Musical Misery

A cool Autumn breeze blew through the night in the magical capital city of Equestria, Canterlot. The streets were full of ponies, of all social classes, all dressed in their fanciest evening wear. They all engaged in small banter as they made their way down the road, all heading for one particular place in mind: Phantasma.

Ever since the adventures of the 'Phantom of the Opera', the former opera ghost Erik had constructed a colossal opera house right in the heart of Canterlot. This was his sanctuary where he could showcase his musical mastery to the entire world. He had plans to expand his business even further by constructing a theme park, but that was a venture for another day.

For tonight, every pony from far and wide came to see the amazing musical stylings of one of the greatest singers in all Equestria:

Countess Coloratura...

Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the Mane Six all ventured into the grand hall of the Phantasma Opera House, looking around as they admired the grand architecture of the building. When Erik had constructed the opera house, he intended for it to share the many qualities of the Opera Populaire. There were golden statues everywhere, every seat was made of the finest material money could buy, all the walls were decorated in lavish artwork and beautiful trimmings. Needless to say, it was truly a sight to behold for one and all.

"WOW-WEE!" Pinkie exclaimed excitedly.

"Took the words right outta mah mouth there Pinkie," Applejack nodded in awe.

"Is this really the first time we've ever actually been in this opera house?" Fluttershy asked.

"It seems that way Flutters," Rainbow nodded. "Personally, give me a good buck ball game any day of the week."

"Come now hon, we're here to support Rara's performance," Applejack reminded her marefriend.

Rainbow rolled her eyes and nodded her head.

"Alright," She groaned. "But you owe me later tonight, no matter how tired we get."

Before their interaction could possibly go any further, the owner of the opera house himself emerged from his office and headed in their direction. Rarity instantly ran to her husband, embracing him in a loving hug.

"Ah, my most cherished beauty!" Erik smiled happily. "I am so glad you and the others could attend tonight's performance."

"As am I my love," Rarity said, kissing his cheek.

"And how's our 'little one' doing?" Erik asked, placing a hoof on her stomach.

"Quite well," Rarity smiled.

After their last adventure, in which his wife nearly died, Erik decided to do something special for Rarity and they took a second honeymoon to a lovely tropical island. It was a fantastic two weeks, just the two of them spending time together. About a month of two prior to their return, Rarity begun to act strangely, feeling sudden cravings and getting emotional out of the blue. They went to the doctor to confirm their suspicions and sure enough they were informed they were expecting. Being that Rarity was only three moths along, she wasn't really 'showing' all that much. But soon enough, they could not wait to meet their little darling.

"Come everyone, I have our box ready for us," Erik told everybody.

"Box Five?" Rarity asked.

"You know me so well..."

Every pony followed Erik upstairs to their private box, leading them down to none other than Box Five. Every pony took their seats and waited for the show to begin. Soon enough, the lights in the opera house dimmed and everyone applauded as the curtains were pulled aside. The only one on stage was Countess Coloratura, dressed in a very nice dress.

The famous singer stepped out before the audience, giving a bow before she stood back and took a deep breath. Music started to play softly, then she began to sing in that angelic voice only she was capable of providing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Rara (Sings):

Some say love, it is a river
That drowns the tender reed
Some say love, it is a razor
That leaves your soul to bleed
Some say love, it is a hunger
An endless aching need
I say love, it is a flower
And you, its only seed

It's the heart, afraid of breaking
That never learns to dance
It's the dream, afraid of waking
That never takes the chance
It's the one who won't be taken
Who cannot seem to give
And the soul, afraid of dying
That never learns to live

When the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long
And you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong
Just remember in the winter
Far beneath the bitter snows
Lies the seed that with the sun's love
In the spring becomes the rose

When the song finished, the audience stood, clapping and cheering loudly for the singer. Rara had a few tears falling down her face from all the passion she put into her performance, as she bowed for her audience. Many of them even threw flowers onto the stage to showcase their appreciation. The curtain closed as Rara started working her way off the stage.



After the show was over, Rara was in her dressing room backstage when a sudden knock at the door drew her attention away from the mirror.

"Come in!" She called.

The door opened as Applejack was the first to enter, followed by the rest of the Mane Six, Spike, and Erik. Seeing her longtime friend since they were campers always made Rara smile and feel at home... in her heart. She stood up from her seat as Applejack walked up and they both embraced.

"Y'all were amazing tonight Rara, just as ya always are," Applejack complimented.

"Thank you A.J.," Rara replied, smiling. "I certainly hope so anyway. I'm always trying to put forth everything I have for my fans."

"Well you certainly succeeded darling," Rarity spoke up. "You were absolutely mesmerizing to say the least."

"Oh yes, you really were amazing tonight," Fluttershy agreed.

"Amazing?" Pinkie replied. "She was more than amazing. She was more like a combination between wonderful and stupendous. So that means... she was stupenderful!"

"Eh... it was alright," Rainbow shrugged.

Applejack gave her marefreind a particularly hard swat on her flank with her tail. The rainbow-haired tomboy leapt with a yelp.

"Ow!" She yelled. "What was that for?"

"Be nice!" Applejack snipped back. "Ah'm sorry Rara, you'll have tah forgive mah marefriend. She ain't too much in the courtesy department."

"It's alright," Rara assured her. "I'm just really glad you all came tonight."

"Their words speak true my star," Erik praised. "You gave an immaculate performance tonight, as you have all other nights since you've worked for me."

"I really do appreciate the opportunity you've given me sir," Rara replied.

The sound of a great big 'YAWN!' caused everyone to turn toward the teenage Spike, who was having a tough time keeping his eyes open... much less standing on his own two feet.

"Not to sound rude or nothing, but can we 'please' head back home and go to bed?" He asked tiredly.

"Oh Spike..." Twilight giggled. "You may be grown, but you're still that tired baby dragon at heart."


Everyone else laughed as well, but ultimately agreed it 'was' getting rather late. Soon as every pony gave their final goodbyes to Rara, congratulating her for a wonderful show, they made their leave for the train station for a well-deserved rest at home.


The next day...

The bright rays of the sun dawned over Ponyville's blue sky. The birds were all chirping a melody so sweet, as the denizens of the quiet little town went about their daily business. Applejack strolled through tow pulling a cart full of apples behind her, all of which she was fixing to sell. Derick Collins was also walking alongside her, pulling yet another cart along with Big Mac.

"Think we have enough to sell or what?" Derick asked sarcastically.

"Eeyup!" Big Mac nodded.

"We sure do sugar cube," Applejack responded. "Sellin' these here apples should help last us a while."

"Not to mention the apple fritters, apple pies, apple dumplings..." Derick listed. "You ponies sure love your apples."

"Ah hush on up now," Applejack scolded. "Help me set up this cart please."

About a few minutes later, the two ponies had the cart set up and ready for business.

"Looks like that's the end of it," Derick sighed in relief. "I really should get going. I promised Carried we'd take a night walk down by the pond."

"Oh alright," Applejack smiled. "Say... how is Carrie by the way?"

"Well, she's been better," Derick answered. "Poor girl hardly gets out of the house often, usually she just sleeps like she hasn't slept in years. It's wonderful being with her, all the same. We'd take our walks everyday and I try to spark up a conversation. But usually it's just me jabbering like a monkey in a tree... least she listens."

"She's just been through so much, a girl like her just needs time," Applejack assured. "As long as she appreciates your company, that's all that matters."

"Yeah... when you're right, you're right."

"Well, go on now. You two love birds have yerselves a good ole time now, ya hear?"

"Will do!" Derick nodded. "Later A.J."

Derick soon walked off through town and eventually disappeared around the corner. Applejack smiled after him, remembering the events of their last adventure and everything that young man did to save Carrie White. A man so willing to give up everything he was raised to believe in and all for the girl he loved. It made Applejack and every pony else have real admiration for him. The sound of approaching hooves behind her made her turn around, expecting her first customer of the day.

"Sorry y'all, but we ain't open just..."

She instantly stopped herself when she saw it was Rara behind her. The poor singer had huge crocodile tears running down her face and seemed like she was sad beyond belief.

"Rara, what happened?" She asked concerned. "Are ya alright?"

Rara gave no response but merely just held out a newspaper for Applejack, as she kept sobbing. Applejack grabbed the paper from her friend and began to read its contents.

"'Famous singer on her way out the door'?!" She read in shock. "'Countess Coloratura gave a meager, weak performance last night in Canterlot, leaving audiences wondering if her career has finally come to its end'."

Applejack couldn't help but grow angrier and angrier with every word she read in the newspaper. How dare some kooky critic bash her friend in such a manner? Rara's performance last night was spectacular beyond words and yet someone had the nerve to slander her? She reeled in her anger as best she could because she knew that her friend needed her right now and she tried to put on a good face.

"Ah'm sorry Rara," She apologized. "Ah can't imagine how ya must be feelin' right now."

"Maybe they're right," Rara sobbed. "Maybe I have come to the end of my career. Aside from Erik, no pony has booked me to perform in over a year. I guess I'm just no good anymore."

Applejack couldn't bear it anymore, as she wrapped a hoof around her foal-hood friend trying to calm her down.

"Don't y'all go sayin' that now," She said. "Yer an amazin' singer, one ah the best Equestria has ever had. Ah know fer sure that ah ain't the only one that thinks so."

"But the reviews..."

"Them reviews ain't nothin' but a bunch ah phony nonsense," Applejack assured. "Besides, it's just 'one' critic."

"Oh yeah?"

Rara pulled off her saddlebag she strapped on her back and dumped out its contents, of which revealed to be more newspapers from Manehatten, Baltimare, Las Pegasus, and Fillydelphia. Each one of them held the same sort of review from other critics.

"Okay, maybe it 'ain't' just one," Applejack sighed. "But these reviews are a matter of opinion, not facts. They don't mean nothin'."

"Maybe not for 'you' A.J., but it does to me!" Rara responded. "Music is the only thing I've ever wanted to do with my life. Ever since I was a filly, I've worked hard to become a professional singer and now that it's all about to come crashing down... I'm so scared! I don't know what to do... I don't know what to do!"

Applejack couldn't stand to see her friend so upset. It was true Rara worked hard to get to where she is now. If these sort of things kept happening, sooner or later her career 'could' come to an end. Applejack could not... no, wouldnot let that happen to her friend. Thinking on a whim, she knew exactly what needed to be done.

"Come with me Rara," She said. "Ah know 'exactly' what we need tah do. Big Mac, hold the fort while we're gone ya hear?"

"Eeyup!" Mac responded simply.

Applejack led her friend down the streets of Ponyville to the direction of 'one' place that could offer just the solution: Discord's theatre...



Applejack assembled the entire Mane Six, including Spike, Rara, and Erik. Once together, they gathered at Discord's theatre, studying the many different newspapers Rara collected. To say the least, none of them were very happy about it at all.

"It's blasphemy, I tell you!" Erik said angrily. "My star's a sensational delight upon the stage. How dare these vile cretins?! Having the gall to slander her good name."

"They're lucky they live pretty far away, or I'd give each of them a piece of my mind!" Rainbow growled. "And a glass of 'punch' to wash it all down."

"Okay, okay! We all agree this is a problem," Twilight agreed. "The question then becomes 'what' we should do about it."

"Ain't it obvious sugar cube?" Applejack asked.

She tiled her head a few times, gesturing toward the giant screen the television was hooked up to. To say Twilight was slightly apprehensive about it was an understatement.

"I don't know Applejack," She answered uncertainly. "Every time we go through the television, we always bring back something bad from wherever we end up."

"Ah come on, they weren't all 'that' bad!" Pinkie spoke up. "Carrie's been fitting in with us and Rarity's married to a misunderstood scary musical man... no offense, Erik."

"None taken..." Erik spoke dryly.

"My point is..." Twilight continued. "I think we should speak to Princess Celestia about this; perhaps there's a something she might be able to do about this slander."

"Ah'm tellin' ya sugar cube if we can just find a place Rara can perform and shine like the star she truly is maybe it can help silence those doubters."

"Maybe Twilight's right, A.J.," Rara spoke up. "I've seen all the adventures you guys been on and they seem pretty dangerous. I think it's just time to admit that I've come to the end of my rope and at least retire in peace. I have an uncle who runs a shoe factory..."

"Nuh-uh! Ah ain't lettin' ya do that Rara," Applejack spoke determined. "Ya said so yerself, singin' is all ya ever wanted tah do with yer life. Ya give it up now, yer just provin' them critics right about ya."

Rara sighed to herself, but she knew deep in her heart Applejack was absolutely right. This had been her dream since she was a foal, she couldn't just throw it all away just because some ponies told her to. Anything in life that means anything must be worth fighting for.

"You know I swear this whole scenario feels 'familiar' for some reason..." Pinkie pondered, scratching her head. "Now where have I heard this plot before?"

"If we're going to help Rara, how would we do it?" Fluttershy asked.

Twilight thought over the notion for a moment before an imaginary lightbulb went off in her head. Approaching the television, she reached under the stand it sat upon and proceeded to pull out some weird device connected to the television. Soon she reapproached the group waiting anxiously.

"Celestia, Storm, and I have been working on this the past couple months," Twilight informed. "I think it might be time to give it a test."

"Now?" Rainbow asked, raising a brow.

"What is it, Twi?" Spike asked, observing the device. "Looks like some weird robotic headgear."

"Ooh, I love robots!" Pinkie squealed gleefully. "Especially the ones from that movie we'll be doing in the future... oh, wait a minute! Wasn't supposed to give that away... pretend you didn't hear that. Heh-heh... my bad."

Everyone looked at Pinkie before shaking their heads and ignoring her strange comments.

"Well basically, we assembled this device to hook up to a pony's subconscious and delve deep into the recesses of their minds to where their cognitive..."

"UGH! Can we please skip the egghead talk?" Rainbow asked irritated. "And maybe explain it like we're two years old?!"

Twilight glared at her for a moment before releasing a deep sigh.

"Basically... you put it on your head, think of what you want most, and it'll open the portal," Twilight spoke deadpanned.

"Thank you!" Rainbow smirked.

Twilight approached Rara and though she spoke no words, Rara instantly knew what to do. She bowed her head, allowing Twilight to hook up the device around her head.

"Now I want you to relax and think of what you want most in this world," Twilight instructed.

Releasing a deep exhale and shutting her eyes, Rara cleared her mind and focused on the one thing she wanted more than anything. A strange humming sound emanated from the device, as an electrical surge raced through the cord attached to it and traversed along the television. Every pony watched in shock as the portal opened and Rara opened her eyes as Twilight removed the device from her head. The Mane Six, Spike, and Rara gathered around the portal and made to step inside.


Everyone froze and turned toward Erik, who approached their side.

"If you're venturing off on this quest, I'm coming along as well," He said.

"Are you quite certain of that darling?" Rarity asked. "It could very well be dangerous."

"All the more reason to accompany you," Erik responded. "I refuse to let you venture off on your own where anything could happen to you... or our child. I swore to protect and love you for the rest of my days, and I'm going along with you one way or the other."

Rarity smiled at her husband, sincerely touched over how he truly cared so much for her and their child that he would go along with them just to keep them safe. Rarity leaned forward and kissed her husband earnestly before they both looked toward the portal. Every pony took a deep breath before taking a step forward and walking through the portal together. They had no idea what this adventure would entail, but they were determined to get through it together just as they always have.

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