The Cowardly Lion
While Dorothy and her new best friends continued down the road, the ponies and the baby dragon stayed behind to listen to Twilight's confession. As Twilight Sparkle explained herself, the Mane Six and Spike could not believe their ears. They just couldn't believe it; the Elements of Harmony were still intact. Now currently in the Wicked Witch's grasp, Celestia knows what untold horror she could unleash. For a while, neither one said a single word after this shocking revelation... But not for long.
"So wait a minute!" Rainbow Dash spoke. "Let me get this straight: You, Twilight Sparkle, supposedly the smartest pony in our team, had the Elements of Harmony with you... The wholetime?!"
"Yes," Twilight nodded, guiltily. "I'm afraid that's true."
"How in the hay is it even possible?" Applejack asked. "Didn't Sombra destroy 'em that there one time?"
Twilight kept looking toward the ground, brushing her leg back and forth. The Princess of Friendship was too embarrassed and ashamed to even look at her friends, not even Spike.
"Well... It's like this," Twilight began, sighing. "It was after we defeated Sombra and saved Equestria. I had returned to where the Tree of Harmony stood, to gather the remaining pieces of the Elements to return to the Princesses. But when I got there, I had discovered that the elements themselves have restored themselves. I couldn't believe my eyes they were still intact after that horrible battle; but there they were, just sitting right near the tree as if nothing happened. And soon enough, the Tree of Harmony restored itself too."
Every pony faced each other, more confused than they've been so far. True, the Tree of Harmony 'did' regrow when their pupils, the Student Six, decided to make it into their clubhouse, but hearing about the Elements was brand new to them. As if this whole journey wasn't confusing enough, this revelation really took the cake. Still, they kept quiet as Twilight kept explaining.
"I couldn't figure it out myself," Twilight continued. "So I gathered the Elements and brought them back to my castle for further research. I studied through each and every page of that tome, over and over, not just trying to find out 'why' they were restored... But 'how' they managed to survive. But no matter how many times I searched or how much time I spent studying, I couldn't find anything. I was about to give up right then; until, I realized something."
This grabbed every pony's attention, as they leaned closely to hear it.
"What did you find out, Twilight?" Fluttershy asked.
"It was when we realized it was 'never' the Elements themselves that granted us our power, when our 'friendship' was our greatest magic to put an end to Sombra, the same magic that helped us defeat Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow all at once. I may have put too much thought into the 'actual' Elements, but I was wrong! It was always 'us' who represented them, our friendship that always wins in the end. Soon as I realized that, by using that 'power' to defeat Sombra back then, that was more than enough to restore them."
Every pony thought about it, something none took into consideration. Sure, they always knew their friendship was 'strong', but they usually realized on the Elements to solve their problems... Perhaps, too much. But that day, it took them fully using the power of their friendship (And a craft draconequus) to save Equestria from a revived monster. If what Twilight was saying is true, that it took them to 'fully' embracing the friendship that saved their home on multiple occasions, it's possible that same power is what restored the Elements of Harmony themselves.
"You know, when you put it that way," Spike spoke. "That actually does make sense."
"Maybe so, Spikey-wikey," Rarity said. "But that still doesn't explain why Twilight Sparkle brought the Elements in the first place!"
"Why did you never tell us in the first place?!" Rainbow asked, accusingly.
"Believe me, I wanted to tell you guys so badly," Twilight said, shamefully. "I've been testing the Elements to determine if the magic is truly intact; apart from turning into the tiara and necklaces, they weren't doing anything. I didn't know 'how' I was going to tell you without getting your hopes up. For a while, I've kept them hidden in the library until I could determine the right time to explain. But then Zecora's errand came up, so I figured I'd hide them in the book in my saddlebag to perhaps ask her for advice on what to do. Then that television appeared, we end up in one place then another, and... And... Well, you know the rest."
"So what you're sayin' is... You've been lyin' to us for weeks?" Applejack asked, disappointed. "Months? A year?"
Twilight merely nods, unable to say anything.
"Well... That's just great!" Rainbow shouts, frustrated. "I think I speak for every pony else when I say... That was the STUPIDEST thing you've ever done!"
"I know..." Twilight said, regretfully.
"We're barely here for a day and now the Elements are in the clutches of a dangerous witch, one we know nothing about, and we can't even go back home until we get them back!"
"Rainbow does have a point," Spike admits. "It wasn't a very smart move to bring them here."
"And all this would be avoided if you told us the truth," Rarity added.
"Not like this is the first time you've done this," Pinkie points out. "You should know by now we'd understand!"
"It is what friends are for," Fluttershy whispered. "We always hoped you'd remember that."
"You're right... You're absolutely right," Twilight nods. "I'm really sorry, but I'm more than just sorry. I promise you, from now on, no more secrets. I will tell you absolutely 'everything'... I swear."
Twilight Sparkle opens her arms, but every pony was a bit hesitant at first. Not even Spike was sure he should approach, without rubbing his friends the wrong way. But the tempting offer was too much for a certain party pony.
"Ooh... I just can't stay mad at you!" Pinkie cried.
Pinkie bounced over, hugging Twilight so tight her eyes nearly pop out. But nevertheless she was relieved as eventually every pony else joined. Even though what Twilight had done was rather foolish and against her better judgment, she's not just a 'flawed' friend... She is 'their' flawed friend.
"Alright, I suppose I'll take you at your word," Rarity said. "But, when we get the Elements of Harmony back, then I'll properly forgive you."
"We will get them back," Twilight assures. "Our friendship is strong. No witch, wizard or any other magic will say otherwise."
"What about Dorothy?" Applejack asked, looking ahead. "Does 'she' know about this?"
"No, not just yet," Twilight shook her head. "Like I said, I'm not sure if it's the best time. I'm the one who lost the Elements, not 'her'.
"Twilight... Dorothy Gale is goin' to that Wizard, assumin' he'll get her home. What'll she say if she learns 'we' can't leave until we get our elements back? We promised we'd stick by her to get to Emerald City; don't you reckon she'd do the same fur us?"
"When we get to Emerald City, I'll tell her the truth," Twilight assures.
"And you promise you're not hiding anything else?" Applejack asked.
"You have my word!" Twilight nods. "I promise."
"Do you 'Pinkie Promise'?" Pinkie leans in.
"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," Twilight spoke.
To demonstrate, Twilight crosses her heart, flaps her wings and pretends to smash said pastry into her eyeball... But unlike her first time, she didn't poke her eye. Pinkie eyes her carefully, as Twilight smiles nervously.
"I'll be watching you," Pinkie said, slowly walking back.
Every pony else nodded, knowing full well what happens when some pony breaks a 'Pinkie Promise'. Nevertheless, they put it to rest and rushed ahead to catch up to Dorothy and the others. As they continued down the Yellow Brick Road, they noticed the forest grew thicker and dark. Eventually, it was so dark further down the road, the woods almost looked... Spooky. It reminds them of the Everfree Forest back home: The assortment of animals cries echoing, the trees seeming to sway, and a light breeze sending a chill. Even Dorothy, Tin Man, and Scarecrow looked frightened as the whole group paused.
"I don't like this forest!" Dorothy shivered. "It's – It's dark and creepy!"
A screech of an owl makes Fluttershy jump onto Dorothy, holding her in a death grip while quivering in fear.
"Wh-Wh-What was that?!" Fluttershy cried, shaking.
Dorothy instinctively stroked her hand along Fluttershy's mane, trying to calm the startled Pegasus.
"Don't worry, I know it's scary," Dorothy said, comforting. "We'll get through this, I hope."
"Please come down Fluttershy, darling," Rarity smiled. "We'll keep you safe."
Seeing her friends reassurance, Fluttershy felt a little better... But not completely. Still, it was more than enough to let go of Dorothy and fly over to hide behind Rarity.
"Of course, I don't know, but I think it'll get darker before it gets lighter," Scarecrow said.
"No... You think?" Spike asked, sarcastically.
"Got the nail right on the head there, Scarecrow," Applejack agreed.
"Do – Do you suppose we'll meet any wild animals?" Dorothy asked.
"We might," Tin Man replied.
Now this made Fluttershy hide further behind Rarity. The fashionista merely rubs her hoof along her friend's back, doing her best to comfort her. But even Rarity found herself a bit scared.
"Animals that – that eat straw?" Scarecrow gestures himself.
"Some," Tin Man nods. "But mostly lions, and tigers, and bears."
Now this caught every pony's attention, rather quickly.
"Lions?" Dorothy asked.
"And tigers?!" Scarecrow gasped.
"And bears," Tin Man added.
"I just hope for Celestia's sake we don't run into monsters like in Equestria," Twilight shook. "Chimera, manticores, hydra... Those are the worst!"
"Eeek!" Fluttershy whimpered.
Fluttershy crouched and hugged her hooves around her face, not wanting to look.
"Oh don't start with that now," Rarity said. "Fluttershy's frightened enough already."
"Please, even if there are monsters in this forest, let 'em come," Rainbow boasts. "I'll lay 'em faster than a bedsheet!"
"Oh! Lions and tigers and bears! Oh, my!" Dorothy gasped.
"Chimera and manticores and hydra! Oh, my!" Twilight added.
Soon, the very idea of any creatures Dorothy and Twilight imagined running into began playing in their heads. As they each repeated all the beasts they could find, their friends joined in as they cautiously stepped down the road and slowly turned into a trot.
"Lions and tigers and bears! Oh, my!"
"Chimera and manticores and hydra! Oh, my!"
"Lions and tigers and bears! Oh, my!"
"Chimera and manticores and hydra! Oh, my!"
Suddenly, somewhere deep within the forest, a startling roar, was heard. The two groups stop in their tracks looking around in fear.
"What sort of animal is that?" Pinkie asked, looking left and right.
"I-I-I-I dunno!" Spike shuddered. "It-it-it-it – It sounds huge!"
"D-d-d-don't be fr-fr-frightened," Scarecrow stutters. "I-I'll – I'll protect you."
"That's comfortin'!" Applejack shivered.
"Look!" Twilight points.
They all jumped back as a great big Lion, nearly as big as a full-grown horse, bounded onto the road. It growled as it jumped from its perch toward them, causing a few to stumble back.
"Out of the way, fur ball!" Rainbow shouts.
Rainbow Dash zoomed toward the lion, a hoof raised to throw a punch. But with one blow of his paw, the Lion sent the Pegasus spinning over and over into the air.
"WHOA! WHOA! WHOA!" Rainbow screamed, spinning.
"RAINBOW DASH!" Twilight and Fluttershy shout, flying toward her.
The alicorn and Pegasus managed to catch Rainbow Dash, who began seeing lions running around as her eyes roll. Dorothy, Pinkie, Applejack and Rarity hid behind a tree while Spike ducked behind a rock just his size. The Lion growls at Scarecrow, then Dorothy and finally the Tin Man. His golden colored eyes watch them, waiting for them to make a move. Then, to the surprise of the group, the Lion stood upon his hind legs and raises his paws like he was ready to fight.
"Put em' up! Put em' up!" The Lion beckons. "Which one of you first? I'll fight you bother together if you want! I'll fight you with one paw tied behind my back. I'll fight you standing on one foot. I'll fight you with my eyes closed."
He shuts his eyes quick, then opens them to catch Tin Man clutching his axe, trembling in the corner.
"Oh – Pulling an awe on me, eh?" The Lion asked.
The Tin Man merely shook some more, as the beast looms toward Scarecrow.
"Sneaking up on me, eh?" The Lion asks. "Why!"
The Lion then snarls toward Tin Man, trying to intimidate him. Sure enough, it worked.
"Here – here," Tin Man shuddered. "Go 'way and let us alone!"
"Oh, scared, huh?" The Lion chucked. "Afraid, huh? How long can you stay fresh in that can?"
The Lion laughed at his own joke, much to poor Tin Man's expense.
"Come on," The Lion beckons. "Get up and fight, you shivering junk yard!"
Then the Lion turns to Scarecrow again.
"Put your hands up, you lop-sided bag of hay!"
"Oooh... I'm gonna press him into jerk cider!" Rainbow shouts.
It took every ounce of Twilight and Fluttershy's strength to prevent Rainbow Dash from rushing down there to teach the lion some manners. But still, they feared for their friends as they looked scared.
"Now that's getting personal, Lion," Scarecrow points out.
"Yes," Tin Man smiled. "Get up and teach him a lesson."
"Well – What's – wrong with you teaching him?" Scarecrow shook.
"Well – Well --, I hardly know him."
Suddenly, Toto's barking drew everyone's attention. Thinking he now had an enemy to face to protect his mistress, Toto barked toward the lion. The little dog and Spike stood by a tree with their fighting faces on, Spike having emerged from hiding with his stubby arms raised.
"You leave our friends alone, you big bully!" Spike shouts.
"Well, I'll get you both, anyway, Pee-Wee," Lion grumbled.
Spike yelped, as he and Toto quickly run behind the tree. The great beast had his mouth open to bite their heads off.
"Twilight, help!" Spike shouts.
Twilight and Dorothy, fearing their friends would be killed, and heedless of danger, quickly run behind the tree, searching for the baby dragon and the dog as the lion searched as well. Reunited, all four of them ran away, with Spike on Twilight's back and Dorothy carrying Toto. As the lion chased after them, Dorothy turns around and slaps his paw. The stunned lion backs away, crying.
"Don't you dare bite Spike!" Twilight yelled.
"Shame on you!" Dorothy yelled.
"What – What did you do that for?" The lion whimpered. "I didn't bite him."
Seeing the lion cry, the others emerge from hiding, Fluttershy and Rainbow landing on the ground, and stood side-by-side with Dorothy.
"No, but you tried to!" Rainbow growled.
"It's bad enough picking on a straw man," Dorothy added. "But when you go around picking on poor little dogs and dragons—"
"Well, you didn't have to go and hit me, did you?" The lion whimpered. "Is my nose bleeding? Is that a bump?!"
"Of course not," Fluttershy whispered.
The ponies and Spike shook their heads in disbelief, seeing the Lion practically use his own tail to wipe away his tears. Such a might beast and he's no more harmless than a pussycat.
"My goodness, what a fuss you're making," Rarity scolds. "Well, naturally, when you go around picking on things weaker than you are – Why, you're nothing but a great big coward!"
"You're right – I am a coward," The Lion cried. "I haven't any courage at all. I even scare myself. Look at the circles under my eyes. I haven't slept in weeks."
"Why don't you try counting sheep?" Fluttershy offered. "That's what I'd do whenever I'm afraid to sleep at night."
"That doesn't do any good," The Lion replied. "I'm afraid of 'em."
"You're afraid of sheep?" Spike asked. "Oh, that's too bad."
"Don't you think the Wizard could help him too?" Scarecrow asked Dorothy.
"I don't see why not," Dorothy responds.
"Agreed," Twilight nods. "Mr. Lion, why don't you come along with us? We're on our way to see the Wizard now."
"To get 'em a heart," Applejack motions to Tin Man.
"And him a brain," Tin Man motions to Scarecrow.
"I'm sure he could give you some courage," Dorothy added.
As reassuring as they sound, Lion continues to cry and whimper.
"Well, wouldn't you feel degraded to be seen in the company of a cowardly lion?" Lion asked, crying. "I would."
"Oh, of course not, darling," Rarity said, sweetly. "That just gives us all the more reason to help you."
"If we can help you get your courage in any way, we will!" Pinkie smiled.
"Gee, that's – That's awfully nice of you," Lion cried. "My life has been simply unbearable."
"Oh, really?" Twilight asked, frowning.
Lion (Sings):
Yeah it's sad, believe me, Missy
When you're born to be a sissy,
Without the vim and verve.
But I could show my prowess –
Be a Lion not a mou-ess –
If I only had the nerve.
I'm afraid there's no denyin'
I'm just a dande-lion –
A fate I don't deserve.
I'd be brave as a blizzard –
Tin Man (Sings):
I'd be gentle as a lizard –
Scarecrow (Sings):
I'd be clever as a gizzard –
Dorothy (Sings):
If the Wizard is a Wizard who will serve.
Scarecrow (Sings):
Then I'm sure to get a brain –
Tin Man (Sings):
A heart –
Dorothy and Ponies (Sings):
A home –
Lion (Sings):
The nerve.
"To Oz?" Twilight asked.
"To Oz!" Spike declares.
"To Oz!" The ponies announce.
Group (Sings):
Oh, we're off to see the Wizard
The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz.
We hear he is a whiz of a Wiz
If ever a Wiz there was!
If ever, oh ever, a Wiz there was
The Wizard Of Oz is one because
Because, because, because, because
Because of the wonderful things he does!
Pinkie (Sings):
Because of the wonderful things he does!
Group (Sings):
We're off to see the Wizard
The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz!
Now fully revamped, strong and confident, the whole team skip merely down the Yellow Brick Road once again. There they were, fully prepared to reach the Emerald City to meet the Wizard himself. The Wizard who could, hopefully, make things better for each and every one of them. And this time, nothing could stand in their way...
Or, so they thought...
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