The Truth Revealed

Later that same evening, back at the barber/pie shop, things started to unravel rather quickly for the terrible trio. Chrysalis was still trying to deal with her conflicting emotions for Mr. Todd, having just discovered his wife's ring and a vial of arsenic within Mrs. Lovett's drawer. The latter of which made her question what the baker has been hiding all this time. But as it turned out, she was right about keeping Toby around being a bad idea. Somehow, he started to figure out what had been happening in this shop with every intent on alerting the authorities.

It was for this very reason that Sweeney Todd, Mrs. Lovett, and Chrysalis herself met within the barber shop, to discuss the matter while climbing down the back steps. A razor was firmly grasped in Todd's hand.

"I told you keeping him here was a stupid idea," Chrysalis groaned, mid-descent. "I warned you, but you wouldn't listen!"

"Yes, yes, you were right!" Mrs. Lovett sighed, rolling her eyes. "You want a medal or somethin' for bein' so clever?"

"Watch it, Lovett!" Chrysalis hissed back.

"This is no time to argue!" Sweeney spoke up. "Where's the boy now?"

"I got him locked up in the cellar," Mrs. Lovett responded. "But if he escapes, he'll go to the law!"

"Which means we'll either be in jail or dead before dawn," Chrysalis added.

"Then he can't escape," Sweeney declared, with murderous intent.

Finally, they reached the bottom of the stairs. However, Mrs. Lovett paused for a moment before turning back to them, a look of hesitation upon her face.

"Mr. T... I don't know," She voiced uncertainty. "Maybe we could—"

"Don't back out on us now, Lovett!" Chrysalis warned. "It was your idea to bring the boy in! You brought this upon yourself!"

"The Judge will be here soon!" Sweeney added impatiently. "I have no time for this, woman! Come on--!"

They were about to push Mrs. Lovett aside, to turn the corner into the pie shop when the door opened suddenly, causing Mrs. Lovett to yelp with surprise. To their shock, they had walked straight in the Beadle himself, the man standing within the doorway.

"Excuse me, sir!" Mrs. Lovett gasped. "You gave me a fright."

"Not my intention, good madam," Beadle replied. "Though I am here on official business."

Before proceeding, Beadle elaborately prepared himself a pinch of snuff to clear his sinuses.

"You see, there's been complaints," He continued. "About the stink from your chimney. They say at night, it's something most foul. Health regulations – and the general public welfare, naturally – being my duty, I'm afraid I'll have to take a look... at your bakehouse."

The Beadle inhaled the snuff and sneezed before daintily wiping his nose. Chrysalis cringed in disgust internally at the sight of the rotund rat-faced man. But somehow, the Changeling in disguise managed to maintain her persona. Seeing an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, Mr. Todd put on a charming smile.

"Of course..." Todd agreed smoothly. "But first why don't you come upstairs and let me attend to you?"

"Much as I do appreciate tonsorial adornment, I really ought to see to my 'official' obligations first," Beadle replied.

Seeing they were losing the man and knowing full well they couldn't let him just stroll into the bakehouse, Chrysalis leapt in and attempted her own 'charm'. Rolling down one strap of her dress and putting on her best sultry face, Chrysalis leaned right up before the Beadle himself.

"Oh, won't you please oblige us by pampering you, Mr. Bamford?" Chrysalis asked kindly, with seduction. "After all sir, if you recall during our last encounter, I did say I was 'dying' to see you again. And here you are. Perhaps we could become... 'better acquainted'?"

Hearing the beautiful young woman speak in such a way caused the Beadle to reward her with a toothy grin.

"I'd certainly love to get better acquainted with youmadam... but I really must tend to my business."

"An admirable sentiment," Sweeney butted in. "But I must ask you, out of professional curiosity you understand, is that a cream or a tallow pomade?"

Having been complimented once more, the Beadle ran a hand through his hair.

"Oh, not a pomade at all!" He smiled. "My secret is a touch of ambergris."

"Mm... such an intoxicating aroma," Chrysalis smiled seductively. "Though I'd think Mr. Todd could find you something that will surely drive the ladies wild."

"Indeed, sir, hair that delicate requires a genuine pomade!" Sweeney nodded in agreement. "Come along, let me show you the difference."

"And while he's doing that, you and I can get to know each other a little better," Chrysalis smirked, dragging a finger across the man's collar.

With a beautiful young girl upon him and Mr. Todd offering him services, Beadle quickly found himself falling to temptation.

"Well... you are the expert in these matters," He grinned, eyeing Chrysalis. "Tell me dear, would a new scent aid in getting to know you and... much more?"

"Why Mr. Bamford, you are a charmer," Chrysalis grinned, trying not to vomit.

Chrysalis and Mr. Todd proceeded to lead the Beadle up the stairs toward the barber shop.

"And we'll finish you off with a nice facial rub of bay rum," Sweeney added.

"Oooh, bay rum is bracing," Beadle replied.

"And on the house of course," Chrysalis winked. "Just for you, Beadle Bamford."

"Well, I take that very kindly," Beadle grinned at her. "Lead on, my dear."

"My assistant and I, sir, are entirely at you... disposal," Sweeney replied, flitting eyes to Lovett.

Down below, Mrs. Lovett released a sigh of relief when the three entered the barbershop. All she hoped for now was that she stocked up on plenty of dough. No doubt the greasiness of that man was sure to cause her pies to go soggy.

Meanwhile, from across the street, a pair of eyes spied Sweeny and Chrysalis leading the Beadle up the stairs to the shop, chatting with him easily. All from the perspective of the Beggar Woman herself, hunched across the street, watching them very closely. Even in her warped mind, she wondered what dear Beadle could be doing going up them steps to that barber shop. One thing was for sure, she had every intent to find out.


Down in the bakehouse, Toby kept himself occupied while waiting for Mrs. Lovett's return. He thought it odd she was taking such a long time than what she assured. However, he had quickly forgotten the thought when he reached for a fresh pie off the rack. As always, the pies were warm, flaky, and tasty as they could be as Toby sank his teeth into the pie while slowly wandering around the bakehouse. For a brief moment, he stopped to consider the many stained cleavers and bone saws, curiously wondering what goes on in this bakehouse.

Suddenly, as he chewed on the delectable pastry, he suddenly bites down on something hard... something different. Reaching into his mouth, the young boy pulled out something that made his eyes widen in both fear and shock. It was a toenail... attached to a humantoe. To be exact, it was the severed tip of a toe.

Toby dropped it in horror, but he hadn't time to be disgusted by this newfound discovery. As he started back and turned his head to the right, he spotted something far more disturbing. Laying under an old tarp was a large pile of bloodied human bones and an assortment of dismembered body parts. The poor boy stood in complete shock and horror at the macabre sight before him when suddenly, a loud thumping and clanging of the trapdoor mechanics made the boy spin with alarm.

The trapdoor to the barber shop opened up and Toby only managed to turn quick enough to see the newly bloodied body of Beadle Bamford suddenly fall from the mouth of the chute and into the bakehouse. The head crashed onto the hard stone floor, bursting open and his brains fell out. Toby screamed in horror and raced to the door trying to pry it open. But it was no use; the door was locked. He banged on the heavy iron door wildly.


The poor boy tried like hell to open the door, but found it latched shut. The thundering roar from the bake oven seemed to rise to match his frenzy. As he tried to pull the door open, all he could think of was that he had been right all along. He knew something was wrong with Mr. Todd and now it was all too clear what it was. He needed to get out of the room quickly; he needed to alert the law before he's the next victim.

"Please, let me out!" He begged tearfully.

But it was clear he wasn't getting the door open, and he knew he needed to find another way out of this room. Just then, in his panic, he remembered Mrs. Lovett talking about the sewers when she brought him down here. Without second thought, Toby raced to the sewer grate, yanked it up and disappeared down into the sewers as the shrill factory whistle screamed above. This would be the boy's only way out of this nightmare, not realizing it had only just begun...


Up above in the barber shop, Sweeney Todd and Chrysalis looked down upon the hatch where the dead body of Beadle Bamford fell. As Chrysalis stood by the chair, holding Todd's bloodied razor, she faced the fiendish barber. His eyes were blazing; his face covered in a spray of blood. He was lost in rapture, but not for long. He proceeded to drop Beadle's top hat, his coat, and his billy club down into the bakehouse before sealing the trapdoor. It felt good to finally put an end to Turpin's slimy right-hand man, probably more so for a certain Changeling who flicked the razor around her 'human' fingers.

"About time!" Chrysalis cringed in disgust. "If I had another minute with that rat latching onto me, I'd take this razor and slit his throat myself!"

Sweeney turned toward Chrysalis, seeing the hate for the man burning in her eyes. Instead of sharing in her hate, his face suddenly turned... soft. While he himself was rid of the man once and for all, he couldn't bear the thought of her being so sadistic... not like him.

"You can't," He whispered.

Chrysalis quickly turned to face him, surprised by his words.

"What was that?" She asked him.

"I wouldn't allow you to kill the man," He replied. "I can't."

Chrysalis tilted her head in confusion, as if trying to determine what game this man was playing with her.

"What are you talking about?" Chrysalis asked confused. "You above all others wanted him dead from the start. How dare you believe I couldn't kill anybody?! You don't know what I've done!"

"I know... but I'd rather it be me to kill him than allow you to darken yourself further."

Chrysalis's eyes widened slightly, taking a step back with shock.

"Why?" She asked. "What could you possibly mean by that?"

Sweeney inhaled deeply and exhaled just as slowly, as he flicked out a handkerchief from his pocket, took back his razor, and wiped the blood off as he stood in front of her, his eyes looming toward hers.

"I've allowed myself to slip into the darkness for my revenge," Todd spoke quietly. "I chose to be willing to kill whomever I must. No doubt you believe yourself to do the same; that's why you'd kill if you had to."

He then reached a gentle hand up and lightly cupped her cheek.

"However, no matter what you say, you are no killer," He spoke genuinely. "What happened to your love was tragic; I have no doubt you wish for those responsible to pay. You may try to hide in darkness, but I know within you still resides a kind heart. I won't allow you to darken it with murder, not as I have. It's too late for me... but not for you."

No words were forthcoming from Chrysalis, as she eyed the barber, a man whom she grew close to these passing months. From the moment she met him, Sweeney Todd was a revenge-crazed madman and this much she knew for certain. And yet, in this moment, she felt genuine care from this man, who'd rather kill and let his heart be further darkened than allowing her to do any of it herself.

The truth is... she never actually 'killed' anyone before, no matter how much she wanted to. Not even Nicholas Flamel... the man was already dead when she found him. She lied about the trip, choosing to take the credit because she was determined not to appear weak before the Dark One... or to anyone. But no matter how hard she'd talk a good game; she couldn't truly kill... anybody... or even any pony.

"I—I don't know what to say," She whispered, lost for words.

"You needn't say anything," Sweeney replied. "Just know you'll never have to darken yourself into becoming a monster... not while I'm around."

Chrysalis could feel a small smirk etching its way onto her face, as well as tears running down her face. In that moment, her emotions finally took control as she quickly leaned up... and planted her lips onto Mr. Todd's. It was quick and chaste, but a kiss, nonetheless. When she pulled back within a second, she felt her eyes widen as largely as Sweeney's.

"I-I-I'm sorry," She stammered. "I don't know what came over me; I should see to the boy—"

She quickly turned to leave but found herself pulled back by a firm yet gentle grip. She spun back around, and her lips crashed against Mr. Todd's once more as they both leaned in to embrace one another. Ghosts of victims past move into the frame with purpose, impatient. Chrysalis's hands grasped Todd's face, smearing the blood off his face. Her hands proceeded to remove the barber's-stained tunic while his jacket slipped down his shoulders. She fell back onto the blood-stained barber chair, the barber's lips nicked her neck and a sharp cry emerged from Chrysalis herself, echoing across the room, and she felt the room spinning.

More and more of the ghastly specters moved around the room – multiplying exponentially – every last victim Sweeney Todd had slain. The Gentleman, the Banker, the General, the Tourist, the Student, the Priest, among others. Like an engine roaring, as the motor hissed on a twisting road, Chrysalis's hands were more intrusive than they've ever been – touching Todd – eagerly preparing him for the finale of his satisfied hunger. By now, the ghosts are in full fury, demented and threatening, the screeching transforming into a strange symphony of inarticulate moans and howls and chanting, 'Sweeney, Sweeney, Sweeney, Sweeney, Sweeeeeeeneeeeey...' before taking them back to...



The kiss was slightly longer yet still brief, as they eventually pulled apart once more and the malicious pair appeared as though nothing happened. Chrysalis stared up at Mr. Todd, who proceeded to clean the remaining blood off his face as he turned to her with a wicked sly smirk on his face.

"Always wanted to do that," He grinned.

Her thoughts raced a million miles in her head, yet Chrysalis couldn't help but chuckle over his words.

"What does this mean?" She asked.

"We'll discuss that later," Sweeney responded. "Right now, we have urgent matters to deal with."

Chrysalis quickly nodded her head as she remembered they still had Toby to deal with. Sweeney, with a clean razor in hand, flung the door open before descending the stairs. Chrysalis followed closely behind, eager to see this to the end. As they made their way through the pie shop, down the steps to the bakehouse, Mrs. Lovett had just unlatched the large iron door.

"What took you two so long?" She questioned.

"Killing fat men tends to take time," Chrysalis retorted.

Lovett just rolled her eyes at the response before pulling the large door open and the three stepped inside. The fire raged within the closed oven, illuminating the otherwise dark room. The remains of the Beadle and the decayed bodies sat in place... but there was no sign of Toby anywhere.

"Where is he?" Mrs. Lovett whispered.

"You said you locked him in!" Chrysalis whispered back. "Where would he go?!"

The three twisted individuals searched the room trying to find the young boy. However, he was nowhere to be found.

Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
Where are you, love?

"Toby!" Mr. Todd called out.

"Come on out, Toby lad," Chrysalis encouraged sweetly. "Where are you?"

The trio soon made their way to the left where there was a tunnel leading into the sewers. They began to lurk their way through the horrible, rat-infested catacombs of decaying sewers. Todd carried his razor; their voices echoed bizarrely as they continued their search.

Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
Nothing's gonna harm you,
Not while I'm around...

Mrs. Lovett's singing echoed creepily through the sewers as they searched deeper down the sewers. Mr. Todd kept his razor behind his back, ready for when they found that boy.

"Toby!" He called again.

"Where are ya hidin'?" Mrs. Lovett added.

"There's no reason to be scared," Chrysalis called out. "Come on out, and we'll forgive you."

Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
Nothing's gonna harm you, darling, not while I'm around...

At one point, Mrs. Lovett broke away from the group hoping to cover more ground, Chrysalis and Sweeney proceeded down the other way.


Chryalis (Sings):
Demons are prowling everywhere, nowadays...

"Urgh! This is hopeless!" Chrysalis groaned, frustrated. "If that brat escapes, it's the end for us, Mr. Todd!"

"Worry not, my dear," He assured her. "He won't get away, not this time."

Suddenly, Chrysalis stopped in her tracks as a strange sensation swept over her. All of a sudden, it was though she could feel the presence of 'others'. Ones she felt were all too familiar. Sweeney quickly spun and saw her just standing there.

"Are you alright?" He asked her.

"I'm fine," She nodded quickly. "We have visitors at the barber shop."

"Who?" Sweeney asked hastily. "Is it the Judge?"

"No... but I wouldn't worry about it," Chrysalis assured him. "I'll deal with it myself; you find the boy. Like you said... we can't let him get away."

Sweeney merely gave a slow nod of understanding before turning back around and proceeding down the sewers. Chrysalis turned back and made for the bakehouse. Tonight, not only would Mr. Todd get his revenge, but now... it was Chrysalis' turn.


Upstairs, the Equestrians, along with Anthony and Johanna, burst into the barber shop at full speed. Johanna was now dressed as a scruffy boy, in dirty trousers, a jacket, and a trim cap so as to hide her hair. Having just broken her out of the asylum, the last thing they needed was for her to be recognized and sent back to that mad house. And yet... the poor girl seems distracted... disturbed even.

"Mr. Todd...?" Anthony called out, upon entry.

"Is he here?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"Doesn't appear so at the moment," Anthony sighed disappointed.

"Where could he have possibly gone?" Fluttershy asked curiously.

"Maybe he went out to get some breakfast?" Pinkie Pie guessed.

"This late at night?" Rainbow Dash asked, sarcastically.

"Sure! That way he won't have to be up in the morning to eat it!" Pinkie Pie giggled.

"I'm more concerned about where that girl he was with is," Twilight butted in. "It's clear the 'true' girl had been locked in the asylum for over a year now, so we couldn't possibly have seen her a few months back. That only leaves 'one' possible explanation: Who else could pull off impersonating as some pony else?"

"... Chrysalis!" Spike realized.

"If she's here, where the hay is she?" Rainbow asked.

Twilight Sparkle closed her eyes and focused her magic into scanning the surrounding area to locate 'any' form of life in the building. Unfortunately, apart from herself, her friends, even Anthony and Johanna, she couldn't find anyone else.

"I'm not seeing anyone else in or around this place," Twilight replied, opening her eyes. "They must have left when we got here."

"We must find them and fast!" Fluttershy spoke up.

"Couldn't have said it better myself, Flutters," Rainbow agreed, cracking her knuckles. "I've been dying to squash that bug woman for a long, long time!"

"But first, I must ask for you to help secure a coach," Anthony piped in. "If me and Johanna have any hope of escaping, we need a horse and coach to get as far away as possible before we board a ship."

The Mane Six and Spike looked amongst each other, trying to think of which task required their immediate attention. The discovery of Chrysalis hiding amongst them the whole time was certainly a cause for concern and who knows what more could happen if they don't stop her? However, as friends they made a promise to Anthony and Johanna to help them escape London, no matter what. In the end, Twilight gave a nod toward Anthony.

"We'll help you secure a ride out of here," She promised him. "But we need to be quick. The longer Chrysalis runs free, the more dangerous things become."

"We shall be no more than half an hour," Anthony assured her.

The young man soon turned back to his disguised lover, placing a comforting hand upon her arm.

"You wait for Mr. Todd here," Anthony told Johanna. "I'll return with the coach in less than half an hour. Don't worry, darling, in those clothes, no one will recognize you... you're safe now."

"I agree with Anthony there," Pinkie nodded. "When we first found those clothes and put them on, I was like 'Gasp! Who is that guy?'."

The two teenagers appreciated Pinkie's attempt to lighten the mood with a joke, but they were too focused to be concerned. Especially Johanna, who still looked 'very' concerned that things would go wrong. As she gently touched Todd's collection of razors, picking up the largest razor, eyeing it, she could feel the eerie echo of someone... familiar to her. A father's echo she hadn't heard in years.

"Safe...?" Johanna questioned, darkly ironic. "So, we run away and then all our dreams come true?"

"I hope so..." Anthony nodded.

"I have never had dreams, only nightmares," Johanna responded somberly.

Hearing this made the rest of the group frown, knowing full well what this girl had been through her entire life. No wonder she harbored such doubt even now.

"You needn't worry about that anymore, Johanna," Twilight assured her. "We promised to make sure your life changed for the better. When we make a promise, we keep it."

"She's right, darling," Rarity nodded. "If it's the last thing we do, we'll free you from this nightmare."

"Johanna... when we're free of this place, all the ghosts will go away," Anthony told her.

However, Johanna gave a slight shake of her head as she stared very intensely into her lover's eyes.

"No, Anthony, they never go away."

Anthony wished so desperately to go back in time to stop Turpin from taking Johanna to begin with, to save her from all the years of torment. However, all he could do now was help her 'try' to forget.

"I'll be right back to you," He assured her, squeezing her shoulder comfortingly. "Half an hour and we'll be free."

"We better get going so you guys can get out of here and we can find Chrysalis!" Spike added in.

Soon, Anthony and the Equestrian heroes made their way out the door of the barber shop, racing through the night to secure passage out of London. All alone in the barber shop, as she waited for their return, Johanna turned to the window and watched them go. But instead of relief, her expression was sad: They could never fully comprehend her depth.

Little did she know however, was the Beggar Woman was approaching from just across the street...


It had taken the group at least twenty minutes to cross toward the center of London City just to find one carriage station. In a city this huge, not to mention the law still hunting them down, it was incredibly difficult to get around. They were thankful that they even found a place so they could manage passage quickly and resume their search for Chrysalis.

"Alright, I'm going to go secure safe passage out of London," Anthony told the group. "You wait here; I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Make it quick, dude," Rainbow spoke impatiently.

Anthony quickly raced inside the station, leaving the rest to wait outside in the cold.

"Ooh... maybe one of us should've stayed to watch Johanna," Fluttershy spoke nervously. "I hate being out here in the open with the police still looking for us."

"I think the police are the least of our worries, Fluttershy," Twilight replied. "We need to find Chrysalis before she causes any more harm to this world... if not already."

"I can't believe how stupid I am!" Rainbow gritted her teeth. "We were in the same room with her... 'TWICE', and we didn't even know it! You'd think with all the times we've encountered Changelings that we'd at least tell 'how' to spot one."

"Only goes to show how brainless you truly are."

Another voice made the group spin on their heels toward none other than Chrysalis standing a few feet away from them, once more in her original form. The former Changeling Queen released a wicked laugh as the group assumed the defensive position.

"What are you doing here, Chrysalis?!" Twilight questioned angrily. "What purpose could you have for this world? Did the Order send you?"

"Well princess, to be truthful, the Order has no idea I'm even here," Chrysalis replied. "I merely came to this pitiful dimension seeking to clear my head. But the moment I got here, I was fortunate enough to meet someone who shared the same intentions as I have... revenge."

"Oh, well we're happy that you actually met somebody while you're—" Pinkie piped in, till Rainbow covered her mouth.

"We've been down this road before, bug breath," Rainbow retorted. "You cause trouble, we come in, and kick your sorry flank from here to kingdom come! Why don't we just skip to the flank kicking right now?!"

To which the offer merely made Chrysalis laugh harder.

"Yet I've been in the same vicinity as you foolish mares, and your stupid dragon friend, and not one of you realized it was me!" Chrysalis laughed. "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tempted to snap your necks both times and bake you all into a fresh pie. After all, it's not like you'd be 'the first'."

The statement alone caused the girls and Spike to widen their eyes and reel back.

"What... do you mean?" Twilight asked fearfully.

"Have you truly not figured it out yet, princess?" Chrysalis grinned. "You ever wondered how Mrs. Lovett's shop went from struggling to prosperous in such a short time? Or how patrons come to Mr. Todd for a shave yet never seem to return? You really are as 'stupid' as I believed."

It was soon starting to come together for the entire group, especially Pinkie and Applejack. When Mrs. Lovett told them she found a new meat supplier, most of the group hadn't understood what she'd meant. Even when Applejack knew Lovett was lying about something, only now did it come together.

"Y'all mean... them pies were—"

"People? Yes..." Chrysalis nodded. "People Pies."

Words couldn't possibly describe the horror on their minds as the Mane Six and Spike cringed. Spike held a claw over his mouth trying hard not to vomit, while the rest of the girls couldn't believe their ears. Pinkie Pie shuddered then hastily put a hoof in front of Chrysalis.

"I-I-I-I-I-I-I KNEW IT!!!" Pinkie Pie cried out.

"Pinkie... you never once said she was even suspicious," Rainbow Dash pointed out.

"But I DID... in my heart," Pinkie held her chest.

"Now it all makes a lick of sense!" Applejack realized. "Pinkie Pie offered Mrs. Lovett help tah get her business back, the same as y'all wanted to help out during Apple Buck Season. But that there baker woman had no intent of wantin' our help. Then Pinkie came back with a pie that got the whole town stir-crazy and somehow Pinkie got Lovett to slip what she had to work with, without actually tellin' wut was 'in them pies!"

"The worst part is... I actually enjoyed that pie Pinkie brought in..." Spike cringed, clutching his mouth again.

"... You actually... fed him... the pie?" Chrysalis asked the party pony, slowly.

"I told you that us 'girls' didn't eat the pie," Pinkie pointed out. "I never said 'all' of us didn't eat it."

"Well... how very smart for your country bumpkin friend," Chrysalis sneered evilly. "Too bad you figured it out too late! Heh-heh-heh-heh..."

A retching sound from the side echoed, as Spike finally couldn't hold it and released chunks off the side. All at once, Twilight Sparkle's face went from horror... to pure anger.

"You've really done it this time, Chrysalis!" Twilight shouted. "I swear by Princess Celestia's good name, you'll pay for what you've done here!"

Twilight Sparkle raised her hands up and focused her magic to cast a bolt toward the Changeling... but nothing happened. She tried again... and again... and again... but she looked as though she were making an awkward pose.

"What?" She spoke confused. "But... but it was working before!"

Once more, an evil laugh escaped Chrysalis's lips.

"Magic trouble, princess?" Chrysalis asked mockingly. "Maybe try looking at your arm."

In fact, the moment Twilight looked down upon her right wrist, she noticed she once again wore a magic cancelling cuff from nowhere. The remainder of the group looked down, noting they too had one as well. Some on the opposite arm, some on her legs... and at least one around the neck like a choker.

"Seriously?!" Rainbow yelled, pulling the 'choker' cuff. "How does this keep happening?!"

"By all accounts, this doesn't make sense even for me!" Pinkie cried.

"Wow... to think you're supposed to be Equestria's greatest heroes," Chrysalis grinned. "You really are pathetic."

Just then, Chrysalis felt that similar feeling within her again. She could sense another presence making their way to the barbershop. A wicked grin of satisfaction spread across her face; one she'd been looking forward to 'all' night.

"Well girls, I truly would love to stay and chat," Chrysalis declared. "But I have a lamb to lead, or in this case a judge, to the slaughter! Do try and keep up if you can."

With one last sinister laugh, the Changeling Queen was engulfed by green flames and vanished without a trace. The Equestrian heroes were all left in shock.

"We need to get back to the shop and put a stop to this!" Twilight yelled urgently.

"Stop who?" Spike questioned. "The Changeling or the Judge?"

"What about Anthony?" Fluttershy asked.

"He'll be fine!" Twilight responded. "We need to get back right now, before another person dies!"

"So... we are saving the Judge?" Spike spoke up.

"Come on, buddy! Let's go!" Rainbow yelled, grabbing his arm.

Spike gave a loud yelp as he flung about in the air while the group quickly ran downtown as fast as they could. No sooner had they left, when suddenly Anthony emerged from the station to inform the group of the news. But much to his shock, his friends were gone... every single one.

"Twilight? Spike?" Anthony called out. "Anybody?"

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