerald City?" Tin Man asked. "Why, that's a long and dangerous journey. And it might rain on the way."
"But you've just been saying how much you want a heart," Spike points out.
"We promise to keep the oil can handy," Fluttershy added.
"Well, suppose the Wizard wouldn't get me one when we got there?" Tin Man asks.
"Oh, but he will!" Dorothy insists. "He must! We've come such a long way already."
Suddenly, a wicked cackle startles the group causing them to turn toward the roof of the little house. There, looming over them, the Wicked Witch herself cackled at them.
"You call that long? Why, you've just begun!"
The Witch turns toward the ponies, Spike and Dorothy smiling evilly at the frightened menagerie.
"Forgotten about me, eh?" The Witch asked, snarling. "Well, I haven't forgotten about you!"
"I knew it was you!" Twilight glared. "It was you standing behind that tree when we got here!"
The Witch merely cackles again before she continues.
"Helping the little ladies along, are you, my fine gentlemen?" She growled. "Well, stay away from her! Or I'll stuff a mattress with you!"
The Witch refers to the Scarecrow, pointing toward the frightened man. Even the Tin Man points to the trembling Scarecrow before she turns to him.
"And you! I'll use you for a bee-hive!"
Just then, she summons a ball of fire in her hand, ready to hurl it.
"Here Scarecrow! Want to play ball?"
Cackling, the Witch hurls the fireball toward them. Hitting the ground, it burst into flames starting a bigger fire. Scarecrow scrambles to get as far away as possible, while Dorothy screamed in terror. Rainbow Dash watches Fluttershy and Tin Man, who remove his tin funnel hat, put the fire out. She turns back, frowning toward the Witch and gets in a fighting position.
"Alright, that's it!" Rainbow shouts. "I've had enough!"
Rainbow Dash takes off into the air, hurtling straight toward the Witch, who readies herself with her broomstick in hand.
"BATTER UP!" She shouts and swings.
Dash manages to duck the oncoming blow, flying around her.
"Missed me tall, green and ugly!" She mocks.
The Witch swings the broomstick again, with the same results as Rainbow ducks and dodges.
"Strike Two! Strike Three! Four! Five! Six! YOU'RE OUT!"
Rainbow flies away, blowing a raspberry at The Witch's face. Growling, the Witch prepares another fireball. Just as she was about to throw it, she found the flame entrapped in a magic aura. The flame itself turned into a little ball of snow and ice, much to her confusion. Then the aura vanishes, and the snowball explodes in the Witch's hand, making it steam. Gasping, the Witch quickly smacks the melted snow off along her dress and quickly blows the steam away while her hand slightly sizzles. She turns toward Twilight and Rarity, their horns glowing and fighting faces on.
"Why, you little..."
Before she can do anything, Rainbow Dash flew down and lands a right hoof to the Witch's nose. She groans in pain and recoils slightly, clutching her nose. Twilight flew up and knocks the broomstick out of her hand. It fell off the roof and lands toward the ground, as Pinkie Pie snatches it in her teeth and runs off.
"NO!" The Witch screamed. "GIVE THAT BACK!"
Just as Twilight and Rainbow join together, diving for another attack, the infuriated Witch threw her arms out toward them. A magical force seemed to halt the two ponies and propel them back in the air. She disappears in a puff of red smoke, before reappearing on the ground. She runs after Pinkie Pie but stops and ducks a purple ball of magic flying passed her.
"Don't you dare touch her, you monster!" Rarity warns.
"Oh, I'll do far worse than that, my dear!" The Witch snarls.
Rarity fires off a barrage of magic beams from her horn, as Spike breathes fireballs beside her and fires at the Witch. The Witch conjures a forcefield that deflects the attacks, which the two barely duck. With them momentarily distracted, she continues her pursuit toward Pinkie Pie, who feels her tail caught in a magic grip. Pinkie feebly tries to run, toward nowhere, as the Witch approaches Pinkie Pie and snatches her broomstick back. The party pony in position, The Witch gets ready to swing.
She swings and nails Pinkie in the rear, causing her to scream and fly toward Rarity and Spike, crashing into them like a bowling ball and piling onto the ground. The Witch cackles victoriously, but it's short lived when a lasso came flying. It snatches her broom and tugs it away, as The Witch turns toward Applejack who caught the broom. The Witch growls and lunges her arm out, as the rope comes to a halt and released her broom.
Diving from the air, Twilight and Rainbow recover and charged toward the Witch on foot. The Witch had flicked her wrist, grinning evilly as the lasso hogtied Applejack by itself (Much like how a certain 'Great and Powerful' pony did), as Twilight and Rainbow charged. They were about to strike the Witch, who teleports behind them and grabs Rainbow's tail and Twilight's saddlebag. She twirls them around and around like a double hammer throw.
"I'm... Gonna... Be... Sick...!" Rainbow shouts.
After a few more seconds, she hurls them toward Applejack as the lasso hogtied them as well. Twilight's saddlebag came loose during the throw, now in the clutches of the Wicked Witch who looms toward the fallen ponies.
"This was very amusing, but I'm not done with you yet, pretties!" The Witch warns. "Mark my words: I will get those ruby slippers back and as soon as I do, I will destroy each and every one of you ponies, and your meddling dragon, once and for all. I will even make your friends watch!"
The Witch cackles madly again, grabbing her broomstick before disappearing in another cloud of red smoke. Dorothy, Scarecrow and Tin Man run up to help the ponies and baby dragon back on their feet. Dorothy unties Rainbow, Twilight and Applejack. Fortunately, years living on a farm in Kansas taught Dorothy a thing or two about hogtying. Eventually, every pony was back on their feet, but they were sore and dizzy from their little battle.
"Ow, my aching head!" Pinkie cried, rubbing her noggin.
"Your head?!" Rarity complained. "What about my mane? It's a mess! It'll take me ages to restore it to its former glory!"
"Sure, because that's the 'worst possible thing'," Rainbow mocks, stretching her wings.
"Oh, don't mock me, Rainbow Dash!" Rarity whines.
"Seems we're the ones a bit rusty," Applejack sighs.
"That was the scariest encounter we've had all day!" Fluttershy whimpered.
"And yet she just let us go!" Spike points out. "But why?"
"I don't know, Spike," Twilight sighs, breathing heavily.
"I'm not afraid of her," Scarecrow speaks up. "I'll see you all get safely to the Wizard now, whether I get a brain or not! Stuff a mattress with me! Hah!"
"I'll see you all reach the Wizard, whether I get a heart or not," Tin Man adds. "Bee-hive – Bah! Let her try to make a bee-hive out of me!"
Tin Man snaps his fingers, which makes a 'clanking' noise to his surprise. Dorothy embraces her pony friends and Spike in a big hug.
"Oh goodness, are you all alright?" She asked, concerned.
Every pony groaned, but nods, nevertheless.
"Just fine and dandy," Applejack responds. "A little banged up though."
"Just wait till I see that Witch again," Rainbow growled. "I tell you it... Is... On!"
"I can't believe you'd put yourselves in danger like that," Dorothy said, frantically. "You could have gotten killed."
"Believe it or not, Dorothy," Twilight said. "We do this all the time back in Equestria."
"Indeed darling," Rarity adds. "You won't believe the number of times we've stared danger in the face. Usually we come out victorious, to every pony's shock... Even 'non' ponies."
"It's just that the Witch is so wicked," Dorothy said, frightened. "I don't think either of you ought to come with me. I'll only get you into more trouble already."
"Oh, don't think we're going to stand by and let her get away with fireballs," Scarecrow said. "Are we, fellas?"
"No, sir!" Tin Man nods.
"No way, no how!" Spike adds.
"We'd do it all again, if only to protect ya'll," Applejack assures.
"Oh, you're the best friends anybody ever had!" Dorothy smiles, then thinks. "And it's funny, but I feel as if I've known you all the time."
"Now that you mention it," Fluttershy said, facing Scarecrow and Tin Man. "They do remind us of some old friends we met in Kansas, almost as if we never left them. But that couldn't be true, could it?"
"I don't see how," Scarecrow replies. "You all weren't around when I was stuffed and sewn together, were you?"
"And I was standing over there rusting for the longest time," Tin Man adds.
"And it was a freak accident we ended up here in the first place," Twilight spoke.
"Still, I wish I could remember," Dorothy sighs, then smiles. "But, I guess it doesn't matter anyway. We know each other now, don't we?"
"That's right," Scarecrow smiled.
"We do," Tin Man smiled too.
"And we wouldn't trade you guys for anything!" Twilight added.
The ponies and Spike all gather together with their new friends, giving them all a big group hug.
"To Oz?" Scarecrow asked.
"To Oz!" Tin Man declares.
"To Oz!" The group announced.
Group (Sings):
We're off to see the Wizard
The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz
We here he is a whiz of a Wiz
If ever a Wiz there was.
If ever, oh ever wonderful Wiz there was
The wizard of Oz is one because
Because, because, because, because,
Because of the wonderful things he does
We're off to see the Wizard
The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz!
The group proceed down the Yellow Brick Road, past the abandoned cottage and through the dark forest. It wasn't until a few moments later Twilight remembered something. She looks behind her, then twirls around, only to face a stunning revelation.
"Oh no!" She cried frantically. "Oh no, oh no, oh no! This is bad! This is bad!"
"Twi, are ya'll alright?" Applejack asked, concerned.
"No, no I'm not alright!" Twilight panicked. "My saddlebag's gone!"
"Oh, come on!" Spike groaned.
"Really Twilight, darling," Rarity scoffed. "It's just a saddlebag. You can get another one at the shops back home."
"Besides, if this is about Zecora's errand, she's not one to get angry," Fluttershy assures. "Maybe when we get back, you can just go to her cottage and explain what happened."
"No girls, you don't understand!" Twilight insists. "Zecora's ingredients are one thing! But the entire future of Equestria itself rests in that bag!"
In an instant, as of the world itself stood still, Twilight's friends and Spike froze on the spot. Slowly, they turn toward Twilight, who appeared to have a look of regret.
"Twilight, what are you talking about?" Rainbow asked.
"Girls... Spike...," Twilight sighed. "There's something I should've told you..."
Meanwhile, in the darkest corners of Oz, where nothing but an old castle rests on the cliffs of foreboding mountains, the Wicked Witch of the West flies toward the place she calls home. The Witch herself flew through the archways toward her private chambers, greeted by a single inhabitant, Chistery, her faithful flying monkey. The Witch storms through her chambers toward her crystal ball sitting at the center of the room.
"Those stupid, meddling little ponies!" The Witch growled. "I swear I'll bring an end to them and that horrible little girl if it's the last thing I do!"
The Witch conjures her magic, summoning a huge fireball and lunges it toward a large stack of books sitting in a corner. Chistery jumps with fright, hooting and hollering as the burning pages float from the air as she fumes.
"Where did they even come from, anyway? What makes them so special?"
It was then she realized she still had Twilight's saddlebag clutched in her other hand. She quickly approaches a table, setting the bag down.
"There has to be something in here that can tell me about them."
The Witch claws her way through the saddlebag and pulls out an assortment of items. A bouquet of flowers (Ripping the heads off the stems), some apples (Too fresh for her), and even some gemstones, all of which she hurls out the open window. But it was the next thing she pulled out that intrigued her. In her hands, it appears to be an ancient tome bound in a golden cover, a pony head fashioned on it. There was one thing she noticed, as she banged her green fist on the cover.
"A hollow book?" She asks herself.
She proceeds to open the book, turning the pages toward the middle. It was there she found a large section had been hollowed out as what she see leaves her stunned. Inside there appears to be five golden necklaces and a golden tiara, each of them with jewels shaped in a different symbol: A balloon, a butterfly, a diamond, a lightning bolt, an apple, and a magic star.
Though these symbols looked familiar, it wasn't the jewelry itself that made her smile. No, what really peaked her interest and let a cackle loose is what the page called them and what they do...
"The Elements of Harmony," The Witch cackled. "Yes... Tell me more, so I can unlock your secrets and exploit those ponies!"
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