God, Thats Good

Later that night, a certain group of girls and their young dragon-turned-boy ran about frantically as they helped Johanna pack her belongings so she could finally leave Turpin's house. They had been packing for a while now, trying to get everything together for Johanna's long journey with Anthony. By this point, everything was nearly finished as they reflected on how they got to this very moment.

Earlier, Anthony had been helping them all pack for the trip. But he needed to leave to ensure all was well on Sweeney Todd's end of the plan. None were aware of what transpired that day, nor that Turpin was already on his way home at this very moment. Had they'd known what was to come, they probably would've left much sooner.

Johanna's small, white hands were removing clothes from a drawer and placing them into her portmanteau, locking the case shut. She was dressed in her traveling clothes, nearly packed and ready to leave. But as the bag clicked shut, she froze in place and cast a downtrodden look toward the floor. This hadn't gone unnoticed by the group; Twilight Sparkle especially was the first to take notice.

"Everything alright?" She asked Johanna.

Hearing the lavender pony princess talking to her, Johanna instantly snapped her head in her direction.

"Yes, I'm fine," Johanna nodded.

"You don't look very confident," Twilight replied.

It was at that moment Rainbow Dash stopped in between the girls; her arms full of clothing.

"What's with the chit chat?" Rainbow asked impatiently. "We need to be packed up before Judge Jerkface gets back from his shave!"

"I have to agree with Rainbow on this one," Rarity interjected. "I'd hate to be anywhere near here when that horrid man returns."

"And we were warned what will happen to us if he finds us here... twice!" Fluttershy emphasized.

"Don't worry girls, we'll get back to it," Twilight assured them. "I just think Johanna needs some advice at the moment."

"Well, make it quick!" Rainbow responded, with an eye roll. "Clock's ticking and our window of opportunity is getting smaller by the minute."

As the girls resumed their assistance with the packing, Johanna and Twilight sat alongside each other on the former's bedside.

"What's troubling you, Johanna?" Twilight asked concerned. "You've been longing to leave this place, and freedom is just minutes away from happening. Why aren't you happy?"

The blonde-haired girl was silent for a moment, contemplating her answer until she faced the princess.

"I'm frightened, Twilight," Johanna responded honestly. "Despite how oppressive it's been, this is the only life I've ever known. I know nothing about the world beyond these walls, and I have no other family to go home to. What if the world is just as bad, if not worse than Turpin's? Sometimes it's best to keep the evil you know rather than stumble blindly into an all new one."

As Twilight gazed upon the poor young girl, her words sinking in, the Alicorn princess had a feeling she knew where this was going. Placing a gentle comforting hand on Johanna's, she gazed deeply into her friend's eyes.

"I understand how you feel," Twilight told Johanna.

"No, you don't," Johanna shook her head. "You have friends, family, and even someone you long for. My entire life has been in this gilded cage."

"That may be true, but I do understand how you feel," Twilight continued. "You've spent your entire life stuck in a bubble and you're afraid to burst out of it."

"What do you mean?" Johanna asked curiously.

Seeing this got Johanna's attention, Twilight Sparkle released a sigh before explaining herself.

"When I was younger, I was trapped in my own bubble," Twilight explained. "All my life, I wanted to study and learn everything about magic. That desire took over every single aspect of my life until there was nothing that I cared about more than my books. So many times, other ponies, even Spike, tried to convince me to open up, get out of my bubble for just a moment, and try to make friends. Each and every time, I've pushed them away. I had completely isolated myself from a world that went on without me."

Twilight Sparkled turned her head toward her friends, who were moving about and packing an assortment of supplies. She couldn't help but give a small smile at the sight.

"Then one day, my teacher sent me to a small town where I met some very kind, and frankly odd, ponies," She giggled to herself. "Though I was cold and distant toward them, they did everything they could just to befriend me. But I was afraid to step out of what I'd known for my entire life."

"What made you change?" Johanna asked.

"It wasn't until the six of us came together and used the Elements of Harmony to vanquish Nightmare Moon that I realized something very important," Twilight responded. "You can't spend your time stuck in your old life; otherwise, you miss out on the chance to make a new one. You miss a chance of not only meeting new people, but potentially new friends.

"Johanna, you have a chance to finally make a new life of your own, with a man who clearly admires you and who you admire in return. Don't let fear take that chance away from you. You need to stand up to Judge Turpin and stop living your life in a prison. What's the point of living if you refuse to take any chances?"

A small lone tear slowly slipped from Johanna's eye and down her cheek as she smiled toward her new friend. She couldn't even begin to imagine how blessed she had been ever since these new friends came into her life. Friends who only wanted to help her be happy, even risking their own safety for hers. She threw her arms around Twilight, as the emotions finally caved in.

"Thank you, Twilight," Johanna spoke gratefully. "I needed to hear that."

"You're absolutely welcome," Twilight replied, hugging back. "Now, we really should get back to packing before Turpin returns."

The two girls pulled away from the hug and were about to start packing once more when the door creaked open, drawing their attention.

"So, it's true."

Everyone turned toward none other than Judge Turpin himself standing by the doorway. He stared at them all with a cold vacant stare, the disappointment ringing in his voice. Johanna looked on fearfully, but also with determination.

"Sir, a gentleman knocks before entering a lady's room," Johanna stated.

"Indeed, he does... but I see no ladies here," Turpin replied coldly. "Only a litter of harlots and their little 'plaything'."

"Hey! I resent that remark!" Spike growled.

"Say that again while you still have teeth, jerk!" Rainbow Dash cracked her knuckles.

But the Judge paid no heed to their words, merely slinking an inch into the room. The remainder of the girls, along with Spike, quickly made their way beside Twilight and Johanna. By the time he entered, he was dangerously quiet... and terrifically hurt.

"Mea maxima culpa... I told myself the sailor was lying," Turpin spoke, inching closer. "I told myself this was a cruel fiction... that my Johanna would never betray me. Never hurt me so. I treasured your innocence and loved you like a daughter... but you mocked me, Johanna. Tempting me with your innocence when you're suddenly a woman, sighing before your window and gazing upon the town. So young, so soft, so beautiful... and you still want to leave me!"

"You speak as though you're the victim!" Rarity spoke in disbelief. "You act like you've never committed a single horrid act toward Johanna, even though..."

The feeling of one's hand upon her shoulder made Rarity stop mid-sentence and she turned to see Johanna looking at her. A single nod from the blonde made Rarity step back, as Johanna made her way to the front of the group. She remembered just what Twilight said, how she needed to stand up if she ever wanted to walk free.

"Sir... I will leave this place," Johanna said determinedly.

"I think that only appropriate," Turpin nodded. "I cannot keep you longer, the world is at your window, and you want to fly away. Since you no longer find my company to your liking, madam, and I cannot watch you one more day... we shall provide you with new lodgings."

He stopped just inches from the newly determined young girl and her group of friends, who were ready and willing to fight for their friend.

"Until this moment I have spared the rod... and the ungrateful child has broken my heart," Turpin continued. "Now you will learn discipline."

It was then that the Mane Six and Spike stepped in front of Johanna.

"You have to go through us first, jerk!" Rainbow challenged.

"Trust me, ah don't think yer gonna get very far," Applejack added.

"I don't need to do anything," Turpin replied. "They will."

No sooner were those words spoken when the large form of the Beadle filled the doorway, along with a number of policemen entering behind the Judge.

"On my way back, I managed to stop by police headquarters and informed them of you," Turpin stated. "I warned you what would happen if you came to my home, now you leave me no alternative. You are all under arrest for breaking and entering, trespassing, and conspiracy. I will personally see that you never see the outside world again."

Turpin looked back toward Johanna with such disappointment, and also a quiet rage.

"I will keep you here forever, the world will never touch you as years pass," Turpin said. "When you have learned to appreciate what you have, perhaps we shall meet again. You'll tend me in my solitude, no longer as my daughter, but as a woman. Until then... think on your sins."

Turpin made his way from the room, with a nod to Beadle. The Beadle surged forward and grabbed hold of Johanna brutally. Johanna screamed and fought like a tiger, but to no avail. The Beadle covered her mouth with one huge hand and hauled her out. The Mane Six and Spike did all they could to help, but the police swarmed upon them subduing them in their tracks. They fought and kicked their way against the police, but the number of officers proved too much. Eventually, everyone was dragged out of Turpin's house and into the dead of night.


Meanwhile, Anthony was strolling down the street across from the Judge's house. After Sweeney Todd had blown up at him and demanded he leave, he needed to return to the others and get Johanna out of the house. He could only hope Mr. Todd would calm down enough to still help keep Johanna safe until they could find safe passage out of London.

Just then, the sound of screaming drew Anthony's attention. He quickly raced down the street toward the front of the mansion. Rounding the corner, he saw a carriage in front of Turpin's house and Beadle throwing Johanna into it. As the hansom cab pulled away, the last thing Anthony saw was Johanna's terrified face staring out the window toward him.

"JOHANNA!!!" Anthony screamed.

Anthony saw the Beadle pulling her away from the window, sneering at the man as the carriage clattered off. In that moment, the police hauled the Mane Six and Spike out of the house. All while Turpin stood by the steps of the mansion watching this unfold.

"See to it you lock them up for as long as humanly possible!" The Judge demanded loudly.

Seeing the madness before him, Anthony raced toward Turpin with a murderous rage.

"Where are you taking her?!" Anthony yelled toward Turpin. "Tell me or I swear by God--!"

"WOULD YOU KILL ME, BOY?!" Turpin screamed in rage. "HERE I STAND!"

Anthony's eyes burned into the Judge – but he was no killer...


Turpin immediately fell to the ground when something smashed into his face. Clutching his now extremely sore jaw, he looked up to see Twilight Sparkle standing over him with a clenched fist. A police officer tried to grab her, but she concentrated all her magic and sent a huge blast that sent all the officers flying backwards down the cobble streets. Her friends stood there staring with eyes wide with surprise, as Twilight Sparkle turned toward Turpin, who lay upon the ground in horror.

"What sorcery is this?!" Turpin asked horrified.

"Magic, Turpin," Twilight replied. "That was but a small fraction of what it can do. You so much as look at me, my friends, Anthony, or Johanna the wrong way, you'll learn first-hand how powerful I am."

Turpin quickly scrambled to his feet and raced back into his home, slamming the door behind him. Twilight Sparkle turned back to her friends and Anthony, who looked at her with shock. This made her demeanor drop with concern.

"I'm sorry... did I go too far?" Twilight asked worriedly.

"Are you kidding?" Rainbow asked with a smile. "That was awesome! Someone needed to slug that creep in the face; I'm just surprised it was you. I mean I knew you had it in you, Twi, and yet—"

"Girls, I think we're missing the big picture!" Spike interrupted. "How did the Judge know we would all be here?!"

"I thought we had more time," Fluttershy voiced her concern.

"... It's all my fault everyone," Anthony sighed, regretfully.

To which everyone's attention turned toward the young sailor, who looked down at the ground with shame.

"I let it slip that we were planning to get Johanna out of the house, and the Judge happened to be at Mr. Todd's," Anthony admitted. "I tried to get here as fast as I could, to warn you Turpin was coming... but I was too late."

"Yeah... ya kinda are," Applejack nodded.

"Really darling, I know you're the Element of Honesty but please!" Rarity groaned.

"And now because of me, we've lost Johanna," Anthony sighed. "I doubt even Mr. Todd will want to help me because... he got mad at me. And I don't even know why."

"Maybe all is not lost just yet," Twilight Sparkle voiced determination. "We know Turpin is sending Johanna away to a place where she cannot be allowed to leave. We just need to find where they're holding her and get her back!"

"But how?" Fluttershy asked. "This city is so big, she could be 'anywhere'!"

"We must find Johanna, Fluttershy. Even if it's going to take us all night!"

"Then we better hurry before the bobby starts waking up," Pinkie Pie pointed out. "Luckily, in times like this, a good montage is just what we need to make the trip go faster!"

Not even bothering to argue or question, they turned and raced after the hansom cab even though it had fled by now. The Judge watched the scene from the window, seeing the group disappearing around the corner and the Bobby's just starting to wake up. His face fumed with rage beneath his stone face, he knew that as long as they were still loose, they'd be causing trouble. But once word got out there were criminals on the run, there'd be no place to run and hide. He'll get them even if he has to tear down all of London to do it.


Back at the barber shop, Alice Winters (a.k.a. Chrysalis in disguise) slowly climbed the steps toward the door. Creaking the door slowly open, she gazed into the room and found Sweeney Todd all alone. He sat in the barber chair, smoking a pipe. He held an old Daguerreotype; creased, stained, and bleached out.

The image showed his wife, Lucy, smiling and holding Baby Johanna. The child's features are almost completely obscured by a stain on the picture. Though they expected to be very busy tonight, Chrysalis dared not to disturb him right now. She allowed him to look deeply at the picture as church bells bellowed in the distance. The sound of the bells snapped Todd back to reality, he slowly turned toward Chrysalis so she could read his thoughts. With a slow nod of acknowledgement... they went straight to work.

Together, Todd and Chrysalis were working busily. Sawing, drilling, screwing, hammering. They were doing something not meant to be seen upon the man's barber chair. They were making all the fine adjustments, tinkering, and building so feverishly. And yet somehow, all this work was making them... happy.

Finally, after making the final adjustments to his chair, Todd and Chrysalis stood back delighted with the results of their tinkering. The ratty old parlor chair had been transformed into a sleek, Victorian barber chair – with unique refinements. And they couldn't wait to test it on the first 'willing' soul stepping in for the 'last' shave of their lives.

"Is that a chair fit for a king?" Sweeney Todd asked. "A wonderous, neat, and most particular chair?"

"It's gorgeous, Mr. Todd," Chrysalis smirked wickedly. "Simply gorgeous."

"You tell me where a seat is there can half compare with this particular thing!"

"It's perfect!"

"I have a few minor adjustments to make."

"You make those adjustments. It's nearly six o'clock and patrons will be arriving down the block at a quarter."

"Be prepared, Ms. Winters..." Todd instructed Chrysalis. "I've waited for this all day."


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Church bells continued to ring as Anthony, along with the Mane Six and Spike, searched the streets along the Mayfair for Johanna. Moving through the contours of the city, the girls and Spike also kept watch for any sign of the police knowing that as of tonight they are officially criminals. In the meantime, their search began in a luxurious area of wealth unaware their trip through the city would take them lower and lower, eventually into the darkest corners of London.

Anthony (Sings):
I feel you, Johanna,
I feel you.
Do they think that walls can hide you?
Even now I'm at your window.
I am in the dark beside you,
Buried sweetly in your yellow hair,

And all through the night, they walked as Anthony sang...


... Sweeney Todd gazed quietly at the Daguerreotype, now resting on the counter. Eventually, he went right to work shaving a customer, a handsome young gentleman whom Chrysalis positioned on the chair. Todd remained wistful, detached, dream-like... even as he brutally slit the man's throat as Chrysalis stared at the dying man slumping on the chair.

Sweeney Todd (Sings):
And are you beautiful and pale,
With yellow hair, like her?
I'd want you beautiful and pale,
The way I've dreamed you were...


While singing, Todd pushed a lever on the newly adjusted chair – the chair becoming a slide – and the Gentleman fell backward, disappearing through a trapdoor in the floor, down a chute – Todd pressed his foot on the lever again and the chair returned to its normal position as Chrysalis quickly cleaned the scene.


Anthony and the group proceeded to walk along the docks, hoping, if not praying, that Johanna wouldn't be there.

Spike (Sings):

Anthony (Sings):


The night would carry on as Todd and Chrysalis continued their work with the next gentleman who came for a shave. First, Chrysalis would make sure the man was comfortable, removing his coat and a few belongings. Then as soon as Chrysalis wrapped a sheet around the man so his clothes wouldn't be stained, Todd would carefully lather the man's face with shaving cream before he went to work.

Todd (Sings):
And if you're beautiful, what then,
With yellow hair, like wheat?
I think we shall not meet again—
(Quietly slit the man's throat)
My little dove, my sweet...


Anthony and the group were now walking past the hanging carcasses of the busy meat market. The display of hanging meat made most of the girls sick, especially Fluttershy, while the butcher kept hacking away at one shred of beef minding his own business.

Anthony (Sings):
I'll steal you, Johanna...


Another dead Gentleman lay slumped on the chair after choking on his own blood from the cut. Todd pushed the lever, sent the man down the chute to the depths below the shop, Chrysalis would hurl the clothes down with the man, they'd put the chair back in position... and it would go on repeat.

Todd (Sings):
Goodbye, Johanna,
You're gone, and yet you're mine.
I'm fine, Johanna,
I'm fine!


Down the slums, Anthony and the group were moving past a crowded tenement, redolent of cholera. But they had no time to share their sentiments to the sick. There was 'one' person they needed to find, and it seemed they were going nowhere.

Twilight Sparkle (Sings):


While Todd and Chrysalis were handling their own end of the work, Mrs. Lovett descended a long and very claustrophobic series of steps down to the bakehouse. She unbolted and pulled aside a heavy iron door and entered without anyone noticing. A fiery red glow spilled out – the roar of the oven within thundered.

The Beggar Woman stood on Fleet Street. The hellish metropolis glowed, the smoke from a thousand chimneys creating a great pall over the city. The Beggar Woman broke in a demented rage.

Beggar Woman (Sings):
Smoke! Smoke!
Sign of the devil! Sign of the devil!
City on fire!
(To disgusted passers-by)
Witch! Witch!
Smell it, sir! An evil smell!
Every night at the vespers bell—
Smoke that comes from the mouth of hell—
City on fire!
City on fire...
(She begins to scuttle off)
Mischief! Mischief! Mischief!


The red glow of sunset filled the shop as Todd and Chrysalis ushered in another customer and prepared to shave him...

Todd (Sings):
And if I never hear your voice,
My turtledove, my dear,
I still have reason to rejoice:
The way ahead is clear...


Anthony and the group are moving down a dark alley by now. Shadowy figures lurked along the alley walls, some watching what appeared to be outsiders in their turf. But they paid no mind to wandering eyes, the girls and their friends kept searching.

Anthony (Sings):
I feel you...

The Mane Six & Spike (Sings):


Todd continued his preparations to shave the customer, as Chrysalis proceeded to hand Todd a clean razor for the 'treatment'.

Todd (Sings):
And in that darkness when I'm blind
With what I can't forget—
It's always morning in my mind,
My little lamb, my pet...


Anthony and the group now moved past a lonely graveyard, not expecting to find Johanna but to try to be as far from any busy streets, especially with the police on patrol.

Todd (Sings V.O.):

Anthony & Equestrians (Sings):


Todd (Sings):
You stay, Johanna...
(Quietly cuts the customer's throat)
The way I've dreamed you are.
(Notices dusk outside the window)
Oh look, Johanna-,
(Pulls the lever and the customer disappears)
A star!
(Tossing the customer's hat down the chute)
A shooting star!


Anthony kept singing as he and his group moved past the graveyard toward a quieter part of London.

Anthony (Sings):
Buried sweetly in your yellow hair...


Soon, Mrs. Lovett emerged from the bakehouse with a rack of hot pies. She climbed up the stairs, cracking the door open with her shoulder. The fiery roar of the oven within the bakehouse was overpowering...

... and the Beggar Woman scuttled madly along Fleet Street, trying desperately to implore someone, anyone, to listen to her as she pointed frantically toward the smoke over the rooftops.

Beggar Woman (Sings):
There! There!
Somebody, somebody look up there!
(The passers-by just ignored her)
Didn't I tell you? Smell that air?
City on fire!

The Beggar Woman approached the pie shop, the agitated music matched her increasing frenzy. She grabbed a stunned Toby – who carried some packages toward the pie shop.

Beggar Woman (Sings panickily):
Quick, sir! Run and tell!
Warn 'em all of the witch's spell!
There it is, there it is, the unholy smell!
Tell it to the Beadle and the police as well!
Tell 'em! Tell 'em!

She spotted Mrs. Lovett emerging from the pie shop and exploded in desperation, pointing madly:

Beggar Woman (Sings):
Help!!! Fiend!!!
City on fire!!!

But Toby merely pulled away from her, as she scuttled off again...

Beggar Woman (Sings):
City on fire...
Mischief... Mischief... Mischief... Fiend...

Soon she was appealing to other pedestrians, as her mind just flipped.

Beggar Woman (Sings):
Alms! ... Alms! ...

Little had the woman known, Toby did turn and considered the horrible black smoke belching from the chimney of the pie shop. Something about the foul, ebony smoke troubled him. From the steps toward the barber shop, after permitting another customer inside, Chrysalis eyed Toby and noted the way he studied the smoke. A frown formed on her face, as if she 'knew' Toby was starting to get suspicious... but for now, she'd keep her eyes on that boy.


Meanwhile, Todd was left standing alone, contemplative, slowly and methodically stropping his razor. Another customer had fallen victim to his very blade, his throat slit, his corpse sent to the bakehouse, and thus far, no one had suspected anything was going on. Not that Todd was pondering about whether eventually he'd get caught. All he could think about was the last living person who meant something to him... but the more he killed, the more he slowly forgotten what mattered more to him.

Todd (Sings):
And though I'll think of you, I guess,
Until the day I die,
I think I miss you less and less
As every day goes by...


As day broke along the limehouse, Anthony, along with his friends, trudged past the sinister opium dens and depraved taverns of the East End. The Equestrians did their best to ignore it all together, which proved easier said than done.

Fluttershy (Sings):

Anthony (Sings):


As the day continued, Sweeney Todd completed shaving a customer... only he didn't try to kill him. It just so happened that the customer wasn't alone. He happened to arrive with a wife and daughter, sitting in wait. Though it annoyed Chrysalis to let a patron slip away, when she turned to the corner, she could understand 'why' Todd wouldn't kill him them. It wasn't so much because they needed to slow down as to avoid arousing suspicion nor they couldn't kill with a pair of witnesses, Todd looked at them and he couldn't bear to remove a father away from an otherwise loving family. Seeing them, it briefly reminded him of how he was before he became... this.

Todd (Sings):
And you'd be beautiful and pale,
And look too much like her.
If only angels could prevail,
We'd be the way we were.

Soon as the customer paid, Todd and Chrysalis ushered them out with the most pleasant smile they could form. But deep down... their hearts were breaking.


Anthony and the group wandered past the high and impenetrable walls of a madhouse, the demented souls within could be seen moving about in silhouette behind barred windows.

Anthony (Sings):
I feel you...

Something eventually made them stop. The group watched as the man turned, considering the asylum...


Todd shaved another customer, with a beautiful morning just outside the window.

Todd (Sings):
Wake up, Johanna!
Another bright red day!
(Slit the customer's throat)
We learn, Johanna,
To say...

As the note continued, Chrysalis pulled the lever and watched the customer disappear down the chute...


Anthony and the Equestrians stared up at the asylum... and through the bars of the window, Johanna herself looked down toward the group sadly.

Anthony (Sings):
I'll steal you...


While the music concluded, Todd picked up the faded Daguerreotype and again sat in his barber chair. He gazed at the picture, lost in revery. Eventually, he sealed the Daguerreotype shut as if permitting himself to draw himself away from painful memories, accepting the fact that his family are better off gone. This hadn't gone unnoticed, even as Chrysalis cleaned the blades of any blood and discarded all the rags to eventually throw into the fire, she watched Todd reflecting on the life that was taken from him... a sight that made her shed a single tear down her face.


"Anthony... Twilight..." Johanna whispered, out the window. "How did you find me?"

"We had to sneak around to avoid drawing attention," Twilight whispered back. "But our guts told us we'd find you here."

"Oh Johanna... we're so sorry this happened to you," Fluttershy sighed sadly.

"Beadle said I could leave if I agree to marry the Judge," Johanna informed. "I'd rather die... if he should marry me, what shall I do? I'll die of grief."

"We have a plan," Anthony assured her.

"What can we do with time so brief?"

"We'll fly you out of there, Johanna," Rainbow Dash assured confidently. "Maybe not tonight, but we'll set you free."

"How? They won't let just anyone get through the gate."

"Be not afraid, Johanna," Anthony assured. "I'll steal you away somehow; I love you."

"Sir... I did love you even as I saw you," Johanna reflected. "Even as it did not matter that I did not know your name..."

"It's me you'll marry, that's what I'll do," Anthony declared. "When we get you out, we'll marry at St. Dunstan's. Hold a private ceremony, and we'll leave London, go somewhere far away."

"And we'll be there to make sure no one tries to ruin this special moment," Twilight Sparkle promised.

"Twilight... I knew somehow that you'd be there for me one day," Johanna smiled sadly. "Even not knowing who you were or any of your friends. I feared you'd never come, that you'd been called away by the police. That you'd be killed, had the plague, in a debtor's jail, trampled by a horse, gone to sea again, arrested by the—"

"Calm down, sugar cube," Applejack gestured, looking around. "We ain't gonna be able to git you out now. We have to lie low a while till the police dies down. Once we're in the clear, we're getting' ya out of there in a jiff."

Suddenly, the girl looked back as she could hear a door opening. Realizing what was coming, she turned back.

"You have to go... now!" Johanna urged. "Hurry! Before they find you!"

Johanna reeled back from the bars, leaving the group only a brief moment to see her. Now they knew where Johanna was, and also aware the place must be heavily guarded, they could only hope that they could put whatever plan they had into motion before something awful happens to their friend. For now... they left the asylum before someone caught on to them. If this plan was going to work, they had to rely on something to keep the public occupied...


Back in Fleet Steet, amidst the chaos ensuing to rescue Johanna, the Beggar Woman sat crouched on her haunches, peering up from under her few greasy locks of hair. She watched something intently. A few pedestrians moved quickly down the sidewalk past her, excited. They chattered back and forth eagerly, the Beggar Woman uncoiled and followed toward what she'd been watching...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Mrs. Lovett's wretched establishment had been transformed and things were going better than ever. She had created a modest outdoor eating garden with tables, surrounded by glowing Chinese lanterns. A fresh coat of paint, a few bushes in pots and birds in cages add to the feeling of upward mobility. The entire place had been restored to its former glory as if the shop looked just like 'new' again.

Even a new sign hung proudly over the entrance to the pie shop: "MRS. LOVETT'S WORLD-FAMOUS MEAT PIES!". And then in smaller letters: "LIKE MOTHER USED TO MAKE.".

Not only that, but the eating garden was also already crowded, the benches at the tables are filled with a whole new assortment of customers eager to try her new meat pies. All the other customers yet to seated stood and milled about. Everyone else was eating, eating, eating...

... The most delicious looking meat pies one could ever imagine. Crispy crust. Thick, luxurious gravy. Tart and tangy meat. The customers take great, hungry mouthfuls; the steaming gravy oozing down greedy faces. Chomp. Chomp. Chomp. But they had no idea of the 'true' ingredients amidst all these new pies.

The Beggar Woman stood across the street, just outside the shop, ravenously hungry. She finally got the nerve to approach when Toby, wearing a spiffy new outfit with apron, burst from the shop, and circulated through the customers to stir up more business the only way he knew how... singing.

Toby (Sings):
Ladies and gentlemen,
May I have your attention, perlease?
Are your nostrils aquiver and tingling as well
At that delicate, luscious ambrosial smell?
Yes, they are, I can tell...

He moved through the greedily eating customers in the outdoor garden and toward the street...

Toby (Sings):
Well, ladies and gentlemen,
That aroma enriching the breeze
Is like nothing compared to its succulent source,
As the gourmets among you will tell you, of course.

Soon the boy arrived at the street and drummed up more business:

Toby (Sings):
Ladies and gentlemen,
You can't imagine the rapture in store—
(Indicates the pie shop)
Just inside of this door!

Toby proceeded to lead more customers into the shop and seat them at their own tables. Making his way out the back door to the shop, he returned to the outdoor dining garden. More hungry patrons ravenously ate the meat pies like they were going out of stock. Mrs. Lovett helped to serve the many customers in between, pouring them ale or serving them more pies 'fresh' from the oven.

Toby (Sings):
There you'll sample
Mrs. Lovett's meat pies,
Savory and sweet pies,
As you'll see.
You who eat pies,
Mrs. Lovett's meat pies
Conjure up the treat pies
Used to be!

As Mrs. Lovett swept from the pie shop with a tray of hot, steaming pies, like her shop, she too had been transformed as well. She wore her somewhat gauche notion of 'fancy dress'. Buckets of decolletage and her hair had been dyed a rather unique aubergine color.

"Toby!" Mrs. Lovett called out.

"Coming!" Toby replied, pushing past a customer. "'Scuse me..."

"Ale there!" Lovett indicated a beckoning customer.

"Right, mum!"

"Quick, now!"

The customers suddenly exclaimed their joy through awkward mouthfuls of pie:

Customers (Sings):
God, that's good!

Toby scurried inside to fetch a jug of ale, whisking back out and started filling tankards as Mrs. Lovett circulated grandly. She was a bundle of activity – serving pies, collecting money, giving orders, addressing the patrons individually and with equal buoyant insincerity:

Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
Nice to see you, dearie...
How have you been keeping?...
Cor, me bones is weary!
(Indicates a customer)
One for the gentleman...
Hear the birdies cheeping—
Helps to keep it cheery...

Suddenly, Mrs. Lovett spotted the Beggar Woman approaching, a grimace came upon her face, and she responded with unusual ferocity:

Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
Throw the old woman out!

Customers (Sings):
God, that's good!

Nodding in response, Toby grabbed a dish towel and walked toward the old beggar. He shooed the Beggar Woman away, swatting the towel at her, and the homeless woman quickly scampered away from the shop... but soon came skulking back.

Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
What's your pleasure, dearie?...
No, we don't cut slices...
Cor, me eyes are bleary!...
(Toby is about to pour for a drunken customer)
None for the gentleman!...
I could up me prices—
I'm a little leery...
Couldn't be better, though—

Customers (Sings):
God, that's good!

Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
Knock on wood.
(And she does)
What's your pleasure, dearie?
(Spilling ale)
Oops! I beg your pardon!
Just me hands is smeary—
(Spotting a freeloader trying to sneak out without paying)
Run for the gentleman!

Toby caught him, collecting the money, as Mrs. Lovett turned to another customer:

Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
Don't you love a garden?
Always makes me teary...
(Looking back at the freeloader)
Must be one of them foreigners—

Customers (Sings):
God, that's good that is delicious!

Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
What's my secret?
(To a woman)
Frankly, dear – forgive my candor—
Family secret,
All to do with herbs.
Thinks like being
Careful with your coriander,
That's what makes the gravy grander--!

The customers are getting more rabid now – stuffing in the gorgeous meat pies in great fistfuls—

Customers (Sings):
More hot pies!
More hot!
More pies!

The bell above the barber shop rang loudly as the door opened and Mr. Todd stepped out to the top of the stairs to observe the atmosphere below. Chrysalis stepped out behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder as they stood watching the street hungrily. Sweeney looked at her hand on his shoulder for a moment before placing his own hand atop hers. Just then, he noticed his next customer talking with a smiling Mrs. Lovett, to which Chrysalis noticed too.

Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
Incidentally, dearie,
You know Mrs. Mooney.
Sales've been so dreary—
(Spotted the Beggar Woman again)
(Continues with the customer, about Mrs. Mooney)
--Poor thing is penniless.
(Indicates Beggar Woman to Toby)
What about that loony?
(To the customer as Toby shoos the Beggar Woman away again)
Lookin' sort of beery—
Oh, well, got her comeuppance—
(Hawklike, to a rising customer)
And that'll be thruppence – and

Customers (Sings):
God, that's good that is de have you.

Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
So, she should.

Customers (Sings):
Licious ever tasted smell such
Oh my God, what more, that's pies good!

"Well, time to work my own magic," She grinned wickedly.

Chrysalis soon sauntered seductively down the steps just as the man made it to the bottom of the staircase. He looked up and saw a beautiful blonde lady coming down the staircase, her sleeve tucked slightly to expose a bare shoulder. The poor man was instantly entranced, unaware that his fate was sealed.

Mrs. Lovett & Toby (Sings):
Eat them slow and
Feel the crust, how thin I/she rolled it!
Eat them slow, 'cos
Every one's a prize!
Eat them slow, 'cos
That's the lot and now we've sold it!

Mrs. Lovett hung up a 'Sold Out' sign.

Mrs. Lovett & Toby (Sings):
Come again tomorrow--!

She soon spotted the man climbing up the stairs, in need of a shave, beckoned by her blonde associate.

Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
Hold it—

Customers (Sings):
More hot pies!

Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
Bless my eyes--!

Lovett saw Chrysalis luring the man up to the barber shop. Todd still stood at the top of the stairs. They smiled secretly to Mrs. Lovett as they ushered the man inside. Seeing this brough a smile to Mrs. Lovett's face, as she realized they weren't sold out of pies... just yet.

Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
Fresh supplies!

The man soon entered the barber shop as she happily took down the 'Sold Out' sign and turned again to the customers:

Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
How about it, dearie?
(Expecting more pies)
Be here in a twinkling!
Just confirms me theory—
God watches over us.
Didn't have an inling...
Positively eerie...

Toby (Sings, simulatenous with above):
Is that a pie
Fit for a king,
A wondrous sweet
And most delectable
You see, ma'am, why
There is no meat pie—

Customers (Sings, simulatenous with above):
Yum! Yum!

Once again, the Beggar Woman snuck in trying to prove that her crazy theory was true and that there was something off about all this. Mrs. Lovett again spotted the Beggar Woman, and she spun to Toby with truly shocking viciousness:

Mrs. Lovett (Sings):

Mrs. Lovett watched intently as Toby quickly approached the Beggar Woman and led her away to the front door of the building, closing the door behind her as it locked. The customers, meanwhile, are building to a pure frenzy of mastication – chewing and gulping and snapping at the heavenly pies...

Customers (Sings):
God, that's good that is de have yo
Licious ever tasted smell such
Oh my God, what perfect more that's
Pies such flavor
God, that's good!!

As the music reached a rousing conclusion, Mrs. Lovett stood at the door to her shop... triumphant. For the first time in her life, her business was a rousing success, everyone was buying her products... and nothing was going to take that from her. Just then, she noticed a customer approaching the counter. Carrying a basket with gloved hands, it seemed to be a woman who's entire framed was covered by faded pinkish dress covering her neck to the tip of her toes. A wide brimmed hat covered her head; her face shrouded in a thick veil.

"Pardon me, 'dearie," The woman greeted, raspy like. "Do you perchance have any more of those 'delicious' pies? I'd like to buy some to go?"

"Ooh... sorry dearie, we just about sold out today," Mrs. Lovett spoke regretfully.

Undeterred, the lady reached into the basket and dropped in a pile of coins along the counter. Not wanting to disappoint a paying customer, Lovett turned side to side, leaned down below the cabinet and pulled out a secret pie hidden from prying view. She took a gentle blow on the pie and placed it before the woman.

"Here... have a special one, on me," Mrs. Lovett insisted.

"Bless yer kind heart, Mrs. Pie lady..."

The lady casually placed the pie into the basket and proceeded to walk away toward the door. Toby unlocked the door allowing the patron to leave, passing the beggar woman who stood out in the dead of the night. The mysterious lady casually placed some coins into the woman's reaching hands, and the Beggar Woman seemed fixated on the 'alms' in her palms. Once far away from the shop, the woman lifted her veil slightly...

Revealing herself to be the humanized Pinkie Pie, briefly looking back toward the shop... suspicion in her eyes as she dropped the veil and passed through the town in secret back to her friends.

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