None of them, human, pony or dragon, knew what happened. The last thing any could remember was being caught in a massive twister. So powerful, it tore through Kansas and ripped the whole house into the sky with all of them in it. They remembered being sucked inside the tornado itself, seeing all sorts of strange things. They remembered Rainbow Dash, leading Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy as they flew into the sky attempting to slow down the twister, only to fail.
And then... Nothing.
Eventually, a soft pair of purple eyes slowly open as Twilight Sparkle took note of her surroundings. All the other ponies, even Spike, were huddled together in Dorothy's room and had been holding each other while the house plummeted out of the tornado. One by one, her friends open their eyes and started looking around, including Dorothy. Furniture was strewn everywhere, the entire room completely in shambles.
"Are we dead?"
Every pony, even Dorothy, turned to Rainbow Dash, who broke the silence. They just looked at her, eyebrows raised.
"What?" She shrugged. "Just asking."
"I'm sure we ain't dead if we're talkin', Dash," Applejack said.
"Boy, that was the most bizarre ride I've ever been on," Spike said. "What the heck happened?"
"Well, the house stopped spinning and I'm pretty sure we're on the ground," Twilight informs Spike. "That's the good news."
"Indeed," Rarity nodded. "But Celestia knows where we ended up after being consumed by that monster of a tornado."
"Oh... My... GOSH!" Pinkie jumped up, laughing. "That was so much fun! We spun around and around so much, going 'WHOO! WHOO! WHOO!' and I almost got sick. But the good kind of sick, like when you eat too much cake kind of sick, heh-heh. Definitely not the bad kind of sick like eating something super icky, blergh!"
Every pony rolled their eyes at their pink friend's excitement. Here they are having just dropped out of a twister and Pinkie Pie was laughing and bouncing about as if nothing happened. One of the ponies, Fluttershy, pokes her head up from the bed.
"I-Is it o-over?" She squeaked, shakily.
Dorothy ran a comforting hand over Fluttershy's pink mane.
"It's alright, Fluttershy," Dorothy reassured. "It's over now."
Dorothy strokes Fluttershy's mane until the timid Pegasus eventually stopped shaking and stood fully up. Twilight smiles at the display, but as soon as she looks over her shoulder her eyes widen. She looks around frantically, as if she's just noticed something missing.
"Oh my goodness! Guys, my saddlebag is gone!"
Every pony, Spike and Dorothy turned to the lavender alicorn Princess, clearly very confused.
"Twi, we didn't even know you had your saddlebag this whole time," Rainbow points out.
"Yeah, that was never brought up during this whole story," Pinkie adds. "Wait, was it?"
Pinkie pulls out a copy of the 'Cinematic Adventure' script and starts flipping through the pages, while Fluttershy looks on with surprise.
"After falling into an unknown vortex, ending up in an entirely new world and dropping out of a tornado, I'm surprised we noticed anything at all," Rarity adds.
Every pony couldn't help but nod at that very true fact. Twilight, however, kept scrambling around the whole room searching for her lost 'saddlebag'.
"Where is it?! Where is it?!"
"Oh no..." Spike muttered. "She's 'Twilighting' again."
"'Twilighting'?" Dorothy asks.
"It's what we refer to when Twilight starts getting hectic, turning something small into a big deal," Spike explains.
"Don't even get us started when she 'sings' about it," Rainbow adds.
Concerned, Dorothy gets up from the bed and approaches the frantic mare. Twilight stops when she feels a gentle hand on her back, turning toward the farm girl.
"No need to worry, Twilight. I'm sure it's in here somewhere."
"I'm sorry, Dorothy," Twilight apologized. "I just 'really' need to find it. Can every pony please help me?"
Every pony nodded quickly, instantly searching every inch of the room. Twilight opened and checked an old chest at the far side of the room. Rarity and Rainbow Dash searched the closet, while Fluttershy and Dorothy peeked under the bed. Applejack and Spike looked every other place the others haven't found. Just as they were about to give up...
"Say Twilight!" Pinkie calls out. "Was your bag lightly gray, with a dark blue strap and with a six-pointed star that holds it together?"
"Yes, why?" Twilight asked.
Pinkie points to a bag sticking out from a large pile of books and clothes.
"Because I think it's made a few friends, hee-hee!"
"Oh thank, Celestia!" Twilight said, relieved.
Twilight approaches the pile and pulled the saddlebag out. The princess hugged it tightly close as though if she put them down they'd disappear off the face of the earth. No pony could make out what to think of this.
"Uh, Twi, ah really don't think it's that big-a-deal if we couldn't find yer saddlebag," Applejack said.
"Couldn't you just get another one back in Ponyville?" Spike asked.
Twilight faced the group of friends, looking between them and the bag.
"Um, well... You see... Um..."
Every pony stared at Twilight, trying to figure out why she was so worried in the first place.
"There are some very important ingredients in here for Zecora," Twilight explains. "I was supposed to get them to her, but I never got the chance because... Well, you know."
"Oh, the 'errand'," Spike realized. "Right... Almost forgot about that."
"Yeah, I think the writers might have forgotten that detail too," Pinkie added. "Else they'd have brought up the bag in the 'last' chapters."
From an undisclosed location, two figures sitting in front of computer screens acknowledged each other.
"I told you she would bring up that slight detail," One narrator stated.
"Oh hush!" The other narrator replied.
"Well regardless, darling," Rarity said. "You have them back, that's all that matters. May we please try and figure out where we are?"
Twilight nods, as she placed the saddlebag over her back securing it.
"Alright, let's all stay together," Dorothy advises.
The farm girl, with Toto in her arms, leads the ponies and the baby dragon out of her room and through the rest of the house. It was eerily quiet, not a single sound was heard. No birds, cows, pigs or any animal one would normally hear in Kansas. Eventually they make it to the front door, as Dorothy slowly pulls it open. Before their eyes, what they see is so surprising that every ponies' mouth dropped in sync.
Outside the house lies an entirely new world. Gone were the cornfields and farms of Kansas; in it's place, an endless landscape of mountains and green fields. All around them are different types of flora, a wide range of flowers, enormous mushrooms, and an assortment of tiny huts and houses. They stepped out to what appears to be the middle of a quaint little village.
But the one thing they noticed about this alien world was a wide variety of color all around them. No longer was everything just a tan beige color. Even the coats and manes of the ponies, along with Spike's scales, were once more restored of their color. But they were so mesmerized by their new surroundings, however, they didn't even notice.
"Toto... Twilight...," Dorothy spoke, breaking the silence. "I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."
"It sure doesn't look anything like Kansas," Twilight observed.
"So, where in tarnation are we, anyway?" Applejack asked.
As Dorothy, with Toto in her arms, and all the ponies, including Spike, looks around this strange landscape, a peculiar group of little people peek from the flower bushes. The plants on their heads appear to be either hats or perhaps part of their anatomy, keeping watch over the mysterious visitors who stumbled onto their grounds. The group were so distracted by this colorful environment, they were blissfully unaware they were being watched. Spike, on the other hoof, got suspicious and turned, just as the creatures ducked back into the bushes. Seeing nothing, Spike shrugged and rejoined the group. Finally, after a moment of silence, Rarity speaks up.
"Why, we must be over the rainbow!"
Fluttershy couldn't wipe the smile off her face, admiring her surroundings.
"It's so lovely here; there's so much color!"
"There's more color here than on Rainbow's entire mane!" Spike said.
The Pegasus in question nods, fully unaware of what was said.
"There sure is..."
Suddenly, the realization hit her like a ton of bricks as she faced Spike.
As they admired this strange, yet beautiful new world Pinkie turns behind her and gasps.
"Say! There's even a colorful looking bubble in the sky!"
"Don't be silly, Pinkie," Twilight replied, distractedly. "Bubbles don't usually have color unless..."
The purple alicorn paused quickly and turned to Pinkie.
"What bubble?"
"That ominous looking one in the background," Pinkie points out with her tail.
The groups turns to Pinkie's direction and were stunned at the sight. A glowing bubble in different shades of color, green then yellow and pink, slowly descends from the sky. At a loss for words, they slowly back away as the bubble touches the surface. But rather than popping upon contact with the floor, something strange and unusual happened. The bubble fades and revealed a mysterious creature standing in its place.
It appeared to be human, a beautiful yet slightly middle-aged woman. She is dressed in a glittering pink gown adorned with silver stars and butterflies, a long metallic magic wand in one hand, and short, wavy strawberry-blonde hair.
"Oh my!" Fluttershy softly gasped.
"Now I – Now I know we're not in Kansas," Dorothy said.
The woman slowly approaches the group, standing before them with a smile on her face.
"Are you a good witch, or a bad witch?" She asked Dorothy.
The farm girl, confused by the question, turns around behind her quickly thinking the woman was asking someone else. The ponies and dragon shrug not understanding the question themselves. Seeing no one else, Dorothy realized this woman was talking to her.
"Who, me?"
The woman nods.
"Why, I'm not a witch at all," The farm girl answers. "I'm Dorothy Gale from Kansas."
"Oh! Well is that the witch?" She asks, pointing her wand toward Toto.
The ponies and dragon giggle to themselves.
"Is she serious?" Rainbow whispers.
"I have no idea," Twilight answers.
All the other ponies and Spike just shake their heads.
"Who Toto?" Dorothy speaks. "Toto's my dog."
The woman giggled slightly, before facing the ponies and the dragon smiling warmly. As Twilight looks at Glinda, a part of her reminded the princess of her mentor, Princess Celestia.
"And who might you all be?" The woman asks.
Every pony looks at each other before Twilight steps forward.
"Well, I'm Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship," Twilight introduced, pointing to her friends. "These are my friends Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Spike."
"Sup?" Spike greets.
The other ponies wave at the woman, who waves back.
"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Twilight Sparkle and friends," She bows, sweetly.
At this point, every pony was confused. Twilight spoke only a few words and this woman reciprocated it as if it was normal. A contrast to their initial arrival in Kansas, where talking ponies and a baby dragon was a shock to everybody.
"You're not surprised we can talk?" Rainbow saked.
"Oh no, my dear," She responds. "In this world, talking animals are all too common."
Every pony was impressed at this revelation, nodding approvingly toward the woman. She turns back to Dorothy, giggling a bit.
"I must confess I'm a little muddled. The Munchkins called me because a new witch has just dropped a house on the Wicked Witch of the East."
She points her wand to the house, then back at Dorothy.
"There's the house, and here you are, and that's all that's left of the Wicked Witch of the East."
Underneath the house, the group noticed a set of legs in black and white stockings. On the feet were two high-heeled slippers made entirely of pure red rubies. Dorothy and her friends gasp upon the sight.
"Oh my goodness," Rarity gasped. "That's awful!"
"I can't believe we just crushed some pony," Twilight said, horrified.
All the others nod, equally horrified and guilty. Perhaps the only member unfazed was a certain cyan blue Pegasus, who just folds her hooves.
"Well, I mean she's called the 'Wicked Witch' so maybe we provided a public service."
Every pony and Spike faced Rainbow Dash, horrified at her words. They had just possibly crushed a human being and she made it out as if it was a good thing.
"Why would you say that, Dashie?" Pinkie gasps.
"What?!" Rainbow shrugged. "She must've been a terror here; is getting rid of her that bad?"
"She's dead, Rainbow!" Twilight yelled.
"Oh, the poor old woman," Fluttershy moaned, tearfully. "Only a pony without a head would do a thing like that. Poor thing..."
Having seen enough, the woman-in-pink steps up.
"No need to criticize Rainbow Dash, my dears. She is quite right."
Every pony faced the woman.
"What do you mean?" Fluttershy whispered.
"You all have done this land a great service," The woman replies, turning back to Dorothy. "And so what the Munchkins want to know is, are you a good witch, or a bad witch?"
"Oh, but I've already told you, I'm not a witch at all," Dorothy said. "Witches are old and ugly."
Suddenly, high-pitch giggling made every pony, including Dorothy, turn around seeking the source. Surprised, Fluttershy quickly hid behind Twilight.
"W-W-What was t-that?" Fluttershy asks, fearfully.
"The Munchkins," The woman smiles at the frightened yellow Pegasus. "They're laughing because I am a witch. I'm Glinda, the Witch of the North."
Dorothy's mouth fell somewhat, as did the others. Being polite, the little ponies and dragon gave a small bow.
"You are?!" Dorothy said, with a small courtsey. "Oh, I beg your pardon! But I've never heard of a beautiful with before."
"Same here," Spike added.
"Only bad witches are ugly," Glinda smiled.
The ponies and dragon agreed, reflecting their previous encounters with Queen Chrysalis. One of their most dangerous adversaries, she was as evil as any witch they could imagine and so scary that 'ugly' is not enough to describe her.
"The Munchkins are happy because you have freed them from the Wicked Witch of the East," Glinda continues.
"Forgive me for asking, Miss Glinda," Rarity speaks up. "But what are these Munchkins you speak of?"
The giggling returns, causing every pony and Dorothy to look around again. But they still couldn't find where it was coming from.
"The little people who live in this land," Glinda answers. "It's Munchkinland, and you are their national heroines, my dears."
"'Hero' actually," Spike points out. "I am a guy, but it's a common mistake."
Glinda nods understanding as she turns toward the bushes.
"It's all right now!" Glinda calls out. "You may all come out and thank them!"
Suddenly, the ponies, dragon, and farm girl notice many of the flowers started moving. Turns out these flowers are indeed giant hats, worn by a band of little people and all dress in odd-looking colorful clothes. They all looked really happy, as they approached the group.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Glinda (Sings):
Come out, come out, wherever you are
And meet the young ladies who fell from a star.
Spike was about to retort, but he just shrugs and goes along with the group. Glinda leads Dorothy and her friends through the tiny village of Munchkinland, as more Munchkins emerged from hiding to greet them.
Glinda (Sings):
They fell from the sky, she fell very far.
And Kansas they say is the name of the star.
Munchkins (Sings):
Kansas they say is the name of the star.
As more Munchkins emerge, one even from a manhole in the floor, they all watch as Glinda leads the curious strangers toward a pond.
Glinda (Sings):
They bring you good news. Or haven't you heard?
When they fell out of Kansas, a miracle occurred.
Soon the entire population surrounds Dorothy and her friends, as they find themselves standing in the midst of the village.
Dorothy (Sings):
It really was no miracle.
What happened was just this:
Twilight Sparkle (Sings):
The wind began to switch,
The house to pitch.
Applejack (Sings):
And suddenly the hinges started to unhitch.
Just then, the witch...
Rarity (Sings):
To satisfy an itch,
Went flying on her broomstick thumbing for a hitch.
Male Munchkin (Sings):
And oh, what happened then was rich!
Munchkin Choir (Sings):
The house began to pitch,
The kitchen took a slitch,
It landed on the Wicked Witch
In the middle of a ditch.
Which was not a healthy situation
For the Wicked Witch.
The Munchkins began to dance along the streets in pure joy. Pinkie Pie, caught in the rhythm, soon jumped in and danced along. The party pony danced all around, even pulling out her confetti cannon and fired a wide barrage everywhere as the Munchkins sang.
Munchkins (Sings):
The house began to pitch,
The kitchen took a slitch,
It landed on the Wicked Witch
In the middle of a ditch.
Which was not a healthy situation
For the Wicked Witch.
Who began to twitch
And was reduced
To just a stitch
Of what was once... The... Wicked... Witch!
The Munchkins cheer and applaud, as a horse-drawn carriage rode up before the group and Glinda ushers them inside. Dorothy, the ponies, and Spike climb into the carriage as a few Munchkins approach.
"We thank you very sweetly," One Munchkin said. "For doing it so neatly."
"You've killed her so completely," Another said. "That we thank you very sweetly."
They hand Dorothy, the ponies and Spike a small bouquet of flowers, which they gratefully thanked with a gesture or two. Soon, they all turned toward Glinda who proudly declares:
"Let the joyous news be spread: The Wicked Old Witch at last is dead!"
Every Munchkin cheered and applauds, as the carriage, surrounded by a procession of soldiers, moves through the town with the whole village following close behind.
Munchkins (Sings):
Ding Dong! The Witch is dead.
Which old Witch?
The Wicked Witch!
Ding Dong! The Wicked Witch is dead.
Wake up, you sleepy heads.
Rub your eyes
Get out of bed.
Wake up, the Wicked Witch is dead!
She's gone where the goblins go below..
Below... Below... Yo-Ho!
Let's open up and sing
And ring the bells out.
Ding Dong! The merry-oh!
Sing it high, sing it low
Let them know
The Wicked Witch is dead!
The carriage came to a halt at what could only be described as the village's town hall. Three heralds emerge, blowing a fanfare with their giant bugles. The Mayor of Munchkinland comes forward, followed by the Barrister and city fathers. They help each and every one of their guests out the carriage and lead them up the steps.
"As Mayor of the Munchkin City," The Mayor declares. "In the County of the Land of Oz, I welcome you most regally."
"But we've got to verify it legally," The barrister said. "To see..."
"To see?"
"If she..."
"If she?"
"Is morally, ethically, spiritually, physically, positively, absolutely, undeniably and reliably dead!" The barristers said.
Soon, one Munchkin, the local coroner, makes his way up the steps toward the group and unravels a large scroll.
Coroner (Sings):
As Coroner, I must aver
I thoroughly examined her.
And she's not only merely dead,
She's really, most sincerely dead.
Confirmed, the Mayor stands before the mass along with the group.
"Then this is a day of independence, for all the Munchkins and their descendants!"
"If any!" The Barrister adds.
"Yes, let the joyous news be spread," The Mayor announced. "The Wicked Old Witch at last is dead!"
Once more, the Munchkins cheer with song and dance. Pinkie pulls a baton from out of her man, leading the Munchkin patrol like a parade.
Munchkins (Sings):
Ding Dong! The Witch is dead.
Which old Witch?
The Wicked Witch!
Ding Dong! The Wicked Witch is dead.
Wake up, you sleepy heads.
Rub your eyes
Get out of bed.
Wake up, the Wicked Witch is dead!
She's gone where the goblins go below..
Below... Below... Yo-Ho!
Let's open up and sing
And ring the bells out.
Ding Dong! The merry-oh!
Sing it high, sing it low
Let them know
The Wicked Witch is dead!
Pinkie Pie leads the Munchkin soldiers through the streets, smiling widely and laughing. Soon, she led them back to the town hall along with the whole town and rejoins her friends, who all laugh and roll their eyes at Pinkie's randomness. Just then, three ballerina Munchkins, in pink tutus, tip-toed to the front of the group.
Three Tots (Sings):
We represent the Lullaby League,
The Lullaby League,
The Lullaby League,
And in the name of the Lullaby League
We wish to welcome you to Munchkinland.
Then, three tough-looking Munchkins in slacks and sweater vests danced up to the group. The one in the middle held a lollypop, hence the name of their troupe.
Three Tough Munchkins (Sings):
We represent the Lollipop Guild,
The Lollypop Guild,
The Lollypop Guild,
And in the name of the Lollypop Guild
We wish to welcome you to Munchkinland.
After handing the lollypop to Dorothy, all the Munchkins join together in one giant crowd before their guests.
Munchkins (Sings):
We welcome you to Munchkinland
Tra la la la la la
Tra la la tra la la
Tra la la la la la la
The Mayor, barrister and city fathers once again approach the group.
The Mayor (Sings):
From now on you'll be history!
The Barrister (Sings):
You'll be hist...
City Father (Sings):
You'll be hist...
The Mayor (Sings):
You'll be history!
Group (Sings):
And we will glorify your names!
Mayor (Sings):
You will all be busts...
Barrister (Sings):
You'll be busts...
City Father (Sings):
You'll be busts...
Group (Sings):
In the hall of fame!
Twilight, Dorothy, and the rest of the group couldn't believe this was happening. Here they were, strangers in a strange land, praised by the little people for ridding them of their greatest enemy. Reminding them of something they do on a daily basis. The citizens lead them through the streets toward the center of town as they waved at Glinda passing by which she did the same. Everything seemed right in the world, even Rainbow basked in the praise as the Munchkins sang and dance.
Suddenly, a large explosion of red smoke changed the entire mood knocking several Munchkins down. Those still standing screamed and ran for cover, as Dorothy and her friends ran toward Glinda. From the red smoke emerged a tall, lanky green-skinned woman wearing a long black dress and a pointy hat. She held a broomstick in her hand, which she waved around the Munchkins passing by. Dorothy, the girls and Spike gasp at the sight of this woman, who loomed over the house where she noticed the pair of legs sticking out.
"I thought you said she was dead," Dorothy whispered to Glinda.
"That was her sister, the Wicked Witch of the East," Glinda explains. "This is the Wicked Witch of the West and she's worse than the other one was."
"North, East, and West?" Pinkie said. "I hate to imagine what the 'South' Witch is like."
"Pinkie, please!" Twilight groaned.
Fluttershy hid behind her friends, while Rainbow and Applejack stood defiant ready for anything. The green-skinned witch soon approached them.
"Who killed my sister?" She asked, menacingly. "Who killed the Witch of the East?"
The witch points accusingly toward Dorothy.
"Was it you? Answer me!"
"Leave her alone, you creep!" Rainbow threatens.
"So it was you, was it?" The Witch continued. "You all killed her, didn't you?"
"No!" The farm girl shook her head, fearfully. "No, it was an accident. I didn't mean to kill anybody!"
"Really, she didn't," Twilight insists, frightened. "We didn't know, we swear!"
"'Didn't mean it', eh?" The Witch mocked. "'Aciddent', eh? Well, my little pretty, I can cause accidents, too and this is how I do it!"
Before The Witch can do anything, Rainbow Dash and Applejack stood in front of Dorothy, snarling at the woman.
"Ya'll best be leavin' her alone yah hear?" Applejack growled.
"Yeah! Or you'll get a worse rap than your sister!" Rainbow threatens.
The Wicked Witch fully acknowledged the little ponies amongst Dorothy, even a tiny baby dragon who sat on Twilight's back. She leans closely toward the ponies, who were intimidated by her face.
"Oh, what a couple of cute little ponies," She mocked. "What are the like of you to do? Hug me to death?"
"There's no need to be so mean," Pinkie said. "Can't we all just get along?"
The Witch just hissed at the party pony, who nearly leapt out of her skin and hid alongside Fluttershy. Before The Witch can do anything else, Glinda jumps in.
"Are you forgetting the ruby slippers?" Glinda asked.
The Witch's mood began to lighten, as if remembering something very important.
"The slippers," The Witch whispered. "Yes... The slippers!"
The Witch turns around, approaching the house where her sister was crushed. She reaches to grab the slippers in her bony grasp. But just as she had them in reach, the shoes vanish before her eyes and the stockings roll up till they disappeared beneath the house.
"They're gone!" She gasped.
The Witch kneeled down to the house for a better look, hoping to find them. But there was no luck. She turns around angrily, storming toward the group.
"The ruby slippers! What have you done with them? Give them back to me or I'll..."
"It's too late!" Glinda interrupts, pointing down. "There they are, and there they'll stay."
Dorothy and the girls look down toward their feet and instead of the black shoes she wore before, now the ruby slippers took their place. Dorothy gasped along with the group. They look back up toward the Witch, see the look of hate in her eyes.
"Give me back my slippers!" She growled. "I'm the only one who knows how to use them. They're of no use to you! Give them back to me! Give them back!"
"Keep tight inside of them," Glinda whispers in Dorothy's ear. "Their magic must be very powerful, or she wouldn't want them so badly!"
"You stay out of this, Glinda," The Witch threatened. "Or I'll fix you as well!"
But Glinda merely laughed.
"Oh, rubbish! You have no power here. Be gone, before somebody drops a house on you, too."
The Witch looks up in the sky, in case that did happen again.
"Very well, I'll bide my time," The Witch relents, pointing to Dorothy and the ponies. "And as for you, my fine ladies, it's true, I can't attend to you here and now as I'd like, but just try to stay out of my way... Just try! I'll get you my pretties and your little dog and dragon too!"
The Witch cackles madly, as she proceeds to disappear through the red smoke which began to envelop her. But Rainbow Dash would not have it.
"She's getting away!" Rainbow shouts, charging.
"Rainbow, don't!" Applejack shouts.
But Rainbow was just inches from the smoke, when a large explosion erupts knocking the Pegasus back as the Witch disappeared while the smoke clears. All the ponies and Spike gather around Rainbow, as Dorothy stood shocked by the impression. All the Munchkins cautiously appeared from their hiding spots.
"It's all right," Glinda announced. "You can get up, she's gone. It's all right. You can all get up."
The Munchkins emerge once more, many of them shaking in fear. As they helped their neighbors off the ground, Glinda leads the farm girl, ponies and baby dragon from their spot to the middle of the crowd.
"Phew, what a smell of sulphur!" Spike moaned, clenching his nose. "Worse than timberwolf breath."
"I'm afraid you've made rather a bad enemy of the Wicked Witch of the West," Glinda said. "The sooner you all get out of Oz altogether, the safer you'll sleep, my dears."
Every pony nodded toward that statement. They all wanted to leave Oz more than ever now that an evil witch will soon be after them.
"I don't I've ever seen anything quite as scary since Chrysalis!" Rarity said.
"Yeah, my new nickname for that Witch is 'Greenie Meanie'," Pinkie added, realizes. "Say Fluttershy, she reminds me of our first Grand Galloping Gala. Remember? When you were trying to get all those cuddly animals together with that net."
Fluttershy just hid further behind Twilight. That night certainly wasn't her fondest memory, recalling how crazy she had been. Her twitching eyes, her mad cackle, her insane obsession with catching those animals. She didn't like that side of her at all.
"I don't want to talk about it," Fluttershy said, softly.
"Oh, I'd give anything to get out of Oz altogether," Dorothy spoke. "But which is the way back to Kansas? We can't exactly go the way we came."
"Unless... Someone knows how to conjure up a tornado that can somehow transport us back?" Rainbow adds.
"No, that's true," Glinda nods. "The only person who might know would be the great and powerful Wizard of Oz himself!"
Hearing the name, all the Munchkins bow in respect. As the ponies and Spike look around, clearly this wizard of theirs was a very powerful and respected person to garner much respect.
"The Wizard of Oz?" Twilight asked.
"Is he good or is he like that old wart-faced hag?" Rainbow asked.
"Oh, very good, but very mysterious," Glinda explains. "He lives in the Emerald City, and that's a long journey from here. Did you bring your broomstick with you?"
"No, I'm afraid I didn't," Dorothy shook her head.
"And you all?" Glinda asks the ponies.
"Well, only three of us can fly..." Twilight began.
"'Four'!" Spike points out, fluttering his own wings.
"Right... 'Four'," Twilight corrected herself. "The rest of us would have to walk and we can't exactly carry everyone."
"Well, then, you'll have to walk," Glinda declares. "The Munchkins will see you safely to the border of Munchkinland. And remember, never let those ruby slippers off your feet for a moment, or you will be at the mercy of the Wicked Witch of the West."
Glinda gives Dorthy and all the ponies a quick kiss to the forehead, possibly for luck. She then lifts the little dragon for a huge hug and a kiss on the forehead. The dragon blushes furiously, scratching the back of his head as Glinda gently lays him down.
"So, how do we start for Emerald City?" Spike asked.
"It's always best to start at the beginning," Glinda explains. "And all you do is follow the Yellow Brick Road."
Glinda motions to the yellow-and-red bricked road in the middle of the village. The group slowly makes their way to where the yellow brick road starts. Then, as if Dorothy thought of something, she looks back to Glinda.
"But, what happens if we..." Dorothy began.
"Just follow the Yellow Brick Road," Glinda said.
Then, Glinda began to fade away as another giant bubble took her place. As the bubble floated into the air, many Munchkins ran up and waved toward the bubble yelling their goodbyes. Dorothy, the Mane Six and Spike just gaze toward the bubble, as it disappears into the clouds.
"My!" Dorothy replied. "People come and go so quickly here."
The ponies, Spike and all the Munchkins nod in agreement. The group peer down toward where their feet, hooves and/or claws meet the yellow bricks.
"Follow the Yellow Brick Road," Dorothy said, beginning to walk.
"Follow the Yellow Brick Road?" Twilight asked, following Dorothy.
"Follow the Yellow Brick Road," The Mayor said, as they pass.
"'Not' the 'red' road?" Fluttershy asked.
"Follow the Yellow Brick Road," A Munchkin said.
"Oh, okay," Fluttershy said, then continues.
"Follow the Yellow Brick Road," A female Munchkin said.
"Follow the Yellow Brick Road," The Barrister said.
"Hey, that's kind of catchy!" Pinkie said, cheerfully.
Munchkins (Sings):
Follow the Yellow Brick Road.
Follow the Yellow Brick Road.
Follow, follow, follow, follow
Follow the Yellow Brick Road
Follow the Yellow Brick
Follow the Yellow Brick
Follow the Yellow Brick Road.
Soon, Dorothy and the gang all started to get the rhythm. They start skipping along the road, with the Munchkins following close behind and among them a group of fiddlers.
Munchkins (Sings):
You're off to see the Wizard
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
You'll find he is a whiz of a Wiz
If ever a Wiz there was.
If ever oh ever a Wiz there was
The Wizard of Oz is one because
Because, because, because, because,
Because of the wonderful things he does!
You're off to see the Wizard
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz!
The Munchkins cheer and wave after the group pass the gates of Munchkinland, to begin their journey beyond the borders of their kingdom. Dorothy and her friends turn around, waving goodbye to the Munchkins as they turned back and continued their journey down the Yellow Brick Road. The road that would surely lead them to find the one person who can help them get back home...
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