

This was the only thing that could be seen by the group, as they fell into the seemingly endless void. They were falling for what felt like hours, which in reality was only a minute or two. The darkness was so great that they couldn't even see one another as they continued to fall. Within another moment, another portal opened, the ponies and dragon crashing with a harsh landing upon the ground. Every pony groaned in pain from the impact before sitting up. Twilight shook off the dizziness to clear her vison before breaking the silence.

"Is every pony alright?"

"I'm good here," Rainbow Dash replies.

"We're fine," Rarity said. Fluttershy merely nodded.

"A little sore but ah'm just dandy," Applejack said.

"Us too," Pinkie said, gesturing to herself and Spike.

Seeing her friends were okay, Twilight smiles with relief watching every pony stand on their legs and shook themselves off. As their vision started coming back, they could make out a bit of the landscape of where they ended up. They could see grassy plains for miles and miles on end, even a few farms in the distance. There was one thing though, once they noticed it, which cause them to gasp in shock..

There was no color!

No color could be seen on anything at all. The only color everything had was a tan beige color, some darker than others but nothing else. Every pony looked around frantically trying to see if maybe their vision was still fuzzy but no matter how hard they tried, the color never came back at all.


Twilight jumped back and faced Rarity, the one pony who screamed and soon noticed why. Not only was there no color on the landscape before them...

The ponies, and Spike himself, had no trace of color on their frames.

All the ponies and the little dragon looked at themselves, noticing the display. No purple, no blue, no orange, no anything. Many of them shared concerned, frightened looks on their faces as they kept looking amongst themselves and their surroundings.

"What in pony feathers is going on here?!" Rainbow asked, worriedly.

"Twilight! How could this have happened!?" Rarity shrieked.

"I have no idea!" Twilight shrugged.

The only one that seemed to be having any fun whatsoever in this situation was Pinkie. Instead of looking scared, she was rather intrigued.

"This is so weird but also very cool," Pinkie smiled, looking at herself. "I guess since I'm not pink anymore I can't be called Pinkie anymore. Maybe now I can be called Sandy because of the sandy color!"

Pinkie, or rather 'Sandy', laughed. Every pony else just rolled their eyes.

Leave it to Pinkie to find humor in a bad situation.

"So what do we do now?" Rainbow asked, floating in midair. "We have no idea where we are or what's going on here and the color seemed to just magically disappear!"

"I think the television had something to do with this," Spike spoke up.

The others looked at him with a 'no kidding' look and he just scratched the back of his head and looked away. As he looked away, he noticed something moving off in the distance.

"Hey guys, look over there!"

The others faced Spike's direction, as he pointed toward the distance and soon they all saw it. It was a large bipedal creature walking on two legs. Clearly from the slender frame of the creature they knew it was a female. She wore a white shirt with short puffy sleeves that stopped after her shoulders and a light-blue gingham dress. She also had two braided pigtails and black shoes. Following alongside her was a small brown terrier dog that stayed by her side as she ran down the country road.

"What is that thing?" Applejack asked.

Fluttershy poked her head out from behind the orange earth pony, who didn't even know she was there.

"I-I-Is it d-dangerous?" she squeaked.

Twilight looked in astonishment for she knew exactly what this thing was.

"No Fluttershy, I don't think it is," Twilight said, looking closely. "That's a human. I remember traveling to the human dimension of our world and they looked just like that!"

"Maybe we should catch up to her and find out what's going on," Rainbow Dash suggests.

Every pony nodded, but then it occurred to them.

"We should be careful," Twilight said. "She might find our presence very scary."

"But we're ponies, Twilight," Pinkie points out. "Every creature knows that not all ponies are 'dangerous'."

"Well 'most' of them," Rainbow said, recalling certain scenarios.

"True, but do you think she's ever seen a pony with horns on their foreheads?" Twilight questioned, toward Pinkie. "Or ponies with wings sprouting out of our backs?"

"Oooh..." Pinkie thought. "Good point."

"Then how are we possibly going to follow without her noticing us?" Rarity interjected.

Twilight looked at their surroundings seeking anything worthy of a disguise or camouflage. She noticed some rather tall grass, possibly grain stalks, alongside the dirt path that the girl was rushing past.

"Ok guys, here's the plan," Twilight explains. "We'll hide in that tall grass over there and follow her slowly. Make sure to stay hidden and move quickly and quietly."

Every pony nodded and crouched down low as they made their way over towards the grass. They quietly snuck in and found themselves covered by the vegetation well enough to not be seen. As the girl continued walking along with her dog, the ponies and dragon followed them at a decent distance. Eventually, they stopped as the girl paused for a moment to look path, as if she was looking out for somebody... Or something.

"She isn't coming yet, Toto," The girl worriedly said, as she picked up the dog. "Did she hurt you? She tried to didn't she?"

The girls and Spike watched quietly as she cradled the dog, Toto, in her arms. Just as they were about to question what was going on...


In that one instant, everything seemed to freeze. The ponies, Spike, even the girl walking, all had a look of fear on their faces. The ponies and Spike turned toward the source of the noise and saw that Pinkie had accidentally stepped on a stray stick that was hidden in the grass.

"Oops sorry," She whispered, with a nervous smile.

The dog, Toto, leapt off the girls arms and walked towards the tall grass. The dog started to growl and bark, as every pony remained frozen trying to not be seen.

"Toto heel!" The girl spoke.

The dog immediately stopped barking and made its way back to the girl ,who then slowly approached the grass.

"Is anybody there?" She asked. "If you are, you can come on out now."

Though the ponies did not know this creature, they could tell by her voice she is gentle and kind. Applejack could tell there was a bit of a country accent in her speech. The ponies faced each other nervously, trying to keep quiet just the same.

"If you're afraid don't worry," The girl assured. "I won't hurt you and neither will Toto."

None of them knew what to do now. Do they show themselves? Could they try to stay hidden? So many questions with little answers.

Eventually, Twilight boldly decided to stand up from the grass until only the top of her mane was showing from the grass. Slowly, she peeked the front of her muzzle out of the brush and looked the girl straight in the eyes, the young girl doing the same. The girl then smiled a warm smile.

"Well, aren't you just an adorable creature," She said sweetly.

Twilight smiled at the compliment but then stepped back slightly when the girl started to step forward towards her.

"Oh it's alright, I won't hurt you," The young girl assured.

Twilight was hesitant, but she didn't sense any sort of falseness in the girl's words. She slowly approaches the girl, who did the same. The girl reached out her hand for Twilight and was about to touch her...

"Wow! I've never seen a human before!"

The girl turned as Pinkie Pie burst out of the grass, smiling and bouncing around in excitement. The girl screamed and fell backwards onto the ground before moving back as far away as she could. The dog, Toto, ran in front of the girl and barked at the two ponies. Pinkie just smiled and walked up to the dog and petted his head with her hoof.

"Oh you're such a cute little doggie aren't you?" Pinkie asked, speaking baby-talk. "Yes you are, yes you are!"

Just then all the other ponies emerged from the grass seeing no point in trying to hide now. The girl tried to move back farther away. Twilight held up her hooves.

"Don't worry, we won't hurt you," Twilight assured. "We're friendly and mean you no harm."

"That's right darling, we wouldn't hurt a fly," Rarity added.

"Well, except that one time with the parasprites..." Rainbow began.

"Rainbow, you ain't helpin'!" Applejack said, before facing the girl. "There-there sugarcube, ain't no pony gonna hurtcha."

The girl just lifted her arm, pinching herself with those appendages on the end, fingers Twilight recalled. The girl cried "Ouch", as she shut her eyes tight and opened them a second later. Seeing the ponies again, she gasped.

"What in tarnation are you doin?'" Applejack asked.

The girl didn't respond at first but eventually found her voice again.

"My Aunty Em told me that if I'm dreaming and need to wake up quickly to just pinch myself and I'll wake up," She explained fearfully. "I'm still seeing talking horses, so I believe I'm still dreaming."

"Hey! First things first, we're not horses we're ponies," Rainbow Dash corrected, landing from the air.

The girl just shook her head quickly not believing that she just saw a blue pony just fly out of the sky. Nor could she believe the description of the other ponies around her.

"Well... I beg your pardon. It's just I've never seen talking ponies before in my life... Or with wings or... Horns?"

"It's alright miss, we know how terrifying it can be to meet strange creatures," Rarity assured. "But we are very friendly, I promise you."

The girl slowly got back on her feet, cautiously approaching the ponies. She slowly raised her hand, reaching toward Twilight. Soon as her hand touched the alicorn's coat, she brushed along the soft fur. But when her fingers touched Twilight's horn, she retracts her hand and turns toward the creatures.

"Why you are all real!" She said, surprised. "Are you really a unicorn?"

"Actually, I'm an alicorn to be specific," Twilight replied, pointing her horn and wings. "An alicorn has both wings and a horn, though there are very few. The rest of my friends you see are either Earth ponies, pegasi or unicorns... Well, 'one' unicorn for now."

The ponies all nodded. The girl slowly cracked a smile as she began to adjust to this new discovery. She stood in the presence of six talking ponies, some with wings and some with horns, and the ability to talk. That sort of thing doesn't happen every day but here they are.

"My name is Dorothy Gale," she introduced herself. "Pleased to meet you all."

"Hello Dorothy, my name is Twilight Sparkle," The alicorn introduces herself. "These are my friends Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie."

Dorothy smiles as she shook each and every one of their hooves one by one, still somewhat hesitant.

"What peculiar names. Never heard names like that here in Kansas."

The ponies all looked at her and tilted their heads in confusion.

"Where's Kansas?" A voice said.

Dorothy turned as Spike emerges from behind Twilight. Dorothy was about to scream again before Rainbow Dash flew up to her and placed a hoof over her mouth.

"Please don't scream again."

Dorothy calmed down after a second and Rainbow removed her hoof from her mouth. Dorothy observed the small purple and green dragon and looked at him in wonder.

"What are you?" She asked.

"I'm a dragon," he replied confidently.

"I beg your pardon; I've never imagined a dragon being so..."

"Charming... Cute... Handsome?" Spike suggests.

"Small," Dorothy answered.

A bead of sweat seemed to drop, as Spike's eyes widen. Rainbow nearly chuckled when Applejack nudged her to be quiet.

"To be fair, he is a baby dragon right now," Fluttershy explains.

"But mark my words, when I get older, I'll be big and mighty," Spike added, flexing his nonexistent muscles.

Dorothy and the other girls giggled at this.

"But ah gotta ask the same as Spike," Applejack speaks up. "Where's this Kansas?"

"It's where I live," Dorothy explained. "You all are standing in the middle of it right here."

"I've never heard of Kansas before, and I've read every map of Equestria at least a hundred times." Twilight pointed out.

Now it was Dorothy's turn to look confused.


"We'll explain later," Rainbow said.

Dorothy looked off into the distance and noticed the setting sun.

"Oh my it's getting late. I've got to get back home."

"Well it was very nice to meet you Dorothy," Twilight said. "We need to find a place to stay until we can get home."

"That is if we ever do get home," Fluttershy said, nervously.

The ponies and the little dragon turned and began to walk away. Suddenly, they were stopped by Toto running out in front of them.

"You know you could come back to the farm with us," Dorothy offered. "I'm sure when I explain you all to Aunty Em and Uncle Henry they'll let you stay."

The ponies all turned back to the young farm girl, who had a big smile on her face as she gestured to the path in front of them. The ponies were all touched by her kindness and smiled. They really had nowhere to go and here she was offering them shelter. They nodded in response.

"Come on, we'll go tell Uncle Henry and Auntie Em," Dorothy said. "Come on, Toto!"

Dorothy and Toto began to lead the ponies and Spike down the path to her farm. Eventually they arrived at a little house on the side of the path, with a big tree that had a tire swing hanging on a large branch. There was a chicken coup and a large barn off to the side as well. As they drew closer, they noticed an elderly man and woman feeding the chickens. They were both middle aged with graying hair. Dorothy quickly stopped the group before they could travel any further.

"I think you should all wait behind the house," Dorothy said. "I need to speak to Auntie Em and Uncle Henry about something."

"You mean about something that scared little Toto?" Pinkie asked.

"How did you know that?" Dorothy asked.

"Eh, I've read the script."

Dorothy faced the ponies with a look of confusion, most of them just shrugged.

"It's Pinkie Pie, don't ask," Rainbow suggests.

"I see... Well, you just hang around here and I'll be right back."

The ponies and Spike all nod and went to hide behind the wall of the house. Meanwhile, Dorothy walked over to the chicken coup and the elderly couple.

"Aunt Em! Aunt Em!" Dorothy called, running up to her. "Aunt Em! Just listen to what Miss Gulch did to Toto."

"Dorothy, please we're trying to count," Aunt Em waved off, not listening.

"Oh, but Aunt Em she hit him!" Dorothy protested.

"Don't bother us, honey," Uncle Henry spoke up. "This old incubator's gone bad and we're likely to lose some of our chicks."

"Lose the chicks?" Fluttershy gasped, concerned. "Oh my..."

Dorothy was a bit frustrated her aunt and uncle weren't listening to her, again. In the past, whenever she tried talking to them, they either brush her off or ignore her altogether as they always found themselves busy. But still, even Dorothy was worried as she picked up one chick. She turns back toward the house, where Twilight and her friends peeked from behind. The purple alicorn just gestured her to keep going, as the girl nodded.

"Oh, the poor little things," She softly said, before getting back on subject. "Oh, but Aunt Em. Ms. Gulch hit Toto right over with the back of a rake. Just because he gets in her garden and chases her nasty old cat away."

Auntie Em was barely listening, as she grabbed the chick off Dorothy's hands.

"Seventy," Auntie Em counted, closing the cage. "Dorothy please!"

"It's like they barely know she's even there," Spike observed.

"Well I reckon they're busy, Spike," Applejack points out. "Granny is pretty much the same whenever we had chores to do on the farm."

"Oh, but he doesn't do it every day," Dorothy continued. "Just once or twice a week. He can't catch her old cat anyway. And now she's gonna get the sheriff..."

"Dorothy, Dorothy, we're busy!" Auntie Em said, placing some chicks in Henry's hat.

Seeing that it was useless to talk to them when they're working, Dorothy was about to walk away.

"Oh, all right," Dorothy said, understanding. "I just also wanted to tell you I met some new friends on the way."

Dorothy didn't get very far when the old couple stopped and faced their niece with surprised looks.

"You made new friends?" Auntie Em asked.

Understandably, Em and Henry knew Dorothy didn't really have many friends. Aside from their farmhands Hunk, Hickory, and Zeke, whom we'll get to later, they couldn't name any other friends Dorothy has besides Toto. Nonetheless, when Dorothy turned around, she noticed a smile on their faces.

"Well, that's wonderful, hun," Henry said, patting her back.

"I invited them over to stay, if you don't mind," Dorothy said, nervously.

"Well, of course not," Auntie Em smiled. "Are they around?"

"They're waiting out back. But I should warn you, though, they're a little different."

"How different can they be?" Henry chuckled.

With that said, Dorothy turned to the back of the house and gestured the group forward. The ponies and the dragon stepped out and slowly approached her family. From a distance, they thought they saw regular ponies though had no idea what that strange creature beside them was. But once they came close, the elders were shocked at the strange sight. Not surprising since their farm practically has horses.

"You made friends with the horses?" Auntie Em asked.

"Not horses," Pinkie said, excitedly. "Ponies... Big difference."

"PINKIE!" Twilight shouts.

Before Twilight could react, Auntie Em shrieks as Uncle Henry grabbed a nearby pitchfork pointing toward the ponies. Dorothy ran up and tried to take the pitchfork away from her uncle, who just pulled her behind him.

"Uncle Henry, don't!" Dorothy plead.

"Stay behind me hun," Henry instructs. "Em, grab my gun!"

"No Uncle Henry, they're my friends!" Dorothy begged.

"It's true, Mr. Henry, I promise we aren't a threat," Twilight said urgently, raising her hoofs in the air. "We won't hurt any of you; Dorothy is our friend."

As Twilight tried to reason with the elderly couple, Fluttershy hid behind Twilight in fear while the others stayed as far away from the sharp spikes. Although still shocked that a pony was talking, Henry and Em could hear the sincerity in her voice and could see the genuine fear in their eyes. Although somewhat scared, they could see these ponies are capable of emotion and kindness. At ease, Henry slowly lowers his pitchfork as Dorothy emerged from behind him.

"Please don't send them away," Dorothy begged. "They're stuck here, they had nowhere else to stay. Please let them stay, they won't be no trouble. I promise."

To help Dorothy convince her aunt and uncle, the ponies and dragon put on their biggest puppy dog faces they could make. The couple couldn't help but smile at their huge sparkling eyes and quivering lips. A display of such a caring, attentive nature as Auntie Em stroke Twilight's silky mane and Henry pat Spike's little head.

"So what you suppose to be little fella?" Uncle Henry asked. "A giant lizard?"

"Dragon, actually," Spike spoke. "Not like my bigger relatives, of course."

"Well I'll be..."

"Well, I suppose they can stay," Aunt Em said. "As long as they pitch in around here with the chores."

"I would like to take a look at that old incubator," Applejack offered. "I'm pretty handy with tools."

"I'd love to feed the chicks and keep them warm in the meantime," Fluttershy politely offered. "If that's okay, that is."

"Well, you are the strangest group that ever offered to help," Henry said. "But we could use the help."

Dorothy beamed, as the ponies and dragon smiled. Giving high fives with their hooves/claws, as Rainbow Dash flew loops in the air much to the couple's surprise.

"There should be some tools in the house," Henry points out. "You can grab those and see what you can do."

"I do believe we should all get settled in," Rarity advised. "I'm not much for farm work, but if we must get the chores done... I'd want to look 'fabulous'."

The elderly couple ushered toward their house, as the Mane Six and Spike entered through the screen door. The whole gang couldn't stop smiling, as they felt welcomed and figured this wouldn't be so bad. Twilight was about to enter last, when she turned back toward Dorothy who was walking towards another part of the farm. Despite being assured a place to stay, she couldn't help but worry about Dorothy and some things she spoke about. Which drew a bigger question:

Who was Ms. Gulch?

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