First Blood
Later that same day, the Mane Six and Spike accompanied Anthony down the street toward Judge Turpin's house. Following their previous encounter just the other day, when Beadle had beaten Anthony with his club, they made it to Hyde Park and found a decent lodging house to settle in for the time being. The group spent the remainder of the day tending to Anthony's wounds. Despite the bruising, Anthony was more determined than ever to get Johanna away from Turpin and free her of this oppressive state.
But of course, that just begged one question:
"What exactly is the plan, Anthony?" Twilight Sparkle asked, mid-walk.
"We sneak Johanna out of the house," Anthony responded. "I plan to take her with me on my next voyage at sea; she'd probably love to see the open see after being cooped up for so long."
"And a lovely thought darling, but... have you actually come up with a solid plan?" Rarity questioned seriously. "We can't just walk through the front door and take her after all."
"Sure... let's do it the 'easy' way," Rainbow Dash replied sarcastically.
"Ah'm pretty sure Beadle told Turpin 'bout us showin' up to help," Applejack added. "Probably keepin' a close watch on her as we speak."
"It wouldn't surprise me if he's told the cops," Spike spoke up. "Suppose we show up and a whole squad of cops has the whole place surrounded?"
"I sure hope that isn't the case, Spike," Fluttershy said nervously. "I couldn't bear the thought of being in a terrible place like prison... again."
"Don't worry, everything will work out," Anthony assured them.
"How can you be so sure?" Spike asked the lad.
"Because I feel it... in my heart," Anthony replied, a hand over his chest.
"Aww... so sweet!" Pinkie smiled happily. "Like a big chocolate cake with molten chocolate icing, fudge filling, and a sweet cherry on top."
"Yeah, yeah, real sweet lover boy, but we seriously need a plan!" Rainbow emphasized, with an eye roll.
"Well, from what you told me, you were able to enter Johanna's room the other day undetected," Anthony replied. "And I still don't know how you pulled that off."
"It's... a long story, kid," Rainbow chuckled.
"What are ya getting' at?" Applejack asked.
"If you were able to do it once, why not do it again?" Anthony suggested. "You could just sneak in, have a word with her, and convince her to run away with me."
The group, however, nervously chuckled over such an offer. But the one most nervous was poor little Fluttershy, who tried and failed to hide her anxiety behind her mane.
"Anthony, your heart is in the right place," Fluttershy spoke up. "But we could get in so much trouble and we've already upset the judge and Beadle. I don't think it would be wise to anger them any further."
"Ah, come on Fluttershy, why couldn't we do it?" Rainbow attempted encouragement. "Even if rat face and big nose did catch on, they'd have to stand toe-to-ho... toe! Yeah, toe-to-toe with 'Lightning Hooves' Rainbow Dash."
To emphasize her point, Rainbow threw a series of punches into the air with almost lightning quick speed.
"Normally I'd think the same as you Fluttershy, but we've all seen how poorly Turpin treats Johanna," Twilight Sparrkle added. "We can't in good conscience leave the poor girl to suffer any more than she's already endured.
Being the kind, tender-hearted pony she was, Fluttershy had to agree with her friends. Somehow, they needed to get Johanna out of harm's way immediately. And yet, she was still unsure about whether they could be pushing their luck.
"I just... I don't know if I--"
"Please, Ms. Fluttershy," Anthony pled to her. "You're not just doing this for Johanna, you're doing it for love."
"He's seriously talking love already?" Rainbow whispered to Applejack.
The farm girl merely gave her marefriend a gentle nudge to hush her up, as Rainbow responded with an annoyed look.
"If you were in my shoes, you'd do anything for the one you care for most," Anthony continued. "Is there anyone you truly care about, Ms. Fluttershy? Have you ever been in love?"
The last question seemed to cause Fluttershy to blush a bright pink, about as pink as her mane. Being put on the spot before her friends was certainly not what she expected. Quickly, she tried to hide her face behind her mane.
"Um--uh--n-no!" She stuttered nervously. "I-I-I h-haven't been in l-love yet."
Her face said otherwise as her cheeks blushed harder, especially after the very next thing that came out of her mouth.
"But... there is someone I care about greatly," She concluded, with a small smile.
This truly caught the attention of the remainder of her friends. In particular, Pinkie Pie gasped loudly and bounced alongside her with the biggest smile on her face.
"Oooh... does Fluttershy have a crush on someone?" Pinkie Pie asked cheerfully. "Any pony we know?"
To which this only made Fluttershy blush harder, if such a thing were possible. Something of which didn't go unnoticed as Rainbow Dash gave a mischievous smirk.
"You know... I think she does Pinkster," Rainbow Dash chuckled. "Well come on Flutters. Who is it?"
"Um... uh... um..."
"Come on, you know you want to tell us," Pinkie giggled. "Is it a guy? A she? They/them?"
Just then, Twilight Sparkle used her magic to pry her two friends away from the shy and embarrassed pony in disguise."
"Now that's enough you guys," Twilight spoke sternly. "You know better than to pester Fluttershy about these things!"
"Twilight's absolutely right," Rarity agreed. "It's quite rude invading some po... poor girl's personal life."
"We're kind of starting to get off topic here anyway," Spike interrupted. "So... what are we going to do?"
Finally, after the blushing on her face passed, Fluttershy turned back to all her friends and Anthony. Looking deep into the eyes of the young man, she could feel the determination and admiration he had for Johanna. She could almost feel it within herself, and she'd be doing a disservice for a friend if they just left her with that horror of a man.
"Okay," She replied softly. "We'll sneak in and talk to her. But... we need to be very careful."
"Way ahead of you, so here's what we'll do," Twilight spoke up. "Anthony will wait for us right here. In five minutes, we'll go into Johanna's room, we talk to her, and see about getting her out the front of the house. If we're lucky, the Judge and the Beadle won't even be at the house. But if you do see them Anthony, give us a sign."
Anthony nodded as he headed for the back of the building once more. The girls and Spike proceeded to sneak around the corner making sure no one else was around. Seeing no one around the street, they quickly grabbed hands and Twilight proceeded to work her magic. Within seconds, they were teleported out of the area leaving the place completely empty.
Inside the house, Johanna once more sat at her window, looking out into the streets below quietly cutting out silhouettes... aimless Victorian handicrafts. Not a single day passed by that she thought about one day leaving this gilded cage and flying free much like a bird. Despite the tears in her eyes, she had far more hope than she had in many years. These new pony friends of hers, as well as that young man Anthony, just might provide her the escape she longed for. All she could do now was wait and hope this all proved true.
Just then, a slight breeze filled the room followed by a brief flash of light. The moment it faded, she gasped when she saw the Mane Six and Spike, in their Equestrian form, standing in the midst of her room again.
"Hi honey, I'm home!" Pinkie Pie announced comically.
Johanna clasped one hand over her chest, trying to regulate her breathing from the shock.
"I don't think I'll ever get used to that," Johanna gasped in shock.
"Trust me, when you do it so many times it gets old really fast," Rainbow Dash replied.
"What are you all doing?" Johanna whispered harshly. "Judge Turpin is right downstairs! If he finds out you're here, it'll be--"
But Johanna stopped, just as she was about to finish her sentence. She stole a glance across the room. As if she actually knew about that small hole in the wallpaper. Then she truly thought about the Judge, and how he truly had been spending his time. Watching her from the chamber across the hole, so lascivious... so perverse... so... horrifying. As if it truly dawned on her the reasons for why these creatures would be here now.
"... You'd still come to help me, wouldn't you?" Johanna concluded.
"Miss Johanna, we are the craziest individuals you will ever meet," Twilight Sparkle declared. "Maybe we don't always make the smartest decisions, but we'd be there for you anyway because we care about you. No woman deserves to spend the rest of her days locked away and being told what to do without having a say. You deserve as much happiness as any human being deserves, and we want to make it a reality for you."
To say that Johanna was touched by this one pony's choice of words was an understatement. All of her life, she's known nothing but cruelty and having to abide by certain rules out of fear and obligation. She'd never dare to stand up for herself because of what terrible consequences will await her if she'd say 'no'. The thought of spending the rest of her days wandering the streets... or worse, to experience the most horrifying acts of pain against her own will left her with nightmares since she was a child. Only now... another thought came to her mind.
The girl casually glanced out from between the shutters at her window. She remembered that day when she first saw Anthony. A young sailor standing across the street, keeping his lonely vigil, his eyes gazing toward her at the mansion. And she returned her gaze toward him, caught in that moment, trying to figure out these newfound feelings despite knowing nothing about this man. As if there was something drawing her, imploring her that this was a sign she couldn't stray from.
"Twilight, can I ask you something?" Johanna asked.
"Why of course you can," Twilight nodded.
Twilight Sparkle faced her new friend, noting the pondering gaze upon the girl's face. The alicorn princess could tell Johanna was trying to figure something out. No doubt a burning question she asked many times as a child, but never received a proper answer for... until perhaps today.
"What is it like to fall in love? You know... your first love?"
Suffice to say, the question caught Twilight completely off guard. She struggled with her own feelings, especially with a certain Prince she recently fell for... of course, she never directly said it before.
"I don't really know," Twilight answered, recollecting her thoughts. "It's kind of hard to explain. I suppose it's like eating your first slice of pie. You don't know why, but you get this tingly feeling inside and you want it to stay forever. Especially when you meet someone very special."
"Have you met that special someone yet?" Johanna asked Twilight.
"Me?" Twilight laughed nervously. "My love life's a bit complicated. Mainly because I don't know 'how' to admit it. I've helped people fall in love before... but it's not really the same."
Johanna merely smiled as she placed a soft hand upon Twilight's shoulder.
"Just be yourself," Johanna suggested. "When the time comes, the man you like, or possibly love, will understand how you feel. Who knows? Maybe he feels that way too. At least, I certainly hope so."
The two girls smiled toward one another, embracing with a warm hug.
"Thanks," Twilight smiled.
"You're welcome."
Finally, Johanna's decision was made. She moved toward the table and opened one of the drawers. The girls and Spike watched as she reached in and removed something. Cupping the mystery object in her hands, she approached Twilight Sparkle and placed the object between her hooves. As she motioned the hooves to grasp it tightly, she leaned toward the pony and whispered something in her ears. The pony said nothing, but as she nodded her head and absorbed every word the expression on her face held interest.
Back around the corner, Anthony was still waiting for the girls and the young gentleman while keeping an eye out for any wandering eyes. Suddenly, a light flashed beside him beckoning him to turn. Their hands clasped together, the humanized versions of Twilight Sparkle and her friends appeared to him once more. Once the light faded, they approached the young sailor.
"How did it go?" He asked them.
Looking toward one group of her friends and then to the other, Twilight Sparkle turned her attention to Anthony and held out one hand toward him. Opening it, she revealed a key within her grasp which Anthony took from her.
"This is your way in later tonight," Twilight informed him. "Johanna says Judge Turpin should be out on business by then. We should be able to sneak in and get her out."
"Amazing!" Anthony gasped, elated. "We'll run away together tonight and be on the first ship out of London before dawn."
"Hold up there, lover boy," Rainbow spoke up. "There's still one problem: Where will we hide Johanna until we can get you guys safely on a ship?"
"She has a very good point," Rarity agreed. "No doubt Judge Turpin will be on a warpath when he returns and finds she's missing. I doubt any place in London is safe."
Anthony contemplated this inquiry in his head, trying to come up with any possible solutions to this dilemma. If what the girls spoke of was true, that there's no place in the city out of Turpin's reach, hiding Johanna would be difficult. And then, an idea popped into his head.
"Mr. Todd!" Anthony's eyes widened.
"Who now?" Spike questioned.
"On my last excursion at sea, I found a man drifting endlessly in the ocean and brought him back to London," Anthony explained. "His name's Sweeney Todd, and he told me I might him on Fleet Street. There was also this young lady with golden hair that chased after him."
This newfound information dawned realization upon the group.
"They must have been the ones we met when we went into Ms. Lovett's Pie Shop!" Fluttershy realized.
"Ugh, I still can't get the taste of that pie out of my mouth!" Spike groaned, disgusted.
"Ya think he'll let us hide out with 'im till we get ya outta here?" Applejack asked.
"Only one way to find out," Anthony replied. "Come along now."
Anthony started to make his way down the street with the entirety of the group following quickly. They made their way back towards Fleet Street without looking back. For they knew that if they had any hope of getting Johanna out of harm's way, this 'Sweeney Todd' was currently their only hope. They didn't even stop to notice Johanna, the girl peering through the shutters, watching them go.
Meanwhile, back at the barber/pie shop, Sweeney Todd, Johanna's father, stood staring out of the large window of his home, intense and brooding. Though it had been cleaned, it was still a spartan room. A tatty parlor chair, a large chest, and a few counters with meager bottles of tonsorial supplies. He had one of his razors in one hand, a sharpener in the other, to sharpen his 'precious friends' while seething with discontent. Mrs. Lovett sat in the old looking chair she brought in, while Chrysalis sat in another chair closest to Mr. Todd. Her expression too bore similarities to that of Mr. Todd, who started pacing across the window like a caged tiger in the small barber shop.
"It's not much of a chair, I'll grant, but it'll serve," Mrs. Lovett commented on the chair. "Was me poor Albert's chair. Sat in it all day long he did, after his leg gave out from the gout, poor dear."
"A charming story," Chrysalis replied sarcastically. "Meanwhile, the two of us have been contemplating revenge on the judge and his little Beadle. What I'd give to watch the life slip away from those beady eyes."
"Worry not, dear," Mrs. Lovett assured her. "You and Mr. Todd will get what you want soon enough."
"The problem is that it can't come sooner," Chrysalis sighed, standing from her chair. "I wish they'd come in already so we can be done with it."
"My sentiments exactly," Sweeney replied, never breaking his gaze. "Why doesn't the Beadle come? 'Before the week is out', that's what he said."
"And who says the week's out?" Mrs. Lovett asked. "It's only Tuesday."
"Every second they breathe is a second too long," Chrysalis replied impatiently.
Todd finally moved away from the window and Mrs. Lovett pursued. Chrysalis watched as the pie woman tried to calm him, soothing the bitter man with a gentle tune.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
Easy now.
Hush, love, hush.
Don't distress yourself,
What's your rush?
Keep your thoughts
Nice and lush.
"We can't wait!" Chrysalis interrupted Lovett. "Waiting's a foolish game. In a battle, you don't wait for the enemy to surrender. You bring the fight to them and break them down till they're groveling at your hooves for mercy!"
"That may be dearie, but sometimes waiting is a virtue," Mrs. Lovett responded. "It gives you a chance to let your hatred boil within you. And when the time to kill does come, it feels so much... better."
Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
Hush, love, hush.
Think it through.
Once it bubbles, then
What's to do?
Watch it close.
Let it brew.
Chrysalis rolled her eyes and approached Sweeney's side. He hadn't responded to Lovett's words; he was just pacing about. Mrs. Lovett looked about the room, thinking of all the improvements they could make.
Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
I've been thinking, flowers—
Maybe daisies—
To brighten up the room!
Don't you think some flowers,
Pretty daisies,
Might relieve the gloom?
Ah, wait, love, wait.
Todd sourly tossed himself into the chair, picking up his largest razor and glared at it intensely. Chrysalis dared to move closer to him, despite the obvious threatening nature of this man.
"Worry not, Mr. Todd," Chrysalis assured him. "The Beadle assured us he'll come in. And when he does, you can slit his fat throat and watch the blood pour out like gravy."
"And the Judge?" Sweeney asked. "When will I get to him?"
"I can't say for certain," Chrysalis shrugged. "But I promise, you and I will make him pay for what he did to you. Perhaps it will even give me some semblance of satisfaction, thinking of Celestia in his place as he dies. Still... we could just go to him and kill the man right now."
The two quickly made their way toward the door, swinging it open as Mrs. Lovett rolled her eyes.
"Can't you think of nothing else?" She asked, following them to the balcony. "Always broodin' aware on yer wrongs what happened heaven knows how many years ago..."
Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
Slow, love, slow.
Time's so fast.
Now goes quickly, see now it's past.
Soon will come,
Soon will last.
Don't you know,
Silly man,
Half the fun is to
Plan the plan?!
All good things
Come to those who can
Lovett's gentle words calmed the pair, especially Todd considerably. She moved even closer, risking touching him softly... a touch that drew him back into the room. And Chrysalis, taking a deep breath, slowly closed the door to the barber shop and faced the pair. She watched as the woman's gaze went back toward the empty room.
Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
Gillyflowers, maybe,
'Stead of daisies...
I don't know, though...
What do you think?
As she finished her song, Todd tilted the razor in his hand. He saw the face of a gentleman reflected in the razor. The barber clearly didn't think of how to improve his shop nor what flowers would soothe the atmosphere for potential customers. Only 'one' thing remained on his mind, the one moment that could truly make him feel... happy.
Suddenly, the trio heard what sounded like footsteps climbing the stairs to the shop. Todd and Chrysalis bolted up, their senses alert – Mrs. Lovett herself spun to the door. Sweeney instantly shot his gaze at the door, holding his razor open as he moved strategically toward the door, hiding behind it. This could very well be the moment he longed for. Chrysalis stared with a wicked smirk, waiting to see the bloodshed that had been building to this very moment.
However, much to their disappointment, and as the bell rang from outside the shop, Anthony burst through the door breathlessly. And with him, the Mane Six and Spike entered following behind him.
"Mr. Todd!" Anthony called out. "Thank God, I've found you—"
They stopped the moment they noticed Mrs. Lovett and the disguised Changeling standing there. Mr. Todd eyed them, secretly closing the razor he hid behind his back.
"Sorry to barge in like this," Twilight Sparkle apologized. "We have an urgent dilemma, and we need Mr. Todd's help."
"Yes!" Anthony nodded quickly. "Please excuse us..."
"Mrs. Lovett, sir," Mrs. Lovett introduced herself.
"A pleasure, ma'am," Anthony tilted his head.
"What brings you all back in 'ere?" Mrs. Lovett asked the group. "Changed your mind and come to try the pies?"
"No!" Spike responded quickly and loudly. "Not again... never."
"Smart boy," Mrs. Lovett smirked.
Sweeney emerged from his place behind the door and Anthony sighed in relief upon seeing his friend once more.
"Mr. Todd, there's a girl who needs my help!" Anthony exclaimed urgently. "Such a sad girl, and lonely, but beautiful too and--:
"Slow down, Anthony," Sweeney spoke calmly, leading the boy to the chair.
"Just take a breath, Anthony," Twilight agreed.
"No need to worry yourself to death before we even rescue her," Rainbow added.
"Right, sorry about that," Anthony nodded, sitting down. "Anyway, this girl has a guardian so tyrannical that he keeps her locked away. But then this morning she gave us this..."
Anthony reached into his pocket and procured the key Johanna had given to him and the girls.
"Surely it must be a sign that Johanna wants me to help her," Anthony continued. "That's her name, Johanna – and Turpin that of her guardian. A judge of some sort..."
This got Sweeney's attention, as he snapped his head in the young boy's direction.
"Basically, the reason we're here sir is that we plan to sneak her out of her home," Twilight Sparkle explained. "We wish to hide her until we can find a way to help her escape."
"We were hoping that perhaps you'd be courteous enough to help us hide her for the time being?" Rarity asked hopefully. "You see, we've just met him, Mr. Todd, and he is – for lack of a better word – unnatural."
"Once he goes to court, I'm going to slip into the house and release her – and beg her to come away with me... tonight," Anthony finished.
From behind the group, Chrysalis turned away to hide her face. It was suddenly full of shock and sadness upon hearing the young boy's plan. It touched her way deep down her dark heart because it was exactly the very same plan, she and Fire Fall made all those years ago. A plan, tragically, that never came through.
"Oh, this is all terribly romantic," Mrs. Lovett commented.
"Isn't it though?" Pinkie Pie smiled. "It's like the synopsis of every known romance story ever written."
"Yes, but – you see – I don't know anyone in London," Anthony added. "And I need somewhere safe to bring her till I've hired a coach to take us to Plymouth. If I could keep her here, just for an hour or two, I would forever be in your debt."
"Please Mr. Todd," Fluttershy pleaded. "We really need your help."
Sweeney Todd gave no response as his attention drew back out the window with a far off look on his stunned face. His mind raced trying to figure out how this new twist might aid in his plans. Eventually, he looked back from Anthony to Mrs. Lovett and the two shared a similarly knowing expression.
"Bring her here, dear," Mrs. Lovett told Anthony.
This caused Pinkie Pie to squeal with excitement, bouncing toward Mrs. Lovett and wrapping her with a tight embrace.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you Mrs. Lovett!" She cheered happily. "You don't know how happy that makes me."
"No problem dearie," Mrs. Lovett groaned. "Now... if you'd be so kind... I'd like to breathe."
"Oops sorry!" Pinkie apologized, letting go.
"Thank you, ma'am," Anthony smiled at her.
"Are you alright with this plan, Mr. Todd?" Twilight asked Sweeney.
"The girl may come," Todd replied curtly, nodding in approval.
"Well, that there's mighty kind of ya!" Applejack said appreciatively.
"Thank you, my friend!" Anthony shook Todd's hand happily.
"We should probably go so we can get everything in motion," Spike suggested.
"Right you are, my friend," Anthony nodded.
The group proceeded to quickly race from the shop, leaving the trio staring after them. Just as they went, the three figures were about to move on with business until...
"You know what? I just realized something..."
The three stopped in their tracks, standing frozen as Pinkie Pie suddenly came back into the shop with a suspicious look on her face. Pinkie Pie slowly approached the trio, as their eyes slowly turned silently communicating on what to do. Away from Pinkie's gaze, Todd held the razor behind his back... slowly opening it and preparing for the worst. And then...
"We never paid you for the pie you gave to Spike!" Pinkie informed Lovett.
Their stiff postures released as Pinkie Pie somehow pulled a bag of coins from her hair, an act of which left Todd and Lovett 'slightly' confused. She proceeded to untie the bag and dip her fingers through the coins.
"How much do we owe you?" Pinkie asked, absently.
"Oh no, no charge at all, dearie," Mrs. Lovett declined politely. "That pie was on the house; a welcome gift."
"Oh! Well, we do appreciate it even though it didn't look appetizing," Pinkie replied, putting the bag back in her hair. "I'm a baker myself where I come from. I don't know much about 'meat' pies, but if you ever need any recipes to improve your business... here's my card and we'll talk."
With a flick of her hand, Pinkie Pie procured a card with her name on it. She held it out for Lovett, who casually and politely accepted the gesture.
"I'll think about it," Mrs. Lovett nodded.
"Come on, Pinkie!" Rainbow Dash called out.
"Coming Dashie!" Pinkie called out, cheerily. "Well, so long!"
And Pinkie Pie proceeded to depart from the shop yet again, closing the door behind her. The moment Pinkie Pie left was the moment a groan escaped Chrysalis' throat. It was as if the disguised changeling was exasperated after hearing the most annoying sound in the world. Lovett meanwhile looked at the crudely made business card and slipped it between her bosom for safe keeping.
"Seems like the fates are favoring you at last, Mr. T.," Mrs. Lovett smirked.
Rather than being ecstatic about the news his daughter would soon be back by his side soon enough, Todd merely grunted happily. It didn't take much for Lovett to see the man was gravely disappointed.
"What is it, love?" Mrs. Lovett asked worriedly. "You'll have her back before the day is out."
"Highly unlikely!" Chrysalis spoke up. "You should never trust those girls."
"Why do you say that?" Mrs. Lovett asked.
"I know them, I have experience with them," Chrysalis replied lowly. "As I've said before, I've tried getting my revenge on those responsible for the loss of my love. Every time I thought I've finally achieved my vengeance, every time I've come so close, those meddlesome ponies, and their idiot dragon friend, always interfere and foil my plans. I have no doubt they intend to do the same here... maybe not today, but eventually."
Sweeney turned to look at Chrysalis with the same expression on his face.
"You're sure of this?" Todd asked her.
"Never have I been more sure about anything," Chrysalis nodded. "Mark my words, Mr. Todd. You may have a few hours with your daughter, but those girls won't hesitate to permit that boy to carry her off to the other end of England, maybe even beyond that, and that will be the last time Johanna is within your gaze."
"Then... they pose an obstacle," Sweeney sighed, grabbing his leather strop. "Not only them but that boy as well. What do you propose we do about them?"
"Oh, them?" Mrs. Lovett questioned. "Let them bring here and then, since you're so hot for a little..."
Mrs. Lovett made a snipping motion with her hand, emphasizing the throat-cutting gesture.
"Them are some throats to slit, my dear," She finished.
"Now that I agree with," Chrysalis nodded. "Those idiots are so gullible and trustworthy; they'll never see it coming."
Sweeney Todd moved past the ladies and again made toward his post at the window, staring out toward the alleyway in deep thought. Meanwhile, Mrs. Lovett cheerily moved about the shop, straightening things up and trying to make it slightly cozier than usual.
"Poor little Johanna," Lovett sighed. "All those years without a scrap of motherly affection. Well, we'll soon see to that..."
Mrs. Lovett and Chrysalis turned toward Mr. Todd, waiting for a response. But his focus was outside the window. Both of them joined him at his side and looked out. Suddenly, Chrysalis' eyes went wide with alarm.
"What's this?!"
Below the window, they could see Signor Pirelli approach the shop with Toby in tow.
"'Ello, what's he doing here?" Mrs. Lovett questioned curiously. "Look at that face, he's up to mischief."
"Go – keep the boy below with you," Sweeney instructed Mrs. Lovett.
With a quick nod of her head, the baker woman scurried out of the barber shop as Sweeney turned toward Chrysalis.
"Be ready for anything," Todd told her.
"I'm always ready," Chrysalis smirked
Meanwhile, Mrs. Lovett quickly moved down the steps outside the barber shop to greet Pirelli and Toby as they were about to ascend past the sign that read: 'Sweeney Todd's Tonsorial Parlor'.
"Signora, is Mr. Todd at home?" Pirelli asked her.
"Plying his trade upstairs, don'tcher know..." She responded.
Lovett stood upon the staircase, blocking their way. Yet her eyes caught a glimpse of Toby, and she gazed with sympathy.
"... Would you look at it, now!" She commented on the boy. "Don't look like it's had a kind word since half past never!"
"Ma'am...?" Toby replied, confused.
"You wouldn't mind if I gave him a nice juicy meat pie, would yer?" Lovett asked Pirelli.
"Yes, yes, whatever you like," Pirelli replied, waving impatiently.
Pirelli climbed up the stairs, while Lovett took Toby by the hand leading him toward the pie shop door.
"Come with me now," She instructed the boy. "Your teeth is strong, I hope?"
The two worked their way through the pie shop and Mrs. Lovett quickly round the corner to crab a freshly made pie.
"Close the door and I'll get you a nice, lovely pie," Lovett said.
Toby quickly closed the door, as Mrs. Lovett placed the pie on a plate and sat it at a nearby table.
"Sit down, make yourself comfy," Mrs. Lovett said sweetly.
And Toby obeyed without a single word. He took his seat at the table, removing his bowler hat in the process. The lad was blissfully unaware of what his master was about to walk into.
As for Pirelli, the flamboyant man climbed his way to the door of the shop. He gave a soft tap with his knuckle on the window. Inside the shop, Sweeney was dusting off the chair while Chrysalis swept the floor with a broom.
"Come in!" Sweeney called out.
Pirelli let himself into the shop, removing his large top hat as he stared down the man who bested him in the shaving contest. Chrysalis stood with the broom in hand, waiting for what Pirelli needed to say.
"Mr. Todd," Pirelli greeted.
"Signore Pirelli," Sweeney replied.
"Call me Danny," Pirelli responded, with a natural Irish accent. "Daniel Higgins' the name when it's not professional."
Both Chrysalis and Sweeney looked toward the man, realizing now that this sham of a barber was more than what he seemed. As it turned out, it wasn't enough that he lied about his skills in elixir making or much less as a barber. No... this man lied about his own nationality and even changed his own name... just like Todd.
"I'd like me five quid back, if'n ya don't mind," Danny replied casually.
"Mr. Todd won that five silver fair and square, you pompous arrogant fraud!" Chrysalis hissed.
"Call me what you like my dear, but I'm still getting me quid back," Danny smirked cockily.
"Why?" Sweeney questioned.
"Because you entered into our little wager on false pretenses, me friend," Danny replied. "And so, you might remember to be more forthright in the future, you'll be handing over your profits to me, share and share alike..."
Todd shook his head, amused, and begun to turn away when Pirelli said:
"... Mr. Benjamin Barker."
Both Sweeney and Chrysalis instantly froze in their spots, shock spread across their faces. For in that moment, they realized this man knew about Mr. Todd's true identity... but how?
Down in the pie shop, Mrs. Lovett handed Toby one of her grisly pies, which he devoured eagerly.
"That's my boy, tuck in," Mrs. Lovett smiled.
As the boy stuffed his face, her attention was almost entirely on the roof above... the muffled voices... the sound of shoes walking... her eyes darted up as she chattered distractedly with Toby.
"Like to see a man with a healthy appetite," Lovett replied. "Reminds me of my dear Albert."
She looked over her shoulder at a picture hanging on the wall, of her departed husband, Mr. Albert Lovett. The man himself was very overweight, with a bald head to add to his image.
"Liked to gorge himself to bloatation, he did," Lovett continued. "He didn't have your nice full head of hair though—"
"To tell the truth—" Toby replied. "It gets awful hot."
The boy proceeded to pull off the which, which turned out to be a covering for his own short-cropped hair, choppy and dark. This certainly proved a bit of a surprise for the pie maker herself.
Sweeney Todd and Chrysalis stared in shock toward Danny, who expansively strolled around the shop, taking it all in, savoring every second.
"... Yes, this will do very nicely," Danny commented on the shop.
He turned his attention toward Sweeney with the biggest smirk plastered on his smug face.
"You don't remember me?" He asked. "Well, why should you? I was just a down and out Irish pug you hired for a couple of weeks – sweeping up hair and the like—"
He walked over to one of the nearby tables, picking up one of Todd's razors.
"But I remember these," Danny spoke admirably. "And how could I ever forget you, Benjamin Barker?"
Sweeney couldn't even utter a singular response as he looked out the window, his face reeling with shock. Chrysalis, meanwhile, bore hatred on her face. She forced herself to hold back on killing this arrogant man here and now. Danny smirked again as he took a seat right next to the barber chair.
"I would sit right there and watch you, and dream of the day I could be a proper barber meself..." Danny recollected. "You might say you were an inspiration to me."
Sweeney glared at him, as he walked past the man toward his box of razors. Which only made it more confusing when he walked past them and instead stood near the stove nearby, where a kettle of tea was brewing. Still, Sweeney said no words. He just kept staring forward with the same wide eyed blank expression on his face. All the while, the smug Daniel O'Higgins walked behind Sweeney Todd, like a panther ready to pounce.
"So, do we have a deal, or should I run down the street for me pal Beadle Bamford?" Danny asked smugly. "What do you say to that now, Mr. Sweeney T—"
Having heard enough, Chrysalis ran toward Danny and slapped him hard across the face. His head snapped to the side upon receiving such a vicious slap.
"I don't care what your name is or where you came from!" Chrysalis barked ravenously. "You are in no position to make demands, and you don't get to talk that way to Mr. Todd! Ever!"
Danny, on the other hand, quickly turned forward again with the same smirk on his face. Now his eyes were locked toward Chrysalis.
"I like your spirit, dear," He smirked. "Why work for him when you can work for me? Leave this washed up has-been in the dirt. Course, you'll have to prove your loyalty to me, don't you?"
He reached up with one hand, tracing his fingers gently along her cheek. Chrysalis stared daggers toward the man, who merely chuckled.
"I've always heard blondes are best in bed—"
Without a word of warning, like a thunderbolt, Chrysalis was upon him. She leapt toward the man, brutally grabbing the man by the neck violently strangling him. The man, however, was surprisingly strong and put up a desperate struggle. They thumped awkwardly around the shop until Pirelli a.k.a. Danny broke free from her grasp and viciously slapped Chrysalis, who fell backward and clutched her right cheek as it burned from the strike.
"You... bitch!" Danny snarled.
Over the sound of the tea kettle whistling loudly, something inside Sweeney's mind snapped. He grabbed for the kettle and quickly swung with all his might, smashing it right into Danny's face twice. Blood spurted from the man's mouth as he fell on the ground. But Sweeney didn't let up, as he quickly knelt down and smashed the kettle onto the man's head over... and over... and over again. All the while, Chrysalis laid on the floor, watching... a wicked smirk over her face.
Down in the pie shop, Mrs. Lovett heard the muffling and struggling from above. She nervously shifted and about, clanging things around as she cleaned the counter, trying to cover the ruckus.
"My, my, my, always work to be done," She chattered nervously. "Spic-and-span, that's motto. Cleanliness is next to whatever-it-is."
Eventually, Sweeney's psychotic rampage reached its end, as he dropped the tea kettle to the ground and glared toward Danny's body. Blood pooled around the man's head from all the damage he received from the kettle. Sweeney took a few deep breaths as he sat down in his chair, allowing the adrenaline from his actions to course through his veins. He felt something on his shoulders and slowly turned his head slightly. Chrysalis stood behind him, her right cheek still red, massaging his shoulders again.
"Let me ask you something," Chrysalis spoke casually. "When you snapped like that, was it because he was extorting you or advancing on me?"
Sweeney just slumped further into his chair, allowing Chrysalis to massage his shoulders.
"Both..." He replied simply.
A small smile appeared on Chrysalis's face, as she slowly leaned down and planted a small kiss on Mr. Todd's cheek. At first, the barber seemed not to register what she did. But then, he brought a hand and lightly touched the spot she kissed him.
"Thank you, Mr. Todd," She thanked him genuinely.
"Don't thank me yet," He replied. "If anybody comes up here and finds the body, we're done for."
Chrysalis turned toward Danny's body, then toward a chest in the corner.
"Why don't you make some more tea?" Chrysalis gestured. "I'll hide the body..."
"So, ah, how did you end up with that dreadful Eyetalian?" Mrs. Lovett asked Toby.
"Got me from the workhouse 'e did," Toby replied, between bites. "Been there since I was born. Got no mum, got nobody. A wasted soul, that's what I am—"
Suddenly, the boy's face turned horrified when he remembered a sudden, urgent thought.
"Oh God!" He exclaimed urgently. "He's got an appointment with his tailor. If he's late, he'll blame me--!"
The boy bolted up, clearly terrified of Pirelli's wrath. Much to Mrs. Lovett's horror, she watched him run out of the pie shop.
"Wait!" She called out.
But it was too late; the boy was gone. Toby vaulted up the stairs to the barber shop and burst inside.
"Signor, you got an appointment..."
He stopped when he realized Signor Pirelli was nowhere to be seen. He turned and saw Mr. Todd standing calmly by the stove, preparing a cup of tea. Once filled, he handed it to Chrysalis, who sat in the barber chair showing only her left side of her face.
"Signor Pirelli has been called away," Sweeney informed him. "You better run after him."
"Oh no, sir," Toby shook his head. "I better wait for him here or it'll be a lashing. He's a great one for the lashings."
He moved past Todd to the large chest where he sat down. Chrysalis eyed nervously at the chest, seeing one of Danny's hands protruding from the chest, dangling limply. Thankfully, Toby didn't notice it, but she knew she had to act quickly. She quickly rose from the chair and approached the young boy, smiling nervously adjusting her hair to cover her right side.
"So... Toby, Mrs. Lovett gave you a pie, did she?" Chrysalis asked sweetly.
"Yes ma'am," Toby nodded. "She's a real lady. Model of all true Christian virtue."
Suddenly, Danny's hand... twitched. This didn't go unnoticed by Mr. Todd, the man staring anxiously and quickly he approached Chrysalis's side.
"That she is... that she is," He nodded. "But if I know a growing boy, there's still room for some more pie, eh?"
"I'd say, sir," Toby nodded, patting his stomach. "An aching void."
Pirelli's hand twitched desperately now, perilously close to where Toby's hand was resting. Thankfully, Chrysalis had the good sense to draw Toby closer to the door and opened it.
"Why don't you run downstairs and wait for your master there?" She suggested. "There'll be another pie in it for you, I'm sure..."
"No, I should stay here," Toby shook his head.
Any patience Chrysalis could muster was starting to fade quickly. This boy was stubborn, and he was going to bring them trouble if they didn't do something. Just then, Sweeney was suddenly inspired and knew just how to get the boy out of the room.
"I know – why don't you tell Mrs. Lovett that I said to give you a nice big tot of gin?"
This really brought a happy smile to Toby's face.
"Gin, sir?!" Toby said happily. "Thanking you kindly, sir! You're a Christian indeed!"
The boy raced out happily and clattered down the stairs. Both Sweeney and Chrysalis sighed in relief now that the boy was gone. But they quickly remembered there was another problem to worry about. Chrysalis walked back to the table and grabbed Sweeney's razor as the man himself approached the chest and leaned down to open it.
Chrysalis stood right beside him, as Todd looked at her in preparation. Her face was completely impassive. Not a spectral nor disappears like any ghost Todd had lingering around him. But she stood there as Todd looked at her. Her eyes slowly moved toward her hand and Todd followed her look to see... his largest razor in her grasp. Todd looked at the razor and then at Chrysalis, who nodded slowly as if she were informing him...
'This is the point of no return.'
Chrysalis handed him his razor, and he snapped it open with a sharp, quick flick of his wrist. He moved to the chest and opened it up. A bloody, battered Daniel O'Higgins slowly pulled himself right from the chest, gasping for breath and groaning in pain. Sweeney again turned to Chrysalis, who eyed evilly with a sinister smirk on her face. The mad barber then knelt down alongside the chest and with great ferocity he hauled the man up, one hand over his forehead and tilt it back. The man's eyes snapped open as Sweeney pressed the blade against his neck... and slit his throat.
Blood sprayed from the man's neck as he convulsed. Chrysalis watched as the man's life slowly slipped away from him. She admired the quick work of Todd's hands, his fingers strong. Imagining how the motion stung Daniel's throat, but not for long. She leaned against the wall, arms folded, eyeing Todd. Anyone who thought him a simple clod would soon reconsider under the sod and consigned there with a friendly prod from a man no longer Benjamin Barker... but Sweeney Todd.
Eventually, when the dead man was as still as the grave, Sweeney laid him back in the chest and slowly shut the lid once more. Seeing his razor gleam even with blood, feeling how well it fit as it floated across the throat of a hypocrite like his former assistant, he wiped the razor clean. Both he and Chrysalis eyed the chest, knowing what this meant. They both had their first taste of blood in this world and now...
Now they wanted more..."
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