Worst Pies in London

Later that same day, the sky finally cleared, and the dark clouds began to dissipate. Granted, London was still gray and cloudy but at least one wouldn't worry about an impending storm. The Mane Six and Spike trekked their way down the streets in search of Fleet Street Johanna told them about. As they walked, the girls and young man thought back to the poor golden-haired girl. From what they've seen of Judge Turpin, it was clear he was a horrible individual who didn't treat her well. How a man like that assumed authority in this town they'd never know.

"Poor Johanna," Fluttershy sighed somberly. "I hope she's alright."

"How can she even end up living with a man as horrid as him?" Rarity asked, confused. "He's clearly not the father, after all. Can't imagine a parent as cruel as that man."

"Eh... I can name maybe one or two," Rainbow Dash shrugged.

"This is Victorian London after all," Twilight Sparkle explained. "In these times, men held far superior rank over women, especially in the household. Even if they're not related by blood, not to mention him being a judge, Turpin must be so corrupted by power he believes whatever he says or does is best for her."

"All that confirms is he's a super duper big fat stupid meanie pants!" Pinkie Pie pouted. "I said we should throw a fake party, but now I'm thinking he doesn't deserve any sort of part. Too bad for him... still would've been a great bash."

"I'm beginning to suspect our being here is to save Johanna from a clearly abusive household," Twilight theorized. "We can clearly see how she's being treated, and she needs to get away."

"No kiddin'," Applejack nodded. "That there judge is as mean as a rattlesnake. But wut are we supposed tah do?"

"Why don't we just sneak her out of the house ourselves?" Rainbow suggested. "A few locked doors won't keep us out."

"That probably won't work," Twilight shook her head. "And even if we did, Turpin would notice she's gone right away and have the law chasing us before we even get very far."

"We could just wait until he's off on business," Spike suggested.

"Spike, if he were going far enough away, Johanna would be with him," Twilight responded. "I wouldn't put it past Turpin to do that."

"Yeesh, not only is he mean but that man's just creepy," Pinkie Pie shuddered. "Reminds me of an unfriendly face from one of our previous adventures... actually if you dye his hair till it's very dark and compare the voices... yeah, I can just see the resemblance."

"Hold up y'all!" Applejack interrupted suddenly.

Coming to a quick halt, every pony and Spike turned to see Applejack looking at a nearby street sign which read, 'Fleet Street'.

"Looks like we made it all right," Applejack confirmed.

"Finally... now can we find a place to sit?" Spike requested, massaging his legs. "We've been walking all day and my legs are killing me!"

"I hear ya there little dude," Rainbow nodded in agreement.

"I guess a break would be beneficial," Twilight agreed. "Now, let's see what's around here."

The group continued down Fleet Street for a while, keeping a sharp eye out for potential places to stop and rest a while. Eventually, they came to a corner of the street where a building with a few broken windows stood. It was tatty and unloved, yet it had this strange, ghostly presence to it. The building itself was imposing and dead at the same time, which made Fluttershy a slight nervous looking at it.

Its structure had a chimney that blew smoke into the sky and through one of the cracked windows they could see an exterior staircase leading to a darkened second floor room with a large skylight window on the roof that overlooked the street. They stood before the front of the shop, considering it deeply as they noticed a long sign on the outside of the building which read:

Mrs. Lovett's Meat Pies

The name alone made the girls cringe in disgust.

"Meat... pies?" Twilight gulped, disgusted. "Maybe we should keep going."

"Yeah... even 'I' wouldn't eat that!" Pinkie Pie shook her head.

"Come on girls, we can't keep walking forever," Spike urged. "We don't have to eat anything; we'll just sit down for a while."

The girls watched as Spike made his way towards the shop. After a moment of contemplation, the girls walked after Spike. As they neared the shop, they noticed two other people making their way over as well. One was a man with wild-looking hair with a white streak and the other was a young woman with golden hair. They glanced toward Spike, who had stridden his way into the shop, as their eyes darted toward the girls.

"Good day!" Twilight greeted politely.

Sweeney Todd gave no response, merely a curt nod and nothing more. Meanwhile, Chrysalis glared at the sight of the six humanized ponies. She knew that with the hair, their eyes, the voices, and especially their pigmentation, there was no mistake she could recognize those meddling ponies which means the young man that went in was none other than their dragon stooge. However, she quickly hid her hatred under her guise so as not to draw any suspicions.

"Good day," She greeted back.

Sweeney Todd pushed the door open first and took a step into the shop following the human dragon. From behind him, the rest of the group got a good look at the shop. The place was crawling with roaches and all sorts of bugs. Every square inch of the shop looked as though it was covered with an inch of filth. Behind the dusty counter, there was one single occupant.

A venal, vigorous, and slatternly woman in her forties, wearing an old looking dress. She was currently busy chopping a loathsome mess of suet with a wicked looking knife, her greasy hair hanging down over her face. This woman was Mrs. Eleanor Lovett, or just Mrs. Lovett as people called her. Upon hearing the door open -- and the bell at the door sounds -- her head snapped up and she dawned a surprised look, eyeing the group like a bird of prey.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Customers!" She gasped.

She quickly stabbed the knife into the countertop and made her way around the corner towards the startled group, who started to go. But she seemed so pleased to finally see customers in her shop, they couldn't help but stop when she started... singing:

Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
Wait, what's yer rush? What's yer hurry?
You gave me such a --
Fright, I thought you was a ghost.
Half a minute, cant'cher? Sit! Sit ye down! Sit!
All I meant is that I haven't seen a customer for weeks.

Lovett quickly pulled Sweeney Todd into the shop and quickly sat him down at a nearby table. The remainder of the group followed behind him, with Chrysalis taking a seat beside Todd at his table while the Mane Six sat with Spike at the other. Chrysalis glared venomously toward the human Equestrians before turning her attention back to Mrs. Lovett, who made her way back behind the counter.

Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
Did you come here for a pie, sir?
Do forgive me if me head's a little vague--
Ugh! What is that?
But you'd think we had the plague--

As she sang, she plucked a cockroach running along the counter, threw it on the ground, and stomped on it a few times. From their table, the Mane Six and Spike noticed numerous cockroaches running around their feet. Rarity and Twilight shrieked fearfully while Rainbow, Applejack, and Spike stomped a few in their way.

"Sweet Celestia!" Rarity shrieked. "Disgusting!"

"The health department needs to get in and do something about this!" Rainbow complained, mid-stomp.

Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
From the way that people--
Keep avoiding--
No, you don't!
Heaven knows I try, sir!
Tsk! But there's no one comes in even to inhale--
Tsk! Right you are, sir. Would you like a drop of ale?
Mind you, I can't hardly blame them--

Meanwhile, Mrs. Lovett came around with two pies, which she blew the last dust off and plopped them down in front of Sweeney and Spike. Taking a single look at the meat pies, both Spike and Todd could see that these pies looked moldy and unappetizing.

Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
These are probably the worst pies in London.
I know why nobody cares to take them--
I should know, I make 'em. But good? No!
The worst pies in London--
Even that's polite. The Worst pies in London--
If you doubt it, take a bite.

Sweeney picked up his pie and took a single bite out of it. Spike too picked up his own pie, staring about when he noticed his friends eyeing him with disgust.

"What?" He questioned. "Meat's actually a part of my dragon diet. Yeah, I'm cool with eating hay and gems but it's nice to indulge every now and again."

"It's not even that Spike," Twilight cringed. "We understand your dietary needs, but she just said they're the 'Worst Pies in London'. Why would you even eat one?"

"Come on, how bad can they be?" Spike chuckled.

Spike proceeded to take one bite of the pie... and froze. Within a second, his tongue was completely overwhelmed by the horrible flavor within the pie. He dropped it right back onto the plate as his face started turning green and he felt himself about to vomit. All the while, Mrs. Lovett kept singing as she poured some mugs of ale.

Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
Is that just disgusting?
You have to concede it.
It's nothing but crusting--
Here, drink this, you'll need it--
The worst pies in London.

She proceeded to place the mugs in front of Sweeney and Spike. Spike snatched his mug up and started to drink the entire mug in a single gulp. Just anything that could help rid the taste out of his mouth. Meanwhile, he swore he also saw a roach crawl from out of the pie. Sweeney, meanwhile, took a sip and swished the ale around his mouth a bit while Mrs. Lovett kept making more pies, slamming lumps of dough on the counter, rolling them out, and grunting frequently.

Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
And no wonder with the price of meat
What it is--when you get it. Never--
Thought I'd live to see the day
Men'd think it was a treat
Findin' poor animals
Wot are dying in the street.
Mrs. Mooney has a pie shop,
Does a business, but I noticed something weird--
Lately all her neighbors' cats have disappeared.
Have to hand it to her--wot I calls
Enterprise--popping pussies into pies!
Wouldn't do in my shop--
Just the thought of it's enough to make you sick.
And I'm telling you them pussy cats is quick.

"Someone... actually... makes pies... out of poor little kitties?" Fluttershy squeaked.

The very thought of it alone made Fluttershy break down in tears as her friends tried to calm her.

Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
No denying times is hard, sir --
Even harder than the worst pies in London.
Only lard and nothing more--
Is that just revolting?
All greasy and gritty?
It looks like it's molting,
And tastes like--well, pity...
A woman alone with limited wind
And the worst pies in London!!!
Ah, sir, times is hard.
Times is hard!!!

As she finished her song, she noticed one more roach running across the counter and used her pin roller to smash it. The rest of the Mane Six continued to console Fluttershy while Sweeney Todd and Spike continued gulping their ales trying to wash down Mrs. Lovett's hideous creations.

"Trust me, dearies, it's going to take more than ale to wash that taste out," She informed them, before eying the girls. "Any of you care to try a pie?"

"Uh... no thanks," Twilight smiled nervously. "We really need to be going."

"No kidding!" Spike groaned. "I need something to wash this taste out of my mouth. Water, mouthwash, mustard... anything really."

Spike quickly hopped up and made his way out of the shop while the rest of the Mane Six followed close behind. Once outside the shop, Spike quickly raced to a nearby alley and upchucked whatever was in his stomach. Soon as he finished, he emerged with his face now entirely flushed.

"That was horrible!" He grumbled. "I'm officially never, ever, EVER eating any kind of meat... again!"

"Spike, you literally ate rotten muffins out of the garbage once," Rainbow reminded him.

"Even they tasted better than the pie," Spike groaned, clutching his stomach.

"It's a miracle that place is even open," Applejack said honestly. "Ah've seen mah fair share of nasty vittles in mah life, ah'm pretty sure that just topped them all."

"Never thought I'd hear myself say this, but I've never been so happy to leave a bakery in my life!" Pinkie cringed.

"Oh... t-t-those p-poor k-kitties," Fluttershy wept.

"I think it's high time we leave this place," Rarity suggested.

"Couldn't agree more, Rares," Rainbow agreed.

"So, where are we supposed to go?" Twilight asked curiously. "How will we find a place to stay?"

"Did I hear you say you're looking for a place to stay?"

The group immediately turned around at the sound of a new voice as a young man, Anthony, walked behind them. He had his bag slung over his shoulder and his map book in his other hand.

"Sorry, I couldn't help but overhear," He spoke up. "Am I correct to assume you're trying to find somewhere for the night?"

"That's right sir, we are," Twilight nodded.

"Well, perhaps you'd care to come with me?" Anthony suggested. "I'm on my way to Hyde Park to find a lodging house as well. Just until my next excursion to the sea."

The Mane Six and Spike looked amongst each other as they tried to determine if this young gentleman was being honest with them. Being the Element of Honesty, Applejack decided to question him further.

"You ain't foolin' with us, are ya?" Applejack asked curiously.

"No ma'am," Anthony replied.

"How do we know we can trust ya?"

"Because unlike many a man with ill laden intentions, I hold a moral sense of principals," Anthony answered. "There's no reason for me to lie to any of you."

Applejack analyzed his words and body language to determine if there was even a faint hint of falseness to what he said. When she found absolutely none at all, she gave a nod of approval.

"Looks like he's tellin' the truth," Applejack smiled.

"So, what will it be then my ladies? Good sir?" Anthony asked the group.

"Anything's better than sleeping in an alley," Rainbow joked.

"Hush now Rainbow!" Rarity scolded. "Show a little curtesy. We thank you very much for your assistance, mister..."

"Anthony, ma'am," Anthony greeted.

"Thank you, Anthony," Twilight reciprocated. "I'm Twilight and these are my friends Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Spike."

"Pleasure to meet you all," Anthony bowed his head. "Shall we be on our way?"

"By all means," Spike replied. "Lead the way, pal."

Anthony proceeded to walk ahead and make his way down the road. The rest of the group started to follow him closely, neither of them recognizing that sinking feeling of being... watched.


Back in the pie shop, Mrs. Lovett watched from the window as the Mane Six and Spike made their way down the street. As she walked away, Chrysalis took a seat beside Sweeney Todd, who took another swig of ale to rid himself of the horrible taste in his mouth.

"They certainly were a nice lot," Mrs. Lovett commented.

"Nice isn't the word I would use," Chrysalis scoffed, with a huff. "They're pretentious, arrogant, and underhanded that's what."

"Seemed nice to me," Mrs. Lovett shrugged, walking back.

"Trust me, I know them," Chrysalis replied. "They act nice and pure to everyone else. But deep down, they're as corrupt and immoral as the lot of them."

Suffice to say, Mrs. Lovett didn't exactly know how to properly respond to that. She merely turned her attention back to Sweeney, who still struggled to get the taste out.

"Come with me and we'll get you a nice tumbler of gin," She suggested.

"Got anything stronger?" Chrysalis sighed.

Mrs. Lovett chuckled under her breath as the two individuals stood up from the table and followed her through the curtains at the back of the pie shop into the connecting living space. Her parlor was a wonder of seedy faux-middle class Victorian. Little knickknacks, dusty plants, and dingy doilies lined the walls and furniture. There was a threadbare mauve sofa in front of a comfortable fire. Passing by a faded postcard of a lovely seaside beach on the wall, Mrs. Lovett approached a nearby cabinet and pulled out a few glasses along with a bottle of gin.

"Isn't this homey now?" Lovett asked, mid-pour. "Me cheery wallpaper was a real bargain too; it being only partly singed when the chapel burnt down..."

"Yes... lovely," Chrysalis replied.

"Here you are dear," Mrs. Lovett handed Chrysalis a drink. "Drink it in good health."

Chrysalis looked down at the small glass of clear liquid in her hand for a moment. Eventually, she lifted it to her lips and drank half of it. It burned down her throat, but she had to admit it had quite a taste to it. Mrs. Lovett handed a drink to Sweeney as he sat on the couch.

"There's a good boy, now you sit down and warm your bones," She told him. "You look chilled through.:

As Todd sat before the fire, he looked past Lovett to the stairs leading up to the second floor.

"You've a room over the shop don't you?" He questioned. "If times are so hard, why don't you rent it out?"

"Up there?" Mrs. Lovett responded, glancing up. "Oh, no one will go near it... people think it's haunted."

The intense probing nature of Lovett's gaze seemed to get Chrysalis's attention, enough to look up from her glass.

"Did you say 'haunted'?" She asked.

"Yes," Mrs. Lovett nodded. "And who's to say they're wrong? You see, years ago, something happened up there... something not very nice."

Chrysalis turned back to eye Sweeney Todd, who now had his back turned on both of them. Though she couldn't see his face, she could feel the negative energy radiating off of him. No doubt he was still reeling from the pain of losing his wife and child, something she understood very well. Staring at the tormented man, as the flickering flame from the fire cast a more intense red glow upon her face, Mrs. Lovett continued to explain... through song.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
There was a barber and his wife,
And he was beautiful,
A proper artist with a knife,
But they transported him for life.
And he was beautiful...

As she sang, Lovett looked at Todd, again with that rather intense gaze.

"Barker, his name was," Mrs. Lovett informed them. "Benjamin Barker."

"Transported?" Sweeney asked. "What was his crime?"

"... Foolishness."

Again, Lovett turned toward the fire, the red glow bathing her face as she lost herself in her memories. Deciding a further understanding was in order, Chrysalis once more channeled her magic to enter the twisted, disturbed minds of these people in search of some measure of 'truth'.


Fifteen years ago...

Chrysalis once more opened her eyes and found herself standing in the room above the pie shop. Everything was bright and vibrant, with striped wallpaper and an assortment of furniture. She turned over and noticed Barker's wife, Lucy, sitting in a chair with their infant daughter in her arms as she looked out the large window to the city below. Her face was so downtrodden and sad following her husband's wrongful exile, still recalling the love of her life stripped away from her.

Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
He had this wife, you see,
Pretty little thing, silly little nit
Had her chance for the moon on a string—
Poor thing! Poor thing...

Eventually, Lucy stood from the chair, pacing, holding the baby closely to her. She was beyond distraught, strained even, tears flowing down her eyes. She paced toward a nearby table littered with dead and dying flowers, dozens of bouquets tossed aside and ignored. With a small shake of her head, she cradled her daughter closer as she walked back toward the window. Looking out into the streets, she noticed the all too familiar sight of Judge Turpin and Beadle Bamford standing there, looking up at her. As he had done every day since her husband's exile, the Judge stood there holding another bouquet of flowers for her. Letting a single tear fall from her face, Lucy moved away from the window, sobbing.

Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
There was this Judge, you see,
Wanted her like mad,
Every day he'd send her a flower,
But did she come down from her tower?
Sat up there and sobbed by the hour,
Poor fool.
Ah, but there was worse yet to come, poor thing...

A sudden blinding flash caused Chrysalis to shield her eye as she felt a strong wind envelop her. When the wind died and the light dissipated, she opened her eyes to see the entire street had changed. Now she stood in the street near Turpin's house, practically in the middle of the night. The sound of footsteps approaching caused her to turn around, seeing the Beadle leading a nervous Lucy alone this exclusive street of dark stone mansions, grand but somehow menacing. Lucy was wearing her best dress that night.

Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
The Beadle calls on her, all polite,
Poor thing, poor thing.
'The Judge', he tells her, 'is all contrite,
He blames himself for her dreadful plight
She MUST come straight to his house tonight!'
Poor thing, poor thing.

The Beadle ushers Lucy into the house and Chrysalis followed closely behind. The entire house was filled to capacity with people dressed in the finest clothing, all of them wearing masks for a Masquerade Ball. Lucy, and an invisible Chrysalis, are shocked to see a fancy-dress ball in progress as they made for the ballroom. Masked couples swirled around the ballroom; their numbers sinisterly multiplied by the distorting mirrors that frame the room. The hanging chandeliers, draped in red cloth, cast a disquieting incarnadine glow on the proceedings. Beadle handed Lucy a drink and pushed her forward into the crowd. Lucy wandered lost through the swirling dancers, they buffed her, confusing her so as she proceeded to drink and continued to scan the area for Judge Turpin.

Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
Of course, when she goes there, poor thing, poor thing!
They're having this ball all in masks.
There's no one she knows there, poor dear, poor thing,
She wanders tormented, and DRINKS, poor thing!
'The Judge has repented,' she thinks, poor thing. 'Oh, where is Judge Turpin?' she asks.
He was there, all right—only NOT so contrite!

Soon enough, Lucy found herself getting dizzy from the drink and decided to rest on a nearby couch. As she laid there in a daze, Judge Turpin, dressed in a crimson red suit and bird mask walked up alongside her and removed his mask. Lucky looked up into his face, even in her drunken state she could see the coldness in his eyes.

Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
She wasn't no match for such craft, you see,
And everyone thought it so droll!
They figured she had to be daft, you see,
So, all of them stood there and LAUGHED, you see,
Poor soul! Poor thing!

Then Judge Turpin proceeded to commit such a horrendous, malicious act that made even Chrysalis's black heart break, making her sick to her stomach. As Turpin proceeded to have his way with her, descending upon the woman, the other guests crowed around ravenously, laughing, and enjoying the malicious spectacle. Aside from laughter, the only other sounds to be heard was Lucy's bloodcurdling screams...



Sweeney Todd's wild howl shattered the memory and tore Chrysalis back to the present. The man bolted from the sofa, tormented over Mrs. Lovett's story. Turning her back to the two individuals in the room, she couldn't help but send the tears streaming down her face. The first time meeting Mr. Todd, she thought the two of them had similar situations befall them. Only now she realized how very wrong she was. Sweeney Todd had it worse... far worse.

"Does the cruelty of men know no bounds?" She whispered to herself.

"Would no one have mercy on her?" Sweeney asked somberly.

Mrs. Lovett looked toward the man as a sudden sense of realization turned on like a light.

"So, it is you—" She gasped, amazed. "Benjamin Barker."

"Where's Lucy?!" Sweeney asked her. "Where's my wife?!"

"She poisoned herself," Mrs. Lovett confessed. "Arsenic from the apothecary round the corner. I tried to stop her, but she wouldn't listen to me."

Hearing the news made Sweeney Todd freeze in place, torment growing upon his face. His precious wife, the only person he looked most forward to seeing upon his return from exile, was now dead. All thanks to that immoral judge who sent him away, who stalked and raped his wife, and ruined his entire life. Chrysalis slowly approached his side and did something most uncharacteristic of the former changeling Queen. She wrapped her arms around Sweeney, leaned her head into his chest... and hugged him.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Todd," She spoke genuinely. "Part of me understands what you're going through, but there's another part that has no idea of the pain you're suffering."

But Sweeney didn't return the hug, he was dead to the world right now. The next thing he learned, however, really set him off.

"You think that's bad, wait till you hear this," Mrs. Lovett continued. "He's got your daughter."

Chrysalis pulled away from Sweeney, who stiffened upon hearing this news. Instead of a face of sorrow, he now had in place blind rage.

"He?" Sweeney snarled. "Judge Turpin?"

"Adopted her, like his own," Mrs. Lovett nodded.

Todd absorbed this sickening news, his face contorting further with anger.

"Fifteen years of sweating in a living hell on a false charge," Todd growled, removing his coat. "Fifteen years dreaming that I might come home to find a loving wife and child..."

He stepped beside the fire, gazing into the flames as madness and purpose crept in. Chrysalis wanted to calm him down, but she knew that within this state she couldn't predict how dangerous he was. Of course, she always had her dark magic to protect herself. But even she knew that madness within one's head can be just as dangerous.

"Well, I can't say the years have been particularly kind to you, Mr. Barker, but you still..."

"No!" Sweeney interrupted Lovett. "Not Barker. That man is dead. It's Todd now. Sweeney Todd... and he will have his revenge."

Todd continued with a chilling, quiet resolve as he stared with unblinking eyes into the fire. Seeing the twisted, yet determined look upon his face, Chrysalis stepped up alongside him.

"I will help you achieve it," She volunteered.

Mrs. Lovett and Sweeney Todd looked at her with such confusion.

"What are you on about dear?" Mrs. Lovett asked.

"I will help Mr. Todd achieve his vengeance by any means necessary," Chrysalis emphasized, with determination.

"Why?" Sweeney asked lowly.

"What the Judge did to you, and your family is..."

"No!" Sweeney said loudly, stopping Chrysalis. "There's more to it than that."

Chrysalis's face dawned a surprise look, as she tried to turn her face away from his menacing gaze.

"W-What do you m-mean?" She stammered nervously.

Sweeney squinted his dark eyes at her, slowly advancing upon her. Chrysalis slowly backed away until she hit a nearby wall, trapped in a corner with nowhere to go.

"When we met on that ship, you said what happened to me happened to you," Todd replied, leaning closer. "There's more to you than meets the eyes. What exactly did you mean by that? Who are you exactly?"

Chrysalis's eyes shot back and forth a million miles an hour, realizing she both literally and figuratively had been backed into a corner. She couldn't possibly reveal who she truly was to these people... right?"

"I... I... I can't tell you," She stammered.

"Why is that?" Todd glared.

"You'd look at me differently," Chrysalis replied in earnest. "You'd see me as a monster like everyone else who looked upon me."

Sweeney merely leaned too close for comfort, their faces only inches apart. Chrysalis couldn't avoid the deepening gaze piercing deadly into her eyes.

"Try me," He challenged.

Eventually, Todd backed away granting Chrysalis the forum to explain herself. The changeling couldn't believe someone actually called her bluff, putting her on the spot. She didn't wish to reveal her true nature, but in that moment, she realized she had no choice. Taking a deep breath, letting out the hot air from her throat, she stepped toward the middle of the room and engulfed herself in green flame. Once more, she regained her original changeling form, much to the surprise of the two others in the room with her. Mrs. Lovett fell back on the couch, shocked yet staring with awe.

"Well... you certainly don't see that every day, do you?" Lovett asked, shocked.

While Lovett was shocked, Mrs. Todd merely stared at Chrysalis with interest though his face wouldn't show it.

"What are you?" He asked her.

"My true name... is Chrysalis," Chrysalis responded honestly. "I used to be queen of a race of creatures known as changelings."

"What are changelings?" Mrs. Lovett asked, curious.

"In the land of Equestria, from which we hail, we're a race of insectoid equines who feed off love."

"What are you doing here?" Sweeney asked her. "Why are you so determined to see I get my vengeance?"

A lone tear streaked down Chrysalis's dark face before she responded.

"I was a youngling like you... like you, I too loved another," Chrysalis explained. "Back then, changelings were always taught that love was weakness for the enemy but strength for us. Then one day, I met a young colt, Fire Fall by name. One of the only creatures who refused to see me as a monster.

"The day we met, we got to know each other. We'd sneak out at night just to play when no pony else was watching. Being a changeling, I couldn't let any pony else know a thing about me... I couldn't even let my own hive know the real reason for sneaking away. Many years of this went by, then things between us became more... serious. We'd share romantic picnics, the occasional kiss here and there, things were wonderful for a time... but we were growing tired over having so little time being together... a brief period of being free to be ourselves."

"What happened?" Mrs. Lovett asked.

Taking a deep breath, Chrysalis continued her story... even though she knew how it would end.

"One day... I decided I didn't want to be a changeling princess any longer. The two of us agreed to run away together, a million miles away from Equestria, and start a new life for us. We always imagined what it would be like, every hour of everyday dreaming of just taking off and never looking back. We met in the forest, at the very spot where we met, we were two kids excited for where the future would take us. And then... it happened..."


A thousand years ago...

A teenage Chrysalis ran through the Everfree Forest as fast as her legs could carry her. She had a worn saddlebag on her back, filled with as many supplies as she could bring with her. As she ran, she spotted her true love, Fire Fall, waiting at the edge of the forest. The two had certainly grown over the years from the young foals they used to be, and their relationship had certainly evolved immensely. Chrysalis smiled as she ran faster, skidding to a stop just before Fire Fall. The young stallion smiled upon her arrival.

"I'm sorry I'm late..." Chrysalis gasped, catching her breath.

"Don't be sorry, you're right on time," Fire Fall smiled, with assurance. "There's no stopping us now. I've got it all figured out."

Fire Fall proceeded to reach into his own saddlebag and pulled out a rolled-up parchment which he carefully spread along the tree. Using his wings to hold the map in place, he placed a hoof along the north edge of the map.

"That... is where we're going."

"But... there's nothing there," Chrysalis pointed out.

"Exactly! To the untrained eye there isn't, so no pony will think to look there, Chrysalis," Fire Fall explained. "I know of a caravan who makes deliveries to lands beyond the map, the kind that counts on the stars as their guides and ask no questions in return. We'll join them tonight, vanish completely out of sight, and go where the road decides. We'll have no obligations...

"Or mothers to obey," Chrysalis smiled tearfully. "Maybe we can travel on the sea?"

"Sure! I'll tend the sails and you can steer," Fire Fall added. "We'll watch the waves roll on endlessly till all of Equestria disappears. Until there's just the two of us... on top of the world."

"We'll leave all thoughts about the future to some future day. Follow wherever the wind starts blowing. The kind of life we've dreamt of."

"Tonight... we're never looking back," Fire Fall declared. "I may not know exactly where we're going, but we'll keep going forward. We'll vanish from all eyes in view, become a pair completely new. We'll find our own country, we'll elope, and find a spot that lets a pony like me own a house, raise a child, and build a life... with you."

Chrysalis looked upon him, tears streaming down her face as she smiled toward the pony. He then proceeded to put the map back into his back and stretched out his limbs with a groan.

"Are you ready to go?" Fire Fall asked excitedly.

"With you, I'm ready for anything," Chrysalis replied.

The two shared a quick passionate kiss before taking off through the forest. They fan for a good while before the sound of approaching hooves caught their attention. Their eyes widened with horror as royal guard ponies, Unicorns, pursued the pair.

"There it is!" One guard yelled. "I knew there was a changeling in this forest!"

"Get them!" Another guard yelled.

Shocked upon the discovery of their presence, Chrysalis fired a few blasts of magics toward the guards, who managed to dodge them expertly.

"Hurry! We can cut through the trees and lose them!" Fire Fall yelled.

The two lovers broke off the path and darted through a series of thick trees. Though they could still hear the guards following behind, eventually their hooves grew more and more distant.

"I think we've lost them!" Chrysalis exclaimed in relief.

"There's a field just at the end of this path," Fire Fall explained. "We just need to stay ahead of them until we..."

Suddenly, bolas were hurled through the air and wrapped itself around Chrysalis legs. Fire Fall stopped and turned as the changeling fell to the ground.

"Chrysalis!" Fire Fall yelled.

Chrysalis tried to break free but found she couldn't. The bolas were made from a special material both incredibly strong and impervious to magic. No matter how much she struggled, she couldn't break free. The royal guards burst through the trees, surrounding the princess.

"We got her now!" One guard declared. "Keep her still till Princess Celestia arrives!"

"Get your bloody hooves off her!" Fire Fall yelled.

The Pegasus stallion leapt into the fray, fighting off the guards in an effort to save his love. He nicked one guard back and struck another into a tree. But soon enough, the remainder of the guards piled upon him until they had him restrained. Suddenly, a blinding white light enveloped the entire forest. All eyes stared into the sky as Princess Celestia herself lowered herself from the sky toward the open ground. The Princess of Equestria was still as tall and regal back then as she was now. Except her mane wasn't a glowing rainbow, rather a soft pink. The princess walked toward Chrysalis, who still struggled to break free, and the princess looked down upon the changeling with disappointment.

"Princess Chrysalis, I presume?" Celestia spoke. "You know your kind isn't welcome in Equestria."

"What do you think I've done?!" Chrysalis cried, tearfully. "I haven't done anything!"

"You know the rules," Celestia responded, firmly. "Your mother and I agreed that her subjects would stay on their grounds, while we stay on ours. Then I hear word of a Changeling roaming in the woods upon pony grounds and I cannot cast aside my concerns any further. Do you know how many rules you've violated just being here? And now I find you with one of 'my' subjects in your clutches."

"She didn't hold me against my will!" Fire Fall cried out, struggling. "I wanted to be with her; she's my best friend!"

"Changelings will say and do anything to make you 'think' such thoughts, young Fire Wall," Celestia spoke calmly. "We keep our races separated for each other's survival; you cannot ignore a thousand years of tradition."

"I don't want to survive!" Fire Fall argued. "I want to live! WE want to live!"

"Listen to me Fire Fall," Celestia spoke, slightly raising her voice. "You are not well; you're not thinking clearly. I cannot ignore my duties to the ponies first. If her mother ever knew what happened tonight... no... no, I cannot risk my subjects in another world. The princess must remain with her people, and you are to remember who you are and where you stand. You must let her go... and be a pony."

Fire Fall looked up toward the towering gaze of Princess Celestia herself, then slowly turned toward Chrysalis, seeing her hooves bound and cuffed. She eyed Fire Fall, tears streaming down her face, silently begging for him. He looked upon her for a moment, reading her face for any hint of deceit or deception, just as his princess implied. But then his gaze changed to determination, as he slowly closed his eyes to think for himself.

"No..." Fire Fall muttered.

All the guards gasped, as they nervously faced their princess, who seemed just as surprised.

"What?" Princess Celestia responded.

"No... I'm not doing it!" Fire Fall answered louder. "My name is Fire Fall; I am a Pegasus of Cloudsdale! And for the first time in my life, I 'am' thinking clearly. I've spent my whole life afraid of what ponies think of me, but I will NOT give up the only good thing I've ever had just because YOU'RE scared of the Changelings!"

Fire Fall forced himself up against the guards, who struggled to keep him down. But the princess, instead, made one gesture with her wing and on silent command the guards backed away so the pony could speak for himself, standing in defiance against his own ruler.

"Her name... is Chrysalis!" Fire Fall addressed Chrysalis. "She may not be a pony, but she's 'good'... better than I deserve, but nothing scares me more than hurting her. We are leaving Equestria tonight, Princess Celestia... we are leaving, together! I just want you to accept us!"

All the ponies in the forest that night was understandably shocked by Fire Fall's choice of words. Never before had there been a pony who would defy the sacred laws bestowed upon them by the almighty alicorns themselves, yet here was a single Pegasus who dared challenge Celestia's authority and willingly casting aside his own ponyhood... just to be with a changeling. And for a moment, all Celestia could do was look at this pony in the eye, her own subject determined to destroy his own life just to be with some pony else... and not even a pony.

'Accept them?' she thought. How could she possibly accept this? A union between a pony and a changeling. She knows her mother all too well, could she deny everything that the Changeling Queen would threaten to do... just for one pony's belief? On the other hoof, could she deny her own subject... a pony's love for this one princess. On the other hoof, how can Princess Celestia turn against generation upon generation of pony faith, her own people. If she tried to bend that far... she'll break. On the other hoof...

No... there was no other hoof.

"Take Fire Fall and arrange for his transport," Princess Celestia ordered the guards.

"NOOO!!!" Chrysalis cried out.

The guards suddenly ganged up on Fire Fall, who struggled to fight back but the bonds limited him. They pulled him away, as he was forced to watch the other guards lift Chrysalis onto her feet and the Changeling cried out for his name, as she tried to pull free. All the while Princess Celestia stood her ground, watching the guards drag the Pegasus away.

"I'm doing this for your own good, Fire Fall," Princess Celestia spoke, keeping a straight face. "Until your mind is clear, we are taking you to a place where you will be treated. You will not be allowed to return home until this spell goes away."

"You're wrong! There IS no magic! I love her!" Fire Fall yelled. "CHRYSALIS!!!"

"FIRE FALL!" Chrysalis reached out, crying. "FIRE FALL!!!"

"Have him arranged to be on the next boat," Celestia instructed her guards.


"YOU MONSTER!!!" Chrysalis shouted toward Celestia. "GIVE HIM BACK TO ME! GIVE HIM BACK!!!"

"As for 'you'... Chrysalis," Celestia addressed the princess. "You step hoof upon our grounds, submitting yourself to judgment. On this very night, I pass it now...


"NOOOOOOO!!!" Fire Fall shouted.

"If you or your other Changelings dare to step foot upon our lands again, the consequences will be disastrous," Celestia continued. "You are to return to your kingdom, right now... and you are NEVER to set foot here... ever. Take her to the boundaries of the badlands... but do not harm her."

The guards proceeded to drag the crying princess into a chariot with magically embedded bars to prevent an escape. They proceeded to thrust the princess inside and sealed the doors, as Chrysalis tried to bang her way against the iron prying her inside. Two Pegasus guards proceeded to take off with their captive at hand, slowly approaching the sky as Chrysalis tried to break free.


And the princess looked down as Fire Fall somehow managed to pry his way from the guards and raced toward the departing chariot while the other ponies followed, among them... the princess Celestia herself.

"Fire Fall!" Chrysalis shouted, reaching out.

"Fire Fall... stop!" Celestia begged.

"CHRYSALIS!!!" Fire Fall cried out, tearfully.


"Stop him!" The captain of the guards ordered.

Fire Fall kept shouting for Chrysalis, as the guards eventually caught up to him. They lifted him up while his hooves hung over the ground beneath him, he vainly reached his front hooves for the chariot as it flew higher into the sky. All while Princess Celestia could only look on, as her pink mane flew in the night breeze.

"Chrysalis! Fly back to me!" Fire Fall begged. "Chrysalis! I love you! Fly back to me!"

And Chrysalis could only look down, eyes streaming like rainfall as the ponies below her disappeared from view. The guards dragging Fire Fall away resembling nothing but tiny ants. And among them, the Queen Ant... Celestia... somehow looking up toward the chariot yet the princess couldn't read her face. All Chrysalis could do was look... and could still hear Fire Fall's cries of desperation, the last words she ever heard... before he vanished forever...

"Fly back to me, Chrysalis!"



"For months... I searched all across Equestria," Chrysalis continued, holding back tears. "But I never found him... all I found was the wreckage of the boat they took him in. I tried to fly to him... just like he asked me to... but I was too late."

Mr. Todd and Mrs. Lovett listened intently to the story this poor changeling Queen told them. Though their faces didn't show, they felt sorry for her. Naturally Sweeney hid his emotions too well, but Mrs. Lovett couldn't help but wipe away some stray tears off her eyes.

"I'm sorry to hear of your troubles dear," Mrs. Lovett told her. "Can't imagine how that must've felt."

"That's why you want to help me," Sweeney said.

"If I don't help you get your revenge, then I know I never will," Chrysalis choked out. "I want Judge Turpin and the Beadle to pay for what they did to you, the same way that I want Celestia to pay for what she did to me!"

Mr. Todd looked over at Mrs. Lovett, who only gave him a simple shrug. Sweeney then turned back toward Chrysalis, contemplating his decision. As far as his revenge was concerned, he really wanted no one in his way... he'd stand alone. Then again, having aid in this venture would help him. Making his decision, he simply gave a simple nod of approval which earned one from Chrysalis as well.

"First... I must have my shop back," Todd declared.

"Right... certainly won't make headway out there in the streets," Mrs. Lovett pointed out. "Let's see about getting you two some accommodations."


Mrs. Lovett led Sweeney and Chrysalis out the back door of the pie shop to the open outdoor dining area. Thankfully, the entire area was completed deserted which made it easier to sneak a demented barber and a changeling out of the shop. She proceeded to scale the exterior staircase to the darkened second floor room. Unlocking the door, which hadn't been opened in years, she pushed it open and led them inside.

"Come along," She urged them.

Without hesitation, Chrysalis climbed up the stairs as Sweeney Todd slowly followed. A macabre shroud of dust and spider webs blanketed the entire room, old furniture was covered in sheets and peeling paint. A broken mirror hung on one wall. As they entered, the door creaked like a living thing. Looking around, Chrysalis and Todd could see the place had been let go these last fifteen years.

"I suppose this will do," Chrysalis said, looking around. "At least there's a roof over our heads."

"Not to worry, a touch of oil will put that right," Mrs. Lovett assured her. "Nothing to be afraid of, love, come in."

As the ladies moved into the room, Todd hesitated at the door, looking into the room. For him this was truly a haunted place. As he slowly walked around what was once a family room, so many ghosts of memories came flooding back to him. He walked over to a corner of the room where a sheet covered something, and he slowly pulled it off revealing his daughter's old crib and her doll. How he wished he could have been here to watch her grow up. Now instead, she'd only ever know him as a complete stranger.

The sound of creaking drew his attention once more. Mrs. Lovett knelt over and pried loose a floorboard. Underneath there was a hidden area. From there, she pulled out a box covered in a dusty velvet cloth. Both Sweeney and Chrysalis walked over, kneeling down beside her as she removed it and carefully unwrapped the cloth. Her touch was particularly gentle and respectful. Before their eyes was a fine leather case. Lovett looked at it for a moment, then turned to Todd while dusting it off.

"I don't believe it..." Todd gasped silently.

"When they came for the girl, I hid them," Lovett informed. "I thought, who knows? Maybe the silly blighter'll be back again. Could have sold them but I didn't."

Sweeney Todd slowly reached out and took the box in his hands, as though he'd just been handed the most precious treasure in the world.

"What is it?" Chrysalis asked.

No response was forthcoming though. Sweeney just opened the box, slowly, seeing it contained a beautiful set of silver barbed razors. Sweeney stood for a long moment, gazing down at his beloved razors. Gently and slowly, he traced his fingers over the metallic shaving instruments as Chrysalis stared in amazement.

"They're beautiful," Chrysalis gasped, with admiration.

"Those handles are chased silver, ain't they?" Mrs. Lovett asked.

"Silver, yes..." Sweeney nodded, picking one up.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Sweeney Todd (Sings):
These are my friends, see how they glisten.
See this one shine, how he smiles in the light.
My friend, my faithful friend.
(Holding it to his ear, feeling the edge with his thumb)
Speak to me friend, whisper, I'll listen.
I know, I know—you've been locked out of sight
All these years! Like me, my friend!
Well, I've come home to find you waiting.
Home, and we're together...
And we'll do wonders, won't we...?

Mrs. Lovett proceeded to lean over him, in her own kind of trance as well. Chrysalis stood idly watching them sing simultaneously as Todd now held 'two' razors.

Sweeney Todd (w/Mrs. Lovett) (Sings):
You there, my friend,
(I'm your friend too, Mr. Todd.)
Come, let me hold you.
(If you only knew, Mr. Todd--)
Now, with a sigh
(Ooh, Mr. Todd,)
You grow warm in my hand...
(You're warm in my hand...)
My friend,
(You've come home.)
My clever friend.
(Always had a fondness for you, I did...)

Todd proceeded to put one of the razors back in the box.

Sweeney Todd (w/Mrs. Lovett) (Sings):
Rest now, my friends.
(Never you fear, Mr. Todd,)
Soon I'll unfold you.
(You can move in here, Mr. Todd.)
Soon you'll know splendors you never have dreamed all your days
(Splendors you never have dreamed all your days—will be yours!)
My lucky friends!
(I'm your friend--)
Till now your shine
(And you're mine! Don't they shine beautiful?)
Was merely silver.
(Silver's good enough for me, Mr. T...)
Friends, you shall drip rubies, you'll soon drip precious...

Sweeney Todd gazed into the reflection of the silver razor; a sick twisted smirk spread over the thought of what he could do with them. He also saw Chrysalis in the mirror alongside him, seeing the trace of her own troubled past in her gaze. How it just seemed to make it fit that much more. The only part of the reflection he felt shouldn't be in the picture... was Mrs. Lovett. He turned slightly to look at the woman, leaning too comfortably into his shoulder.

"Leave us, now!" He ordered her.

Chrysalis looked toward the woman as well, for she had a good idea of what Mr. Todd was on about.

"Mr. Todd and I have planning to do," She concluded.

Mrs. Lovett merely gave a shrug as she stood back up and made her way out of the room, closing the door behind her. Sweeney Todd stood back up to his full height, holding his biggest razor out before him with a smirk on his face. Chrysalis could swear she actually saw a white light shining down on him and his instrument of destruction.

"At last, my arm is complete again!" Sweeney smirked.

"And with it, we will do such wonderful... terrible things!" She grinned wickedly.

And thus, Chrysalis and Sweeney Todd stood side by side, staring out the large window overlooking Fleet Street and all of London exalted. Gazing out toward distorted images of every able body walking his streets... gentlemen, the bankers, and generals alike. He would lift his razor high, sinking it upon every rosy skin in his pursuit of devilish righteousness. For he had seen how 'civilized men' behaved, this Chrysalis could see clearly. Someone who never forgot... who never forgave... a Demon Barber of Fleet Street... with the most horrific demon of them all.

With their combined efforts, these two unhinged individuals standing side-by-side, one thing was absolutely certain...

Mayhem is coming...

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