Oz the Great and Powerful
The motley crew, consisting of Dorothy Gale, little Toto, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, and all their friends, rushed as quickly as possible toward the center of Emerald City. A large group of citizens gather before the entrance, which they can only assume leads to the Wizard himself. Ever since witnessing that threaten message written in the sky, courtesy of the Wicked Witch, they knew they had to meet with the wizard as soon as possible. They knew little to nothing about this magical man, other than what the locals mention of him. But that did not matter to either one.
Even if the ponies themselves could not get back to Equestria, not with the Elements of Harmony in the Witch's grasp, he was their only hope to ensure Dorothy is safe.
They maneuver their way through the citizens, trying to get to the front. A guard to the Wizard's chambers tried to calm the crowd down.
"Here – Here – Here – Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Stop – Stop – Stop! It's alright!"
Fortunately, the guard managed to calm the crowd to a degree. As everyone settles in, the ponies and their friends found it easy to sneak through the group as our heroes reached the door.
"Every – It's all right! Everything is alright! The Great and Powerful Oz has got matters well in hand – I hope – So you can all go home – And there's nothing to worry about. Get out of here now – Go on! Go on home – I... I... -- Go home."
As the crowd began to disperse, everyone returning to their homes, the group made it passed the citizens and stood before the guard, who took notice of such an unfamiliar ensemble.
"What do you want?" The guard asked.
"If you please, sir," Dorothy spoke. "We'd like to see the Wizard right away – All eleven of us."
"Yes, please sir," Twilight added, urgently. "It's very important."
"Like super-duper-looper urgent!" Pinkie emphasized.
"Orders are: Nobody can see the Great Oz!" The guard explained. "Not nobody – Not no-how."
Rainbow Dash flew right up toward the guard's face, glaring deeply.
"Alright, look here buddy!" She growled. "We've been through enough obstacles and trouble to get here! We're not leaving until we meet the Wizard and we're going in, right now!"
"Oh please!" The guard mocked, chuckling. "I've faced more terrifying creatures than you!"
"I'll show you terrifying!"
Rainbow reeled her hoof back ready to punch the guard, who practically dared her to do it. But suddenly, she found her hoof magically held back by Twilight's aura. The princess pulled the pegasus back down to the ground, while she frowned.
"Rainbow, please!" Twilight scolds. "We've come so far already; don't throw away a punch on a poor guard."
"You bet I am," The guard nods, realizes. "HEY!"
"I'm really sorry about my friend, good sir. "But we must see the Wizard. We've all been taken from our home and all we ask is for him to use his powers to send us back!"
Fluttershy slowly walks up beside Twilight, giving her best puppy-dog eye look.
"Please, sir," She said, innocently.
The guard looked deep in the buttery-yellow Pegasus' giant eyes; he seemed to sympathize with her.
"Well, I certainly didn't know that. I suppose when you put it that way... NOT NOBODY NOT NO HOW!!!"
Fluttershy screams, rushing back behind Rarity and Pinkie Pie. She hid behind her friends fearfully, crying as Pinkie tried to soothe her timid friend.
"Don't you dare talk that way to our friend," Rarity snarls. "You... You... BRUTE!"
"Nobody sees the Wizard missy," The guard said. "He's in conference with himself on account of this trouble with the Witch. And even if he wasn't, you wouldn't have been able to see him anyway on account of nobody has – Not even 'us' in this Palace!"
"Oh but – But please," Dorothy begged. "It's very important."
"And – And I got a permanent just for the occasion," Lion spoke up.
"Not nobody, not no-how!" The guard yelled, frustrated.
Suddenly, the guard pulls a horn from inside his cape. He gives a loud blow, that causes the group to reel back and fold their ears.
"Pardon me. We've gotta change the guards."
With that said, he turns heel and makes his way into the sentry house. While in there, unnoticed by the group, he takes his mustache (Which turns out to be fake) and flips it upside down. He turns around and makes his way back from the sentry house, standing before the group once more.
"Now what do you want?" He asked.
"We want to see the Wizard," The group said, again.
"Not nobody, not no-how!" The guard barked, loudly.
"Hee-hee-hee, that's super funny!" Pinkie smiled, pointing at the guard. "That's exactly what the other guy said. Come to think of it, girls, he looks just like that other guy too. Maybe their twins!"
Incredulous, Rainbow Dash slaps her face with her hoof, stretching it down till her face slapped back into place. She takes a deep breath and slowly approaches Pinkie Pie, who merely smiles comically.
"Pinkie Pie... THAT IS THE OTHER GUY!" Rainbow yelled.
Pinkie Pie turned back toward the guard, looking him up and down. Then, she turns back toward Rainbow Dash with a smile.
"Oh Dashie, can't you tell the difference? This man has an upside-down mustache; the other one didn't. But ya gotta admit, they're both very silly!"
Rainbow Dash just hoof-faced at her nutty friend's incomprehension. Even the guard was getting annoyed, raising his eyes at Pinkie for that remark about his mustache. He was about to shout when the Scarecrow stepped up, having heard enough.
"But she's Dorothy!" The Scarecrow told the guard.
Wide eyed, the guard takes a good look at the farm girl.
"The Witch's Dorothy?"
"Yeah, that's right!" Spike spoke up.
Dorothy and others all nod simultaneously. The guard stutters a bit, as if this new information took him off guard. Nevertheless, he was quick to regain his composure.
"Well – That makes a difference," He said. "Just wait here – I'll announce you at once."
The guard turns heel again, making his way into the Wizard's sanctuary, closing the two emerald doors behind him. The entire crew could not feel any more ecstatic, knowing that they'd finally meet the Great and Powerful Oz himself.
"Did you hear that?" Scarecrow asked, excitedly. "He'll announce us at once! I've as good as got my brain!"
"I can fairly hear my heart beating," Tin Man said, clutching his chest.
"I'll be home in time for supper!" Dorothy smiled.
"We'll get our Elements back and be on our way home to Equestria!" Twilight said, as her friends nod.
"In another hour, I'll be King of the Forest," Lion proclaimed. "Long live the king!"
Gasping, Pinkie Pie digs through her mane and after tossing out some random instruments (Including a certain Yovidaphone) before pulling out a long horn, the kind with a flag on it (In which case, the symbol of their homeland, Equestria). As she plays, the sound of other bugles could be heard as Lion walks up a small flight of stairs to a lush garden as everyone looks on.
Lion (Sings):
If I were King of the Forest,
Not queen, not Duke, not Prince.
My regal robes of the forest
Would be satin, and not cotton, and not chintz.
I'd command each thing, be it fish or fowl.
With a woof and a woof, and a royal growl.
As I'd click my heel
All the trees would kneel
And the mountains bow
And the bulls kowtow
And the sparrow would take wing
'F – I... 'f – I... Were King!
Each rabbit would show respect to me.
The chipmunks genuflect to me.
Though my tail would lash
I would show compash
For every underling.
'F – I... 'F – I... Were King
Just King!...
Dorothy, Tin Man, and Scarecrow (Sings):
Each rabbit would show respect to him.
Ponies and Spike (Sings):
The chipmunks genuflect to him.
Scarecrow (Sings):
And his wife would be Queen of the May.
Lion (Sings):
I'd be monarch of all I survey...
Every pony bowed for Lion, as Scarecrow and Tin Man grabs a rolled-up emerald carpet before straightening it out. Dorothy and the ponies lead Lion along the carpet, to a large rug embroiled with flowers. Rainbow and Fluttershy lift the ends with their mouth, wrapping it around Lion's shoulders like a cloak. The others grab along the back and sides, as Lion struts back toward the garden. Tin Man picks up a flowerpot and smashes it with his axe, so it took the appearance of a crown. He places it atop Lion's head, as Dorothy and the others bow before him again.
Lion (Sings):
Monarch of all I survey...
Of all I survey!
Dorothy slowly approaches Lion, as if she were speaking to a real king.
"Your majesty, if you were king you wouldn't be afraid of anything?" She asked.
"Not nobody, not no-how!" Lion said, mimicking the guard.
Every pony couldn't help but giggle at his display.
"Not even a rhinoceros?" Tin Man asked.
"Imposserous!" Lion responds.
"How about a hippopotamus?" Dorothy asked.
"Why, I'd thrash him from top to bottomamus!" Lion brags.
"Supposin' you met an elephant?"
"I'd wrap him up in cellophant!"
"What about a chimera?" Twilight asked.
"I'd topple him in this or any era!" Lion said.
"Well, how would you deal with a manticore?" Rarity asked.
"I'd scare him from now till evermore!" Lion responds.
"What if it were a brontosaurus?" Scarecrow asked.
"I'd show him who's King of the Forest!"
"How?" The group asked.
Lion removes the cloak off himself, as he stands high and proud.
"Courage! What makes a king out of slave? Courage! What makes flag on the mast to wave? Courage! What makes the elephant charge his tusk in the misty mist, or the dusky dusk? What makes the muskrat guard his musk? Courage! What makes the sphinx the seventh wonder? Courage! What makes the dawn come up like thunder? Courage! What makes the hottentot so hot? What puts the "ape" in apricot? What have they got that I ain't got?"
"Courage!" They all answer.
"You can say that again!" Lion chuckled.
The Lion laughs for a moment or two, until he realized what just happened. Before he could respond, however, the guard came back out.
"Go on home!" The guard shouts. "The Wizard says go away!"
"What?!" Spike shouts. "But sir—"
"NO BUTS! The Great and Powerful Oz has spoken! Now... Good day!"
The guard turns heel, strolling back into the sanctuary and slams the doors loudly. The mood in the room instantly turns dark, as every pony faces each other.
"Go away?" They asked, in disbelief.
"I – I don't understand," Twilight spoke. "How can he just turn us away, just like that?"
"After everything we've been through, only to be sent away," Rarity grumbled. "That – That – That's just rude!"
"Looks like we came a long way for nothing," Scarecrow said, defeated.
Dorothy herself could not believe what happened. They finally make it all this way, Glinda promising that the Wizard himself could help her. But now, the Wizard refuses to even see them for only a minute. That she may never get to see either her aunt or her uncle or anyone in Kansas ever again. So crushed, so helpless, she fell to the ground sobbing in defeat.
"Oh – And I was so happy!" She sobbed. "I thought I was on my way home!"
Twilight, Spike and the others couldn't bear to see their friend in despair. They all approach her, giving her a warm, group hug.
"I'm so, so sorry, Dorothy," Fluttershy whispered, trying not to cry.
"Me too!" Pinkie frowned.
Twilight uses her magic to conjure up a tissue, which she gives to Dorothy who quickly begins to wipe her eyes.
"Don't cry, Dorothy!" Tin Man assures. "We're going to get you to the Wizard."
"We certainly are!" Scarecrow agreed. "How? How are we?"
"Maybe we can come back tomorrow," Applejack suggests. "When he ain't too busy."
"If it were up to me, I'd go straight in there," Rainbow adds. "Drag that crummy old Wizard out here and make him see you, myself!"
Dorothy giggled slightly at her spunky friend, but it didn't stop her from crying. Unbeknownst to this close group of friends, the guard opened the window on the door, watching them all.
"Auntie Em was so good to me," Dorothy sobbed. "And I never appreciated it. Running away – And hurting her feelings."
"It's alright, darling," Rarity said, softly. "I'm sure your aunt knows how much you love and appreciate her. Nothing can ever change that."
"I may never know," Dorothy sobbed, louder. "Professor Marvel said she was sick. She may be dying – And – And it's all my fault!"
"That ain't true, Dorothy," Applejack spoke up. "You know that!"
"Besides, I'm tellin' ya that guy was just trying to scam you," Rainbow said. "He doesn't know anything!"
"Oh, I'll never forgive myself! Never – Never – Never!"
As Dorothy sobbed, someone else was crying too. They all turned back toward the door and caught sight of the guard, crocodile tears running down his face.
"Oh, oh!" The guard bawled. "Please don't cry anymore! I'll get you in to see the Wizard somehow!"
"You will!" Fluttershy cried, tears of joy. "Oh, thank you! Thank you, sir!"
"Come on, thank nothin' of it! I had an Aunt Em myself once!"
The guard continues to cry, as he closed the window and the doors themselves opened. Dorothy got back to her feet, locking arms with the others as they slowly made their way passed the doors. They walked through a long-arched hallway, which seemed to get darker the further along they went. The ponies and Spike stuck close behind the others, who shook as they walk.
"Wait a minute, fellas!" Lion suddenly spoke up.
"What's wrong Lion?" Fluttershy asked, quietly.
"I was just thinkin'," Lion responds, fearfully. "I really don't want to see the Wizard this much. I better wait for you outside."
The Lion was about to leave when Scarecrow and Tin Man pull him back.
"What's the matter?" Scarecrow asked.
"Oh, he's just scared again!" Tin Man said, shakily.
"Everything will be okay, Lion," Twilight assures. "This is what we wanted, right?"
"She's right!" Dorothy agreed. "Don't you know the Wizard's going to give you some courage?"
I'd be too scared to ask him for it," Lion shook.
"That's okay, Lion ole pal," Pinkie said, excitedly. "We'll all ask him for you, right guys?"
Every pony else nodded and smiles assuredly. But the cowardly lion continued to shake, as if unconvinced.
"I'd sooner wait outside," Lion said.
"But why? Why?" Dorothy asked.
"Because I'm still scared!"
"Oh, come on!" Rainbow Dash groan. "Show a little backbone, will you?!"
Lion was about to respond when suddenly his eyes widen and turns in a circle, screaming in fright!
"What happened?" Scarecrow asked.
"Somebody pulled my tail!" Lion cried.
The Scarecrow looked down and saw Lion had been holding his own tail, scratching the end with his paws.
"Oh, you did it yourself!" Scarecrow points out.
"I..." Lion stutters, looks down. "Oh, I'm such a butter-paws!"
"Oh, brother!" Spike groaned, facepalming himself.
"Here!" Scarecrow said, tugging the tail away. "Come on!"
They all lock arms once more, slowly walking down the hallway. They all stop abruptly when the doors at the end opened themselves.
"COME FORWARD!" A voice boomed.
Every pony and Spike were so frightened, they all jumped on Twilight's back much like they did at the Castle of the Two Sisters.
"Oh! Come on, guys!" She groaned, knees shaking.
"S-S-S-Sorry Twilight," Fluttershy shook. "W-W-We j-just feel s-safer here!"
"Tell me when it's over!" Lion cries, covering his eyes.
Twilight rolls her eyes as the group continues down the corridor. They finally make it into the room, at the very end of the hallway, and what they see next left them stunned.
"Look at that!" Lion cried, pointing. "Look at that!"
Every pony looked as they saw a giant emerald throne, flames shooting from all around, generating red smoke much like the Wicked Witch. Suddenly, a ghostly bulbous green head emerged from the smoke. Fluttershy leapt up, squeaking as she and Lion held each other close.
"I want to go home!" Lion cried. "I want to go home!"
"Me too!" Fluttershy squeaked.
Every pony else just looked upon the giant head, shaking so fearfully they couldn't move.
"I am Oz, the Great and Powerful!" The Wizard announced. "Who are you?"
The group didn't answer right away. They just stayed glued in place like they were stuck in cement, quivering before his presence.
"WHO ARE YOU?!" The Wizard boomed.
The others and Spike eventually got off Twilight's back, pushing her forward. Dorothy slowly started walking forward besides the princess.
"I-I-If you please, I-I am Dorothy," Dorothy introduced. "The small and meek."
"And I am Twilight Sparkle," Twilight adds. "The Princess of Equestria!"
"We've come to ask you –"
"SILENCE!" The Wizard boomed.
The flames grew larger, frightening Twilight and Dorothy. They both ran back to their friends, shaking greatly.
"Ohhh!" Dorothy gasped. "Jiminy Crickets!"
"The Great and Powerful Oz knows why you have come," The Wizard proclaimed. "Step forward, Tin Man!"
The Tin Man shook, trying to protest. But the group push him forward and there he stood in the presence of the Wizard himself.
"You dare come to me for a heart, do you? You clinking, clanking, clattering collection of caliginous junk!"
The flames shot out again, as Tin Man gasped. Though he shook he fear, eventually he found his voice.
"Ohhhh – Yes... Yes, sir – Y-Yes, your Honor. You see, a while back, we were walking down the Yellow Brick Road, and –"
Tin Man jumped in fear, running back to the group.
"And you, Scarecrow..."
The Scarecrow clumsily scrambled forward, bowing to the great Wizard.
"... have the effrontery to ask for a brain? You billowing bale of bovine fodder!"
"Y-Yes – Yes, Your Honor," Scarecrow responds, shaking greatly. "I mean, Your Excellency – I – I mean – Your Wizardry!"
Scarecrow scampered back to the group quickly.
"And you, Lion!"
Lion shook even more so than all the others, as he placed Fluttershy on the ground. He shakily makes his way forward before the Wizard.
But this was all too much for poor lion, who staggered a bit before fainting and falls backward with a hard thud. Every pony quickly runs up to him to see if he's alright.
"Lion?" Twilight asked, worriedly. "Lion, can you hear us?"
"You should be ashamed of yourself!" Rarity yelled, toward the Wizard.
"That weren't necessary in the least!" Applejack added.
"Frightening him like that, when he came to you for help!" Dorothy concludes.
"Silence whippersnapper! The beneficent Oz has every intention of granting your requests!"
Like a splash of cold water just rushed over him, Lion stood straight up.
"What's that? What'd he say?"
"Oh – Oh, come on," Dorothy said, helping him up.
"Huh? What's he say?" Lion asked.
"It's okay, Lion," Fluttershy assures. "He's going to help us!"
"But first, you must prove yourselves worthy by performing a very small task," The Wizard explained.
"Oh please, your highness," Spike chuckled, waving his claw. "We can handle anything you can throw at us."
"Yeah, so hit us with your best shot!" Rainbow bragged. "We'll do anything!"
"Bring me the broomstick of the Witch of the West," The Wizard commands.
Spike and Rainbow's demeanor instantly went from cocky and brave, to shaky and scared. Rainbow's eyes turned small as pinpricks, as Spike walked backward towards the others.
"What?" Rainbow asked, quietly.
"BRING ME THE BROOMSTICK..." The Wizard repeats.
"DON'T SAY IT AGAIN!" Rainbow begged.
"If that's his definition of 'small'," Spike said. "I'd hate for him to ask us to do something major!"
"You do realize, in order to get that broomstick, we'd have to kill her right?" Twilight asked.
"Bring me her broomstick, and I'll grant your request. Now, go!"
"But --- But what if she kills us first?" Lion asked.
"I SAID, GO!" The Wizard shouts.
Lion, so startled, bolted right out of the room and through the corridor as the ponies look on. He ran and ran through the hallway so fast, he jumped right through one of the windows. The ponies, with Spike on Twilight's back, rushed after Lion and looked down through the smashed window.
"Is he gonna be alright?" Applejack asked.
"Hard to say," Rainbow answered.
They could hear the faint groan of the lion from somewhere below, like he just had a hard landing.
"He'll be fine," Pinkie assures, bouncing away.
"Well girls, looks like if we want those elements back, we have to get them ourselves," Twilight said.
"Considering all the requests we have to clean up after the princesses," Spike concludes. "I'd say we're pretty use to it."
Twilight Sparkle merely glares at Spike, who chuckles nervously.
"I'll be quiet."
All the other ponies faced each other nervously, after Twilight made this conclusion. The only sort of hope they had of getting home, with the Elements safely in their possession, was to go straight to the lair of the nastiest villain they've ever met and confront the Wicked Witch themselves.
I mean, what could possibly go wrong?
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