Show Business

A few weeks passed since the first show performed by the P.T. Barnum Circus. Since that day, there had been many more shows with an even higher attendance than the first. It surprised Barnum, Erik, and the Equestrians just how successful the show had actually gotten in such a short amount of time. Now it is true they had their fair share of incidents, with critics' reviews and altercations with those who believe the show to be nothing but a glorified freak-show. However, this did nothing to deter Barnum or Erik from their show.

As a matter of fact, all it had done was encourage them to keep going bigger and better. Before too long, the show had gotten so successful that Barnum had enough money to sell the run-down apartment that his family and their new friends had been staying in and purchase a new piece of property. It was going to be a grand surprise for Charity and the girls.

Now here they were with Barnum leading his wife and daughters, with their eyes covered, toward their new home.

"And right this way," He ushered excitedly.

"Don't you think there's enough blind trust in my life?" Charity giggled.

"Well, isn't that what makes it fun?"

Right behind, Erik, Spike, and the girls followed closely behind as they spoke.

"Ooh, this is so exciting!" Twilight smiled happily. "I am so happy for Mr. Barnum and his family."

"I just can't believe how quickly thinks turned around for Mr. Barnum," Spike replied. "I mean a few weeks ago, he was on the verge of going completely broke. Now he's pleasantly wealthy and moving to a new place."

"That's the power of positivity little dude," Rainbow nodded.

"Now don't go playin' innocent now hun," Applejack scoffed. "Ya'll weren't exactly bein' positive before when Phineas and Erik first came up with this here idea."

"I said I was sorry!"

"Yeah, I heard you," Applejack responded.

"Oh, please don't argue you two," Fluttershy pleaded. "Especially not when things are going so well."

Both Rainbow and A.J. sighed as they looked at one another for a moment before finally speaking.

"Ah'm sorry," Applejack apologized.

"Me too," Rainbow nodded.

Just then, Pinkie popped up in between them and wrapped both hooves around their shoulders.

"There now you see, that's the spirit!" Pinkie smiled happily. "Every pony loves each other, we're having super-duper Pinkie Pie fun, and making money while doing it. And besides, how many carriages have we ridden that were pulled by a zebra before?"

True to her word, when they awoke that morning, Barnum and his family picked them all up in a magnificent carriage being pulled by a zebra. It was certainly wacky to say the least, but then again, they were involved in circus work, so it made sense. Phineas helped Charity out of the carriage while guiding her forward.

"Keep coming," He instructed. "Okay, are you ready?"

Removing the blindfold, Barnum smiled as Charity stared wide eyed at what she saw before her. It was the old run-down mansion they visited when they were children. It had obviously since been reupholstered and remodeled to where it was all shiny and brand new. Charity and even the Equestria group all seemed quite shocked at the sight of the large mansion that stood before them.

"Is it?" Charity gasped.

"It is," Phineas smiled.

"Wow!" Twilight gasped in shock.

"I couldn't have said it better myself darling," Rarity nodded. "This is absolutely magnificent. However did you manage to do all this?"

It was then Erik stepped up alongside his wife and friends.

"Well, he certainly didn't do it alone," He smirked. "While he handled the performances of the show, I handled the operation and money. So, I was able to take some of the money, hired the best architects in New York, and arranged for them to work night and day to bring this mansion back to glory."

Everyone turned to Erik with wide eyes and bright smiles.

"You did this for us?" Charity asked.

"Of course!" Erik nodded. "I couldn't very well let the co-owner of Barnum and Bailey's Circus and his family live in squalor."

"Barnum and Bailey's?" Rara asked confused.

"Ah yes, my new alias name... James Anthony Bailey."

Barnum approached the former opera ghost and placed a single hand on his shoulder as he looked at him with a most grateful look.

"Thank you, my friend," He smiled. "I cannot even begin to express my gratitude for what you have done for me and my family."

Erik merely nodded his head in thanks as Barnum walked back up beside his wife and daughters.

"Come on. Let's go."

Soon the entire group walked forward towards the new house. Both Caroline and Helen put their hands on the two big front doors of the manor and pushed with all their might. The door opened wide and as they walked into the mansion, all eyes looked around in amazement over the fine décor and all the extravagant designs of the mansion. Clearly no expense was spared during the renovation of this mansion.

"Wow!" Charity gasped.

"It's so beautiful!" Rarity smiled.

"I have similar plans for a new home for you and I that will be constructed upon our return home," Erik informed his wife. "You can still have your boutique just as you love it and come home to a wonderful home every night. A lovely place for our family to grow."

Rarity had a few tears springing from her eyes as she literally jumped into her husband's arms and they both embraced tightly. As they were doing this, the two Barnum girls were still admiring their new house.

"Helen, that's for you."

Barnum gestured to a lovely looking dollhouse which Helen ran straight over to and started playing with it. Barnum then handed a beautifully wrapped present to Caroline.

"And, Caroline, this is for you."

Caroline ripped the wrapping paper off the present and opened the box within. She smiled brightly upon seeing a pair of ballet slippers, just like she had wished for. She threw her arms around her father who laughed upon being hugged.

"There's a ballet school right down the street," Phineas told Charity. "Just past your parents' house, actually."

"Don't tell me you bought this house just to rub my parents' noses in your success?" She responded.

"Well, that wasn't the 'only' reason," Phineas said, before sharing a kiss. "This is the life I promised you. Shall we?"

He then grabbed her hand in his as they began to waltz around the grand foyer, smiling happily as they did so.

"Phin... it's beautiful, but you know, we don't need all of this to be—"

Charity found herself cut off when Phineas lifted her into the air and spun her around causing her to laugh.

"It only took me 25 years, but... welcome home, Charity Barnum," Phineas said proudly.

Off to the side, Caroline walked up to the Equestrian group.

"Um can I ask you guys for a favor?" She asked.

"Of course, sweetie," Fluttershy nodded. "Ask away."

"Can you please watch me practice my ballet so I can rehearse performing for a crowd?"

"Of course, Caroline, we'd be honored," Twilight nodded.

Rainbow Dash started taking a few steps back.

"Um, you'll have to excuse me," Rainbow said. "I have something to do that won't allow me to stay much longer. See ya!"

She tried to take off and fly into the air but found she couldn't get very far because Applejack caught her tail in her teeth. Applejack quickly pulled her marefriend down to the ground, drew out her lasso, and proceeded to tie her up and sit her back down beside her.

"You're stayin' right here and given' the girl yer support... or ya can ferget about havin' anymore of mah homemade apple cider!" She threatened.

With a little growl and a glare, Rainbow sat completely still as Caroline began her ballet routine.


Later that night, the Barnum's and even the Equestria group found themselves seated in a very fancy concert hall as they watched Caroline's ballet recital. After watching her practice session earlier, they all could see that she was a very talented girl. She might have been a little shaky at times, but what performer wasn't?

Now they all sat and watched her perform like the little star she no doubt was destined to be. The only one who didn't seem happy was Rainbow Dash, who sat and grumbled in sheer boredom until the show was over. By the time all was finished, everyone gathered in the grand hall for general mingling.

"I think that was a marvelous performance," Rara spoke with admiration.

"Same here," Twilight agreed. "I really think Caroline stole the show out there. The other girls were really good, but she was great!"

"She certainly does have the potential to shine brightly," Erik agreed.

Off to the side, Phineas took notice of a handsome young man mingling with a few high-class patrons as they sipped their beverages and engaged in small talk. Though he put on the act of being happy, Phineas could tell this young man felt trapped by all of this.

"Hey sweetheart, who's that young man over there?" He asked Charity.

"Oh, that's Philip Carlyle," Charity responded. "A bit of a scandal, they say. His last play was a hit in London."

"Play?" Phineas chuckled. "You pay good money to watch people stand around and talk for two hours, and they call me a con man."

Off to the side, Erik and the Equestrian group watched as Caroline made her way out from the backstage area and over to the other dancers. They also noticed how the other girls started mocking her.

"Ew, hat's that smell?" One girl asked. "Do you smell that?"

"Ew, something 'does' smell," The other responded.

"Oh, I know what it is... peanuts."

Both girls snickered and laughed as they walked away, leaving poor Caroline standing there and feeling sad. It was then Rara approached her and placed a gentle hoof on her arm.

"Pay no attention to them Caroline," Rara said. "You were amazing out there tonight. Quite frankly, they're just jealous of you."

Caroline gave no response and just shrugged the hoof off as she walked away.

"Oh, the poor girl," Fluttershy sighed sadly.

"If there is one thing I can't stand it's bullies!" Rainbow spoke through gritted teeth.

"Now don't go off and do somethin' crazy sugar cube," Applejack told her.

"Don't worry, I won't," Rainbow assured. "Despite how much I 'really' want to..."

Little did any of them know that Phineas had also seen the entire thing from the sidelines. He couldn't help but feel sorry for his daughter. When he was younger, he suffered the same sort of scorn and mockery from children for being both the son of a tailor and homeless. Nonetheless, he tried to put on a good face for his family as they made their way from the concert hall and towards their waiting carriage.

"I can see it right now," Phineas declared proudly. "Youngest prima ballerina in the history of the city ballet."

"I'm quitting," Caroline said flatly.

"What?" Phineas asked in shock. "Why would you quit?"

"I started too late. I'll never catch up."

"Caroline, you were the best dancer on that stage."

Caroline faced her father with a deadpan expression.

"What? You think I can't spot talent?"

"Ballet takes years of hard work," Caroline responded. "It's not like the circus. You can't just fake it."


Later, back at home, Charity and Phineas sat in their room together. While Charity did her hair, Phineas was trying to figure out what to do about his daughter wanting to quite ballet. She just couldn't quit. She was one of the best dancers on the stage and she was giving up simply because a few snobby girls stuck their noses up at her. Phineas couldn't stand the thought of his daughter giving up.

"She can't quit," Phineas told his wife. "No. No, I mean, she just... she just feels out of place with the other girls."

"Well, I should certainly hope so," Charity responded. "I've never seen so many little prima Donnas in my life."

"Yeah, but those prima Donnas are the most important thing in the world to her right now."

"She'll learn to ignore them just like I did," Charity assured.

"She shouldn't have to," Barnum replied. "New York society will never accept us."

"If they did, they'd have to stop judging and actually do something with their lives."

"This isn't about me."

"Oh. So it's different than everything else then?" Charity retorted.

"I just want her to be proud of who she is, of her family."

"She is proud," Charity assured. "We don't have to be the Carlyle's."

Hearing her say the name made Phineas freeze for a moment, and an idea popped into his head. Quickly approaching the side of the room, he grabbed his coat and hat then made his way to the door much to his wife's confusion.

"Where are you going?" She asked confused.

"Just out for a bit," Phineas responded.

"But it's already so late at night."

"Don't worry, I won't be too late," Phineas smiled.

Walking out the door, Phineas blew a kiss to his wife and then made his way down the hall with specific intentions in mind. Stopping in front of one of the guest room doors, he gave a quick knock to which was answered by none other than Erik.

"Good evening Mr. Bailey," Phineas jokes.

"Going from a ring master to a comedian are you?" Erik asked, rolling his eyes. "How can I help you?"

"I've found a possible new business associate for us. I need your help to convince him to join us."

Erik raised an eyebrow toward Barnum for a moment before grabbing his cloak and followed him out the door. Whatever Barnum was planning, it would either be really good... or really bad.


Walking down the streets of New York, Erik and Phineas made their way towards the direction of the concert hall. A recent play by Philip Carlyle had just ended as people spilled out of the hall. They passed by many different patrons and other folk before finally finding the man they were looking for. For there stood Philip Carlyle himself, leaning against a stone wall with a drink in his hand and a dazed expression in his eyes as the two gentlemen walked beside him.

"Mr. Carlyle," Phineas spoke to him. "You produced this play?"

"Yes, I did indeed," Philip responded. "Refunds are available at the front box office."

This got a chuckle out of both Barnum and Erik, who merely reached their hands to shake the young man's.

"P.T. Barnum," Phineas introduced himself.

"James Anthony Bailey, at your service," Erik greeted.

"From the circus?" Philip asked.

"Yes. You—you've been?"

"God, no," Philip chuckled. "But I have seen the crowds. People leave your shows a great deal happier than when they came in, which is much more than I can say for my play."

"And yet, you have no trouble selling tickets," Erik responded. "As a man of the theatre myself, I must say you don't seem to be doing so bad for yourself."

"That's because I'm selling virtue," Philip responded.

"Can I buy you a drink?" Phineas asked.

Philip looked between the two gentlemen before getting a smile on his face.

"You can buy me two..."


Later on, the three men found themselves sharing drinks at a local tavern.

"I wanna go after the carriage trade," Phineas explained to Philip. "Present legitimate acts, expand our appeal, go after the snobs."

"If you only knew how suffocating they are."

"Believe me my young friend, I have experience with their kind," Erik responded. "They always look down upon those they feel they are superior to. If you are not highborn or have any success, you mean nothing to them."

"Sounds about right," Philip nodded.

"So come join the circus," Phineas offered. "Teach me how to appeal to the highbrows."

Of course, Philip looked at him as though he were speaking like a raving mad man.

"Are you serious?" He asked.

"Mm-hmm..." Phineas nodded.

"Mr. Barnum, I can't just run off and join the circus."

"Why not? Sounds thrilling, doesn't it?"

"Not to mention you clearly have a flare for show business," Erik added.

"Show business?" Philip spoke confused. "Never heard of it."

"That's because we just invented it," Erik smirked.

"Let's just say I find it much more comfortable admiring your show from afar," Philip chuckled.

"Comfort, the enemy of progress," Phineas said, throwing back a shot.

"Do you understand that just associating with you could cost me my inheritance?"

"Oh, it could cost you more than that," Phineas responded. "You'd be risking everything. But, on the other hand, well, you just might find yourself a free man."

All three men threw back another shot before they did what most men who've had a few too many shots do in a situation like this... sing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Phineas (Sings):

Right here, right now
I put the offer out
I don't wanna chase you down
I know you see it
You run with me
And I can cut you free
Out of the drudgery and walls you keep in
So trade that typical for something colorful
And if it's crazy, live a little crazy
You can play it sensible, a king of conventional
Or you can risk it all and see

Don't you wanna get away from the same old part you gotta play?
'Cause I got what you need
So come with me and take the ride
It'll take you to the other side
'Cause you can do like you do
Or you can do like me
Stay in the cage, or you finally take the key
Oh, damn! Suddenly you're free to fly
It'll take you to the other side

Philip (Sings):

Okay, my friend, you wanna cut me in
Well, I hate to tell you, but it just won't happen
So thanks, but no
I think I'm good to go
'Cause I quite enjoy the life you say I'm trapped in
Now I admire you, and that whole show you do
You're on to something, really it's something
But I live among the swells, and we don't pick up peanut shells
I'll have to leave that up to you

Don't you know that I'm OK with this uptown part I get to play?
'Cause I got what I need, and I don't wanna take the ride
I don't need to see the other side
So go and do like you do
I'm good to do like me
Ain't in a cage, so I don't need to take the key
Oh, damn! Can't you see I'm doing fine?
I don't need to see the other side

Erik (Sings):

Now is this really how you'd like to spend your days?
Whiskey and misery, and parties and plays?

Philip (Sings):

If I were mixed up with you, I'd be the talk of the town
Disgraced and disowned, another one of the clowns

Phineas (Sings):

But you would finally live a little, finally laugh a little
Just let me give you the freedom to dream and it'll
Wake you up and cure your aching
Take your walls and start 'em breaking
Now that's a deal that seems worth taking
But I guess I'll leave that up to you

Philip Carlyle stood for a moment as he considered the notion going through his head. Then a big grin spread across his face as he turned right back around.

Philip (Sings):

Well, it's intriguing, but to go would cost me greatly
So what percentage of the show would I be taking?

Phineas (Sings):

Fair enough, you'd want a piece of all the action
I'd give you seven, we could shake and make it happen

Philip (Sings):

I wasn't born this morning, eighteen would be just fine

Erik (Sings):

Why not just go ahead and ask for nickels on the dime

Philip (Sings):


Phineas (Sings):

I'd do eight

Philip (Sings):


Erik (Sings):

Maybe nine

Phineas, Philip, & Erik (Sings):


Grabbing a shot of whiskey off the counter, Philip raised it up with a smile on his face.

"Sir, it looks like you have yourself a junior partner," He declared.

Barnum and Erik both raised their own glasses as the bartender rang up their drinks on the cash register.

"What I have is an overcompensated apprentice," Barnum joked.

"Either way, it means more money in our pockets and more attention to our cause," Erik smiled.

The three men toasted to their new partnership before throwing the shots back and slammed their glasses onto the countertop. With that in mind, the three men made their way back to Barnum and Bailey's Circus.

Phineas, Philip, & Erik (Sings):

Don't you wanna get away to a whole new part you're gonna play
'Cause I got what you need, so come with me and take the ride
To the other side
So if you do like I do
So if you do like me
Forget the cage, 'cause we know how to make the key
Oh, damn! Suddenly we're free to fly
We're going to the other side
So if you do like I do
(To the other side)
So if you do like me
(We're going to the other side)
'Cause if we do we're going to the other side
We're going to the other side

From the sky box high along the Circus building, Philip emerged in time to see Anne Wheeler in the midst of her trapeze act, and she rose high enough to where they locked eyes with one another. In that one instant, the rest of the world stood still and there was no one else except them in that exact moment. Then, as quick as it begun, it was over as Anne fell right back into her routine and Philip just stared after her almost in a trance.

"Who is that?" He asked.

"Perhaps we can introduce you," Erik smiled.

Leading the young man out of the sky box, Erik and Phineas drew him down to meet the acts.

"Hey, hey!" Barnum shouted loudly. "No one's buying hats back here. Get out front, go!"

It was then Anne and W.D. came back after finishing their routine. Erik approached the pair eagerly to introduce them to Philip.

"W.D., Anne, allow me to introduce our newest hire, Mr. Philip Carlyle."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," W.D. greeted.

"Yeah, pleasure," Philip shook his hand.

"And what is your act, Mr. Carlyle?" Anne asked.

"I don't have an act."

Anne merely chuckled at that response and gave him a mischievous smirk.

"Everyone's got an act."

She walked off back to the changing room with Philip watching her every step of the way. At that moment, Mr. O'Malley ran in looking quite worried.

"Mr. Barnum! Mr. Bailey!"

"What is it O'Malley?" Erik asked.

"You better come see this."

Erik ran off with Phineas right on his tail. Phineas called back to Philip, who was still in a trance.

"Philip, keep up!"

Philip turned back only to come face-to-face with a very stern W.D., who had caught him gawking after his sister. Philip merely smiled nervously before awkwardly scurrying off behind him. When he finally caught up with the circus owners, he was surprised to look out upon an angry mob with signs and torches in front of the building. By the looks of them, they were quite angry indeed.

"A bit of a nasty element," O'Malley commented.

"There always is, isn't there?" Erik asked.

"Nothing draws a crowd quite like a crowd," Phineas added.

"We don't want you in our city!"

"Go home, you freaks!"


Erik and Barnum both looked at each other quite nervously. Clearly the crowds of hateful patrons were growing far more angrier and violent by the day. They feared that sooner or later this little spark would light the fire that would eventually end them for good. They could hope that sooner or later they'd find a way to stop it... hopefully.

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