Going Home

"Let the joyous news be spread! The Wicked Old Witch at last is dead!"

Though their journey back to Emerald City was long, shortly after defeating the Wicked Witch, the group of heroes felt a sense of confidence and joy that had gone astray for some time. After everything they've been through, they were going to see to it they'd finally get their wishes. The thought of achieving their goals swam through their minds, as they matched through the Emerald City. The citizens of Emerald City clapped and cheered, letting everyone know 'The Wicked Witch is Dead at last!" spreading the news for all of Oz to hear.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Citizens (Sings):
Ding Dong! The Witch is dead
Which old Witch?
The Wicked Witch!
Ding Dong! The Wicked Witch is dead!

A large procession leads the group through the crowded streets, flower girls surround our group of friends, as The Scarecrow carries the Witch's broomstick. There they strolled, smiling before the singing crowd and waving to them as the reprise continues.

Citizens (Sings):
Wake up, you sleepy head
Rub your eyes
Get out of bed
Wake up, the Wicked Witch is dead!
She's gone where the Goblins go
Below – Below – Below!
Yo ho, let's open up and sing
And ring the bells out
Ding Dong! The merry-oh
Sing it high
Sing it low
Let them know
The Wicked Witch is dead!

"Behold!" Some declared. "The heroes of Oz!"

"They have saved us all!" Others shouted.

All the while, as the citizens celebrated their triumph, the entire group found themselves enjoying their newly earned fame.

"This is amazing!" Dorothy admired.

"You can say that again," Lion added, smiling. "I've never been praised like this in my life!"

"This happens on a daily basis back in Equestria," Twilight noted. "But since we've been here, it seems to take on a new meaning."

Rainbow and Fluttershy flew high above the others, both with smiles on their faces. Rainbow's, in particular, being the biggest of them all. Dash was really soaking in the fame, ushering them to cheer louder and even doing a victory dance.

"Breathe it in, Flutters," Rainbow bragged, showing off. "I don't think this song will ever get old."

"As long as the people are happy, I'm happy," Fluttershy said, waving to the crowd.

Citizens (Sings):
Ding Dong! The Witch is dead
Which old Witch?
The Wicked Witch!
Ding Dong! The Wicked Witch is dead!
Wake up, you sleepy head
Rub your eyes
Get out of bed
Wake up, the Wicked Witch is dead!

She's gone where the Goblins go
Below – Below – Below!
Yo ho, let's open up and sing
And ring the bells out
Ding Dong! The merry-oh
Sing it high –

Eventually, they made it to the center of Emerald City as the doors to the long corridor open wide, it's guard inviting them inside while waving. Through the long corridor to the Wizard's sanctuary, marching ahead of the cheering crowd before the doors shut, they eventually appeared before the Emerald Throne where the Great and Powerful Oz himself made his presence felt.

"Can I believe my eyes?" He asked, loudly. "Why have you come back?"

The whole group ushers Dorothy forward, as she presents the broomstick to the almighty wizard.

"Please sir, we've done as you've told us," Dorothy explained, placing the broom down. "We brought you the broomstick of the Wicked Witch of the West; we melted her."

"Oh, you liquidated her, eh?" The Wizard asked, impressed. "Very resourceful!"

Hearing such praise from the Wizard, all for a job well done, was enough to make the nervous group break out in smiles.

"Yes sir," Dorothy nods. "So, we'd like you to keep your promise to us, if you please sir."

"Not so fast," The Wizard yelled. "NOT SO FAST!"

The moment the Wizard suddenly yells, the group went from pleased to intimidated in an instance.

"I'll have to give the matter a little thought. Go away and come back tomorrow!"

All at once, every pony's mouth dropped in shock at the Wizard's words. They could not believe he'd demand that they should come back tomorrow. After everything that happened, after agreeing to help them, the Wizard decides to delay their requests for another day. Here the group stood, having risked their lives for a broomstick, and he was in no hurry to help them.

"Tomorrow?!" Dorothy yelled. "Oh, but I want to go home now!"

The others, also frustrated and angry, stepped forward and stood beside Dorothy.

"You've had plenty of time, already!" Tin Man said, angrily.

"Yeah!" Lion agreed.

"We done risk our lives for ya'll getting' the broomstick from that awful witch!" Applejack said, loudly.

"One way or another, whether you like it or not, you're going to help us right now!" Rainbow growled.

"Yeah!" Twilight, Spike, and the others agreed.

"Do not arouse the wrath of the Great and Powerful Oz!" The Wizard shouted. "I said come back tomorrow!"

Though their legs still quivered and shook, they would not leave their ground. They were so angry and frustrated, not one noticed Little Toto run off to the corner of the room and sneak behind a curtain.

"If you were truly great and powerful, you would keep your promises instead of breaking them!" Twilight yelled.

"Do you presume to criticize the Great Oz?!"

As the Wizard spoke, Toto pulls back the curtain to reveal a mortal man in a fancy suit, fiddling with some sort of mechanism. By the looks of the controls and his voice booming along the microphone, it was as if this machine controlled the 'Wizard'. Spike instantly noticed, his eyes going wide, and nudges Twilight's leg. Twilight turns her attention to Spike, who gestures toward the blonde man pulling the cables and twisting the levers. Shocked, they both drew their friends' attention showing them this stunning revelation as the man kept ranting.

"You ungrateful creatures! Think yourselves lucky that I am giving you audience tomorrow, instead of twenty years from now!"

Eventually, the man at the machine turned around and realizing he was being watched. Gasping, he turns back to his machine.

"Oh – Oh, oh! The Great Oz has spoken!"

Quickly, the man rolls back the curtain and pulls it shut. Curious, Dorothy and Twilight slowly approach the curtain as their friends stayed behind.

"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain! Go, before I lose my temper! The Great Oz has spoken!"

Twilight grabs the curtain with her teeth, drawing it back once more revealing the man working the machine. He looks at them with wide eyes, realizing he's been caught.

"Who are you?" Dorothy asked.

"Well I – I – I am the Great and Powerful – Wizard of Oz," He responds.

"YOU?!" Twilight asked, in disbelief. "You're the Great and Powerful Wizard?"

"Uh – Yes..." He answers, nervously.

"I don't believe you!" Dorothy frowned.

"No, I'm afraid it's true," The man admits. "There's no other Wizard except me."

The group approaching Dorothy and Twilight were just as shocked with dismay, when the truth became clear. They glared, frowning upon the man who turns out was no Wizard... But another 'Con Man'.

"You humbug!" Scarecrow fumed.

"Yeah!" Lion growled.

"Yes-s-s... That's... That's exactly so," The man admits, ashamed. "I'm a humbug!"

"So you're saying you have absolutely no magical ability?" Rarity asked.

"Afraid not, dear."

"You've been lyin' to us all along!" Applejack glared.

"Oh... You're a very bad man!" Dorothy added.

"Oh no, my dear – I'm – I'm a very good man," He insists. "I'm just a very bad wizard."

After hearing the man admit the truth, some deep breathing caused everyone to turn behind them. Fluttershy, who had silently taken in the entirety of this conversation, took deep breathes and her one eye started to twitch. It became so much for her, that something in her mind completely snapped. No longer was she the meek and shy yellow Pegasus through the whole adventure, now she angry. So mad, she flew right up to his face after finally hearing enough.

"How dare you?!" Fluttershy shouts, pointing at his face. "You should be ashamed of yourself; conning a poor little girl who only wants to go home!"

"Uh – Now please, don't be angry, dear," The Wizard shuddered, frightened. "I'll – I'll do anything you say, only... Only please don't shout at me; it makes me nervous!"

"It makes you nervous?" Fluttershy growled. "You mean I make you nervous?!"

"Um... Yes?"

"WHAT ABOUT US?! You send us to that Witch's lair, expecting us to claim a broomstick you refuse to collect yourself! We've almost died numerous times, practically scared to death, and you're saying you can't help us!? You're a fake, a fraud and those people don't deserve to think highly of you!"

Before Fluttershy can go on, Twilight and the others pull their friend away from the Wizard. They pile onto her as she struggled to get back up.

"Let me up!" Fluttershy shouts. "Let me up! I'm not finished!"

"Fluttershy, please relax!" Rarity said.

"No, Rarity! I've had enough of this nonsense! He's going to help us and he's doing it NOW!"

"Flutters, please calm down!" Rainbow urged. "I know you're upset, and you have every right to be. But this isn't you!"

"Yeah!" Pinkie agreed. "Remember the Iron Will seminar? You nearly turned into a big meanie pants trying to be assertive! Please come back, Fluttershy!"

After taking the time to hear her friends, Fluttershy eventually calmed down and realized what she was doing. Out of all the ponies, Pinkie Pie was absolutely right. True she was just as frustrated as her friends, but her anger nearly turned her into a monster like that one time in Ponyville. Realizing she almost broke a promise, tears stream down her face as Fluttershy weeps into her hooves.

"I'm sorry," She cried. "I'm so, so sorry, girls. I don't know what came over me."

The other ponies just shush Fluttershy, hugging their Yellow Pegasus friend so she can let it all out.

"There, there, sugar cube," Applejack assured. "This has been shocking for us all."

"Yeah... Talk about a 'Scooby Doo' moment," Pinkie nodded.

"Hmm?" Fluttershy muttered, opening one eye.

"Never mind... I'll tell you later."

"What about the heart that you promised Tin Man?" Scarecrow asked, loudly. "And the courage you promised Cowardly Lion?"

"And Scarecrow's brain?" Lion and Tin Man asked, in unison.

"Well, I..." The man began. "But you've got them. You've had them all the time!

"Oh, no we haven't!" The trio said, in unison.

"You're not getting around us that easily!" Rarity warned.

"You promised our friends real things," Spike added. "A real brain, a real heart, and real courage! That's what they want!"

"They do?" The Wizard asked. "Everyone, you're friends have been aiming low. You not only surprise me, but you grieve me.

"How do you mean?" Scarecrow asked.

Regaining his composure, the Wizard smiles and places a hand on Scarecrow's shoulder.

"Why anybody can have a brain. That's a very mediocre commodity. Every pusillanimous creature that crawls on the Earth – Or slinks through slimy seas has a brain. From the rock-bound coast of Maine to the Sun... Oh – Oh, no – Ah – Well, be that as it may. Back where I come from, we have universities, seats of great learning – Where men go to become great thinkers. And when they come out, they think deep thoughts – And with no more brains than you have... But! They have one thing you haven't got! A diploma!"

As the Wizard rambles, he pulls out and reaches inside a black bag. He proceeds to pull out a small scroll, tied with a red ribbon, and hands it to Scarecrow.

"Therefore, by virtue of the authority vested in me, by the Universitatus Committeatum e plurbis unum, I hereby confer upon you the honorary degree of Th.D."

"Th.D.?" Scarecrow asked, confused.

"Yeah – That... That's 'Doctor of Thinkology'," The Wizard explains.

Scarecrow grabs the hem of his hat and recites the Pythagoras Theorem.

"The sum of the square roots of any two sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side."

Every pony and the others turn toward Scarecrow, wide-eyed and their mouths falling to the floor.

"Scarecrow..." Twilight gasped.

"Yes, Twilight?"

"I consider myself to be a very smart pony. I've studied every textbook in Equestrian history and aced every test I've ever took. What you just said... Was something 'I' didn't even know! That has to be the smartest thing I've ever heard!"

Scarecrow eyes also grew wide, as his mouth hung open in shock.

"It was, wasn't it? So... You're saying..."

Twilight nods, as she and every pony else smile brightly.

"I think you have a brain!" Twilight declared.

Scarecrow smiled as well, gasping as he looks upon his friends.

"Oh joy, rapture! I've got a brain!" He cheered, turning to the Wizard. "How can I ever thank you enough?"

"Well, you can't," The Wizard chuckled.

As The Wizard turns his attention to Lion, Pinkie slowly leans in toward Twilight.

"Uh... Twilight," Pinkie whispered. "You do know the theory applies to the "right" triangle and it refers to "squares" and not "square roots", right? You've been obsessed with that during Trivia Trot last week."

"Of course, Pinkie," Twilight whispered, smiling. "I just wanted him to have his moment."

"Oh... I get it..."

"Acting!" Twilight and Pinkie said, hoof-bumping.

"As for you, my fine friend," The Wizard spoke to Lion. "You're a victim of disorganized thinking. You are under the unfortunate delusion that simply because you run away from danger, you have no courage. You are confusing courage with wisdom. Back where I come from, we have men who are called heroes. Once a year, they take their fortitude out of mothballs and parade them down the Main Street of the city. And they have no more courage than you have... But! They have one thing you haven't got! A medal!"

The Wizard then pulls out a medal, in the shape of a cross with the word 'Courage' on it.

"Therefore – For meritorious conduct, extraordinary valor, conspicuous bravery against Wicked Witches, I award you the triple cross!"

He pins the medal upon Lion's coat, as every pony smiled brightly.

"You are now a member of the Legion of Courage," The Wizard announced, proudly.

The man kisses Lion on both cheeks, smiling proudly. Lion smiles as well, his cheeks turning red.

"Shucks folks, I'm speechless!" He blushes.

"Congrats Lion," Applejack smiled. "We always knew yah were courageous!"

"Really?" Lion asked.

"After kickin' the applesauce outta them guards and stormin' the castle, ya earned it!" Applejack praised.

"Gee... Thanks, A.J.," Lion blushed, again.

The Wizard turns his attention to Tin Man next.

"As for you, my galvanized friend, you want a heart! You don't know how lucky you are not to have one. Hearts will never be practical until they can be unbreakable. I could have been a world figure, a power among men, a – A successful wizard, have I not been obstructed by a heart."

Though the Wizard meant well, this was not the news Tin Man wanted to hear. His face turned sad with disappointment.

"But I still want one..."

The Wizard smiles at the metal man, as if he understood.

"Back where I come from, there are men who do nothing all day but good deeds. They are called phil... Er – Er – Phil – Er..."

"Philanthropists?" Twilight asked.

"Yes... Good deed doers," The Wizard nods, facing Tin Man. "And their hearts are no bigger than yours... But! They have one thing you haven't got! A testimonial!"

The Wizard pulls out a small red heart shaped clock on a chain, bestowing it to Tin Man.

"Therefore, in consideration of your kindness, I take pleasure at this time presenting you with a small token of our esteem and appreciation. And remember, my sentimental friend, that a heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others."

As the Wizard speaks, every pony approaches Tin Man with smiles on their faces.

"He's right, Tin Man," Fluttershy smiled. "We all love you and that's what makes a heart."

They all hugged Tin Man tightly, giving his cheeks a kiss for good measure. Tin Man sighs happily, as he holds the clock up to his ear and hears it tick.

"Ahh – Oh, it ticks!" He said, happily.

"It sure does!" Spike exclaimed.

"Read – Read what my medal say," Lion points, proudly. "'Courage'! Ain't it the truth? Ain't it the truth?"

"Oh – Oh – They're all wonderful," Dorothy praised.

"Oh, excuse me Mister Wizard, sir," Pinkie spoke. "But what about Dorothy and us?"

"Oh yes, what about them?" Tin Man asked.

"Dorothy and the girls next!" Lion said.

"Yes, Dorothy and your friends," The Wizard pondered. "Ah – Oh –"

"Oh, I don't think there's anything in that black bag for us," Dorothy said, sadly.

"Unless you can somehow pull Kansas out of there," Rainbow frowned.

"Well no, no..." The Wizard shook his head. "On the contrary. Well, you force me into a cataclysmic decision. The only way to get Dorothy and her friends back to Kansas is for me to take them there myself!"

Dorothy gasped, as she, the ponies, and Spike look toward each other with wide smiles and big eyes.

"Seriously?!" Twilight gasped.

"Oh, will you?!" Dorothy asked, joyfully. "Could you?"

"That's fantastic news!" Applejack said, happily.

"But my dear sir, are you truly a clever enough wizard to manage such an amazing feat?" Rarity asked, curiously.

"Oh yes, I really must agree with Rarity," Dorothy nodded. "This is quite a task. Are you sure you can accomplish it?"

"Child – You cut me to the quick," The Wizard responds. "I'm an old Kansas man myself... Born and bred in the heart of the western wilderness – Premier balloonist par excellence to the Miracle Wonderland Carnival Company."

"How did you manage to wind up here?" Pinkie asked.

"Well, that is quite the story my dear. One day, while performing feats of spectacular stratospheric skill, never before attempted by civilized man, an 'unfortunate phenomena' occurred. The balloon failed to return to the fair."

"It did?" Lion asked.

"Yes," The Wizard replied. "There I was, floating through space – A man without a continent."

"Oh, you poor man!" Fluttershy gasped.

"Weren't you frightened?" Dorothy asked.

"Frightened? You are talking to a man who has laughed in the face of death – Sneered at doom and chuckled at catastrophe... I was petrified. Then suddenly, the wind changed, and the balloon floated down into the heart of this noble city, where I was instantly acclaimed Oz, the First Wizard de Luxe!"

Every pony laughed at such a story but marveled it just the same.

"Times being what they were, I accepted the job – Retaining my balloon against the advent of a quick get-away. And in that balloon, my dear Dorothy, you and I and of course your dear friends too will return to the land of E Pluribus Unum!"

Once again, the group laughed as they prepared to leave. But before they make their way through the doors, the Wizard stops quickly and turns to the colorful ponies and their little dragon friend.

"Oh, I nearly forgot," He replied, facing Twilight. "Ms. Twilight Sparkle, you mentioned on our last visit you are a princess in this land you come from, yes?"

"Yes I am, sir," Twilight nodded. "In fact, there are other princesses as well. There's our faithful co-rulers, Princess Celestia and her sister, Princess Luna. My sister-in-law Princess Cadence and my brother Shining Armor, who rule over the Crystal Empire. Then, of course, there's my niece Princess Flurry Heart."

The Wizard chuckles, as he kneels down and places a hand on Twilight's back.

"My dear, it is not so often the good people of Oz can have a chance to be aligned with a foreign world, with powers unimaginable to their own eyes. When you return, might it be possible to discuss with your fellow princesses the possibility of an alliance with Oz?"

Twilight thought for a moment. Then with a huge smile, she shakes the Wizard's hand with her hoof.

"I think that can be arranged," Twilight agreed.

"Splendid," The Wizard chuckled. "Then it is my most honorable decree, as Wizard, to proclaim you and your good friends here as the Royal Equestrian Ambassadors to Oz!"

Twilight and the others look at each other happily and cheer.

"Oh, thank you, sir!" Twilight cheered.

"We'll do ya'll proud, I assure!" Applejack said, proudly.


Some time afterward, eventually the Wizard gathered all the citizens of Emerald City in the square as he, Dorothy, and the ponies piled into the Wizard's balloon. The Wizard addressed the crowd, all cheering for him. The balloon was managed by Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Lion, waiting for the cue to release it into the air.

"Good people of Oz," The Wizard announced. "This is positively the finest exhibition ever to be shown – Yes – Well – Be that as it may – I, your wizard par adua ad alta, am about to embark upon a hazardous and technically unexplainable journey into the outer stratosphere."

As a fanfare plays, the crowd erupts in cheers and hollered again.

"To confer, converse, and otherwise hob-nob with my brother wizards. And I hereby decree that until what time – If any – That I return, the Scarecrow, by virtue of his superior brains, shall rule in my stead... Assisted by the Tin Man, by virtue of his magnificent heart... And the Lion – By virtue of his courage! Obey them as you would me! And – Ah – Well, that's all."

"Finally!" Rainbow groaned. "I never thought he'd stop talking!"

"Rainbow Dash!" Rarity scolds. "Don't be rude!"

In the midst of this, Toto, held in Dorothy's arms, caught site of a Siamese cat held by an Oz Woman. Barking, Toto leapt out of the basket to pursue said cat.

"Oh, come back here!" Dorothy called. "Toto!"

Dorothy quickly leapt over the side of the basket, drawing her friends' attention.

"Dorothy, what are you doing?" Twilight asked.

"Toto ran off!" She answered, loudly.

"Oh, that silly little dog!" Applejack huffed.

The ponies and Spike jump out as well, scampering down the steps to recover Toto.

"Toto, come back here!" Spike yelled.

"Oh, don't go without us!" Dorothy told the Wizard. "We'll be right back!"

"Stop that dog!" Rainbow shouts, overhead.

"This is a highly irregular procedure!" The Wizard proclaimed. "This is absolutely unprecedented!"

The balloon basket slowly rose to float off into the air, as the Oz citizens watch. Scarecrow and Tin Man try to keep the balloon on the ground but it's all in vain.

"Oh! Help me!" Tin Man hollered. "The balloon's going up!"

"Oh! Come back!" Dorothy cried out. "Don't go without us! Please come back!"

"I can't come back!" The Wizard called out. "I don't know how it works! Goodbye, folks!"

The citizens of Emerald City cheer once more, bidding farewell to their beloved Wizard as he floated higher into the clouds. Dorothy and the others look on sadly from below, watching Dorothy's only ride home disappear into the heavens.

"Oh, now I'll never get home!" Dorothy cried.

"Our one hope of getting back," Twilight added, sadly. "Now it's gone."

Every pony, including Spike, looked down at the ground sadly. Absorbing the fact that they've run out of chances of ever returning to their homes.

"Stay with us, then, girls," Lion offered, sadly. "We all love you. We don't want you to go."

"Oh Lion, that's very sweet," Rarity said. "But we have our own families and friends to get back to and they need us."

"That's very kind of you," Dorothy sobbed. "But this could never be like Kansas. Auntie Em must have stopped wondering what happened to me by now. Oh, Scarecrow, what am I going to do?"

"Look!" Scarecrow pointed, looking ahead. "Here's someone who can help you?"

Confused, the whole group turns toward the sky and sure enough a very familiar pink bubble gently floats down from the sky. A group of Oz men bow and step back, as the bubble lands upon the square fading away to reveal the Good Witch of the North, Glinda. The crowd gasps quietly, as she slowly steps forward to the group.

"Oh, will you help us?" Dorothy begged. "Can you help us?"

"Yes, please Glinda," Fluttershy added. "We have no other way to leave."

"You don't need to be helped any longer," Glinda smiled. "You've always had the power to go back to Kansas."

Hearing her words, the whole group faced each other, confused over what she said.

"I have?" Dorothy asked, confused.

"She has?" Twilight asked. "How come you didn't tell us that before?"

"Because she wouldn't have believed me," Glinda explained. "She had to learn it for herself."

"What have you learned, Dorothy?" Applejack asked.

"Well, I..." Dorothy thought. "I think that – That it wasn't enough just to want to see Uncle Henry and Auntie Em – And it's that – If I ever go looking for my heart's desire again, I won't look any further than my own backyard. Because if it isn't there, I never really lost it to begin with! Is that right?"

"That's all it is," Glinda nodded, smiling.

"So, after all this time, you're saying all she had to do was realize her true happiness was always in Kansas?" Rainbow asked, bewildered.

"That's right, my dear," Glinda answered.

"But that's so easy!" Scarecrow said. "I should have thought of it for you."

"I should have felt it in my heart," Tin Man added.

"No," Glinda replied. "She had to find it out for herself. Now those magic slippers will take you home in two seconds!"

"Oh Toto, too?" Dorothy asked.

"Toto, too."

"Oh, now?"

"Whenever you wish."

Dorothy had the biggest smile on her face, so huge nothing could wipe it off in this moment.

"Oh dear – That's too wonderful to be true!" Dorothy proclaimed happily.

As Dorothy embraced the wonderful news, Twilight and the others trot toward Glinda.

"What about us, Glinda?" Twilight asked. "Will we be going back with Dorothy?"

Glinda looks down toward the ponies, her smile quickly fades. This made the ponies very nervous.

"What is it?" Rarity asked.

"Well, my dear," Glinda began. "I'm afraid neither you nor your friends will be returning to Kansas with Dorothy."

The ponies and Spike gasp, a wave of sadness washed over them.

"B-But why not?" Fluttershy asked, tearfully. "Did we do something wrong?"

"Oh no, of course not," Glinda assures, smiling. "Your journey here in Oz has come to an end."

They all cock their heads to the side, confused.

"What does that mean?" Applejack asked.

"Ever since your journey began, I have discovered that the magic which brought you to this world to begin with is the same magic to reopen the portal to Equestria. I trust you know by now what that means."

Twilight Sparkle thought about it for a moment, then a realization came in.

"The Elements of Harmony," Twilight spoke. "I remember Sunset Shimmer, a friend of mine, mentioned that Equestrian magic had leaked into her world and created some phenomenon upon ordinary household objects and such. When this television came into Equestria, even though I still don't understand how or why, the magic of our world was building a means to come here. Our Elements were practically the ignition once it was turned on. Is that correct?"

"Yes, indeed," Glinda smiled.

"Okay, I barely know half of what you said," Rainbow said, then yelled. "But that's so awesome!"

Every pony cheered, before turning back to the rest of the group. It was then they noted the sad looks on their faces, even if they were happy for them. Seeing this nearly took the joy out of the ponies, once they realized what this means.

"Oh, it's – It's going to be so hard to say goodbye," Dorothy sobbed. "I love you all, too."

"Yeah, we've been on one heck of a journey together," Applejack said. "Now that it's over, I don't want it to end."

"We've truly come to see you all as great friends," Rarity added.

Pinkie Pie suddenly burst out crying, just as she did when she first babysat the Cake Twins all by herself. Fluttershy quietly hands Pinkie Pie a tissue, which she takes swiftly.

"Oh, it's so sad and heartbreaking," She cried, blowing her nose.

As Fluttershy silently comforts her friend, Dorothy approaches Tin Man, tears streaming down his face.

"Goodbye, Tin Man," Dorothy cried. "Oh, don't cry. You'll rust so dreadfully. Here – Here's you oil can. Goodbye."

Dorothy hands Tin Man his oil can, kissing his cheek.

"Now I know I've got a heart," Tin Man said, sadly. "'Cause it's breaking."

Dorothy soon approaches Lion, as the ponies look on.

"Oh – Goodbye, Lion. You know, I know it isn't right, but I'm going to miss the way you used to holler for help before you found your courage."

"Well – I would never've found it if it weren't for you," Lion replied.

Dorothy then turns to Scarecrow; they look on silently and embrace with a warm hug.

"Goodbye, Scarecrow. I know you think you didn't have much of a brain – But ever since we met, I've always thought you were the wisest person I've ever met."

"Well, there is one thing I know for sure," Scarecrow smiled, sadly. "This isn't the last time we'll meet."

Finally, Dorothy turns her attention to her six pony friends and the little dragon. Tears formed in their eyes, but they allowed them to fall freely. Dorothy gives them a huge group hug.

"I think I'll miss all of you, most of all," She sobbed.

"We'll miss you too, Dorothy," Fluttershy cried.

"Don't forget about us," Twilight said.

"We certainly won't forget you, darling," Rarity sobbed.

Dorothy stands up, wiping her eyes. She holds Toto in her arms, facing the group one last time.

"Say goodbye, Toto," She said, shaking his little paw.

The whole group waves goodbye, standing back as Dorothy faces Glinda.

"Yes, I'm ready now," Dorothy answered.

"Then close your eyes, and tap your heels together three times," Glinda instructs.

Dorothy shuts her eyes, clicking her heels together as Glinda said. Glinda waves her wand in a circular motion, as the group looks on.

"And think to yourself – 'There's no place like home; there's no place like home...'"

"There's no place like home; there's no place like home; there's no place like home..."

As Dorothy repeats the saying, over and over, a bright light engulfs her body. It glows so bright, the ponies and Spike had to look away, Pinkie even wearing sunglasses to shield her eyes. Eventually, the light extinguished, and Dorothy Gale of Kansas vanished. Once more, everyone felt tears flow freely down their face as Glinda smiles toward Twilight Sparkle and her friends.

"Now, are you all ready, dears?" She asked.

None of the ponies said anything, they were too distraught to speak, so they nodded. They all approach Scarecrow, Lion, and Tin Man, giving each of them a hug. The ponies gather to form a Hexagon shape, Twilight putting on her tiara while her friends put on their necklaces. With a wave of Glinda's wand and as every pony concentrated, their combined magic opened a green vortex, the very same portal that drew them to the new world in the beginning. Spike hopes onto Twilight's back, holding on as Twilight lead her friends toward the portal. They all look back, one last time, silently bidding farewell before stepping into the portal.


It was dark for a moment or two, until Twilight and her friends woke up finding themselves lying on the floor. Twilight, the first to sit up, rubbed her eyes and absorbed the familiar surroundings of her castle library. Her eyes went wide as saucers, as she shook her friends awake.

"Guys! Wake up, wake up!"

"I don't wanna go to school," Spike groaned, groggily. "Five more minutes..."

Twilight smiled, with a mischievous look.

"Okay... Guess I'll get the water bucket..."

Spike's eyes immediately shot open, sitting up very fast.

"I'm up! I'm up!" He said, realizing. "Hey!"

Before Spike can retort, he looks around and recognizes his surroundings. As he smiled, the rest of their friends sat up, stretching their limbs and groaning.

"Is it mah turn to milk the cows?" Applejack asked, tiredly.

"I gotta get to Wonderbolt practice," Rainbow yawned.

"I simply must get that order filled, stat," Rarity stretched.

Once their senses came back, they too noticed their familiar surroundings. They all look around, amazed.

"I can't believe it," Rainbow said, amazed. "We're actually back!"

"It feels so good to be back," Rarity said.

"Yeah!" Fluttershy cheered, quietly.

"Wait a minute, ya'll," Applejack realized. "How do we know we didn't just dream it all?"

Twilight Sparkle looked at her friends, wondering the same thing. She then noticed something else and looked at her side. There, strapped around her, was her saddlebag completely intact. As she took it off and opened her bag, she saw that everything she brought along was still there. Sitting between some ingredients she collected for Zecora, there was the Tome with the Elements as if it hadn't been touched.

"Hmm... It's a rather puzzling thing," Twilight said. "But it feels as if we never left here."

"Well, whatever the case, that was the realest dream I've ever had," Rainbow said.

"How could we all have the same dream?" Pinkie asked.

Every pony just looked at each other, trying to figure it out. If Pinkie Pie herself couldn't determine if this was real, how could any of them. That maybe, all this time, it was all just a dream that barely felt like it had taken only more than an hour. They really couldn't answer this question, not without proof of what really happened. They were just about to forget the whole thing, until...

"Hey guys! You might want to come see this!"

The ponies turn toward Spike, who smiled while looking at the T.V. They slowly approach their friend and noticed it wasn't all static anymore. A familiar sepia tone was shown, as they witnessed what played out.


On the screen, Dorothy Gale lied on her bed muttering 'There's no place like home' over and over. Someone placed a damp washcloth on her head, she muttered.

"Wake up honey."

Dorothy slowly opens her eyes, as she kept muttering. Her eyes suddenly went wide, as she noticed she was once more back in her room in Kansas. More than that, there they were: Auntie Em and Uncle Henry, gather around her.

"Dorothy," Aunt Em said, sweetly. "Dorothy, dear. It's Aunt Em, darling."

"Oh, Auntie Em," Dorothy said, in disbelief. "It's you!"

"Yes, darling."

"Hello there! Anybody home?"

Just then, Professor Marvel approaches the bedroom window and peeks in.

"I – I just dropped by because I heard the little girl got caught in the big..." Professor Marvel said, seeing Dorothy. "Well she seems alright now."

"Yeah," Uncle Henry chuckled. "She got quite a bump on the head – We kinda thought there for a minute she was going to leave us."

"Oh, but I did leave you, Uncle Henry," Dorothy exclaimed, loudly. "That's just the trouble. And I tried to get back for days and days."

Henry and Professor Marvel merely look at each other, chuckling.

"There, there, lie quiet now," Aunt Em said, soothingly. "You just had a bad dream."

Soon enough, Hunk, Hickory and Zeke kneel down by Dorothy's bedside.

"Sure – Remember me – Your old pal, Hunk?"

"And me – Hickory?"

"You couldn't forget my face, could you?"

"No," Dorothy said. "But it wasn't a dream – It was a place. And you – And you – And you – And you were there."

Dorothy pointed toward Hunk, Hickory, Zeke, and Professor Marvel. The four men just look at each other trying to figure out what she was talking about.

"But you couldn't have been, could you?"

"Oh, we dream lots of silly things when we—" Aunt Em began.

"No, Aunt Em," Dorothy interrupts. "This was a real, truly live place. And I remember that some of it wasn't very nice but most of it was beautiful. But just the same, all I kept saying to everybody was, I just want to go home. And they sent me home."

Everyone else looked at each other, chuckling at Dorothy's seemingly wild story.

"Doesn't anybody believe me?" Dorothy cried.

"Of course we believe you, Dorothy," Uncle Henry chuckled. "Heck, after meeting them new friends ah yours, we ain't got much choice."


While watching, the ponies were surprised by Uncle Henry's words.

"Is he referring to us?" Spike asked.

"Shh..." Fluttershy hushed, whispering. "Let's wait and see."


"Oh yes," Auntie Em replied. "Where are they, dear? After the tornado passed, we couldn't find any of them."

"Oh..." Dorothy pondered. "I guess... They all went back home."

"Are they alright?"

"Oh yes... I'm quite sure they're just fine."

"Well, if you see them again, you tell them anytime they wish to come and visit, they're always welcome here."

"Oh yes... I certainly will."

Before their eyes, Dorothy seemed to look straight ahead where the screen was. Her eyes gaze upon our heroes, as if she herself was breaking the fourth wall... Something a certain 'party pony' is familiar with.

"Twilight Sparkle," Dorothy began. "If you're all out there somewhere, I just have something I want to say. I already miss you all so dearly. Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash... And yes, even you too, Spike. You asked me to 'not' forget you, and I promise not a day goes by when I won't remember meeting you. I hope one day, we all get to see each other again. But if we never get that chance and this truly is goodbye... I love you all, so much."

Everyone in the room smiled brightly. Then, as Toto jumped into Dorothy's lap, the whole scene seems to play out as if nothing happened.

"Oh, buy anyway, Toto, we're home! Home! And this is my room – And you're all here! And I'm not going to leave her ever, ever again, because I love you all! And – Oh, Auntie Em – There's no place like home!"

As the last scene played out, huge tears fell along Twilight's face, as well as her friends. They all hug each other, not wanting to let go.

"Now I know it was all real," Twilight sobbed. "And you know what? I think Dorothy's going to be just fine."

"Ah'm just glad she made it back home," Applejack nodded.

As they all nod in agreement, Pinkie Pie looks straight ahead, looking toward the viewers reading this story.

"Don't you just love a happy ending?" Pinkie smiled, with a wink.

The End

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