This is Me

The very next day, after hiring Philip Carlyle, everyone gathered at the circus after the events of the night before. Barnum and Erik had since returned to the mansion and told the others what happened. From meeting with Philip, hiring him into the show, and all ending with an encounter with an angry mob of protestors. Then, of course, the bad news only continued the moment they received the local newspaper the next day and got one look at Mr. Bennett's latest review. Now they all sat together, listening along with the rest of the troupe as Phineas read the paper's review.

"'Shame of the city'," Barnum read. "'The protests cement Mr. Barnum's reputation as a purveyor of the offensive and indecent'."

"Offensive and indecent?" Lettie repeated. "Mr. Bennett, I am blushing."

"No, I'm blushing," Helen giggled, off the side.

"First some pony has the never to try and ruin 'my' career with bad reviews, now the same thing is happening here?" Rara spoke up. "Doesn't anyone else find that coincidental?"

"It certainly seems eerily similar in a way," Twilight agreed.

"All it shows is that no matter what world you end up in, there's always those who want to tear down hard-working people," Rainbow spoke.

"It's deplorable and outrageous, that's what it is," Erik spoke up.

"What do you care what Bennett thinks?" Lettie asked. "He's a prig."

"And a snob," Charles finished.

"Yeah, and all the snobs in New York read him," Barnum reminded them. "He does their thinking for them."

"Whatever happened to thriving off controversy?" Charity asked.

"Yeah, well—hey."

It was then Philip Carlyle came walking in to greet everyone. The moment they saw his arrival, they all smiled.

"Ah our young Mr. Carlyle has graced us with his presence," Erik said jokingly. "Do you have any thoughts on this?"

"Philip!" Caroline and Helen yelled, hugging the young man.

"You know what?" He replied. "As a matter of fact, I do."

He procured a folded piece of paper from his pocket, handing it to Phineas who proceeded to unfold and read the fine print.

"'The Master of the Household has it in command of the Queen to invite Mr. Phineas T. Barnum and his theatrical troupe to a reception at Buckingham Palace'," He read.

Hearing what he was saying made everyone stand up in shock and begin conversing amongst each other. The Queen was inviting them all to Buckingham Palace? Surely it had to be some sick joke orchestrated by someone trying to get their hopes up. Why on Earth would the Queen invite them to a royal gathering? And at the palace?

"The Queen Victoria?" Charity asked in shock. "Is this real?"

"I don't know," Rainbow spoke suspiciously. "It sounds like a trick."

"I had to pull a few strings," Philip nodded. "If you want society to accept you, you may as well start... at the very, very top."

"Are we all invited?" Anne asked.

"I'd certainly hope so," Applejack added. "Ah mean we all done pitched in and helped this here idea take-off."

Everyone looked at Philip expectantly to which the young man sighed before looking directly at Anne. Taking a deep breath, his decision was made.

"I guess I'll just have to tell the Queen that either all of us go... or none of us will."

This caused everyone to burst out into joyous chatter at the prospect. They were about to go to England and meet her royal highness, Queen Victoria herself. This sort of thing doesn't happen every day, especially for circus folk.

"The Queen of England!" Charles said excitedly. "Can't get much better than that."

"This is going to be the biggest... party... EVER!!!" Pinkie yelled.

She pulled her confetti cannon out of her mane and proceeded to fire it all over the room as everyone laughed and danced around in joy. In the midst of all the joy and excitement, Erik paused for a brief moment as he looked through the crowd and his eyes landed on Rara celebrating with her friends. A small smile crept across his face as he came up with another glorious idea in mind. Walking slowly toward Philip, he pulled the young man aside to speak with him privately.

"I need to include something in your letter to the Queen," He whispered.

"We're already pushing it by asking if everyone can attend," Philip warned. "What else could we possibly ask?"

"Trust me, this will be well worth it," Erik assured.


A few days later...

The entire troupe made it all the way to England and now walked through the halls of the famous Buckingham Palace. For the longest time, England had been the largest governing power in the entire world before the United States gained its independence from British rule. But tonight was not a history lesson, tonight was all about making history. Tonight, the Barnum and Bailey Circus would be meeting with the Queen of England herself. Barnum, Philip, and Erik all dressed in their finest attire while the rest of their troupe dressed in their usual getup. Rarity, as always, created a fabulous ensemble for herself and her friends.

"Honestly Rarity, I can't stress enough how amazing you are with designing our dresses," Twilight spoke, admiring her own.

"Why thank you darling," Rarity smiled appreciatively. "I of course always put everything I have into my work."

"Well ya certainly don't disappoint," Applejack replied. "Never been one fer getting' gussied up mah self, but when ah do, ya always know how tah really make me look all fancy."

"Eh, I like it and all but the sooner I get out of this the better," Rainbow groaned, trying to scratch her back. "These things make me itch up a storm."

"Aw come on you big party pooper!" Pinkie piped in. "Looking good from time to time never hurt any pony. Besides, if you want to have the best party ever, we must look the part!"

"Why aren't we in tails?" Philip asked Barnum.

"We're the entertainment," Phineas replied.

"Don't exactly see you in a costume," Lettie jested.

Following behind the royal escort, he lead them into the throne room where a large number of people were already assembled around the Queen, who sat upon her throne at the end of a long red carpet. The escort bowed his head to his Queen before introducing the group.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Phineas T. Barnum and his... 'oddities' from America!"

The escort stood aside allowing the entire group to make their approach down the carpet. All around them, they could hear the chatter and murmuring from all around them.

"Is that—is that real?" A woman whispered.

"I cannot be certain," A man replied.

Eventually, the entire group reached the end of the red carpet and now stood directly before the young Queen Victoria. Philip made his way before the rest of the group and bowed toward the queen.

"Your Majesty," He greeted. "May I present Mr. Barnum."

"The honor is mine, Mr. Barnum," The Queen replied curtly. "And I've heard all about your little colonel from my friends in America."

This caused Charles to step out from behind Barnum, dressed in his usual general outfit.

"General, ma'am," He corrected.

"You're even smaller than I imagined."

"Well, you're not exactly reaching the top shelf yourself, sweetheart."

This caused everyone in the group to gasp in horror over the fact he just uttered such strong words to the Queen. Barnum and Erik looked horrified, as did the Equestrian group. They anxiously stood waiting to see what would happen next. They could only imagine the punishment for insulting the Queen not even a minute into meeting her. As if all of Twilight's worst fears about letting down Celestia were slowly coming to light.

But thankfully, Queen Victoria took no offense to it at all... actually, she started laughing. This caused a chain reaction from all around her, and soon everyone started laughing as well. Granted, the laughing coming from the Equestrians and the circus troupe were more awkward than everyone else, but what else could they do?

"Oh, I do so love the sense of humor in your troupe," The Queen laughed. "Well met Mr. Barnum, well met indeed."

Barnum bowed his head again before quickly leading the troupe off to the side before things could get any worse. Philip grabbed a drink for himself, Erik, and Barnum while everyone else stood off to the side.

"That went well," Barnum spoke awkwardly.

"It certainly could've gone worse," Erik replied. "At least we get to leave with our heads."

Philips' head seemed a thousand miles away as he focused more on Anne off to the side. Just then, a fanfare played throughout the hall as another royal escort stood at the entrance to the throne room.

"Your Majesty, Miss Jenny Lind."

The escort stepped out of the way allowing a beautiful red-haired woman to enter the throne room. She had her hair tied back in an extravagant bun and wore the most beautiful white dress ever seen. Her mere presence garnered much attention from everyone in the throne room, including Mr. Barnum.

"Who's that?" He asked Philip curiously.

"The opera singer?"

"Singer, huh?"

"She's the most famous performer in all of Europe," Philip explained. "She's sold out La Scala a dozen times. Not to mention the French Opera."

To say the least, Phineas was quite impressed with her background. So much accomplished through singing alone. It was then his brain began to spin uncontrollably with ideas. Leaning over toward Erik, he started whispering into his ear.

"We need to get her to perform for us," He spoke.

"And exactly how do you propose to do that?" Erik asked.

"Trust me, I can be persuasive."

"Very well..." Erik sighed, rolling his eyes. "But under 'one' condition."

"Of course, just name it."

"We'll invite Miss Lind to join our troupe, IF we introduce Rara to her as well."

This caused Barnum to face his partner in confusion.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because in case you've forgotten, Rara's a singer and my star talent," Erik responded. "I promised her I'd help her regain her confidence in her singing back. What better way than this?"

Barnum turned over his shoulder toward the group of chattering ponies and Spike, amongst them was Rara herself. He sighed to himself but realized Erik raised a strong point.

"Alright, you can bring her over," He relented.

Erik nodded and approached the group to collect Rara. In the meantime, Barnum gently pushed Philip forward much to the young man's confusion.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Following you, so you can introduce me to Miss Lind."

"Introduce you?"


"I don't know her."

"Everybody knows her," Barnum scoffed. "You just said so yourself."

"Yeah, exactly," Philip responded. "You don't just march up to someone like this."

"Why not? We're personable. She's a person."

Getting right up alongside Jenny Lind, Barnum cleared his throat to draw her attention and they both smiled when she turned to face them.

"Miss Lind," Philip greeted, bowing his head. "My name is Philip Carlyle, and this extraordinary gentleman next to me..."

"Phineas Taylor Barnum," Barnum interrupted. "The pleasure's mine."

He grabbed her hand with his and gave said hand a kiss like a proper gentleman. At that moment, Erik walked over with Rara at his side as well as the rest of the Mane Six and Spike. They all bowed their heads in respect, as Erik shook her hand.

"Miss Lind, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance," Erik greeted. "I am James Anthony Bailey, co-owner of the Barnum and Bailey Circus."

"A great pleasure Mr. Bailey," Jenny smiled.

"I have someone I'd love for you to meet if you would madame. She's the best singer under my employment currently going through much criticism. I figured meeting you might help boost her confidence."

The group looked down as Rara walked alongside Erik and bowed her head.

"It's very nice to meet you Miss Lind," She greeted kindly. "I am Countess Coloratura of Equestria, but my friends call me Rara."

"And let me tall ya ma'am, she's got some set ah pipes on her she does," Applejack added.

Jenny chuckled in amusement as she looked down toward the little mare and her friends.

"It is quite nice to meet you as well Miss Coloratura," Jenny bowed.

She soon turned back toward Mr. Barnum.

"Of course, you are the American," Jenny responded. "I believe I might have heard of you."

"Oh, well, if you've heard of me all the way over here, I must be doing something right."

"That, or something very wrong," Jenny retorted.

"Well, in the world of publicity, there's hardly a difference," Barnum returned.

"I believe those are the words of a scoundrel, Mr. Barnum."

"A showman, Miss Lind, just a showman. The best on my side of the Atlantic."

"Well, if you do say so yourself."

"I do, but I don't have to."

"Oh no, Miss Lind," Twilight interrupted. "He's one of the very best."

"Very kind of you," Barnum replied, brushing her off.

Twilight was a slight taken aback by that. A bit rude of Phineas to just brush her aside as though what she said didn't matter.

"Miss Lind... let me get to the point," Barnum proposed. "I'd like to bring you to New York. And if you agree, I'll make you the most famous singer not in Europe, but in the entire world."

Jenny squinted her eyes at him for a moment before getting a slight smirk on her face.

"And have you heard me sing?" She asked.

"Absolutely!" Philip nodded.

"No," Phineas shook his head. "No, I haven't. But like mine, your reputation precedes you, and, well, I trust your reputation more than my own taste, so..."

"I've never been to America," Jenny argued.

"You will sing in the grandest theater with the finest orchestra in the greatest city on Earth," Barnum assured her. "'Jenny Lind, one night only'."

To which received a chuckle out of both of them.

"Or maybe two. And at 20 percent at the gate, it'll be a queen's ransom for your efforts."

"I give most of my earnings to charity, Mr. Barnum," Jenny retorted. "To orphans and widows."

"Voice of a Nightingale, Heart of an Angel," Philip spoke, with admiration.

"Certainly an act to follow," Erik added.

"That's brilliant!" Barnum agreed. "I mean the press will go crazy for that story."

"That's not a story," Jenny denied. "May I ask you something, Mr. Barnum?"


"Why me?" She asked seriously.

"People come to my show for the pleasure of being hoodwinked," Barnum responded. "Just once, I'd love to give them something real."

Jenny once again squinted at him, thinking long and hard about his offer. It was certainly a very tempting one that she'd be foolish to turn down.

"I think we might be able to accommodate that Mr. Barnum," She nodded.

"Fantastic!" Barnum said with glee.

"... On one condition."

"What might that be?" Barnum raised a brow curiously.

"Only if she performs as well," She addressed Rara.

"ME?!" Rara exclaimed in shock.

"Indeed," Jenny nodded. "If you are truly as good as your manager says, I would love to see you perform."

"Miss Lind."

The sound of a man's voice drew Jenny to a group gesturing her to join them. With that in mind, Jenny Lind walked off to join the group leaving everyone standing there in shock. The one most shocked for certain was Rara. She'd just been asked to sing in front of a human audience... in New York... and to open for Jenny Lind.

Oh boy...


A few weeks later...

Everyone safely made it back to New York City after a rather eventful trip. After Jenny agreed to perform in New York, Phineas worked tirelessly to make it happen. He rented out the biggest opera house in the city and prepared all the arrangements to get Jenny to New York. Now the night had come to perform, with the Barnum family all standing outside the opera house as many patrons made their way inside.

"Everyone is here," Barnum said excitedly. "Look at this. Even the Winthrops."

"Are you happy?" Charity asked.

"I will be if this works," Phineas responded nervously. "Oh, God. I hope she can sing."

Meanwhile, inside the opera house, tensions were at an all-time high for Rara. Naturally she'd done this many times in her life and yet this was the most nervous she'd ever been before a show. So many thoughts circulated in her mind over this very moment. Was she going to be terrible? Did she even deserve to go up and perform? All this rushed through her head as Rarity put the finishing touches on her outfit for the performance.

"Now don't ya'' worry none Rara," Applejack assured. "Yer gonna do great tonight same as ya always do."

"Not to mention we'll be out there cheering for you all the way," Fluttershy added.

"Girls I... I just don't know," Rara sighed dejected.

"No need to worry darling," Rarity assured. "You've done this countless times before. Just imagine this as those other concerts."

"But the reviews..."

"Those reviews came from non-believes in 'Equestria', not here," Twilight spoke up. "In this world, you're a blank slate."

"Exactly!" Spike nodded. "You just go out there tonight and shine as you always do. I've no doubt in my mind they'll want more."

Rara released a deep breath as the kind words from her friends sunk in.

"I really appreciate you guys for saying so, and for being here for me," She smiled appreciatively. "I'd like a few moments by myself, please."

"No problem Ra," Rainbow assured. "Just remember: No matter what happens tonight, we're still here for you. Right guys?"

"Right!" Every pony nodded in unison.

Soon the whole group left the backstage area and made their way into the theatre. It was at that moment P.T. Barnum walked backstage to prepare for the show. He spotted Rara, the mare sitting alone holding a newspaper. Judging by the look upon her face, she seemed worried... more so than usual. Concerned, Barnum approached the mare and sat beside her as if trying to figure out what was up with her.

"Worried about the show?" He asked.

"I am..." Rara replied. "Actually... more than that."

"How so?"

In response, Rara showed Barnum the review on the newspaper. Numerous statements were on the page including, 'Her voice isn't good enough!' and 'Why would any pony want to see her on stage with a voice like that?'. Things no person nor pony ever want to hear.

"I know it's just words on paper, but every time I see them I fear my career is over. Like some pony is writing my death sentence."

Soon as Rara finished speaking, she felt an arm wrap around her body. She turned her head and before her eyes she saw Barnum looking toward the ceiling. As if he was looking past the roof and gazing toward the sky.

"Rara, I think you've been going about this the wrong way," Barnum spoke.

"What do you mean?" Rara asked.

"When I'm working on the show, I don't think of what the reviews are going to say. I think only of how that crowd will cheer when they see it and how it will be the best day of their lives. I know you'll give out the performance of a lifetime... now you must 'believe' you can."

Hearing Barnum's words made Rara feel slightly better. One man having so much faith in her, despite her uncertainty of what the future held or if her career would be ruined or not. But one thing she knew for certain was that if this were to be her final performance, she intended to go out with a bang.

"Thank you Mr. Barnum," She smiled.

"You're welcome," He spoke quickly. "Now I really need to find our other star tonight."

Quickly making his way to the side of the stage, he looked out toward the gathering ensemble of the elite and the orchestra preparing just as Philip and Erik came up from behind.

"What's taking her so long?" Phineas asked nervously.

"They're still taking their seats," Philip assured. 'Speaking of which..."


"Tom and Lettie, the others, they've just arrived."

"What?" Barnum asked shocked.

"I have reserved Box Five for the show," Erik spoke up. "Shall I have them put there?"

"That box? No, no, no, that's a bit visible."

"Visible?" Philip asked confused.

"The acoustics are actually better in the standing room," Phineas replied. "That's where they should be."

"Miss Lind's ready now," A stagehand informed.

"Okay. Thank you, thank God!"

He quickly walked off downstage leaving a very confused Erik and Philip behind.

"Why would he have a problem with his own troupe being seen?" Philip asked Erik.

"I'm not sure," Erik shrugged. "Somehow I suspect Mr. Barnum is changing... and certainly not for the better."

"What do you mean?"

"My friend, I fear we shall soon find out."


The Mane Six and Spike made their way towards their private box in the opera house when they noticed something very odd. The entire circus troupe stood at the back of the theatre near the doors. This confused them because they were expected to be at the box waiting for them. They approached the troupe to inquire just what the deal was.

"Why are you guys sitting way back here?" Pinkie asked. "We have reservations at Box Five where we can 'really' get the party started."

"We were asked to stay back here," Charles told them.

"Stay back here?" Applejack questioned. "By whom?"

Before anyone could answer, Mr. Barnum pushed his way out from behind the curtain and stared out amongst the gathered audience.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your patience," He addressed.

Looking toward the crowd, he could clearly hear the majority of their comments.

"He's out of his element."

"What is this about?"

"Is that Barnum?"

"This isn't the circus."

Barnum just brushed the comments to the back of his mind and proceeded.

"I recently had the privilege of hearing the most divine voice I've ever heard," He continued. "Now I know that sounds like Barnum humbug... but I have a hundred bottles of good champagne on ice that says this isn't just another sideshow novelty. But first, before we begin, let us start with a little preshow. Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for the one... and indeed the only... Countess Coloratura!"

Everyone in the audience clapped as the curtains slowly unveiled to reveal Rara standing on stage looking relatively frightened. The moment everyone saw the pony on stage, the audience began to murmur in confusion. This did nothing to help with her anxiety one bit. Then she glanced toward the back of the theatre, taking note of the troupe and all her friends smiling at her. Turning toward the side she saw Erik, Philip, and Barnum smiling as well. Seeing them show their encouragement made a smile spread across Rara's face as she took a deep breath and stared back toward the audience.

And then... she sang.

*Stop at 2:55*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Rara (Sings):

Love's a curious thing
It often comes disguised
Look at love the wrong way
It goes un-recognized

So look with your heart
And not with your eyes
A heart understands
A heart never lies

Believe what it feels
And trust what it shows
Look with your heart
The heart always knows

Love is not always beautiful
Not at the start

So open your arms
And close your eyes tight
Look with your heart
And when it finds love
Your heart will be right

Learn from someone who knows
Make sure you don't forget
Love you misunderstand
Is love that you'll regret

Look with your heart
And not with your eyes
The heart can't be fooled
The heart is too wise

Forget what you think
Ignore what you hear
Look with your heart
It always seems clear

Love is not always beautiful
Not at the start

But open your arms
And close your eyes tight
Look with your heart
And when it finds love
Your heart will be right

Soon as Rara finished the song, a long momentary pause took place as the audience just sat there staring at her with wide eyes. No one spoke, no one made any noise, no one even moved. Rara got that horrible feeling inside and instantly she believed they 'hated' it, that they hated her. A lone tear made its way down her cheek, as she bowed her head in shame before making her way off stage.

And then... it happened.

The crowd erupted into cheers, clapping as they stood on their feet and gave her a standing ovation. Rara turned back in surprise before a smile found its way to her face once more. Looking back, she could see the entire troupe clapping as well along with all her friends cheering.

"Way to go Rara!"

"That's mah friend!"

"You're amazing!"

Rara took a moment to soak it all in, giving the crowd a few more bows before making her way off stage. For the first time in a long while, Rara truly felt... amazing. Barnum made his way back onstage and he too clapped for Rara.

"My wasn't that just an amazing opening performance?" He addressed the crowd. "And now ladies and gentlemen, the moment you have all been waiting for. May I present... the Swedish Nightingale... Miss Jenny Lind!"

Once again, the crowd clapped as the curtains opened once more revealing Jenny Lind in a beautiful dress of her own as she stared out toward the crowd. The orchestra started up once more and Jenny Lind sang out in a beautiful voice.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Jenny Lind (Sings):

I'm tryin' to hold my breath
Let it stay this way
Can't let this moment end
You set off a dream in me
Gettin' louder now
Can you hear it echoing?
Take my hand
Will you share this with me?
'Cause darling without you

All the shine of a thousand spotlights
All the stars we steal from the night sky
Will never be enough
Never be enough
Towers of gold are still too little
These hands could hold the world but it'll
Never be enough
Never be enough
For me

Never, never
Never, never
Never, for me
For me
Never enough
Never enough
Never enough
For me
For me
For me

All the shine of a thousand spotlights
All the stars we steal from the night sky
Will never be enough
Never be enough
Towers of gold are still too little
These hands could hold the world but it'll
Never be enough
Never be enough

For me
Never, never
Never, never
Never, for me
For me
Never enough
Never, never
Never enough
Never, never
Never enough
For me
For me
For me

For me

Once again, the audience erupts into cheers and applause as they began yelling out words of congratulations toward the fabulous opera singer.









The whole time this went on, Barnum looked out in amazement at the cheering audience. Never before had he ever had such a large number of people of such high class cheering for a show that he had orchestrated. And somewhere, deep within that crowd, Mr. Bennett the critic slowly stood up from his chair... and he actually applauded. Everyone was impressed with Lind's performance, even the Equestrians and the whole circus troupe... well, almost all of them.


A short white later, a massive party was underway in celebration of a magnificent show. Champagne popped as everyone mingled, laughed, and all together had a good time. Rara was at the party as well, surrounded by millions of different people and answering all their questions. For her, it really felt good to have this kind of recognition again. Over on the other side of the room, Barnum was introducing Jenny to his family.

"Jenny, this is my wife, Charity, and our girls," He introduced.

"Of course, and I've heard so much about you!" Jenny smiled, looking at Caroline. "And your father tells me you're a fan of ballet."

"Yes, I'm 'studying' ballet," Caroline replied.

"Are you?"

"Of course, I am."

"And, of course, she is," Phineas added, chuckling.

"And what about you, Helen?"

"You look like a princess, ma'am," Helen responded.

This caused everyone in the group to laugh in humor, just as Rara came alongside the rest of the group and they all looked at her.

"Ah, here's the other half of the amazing performance tonight," Barnum smiled. "Well done tonight Coloratura."

"Thank you Mr. Barnum," She thanked him. "It felt amazing to finally get back on the stage and be appreciated once more."

"Well, you certainly deserved it," Jenny smiled. "I suppose your manager was right about you after all. Such an amazing talent you hold in you."

"Speaking on which, where's Mr. Bailey?" Phineas asked.

"Oh he had to go and check on Rarity and the others. But he should be back soon."

Looking past them, Barnum saw none other than Mr. Bennet from the newspaper walking by.

"If you all will excuse me for a moment," He said.

He left the group to continue their conversation as he walked right over to Mr. Bennett to speak with him.

"Mr. Bennett," He greeted. "How kind of you to attend tonight."

"I have to admit, Barnum... she is remarkable," Bennett complimented.

"Enough to bring joy to the most joyless critic, isn't she?" Barnum mocked.

Bennett kept a smooth composure despite having clearly just been insulted.

"Mm... and in the hands of a real purveyor of the arts," Bennett shot back. "She could be something in this country. Shame she's fallen in with you."

"You really are better on the page, Mr. Bennett, hard as that is to believe," Barnum finished before walking off.

As he continued walking throughout the room, a few patrons approached him and greeted him with adoration.

"Mr. Barnum, I'd love to met Miss Lind," One woman said.

"And you will meet Miss Lind," Phineas replied.

"Would you introduce us?"

"If you just give me a moment—"


The sound of a very familiar voice that he really hoped he would never have to hear again instantly took much of the joy out of Barnum. He turned around and came face-to-face with Mr. and Mrs. Hallet. He had not seen Charity's parents ever since she had left so they could start their life together and he was not at all pleased to see them even now.

"Yes," He spoke civilly.

"You've... done well," Mr. Hallet complimented.

"Thank you."

He then decided he wanted to milk that finally, for once in his life, Charity's parents finally saw how successful he really was. And just how wrong they had been about him for years.

"Allow me to introduce you," He smiled.

He lead them promptly over to Jenny Lind herself.

"Uh, excuse me, Jenny," Phineas spoke. "I'd like you to meet Charity's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hallet."

"Ah, pleasure," Jenny greeted.

At that moment, Charity looked over from where she was across the room and noticed her parents. Already she knew that if she didn't step in, this would surely go badly.

"How do you do?" Mrs. Hallet greeted. "Very nice to meet you."

"Good to meet you," Mr. Hallet added.


Mr. and Mrs. Hallet both turned over and saw their daughter approaching along with their grandchildren who they had never met until this very moment.

"Hello, dear," Mrs. Hallet said happily. "Are these—"

"Yes, yes, those are your granddaughters," Phineas interrupted.

"Phineas, not here!" Charity warned.

"Not here?" Phineas replied in false confusion. "You afraid I'm gonna embarrass your parents in front of their fancy friends? I—I really don't think I have that power."

The whole time he spoke, he was looking directly at Mr. Hallet with a look of near disdain and superiority in his face.

"An insignificant man like me who was clearly destined to lead an insignificant life."

"All that fortune, and still just the tailor's boy," Mr. Hallet replied.

"Get out," Phineas spoke lowly.

And just like that, Mr. Hallet gave one last glance at Phineas before grabbing his wife and walked out f the room. Phineas looked over and noticed the upset look on his wife's face.

"Well, Phineas... I believe I told you that free champagne is a recipe for disaster," Jenny joked.

Clearly Charity officially had enough of the night. She grabbed the girls and quickly made her way out of the room.

"Charity!" Phineas called after her.

"Now would everyone please raise their glasses?" Jenny announced. "To Mr. Barnum, who has shown once and for all that a man's station is limited only by his imagination."

"To Barnum!" Everyone cheered.

"Thank you," He replied.

"To Mr. Barnum," Jenny added. "Thank you. It's hard to understand wealth and privilege when you're born into it.

Phineas merely chuckled at that statement as Jenny leaned in to tell him something she never told anyone else before.

"I sometimes don't feel like I belong here," She whispered.

"You?" He asked surprise.

"I was born out of wedlock... and that brought shame upon my family," Jenny confessed. "And life always manages to remind me that I don't deserve a place in this world. And that... leaves a hole that no ovation can ever fill."

Just then, the sound of boisterous laughing drew everyone's attention to the door. Phineas quickly walked forward, knowing full well who it was. He made it to the door just in time to see his troupe and the Equestrians arriving.

"Mr. Phineas!" Lettie said happily. "Lord, that lady can sing!"

"Not to mention Rara just blowin' everyone's minds!" Applejack laughed. "Ah knew she'd be alright."

"I know," Barnum responded quickly.

"Think she likes a man in uniform?" Charles asked with a smirk.

"I'm sure she does. Okay, what are you doing here? You got a show in an hour, okay?"

"That's enough time for us to have at least three drinks, right?" Rainbow asked.

"It's not a party until Pinkie Pie gets there," Pinkie giggled with glee.

"Plus, we came to congratulate Rara on a job well done," Twilight added.

"Come on, let's go!" Spike ushered.

Everyone and every pony made to walk inside, but Barnum blocked the way and nearly pushed them back out.

"No, no, no. Lettie!"

"What?" Lettie asked confused.

"It's very crowded in here, okay?" Barnum spoke. "And I can't have you mingling--guys!"

Once more they tried to make it through the doors. But Barnum pushed them back harder.

"Who's gonna pay admission if you're out there for all the world to see?"

"Now hold up a minute," Applejack spoke up. "Ah ain't goin' nowhere till I see mah friend and congratulate her."

"It's only polite if we do darling," Rarity added.

"Yes, that's it!" Fluttershy nodded.


Everyone looked past Barnum, spotting Rara peeking out from the door.

"There ya are, Rara!" Applejack smiled. "Ah gotta say ah was mighty impressed with..."

"Yeah that's great A.J.," Rara interrupted quickly. "But I really need to get back inside. I have a lot of people wanting to talk to me."

"That's no problem darling," Rarity assured. "We're merely here to give our congratulations and then we'll be on our way—"

"Sorry guys, I really don't have time to talk tonight," Rara shook her head. "Everyone's talking about how Countess Coloratura is the best they've heard, and this is my one chance to make a good impression on this world."

"But Rara..." Applejack spoke up.

"Okay? Have a great show!" Barnum finished quickly.

"Mr. Barnum, wait!" Fluttershy called out.

But it was too late. Barnum quickly slammed the door shut on everyone's face. And there they stood, completely in shock. But none more surprised than the ponies and Spike. To say that they were beyond confused is the biggest understatement of the century.

"What the hay just happened?" Rainbow asked.

"That... is precisely what I feared."

Everyone turned toward the side and found Erik standing in the corner, a look of disappointment on his face.

"What do you mean Erik?" Twilight asked.

"I've been watching very closely for a while and I've noticed that Phineas hasn't been 'happy' with being only the 'Circus King'," Erik explained. "Philip and I tried to talk him down, but he insists he needed more. Then when we went to London and met with Miss Lind for the first time, I believe greed has taken over."

"You mean..." Spike began.

"I'm afraid so young Spike," Erik nodded. "He's no longer pleased with the circus and wishes to focus solely on Jenny Lind."

This assumption was only confirmed the moment they heard the chiming of a glass and heard Barnum's muffled voice from the other side of the door.

"Ladies and gentlemen, a toast!" Barnum announced muffled. "Jenny, America may not know it yet... but they are going to love you."

Hearing those words made the entire troupe feel extremely betrayed and saddened. The exact same thing Barnum used to say to them when they started the circus together. Words from a man who once gave them a place where they felt was home, a chance to be more than what they've always been. Except now... he just tossed them aside like yesterday's newspaper, the same way the rest of the world had for years. Lettie released a sob, as her emotions took over and she started to sing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Lettie (Sings):

I am not a stranger to the dark
Hide away, they say
'Cause we don't want your broken parts
I've learned to be ashamed of all my scars
Run away, they say
No one will love you as you are

But I won't let them break me down to dust
I know that there's a place for us
For we are glorious

When the sharpest words wanna cut me down
I'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out
I am brave, I am bruised
I am who I'm meant to be, this is me
Look out 'cause here I come
And I'm marching on to the beat I drum
I'm not scared to be seen
I make no apologies, this is me

Walking out into the grand foyer, where everyone was mingling with one another, the troupe emerged and everyone in the room instantly gasped and gawked. Many of the patrons this evening were none too pleased, to say the least, that they were there. Just like the many hecklers that usually mobbed outside their circus house, these high society folk did not want these human oddities anywhere amongst them.

Lettie, as well as the rest of the troupe, felt self-conscious once more being amongst the glaring group. Feeling a small hand grab hers and a soft furry hoof grabbing another, Lettie looked down and saw Charles and Twilight, as well as the rest of the Mane Six and Spike, smiling up at her. One look from each of their eyes, and Lettie felt a wave of strength burning with her. The world may be stacked against the likes of her... but she is never alone.

Charles, Mane Six, and Spike (Sings):

Another round of bullets hits my skin
Well, fire away 'cause today, I won't let the shame sink in

Everyone (Sings):

We are bursting through the barricades
And reaching for the sun (we are warriors)
Yeah, that's what we've become

Won't let them break me down to dust
I know that there's a place for us
For we are glorious

When the sharpest words wanna cut me down
Gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out
I am brave, I am bruised
I am who I'm meant to be, this is me
Look out 'cause here I come
And I'm marching on to the beat I drum
I'm not scared to be seen
I make no apologies, this is me

...This is me

Lettie (Sings):

And I know that I deserve your love
There's nothing I'm not worthy of
When the sharpest words wanna cut me down
I'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out
This is brave, this is bruised
This is who I'm meant to be, this is me

Look out 'cause here I come (look out 'cause here I come)
And I'm marching on to the beat I drum (marching on, marching, marching on)
I'm not scared to be seen
I make no apologies, this is me

(Whenever the words wanna cut me down
I'll send the flood to drown them out)
I'm gonna send the flood, gonna drown them out

This is me

And regardless of what the world has to say of them all, no matter what choice words they utter or what gestures they make in a threatening manner, nothing will change what the troupe or the Equestrians are. They may appear to be weird to everyone else, most of them are not of high standards, and they don't think the way as these people do. But they are more than just a sideshow carnival act. They are individuals, they have feelings, and all they ever wanted are the same thing that everyone strives for: Respect... and dignity. For they know what they are, they are 'proud' of what they are, and nothing was going to change their minds.

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