A Bad Day

An array of grey clouds lined the sky on a dreary afternoon in New York City. Phineas Taylor Barnum typed away on a typewriter for his job, as an editorial for an accounting firm. Day after day was the same routine for Mr. Barnum, typing away for what little money he could make for his family. As he typed away, he thought back to the events of the day before and he still couldn't believe all of it had happened.

Unable to believe that a group of colorful talking ponies, a teenage dragon, and a former opera ghost were now staying with him and his family. Granted they were a very nice bunch, more than willing to help them out, it just seemed unbelievable. It made him wonder what else could be possible in the world. He was then suddenly shaken from his thoughts when his boss, Mr. Smith, started walking through the office.

"Mr. Smith?" Chalmers called out.

"Yes?" Smith responded.

"Have a look at this," Chalmers spoke, handing out a document.

"Yes, yes I see it... thank you Chalmers, that will do."

Phineas quickly jumped from his desk and raced behind Smith with a look of determination on his face.

"Sir, Phineas Taylor Barnum," He introduced himself. "Uh, if I may sir, I believe I have skills and ideas that go well beyond punching numbers into an adding machine. I read about this German fellow, Lilienthal, I believe, who's developed a glider that can take a man in the air, sir. Isn't that amazing? I mean, if you were to apply that to this business, it would be revolutionary."

Smith seemingly ignored him as he made his way to the front of the office and turned back to address all of the employees.

"Gentlemen!" He spoke loudly. "Can I have your attention?"

Everyone looked up from their desks toward their boss, who seemed rather disheartened.

"You're all dismissed."

Everyone soon broke into light chatter, not knowing exactly what their boss was talking about. Barnum grabbed the piece of paper Smith was carrying and his eyes widened upon noticing what exactly was written on it.

"Bankrupt?" He asked, in shock. "I thought the company had a dozen trading ships."

"Yes, at the bottom of the South China Sea," Smith responded. "Typhoon sank 'em all."

And just like that, Mr. Smith walked off leaving a now unemployed Phineas Barnum shocked beyond words. Here he was a man already struggling to make ends meet as it were when he was employed. Except now he no longer had a job. How was he possibly going to provide for his family now?


Later that evening, as Phineas was returning home, all he could think about was how to break this news to his family. Having no job meant that likely he and his family will be evicted from their apartment, cast out onto the streets. Especially now that he was unable to find some form of income to support the family. Pushing the apartment door open, Phineas huffed upon noticing the still-leaking roof. He shook his head in shame knowing everything that was happening to him, and his family, had come so fast. One of the talking ponies, Rara he believed was her name, approached Barnum to greet him.

"Welcome back, Mr. Barnum," She greeted sweetly. "I hope your day went wonderfully."

"Yes... wonderful," He grumbled sarcastically.

"Are you alright sir?" Rara asked worriedly.

"I'll be fine," Barnum brushed off. "Where are all the others?"

"I believe they're playing up on the roof."

Phineas released a chuckle and shook his head. Of course they'd do something like that. Just as he was about to head off to climb the fire escape to the roof, he instantly stopped in his tracks when he heard a voice softly singing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Rara (Sings):

I'm here to show you who I am
Throw off the veil, it's finally time
There's more to me than glitz and glam
For now I see my stars align

For I had believed what I was sold
I did all the things that I was told
But all that has changed, and now I'm bold
'Cause I know

That I am just a pony
I make mistakes from time to time
But now I know the real me
And put my heart out on the line
And let the magic in my heart stay true
And let the magic in my heart stay true
Just like the magic inside of you

He slowly turned back toward Rara, who sung quietly to herself. But even then, he could tell she had a voice that sounded like a thousand angels harmonizing together. He slowly walked back toward her, kneeling to her height as he looked at her in utter amazement.

"You have such an astonishing voice," He admired.

Rara blushed at his compliment but turned away with a shake of her head.

"Not all ponies seem to agree," She sighed sadly.

"What do you mean?"

"In the land where I come from, I always wanted to be a singer," Rara explained. "Since I was small, that's all I ever wanted to do with my life. Eventually I did achieve that dream, but lately ponies believe I'm washed up and no good anymore. I don't know, maybe they're right..."

"That sounds like a load of nonsense if you ask me," Barnum said. "You have a voice that could make birds swoop to the ground from jealousy. Perhaps we can come up with a plan to help others see what I see in you."

Rara looked upon Phineas as a smile crept its way onto her face. Perhaps he and all of her other friends were right. Here she was feeling sorry for herself and actually believing the nonsense of critics whose words really meant nothing to her. She, and she alone, could decide when her career was over. And by Celestia, she was going to shine even brighter than she ever did before.

"Thank you Mr. Barnum," She smiled. "It's really nice to hear you say that."

"You are most welcome," Phineas responded. "Now come along, let's go find the others."

Barnum then climbed out the window and started up the fire escape to the roof with Rara following closely behind. When they both reached the roof, they smiled when they saw Charity and his two girls playing with the others. Apparently they were playing some game about the old west with Charity and the girls pretending to be cowboys (Or 'cowgirls' in this case) while Applejack showed them how real cowpokes do it.

"Hands in the air partners!" Applejack said playfully. "Yer fixin' tah get lassoed by Sheriff Applejack!"

The country pony pulled out her lasso and twirled it around as the girls raced around screaming with glee while Applejack hurled the lasso around trying to catch them. That is until Rainbow Dash zipped in and landed directly between Applejack and the two girls.

"You want them?" She asked. "You'll have to get through me, cowgirl!"

"With pleasure!" Applejack grinned.

From the sidelines, everyone else laughed and had a good time watching the girls and their old friends playing together. Rarity snuggled up closely toward Erik, watching and envisioning that very same future their own little one shall have someday soon. Charity looked over and noticed her husband and Rara stepping onto the roof.

"You're home early," She smiled toward her husband.

"And until further notice," Phineas responded, handing the paper.

Charity looked at the parchment, as a sad look formed across her face. However, she merely brushed it off and a smile returned as it had before.

"Well, I didn't think you were long for that job," She said.

"Or 'any' job, apparently," Phineas sighed.

"That's what makes our life together so exciting."

Despite his wife's cheerful outlook on everything, Phineas could not help but feel disappointed in himself. Back when they were children, he promised her the world. Now here he was unemployed and nowhere close to giving her 'everything' she deserved.

"Charity," He spoke ashamed. "This isn't the life I promised you."

"But I have everything I want," Charity responded.

"What about the magic?"

"What do you call those two girls?"

Barnum looked over at the two little girls, who were still playing around with their new pony and dragon friends. Then Pinkie Pie popped out from nowhere, right between Phineas and Charity, making the pair jump in surprise.

"Yeah! Or a group of walking-talking ponies and a dragon," She giggled. "I mean it's not something you see every day. Seems pretty magical."

"I suppose it does," Phineas chuckled.

"Hey, you partners, look who moseyed into the corral!" Charity called toward the girls.

"Daddy!" They both exclaimed excitedly.

They both ran up to their father, leaping into his embrace as they all laughed. The Equestrian group also walked alongside the family with smiles on their faces as well.

"Welcome home, Mr. Barnum," Twilight greeted kindly.

"I do so hope your day went swimmingly darling," Rarity said.

"Eh, it was alright I suppose," Barnum responded, with a shrug.

Applejack instantly knew he was lying but decided not to call him out on it. For one thing, it was his business after all. She had no right to interfere with his favors. And at the same time, she could tell by the look upon his face that he was so disheartened.

"Did you bring a present?" Caroline asked.

"A present for what?" Barnum asked, faking confusion.

"For my birthday!"


A huge gasp came from Pinkie Pie herself, whose pupils shrank to the size of pinpricks and her mouth hung open.

"Your what?!" She asked.

"My birthday," Caroline repeated.

Almost instantaneously, a massive smile took over Pinkie's whole face. She burst into the air with a rainbow trailing behind her. She exploded into a huge cloud of confetti before falling back to the ground wearing a party hat.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" She yelled loudly.

She grabbed a few other party hats from her mane and stuck them in everyone else's heads.

"ooh... this is so super-duper, extra-super, ultra-amazing!" She spoke excitedly. "We absolutely have to celebrate the only way I know how... Pinkie Pie style! That means balloons everywhere, streams all around, games, cake, ice cream, pinatas..."

As she listed off all the party items, Barnum and his entire family looked over toward the ponies and Spike for an explanation. All they could offer in return was a shrug of their shoulders.

"Don't ask... just don't," Spike sighed.

Though they were still quite confused, they all shared a laugh all the same.

"It's not your birthday," Phineas joked, earning his daughter's playful glare. "Okay, I do have a present... but not just any present. Oh, no. The most amazing birthday present ever."

"Ooh... do tell darling," Rarity spoke intrigued.

"Is it something super awesome, like me?" Rainbow asked.

"Well, I certainly hope so."

Phineas reached behind him and grabbed his briefcase which he then clicked open. Pulling it open, he pulled out what resembled a candle on a copper pedestal and some kind of copper cylinder with holes in it.

"This extraordinary machine was originally created by Leonardo da Vinci, 400 years ago," He explained.

"Ah yes, the great Da Vinci," Erik reminisced. "You know, I incorporated many of his designs when building most of my opera house."

"But the blueprints had been lost for centuries until just last week, on a stormy night," Barnum continued. "When a sunken pirate ship washed up on the shores of Nantucket."

"They found skeletons and treasures, and the blueprints were recovered by none other than J.W. Mercantile. The blueprints crossed my desk very briefly, but I managed to commit them to memory. And if I have remembered correctly..."

He assembled the machine to completion and when it was ready, he placed the cylinder over the candle. When he was finished, he gave the cylinder a spin and the light emanating from the little holes made it appear that thousands of little stars spun all around them.

"Happy birthday, Caroline," He said. "This is a wishing machine. You tell it your wishes and it keeps them safe until they come true. Even if you forget them, they're always there."

"Can I tell a wish?" Helen asked.

"Step right up. Go ahead."

Helen quickly ran up and knelt down as she closed her eyes tightly and made a wish.

"I wish to marry Santa Claus," She giggled.

"Not a bad wish," Spike chuckled. "If someone brought me gifts all the time, I'd marry them too. Then again, maybe that's just the greedy dragon in me talking."

"Oh Spike!" Twilight giggled, rolling her eyes.

"That is a good wish," Barnum chuckled.

Then Caroline came up and closed her eyes as well.

"I wish... for ballet slippers."

"Oh my, that's a very lovely wish Caroline," Fluttershy smiled.

"What's your wish, Mommy?" Caroline asked her mother.

Charity walked over and looked toward the little spinning device. She smiled toward her husband and two little girls.

"I wish for happiness like this forever, for you and you... and for your father."

"Boring!" Barnum and Rainbow Dash chuckled.

"Boring?" Charity laughed. "Since when was happiness ever been boring?"

"Nothing wrong with wanting to be happy," Rainbow assured. "I just figured you'd wish for something like a new place or something. No offense, but this apartment right now is... crummy."

"Don't y'all be so rude hun!" Applejack lightly scolded.

While they spoked, Caroline and Helen looked on in admiration as they watched the lights dance across the sheets on the rooftop. As they both watched, they imagined so many wondrous things in their heads. Having these thoughts in their heads made the two girls want to sing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Caroline (Sings):

Every night I lie in bed
The brightest colors fill my head
A million dreams are keepin' me awake

Caroline and Helen (Sing):

I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all its gonna take

Phineas watched as his girls both sang; he couldn't help but admire just how much they reminded him of himself and his wife when they were their age. It was then that an imaginary lightbulb went off in his head as he finished.

Phineas (Sings):

A million dreams
For the world we're gonna make

Standing quickly, he walked toward Erik and Rarity. He looked down toward the former opera ghost who looked at him in confusion.

"Can I help you?" Erik asked curiously.

"I certainly hope so my friend," Phineas responded with a smile.

Though Erik had no idea what Barnum was thinking in his head, he had the sensation that whatever it was involved something exotic. If there was anyone who knew about any and all things exotic, it was the Phantom. Erik looked down at his wife and gave a quick kiss to her forehead.

"If you'll excuse me a moment mon cheri," He said kindly.

"Of course my love," Rarity nodded.

Erik stood to his feet and followed Barnum off to the side, out of earshot of the others.

"What can I assist you with my friend?" Erik asked.

Phineas sighed for a moment before deciding to tell him the truth.

"To be completely honest with you my friend, I lost my job today," Barnum confessed.

"I'm sorry to hear that good sir," Erik apologized.

"Worry not my friend, I have an idea," Barnum said. "And I need your help to see it through."

"Why 'my' help?"

"Because from all the tales you told the other night, clearly you are a man who knows the exotic and the odd."

Erik squinted his eyes as he tried to think about where Barnum was going with this.

"Continue..." He nodded.

"I want to show people a world far beyond anything they have ever seen or heard of in their entire life," Barnum said excitedly. "If I can show them all the world far beyond their imagination, surely they will pay to see it."

"That's quite the gamble my friend," Erik spoke unconvinced. "Speaking from a man who knows what it's truly like trying to show the world the beauty underneath, the masses tend not to admire what they do not understand."

"That is exactly why you're just the man to help me!" Barnum exclaimed. "You have seen that world and you want to showcase it just as I do. Separately, we are sure to fail. But together, we have a chance to make history. If nothing else, we do it not for the glory, but for the ones we love most."

Erik sighed as he looked at Barnum and then back at his loving wife and his friends.

"What exactly is your plan?" he relented.

"Tomorrow, you and I shall go to the bank and apply for a loan," He informed.

"And what will you give with that money?"

Barnum looked toward his friend with a bright smile upon his face.

"A brighter future..."

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