A Gruesome End

A circle of green flames erupted from the alleyway near the barbershop, which dissipated shortly thereafter. In its wake Chrysalis emerged, the Changeling poking her head out around the corner to ensure no one was out. It was then she noticed what appeared to be the Beggar Woman slowly climbing the stairs to the barbershop. Her eyebrow arched curiously, as she tilted her head to the side.

"What's that filthy hag doing?" She whispered to herself.

However, she had no time to contemplate the situation further. Turning back down the alley, she spotted Judge Turpin quickly making his way towards the barbershop. Using her magic, Chrysalis quickly transformed back into Alice Winters and emerged from the front toward the oncoming judge.

"Judge Turpin!" She exclaimed with false worry. "Thank goodness you've arrived!"

"Where's Johanna?!" Turpin asked frantically.

"Worry not, your honor," Chrysalis assured him. "Mr. Todd's upstairs now; he'll explain everything."

Chrysalis started leading the judge towards the stairs up the barber shop. Little did either of them know, something 'horrible' was in the works.


(Begin at 2:00)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Meanwhile, inside the barber shop, the disguised Johanna looked about every square inch of the space to occupy her time until Anthony and her friends returned. Approaching the nearby vanity, her attention was once more upon one of the razors, eyeing it for a moment before putting it back down with the others. She looked over toward the Daguerreotype with the pictures of Lucy and herself. She had no idea it was even 'her' in these pictures, and yet... there was something familiar about it all the same.

Suddenly, she could hear singing and someone climbing the steps to the barber shop. Needing to hide quickly, Johanna raced for the trunk in the corner and climbed inside, shutting it behind her as the Beggar Woman approached the door to the shop.

The Beggar Woman (Sings):
Beadle... Beadle...
No good hiding, I saw you!
Are you in there still?
Beadle... Beadle...
Beadle dear, Beadle...

The Beggar Woman soon entered the shop and for some reason the room itself had a strange effect on her, as if she were vaguely recalling some distant dream. She intoned to pretty lullaby music...

The Beggar Woman (Sings):
Beadle deedle deedle deedle deedle dumpling,
Beadle, dumpling, Be-deedle dumpling
Ba deedle deedle deedle deedle
deedle deedle deedle deedle
deedle deedle deedle...

Suddenly, as the woman walked about the room, madly singing to herself, without warning – like a thunderbolt – a dark shadow stepped into the doorway. The Beggar Woman turned and noticed Sweeney Todd leaping into the room, confused as to what she was even doing there.

"Who are you?" He asked her. "What are you doing here?"

"Ah, evil is here, sir," The Beggar Woman spoke madly, clutching his arm. "The stink of evil – from below – from her! Beadle dear, Beadle!"

The barber looked anxiously out the window for the Judge, trying to pry her off.

"Be quiet, woman!" Todd hissed.

"She's the Devil's wife!" The woman cried, clutching him tighter. "Oh, beware her, sir. She with no pity... in her heart..."

"Out of here! Now!"

But the Beggar Woman, slowly, looked at the demon barber's eyes closely. A look of almost realization came upon her deformed face, as if she was really peering at him now.

Beggar Woman (Sings):
Hey, don't I know you, mister?

This caused a feeling of actual dread to course through Sweeney Todd at the prospect of another person remembering him from the past. Especially when he was so close to exacting his revenge.

"Mr. Todd!"

Todd suddenly heard Judge Turpin's voice and he saw him walking toward the shop. Mr. Todd started to panic, his enemy was near, and he hadn't needed this old hag exposing him... not now. Thinking quickly, having no time, he swung the razor in his arm with one brutal motion... and fiercely slashed across the Beggar Woman's throat. Blood poured out from the gash it left as the woman herself stood in shock. Without bothering to put her in the chair, Sweney quickly slammed his foot to trigger the trapdoor, which the woman conveniently stood upon, and she fell down the chute into the bakehouse below. It was then Turpin and Chrysalis burst through the door.

"Where is she?!" Turpin demanded. "Where's the girl?"

Mr. Todd quickly turned around upon their entry, putting his best innocent act as he could.

"Below, your Honor," Sweeney replied. "With my neighbor, Mrs. Lovett."

"Yes, Judge Turpin, and thank heavens for it too," Chrysalis added, stepping before the Judge. "When those miserable cretins broke her from that asylum, she thankfully got away and ran to us. Thank heavens the sailor did not molest her, nor did those harlots sway her to their ways."

"Thank heavens too, she has seen the error of her ways," Mr. Todd added.

Hearing the news, Judge Turpin dawned both surprise and hope on his expression.

"She has?" He asked hopefully.

"Oh yes, sir," Mr. Todd nodded. "Your lesson was well learned. She speaks only of you now, longing for forgiveness."

"Then she shall have it," Turpin declared relieved. "She'll be here soon, you say?"

"Yes," Mr. Todd replied.

"Excellent, my friends," Turpin smiled joyfully.

Just then, a wicked idea came to Chrysalis' head... an awful idea... the Changeling had a wickedly, wonderful, awful idea...

"I think I hear her now," Chrysalis feigned surprise.

"Oh, excellent, my dear!" The Judge spoke excitedly.

"Is that her dainty footstep on the stair?"

"I hear nothing."

"Yes, isn't that her shadow on the wall?" Todd added.

"Where?" The Judge looked around.

"There! Can't you see it?" Chrysalis envisioned. "The lovely Johanna... primping... making herself even prettier than usual—"

"Even prettier..."

"If possible."

"Ohhhhhh... pretty women!" The Judge sighed blissfully.

"Pretty women, yes..." Todd nodded.

"But forgive me for saying, your honor, but you can't see the girl like that," Chrysalis gestured the Judge's appearance. "No offense of course, but you're looking a bit haggard. It is understandable after all. No doubt worrying for the poor girl has left you unable to tend to your wants and needs."

"Yes..." The Judge nodded, straightening his coat. "Quickly, a splash of bay rum!"

"Indeed, sir," Mr. Todd smirked. "But first... how about a shave? Sit, sit, sit."

Chrysalis led the judge over to the barber chair, sitting him down as she helped him remove his scarf. She made her way behind him, massaging his shoulders as Mr. Todd grabbed his razor, a towel, of which he put carefully around the judge, and even a bottle of bay rum. The relief of finally getting Johanna caused the judge to serenade his longing for the young girl in lecherous rapture...

Judge Turpin (Sings):
Oh, Pretty Women...

Sweeney Todd (Sings):
Pretty Women, yes!

"Hurry, Mr. Todd!" Chrysalis gestured, with sinister glee.

Judge Turpin (Sings):
Johanna, Johanna...

Sweeney Todd (Sings):
Pretty women...
Pretty women, are a wonder...

"Someone's in a merry mood again today, Mr. Barber..." Chrysalis indicated, seductively.

Todd (Sings joyfully):
Pretty women!

Judge Turpin (Sings):
What we do for pretty women!

The last statement caused Mr. Todd to look behind the judge and toward Chrysalis. The Changeling gave a wicked smile, which Mr. Todd happily returned. The men sang simultaneously as Chrysalis takes the bay rum, gently caressing the contents along the Judge's face as Todd prepares his razor.

Turpin & Todd (Sings):
Blowing out their candles
Or combing out their hair—

Judge Turpin (Sings):
Then they leave—

Todd & Turpin (Sings):
Even when they leave you
And vanish, they somehow
Can still remain
There with you
They're there...

Turpin was so pleased at the idea of Johanna wanting to be with him he was completely unaware of the danger that was coming to him.

"How seldom it is one meets a fellow spirit!" Turpin said in bliss.

"With fellow tastes – in women, at least," Sweeney replied.

"What? What's that?" Turpin asked confused.

Sweeney just eyed the judge with a great deal of murderous intent in his eyes.

"The years no doubt have changed me, sir," Todd spoke lowly.

"Then again, no surprise you don't remember him," Chrysalis added, behind Turpin. "After all, it was so long ago. I suppose... the face of a barber – the face of a prisoner in the dark – is not particularly memorable? Mister... Judge... Turpin?"

Turpin snapped from his giddy state, finally looking up toward the barber in confusion. When he looked into the man's eyes, a light switch seemed to flick off in his head as a horrific realization dawned on him... finally see exactly who he was looking at. The face of a man he hoped never to see or hear of again.

"Benjamin Barker!" He growled.

"BENJAMINR BARKER!" Sweeney screamed in rage.

Chrysalis held the judge down in the seat, as Sweeney proceeded to stab Turbin in the neck with the razor, spraying the man's blood all over the barber and the window. The factory whistle screamed a steady, terrible blast as Sweeney proceeded to brutally stab him at least four more times in the neck before stepping back as Turpin choked on his own blood, Chrysalis stepped out from behind the judge, taking her stand alongside her companion as they stared daggers at the dying judge. Sweeney gave one last swinging flash across the throat for good measure before stepping on the trigger and sending the judge plummeting down to the depths of the bakehouse.

Sweeney Todd stood for the longest time, the blood of his enemy dripping from his face, breathing in what he just did. Finally, after all these years, he successfully took his revenge against the man who destroyed his life. Overcome by emotion, he sank to his knees while the razor remained tightly within his grasp. Beside him, Chrysalis could hardly believe it herself.

"You did it..." She whispered. "You actually pulled it off. So... what now?"

The question she proposed truly made Sweeney Todd think: What was he to do now? All his life he wanted nothing more than to exact revenge on both Beadle and Turpin. And now that they're dead... what else was there to do? He still wanted Johanna back, but surely Anthony had already whisked her away with him by now. He reached toward his barber chair, lifting up his razor to gaze at it one last time before laying it gently onto the chair. It was in that moment Chrysalis could truly focus on his face: His quest was completed, the demons silenced, the ghosts were gone... the deed was done.

Sweeney Todd (Sings):
Rest now, my friend,
Rest now forever,
Sleep now the untroubled
Sleep of the angels.

For a moment, the barber kneeled on that spot with no reason to move. No purpose left in life. Without another word, Chrysalis leaned beside him, wrapping her arms around him, letting her head rest on his shoulder while he stared off into space. From within her hiding place inside the trunk, Johanna gently lifted the lid to peek out and see what was going on. Her eyes widened with horror toward the man covered in blood. Already she heard everything that occurred and knew Turpin was dead, and now... she had a face to put to the act.


Hearing a loud creak, Chrysalis and Sweeney snapped their heads, darting their eyes to the chest. Sweeney quickly grabbed his razor once more and they both stalked their way toward the trunk. Then, Sweeney suddenly wrenched it open revealing a terrified disguised Johanna looking up at him in horror. Chrysalis merely tilted her head to the side, confused upon seeing her. But Mr. Todd... he still had murder on his mind. After all, he knew they couldn't chance 'any' witnesses... no exceptions.

"Come for a shave, have you, lad?" Todd questioned darkly.

"N-No – I-I—" Johanna stuttered fearfully.

Sweeney merely hauled the disguised girl out of the trunk, dragging her toward the chair, before tossing her into it, forcibly sitting her down.

"Surely, yes" Sweeney stated menacingly. "Everyone needs a good shave..."

Johanna stared at the mad barber in fear as he threw back his arm and raised his razor high at the ready, prepared to end another life tonight. However, Chrysalis, while standing beside the deranged man, looking into the poor girl's eyes. One pierce into her soul, and the Changeling could immediately tell she was not who Mr. Todd thought she was. But she knew exactly who this was. Just when Mr. Todd was about to bring the razor down, Chrysalis quickly reached up and grabbed his wrist, pulling it back.

"LET GO!!!" Sweeney demanded loudly.

"Enough, Mr. Todd!" She ordered calmly. "You've got your revenge; you've killed enough!"

"He's seen us!" Sweeney hissed. "We let him go, he'll run to the law and tell them what we've done! You said so yourself!"

"Yes, I did! But do you honestly think they'll believe the word of a street urchin?" Chrysalis asked. "Look at him; he's pathetic! Some gutter rat nobody will miss anyway! Even if he goes to the police, they'll think he's drunk... or drugged... or both! What good would killing this boy serve? For once in your life... think!"


Suddenly, a piercing scream drew everyone's attention to the barber shop door. The scream hadn't come from outside; it echoed from the chute – Mrs. Lovett's voice – screaming to raise the dead. While he didn't want to leave a witness, Sweeney knew Chrysalis had a point. Right now, he needed to find out what that scream was and why. He rivetted Johanna, pointing the razor at her neck, leaning closely with a lethal warning:

"Forget my face."

Sweeney quickly spun about, bolting out of the shop leaving Johanna sitting in the chair with Chrysalis hovering over her. Breathing heavily in relief, thanking herself quietly for her safety, she looked up toward the disguised Changeling with gratitude.

"Thank you, miss," She thanked her.

Chrysalis merely stared at the girl silently for a moment before slowly sauntering up to her, kneeling till their faces met.

"I know who you are..." She spoke, flat out. "And I know another way for you to leave this place... Johanna."

To which Johanna eyed her with great confusion.

"What do you mean?" She questioned.

"No matter where you go in this world, evil and corruption will follow you to your grave," Chrysalis replied. "You and that boy must leave this place and never come back... and there's only one way to do so."

Chrysalis reached into her dress and pulled out a single magic bean, which she placed into the disguised girl's hand.

"What is this?" Johanna asked.

"That is not your concern," Chrysalis spoke firmly. "All you need to do is simply hold this in your hand, think of a better place, throw it to the ground, and let it do the rest."

Johanna looked down at the bean in her hand, then back toward the lady who gave it to her. The Changeling could tell this girl had so many questions, but now was not the best time. And yet, one glance toward the Changeling's eyes and Johanna instantly knew she could trust her.

"Oh yes... and one more thing," Chrysalis added.

Reaching into her dress once more, Chrysalis pulled out a small purple memory stone and gave it a gentle tap. A small purplish beam of light hit Johanna square in the forehead and the girl shut her eyes while the magic took over. Soon, all her memories of what Mr. Todd had done to the Judge were removed from her brain, adding to the memory stone's collection. Chrysalis soon placed the stone back into her dress before racing out the door herself, just as Johanna opened her eyes once more wondering...

'What happened?'...


Deep in the bakehouse, the scream had come from Mrs. Lovett herself, who stood in horror by the mouth of the chute. She looked down in horror as something grabbed hold at the hem of her dress. For as it turned out, even after all that happened, the Judge, still barely alive, had enough strength to grab the hem of her skirt, looking up toward the lady with pleading eyes. And all Lovett could do was try and wrench herself away from his vise-like grip...

"DIE!!!" Mrs. Lovett screamed at the dying judge. "DIE! GOD IN HEAVEN, DIE!!!"

Finally, when the Judge's fingers finally relaxed their grip, Mrs. Lovett ripped her hem away and looked on as Turpin finally collapsed entirely to the ground, releasing one final breath... before he was dead. However, that was the least of Lovett's horror at the most. Panting for breath, Mrs. Lovett backed away from him and for the first time noticed the body of the Beggar Woman. And that... was what truly horrified her most of all.

"You!" Mrs. Lovett gasped. "Can it be? Have all the demons of Hell come to torment me?!"

Hearing what sounded like footsteps descending down the stairs to the bakehouse, Lovett quickly ran over to grab the dead woman's body trying desperately to drag it toward the oven. Within another minute, Sweeney Todd, along with Chrysalis, entered the room, still covered in blood.

"Why did you scream?" Sweeney questioned her.

"I swear upon Tartarus's name if the Judge still lives..." Chrysalis growled.

"He was clutchin', holding onto me dress," Mrs. Lovett replied, dragging the body. "But he's finished now..."

As Chrysalis stared at Lovett, watching her dragging the Beggar Woman toward the oven, one thought came to mind.

"Seriously?" Chrysalis questioned in shock. "How is it possible for a man to live after all that? He was stabbed numerous times, his throat slit, and that large drop should've cracked his head! What compels that man to keep fighting for life?!"

"Heaven if I know," Mrs. Lovett groaned, dragging the body.

Noticing her struggle, Mr. Todd quickly walked up to offer air.

"Leave them to me," Todd told her. "Open the doors."

Mrs. Lovett didn't seem to acknowledge his command at first, just trying to drag the body towards the oven.

"No! Don't touch her!" Mrs. Lovett shook.

In response, Sweeney grabbed her arm violently and pulled her off.

"Open the doors, I said!" He demanded loudly.

The barber shoved her toward the oven and leaned over to pick up the Beggar Woman's body, all while Chrysalis scoffed at the hesitant baker.

"What's the matter with you, you twit?!" Chrysalis asked mockingly. "Just a silly old beggar—"

Eventually, Mrs. Lovett slowly made her way toward the oven and unlatched it before pulling the doors open. The light from the fire inside illuminated the whole room, casting a glow on all the bodies upon the floor. Sweney was about to drag the judge to the open flame when he took a quick glance at the Beggar Woman. When his eyes landed on her dead body, his gaze remained on her as he looked down at her curiously. For some strange reason, there was something about her that looked... familiar.

Slowly taking a few steps toward the woman's body, he was able to get a good look at her ragged, matted hair. Though clearly dirty and damaged, he noticed it still shared a shade of gold. Kneeling down beside her, he gently reached out and removed a strand from her face as he looked at her more closely. Slowly, he was starting to realize who she was.

"Oh no..." Todd gasped in horror. "Oh God..."

Chrysalis walked over and knelt beside him, as she too gazed at the woman's body.

"What is it, Mr. Todd?" She asked him. "What do you see?"

But answer there came none. Sweeney gently rolled the woman's body onto her back so he could take a good look at her dead face. His eyes widened slightly, as a look of recognition fully covered his face and only now, he knew what he was looking at. Though altered from age and a slight deformation, he realized it was a face he'd longed to see for the longest time.

"'Don't I know you?', she said..." He whispered.

As Chrysalis looked down at her face, her eyes too widened. All the descriptions Mr. Tood spoke of her over these past few months, now it was hard to deny who this was.

"Todd... is that--?"

"Lucy..." Sweeney whispered.

From the sidelines, Mrs. Lovett watched all this take place with a look of guilt and the realization she had been caught. All the more apparent as Chrysalis slowly turned to look at her.

"You knew all along, didn't you?" She accused. "You knew his wife was alive all along, and you never said anything!"

"W-W-What you talkin' about?" Mrs. Lovett stuttered nervously.

"Drop the charade, Lovett!" Chrysalis hissed, standing up. "You knew she was alive the whole time! Admit it! ADMIT IT!!!"

"You've gone bleedin' mad, you 'ave!" Mrs. Lovett retorted.

"Have I?!" Chrysalis retorted. "Explain how I found these?!"

She reached into her dress, pulling out both the wedding ring and the small vial of arsenic. When Mrs. Lovett saw the items in question, she failed to suppress a surprised gasp nor stop her eyes from widening. Chrysalis quickly walked back toward Mr. Todd, presenting the ring to him.

"Look, Mr. Todd!" Chrysalis urged him. "You'll find this quite familiar."

Sweeney slowly looked up at her before taking the ring in his hand. Bringing it down for a further look, it only made him more devastated.

"This was hers..." He whispered.

"Yes, it was," Chrysalis slowly nodded. "And this vial contained arsenic, the same poison Mrs. Lovett claimed she used to kill herself... except, she didn't kill herself."

Chrysalis then turned her attention back to the pie baker, who now stood intimidated by this ferocious beast.

"Now it all makes sense," Chrysalis spoke slowly, approaching the woman. "All those years, you've secretly admired Mr. Todd from afar like a schoolgirl crushing on the handsome jock. You always hoped for him to be yours but couldn't accept the fact he was already married. That admiration quickly turned to obsession. You wanted him so badly you were willing to do anything to have him for yourself. And when you realized you couldn't have him so long as someone else was in the way, you made sure no one could have him!"

As Chrysalis continued her accusation, Mr. Todd remained knelt at the side of his deceased wife, refusing to belief he'd be the one to kill her.

"You bid your time, waiting for your opportunity to come," Chrysalis continued. "After Turpin sent Mr. Todd into exile, you seized your chance to get rid of Lucy. You didn't try tot alk her out of drinking the poison; you encouraged her to take it! And when that didn't work, you tried everything to keep her away from Mr. Todd and make him forget her altogether. If he did, he'd never think the beggar woman on the streets was actually his wife. You lied to Mr. Todd, and you've been lying to him ever since!"

Chrysalis cast her gaze to the sidelines, seeing her words starting to register in Mr. Todd's head. Seemingly giving him a frightening amount of sense.

"She loved you, Benjamin Barker..."

"Don't... call me by that name..." Todd shook his head.

"As much as any woman who ever loved a man, she loved you!" Chrysalis insisted tearfully. "She never wanted you to avenge her; she never wanted you to be a monster! She just wanted you to come home..."

In spite of everything, Todd's attention now rested firmly on the person most to blame for all of this.

"You knew she lived," He spoke in disbelief. "From the moment that I came into your shop you knew my Lucy lived!"

"I was only thinkin' of you," Lovett spoke somberly.

"Thinking of him?!" Chrysalis questioned. "You only thought about you! You're no better than Turpin, or even Celestia for that matter. Not afraid to step on other people's happiness if it meant you could have yours. You... killed... his lucy!"

"'His Lucy'!" Mrs. Lovett spat. "What was I to do with her? A crazy hag picking bones and rotten spuds out of alley ashcans! Would you have wanted him to know she ended up like that?"

Mr. Todd looked up toward Mrs. Lovett, both the pain of betrayal and disbelief on his face.

"You lied to me..." Todd voiced his disdain.

Mrs. Lovett (Sings desperately):
No, no, not lied at all.
No, I never lied.

Todd (Sings to Beggar Woman):

Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
Said she took the poison – she did –
Never said that she died –
Poor thing,
She lived –

Todd (Sings):
I've come home again...

Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
But it left her weak in the head,
All she did for months was just lie there in bed...

Todd (Sings):

Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
Should've been in hospital,
Wound up in Bedlam instead,
Poor thing!

Todd (Sings):
Oh, my God...

Mrs. Lovett (Sings passionately):
Better you should think she was dead.
Yes, I lied 'cos I love you!

Todd (Sings):

Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
I'd be twice the wife she was!
I love you!
Could that thing have cared for you
Like me?

Todd (Sings with harrowing keen):

With all this newfound information floating around his twisted brain, something within Sweeney Todd just... snapped. Todd's eyes suddenly snapped up to Mrs. Lovett with a dark look and even sinister smile on his face.

Sweeney Todd (Sings):
Mrs. Lovett,
You're a bloody wonder,
Eminently practical and yet
Appropriate as always,
As you've said repeatedly,
There's little point in dwelling in the past.

Chrysalis watched as he stepped towards Mrs. Lovett. The pie baker stepped back, unsure what to make of this, but that didn't stop them from singing simultaneously.

Todd (Sings):
No, come here, my love...
Not a thing to fear,
My love...
What's dead
Is dead.

Mrs. Lovett (Sings a heartbreaking plea):
Do you mean it?
Everything I did I swear I thought
Was only for the best,
Believe me!
Can we still be

Todd stepped toward her darkly and it was in that moment Chrysalis realized... Mrs. Lovett was doomed, and she knew it too. But still, the pie baker stepped into the arms of the barber anyway, for one final, triumphant waltz as Chrysalis stepped back toward the sidelines watching it all go down.

Todd (Sings):
The history of the world, my pet—

Mrs. Lovett (Sings tearfully):
Oh, Mr. Todd,
Ooh, Mr. Todd,
Leave it to me...

Todd (Sings):
Is learn forgiveness and try to forget.

Mrs. Lovett (Sings dreamily):
By the sea, Mr. Todd,
We'll be comfy-cozy,
By the sea, My Todd,
Where there's no one nosy...

Todd waltzed her toward the roaring oven. Mrs. Lovett offered no such resistance, fully aware of what's coming but choosing instead to embrace the denial. The blazing, thundering inferno of the oven made it seem they were the damned, mad-driven devils dancing through the fires of Hell itself.

Todd (Sings):
And life is for the alive, my dear,
So, let's keep living it--!

Todd & Lovett (Sings):
Just keep living it,
Really living it--!

Reaching a thundering crescendo, quick as a flash during the final spin, Sweeney Todd flung Mrs. Lovett into the raging fire inside the bake oven. Mrs. Lovett screamed loudly in agony as the flames quickly engulfed her, burning every shred of hair and flesh. Mr. Todd merely turned around, grabbed the door handle, and proceeded to shut the oven door as the burning remains of Mrs. Lovett kept screaming. The door shut tight, and the latch sealed, Mr. Todd approached the front of the door and peeked through the small airway in the oven. The flames reflected off his eyes making him look truly demonic before he closed the airway and locked that shut. From the sidelines, Chrysalis watched everything take place and could still hear the woman scream, along with the banging on the oven doors. But all she did was smirk wickedly as the banging and screaming eventually faded. For this was how she always wished to kill Celestia, thrown into a fiery oven and just watch her burn until not even her ashes remained.

Suddenly, the bakehouse doors flung open as the Mane Six and Spike burst inside. They all stood frozen in place, horrified by the scene around them. Three dead bodies laid to the left, an assortment of bones, limbs, and rotting flesh for pies to their right, and a disguised Changeling and a barber covered in blood... right in front of them.

"What have you done?" Twilight asked in shock.

"You... sick JERKS!" Rainbow yelled. "This is low even for you, Chrysalis!"

"Ah know yer evil and all Chrysalis, but this time ya gone too far!" Applejack spoke up.

"Even I can't believe you'd do such a horrible act!" Rarity exclaimed. "You two are worse than evil!"

"What kind of sick twisted monsters are you?!" Spike cried out.

Releasing an agonizing growl, Chrysalis shot her magic toward the entire group pinning them hard against the stone wall. Without their own magic, the ponies and Spike were defenseless and unable to break free. Soon, the Changeling discarded her human disguise for her original form, slowly approaching them with the most unbridled hate they've ever seen.

"You... call us monsters?!" She seethed. "After what you've seen, you think we are the wicked ones?! This is what I hate about you pretentious ponies! So quick to see the fault in others and condemn them, never once bothering to consider 'why' we do what we do!"

"Your reasons are irrelevant!" Twilight protested. "No matter what happened in your lives, it doesn't justify what you've done now!"

Chrysalis merely strolled toward Twilight, leaning right up to where their muzzles were inches apart.

"You know nothing, Twilight Sparkle!" She growled.

Off to the side, the moment was interrupted when Chrysalis saw Pinkie Pie bursting into giggles.

"HA-HA! References..." She laughed. "Just like when Twilight said, 'Winter is coming' when Rainbow tried to stop winter—"

"SHUT UP!!!" Chrysalis yelled.

Pinkie quickly zipped her mouth shut... quite literally.

"Twilight's right," Rarity spoke up. "Neither you nor Mr. Todd have a single justifiable cause for what you've done!"

To which Chrysalis released another growl as she turned her head towards Rarity.

"You're one to talk, Miss Element of Generosity!" She hissed. "Your own husband... is a murderer! He killed people for simply making fun of his appearance. What right do you have to tell me what's justifiable when you're the one so desperate for love, you'd defend him?!"

This instantly made Rarity shut up, as a few tears sprang to her eyes.

"But do you know what I really hate most about you ponies?" Chrysalis asked, eyeing them. "You judge others by how you feel about them. No matter what anyone has done, if they are important to you, you turn a blind eye. But when someone like me does something you don't like, you automatically vilify me! The same way when you'd turn a child into stone... A CHILD!!! And you call me insane..."

"That's because your actions are done without provocation or cause!" Twilight argued. "You do evil things for the sake of being evil!"

Once more, Chrysalis slowly turned her gaze to the lavender Princess of Friendship, the one pony she hates even more than Celestia herself.

"Is that truly what you believe?" She asked. "Perhaps its high time I show you exactly 'why' I am the way I am. Why Mr. Todd is the way he is today. I dare you to look at us and claim we're still the monsters!"

Without warning, Chrysalis focused all her magic from her jagged horn as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. She forcibly pushed her magic to transfer her memories as well as Sweeney's into the minds of the Mane Six and Spike, whose eyes also rolled back as they groaned and cried from all the memories playing in their heads all at once:

Chrysalis's first meeting with Fire Fall... Sweeney Todd and his happy little family... Celestia sending Fire Fall away as Chrysalis wept for him... Judge Turpin's order to exile Sweeney to Australia...

Even with all that going on, Sweeney paid no attention to any of them. All of his sight was upon his deceased wife Lucy, slowly walking over to her, dropping his razor onto the floor, and sunk to his knees as he slowly dragged himself across the floor to the Beggar Woman. Gently, he reached out and lifted her head into his arms cradling her closely. He couldn't believe it; she'd been alive this entire time, and he killed her! All the torment, all his turmoil, he let it out with one final song.

Sweeney Todd (Sings):
There was a barber and his wife,
And she was beautiful...

Unbeknownst to Sweeney Todd, a small pair of hands grasped the cold metal of the sewer grate behind him and lifted it off. Todd slowly climbed out of the grate behind the man with a cold look on his face. From that very spot, he heard 'everything' that took place above him, including Mr. Todd throwing Mrs. Lovett into the flames. Hearing the mad barber killed the only mother figure he ever had, the young boy's hatred for the man turned into the need... for revenge.

Crawling from the manhole like a rat, Toby noticed Mr. Todd's razor laying upon the floor behind the man. Reaching out to grab it, he slowly slunk from the sewer and stood behind the mad barber, eyeing him with the deepest hate he ever held for anyone.

Mr. Todd (Sings):
A foolish barber and his wife,
She was his reason and his life.
And she was beautiful.
And she was virtuous.
And he was...

Todd folded himself over his dead wife. The only sound was his deep, anguished sobs. Then... he became aware of something. He looked over to see Toby, watching him. Todd gently set Lucy down and then, still kneeling, turned to face Toby. Without words, they looked at each other as Todd noticed the razor in Toby's hands.

Finally accepting fate, Mr. Todd slowly unbuttoned his collar, exposing his neck. He slowly raised his head back, offering his naked throat without looking at him. Toby slowly approached him... and methodically slit his throat quickly. Todd continued to gaze up as the lonely sound of wind escaped from his severed windpipe, eventually slumping over the body of his wife he still held in his arms. Dropping the razor, Toby turned to leave the bakehouse as the barber leaned forward, his blood flowing out his neck and onto his dead wife.

It was at that moment Chrysalis finished showing her memories toward the Mane Six and Spike. The magic kept its hold as they were literally dropped back to reality. Chrysalis still looked at them with hatred, while the weakened ponies and Spike returned looks of disbelief.

"No..." Twilight whispered, in denial. "It... can't be true! Celestia... she would never do something like that. She... she couldn't!"

"The truth stings, doesn't it?" Chrysalis asked, venomously. "You think so highly of your princess for so many years, only to learn she holds darkness with her heart."


Rarity released the loudest scream she had ever channeled in her entire life and tears streamed down her face. All of her friends turned to look at what she screamed at, and their eyes widened with shock. Chrysalus turned around, and when her eyes landed on the frightful sight, her mouth dropped, and she fell to her knees. Mr. Todd slumped over dead with his blood flowing from the neck and onto his wife's body. The blood formed a dark pool along the rough brick floor, slowly starting to spread... the fiery glow from the bake over reflected in the blood.

This sight proved too devastating for the Terror of Equestria herself. Tears fell down her own face as the Changeling crawled toward Mr. Todd, taking his body in her arms.

"No!" She cried. "No, NO! Not again! This can't happen to me... not again!"

Chrysalis broke out into full blown sobs, as she held Mr. Todd close to her. The sight of the former changeling Queen breaking down into a sobbing mess before them actually left the group sharing a small shred of sympathy even for Chrysalis. Though they always known her to be evil and cruel, to lose a love already and to lose another... that was something they'd never wish on even their greatest enemy. For the longest time, Chrysalis held the body of Sweeney Todd, crying until one would fear she'd pass out from dehydration.

"I'm sorry!" She wept. "I'm so sorry! I should've protected you! I've already lost everything in my life! My first love, my daughter, my entire hive! I've lost... everything! I have nothing..."

When she finally cried out her last tear, Chrysalis slowly turned her head towards the Mane Six and Spike, who remained pressed against the wall. Seeing the broken, twisted look upon her face made them fearful as they knew she had snapped. Growling like a dog on rabies, Chrysalis released Sweeney's body, quickly grabbed the razor with her magic, and rushed back to press the blade upon Twilight's neck.

"THIS IS ALL BECAUSE OF YOU PONIES!!!" She yelled angrily, tears streaming. "Every time you get involved with my life; I LOSE EVERYTHING!!! Why can't you just leave me be?! Why do you always get everything, Celestia?!"

Chrysalis pressed the razor blade onto Twilight's throat, causing small droplets of blood to leak out as Twilight whimpered.

"I don't care what the Dark One says!" Chrysalis seethed. "I should slit your throats right now! End all of this tonight! I can finally win... and I can have it all back!"

Slowly but surely, Chrysalis' anger subsided, and her rational mind started working again. She soon remembered what Sweeney told her, how he preferred to kill so she wouldn't take this dark path. He never wanted that for him, and who was she to dishonor him like this?

The razor slipped from her magical grip as she released the Mane Six and Spike, sending them sliding down the wall. She even removed the magic blocking cuffs from their joints, as they clattered against the floor, and they could feel their powers returning. However, the mere fact that Chrysalis released them instead of killing them left them too shocked to do anything. With her magic at work, Chrysalis opened a new portal back to Equestria, specifically the home of their friends, and not once did Chrysalis turn back to them.

"Leave me..." Chrysalis whispered sadly.

"Don't have to tell me twice!" Rainbow replied, racing ahead.

"Let's go!" Rarity said urgently.

The majority of the Mane Six, including Spike, took the opportunity to run straight into the portal without looking back. Twilight Sparkle was about to run through herself but stopped at the last moment. She turned back toward the disheartened Chrysalis, a look of sympathy spread across the princess's face.

"Chrysalis... I—" Twilight reached out.

"LEAVE, TWILIGHT SPARKLE!!!" Chrysalis warned, facing her. "Before I change my mind..."

Twilight stood staring at the former Changeling queen for a moment or two, then she eventually turned around and ran through the portal after her friends. As the portal sealed, Chrysalis slowly walked toward the deceased Sweeney Todd, still clutching the corpse of his dead wife. Chrysalis soon dropped to her knees, and for what felt like an eternity she sobbed as her cries echoed in the cold, dark, empty room.


Emerging through the portal into Equestria, the Mane Six and Spike arrived with somber expressions upon their faces from the moment they stepped back into Discord's Theatre and the portal closed behind them. After everything they've experienced, everything they just learned, it was safe to say neither one of them would ever be the same again... at least, not for a while. Every pony, dragon, griffin, and various other creatures attending the theatre raced forward to greet them, pleased to see they were alright.

"Thank Faust you are okay," Princess Luna sighed, in relief.

"Headmare Twilight, I can't even imagine how horrible it must have been to be there," Silverstream added.

"We're glad you guys made it out alive," Gallus nodded. "Guys...?"

But the Mane Six and Spike remained silent, merely walking past the group toward the back of the theatre. The moment they arrived, Princess Celestia was there to greet them, smiling for their safety.

"Well done, my little ponies," The princess congratulated them. "It's a shame everyone couldn't be saved, but you still risked your lives to save Anthony and Johanna. That's to be commended—"

Celestia stopped when her eyes turned toward Twilight Sparkle, the only pony to even look at her teacher. Only it wasn't with the usual adoration and gratitude she normally gave Celestia. Instead, Twilight looked at her as though she was seeing a complete stranger, the like of which she didn't even know anymore.

"Princess..." Twilight spoke softly. "How... could you?"

"Twilight, what do you mean?" Celestia asked her.

"How could you do such a thing to Chrysalis?!" Twilight questioned. "She was happy with that colt; she was ready to walk away from a life of evil. So, why did you send him away? Why did you have to break her heart?"

The remainder of the theatre attendees knew this moment would come, all eyes looking toward the sun princess and every one of them wondering the exact same question they had throughout the adventure. Celestia merely gave a downtrodden look as she closed her eyes.

"Twilight Sparkle, I know how bad this looks," Celestia spoke somberly. "I know what you must think of me now but believe me when I say it. What you say... that wasn't me. I don't even recall doing any of those horrible things. No way would I ever do something so cruel—"

"We all saw it happen!" Spike argued.

"There's no denying it was you, princess," Rainbow added. "You can't lie your way out of this, right A.J.?"

However, when Applejack looked at the princess closely, trying to ascertain any falseness in her words, it was just as the Earth pony suspected... nothing. She couldn't find anything.

"She's telling the truth," Applejack spoke up.

"WHAT?!" Every pony exclaimed.

"But we saw it happen!" Princess Luna argued. "I truly wish all this was false, I know my sister better than any pony. There's no denying that was her!"

"I ain't arguin' that it wasn't her!" Applejack retorted. "Ah'm sayin' it's quite possible she weren't in control of herself when it happened."

Applejack's assumption had everyone looking amongst each other, breaking out into murmurs of confusion.

"You mean... she was being controlled somehow?" Rarity asked.

"That's exactly what Ah'm sayin'," Applejack nodded.

"But who?" Fluttershy questioned. "Who would do something as twisted and evil to not only break Chrysalis, but to force Celestia to do it?"

"Who knows, Fluttershy?" Spike sighed. "Who knows anything?"



A Thousand Years Ago...

Princess Celestia strolled through the mighty dark trees of the Everfree Forest. Having just banished Fire Fall and sending Chrysalis back to the Changeling Hive, one would think the pony princess would feel either regret for what she had done or triumph. Yet she showcased no emotion whatsoever as she strolled through the forest. Eventually, she came to a stop at a small clearing in the midst of the dark trees. Walking toward the middle of the clearing, she stood waiting almost in anticipation.

"Is it done?"

Hearing the voice, Celestia turned her body in a complete 180-degree turn, taking notice of a tall figure slowly emerging into the clearing. The figure in question turned out to be none other than the Changeling Queen before Chrysalis herself, Queen Metamora. The changeling Queen smirked wickedly as she walked out into the clearing with something clutched within her magical grasp. What she held was a glowing red scarlet heart... Celestia's heart.

"Yes, it's done," Celestia replied, in a monotone hypnotized voice.

"And would you say she looked... broken?" Metamora asked.

To which Celestia only nodded, yet this pleased the changeling just the same.

"Good girl," She approved. "I suppose I can give this back to you now. But first..."

The queen used her magic once more to bring out a small memory stone, using it to wipe Celestia's brain completely from the terrible events that had occurred. No longer would she hold recollection of Queen Metamora taking her heart, sending Fire Fall away, or breaking Chrysalis's heart. She held the glowing heart in her magical grip in front of her mouth.

"I return your heart to you, in return you will forget this encounter and return to your castle," She ordered.

Celestia merely gave a slow nod before Metamora quickly rammed the heart back into the princess's chest. When it was done, Celestia walked out of the clearing back in the direction of her and her sister's castle. Once she was out of sight, Queen Metamora held the memory stone in front of her, smiling wickedly.

"Well done."

Another voice made the changeling Queen turn to her left, as a figure in black emerged from the trees and approached her.

"You've successfully taken a princess' heart and broken your daughter's," The figure spoke approvingly.

"All thanks to the lesson you gave me on how to take a heart," Metamora smirked.

"Though I must question: why not simply disguise yourself as the princess herself? Why go through all the trouble?"

"Chrysalis would have easily been able to tell it was me. Other changelings aren't susceptible to our disguises. I needed her to truly believe it was Celestia who had done all this to her."

To which the figure grinned under their hood.

"Nonetheless, very impressive," They commended.

"And I suppose in exchange for that, you want something in return?" Metamora sighed. "Go ahead, name your price."

The dark figure slowly circled the changeling Queen as a gloved hand stroked its chin hidden under the dark hood.

"That..." The figure pointed to the memory stone.

Metamora looked at the memory stone within her magical grasp before looking back toward the figure with suspicious eyes.

"What purpose could you possibly have with Celestia's memories?" Metamora asked.

"What need do 'you' have for them since they've been taken from her?" The figure retorted. "She'll have no memory of what took place here; what harm is there giving them to me?"

Metamora took that little detail under tight consideration, looking back and forth between the stone and the dark figure. Eventually, she returned an affirming nod.

"Fair enough," She decided. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a ship to wreck."

Using her magic, the Changeling floated the stone over to the figure and placed it in their gloved hand. She proceeded to make her way out of the clearing.

"Before you go..."

The Queen stopped upon hearing the figure calling out to her, turning her head back.

"How did it feel?" The figure asked.

"How did what feel?" Metamora asked back.

"How did it feel... to break your daughter's heart?" The figure replied.

"It was a necessary evil," Metamora answered. "Had Chrysalis run away with that colt, the entire changeling race would fall. I worked too hard to let my changelings fall into non-existence. I will break a thousand hearts before I let the colony die."

To which, a wicked laugh from the figure under the hood marked the initial response.

"Well... you truly are the mother of the year," The figure spoke tauntingly.

"I don't need your mockery!" Metamora huffed. "With Chrysalis's heart broken, she will finally become the ruthless changeling Queen she was born to be. Even if she finds out the truth, even she comes for me because of it... this will only prove 'one' thing: My daughter... is not 'weak'."

"... We shall soon see," The figure nodded. "After all, evil isn't born... it's made."


Thunder rolled and boomed over the blackened skies surrounding the Dark Castle in the Everfree Forest. In her room atop one of the highest towers overlooking the Everfree and the land beyond, Chrysalis stood at her window gazing toward the distance. Not too long after the Mane Six and Spike left the bakehouse, she too transported herself out of the area just before the police arrived to investigate. But of course, the moment she returned, she hadn't received a 'warm' reception from the Order. She could still remember their last conversation... more like the last reprimanding...

"Chrysalis... to say we are our outraged is a gross understatement," The Benefactor said. "You leave our fortitude unannounced, vanish into the multiverse for a period of time, risk your exposure and our plot in a realm we didn't permit you to visit, and you insist upon returning to us with little to show for it.

"If it weren't for your time of loyal service and devotion to the cause, we'd be compelled to have you turned back into stone... or worse. But from now on, you are to discuss the intent of your ventures upon the council BEFORE you act upon it. Do we have an understanding?"

"I apologize, Benefactor," Chrysalis answered grimly. "It won't happen again..."

"For your sake, let us hope not," The Benefactor answered bluntly. "You are lucky the Dark One still values your services. You best hope that what you 'have' brought to us will aid in our cause."

"I'm working on it now..."

"Be warned Chrysalis: The Dark One's patience is thin. What you do with your 'finding' is your responsibility...

"And the next time you have the chance to deal with those ponies and their allies... you will not hesitate!"

Which brought Chrysalis back to reality, as she fully turned around and approached the large table in the center of the room. Her eyes were locked upon a figure laid across the surface. The cold dead body of Sweeney Todd, lying on the table with the slit upon his neck. Despite how it hurt Chrysalis to find him dead, she insisted to the Council she couldn't leave him there.

"I'm sorry, Sweeney..." Chrysalis spoke softly. "This was never supposed to happen; it should've been me, not you."

As more tears fell down her face, Chrysalis continued to mourn his loss... but not for long. She was determined to prove there was still value in him, and she had a sudden idea in her head. An act she learned from her mother centuries ago, the one good lesson she ever received. Something she hoped to use on Fire Fall when she found him, but sadly that wasn't the case. It was a very dangerous spell; however, she was confident she was strong enough to use it.

A spell known as 'the Changeling's kiss'. For a changeling, a kiss could be very life-threatening to the individual receiving it as it could suck all the power from their victim like a sponge and leaving them as nothing but a husk. However, if done right, the spell could also be put in reverse and give all their power to another. It was even believed to be capable of bringing back the dead. Of course, most changelings never do such a spell in reverse, preferring to steal the love entirely. However, if anything could bring Sweeney Todd back, Chrysalis knew it was this spell... but she would have to kiss him like she meant it.

Musting all of her power, all the love fueling her innards, and everything she harbored for thousands of years, Chrysalis channeled the magic to her lips. Taking a deep breath, she leaned down and placed her lips upon Sweeney's cold dead ones. Already, she could feel the full wave of her power leaving her, transferred into Sweeney's body. She suddenly screamed in pain as the room was bathed in a bright light, which channeled a huge magical blast. A force so strong it flung Chrysalis back against the wall and she crumbled to the ground, too weak to even rise up.

Sweeney Todd's eyes slowly lifted as he struggled to rise up from the table. He looked down toward his hands, only in place of them he was shocked to see hooves. He then brushed one of his hooves upon his neck, still feeling the mark where he was slit. Then, he turned over toward a nearby mirror on the wall, allowing himself to look at his reflection... only he wasn't entirely himself. In its place was a pony, a unicorn as indicated by the horn protruding from his head. There were certain features that resembled his former self. Both the mane and tail were black with a white strip. The majority of his fur coat was as pale as his human skin, and his eyes were just as sinister and cold as the like that would scare anyone. And when he studied the flank, there was a symbol of a barber's razor on both sides.

Many thoughts raced through his twisted, disturbed mind. He truly lost everything, more so than when he was originally exiled. He unknowingly killed his wife, his daughter ran off to God only knows where with Anthony, his only ally lied to him, and he hurled her into a burning oven, and anything that remained of his sanity... was gone.

"Why?" Todd spoke, in a hushed voice. "Why did you bring me back? I was ready for this misery to finally end; I had nothing left. Why did you do it... Chrysalis?"

At last, finding the strength to get up, Chrysalis walked beside Sweeney, placing a surprisingly gentle hoof along his side.

"I did it because you helped me realize something very important," Chrysalis spoke seriously. "You helped me believe that I could finally let go of my first true love and accept that Fire Fall is gone... that he's not coming back."

Sweeney turned toward the changeling, seeing the huge tears roll down her face as the towering figure crumbled to the ground.

"You helped me love again," She wept. "I couldn't bear losing another love again... not again."

Hearing her pour her heart out, showcasing a wide range of emotions, it truly made Sweeney feel something he hadn't felt in years. As hard as it was to admit it, Chrysalis too had awakened something within him: the ability to love and care for another. Never had he thought he'd be able to move on from his beloved Lucy. And yet, through all the time spent together these past few months, working with Chrysalis showed how much she cared for him and how he'd grown to care for her in return.

Slowly approaching the crying changeling on the floor, he knelt down and placed his new right hoof under her chin. He tilted her head to look him in the eye, giving her the smallest smile before leaning down and planting her lips against his. For a few minutes, the two completely blocked out the world, allowing themselves to finally 'feel' for the first time in forever. When they finally drew back, they found themselves smiling toward one another.

"I take it you feel the same?" Chrysalis joked.

"I'd be lying if I said otherwise," Sweeney retorted.

He soon helped her back to full height as they both approached the nearby window, staring out into the Everfree together.

"There's nothing left of my old life," Sweeney spoke, staring out the window. "My wife is dead, by my own hand. Mrs. Lovett deceived me, and my own daughter..."

"Is still alive," Chrysalis concluded.

Hearing this, Sweeney Todd froze in place. His expression shifted from rage to confusion in mere seconds.

"What did you say?" Todd asked, shocked.

"That boy in the attic, who I stopped you from killing? That... was Johanna," Chrysalis explained. "When you raced from the attic after Mrs. Lovett screamed, I gave her something that would take her and Anthony to a place where they could live in peace... away from London."

Sweeney took a few hoof steps back, the words of the former Changeling Queen sinking in. He actually laid his eyes upon his daughter. But he was so consumed in his rage, he hadn't stopped to recognize her... just like his wife. Johanna was within arms' reach... and he tried to slit her throat, just like... Lucy.

"'Forget my face'... I told her," He spoke somberly. "She saw me kill the judge; she'll want nothing to do with me now."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," Chrysalis replied. "Before she left, I stripped her memories of what she witnessed in the shop... and destroyed them, just the same. As far as she knows, she'll remember 'nothing' up to when the young sailor left to find you. Killing the judge, threatening her... her mother's death... gone. Thanks to me, you're still a stranger to her."

Sweeney's eyes once more turned to the creature who had been a 'friend' to him, perhaps even more. Only, much like the Changeling, his eyes gave a twisted twinkle.

"If you want her back," Chrysalis continued. "There's something we must do."

"What?" He questioned.

"You will help me rid those meddlesome ponies, and their equally irritating dragon," Chrysalis explained. "They are the only ones who stand in our way; you've seen firsthand what they're like. Just the same as the useless meat sacks who frown upon you, judging your every move. They didn't even stop to hear the full story and condemned you as a 'Demon Barber'... just as they did with me."

Chrysalis soon turned heel, gazing out the window of the house they inhabited, glaring toward the sight before her.

"It's as you said, Mr. Todd..."

Chrysalis (Sings):
There's a hole in the world like a great black pit,
And it's filled with ponies who are filled with shit,
And the vermin of the world inhabit it...
But not for long...

Turning back toward her twisted friend, Chrysalis used her magic to conjure a peculiar box. The moment she opened it, amidst some new clothes, Sweeney's eyes widened at the sight of his 'friends' sitting at the center.

"I managed to save these," Chrysalis smirked. "After all, how can a barber truly work without the proper tools?"

Without a moment to lose, Sweeney grabbed for the supplies in the box. He proceeded to dress himself in a shirt, buttoning the collar and tying it with a red tie, buttoning the brown vest over it, placed each of his front hoofs in brown gloves tied with a white strap, and tightened the brown leather belt around his waist. Then, he looked upon the razors for a moment or two before turning his head back toward Chrysalis. The pair shared a rather similar dark smirk upon their faces. Using his newfound unicorn magic, on the very first try, he lifted one razor from the box and opened it, so the blade shimmered under the light.

Sweeney Todd (Sings):
Well, they all deserve to die,
And we shall make it so, you and I.
Because in all of the whole pony race, Chrysalis,
There are two kinds of ponies, only two.
There're the ones who sit in their proper place,
And the ones with their hooves on the other one's face.
Yes, they ALL deserve... to die!

Then Sweeney looked toward the blade of his razor as another thought crossed his mind.

Sweeney Todd (Sings):
And I'll finally see Johanna,
Yes, I'll finally hold my girl to me...

Chrysalis softly placed her hoof under his chin, turning his face so he could look toward her dark-green eyes.

"Join me, Mr. Todd," Chrysalis offered. "Together, we'll have everything we've ever wanted... and more."

A wider, wicked smirk spread across Sweeney's face. He stood beside the Changeling, looking toward the window, to the busy landscape of Equestria below their hooves... and beyond.

"So be it..." Todd declared.

As the two stared out the window, they swore they could hear the ghosts of the past singing in their heads. Soon a new face appears, reflected in the mirror, only it wasn't just another victim of Sweeney Todd's killing spree. But instead, it was the cold-eyed stare of the young boy who killed Sweeney... Toby.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Toby (Sings):
Attend the tale of Sweeney Todd,
His skin was pale and his eye was odd.

Johanna and Anthony emerged from the shadows of the room...

Johanna and Anthony (Sings):
He shaved the faces of gentlemen
Who never thereafter were heard of again.

Soon even a few policemen emerged, some as pale as Sweeney Todd, some with slits on their own throats, shadows under their eyes, and slapping their own billy clubs upon their hands.

Policemen (Sings):
He trod a path that few have trod,

All (Sings):
Did Sweeney Todd,
The Demon Barber of Fleet Street.

Then a new ghost joined the group... a face one could easily recognize... the Beggar Woman... Lucy.

Beggar Woman (Sings):
He kept a shop in London town,
Of fancy clients and good renown.

She was soon joined by the Judge himself... Turpin...

Judge Turpin (Sings):
And what if none of their souls were saved?
They went to their maker impeccably shaved.

All (Sings):
By Sweeney,
By Sweeney Todd,
The Demon Barber of Fleet Street.

Soon, the Beadle and even Pirelli joined the wave of ghosts, bellowing their anguish...

Pirelli & Beadle (Sings):
Swing your razor wide, Sweeney!
Hold it to the skies!
Freely flows the blood of those
Who moralize!

The ghosts coursed from the castle, into the village region where the members of Eden's Gate resided. The ghosts considered the guns, the stained blades, and even the town's own chopping block...

All (Sings variously):
His needs are few, his room is bare.
He hardly uses his fancy chair.
The more he bleeds, the more he lives.
He never forgets and he never forgives.
Perhaps today you gave a nod
To Sweeney Todd.
The Demon Barber of Fleet Street.

Hunting like predators, the ghosts swayed through oblivious cult members that made up a growing order. Their long shadows towered bizarrely against the walls and ceilings of their new home. A fiery red roar from a bake over built the intensity...

Female Ghosts (Sings):
Sweeney wishes the world away,
Sweeney's weeping for yesterday,
Hugging the blade, waiting the years,
Hearing the music that nobody hears.
Sweeney waits in the parlor hall,
Sweeney leans on the office wall.

Male Ghosts (Sings):
No one can help, nothing can hide you—
Isn't that Sweeney there beside you?
Sweeney wishes the world away,
Sweeney's weeping for yesterday,

All (Sings):
No one can help, nothing can hide you—
Isn't that Sweeney there beside you?
Sweeney wishes the world away,
Sweeney's weeping for yesterday,
Is Sweeney!
There he is, it's Sweeney!
Sweeney! Sweeney!

The ghosts tear through the Dark Kingdom with increasing frenzy – cutting quickly, vertiginous angles – yet no one can feel their presence.

Ghosts (Sings variously):
There! There! There! There!
There! There! There!
(Almost screaming)

The ghosts moved away, revealing new figures amongst them: Twilight Sparkle, her friends among the Mane Six, Spike, and even the ghost of Mrs. Lovett, now covered in ash and soot. They faced each other, encircling one another. Eventually, they spiraled toward where Chrysalis and Sweeney Todd continued to look out.

Mane Six (Sings):
Attend the tale of Sweeney Todd!
He served a dark and a hungry god!

Spike (Sings Sharply):
To seek revenge may lead to Hell.

Mrs. Lovett (Sings coldly):
But everyone does it, if seldom as well—

Mane Six, Spike, and Mrs. Lovett (Sings):
--As Sweeney...

All (Sings):
As Sweeney Todd...
The Demon Barber of Fleet...

One by one, the ghosts proceed to disappear, fading into the shadows of the Dark Castle. Until at last, there was only Mrs. Lovett alone who stared at Mr. Todd, her former ally and the love of her heart... who killed her. Whether he could feel Lovett's presence or not, it mattered little.

Ghosts (Sings):
... Street!

Todd and Chrysalis stood alone in their room, glaring out at the distance toward a seemingly invisible Mrs. Lovett. Finally, the late pie-baker gave Todd a grim little smile before disappearing into the darkness forever.

Armed with newfound power beyond even his own understanding, Todd's life began to flash before his eyes, the images building toward an inevitable conclusion: Todd singing – slashing – smiling – striding –

Finally, there was only one image for Todd that mattered most. Him and Chrysalis, kneeling along the sheets as red as blood. Then they fell... into the 'blood'... wrapping themselves in an embrace as sweet as... death.

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