No Place Like London
A great gust of wind blew through the air, as the crystal portal opened up allowing the Mane Six and Spike to emerge. As the portal closed around them, the girls and Spike looked around noting that they stood in what appeared to be a dark alley. The giant stone walls of the buildings surrounding them only had narrow walkways in between them upon which they stood. The only source of light for the moment was the single streetlamp at the end of the alley. The rolling sound of thunder drew their attention, their eyes gazing toward the sky blackened by dark clouds. Needless to say, wherever they ended up this time, it was most certainly a rather gloomy place.
"Yeesh, this place is depressing," Rainbow voiced her honesty.
"What did you expect, silly filly?" Pinkie giggled. "That's the atmosphere of almost 'every' Tim Burton movie or T.V. show. Except the brightly colorful ones."
"... What?"
"Never mind."
"My stars! These dresses are simply divine!" Rarity said adoringly, eyeing herself.
Every pony else, including Spike, looked down and noticed they had assumed their human forms again. Additionally, the girls were dressed in the most beautiful dresses they'd ever seen. As for Spike himself, he was dressed in a simple gray trench coat, a white dress shirt, charcoal grey dress pants, matching shoes, and a top hat.
"Oh my, these dresses are very pretty!" Fluttershy smiled, twirling about.
"Ugh, why does it always to be dresses?" Rainbow complained, trying to scratch herself. "They're always so itchy and uncomfortable."
"That may be true sugarcube, but it sure hugs ya in all the right ways," Applejack smirked toward her marefriend.
This caused Rainbow Dash to give a playful look.
"The same could be said for you, sweet Apple," Rainbow replied. "I guess I can bare wearing this mummy outfit as long as you do too."
"For you, ah'd wear it furever," Applejack smiled back.
Just as the two leaned in for a kiss, Twilight Sparkle stepped between them.
"Now's not the time," Twilight informed them. "We must figure out where we are and for that matter 'why' we're here."
"Where do you think we ended up this time?" Spike asked.
"Give me a minute, Spike."
Twilight Sparkle stepped out from between Applejack and Rainbow Dash, holding her hands in front of her. Channeling all her magic, she pinpointed her location spell to visualize the layout of the landscape. Eventually, she snapped her eyes open and dropped her hands back aside with a deep sigh.
"Looks like we're in London, England during the Victorian Era," Twilight informed them. "That was the period of Queen Victoria's reign, from June 20th of 1837 until her death on January 22nd of 1901. It was mostly characterized by a class-based society, a growing number of people being able to vote, and..."
"Ugh, it hurts!" Rainbow groaned, massaging her temples.
"What's the matter?" Rarity asked. "Splitting headache?"
"Just the sound of egghead talk," Rainbow pointed at Twilight.
Just as Twilight Sparkle was about to argue back, Fluttershy quickly stepped between them before chaos erupted.
"Let's not start another argument girls," Fluttershy pleaded. "We must figure out why we're here and put a stop to it. I think we should get out of this dark alley before we run into anything dangerous."
"She's right, we should go," Rarity agreed.
"How are we supposed tah know where tah go?" Applejack asked.
Just then, the group froze as their ears were drawn to a sound emanating from the distance. And yet, it was so relaxing... in fact, they realized what they were hearing was a melody.
"What is that?" Spike questioned. "It's like hearing an angel singing."
"You're right, Spike," Twilight responded. "That sounds like humming. We should see who it is. Maybe they can help us figure our way around here."
Twilight Sparkle proceeded to take her lead out of the alley while the rest of her friends followed closely behind. Eventually, they reached the end of the alleyway noting the giant stone wall opposite the small side street. Whomever was humming appeared to be on the other side of this high wall. The group quickly made their way toward the wall, taking measurements of the height of the structure itself.
"How the hay are we climbing this?" Applejack asked.
"If some of us had our wings, we could fly everyone up there," Rainbow replied.
"Unfortunately, that ain't the case right now, hun."
"What do you think, Twilight?" Fluttershy asked.
Twilight Sparkle looked up once more as she examined the high wall. Just then, an idea suddenly popped into her head. Holding up her hands, she focused her magic and conjured a glowing magical staircase that led right toward the top of the wall.
"Show off," Rainbow Dash grumbled.
"Yippee!" Pinkie cheered gleefully. "Last one up's a rotten hayburger!"
Pinkie Pie proceeded to bounce her way up the stairs, while the rest of the group followed behind. Soon as they reached the top of the wall, they peeked over to the other side. The wall happened to surround a large garden just outside a stately-looking house. At the center of the garden was a large marble fountain where a young girl was sitting. She was dressed in a lovely blue dress, her long golden hair curled down her back. Apparently, it was her doing the humming as she sat at the fountain reading a little book.
"Well, now we know where the humming came from," Spike realized. "She certainly knows her melodies."
"Indeed, she does!" Rarity nodded in agreement. "I'd dare say she'd make a wonderful addition to the Ponytones."
"You reckon she might know her way around these parts?" Applejack asked Twilight Sparkle.
"She might," Twilight Sparkle guessed. "But we must be casual about this just the same. We're strangers here and she might not take likely of us..."
"Hey! Miss singer lady!"
The girls and Spike gasped in horror, as the girl briefly looked up from her book toward the wall. Before her eyes, she saw six ladies and a man looking over the wall. One of the ladies, a pink-toned girl, casually waved toward the girl with a smile. The girl reeled back with a shriek and dropped her book. The sudden cry made Pinkie Pie slip forward down the wall.
Luckily for Pinkie Pie, she happened to land in a bush of roses that happened to be along the wall... but still, a rough landing all the same. The girl looked with wide eyes, breathing heavily, as she watched the poofy-haired maiden lift herself out of the bush and brushed the loose leaves and flower petals off her dress and her hair casually.
"I'm okay..." Pinkie Pie smiled.
"You shouldn't be here!" The girl warned frightened. "You need to leave now!"
"Oh, we are very sorry about that miss," Spike called out. "Everything's all right."
"Please don't hurt me!" She backed away.
"It's okay, it's okay," Twilight assured.
The remainder of the girls carefully climbed down the wall, along with Spike. The girl stood by the fountain. On one hand, she could've taken off and called someone right away. But judging by her expression, she seemed trapped... like she should get back in the house... and yet she didn't want to. The girls carefully approached the girl, with Twilight Sparkle taking the lead.
"I'm very sorry about my friend," Twilight apologized, on Pinkie's behalf. "We really didn't mean to startle you. We're not looking to cause any harm, honest."
Though still cautious, the girl picked herself up so she could get a better look at the group before her. They certainly didn't seem dangerous, albeit they were the strangest looking people she'd ever seen. They seemed to wear the attire much like all the people who crossed the street, yet she could tell there was something... 'off' just the same.
"I've never seen you around here before," Johanna admitted. "Who are you?"
"We're just some strangers passing through," Twilight Sparkle assured. "My name is Twilight Sparkle, and these are my friends: Spike, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy. And of course, you've already met Pinkie Pie."
"Nice to meet you!" Pinkie smiled, holding out her hand.
She held her hand out eagerly to receive a warm shake from the blonde-haired girl. But she just looked at the hand, then up toward Pinkie's smiling face.
"Don't leave me hanging..." Pinkie gestured.
After a momentary period of hesitation, the girl slowly grasped Pinkie's hand and shook it.
"Johanna... my name's Johanna," The girl answered softly. "Forgive me, but... I wasn't expecting company. I thought you were criminals."
"Oh, we're not criminals Miss Johanna," Fluttershy reassured. "Though I can understand why you felt that way. It's just that we heard you singing, and we couldn't help but—"
"You... enjoyed my singing?" Johanna asked.
"It was very lovely," Rarity replied. "Are you classically trained?"
"No... it's just a little something I've learned to pass the time. It gets lonely in that house, even around people."
"I see..." Twilight nodded, understanding. "Anyways, the reason we came here is because we were hoping to see more of the town. If you're not too busy, maybe you could show us around?"
"You mean... leave?" Johanna asked, nervously. "Oh no... no, I am never allowed to leave the house... much less, I shouldn't even be out here. Least... not by myself."
"That's okay," Pinkie Pie nodded, understanding. "Maybe we can just stay in the house. And if absolutely necessary, we'll work for our bed and board."
"Even if I would welcome you to, I can't do that either," Johanna shook her head. "We don't allow guests staying in our house."
"What do you mean, kid?" Rainbow Dash asked. "You're Dad doesn't like you talking to strangers?"
"Not... exactly."
"Well... surely you must know some place around here where we could stay," Twilight Sparkle suggested hopefully. "I'd hate for us to spend the next few nights on the street."
"I... I do recall some boarding homes around Fleet Street," Johanna pondered. "I've never been there myself, but perhaps—"
Every pony jumped at the sound of a loud voice, interrupting Johanna before she could finish. They turned just as an elder man emerged from the house. He had graying hair, was dressed in a fancy-looking suit, and wore a hardened look on his face.
"What are you doing out here?" The man asked harshly. "I've told you you're not to be out of the house unless either Beadle or I are with you."
Johanna looked down at the grass, both showing shame and fear at the same time.
"Forgive me, Judge Turpin," She apologized. "I was just hoping to get some fresh air. It gets stuffy being inside all the time and I just..."
"That's enough!" Turpin snapped. "Go back in your room now! We'll discuss this later."
With no further response, Johanna quickly gathered her things before quickly ducking back into the house. Turpin then turned his attention to the Mane Six and Spike, who eyed the harsh man worriedly.
"And what are you doing here?" Turpin asked coldly. "Trespassing? Breaking and entering? Attempted burglary?"
"No, it ain't like that at all sir!" Applejack assured.
"Then, what is it? Because you're still trespassing on private property."
"We're very sorry for coming in without permission, Mr. Turpin," Twilight apologized.
"Judge... Turpin."
"Yes... of course. What I mean to say is... we're just lost. We've only just arrived, and we needed some help finding our way."
"That's when we met Johanna," Spike continued. "We couldn't help but hear her humming and we figured your daughter could help us. We didn't mean to..."
"Silence, boy!" Turpin hissed. "I know your kind."
"I'm sorry... my kind?"
"Like a dog chasing scraps, the very sight of a pretty young girl is enough to bring you howling into my home."
"That's not true!" Spike argued.
"Don't lie to me!" Turpin growled.
"Now listen here, you ruffian!" Rarity stepped up. "Spikey here is not the type to do anything vile. He's a perfect gentleman who already has a young lady waiting at home whom he cares for very much. How dare you insinuate he'd resort to such acts when you don't even know him? You're insulting his honor!"
"Insulting?" Turpin raised his eyebrow. "You invade my home, and you have the nerve to speak to me about insulting? You realize by breaking into a judge's home, no lawman in this city won't agree to hang you all... or sentence you to a lifetime of imprisonment. Fortunately for you, I am willing to show you mercy... and because pretty women, even your young friend, would never survive in jail.
"Now... you listen to me because I'll only tell you once," Turpin warned, looming over the group. "You girls take your square-headed boy, and you will leave my house and never come back! If I see 'any' of you near my house or my ward again, they'll never find your bodies. I'm a judge... I can make that happen."
Turpin proceeded to open the door leading to the back alley and held it open, while staring hatefully toward the girls and Spike. They all looked at the judge with complete shock before quickly taking him up on his demand and burst out the door immediately. Once outside, the door slammed behind them, loud and hard.
"Well... ain't that a fine howdy-doo," Applejack spoke sarcastically.
"I ought to go back in there and slug that jerk so hard it'll send him forward in time!" Rainbow huffed.
"And what will that accomplish?" Twilight Sparkle asked. "We have to blend into society while we're here. Assaulting a judge is not going to be good for any of us."
"But we can't let the big meanie pants get away with that," Pinkie Pie argued. "Maybe we could throw a fake party and blast him with my party cannon when he shows up... the real one, not the fake one."
"I'm all for that plan," Spike agreed.
"Listen every pony, I don't like being insulted either," Twilight told them. "But we can't go on adding more problems to our plate right now. Let's just try to find somewhere to stay for tonight and we'll work on a plan tomorrow."
It was clear the blood was still racing within the others, in light of their confrontation with Judge Turpin. Though as much as they'd want to fight back, however, they knew Twilight was right. They needed to focus on figuring out why they were here and not on a belligerent authoritarian bully.
"Fine," Rainbow Dash sighed. "So... where did Johanna say we should check?"
"She mentioned something about Fleet Street," Fluttershy replied. "Maybe we should check there."
"Then I reckon we get a move on 'fore ol' judge jerk face changes his mind," Applejack suggested.
"I hear you there," Rarity agreed.
The group soon made their way out of the alley and down the road in search of Fleet Street. Twilight Sparkle took one last look over her shoulder, back toward the judge's house. For some reason, she couldn't shake this feeling about the poor young girl residing within. Perhaps her poor treatment had something to do with their mission here. Perhaps Johanna needed help from her situation, though whether that was their true purpose being here Twilight wasn't entirely certain.
But for now, she turned back and focused on her intent on leading the remainder of the group towards Fleet Street. If luck was in their favor, this Judge, Turpin by name, would be their only concern moving forward.
A pair of glowing green slit eyes shot open as Queen Chrysalis regained consciousness. She couldn't recall passing out nor remember emerging through the portal she walked through. The only recollection on her mind was a constant rocking sensation. The former Changeling queen slowly rose to her feet, steadying herself on the hard wooden floor only to be met by the sight of thick fog all around her. Large crates surrounded her, and she could hear what sounded like waves crashing to her side.
"This must be a boat," She deduced. "The only question is... where are we going?"
She was about to stand straight up to assume her full height when the sound of approaching footsteps made her quickly sink back down. She peeked around a crate cautiously. Her eyes spotted some human men walking about, many of them carrying small crates of supplies or vast assortment of marine equipment.
"I can't go out amongst these vermin as I am now," She whispered to herself. "I have to find somebody... I need something to help me blend in."
Suddenly, a paper flew off the hands of an absent-minded man and floated toward her position. She grabbed the paper and looked at one of the headings on the front page. One article she read mentioned the arrest of a mad woman wandering the streets, arranged to be taken to an insane asylum of sorts. The article even came with the picture of a woman, providing enough details for Chrysalis to study very closely. With the image in her mind, Chrysalis went straight to work.
Lighting her jagged horn, Chrysalis allowed the green flames of her transformation spell to engulf her. When the flames dissipated, Chrysalis assumed the form of a human girl with pale skin with long curled golden hair and wearing a light gray dress.
Chrysalis studied the features of her new form, waving her new hands in front of her face before smiling with satisfaction.
"That should do," She spoke, realizing she now had an English accent. "Huh... seems taking this form has granted me a new manner of speaking. Strange, but could be quite useful."
Chrysalis poked her head out of hiding once more to survey her surroundings. Noting most of the men were off on another region of the ship, she slowly crept out and made her way backwards keeping an eye out for any intrusions. Not realizing where she was going, she unintentionally bumped into someone else.
"Forgive my foolishness," A voice spoke to her. "I must pay more heed to my surroundings."
"I certainly hope so," Chrysalis replied, turning around.
When she turned around, she noticed that the person she ran into was a young sailor of about twenty. A handsome looking boy with shoulder length dirty blonde hair. Over his shoulder, he carried an old bag and in his hand was a rather small book of maps.
"Forgive me, my lady," The lad apologized. "I got lost reviewing my maps and wasn't paying attention to my surroundings. I hope you can forgive me."
"Just don't let it happen again," Chrysalis replied.
The young man merely held out his hand toward the woman.
"I'm Anthony," He greeted kindly.
For a moment, Chrysalis merely stood there looking at his outstretched hand. No way could she tell this young man her true name if she wanted to stay inconspicuous. She needed to make one up and fast.
"Alice... Alice Winters," She replied, shaking his hand.
"Pleasure, Ms. Winters," Anthony smiled at her. "If I may ask ma'am, what are you doing aboard this ship?"
Once again, Chrysalis found herself on the spot. She had to build up on this lie quickly or else risk giving herself away. This boy was kind, but she dared not mistake it for ignorance. It was during this moment she needed to put her innocent damsel-in-distress act to use.
"Please forgive me sir, I had no choice," Chrysalis begged innocently. "I was lost at sea, and I saw the ship floating by, so I had to climb aboard. Knowing no man would approve of a woman being aboard, I had to hide. I don't want to die in the middle of the ocean."
She added in her best fake cry routine, which fortunately for her garnered enough sympathy for the poor kindhearted fool that was Anthony.
"I understand completely, miss," He assured her. "You have my word that I will see you reach London safely. Just follow me and stay close."
"Bless your kind heart sir," Chyrsalis thanks him.
Anthony began to walk his way down the deck with Chrysalis following close behind. She quickly shed her fake sadness with a wicked smirk behind his back, thinking how easy it was to fool people like this boy. All that was left to do was follow him along the deck, and she'd soon reach this London without trouble. All of a sudden, he stopped midway, nearly causing Chrysalis to bump into him again.
"Why did you stop?" Chrysalis questioned.
"There's someone I must introduce you to," Anthony answered.
He looked forward once more and waved his hand high in the air.
"Mr. Todd!" He called out.
Within minutes, the sound of heavy footsteps approaching them drew Chrysalis' attention forward. Another man walked toward them, with a presence as though he was a silhouette out of blazing red flames. The moment her eyes landed on him, she was struck by curiosity and entranced by his presence.
The man himself was a decently tall man, measured up to a head taller than her own human form. He had very pale skin, the only color being the dark circles under his dark eyes. His hair was black with a streak of white and a wild mess. He wore a dark leather coat, slacks, boots, and fingerless gloves. But what entranced Chrysalis most of all was the ice stare upon the man's face.
As the man approached, Anthony stepped aside lightly so he could see Chrysalis in her new form. The moment the man caught sight of her, he froze in place. His eyes turned wide as a look of surprise dawned upon his pale face.
"Lucy..." He spoke, amazed.
Chrysalis eyed him strangely for a moment before doing a quick double take to be certain he wasn't talking to someone behind her.
"Are you... talking to me?" She asked. "I'm afraid you mistake me for someone else."
The man quickly shook his head, as if clearing his thoughts and gave a simple nod.
"Forgive me, miss," He apologized. "It's just you remind me of... someone I once knew."
Chrysalis cocked a curious eyebrow as she pondered what he meant. Ultimately, however, she decided to let it go.
"It's quite alright, sir," She nodded. "I'm Alice Winters, pleasure to make your acquaintance."
The man in turn gave a quick bow of his head.
"Todd... Sweeney Todd," He replied.
Chrysalis stuck out her hand and Sweeney stared at it for a moment. Eventually, he reached out and grasped his hand with hers and shook. In one instant, they felt some sort of connection to one another. Neither could understand it nor contemplate 'why', but this feeling was undeniable. He gently brought her hand up to his lips and placed a gently kiss on her knuckles before letting her go.
"Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Winters," He spoke lowly.
"Same to you, Mr. Todd," Chrysalis nodded.
"Land Ho!" Someone yelled.
Hearing the call, Anthony instantly ran toward the bow of the ship and leaned over the rail as the cries of sailors echoed from across the rigging and the sails behind him. Anthony peered through the fog, straining to see... London. Clanking of a clock tower bell was heard amongst the towering spires and mountainous rooftops of the city, as the ship emerged through the fog like a tiger creeping toward its prey. Anthony took in the dreadful and magnificent spectacle of the 19thCentury metropolis. The gnarl of rooftops, the labyrinth of streets and alleys, and the black trails of smoke reaching up like skeletal fingers from a thousand chimneys.
The young sailor couldn't help but stare and marvel at the sight of this amazing, sulfurous, city. For all the places he had seen in the world, none of them could compare to this city. With the feeling of wonder and awestruck coursing through his veins, he couldn't help but sing.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Anthony (Sings):
I have sailed the world,
Beheld its wonders
From the Dardanelles,
To the mountains of Peru,
But there's no place like London--!
At that moment, the grimly Sweeney Todd stepped up alongside Anthony and looked out toward the city. However, unlike Anthony, Sweeney looked at the city with disdain and hatred.
Sweeney Todd (Sings):
No there's no place like London...
"Mr. Todd?" Anthony responded quizzically.
Sweeney Todd (Sings):
You are young...
Life has been kind to you...
You will learn.
Todd glared forward, his haunted gaze never leaving the approaching city. Todd stood very still while Anthony seemed almost lost at his side, overwhelmed by the scale and aura of the city. Chrysalis took a few steps further up the bow to join the two men. She walked right up to their side and noticed the London Tower Bridge lift up its two connecting roads to allow the ship entry into the harbor.
"Takes your breath away, doesn't it?" She questioned.
"Trust me dear, though it looks full of wonders, the city is as dark as the skies above us," Sweeney responded.
"How do you mean?"
Sweeney shuddered violently, almost snarling. He looked back out at the city as they started to make way for the harbor. The hate for the city poured out of him as he sang once more.
Sweeney Todd (Sings):
There's a hole in the world like a great black pit
And the vermin of the world inhabit it
And its morals aren't worth what a pig can spit
And it goes by the name of London...
At the top of the hole sit the privileged few
Making mock of the vermin in the lower zoo,
Turning beauty to filth and greed...
I too have sailed the world and seen its wonders,
For the cruelty of men is as wondrous as Peru
But there's no place like London!
Chrysalis couldn't help but eye the man with curiosity, whereas when Anthony looked, he was mystified by the man's grim reaction to the city. Without question, this Sweeney Todd was a man of mystery. He clearly held deep hatred for this city; the question is... why? Once the ship was fully docked, Sweeney and Anthony began to disembark with Chrysalis following behind. On solid ground, she sighed in relief to not have to stand on a rocking ship anymore. Meanwhile, Sweeney looked up and down the dark, desolate city streets in deep thought.
"Is everything alright Mr. Todd?" Anthony asked.
"I beg your indulgence, Anthony," He responded. "But my mind is far from easy. In these once familiar streets I feel shadows, everywhere..."
This drew Chrysalis' attention as she stared back at Sweeney and walked alongside him.
"Shadows...?" She asked.
"Ghosts," Sweeney added.
All of a sudden, Sweeney started to go back into the recesses of his mind to the very last time he was in this miserable city. A time when he had a happy life, a happy wife, and a happy child. A time when all was right with the world... before it happened. Wanting to understand this mysterious man, Chrysalis closed her eyes and focused her dark magic to dig into the mysterious man's consciousness... to the depths of his deepest, darkest memories.
Fifteen years prior...
Chrysalis opened her eyes again, noticing the sky was significantly clearer and sunny. Looking around, she also saw she was in the middle of a market of sorts. Many different people walked about, collectively shopping. With a glance to the side, she saw what appeared to be a younger Sweeney Todd, Benjamin Barker back then, pushing a baby carrier through an open archway into the market. At his side was a beautiful woman, his wife 'Lucy', with curled golden hair, dressed in a white dress and bonnet. Through the crowded market, amidst a colorful explosion of blossoms, the two both looked incredibly happy as they pushed the carrier containing their one-year-old baby.
Sweeney Todd (Sings):
There was a barber and his wife,
And she was beautiful...
A foolish barber and his wife,
She was his reason and his life...
And she was beautiful,
And she was virtuous.
And he was... naïve.
Coming to a stop, Lucy picked up the baby from the carrier and Benjamin started to entertain his daughter with her little doll. He then plucked a small flower from a nearby bush and held it up as his baby girl got a small smile on her face. The young couple then looked at each other with such love and happiness, smiling with joy, and so content. The man seemed almost... unrecognizable.
From the sidelines, Chrysalis couldn't help but shed a lone tear down her face watching the young couple. It reminded her so much of the time spent with Fire Fall, back when they were growing up without a care in the world. How she longed for a similar life with his... a life, which sadly, they never got the chance to have.
The changeling quickly snapped out of these thoughts due to the presence of another man. Judge Turpin, an elderly man with a saturnine demeanor, eyeing Lucy from around the corner through the luxurious bunches of flowers. He stalked her, desired her... he had to have her.
Sweeney Todd (Sings):
There was another man who saw
That she was beautiful...
A pious vulture of the law,
Who with a gesture of his claw,
Removed the barber from the plate!
Then there was nothing but to wait!
Judge Turpin looked over his shoulder to his right hand man, Beadle Bamford, a most nefarious creature. A large man of florid nature and pink, with a powdered face never quite disguising his lethality. The Judge whispered something to the Beadle, indicating Todd. The smaller man nodded upon noticing the happy couple and walked off. Within minutes, the Beadle and two policemen swept into the marketplace and walked right behind young Benjamin Barker. One of whom whacked him in the back with a nightstick and the officers dragged the young barber off as his wife looked on in horror and his infant daughter cried. Within another second, Judge Turpin walked up behind Lucy like a predator, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder as she looked up at him.
Sweeney Todd (Sings):
And she would fall!
So soft!
So young!
So lost,
And oh, so beautiful!
Chrysalis once more snapped her eyes open, quickly wiping away the tears filling her gaze, not allowing a single one to fall. She couldn't believe the young barber had been forcibly taken away from his own wife and child all because of an order from one corrupted judge. It really hurt her own black heart because she finally understood the connection she had with this man.
For what happened to him was exactly what happened to her... all those years ago.
"And the lady, sir..." Anthony asked. "Did she succumb?"
Sweeney Todd (Sings):
Oh, that was many years ago...
I doubt if anyone would know.
Finally, after another period of silence, Chrysalis finally found her voice once more. A voice choked up within her throat.
"Such a cruel fate to befall a young couple such as that," She whispered. "There truly is no greater cruelty in the world."
Though her words were soft and unheard, Sweeney Todd could hear her perfectly. He knew nothing about this young woman, but he was at least grateful she understood and sympathized with him. Soon his focus turned back toward Anthony.
"I'd like to thank you, Anthony," Todd told him. "If you hadn't spotted me, I'd be lost on the ocean still... thank you, I owe you my life."
Todd picked up his duffel bag, preparing to go.
"Will I see you again?" Anthony asked hopefully.
"You might find me, if you like," Todd replied in earnest. "Around Fleet Street. I wouldn't wonder..."
Anthony gave a simple nod of understanding and held out his hand to his new 'friend'.
"Until then, my friend," Anthony bid farewell.
Sweeney Todd, however, didn't even acknowledged the offered handshake. He simply took off down one of the side streets. Anthony let his arm slide back down to his side and looked over toward Chrysalis, who seemed lost in her own thoughts.
"Are you alright, Ms. Winters?" He asked with concern.
It took a moment for Chrysalis to snap herself back to reality and knowledge the young man speaking to her.
"I'm fine," She responded quickly. "Just lost in thought is all."
"Do you need any help finding a place to stay?" Anthony offered.
Once again, his question was met with silence as Chrysalis took off down the very street Sweeney Todd walked down. Anthony stood for a moment, saddened by the mysterious pall that hung over his friends. As for Chrysalis, she ran for a few moments before she noticed Sweeney Todd walking down the alley with a far off look in his eyes.
"Mr. Todd!" She called out.
Sweeney froze in place as he slowly turned toward the young woman walking towards him.
"What do you want?" He asked coldly.
"That story you told," Chrysalis replied. "It was about you, wasn't it? You had a wife and child you loved very much, but they were taken away from you."
Sweeney snapped his eyes in her direction, eyes that held a heated glare.
"How did you...?"
"You used to have a life filled with love, but you were sent away by corrupted officials," Chrysalis continued. "Now you come back after all these years hoping to find your wife and child. Not only that, but you also long to exact revenge on the man who ruined your life."
Sweeney Todd quickly advanced on her and clasped his hands on her throat as he backed her against a nearby wall. It was perhaps one of the rare times in Chrysalis' life she felt a twinge of fear, as she stared into the hateful, angry eyes of a possibly dangerous human being.
"What would you know of my plans?!" He asked angrily. "What of anything in my life?! You don't know me! You understand nothing!"
"I do!" Chrysalis croaked. "I understand more than you know!"
Sweeney's grip on her neck increased as his rage grew. Chrysalis could easily use her magic to throw him off but instead... she chose not to.
"How would you know?!" Sweeney hissed.
"Because... it happened to me!" Chrysalis choked out.
Chrysalis words caught Sweeney Todd off guard. He released the grip upon her neck and backed away. Chrysalis massaged her slightly sore neck as she released a few coughs before turning back toward the stunned human.
"What do you mean?" He asked her.
"I once had a great love," Chrysalis explained to him. "I loved him... and he loved me back. We were so happy together; we planned to run away and start a life of our own. Until corrupted officials intervened, locked him away, and banished me!"
Chrysalis once more stood to her full height, as she stood before Sweeney Todd himself.
"We're not so different you and I," Chrysalis voiced her honesty. "We've felt love, only to have it ripped away unjustly by the cruel and corrupt. That's why... we should help each other."
Sweeney stared at her, listening intently over what she said. He couldn't fully grasp what to believe nor if anything she said rang with truth. However, he noticed the manner of how she spoke. For a woman of such compassion, why else would she speak that way if she were telling a lie? Until proven otherwise, he decided to believe her... for now.
"What are you suggesting?" He asked her.
The sound of thunder caused Chrysalis to look up toward the dark sky. She knew it was probably best to find someplace to shelter themselves if a storm was coming their way.
"Perhaps it be best if we found some place to discuss this in private," She offered.
Sweeney looked up toward the sky and over his shoulder in the direction he was heading. While he still didn't fully know what to make of the girl in front of him, he knew they were connected by circumstance he couldn't blindly ignore. Releasing a deep exhale, he turned back toward her.
"Follow me," He instructed.
He continued his way down the alley and Chrysalis quickly followed behind him. They walked on through the dark alleys of London as a bunch of rats ran alongside them. All the while, Todd strode along, deep in thought. The emotions roiling within him finally seethed out in a dark mutter:
Sweeney Todd (Sings):
There's a hole in the world like a great black pit
And it's filled with people who are filled with shit,
And the vermin of the world inhabit it...
The two pressed on through the streets of London, seeking a place to reside for the time being. They passed alleys, cobblestone streets, a warehouse and even a factory.... with a shrilling whistle blow, enormously loud, blood-chilling and spine-shattering. A bizarre combination of a factory whistle; a hog being slaughter; a dog snarling; a roaring inferno; and even a human scream.
They passed many people that made up the streets of London town. The slender dandy in pearl grey gloves and matching waistcoat, the makings of a cold, superior aristocrat. The large, rotund, and sleek banker with impressive muttonchops. More figures emerged from the shadows, prosaic in appearance and yet they resembled 'ghosts' more than people. And yet they were very distinct: From a tough, leather-skinned military man in a crimson imperial uniform to the lean, severe man with pale skin in clerical attire. There was a small, meek man with glasses in an ill-fitting suit and another dashing young man, presumably from Oxford, with the most luxurious long hair.
But there was only one thing that went through a mind of Sweeney Todd, as he cut through the city at lightning pace down twisting alleys and up crowed boulevards. The thought he carried into tunnels and over bridges, slashing through London at breakneck speed. Even with all these new circumstances surrounding him, Chrysalis could sense from within this man there was only one desire in his mind:
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