The Greatest Show

At the Hallet mansion, Caroline and Helen stood at the window looking out toward New York City in the distance. They missed their father terribly, wishing more than anything that they could be a family again... just like they used to. They cared not for riches or the fancy life, only that they were all together and having fun like in a fairy tale. As the thoughts of never having that started to course through their heads, they both suddenly snapped out of it when they noticed their father climbing up the drive towards the house.

"Caroline! He's here!" Helen shouted joyfully.

They both raced from the room and down the stairs to meet their father just as there was a knock at the front door. Mr. Hallet was the first to answer and a look of disdain spread on his face the moment he saw Phineas standing on the other side. Phineas, meanwhile, had the biggest smile and a look of determination.

"I would like to see my wife," He said.

"She's not here," Mr. Hallet responded.

"She's at the beach!" Caroline yelled from the stairs.

Phineas looked up and smiled toward his beloved daughters who smiled back with enthusiasm. They both descended the stairs rapidly and embraced him in a massive hug which he gave back tenfold.

"Oh how I've missed you my darling daughters," He laughed.

"We missed you too daddy," Helen replied.

"Promise that you'll never leave us again," Caroline added.

Phineas pulled back as he looked into his daughter's eyes.

"I swear on it," He smiled.

"No, you have to 'Pinkie Promise'!" Helen giggled.

"Pinkie Promise?" Barnum asked confused.

"It's something Aunt Pinkie Pie taught us," Caroline nodded. "You have to say, 'Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye'."

Barnum chuckled in amusement, as he watched his daughters demonstrate the secret promise they learned from their new friend. Still he decided he would do whatever it took to make things up with his family. He proceeded to then do the following steps of the Pinkie Promise.

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," He smirked.

Caroline and Helen both squealed with glee as they hugged their father once more.

"Okay girls, I'll be back in a moment," Barnum said. "I have to go see your mother really quick."

Barnum pulled away from the girls and started his way out the door toward the beach. Before he could get too far, he was grabbed by Mr. Hallet, who looked him dead in the eye. Phineas waited for the inevitable lecture he no doubt deserved, but it never came. All that happened as Mr. Hallet giving him a nod and one simple request.

"Take care of my daughter," He said.

He held out his hand which really surprised Phineas. Nonetheless, he took it willingly and shook it with a smile.

"I promise you that I would," He replied.

Barnum soon turned heel and ran straight out of the house down the beach. When he got there, he saw Charity standing there on the very spot they had as kids and just stared toward the sunset. Phineas walked down and stood right beside her, causing her to dart her eyes in his direction and then back toward the sunset. Phineas wasn't about to go on a 'huge' tangent like he normally would in the past. Instead, he opted to speak directly from the heart.

"I brought hardship on you and our family," He spoke honestly. "You warned me... and I wouldn't listen. I just... I wanted to be more than I was."

Charity turned her head and looked directly at him right in the eyes.

"I never wanted anything but the man I fell in love with," She said.

Phineas nodded his head in understanding and proceeded to sing out once more with shaky breaths.

Barnum (Sings):

Let this promise in me start
Like an anthem in my heart
However big
However small
From now on

"From now on..." He spoke finally.

Smiling at the knowledge that the man she once loved was back, Charity threw her arms around her husband and he in turn did the same. They just stood there hugging for a while before they finally drew back and shared a loving kiss. As the sun set over the horizon, things seemed to be changing for Phineas Taylor Barnum and his family at last.


The next day, the entire circus troupe stood amongst the ashes of the building that had one been their home and sorted through the charred rubble. The Mare Six, Spike, Erik, and Rara were all there as well with Applejack helping Rara around in case she needed help. Despite Rara's constant comments that she was already to walk on her own, Applejack being ever so stubborn wouldn't hear of it. Especially after being separated for the past two months.

"I can't believe everything's gone," Spike commented. "All in a blaze that would make even Ember jealous."

"Let's not think on the negatives at the moment," Fluttershy advised. "Maybe Mr. Barnum will get a lone and be able to rebuild."

"I doubt that..." Rainbow replied. "After already being scammed, the bank won't lend him any more money."

"You never know darling," Rarity spoke up.

"We just have to keep positive every pony," Twilight spoke optimistically. "Things are starting to fall into place. I can feel it."

"That's the Pinkie Pie spirit!" Pinkie smiled, giving Twilight the one-armed hug. "Besides, after everything that's happened already..."

"Don't... you... dare... finish!" Rainbow hissed in Pinkie's face.

The pink party pony nodded emphatically and actually turned her mouth into a zipper and zipped it shut. Rainbow floated on back to the ground next to her marefriend just as Barnum walked up to the rest of the group. Philip and Erik walked up for a word with their partner.

"Bank said no?"

"Emphatically," Barnum nodded. "Repeatedly. I don't think there's a banker left in the country I can fool into loaning me more money, so... I'm really sorry to disappoint you all."

"Don't worry, Barnum," Charles assured. "We've gotten used to it by now."

Everyone laughed at that before a smirk made its way to Philip's face.

"You know, Barnum... when I first met you... I had an inheritance, acclaim, an invitation to every party in town," He spoke. "And now, thanks to you, all that's gone.

"Wow... great pep talk Phil," Rainbow said sarcastically.

"I wasn't finished," Philip responded. "All that's left is friendship, love, and work that I adore. You brought joy into my life."

"Into all our lives," Lettie nodded.

"Hear, hear!" Everyone agreed.

Hearing him say this brought a smile to Barnum's face once more.

"If only the bank would take joy as collateral," He chuckled.

"They may not... but I will," Erik replied.

"As will I," Philip agreed. "I own 10% of the show. Knowing who I was working for... I had the good sense to take my cut weekly."

"And owning the other 45% of this show, I also purchased your shares when you forfeited them," Erik added. "I was able to invest that money into a good deal of thriving businesses and increased our profits significantly."

"Hot dang Erik, you really are a sly devil!" Spike chuckled.

"Indeed my young friend," Erik replied, patting his scales.

"Philip, Erik, I can't let you gamble it on me," Barnum shook his head.

"Sure you can!" Philip smiled.

"And you will," Erik continued.

"Don't turn sensible on us now," Lettie spoke up.

Both Erik and Philip held out their hands to Barnum, hoping he'd accept their deal. Not even needing to think twice, Barnum shook both their hands and nodded.

"Partners!" Philip smiled.

"Split three ways even!" Erik nodded.

"Partners," Barnum agreed.

Everyone cheered and laughed as the three partners made it official before Philip broke a little bit of news to them.

"The only thing is... I don't know how we're gonna afford a building."

Once again, the ever-thinking Phineas Barnum had another ingenious idea.

"We don't need a building," He stated. "Real estate in Manhattan is a terrible investment. Why, I can get land down by the docks for almost nothing! All we need... is a tent."

"Ooh, good thing I always keep one with me in case of emergencies!" Pinkie smiled.

Reaching into her mane, Pinkie Pie pulled an assortment of items before pulling out the equipment needed for a giant circus tent. Everyone faced her with confusion, then over to the Mane Six.

"It's Pinkie Pie," Twilight informed. "Best not to ask questions."


It was only a few days later that the circus business was booming again, as the Barnum and Bailey Circus tent was set up along the wharf. Patrons of all ages came to see the show as lights shined brightly in the tent and the atmosphere was rife with excitement. The fans excitedly stomped on the bleachers as a few shadowy figures walked beneath in the form of two men, several ponies, and a teenage dragon. In typical circus fashion, they introduced the show with a spectacle of a song.

(Stop at 2:06)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Twilight Sparkle (Sings):

Ladies and gents, this is the moment you've waited for (whoa)

Rainbow Dash (Sings):

Been searching in the dark, your sweat soaking through the floor (whoa)

Applejack (Sings):

And buried in your bones there's an ache that you can't ignore

Rarity (Sings):

Taking your breath, stealing your mind
And all that was real is left behind

Pinkie (Sings):

Don't fight it, it's coming for you, running at ya

Fluttershy (Sings):

It's only this moment, don't care what comes after

Spike (Sings):

Your fever dream, can't you see it getting closer

Rara (Sings):

Just surrender 'cause you feel the feeling taking over

Erik (Sings):

It's fire, it's freedom, it's flooding open
It's a preacher in the pulpit and your blind devotion

Barnum (Sings):

There's something breaking at the brick of every wall it's holding
All that you know, so tell me do you wanna go?

In the midst of the three-ring circus, the entire theatre troupe were lit up as two firebreathers lit up the area revealing Barnum, Erik, the Mane Six, and Spike dressed in red ringleader coats and top hats.

Everyone (Sings):

Where it's covered in all the colored lights
Where the runaways are running the night
Impossible comes true, it's taking over you
Oh, this is the greatest show
We light it up, we won't come down
And the sun can't stop us now
Watching it come true, it's taking over you
Oh, this is the greatest show

The troupe ran forward as they followed behind Barnum and his partners. Fluttershy led the animals behind them all including two elephants, two lions that leapt through flaming rings, and all assortment of amazing creatures.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Barnum, Erik, Spike, and Ponies (Sings):

(Whoa) colossal we come these renegades in the ring
(Whoa) where the lost get found and we crown them the circus kings

Everyone (Sings):

Don't fight it, it's coming for you, running at ya
It's only this moment, don't care what comes after
It's blinding, outshining anything that you know
Just surrender 'cause you're calling and you wanna go

Where it's covered in all the colored lights
Where the runaways are running the night
Impossible comes true, intoxicating you
Oh, this is the greatest show
We light it up, we won't come down
And the sun can't stop us now
Watching it come true, it's taking over you
Oh, this is the greatest show

Barnum, Erik, Spike, and Ponies (Sings):

It's everything you ever want
It's everything you ever need
And it's here right in front of you
This is where you wanna be (this is where you wanna be)
It's everything you ever want
It's everything you ever need
And it's here right in front of you
This is where you wanna be

Lettie (Sings):

This is where you wanna be

Everyone sings (Sings)

Where it's covered in all the colored lights
Where the runaways are running the night
Impossible comes true, it's taking over you
Oh, this is the greatest show

Barnum raced off stage where Philip waited on the sidelines watching them work. The Mane Six and Spike noticed this and ran off behind him, wondering what he was up to now. Barnum proceeded to take his own hat from his head and handed it to Philip.

"This is yours now," He smiled.

Philip was a slight confused by all this but was also shocked beyond belief. From day one, Barnum was always the one the people came to see and now he was essentially passing the torch onto Philip. With a smile, the young Carlyle graciously accepted the hat and placed it on his head.

"What will you do now?" Philip asked.

"I'm gonna watch my girls grow up," Phineas replied.

Barnum then looked down at the Mane Six and Spike, kneeling to their height so he may thank them properly.

"Thank you all so much," He said appreciatively. "You all came to me and my family when we needed help the most. You took us to heights well beyond what we ever dreamed possible, and for that I will always be forever grateful."

"You are absolutely welcome Mr. Barnum," Twilight smiled.

"It's been one heck of an adventure," Spike added. "We'll never forget this."

"And thank you Mr. Barnum, for helping me realize I don't need to be a famous singer to feel loved," Rara thanked him. "All I need are my friends and family. As long as I have that, I'm golden."

"Your welcome," Phineas nodded.

"Do say goodbye to Charity and the girls for us," Rarity told him.

"I most definitely will."

Ensemble (Sings):

We light it up, we won't come down
And the sun can't stop us now
Watching it come true, it's taking over you

Barnum soon gave them all individual hugs before getting back up and raced through the back of the tent. Philip then looked toward the ponies and Spike with a smile.

"Well guys, we have a show to finish," He declared.

"You know what I think will really make this show a spectacle?" Rainbow asked.

She floated up and whispered into Philip's ear. He then looked at her with confusion.

"Can you really pull that off?"

"Kid, I invented the move," She said cockily. "Of course I can."

"Then I say... go for it!" Philip agreed.

Then Philip and the ponies raced back onstage to finish what was surely the 'Greatest Show on Earth'.

Phillip, Spike, and Ponies (sing):

This is the greatest show

Everyone (sings):

Where it's covered in all the colored lights
Where the runaways are running the night
Impossible comes true, it's taking over you
Oh, this is the greatest show
We light it up, we won't come down
And the walls can't stop us now
I'm watching it come true, it's taking over you
Oh, this is the greatest show

Phillip, Anne, Erik, Spike, and Ponies (sing):

'Cause everything you want is right in front of you
And you see the impossible is coming true
And the walls can't stop us (now) now, yeah

Rainbow looked up toward the top of the tent where a single flap opened up. She took off into the air and soared straight through it. She flew as high as she possibly could, looked back down over the tent, and over all of New York. Giving a smile, she flew back down to Earth as fast as she possibly could. Eventually, she flew at such a super-sonic speed that it was actually getting difficult to stop her face from peeling back from the sheer force.

Everyone (sings)

This is the greatest show (oh!)
This is the greatest show (oh!)
This is the greatest show (oh!)
This is the greatest show (oh!)
This is the greatest show (oh!)
This is the greatest show (oh!)
This is the greatest show (oh!)
This is the greatest show (oh!)

This is the greatest show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The moment the song was over, Rainbow flew back in and hit one of the biggest Sonic Rainbooms she ever made. The force caused the audience to hold onto their seats as the rainbow flowed throughout the tent. When it was finished, everyone stood on their feet and applauded so loudly that it didn't even seem possible. Everyone in the ensemble took a bow for the crowd before a strong wind picked up and everyone looked over to see the mirror portal opening up. Everyone stared in amazement as the Mane Six, Spike, Erik, and Rara all stepped forward.

"Guess it's time to head home," Twilight pointed out.

"Looks like it," Spike nodded.

They all turned back around to face the troupe of people they had really come to know and love throughout this entire journey. Philip and Anne both stepped forward to say their goodbyes personally.

"Thank you guys," Philip thanked first. "Not just for the show but for everything. I really don't think we ever would've been able to accomplish all of this without your help."

"You guys helped us all find the family we've been looking for our entire lives," Anne smiled tearfully.

"Well, we certainly wouldn't have been able to learn some really important things without you guys either," Rara smiled back.

"Now we can go back to our friends and families with some new knowledge and ideas for the future," Fluttershy nodded.

"Not to mention adding a new member to our lovely little community," Erik smiled, placing a hand on Rarity's stomach.

"We'll all miss you!" Lettie called from the troupe.

The Mane Six and Spike all looked back at the ensemble with a few tears in their eyes before they went back and embraced every one of them in a hug. After that, they all turned back to the portal that would take them back home and slowly walked forward. With one last look over their shoulder, toward the smiling troupe waving at them, they waved back before stepping through the portal and thus bringing this spectacular journey to an end.

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