Return to Dagobah

Having successfully rescued their friends from Tatooine, the motley crew of Jedi, smuggler, and Equestrians made their way back into the dark chasm of space. Storm Shield's starship, The Redemption, sailed calmly through the stars as the sand planet began to fade from view. Following along the side of the larger ship was Luke Skywalker in his X-Wing. Coming up along the rear was Han Solo, Leia, and Marek in the Millennium Falcon. Storm, Spike, and the girls sat along the center of the command deck with Storm piloting the ship.

"Well... that was certainly a 'trying' experience, wasn't it?" Storm asked them.

"Yer dang tootin' there sugarcube," Applejack nodded.

"I was honestly more worried we'd never make it out of that horrid place alive!" Rarity added.

Spike jumped from the floor and landed upon Fluttershy's lap, to which the girl in question smiled and started petting him.

"Oh man, that was so cool!" Spike spoke giddily. "You guys see that force bark I gave? It was just like... whoa!"

Rainbow chuckled, as she scratched behind the little guy's ear.

"You did good little dude," She complimented. "I honestly didn't know you had it in you!"

"Well, it's not like I wasn't paying attention when you guys were training with Yoda, Cal, and Ahsoka."

Fluttershy turned toward Rainbow Dash.

"I'm surprised you were actually willing to wear that outfit," She whispered.

"Not like I really had much of a choice," Rainbow Responded. "We needed to make that slug believe he was in control or risk compromising the whole thing."

"You weren't really complaining though Dashie," Pinkie smirked. "I mean I can see why. That outfit really made everything just stand out for you. Not to mention we all know Applejack really liked it. You guys plan any future uses?"

This caused the eyes of both Rainbow Dash and Applejack to grow wide, as their faces glowed a bright tomato red.

"Pinkie!" Rarity scolded.

"Just kidding!" Pinkie laughed. "This is supposed to be a family-friendly fanfiction after all. Wink!"

While they were talking, Storm noticed a distinct lack of communication from Twilight Sparkle. He turned toward his shoulder, noting she wasn't even sitting with them. Storm sighed to himself as he set the ship to autopilot, before walking out of the command deck towards the observation center. The two doors to the center slid open and Storm spotted Twilight standing before the giant window looking out into space. Though he couldn't see her face, he knew she was in deep thought. Slowly walking up alongside her, he looked toward the vast regions he hadn't had time to observe in so long.

"Bit for your thoughts?" He spoke casually.

Twilight released a deep breath, before turning towards Storm with a sad expression on her face.

"It's all my fault," She spoke quietly.

"You should really stop blaming yourself," Storm responded, earnestly. "What happened to Sunset is no one's fault. Not yours, mine, the girls, not even Marek's. If anyone's to blame, it should be the Emperor."

Yet as they spoke, Twilight could still clearly remember the last time seeing Sunset Shimmer. Battling Darth Seraphina on Cloud City sometime prior, finally getting a good look at the face of the Sith so determined to hunt her down. But what Twilight saw was really her best friend, corrupted by darkness. It felt like Twilight's heart had been ripped into a million pieces that day.

"If I had just held onto her a minute longer, if I just found her sooner, she'd still be with us now," Twilight continued. "Instead, she's in the arms of a twisted evil empire."

Storm could see that Twilight was very upset about the matter, the way she blamed herself entirely for what happened. There was only one thing he could tell her hoping it would make her feel better about herself. Even if it hurt for Storm to relive it.

"The day I lost Khaleena, I blamed myself," He spoke honestly. "I thought to myself, so many times, if I had gotten there sooner I could've stopped Grievous. How I could've saved her."

Storm reached over, wrapping an arm around Twilight to which she leaned into his embrace.

"You want to know what got me through it?" Storm asked.

Twilight slightly turned to look into his eyes.


"My mother," Storm responded simply. "She'd get up each and every day to run Equestria, even though she felt bad about what went down between her and Aunt Luna. She used to hang her head in shame and sadness every day."

This caused Twilight to cock a curious eyebrow.

"I thought you were sealed in the Philosopher's Stone for a thousand years," She pointed out. "How could you have known that?"

"Just because I wasn't there in person doesn't mean I wasn't there... least, not entirely."

Twilight thought for a moment, deciding he had a point. There have been a few instances in her past where certain individuals have been able to go to one place and then another through completely different means.

"I never told her this before, but I know if she knew about it she'd tell me I need to stop feeling sorry for myself," Storm continued. "I knew she'd want me to stand tall and forgive myself so I could be the pony she raised me to be. I also know that as her prized student, she wouldn't want 'you' to sit around feeling sorry for yourself either."

Twilight smiled to herself, realizing the truth of Storm's words. If Celestia were indeed right in front of her, she'd probably say just exactly that. She drew away from Storm as he got a better look on her face.

"Thank you Storm," Twilight smiled gratefully. "I really needed to hear that."

"No problem," Storm smiled back.

Twilight soon approached and wrapped her arms around Storm for a hug, which he happily returned. The moment they finally parted, he looked upon her with fierce determination.

"Now... let's save Sunset Shimmer!"


Meanwhile, over in the X-Wing, Luke was communicating with Leia over the commlink.

"I'll meet you back at the fleet," He said.

"Hurry!" Leia urged, over commlink. "The Alliance should be assembled by now."

"I will."

"Hey, Luke, thanks," Han spoke, over commlink. "Thanks for comin' after me. Now I owe you one."

A message from R2-D2 appeared along the tiny monitor scree in front of Luke. He smiled at the monitor, as he adjusted a black glove to cover his wounded mechanical hand.

"That's right, R2," Luke spoke. "We're going to the Dagobah system. I have a promise to keep... to an old friend."


A Super Star Destroyer and several ships of the Imperial Fleet rested in space above the half-completed Death Star and its green neighbor, Endor. Four squads of TIE fighters escorted an Imperial shuttle toward the Death Star. Lord Vader himself stroke down the hallway, accompanied by a very nervous Death Star commander. Thousands of Imperial troops in tight formation filled the mammoth docking bay.

When Vader arrived at the docking bay, not only did he see thousands of troopers standing at attention, but also saw Seraphina standing in wait with her evil entourage. Vade came to a standstill directly before his fellow protégé as they engaged in communication.

"Did you find what you were looking for on Tatooine?" He asked.

"Unfortunately, we were too late!" Seraphina growled. "By the time we arrived, all that remained was a destroyed sail barge and the littered bodies of various scum."

"It seems we've greatly underestimated the resilience of the young Skywalker."

"And that meddlesome Twilight Sparkle," Seraphina seethed. "I knew I should've killed her when I had the chance."

"Worry not Seraphina, the time is soon upon us," Vader assured. "The Death Star nears completion and will surely draw the rebellion out of hiding once more. When that happens, you'll be able to deal with Twilight Sparkle any way you deem fit."

Vader and the officers walked toward the landing platform with Seraphina and the others following closely. The shuttle's ramp lowered, and the Emperor's Royal Guards emerged creating a lethal perimeter. The assembled troops moved to rigid attention with a momentous *SNAP!*.

And then, in the huge silence which followed, Emperor Palpatine appeared. His bent frame slowly made its way down the ramp with the aid of a gnarled cane. The Emperor's face were shrouded and difficult to see, except for his piercing yellow eyes. Commander Jerjerrod, Darth Vader, Seraphina, and the others knelt before him. The Supreme Ruler of the galaxy beckoned toward the two dark lords.

"Rise, my friends," He commanded.

Vader rose, falling next to the Emperor (Seraphina doing the same on the other). Jerjerrod and the other commanders remained kneeling till the Supreme Ruler and his apprentices, followed by several Imperial dignitaries, passed by. And only then, do they join in the procession.

"The Death Star will be completed on schedule," Vader informed.

"You have done well, Lord Vader," Palpatine complimented. "And now I sense you wish to continue your search for young Skywalker."

"Yes, my Master."

"Patience, my friend. In time he will seek you out. And when he does, you must bring him before me. He has grown strong. Only together can we turn him to the dark side of the Force."

"As you wish."

Palpatine turned his attention toward Seraphina and her followers.

"What news do you bring of the meddlesome Jedi, Darth Seraphina?" He asked.

"They have disappeared from Tatooine my master," Seraphina responded. "Most likely escaping back into the swarm of the rebel scum to hatch another futile plan of attack."

This caused Palpatine to chuckle in amusement.

"Just as I had assumed. They shall mount a plan of attack and find themselves caught in our trap before they know what hit them."

"What do you need of us when the time comes, my lord?" Grievous asked Palpatine.

"You General Grievous shall lead the infantry attack along with the three other Inquisitors," Palpatine explained. "You shall all hold the enemy line and kill as many rebels as you can. Once their forces have been forced into air warfare, it shall be all too easy to pick them off one by one."

"Yes, my lord," Grievous and the Inquisitors said in unison.

"Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen."

He laughed to himself as they passed along the vast line of Imperial troops.


Eventually, the Equestria Jedi and Luke Skywalker got themselves safely back toward the Dagobah system, to continue their training under Master Yoda. Once again, R2 found himself waiting around in the damp environment of the swamp planet, and he's none too happy about it. At least this time, the Mandolorian himself stood guard over R2 for 'protection' but mostly because he had no interest in seeing what's going on. While R2 beeped disconsolately to himself, they turned to look toward Yoda's cottage.

Warm yellow light escaped the oddly shaped windows against the gloom. The tip of a walking stick tapped hesitantly across the earthen floor of the cottage. Yoda walked slowly across the swampy terrain as best as his old form could muster. Still the group could see that his manner was frail, and his voice, though cheerful, seemed weaker.

"Hmm... that face you make," Yoda spoke. "Look I so old to young eyes?"

Luke sat in a corner of the cramped space, with the rest of the group sitting in front of him. Indeed, his look had been woeful though his friends were more so. Caught, they tried their best to hide it.

"No... of course not," Luke reassured.

"Why you don't look a day over... five hundred!" Pinkie smiled. "We can hardly tell!"

"I do, yes, I do!" Yoda chuckled, tickled. "Sick have I become... old and weak."

The group were slightly silent for a moment as the old Jedi master pointed a crooked finger toward him.

"When nine hundred years old you reach, look as good you will not. Hmm?"

Yoda chuckled at this, before a cough interrupted him. Soon the little jedi master hobbled over toward his bed.

"Soon will I rest," Yoda declared. "Yes, forever sleep. Earned it, I have."

Yoda sat himself on his bed, with great effort. The team knew just what Yoda meant by that.

"But Master Yoda, you just can't die!" Fluttershy begged tearfully.

"Yeah man, we only just met!" Rainbow added. "You're too strong to leave us that easily!"

"Strong am I with the Force... but not that strong!" Yoda corrected. "Twilight is upon me and soon night must fall. That is the way of things... the way of the Force."

"But Yoda, we need your help more than ever!" Twilight insisted.

"We've come back to complete the training," Luke added.

"No more training do you require," Yoda declared. "Already know you that which you need."

Yoda sighed, as he laid back on his bed.

"Then... we're Jedi Knights?" Luke asked.

All the other Jedi in the room, the spirits and even a pair of former apprentices, glanced silently toward one another before staring back at the newly arrived group Not a word emerges from either of their lips, but they shared the same thought as the dying master.

"Oh... not yet..." Yoda shook his head. "Two things remain: Vader... Seraphina. You must confront them. Then, only then, Jedi will you be. And confront them you will."

The group turned toward Luke and they could see the agony upon his face. Together, they sat in silence for a long moment pondering over what they need to do. Neither one seemed to have the courage to voice their concerns for a Jedi down to his last minutes. Until at last, Luke was able to ask.

"Master Yoda... is Darth Vader my father?"

Yoda's eyes were full of weariness and compassion. An odd, sad smile creased his face. He turned painfully on his side, away from Luke.

"Mm... rest I need," Yoda insisted. "Yes... rest."

And the group watched him, each moment an eternity.

"Please Master Yoda..." Twilight insisted. "Luke needs to know. I've already seen for myself who Darth Seraphina is, but Luke needs to know if Vader was right... or if he was toying with him. Please..."

"Your father...he is..." Yoda told Luke, reluctantly.

Luke turned toward the rest of the Equestrians, who were all just as stunned as the man. It was one thing to discover that one of the Sith was a best friend of theirs, corrupted by the darkness, but now they were facing another grueling challenge in having one of their friends fighting a long lost relative. The severity of the situation itself weighed heavily upon their shoulders.

"Told you, did he?" Yoda asked.

"Yes..." Luke answered.

A new look of concern crossed Yoda's face. He closed his eyes, deep in thought.

"Unexpected this is," Yoda sighed. "And unfortunate..."

"Unfortunate to know the truth?" Applejack asked.

Yoda's eyes opened once again, studying the curious youth. It took up all the strength the frail Jedi could muster to look at the group straight in the eye.

"No... unfortunate that you rushed to face them... that incomplete was your training. Not ready for the burden were you."

"You're right, Yoda... you're absolutely right," Twilight sighed, in defeat. "You told us we shouldn't go; you insisted we stay for the training. But we wanted to save our friends so badly, even risking a confrontation with the Sith, we nearly died. And for that... we're sorry for ignoring your advice. 'I' am sorry..."

"Remember, a Jedi's strength flows from the Force," Yoda instructed. "But beware... anger, fear, aggression. The dark side are they. Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny."

The honorary Jedi knights bowed before the dying master, who beckoned for one of them to come closer. In which case, that would be Storm Shield himself.

"Master Shield... much potential, I have seen, from the days joining the order you have," Yoda smiled weakly. "A pillar of strength of our darkest hour, you have, fought along our Jedi in the war you have. The time is passing, for me it is. Ergo, a special gift bestow upon you I can only offer..."

"You don't have to give me anything master," Storm assured. "Your wisdom and lessons are more than—"

"Kneel... you must..."

Not wanting to argue against his master's command, Storm took a knee before the old Jedi master so he could look deeply into his eyes. Storm kneels at the ready anxious to hear the final words emanating from his lips.

"One sun falls to the horizon... and with it another rises. Upon my final request before my time falls, a new Grandmaster must serve to guide and teach all the remaining Jedi. You... must be that grandmaster now..."

"Noo... no Master Yoda," Storm shook his head. "There are plenty of Jedi better off as a Grandmaster than me. All of them much more experienced than even I. Surely there must be—"

"Young Storm... when first saw you I have, a world far beyond our own you've come," Yoda spoke. "A destiny you must follow, for a war far greater than this. And those who look unto you must have a pony to help guide in that hour you must be. There's a power in you that is, a power you yet to unlock. But the next step in this journey, with your allies by your side, you must take it."

"I'm not really sure if I am the right one for that step master," Storm admitted humbly. "But I will try to do my part to see what you see. I solemnly swear I won't let you down."

"Fail... never you have. Not now, you won't..."

He soon beckoned for the others to lean closely, Luke and the girls (Even Spike).

"Do not... do not underestimate the powers of the Emperor, or suffer your father's fate, the fate of your friend, you will," Yoda advised. "When gone am I... *Cough!*, the last of the Jedi you will be. Luke, the Force runs strong in your family. Pass on what you have learned, Luke..."

It took great effort to muster Yoda's last words as death slowly began to cling upon the frail form of the former Jedi master.

"There is... another... Sky... Sky... walker..."

Drawing his last breath, a shiver ran its course through the ancient green creature. Before any of the group could beckon for more, the Jedi formerly known as Yoda... died before their eyes. The very sight of it was an utter shock for everyone, Fluttershy no longer able to hold back her tears and leaned against Rarity's shoulder while she sobbed. Rarity pat her friend on the back, as Spike leaned by Fluttershy's leg whimpering.

All around them the spirits of the late Jedi bowed their heads solemnly before they disappeared around the living apprentices one after the other. And the last to go, as our heroes stared, the dead master too disappeared right before their eyes. And then... there was none...


Luke and his friends wandered back toward where the ships sat tor est. R2 beeped a greeting, but the depressed masters ignored the little droid. The Mandalorian studied the group from beneath his mask, though what he was pondering none could tell. Together, the Jedi knelt together after taking one final look at Yoda's house as the lights eventually died down along with its former owner. Luke had just begun to help R2 into his ship, when he stopped and shook his head dejectedly.

"Luke... are you okay?" Spike asked, concerned.

"I can't do it," Luke confessed to his friends. "I can't go on alone."

"But you're not alone," Twilight reassured softly. "Not ever..."

"We've all suffered a great loss today," Storm declared sadly. "Honestly, I knew this day would eventually come... but I always thought Yoda would outlive us all. That he was too stubborn to die."

"I still find it hard to believe," Rainbow replied, shaking her head. "One minute, we learn that you have just reemerged from some magic stone and revealing yourself to be Celestia's kid of all ponies. Next thing we know, we find out you once fought for these Jedi knight guys and now you're this grandmaster!"

"That's really a lot to take in," Pinkie replied, sighing.

"Honestly girls, I feel this is all happening too fast..." Storm confessed. "How could I possibly uphold a legacy of a world I don't even belong to? I'm not sure if I'm ready to fill in for a Jedi who knows even more than I do."

"Yoda will always be with you..."

A familiar voice drew everyone to turn around. Before their very eyes, the ghost of Obi-Wan Kenobi, strolled slowly through the bog toward them. They quickly raced up toward Luke's former master, the young Jedi himself taking the lead.

"Obi-Wan!" Luke exclaimed. "Why didn't you tell me? You told me Vader... betrayed and murdered my father."

"Your father was seduced by the dark side of the Force," Obi-Wan clarified. "He ceased to be Anakin Skywalker... and became Darth Vader. When that happened... the good man who was your father was destroyed. So what I told you was true... from a certain point of view."

"A certain point of view?" Luke asked, in disbelief.

"More like you twisted the truth, a bit," Rainbow scowled.

"Storm... did y'all know that Darth Vader was Anakin?" Applejack asked. "Ya fought with him in the Order... did ya know too?"

Storm released a regretful sigh, as he turned toward the girls who had his undivided attention.

"I always had this 'feeling' about Darth Vader, that day when we were on the first Death Star," Storm admitted. "I didn't exactly know for 'sure' if it was him... but overtime that feeling proved too great to ignore. I guess... I just didn't want to admit for fear of hurting any of you."

"I've been down that road before dude," Spike pointed out. "Didn't exactly work out well for me."

"My friends, you're going to find... that many of the truths we cling to... depend greatly on our own point of view," Obi-Wan lectured. "Anakin was a good friend. When I first knew him... when Storm and I first knew him... your father was already a great pilot..."

"So much, he practically won a pod-race even when a fellow racer tried to sabotage his own ship," Storm brought up. "But that's another story..."

"But we were more amazed how strongly the Force was with him," Obi-Wan continued. "I took it upon myself to train him as a Jedi. I thought I could instruct him just as well as Yoda. I was wrong."

"There is still good in him," Luke replied.

"He's more machine now than man..." Obi-Wan frowned. "Twisted and evil."

"But we can't do it, Mr. Kenobi sir," Fluttershy spoke meekly. "We're not 'killers'."

"You cannot escape your destiny. You must face Darth Vader and Darth Seraphina again."

"I can't kill my own father," Luke reinstated.

"And I won't kill Sunset Shimmer!" Twilight Sparkle whimpered. "Deep down, she's still there. I can't quite prove it... but I know she's trying to come back to us."

"Then the emperor has already won," Ben sighed. "You were our only hope."

"Are we though?" Rarity spoke up.

""Yoda spoke of another," Luke added.

"The other he spoke of is your twin sister."

"Twin sister?" The girls and Spike said at once.

"But I have no sister," Luke pointed out.

"We met his aunt and uncle way back when," Pinkie reminded. "But we never once heard of a sibling... I would've remembered that moment."

"To protect you both from the emperor... Luke was hidden from his father when he was born," Obi-Wan explained. "The emperor knew, as I did... if Anakin were to have any offspring... they would be a threat to him. That is the reason Luke... why your sister remains safely anonymous."

Searching his feelings, sensing the Force, Luke reached an epiphany.

"Leia!" He exclaimed. "Leia's my sister."

"Say what now?!" The others exclaimed.

"Your insight serves you well," Obi-Wan spoke. "Bury your feelings deep down, Luke. They do you credit... but they could be made to serve the emperor."

"Whoa, whoa, wait! Hold it," Rainbow Dash interrupted. "You mean to tell me... that Leia, 'the' Princess Leia, is Luke's sister... this whole time?"

"And... they... kissed... on the lips?!" Pinkie Pie shrieked.

*Crickets chirping*

"Awkward..." Rainbow commented.

"Totally..." Storm added.

"When your father left," Obi-Wan continued. "He didn't know your mother was pregnant. Your mother and I knew he would find out eventually, but we wanted to keep you both as safe as possible, for as long as possible. So I took you to live with my brother Owen on Tatooine... and your mother Leia to live as the daughter of Senator Organa on Alderaan."

Luke and the group settled near Obi-Wan a.k.a. Ben Kenobi to hear the rest of the tale.

"Like that very planet we were initially heading for only to find it destroyed!" Twilight confirmed.

"The Organa household was high-born and politically quite powerful in that system," Obi-Wan informed, attempting for solace. "Leia became a princess by virtue of lineage... no one knew she'd been adopted, of course. But it was a title without real power, since Alderaan had long been a democracy. Even so, the family continued to be politically powerful, and Leia, following in her foster father's path, became a senator as well. That's not all she became, of course... she became the leader with the Alliance against the corrupt Empire. And because she had diplomatic immunity, she was a vital link for getting information to the Rebel cause. That's what she was doing when her path crossed yours... for her foster parents had always told her to contact me on Tatooine, if her troubles became desperate."

The truth became overwhelming now for the group, particularly for Luke. Suddenly, he felt protective over the woman revealed to be his sister.

"But we can't let her get involved now," Luke argued. "Vader will destroy her."

"She hasn't been trained in the ways of the Jedi the way you and your friends have, Luke..." Obi-Wan pointed out. "But the force is strong with her, as it is with all your family. There is no avoiding the battle. You must face and destroy both Vader... and Seraphina!"

"Master Kenobi, we will fight to defend ourselves if we need to," Twilight spoke. "But don't ask me to destroy Sunset Shimmer... because I won't do it. And the real Sunset would do the same."

"Then you best hope that the force within Sunset is strong enough to free her in ways the force couldn't for Anakin," Obi-Wan spoke somberly. "If she remains bonded to the dark side, then your friend will be lost... forever."

The weight of the situation became heavier for the group. It wasn't enough that they know the truth of what's become of Sunset Shimmer, now they not only have to help Luke fight a relative but yet another turned out to be closer to them than they imagined. So much happening all at once during this war, they couldn't imagine if they were even ready for what's to come. Finally, The Mandalorian (Having been listening in silence the whole time) stepped forth and the group turned toward him.

"So... where do we start first?" The Mandalorian asked.

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