One with the Force
Back down on the battlefield once known as Endor, Han and several fighters raced out of the bunker across the clearing.
"Move! Move!" Han yelled.
Storm Shield, Spike, and the rest of the girls followed Han and the soldiers out of the bunker. They knew right away the whole place was about it to blow and needed to get out of the blast radius right away.
"We gotta go! Now!" Rainbow yelled.
As they were about to leave, Storm remembered the two Dazzlings tied to the tree, including Sonata and Demetria knocked out on the ground. It'd be so easy to just leave them here, let the blast take them out after everything they've done. But... in Storm's heart, he knew that wasn't the right thing to do. His family would never permit this.
"Wait!" He shouted. "We've got to get 'them' out of here too."
The girls and Spike turned back toward Rainbow, looking at him as if he were insane.
"You're joking right?" Rainbow asked. "They 'literally' tried to kill us a few minutes ago."
"No, he's right sugar cube," Applejack spoke up. "It don't matter wut they've done, we ain't lettin' 'em go up in smoke like that."
"She's right dear," Rarity nodded.
"Yes-siree, especially Sonata," Pinkie exclaimed gleefully. "We had a real blast when we were talking. It would put a real damper on all the good times we had if she blew up to smithereens."
"Less talking, more helping!" Storm yelled.
It was then they just noticed that Storm had just been trying to untie the Dazzlings while they were talking.
"Oh right! We better hurry!" Fluttershy spoke urgently.
Pinkie Pie quickly raced over, scooping an unconscious Sonata off the ground, and threw her limp body over her shoulder as Storm did the same with Demitria. Meanwhile, the others raced over and started untying Adagio and Aria from the tree, much to the two sirens' chagrin.
"Get your filthy hands off us!" Adagio yelled.
"We're trying to help, you ditz!" Rainbow replied.
"Help? Help!? We don't need any help!" Aria growled. "It's you who'll need help when we get out of this! You may have beaten us today, but I swear we will..."
She didn't even get an opportunity to finish that sentence when Mando descended to the ground from the air and used the butt of his blaster to knock the sirens out cold, much to Rainbow's relief.
"You know, I was going to suggest you do that," She smirked.
"They were getting on my nerves," Mando replied bluntly.
The girls finally untied the now unconscious former sirens and lifted them both up. Once everyone was accounted for, they ran as fast as they could until...
A shock wave knocked them flat as the bunker exploded, followed by a spectacular display as a huge shield-generator radar dish exploded along with the bunker. After recovering from the aftershock of the explosion, the group sat back up and returned their feet as they stared upon the now destroyed shield generator.
"Wow!" Pinkie giggled. "Now that's what I call going out with a bang!"
Rainbow smirked and wrapped an arm around Pinkie's shoulder.
"Couldn't have said it better myself Pinkster," She nodded.
As they gazed upon the smoking pile of steel that once was the generator, Spike looked around and noticed someone was missing from their group.
"Wait a second!" He spoke up. "Where's Marek?"
Everyone looked around seeing that indeed there was no sign of Galen Marek anywhere in sight.
"I don't know Spikey," Rarity answered. "I thought he was with us when we were fighting the others?"
"Oh, I hope he's okay," Fluttershy said worriedly.
From the fleet hovering above the forest moon, Ackbar, sitting in his control chair, spoke into the radio.
"The shield is down!" He said. "Commence attack on the Death Star's main reactor."
We're on our way!" Lando responded. "Red Group, Gold Group, all fighters follow me. Told you they'd do it!"
Nien Nunb merely chuckled as the Falcon, followed by several smaller Rebel fighters, flew toward the unfinished superstructure of the Death Star.
Luke Skywalker stood still, as the Emperor reached the bottom of the stairs. The Emperor's laughter turned to anger as he rose his arms toward Luke.
"If you will not be turned," Palpatine smirked evilly. "You will be destroyed!"
Blinding bolts of force lightning shot from the Emperor's evil hands. Even in his surprise, the young Jedi tried to use the Force to deflect them. At first, he is half successful, but after a moment the bolts of energy came with such speed and power the young Jedi shrunk before them, his knees buckling. The wounded Vader struggled to his feet, standing by his master's side.
"Young fool... only now, at the end, do you understand."
Luke was almost unconscious beneath the continuing assault of the Emperor's lightning. He clutched a canister to keep from falling into the bottomless shaft as the bolts tear through him.
"Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the dark side. You have paid the price for your lack of vision."
Luke writhed on the floor in unbearable pain, reaching weakly up toward where Vader stood watching.
"Father, please!" Luke groaned in pain. "Help me!"
But again Vader just stood, watching Luke suffer. He turned toward his master, the Emperor, then back toward Luke on the floor.
"Now, young Skywalker..." The Emperor declared. "You will die..."
It was then, the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps alerted them to another presence amongst them. Losing his concentration for a moment, Palpatine turned just in time to see Galen Marek charging toward him. Marek leapt through the air with a primal yell as he prepared to deliver the death blow to the Emperor. Palpatine quickly shot his hand towards Marek, sending another charge of force lightning at him.
Thankfully, Marek blocked it with his lightsaber as he came back down and deflected the blasts all around the room. Palpatine continued sending copious amounts of the lightning towards him.
"So... you return to die by my hand, traitor?" Palpatine laughed menacingly.
"Marek merely grit his teeth, pushing the force lightning back with his two lightsabers.
"No... I returned to 'end' you!"
Palpatine merely cackled as he threw more force lightning at Marek. Though he managed to hold it off, he quickly felt his strength leaving him as he pushed with all his might. Vader looked back and forth between his former apprentice and his son, who continued to write in pain from being shocked severely.
It was then Vader shot his attention back toward the dying Sunset Shimmer, held in the arms of a shocked Twilight Sparkle. And when he looked at Sunset Shimmer, Vader swore he saw a vision of his late wife, Padme Amidala, the last image of her suffering just as he envisioned all those years ago. He could still hear her voice whisper...
"Ani... Ani..."
So much madness... so much pain... so much misery inflicted upon others. And all for what? Looking back and forth, it quickly became apparent of what the man known as Darth Vader had to do.
"No..." He spoke lowly. "NO!!!"
Vader lunged for the Emperor from behind, fighting for control of the robed figure despite the Dark Lord's weakened body and gravely weakened arm. The Emperor struggled in his embrace, his bolt-shooting hands lifting high, away from Marek. And now the lightning stroke Vader, who stumbled with his load as the sparks rained off his helmet and flowed over his black cape. And still he held his evil master high over his head and approached the edge of the abyss at the central core of the throne room.
With one final burst of his once awesome strength, Darth Vader hurled the Emperor's body into the bottomless shaft. Emperor Palpatine screamed as his body spun helplessly into the void, falling deeper into the abyss. Finally, when it was far down the shaft, it exploded and created a rush of air through the room. Vader's cape whipped against the wind, as he stagged and collapsed toward the bottomless hole wheezing heavily.
Luke crawled toward his father's side, drawing him away from the edge of the abyss to safety. Both the young Jedi and the giant warrior were too weak to move, all their energy depleted from the force lightning. While this went on, Marek looked over toward Sunset lying in Twilight's embrace and quickly raced toward their side.
"Twilight! What happened to her?" He asked urgently.
Twilight looked toward him with tears streaming down her face.
"She finally snapped out of the darkness and tried to fight against the emperor," She cried. "She got stabbed through the abdomen."
Marek looked down, noting the burnt wound stemming through Sunset's body. Sunset slowly turned her head toward Marek, a very weak smile formed across her face at the sight of him.
"M-Marek..." She wheezed.
Marek quickly knelt to her side, placing a comforting hand along her cheek.
"It's alright Sunset," He assured her. "I'm here now. We're going to get you help."
Marek reached under her, lifting her up bridal style as he proceeded to carry her out of the throne room towards the hanger of the Death Star. Twilight followed right behind every step of the way, helping Luke lift Vader to his feet as they followed.
"C'mon, hurry!" Marek called out. "I got a ship waiting for us at the hanger; this whole place could blow any minute!"
Rebel fighters followed the Falcon across the surface of the Death Star into the unfinished portion, they dove into the superstructure of the giant battle station followed by many TIE fighters.
"I'm going in," Wedge said.
"Here goes nothing," Lando added.
Three X-wings led the chase through the ever-narrowing shaft, followed by the Falcon and four other fighters, plus TIE fighters continually firing at the Rebels. Lights reflected off the pilots' faces as they raced through the dark shaft.
"Now lock onto the strongest power source," Lando ordered. "It should be the power generator."
"Form up!" Wedge announced. "And stay alert. We could run out of space real fast."
The fighters and the Falcon raced through the tunnel, the TIE fighters in hot pursuit. One of the X-Wings was struck from behind and exploded.
"Split up and head back to the surface," Lando instructed. "See if you can get a few of those TIE fighters to follow you."
"Copy, Gold Leader."
The Rebel ships peeled off, pursued by three of the TIE's, while Lando and Wedge continued through the narrowing main tunnel. The Falcon barely scraped the side dangerously, while two other TIE fighters blasted away at them.
"That was too close," Lando sighed in relief.
Nien Nunb agreed in his native tongue.
The battle between the Rebel and Imperial fleet raged on. Several cruisers fired against the giant Super Star Destroyer.
"We've got to give those fighters more time," Ackbar said. "Concentrate all fire on that Super Star Destroyer."
X-wing pilots head across the surface of the huge battleship. From their viewpoint, Admiral PIett and a commander stood at the window gazing at the battle before them. They, along with their crew, looked on with great concern.
"Sir, we've lost our bridge deflector shield," A commander reported.
"Intensify the forward batteries," Piett responded. "I don't want anything to get through."
The commander looked out the winder where a damaged Rebel fighter spun out of control, its hurdling directly toward the bridge.
"Intensify forward firepower!"
The Rebel pilot screamed as his ship struck the Star Destroyer, generating a huge explosion. The giant battleship lost control, crashing into the Death Star, and exploded. There's great excitement on the bridge as the battle raged on all sides. The Rebels cheered as the giant Star Destroyer blew up amidst the chaos. For the first time, the Death Star was rocked by explosions as the Rebel fleet, no longer backed against a wall, zoomed over and unleashed a heavy barrage of firepower.
Inside, imperial troops ran in all directions, confused and desperate to escape. In the midst of this uproar, Marek raced with a moaning Sunset in his arms while Twilight and Luke struggled to carry the enormous deadweight of his father's weakening body toward Marek's ship.
"Hurry guys!" Marek shouted. "We're almost there!"
But then Marek skid to a halt when he saw a few of the Empire's controllers and stormtroopers make their way toward Marek's ship. Before they could do anything, they ignited the engines and our heroes could only watch as the ship Marek took lift off and soared away out of the hanger.
"Son of a—" Marek groaned, looking around.
"What about that ship?" Twilight pointed.
They turned and saw an Imperial shuttle still sitting in the hanger, presumably either Vader's or the Emperor's vessel.
"Okay... Plan B!" Marek declared.
They raced toward the Imperial shuttle as fast as they could. Finally, Luke and Twilight collapsed from the strain at the foot of the ship. Explosions grew louder, as Luke and Twilight tried to lift Vader up, who merely drew them closer. Until he could stare face-to-face toward his son.
"Luke... help me take... this mask off," Vader spoke weakly.
"But you'll die," Luke argued.
"Nothing can stop that now. Just for once... let me... look on you with my own eyes."
Slowly, hesitantly even, Twilight turned toward Luke and nodded her head silently. Luke proceeded to remove the mask from his father's face, piece by piece. Twilight, Marek, and a weakened Sunset watched on as Luke stripped the last piece of the headpiece off, oxygen hissed from the mask as it peeled off to reveal... an elderly man.
Before their eyes they were not looking at Darth Vader... they were looking towards the Jedi master destined to end the Empire and secure the future of the galaxy, Anakin Skywalker. A bald man with a nasty scrape upon his head, his eyebrows completely gone, and though his eyes could barely focus the dying man smiled at the sight of his son before him. As if when he looked into Luke's eyes, he could see a trace of Padme within him.
"No... go, my son. Leave me."
"No Anakin," Twilight shook her head. "You have to come with us!"
"I can't leave you here," Luke added. "I've got to save you."
"You already have, Luke. You were right... you were right about me. Tell your sister... you were right."
The dying man then slowly turned toward Twilight Sparkle's, who's eyes shimmered with tears as she gazed upon him.
"Princess Twilight... tell Luna... tell Storm Shield... I'm sorry..."
"Father... we won't leave you..." Luke insisted.
With one final breath, Darth Vader... Anakin Skywalker... Luke's father... died. A huge explosion rocked toward the docking bay. The ship was going to be destroyed at any minute, and they were running out of time.
"Luke... we have to go..." Twilight told him.
Slowly, Luke rose half carrying, half dragging the body of his dead father with Twilight's help. They stumbled toward the shuttle as Marek carried Sunset inside.
The Millennium Falcon led a swerving bomb run through the immense superstructure of the half-built Death Star. The Rebel Star Cruisers outside continually bombarded the huge station. Each direct hit was answered by resonating, chain-reaction explosions within the station itself. Lando's crew fired away at the pursuing TIE fighters as the dashing Baron of Bespin and his alien copilot homed in on the main reactor shaft. It is such an awesome sight before them. A lone X-wing was just in front of the Falcon.
"There it is!" Wedge said.
"All right, Wedge. Go for the power regulator on the north tower," Lando ordered.
"Copy, Gold Leader. I'm already on my way out."
The X-wing flew for the top of the huge reactor, firing several proton torpedoes at the power regulator, causing a series of tiny explosions. The Falcon headed for the main reactor, and when it was dangerously close, Lando fired the missiles which shot out of the Falcon with a powerful roar and struck directly at the center of the main reactor. He maneuvered the Falcon out from the winding superstructure just ahead of the continuing chain of explosions.
Ackbar and the other Mon Calamari leaned upon the railing of the bridge, watching the large screen showing the Death Star in the main briefing room.
"Move the fleet away from the Death Star," Ackbar ordered.
An Imperial shuttle, with Luke alone in the cockpit, rocketed out of the main docking bay as the entire section of the Death Star was blown away.
And finally, just as it looked like the Falcon wouldn't make it, Lando expertly piloted the craft out of the exploding superstructure and whizzed toward the Sanctuary Moon, only a moment before the Death Star supernovas into oblivion. Lando and Nien Nunb laugh, cheering in relief.
Back on Endor, Han Solo and Leia Organa, Chewbacca, the droids, the Rebel troops, the Ewoks, and the Equestrian Heroes looked toward the sky as the Death Star's explosion revealed itself in a final flash of self-destruction. They all cheered.
"They did it!" 3PO cheered.
The girls celebrated their victory, at long last after a lengthy struggle. Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie hopped on their feet as they embraced each other. Rainbow Dash and The Mandalorian shook hands till she felt a tap on her shoulders. Curious, she turned around only for Applejack to draw Rainbow Dash in for a kiss. To which Rainbow wrapped her arms around her, playfully pushing Applejack's hat off, and they collapsed onto the ground. Spike barked and howled toward the sky, as Rarity lifted the pup up in her arms and gave him a kiss on the forehead. Hearts formed in his eyes, as Spike sighed heavily.
All the while, Han turned from the sky toward Leia. A look of concern formed on his face. She just stared toward the sky as if listening for a silent voice.
"I'm sure Luke and the others weren't on that thing when it blew," Han reassured.
"They weren't," Leia spoke. "I can feel it."
"You love him, don't you?"
Leia smiled toward Han, slightly puzzled but smiled, nonetheless.
"All right... I understand," Han nodded. "Fine. When he comes back, I won't get in the way."
It was only then Han realized his misunderstanding.
"Oh. No, it's not like that at all," Leia corrected. "He's my brother."
Han was stunned by the news. But before he could speak, Leia smiled and embraced him as the rest gathered around him.
"Yeah... it's a long, long story, pal," Rainbow smirked.
While the Rebels prepared to celebrate their momentous victory, Pinkie watched over with a smile on her face and her arms crossed.
"So I've been thinking Sonata," Pinkie spoke absent-mindedly. "If you and your friends agree to put aside this whole 'taking over the world' business and are willing to apologize for being a group of meanie-pants... maybe I can put in a good word and reduce that 'banished from Equestria' sentence to about... a couple hundred years. If not, the least we can do is promise we won't do something drastic like turning you girls to stone... or propelling you to the moon... few weeks of community service won't hurt. We have a deal?"
Pinkie Pie waited for an answer, only to frown when no answer came. Curious, she slowly turned around.
But when Pinkie Pie turned around, the Dazzlings and Demetria were gone. Not a trace of them were found at the spot where they piled up; it's like they just vanished.
"Hey... where'd you go?" Pinkie asked, looking around.
Inside the Imperial Shuttle, flying across the sky toward Endor, Sunset Shimmer groaned in pain in the cargo area. She leaned against Twilight Sparkle, who gently lifted her head trying to make eye contact. Sunset slowly opened her eyes to her friend's once again. Galen Marek looked silently from the corner, trying to process everything. Never thinking the two would ever be friends again, even to Sunset's surprise, she was wrong.
"Hey Twilight..." Sunset spoke weakly. "I just want to say... I'm sorry... for everything I did to you."
"No! No, no, no, no, no, no!" Twilight replied, tears streaming. "Don't talk like that! It was my fault! I should've found you all those years ago. This mess would never have happened if I—"
Sunset gently squeezed Twilight's hand, trying to comfort the crying princess.
"Hey Twilight?" Sunset asked.
"Yes?" Twilight replied.
"I'm just... happy your with me again. I missed those days... where we used to just hang out... like normal girls..."
Sunset coughed slightly, but her eyes never left Twilight.
"I missed those days too Sunset," Twilight smiled. "All I ever wanted... what I always wanted... was just to be with you..."
Despite the circumstances, Galen Marek could see that Twilight was so happy that she and Sunset could be friends again. Sunset lifted her hand weakly towards Twilight's face, who grasped the hand with hers.
"I'm glad... I got to see my first true friend..." Sunset spoke weakly. "One... last... time..."
Before Twilight Sparkle, Sunset's eyes closed shut, her breathing came to a halt, and her hand lifelessly struck the ground. Twilight, in complete shock, couldn't believe it. Sunset Shimmer... her best friend... was dead...
"Sunset... no... no... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"
Twilight screamed, hugging her best friend close to her chest. Galen Marek looked on in silent shock, no longer able to prevent the tears from escaping his eyes. The girl who had worked so hard to see the good in him, inspiring him to be more, and now she was dead before him. Cries of anguish filled the halls of the shuttle as Luke now carried two dead bodies toward Endor.
By the time they made it back to Endor, when the word spread like wildfire, all the other girls and Spike shed their own tears as they gathered around Twilight Sparkle. They all looked down upon Sunset Shimmer, who laid lifelessly on a stone table, mourning together. They wept tears heavily, unable to accept the fact... Twilight failed her.
All around them, Rebel troops bowed their heads in respect, including the Mandalorian. Leia buried her face in Han's chest, crying as well, and Han placed an arm around her for comfort. Though they shed no tears, Luke and Han felt the same level of sadness everyone else currently felt. Though this may have been a shining moment for the Rebellion, it was perhaps the most somber moment for a group of friends.
A blinding white light met the moderate cyan eyes of Sunset Shimmer as she blinked her eyes open, rapidly regaining her vision. When she was finally able to see, she noticed she was laying on the ground of a large room that absolutely beamed with white light. Large windows were all around the room and when she looked out of them, all she could see was white and nothing else. In a large circle around the room were a series of chairs.
*Deploy photo here*
In those chairs sat many different individuals, of all different species. There were a few humans, one of them an African American man with a bald head, one an elder-looking man with long graying hair and a beard, another with auburn hair and a beard, and the last one a younger looking man. The other creatures in the circle included a Togruta woman, a Kel Dor, a Nautolan, and a little green Yoda. Every single person and creature in the room simply sat in their seats and smiled at the young girl who slowly stood on her feet and looked around with wide eyes.
"Am I dead?" She asked. "Is this heaven? Or the other place?"
"Dead you are," Yoda nodded. "Heaven you speak of this is not. Before you the force itself lies."
Sunset looked around in shock once more. Before she could say anything else, however, another bright flashing light blinded her slightly. Until it faded and she once more saw the familiar forms of Satele Shan, Darth Marr, Valora Synn, and Revan.
"You have been through much trial and trepidation Sunset Shimmer," Satele said. "Though through it all, you have shown great strength, bravery, and trust in the light side of the force."
"You managed to do what no other being in over three thousand years has ever been able to accomplish," Marr added. "You put an end to the Emperor once and for all. You... brought an end to the Sith."
"Something even I could not do," Valor smiled. "You alone were the key needed to finally the purge the galaxy of its greatest threat."
Sunset turned back toward the circle of people and the auburn haired man, Obi-Wan Kenobi, stepped forward and stood before her.
"What you managed to accomplish in such a short amount of time is something many of us consider legendary."
Then the bald-headed man, Mace Windu, stepped up alongside Obi-Wan.
"It is true your physical form was controlled by the darkness," He said. "However, it is what your heart and soul have demonstrated in the void that truly defines you. You may have had darkness in your heart long ago, but you have certainly shown the purest form of the light."
"Shown the true heart of a Jedi, you have," Yoda smiled. "Become one with the force, you have earned."
Sunset's eyes widened with surprise. The grandest honor to ever bestow upon anyone, a chance for Sunset to ascend to a level of greatness. And despite everything she's done, all the pain and suffering, she was granted a grand gift. She was given a chance to ascend to the status of Gods, to sit upon the throne of all the greats that came before her, all waiting for her to accept this grand honor. A chance she never thought she would ever receive... and this day had finally come.
What more could Sunset Shimmer ever ask for? What more... could she possibly want?
Late in the night, Luke Skywalker set a torch upon a stack of logs under a funeral pyre where his father's body laid, again dressed in black mask and helmet. With the Equestrians, Spike, and their few allies standing before him, they watched sadly as the flames leapt higher consuming the very last of Darth Vader... no, the last of Anakin Skywalker. As he looked out upon the fire, he slowly turned toward Twilight Sparkle who stared so despondently toward the pyre.
"Are you going to be okay?" Marek asked, concerned.
"I don't think so..." Twilight sighed. "Not for a while."
She looked toward him, and Marek could read the truth upon her face. For all they managed to succeed, in a way they still felt like they lost. And though the souls they were determined to rescue are now finally free, they would not get to be among them right now except in spirit.
"What're you going to do now?" Twilight asked Marek.
"Honestly... I'm not really sure," Marek answered honestly. "I've been fighting for the Empire since I was a little boy. And now that they are finally gone... I'm not sure what to do for the rest of my life."
Twilight nodded in understanding as they turned back to watch the fire burn Vader's body in a carcass of smoke and ash. Little did anyone in the group know, another figure came to join them in watching Vader's body erupt in flames. The flames matching her fiery hair as she gazed silently toward him.
"Master Skywalker is in a better place now," She assured.
"I guess so..." Marek sighed.
Suddenly, Marek's eyes went wide as he looked up and even Twilight was startled. One by one, everyone turned around and a silent gasp escaped their lips. There, before everyone's eyes, a familiar face stood before them... Sunset Shimmer, alive and well. Dressed in her Jedi outfit when she first arrived but only for the first time do the group get to see her this way. She smiled toward them, her normal eyes tearing with happiness.
"Hey guys!" Sunset spoke softly.
"SUNSET!!!" The group shouted.
They quickly gathered around Sunset, bursting into tears as they hugged their friend. They laughed and cried, as Sunset allowed her friends to embrace them, to feel their arms wrap around her as she cried. Amidst all the chaos, Spike raced toward Sunset, and she caught him in her hands as Spike licked Sunset's face clean. As she looked around at all her friends, Sunset turned toward Twilight Sparkle who was looking at her as if this were a dream and she didn't want to wake from it.
"Are you really here?" Twilight gasped quietly.
"Yes Twilight..." Sunset smiled. "It's me."
"There's so many things I want to say... how?"
"We thought you were dead," Fluttershy spoke.
"Heh... as a matter of fact, I was," Sunset shrugged. "I woke up to find myself in a place that
wasn't heaven per say... but it was a place where all the greats gathered. They gave me the best
opportunity a girl could ever ask for. And... I was considering it..."
Sunset Shimmer stood before all the gathered Jedi, all waiting to hear her decision. She weighed her options carefully before releasing a deep breath. With her mind made up, she faced the gathering with a look of determination.
"Thank you very much for the generous offer," Sunset spoke. "Unfortunately... I have to pass."
"How so?" Obi-Wan asked.
"It's true I did play my part in defeating the remnants of the Emperor... but I did not truly defeat the Emperor. It was Anakin... he was the one destined to defeat Emperor Palpatine, not me. I only fought so I could get back to my friends... and because it was the right thing to do. Besides, I don't feel like a hero like any of you... least, not completely."
The young man himself, Anakin Skywalker, stood up from his seat and slowly approached Sunset Shimmer. It was not often that she had seen Anakin in this state before, yet there he was at the height of his glory before descending into the Dark Side. He looked over toward Sunset and gave a gentle smile.
"Maybe not..." Anakin admitted. "If there's one thing I've come to learn during my time, a hero is someone who doesn't go looking for it. You and your friends never gave up on me, even when I was at the lowest point of my life. You freed me, and for that I owe you some thanks."
"Just remember Sunset Shimmer," Obi-Wan spoke. "The force is not measured by all the deeds you perform, but through your heart. What is your heart saying now?"
Sunset looked down, reaching deep within herself. Of all the things she could ever ask for, only one thing came to her mind...
"You gave up being 'one' with the force to come back to us?" Marek spoke.
"I know I could've been one of the most powerful beings in the galaxy," Sunset admitted. "But it wouldn't feel satisfying if no one I knew was there to share it with. I just couldn't find myself in a world where I had to be truly apart from my friends, so I merely asked them to send me back... and they agreed."
"I'm sorry you had to give up being a Goddess again," Twilight apologized. "Even just for us—"
"I'm not sorry," Sunset smiled. "I don't need the galaxy... and I don't need the fame. Being with all of you is the highest honor... I'm home."
The girls smiled and embraced Sunset Shimmer again, as Luke Skywalker looked on. Sadly, yet proudly, he smiled at the tender scene.
Little did anyone know, watching out from the distance, Demetria looked out from a small cliff toward the scene. She had seen and heard everything that Sunset Shimmer said, now back in the arms of her own friends. It filled her with shock seeing that her master had turned away from the Dark Side, turning away everything she initially lead her to fight for... just to throw it all away. Her shock was soon replaced with rage as she ultimately turned away, racing off into the blackness... betrayed by her own master.
In every sky above, fireworks exploded over the horizon. In every corner of the galaxy, there was much celebration once word spread that Emperor Palpatine and the Empire in general had been soundly defeated. Every planet in the galaxy from Cloud City to Tatooine and even the distant planet of Naboo ('Weesa free!') cheered and cried aloud, gathering all across the streets knowing they no longer have to fear the empire. Cities like on Coruscant no longer needing the statues of Palpatine's image, tearing them down and celebrating their newfound freedom.
On the moon planet of Endor, fireworks exploded, and Rebel fights zoomed above the forest. A huge bonfire, the centerpiece of a wild celebration, had Rebels and Ewoks rejoicing along the warm glow of firelight. Drums were beating, singing, dancing, and laughter filled the air in the communal language of victory and liberation. Lando ran in, enthusiastically hugged by Han and Chewie. Then finally, Luke arrived with all his friends rushing to greet and embrace him. They stood close, this hardy group, taking comfort in each other's tough, together to the end.
The original group of adventures, with Twilight Sparkle and Storm Shield in the lead, watched from the sidelines smiling happily. Only they could see Luke was distracted, along in their midst, his thoughts elsewhere. He looked off toward the side and saw three shimmering, smiling figures at the edge of the shadows: Ben 'Obi-Wan' Kenobi... Yoda... and finally, Anakin Skywalker, in his youth.
Twilight and the others smiled as they looked toward the force ghosts in admiration. Suddenly, they felt a rush of air around them and noticed a bright light as the familiar portal back to Equestria finally opened once more. Luke, Leia, Han, Marek, and Lando stared toward the portal pool with wide eyes.
"What is that?" Luke asked.
"That... is our ride home," Twilight answered.
"You're leaving?" Leia asked surprised.
"Indeed we are, Leia dear," Rarity nodded. "We have families and friends waiting for us back in Equestria."
"No doubt they miss us one hay of a heap load," Applejack agreed.
Leia smiled at her group of friends, as she stepped toward each of them and gave the group a big hug. Han looked at them as he gave a light smile.
"Good work out there kids," He complimented. "I guess you're not just a couple of Nancy-girls like I once thought."
"And you're not a big stupid meathead like I once thought," Rainbow snarked.
This caused Han to chuckle as he walked up and hugged her, along with each one of the girls (Even Storm as well). All of a sudden, Ahsoka, Cal, and Luke walked toward them shaking hands before hugging them.
"It was an honor to train and fight with you all," Luke told them.
"You have proven to us, and to the rest of the galaxy, you are true heroes of the Republic," Ahsoka added.
"As far as we, and everyone else are concerned, you are Jedi just as we are," Cal smiled.
The girls and Storm all smiled, bowing their heads in thanks before turning back to the portal. Twilight looked over to the side, seeing Sunset Shimmer still sitting on the ground, looking down.
"Come on Sunset!" She called. "Time to go home."
Sunset slowly looked up at Twilight, who could see the disappointed (Somewhat hurt) look on her face. Sunset picked herself to her feet, turning around as she awkwardly rubbed her shoulder. Twilight walked over, placing a hand upon her shoulder.
"You okay?" She asked concerned.
It was then Sunset finally turned back, releasing a deep breath.
"I'm not going back Twilight Sparkle," She said seriously.
This caught Twilight by surprise, so much she took a step back as her eyes widened over what she heard.
"W-What?" She asked.
Sunset once again looked down.
"What I mean to say is... I can't go back," She said softly. "Not after everything I've done. I have to make things right."
Twilight once more approached Sunset, lifting her chin so they could look into each other's eyes.
"You don't have to fix 'anything' Sunset," She assured. "That wasn't 'you' doing all those things. It was the dark side controlling you. As far as I'm concerned, you more than made up for it all when it really counted."
Sunset had to turn away once again, shedding a single tear down her face.
"It's not just about that," She whimpered.
"Then... what do you mean?" Twilight asked.
Sunset took one more deep breath before she faced Twilight.
"I never wanted to have to tell you this," She sighed. "But for the longest time, I've had this feeling deep down that I just don't belong anymore. I knew that after graduating high school, I'd have to decide what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Do I stay in Canterlot City? Try to get myself a job? Do I go back to Equestria? Try to find my place there? Hard as I tried to make sense of it, neither of those options seemed best for me. I just... never could truly find my place."
As Twilight listened to Sunset's explanation, she couldn't help but she a few tears herself.
"Back at the party you threw for my graduation, those thoughts ran around my head so much," Sunset continued. "I wanted to tell you, when you found me on the balcony, but... I just didn't know 'how'. I just had absolutely no idea what to do. Then when we got sucked in here, I found myself trapped in my subconscious. But when I was there, learning to be a Jedi, it was the first time in a long while I actually felt confident with my life. I knew I found a reason to live, a reason to fight..."
It was then Marek walked up alongside Sunset. She stared at him with a smile, as they locked hands together.
"A reason to love," She said happily.
She then turned back toward Twilight.
"I know my being here hasn't been the greatest experience, but it helped open my eyes in a way I could never hope to understand," She explained. "Here, there are so many different worlds to explore, new adventures to have, new friends to make. A place where I can truly start over and become something bigger than myself."
Sunset released Marek's hand and walked off to the side. Twilight walked up behind her, casting a downward glance.
"Were you feeling this way? Even back with the Perron's?" She asked seriously.
Sunset didn't give a response, but simply nodded her head slowly. Twilight closed her eyes for a moment, contemplating her friend's words.
"Oh Sunset..."
As she contemplated the thoughts going through her head... she couldn't help but sing.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Twilight (Sings:)
I didn't know what you were going through
I thought that you were fine
Why did you have to hide?
Sunset (Sings):
I didn't want to let you down
But the truth is out
It's tearing me apart, not listening to my heart
I really had to go
Twilight (Sings):
And I would never stop you
Sunset (Sings):
Even though we changed
Twilight (Sings):
Nothing has to change
Sunset & Twilight (Sings):
And you can find me in the space between
Where two worlds come to meet
I'll never be out of reach
'Cause you're a part of me so you can find me in the space between
You'll never be alone
No matter where you go
We can meet in the space between
Sunset (Sings):
And nothing can stay the same
It's growing pains
Twilights (Sings):
Be proud of all the scars
They make you who you are (oh, woah)
I know you have to stay
Sunset (Sings):
But I'll never really leave you
Twilight (Sings):
Nothing has to change
Sunset (Sings):
Even though we changed
Sunset & Twilight (Sings):
And you can find me in the space between
Where two worlds come to meet
I'll never be out of reach
'Cause you're a part of me so you can find me in the space between
You'll never be alone
No matter where you go
We can meet in the space between
Sunset (Sings):
There are no words left to say
Twilight (Sings):
I know you gotta find your place
Sunset (Sings):
But this is not the end (no)
You're part of who I am
Sunset and Twilight (Sings):
Even if we're worlds apart
You're still in my heart it will always be you and me, yeah
Twilight (Sings):
You can find me in the space between
Sunset & Twilight (Sings):
Where two worlds come to meet
Twilight (Sings):
You'll never be out of reach
Sunset (Sings):
I'll never be out of reach
Sunset & Twilight (Sings):
'Cause you're a part of me so you can find me in the space between
Twilight (Sings):
You'll never be alone
Sunset (Sings):
No matter where you go
Sunset & Twilight (Sings):
We can meet in the space between, yeah
Sunset (Sings):
No matter where you go
Twilight (Sings):
No matter where you go
Sunset & Twilight (Sings):
We can meet in the space between
After the song had ended, Twilight and Sunset embraced each other in such a warm embrace, both allowing their tears fall.
"I'm really going to miss you Sunset Shimmer," Twilight whimpered. "Just know... you're more than welcome to come visit Equestria, no invitation necessary."
"I'll come visit you every chance I get," Sunset reassured. "You will always be in my heart, as I am in yours."
And with that settled, Twilight and Sunset eventually parted from one another as they kept their eyes locked toward each other. Sunset returned to Marek's side, and Twilight in Storm's. They stood there at a slight distance from the other, Storm and Twilight mere feet from the open portal and its light glowing behind them, giving them a radiant glow.
"Take care of your princess, Storm Shield," Marek smiled.
"And take care of yours, Galen Marek," Storm replied.
"No matter what anyone says Sunset Shimmer," Twilight concluded. "You will 'always' to be a Princess to me."
Then, as they waved their hands toward one another, Storm and Twilight stepped backward into the portal as Sunset and Marek looked on for one final time until the portal finally vanished before their eyes. As they stood there hand in hand, watching from a distance, the Mandalorian looked out over a distant hill for one last look.
"Good luck, Sunset Shimmer," He spoke.
Finally turning away, The Mandalorian ignited his jet pack and took off into the distance. With his work finally done, he could finally go back to his own work even if it meant not saying goodbye to his new allies directly. For when it come to his work, the life of a Mandalorian is never over. This was only... the beginning.
Unbeknownst to our heroes, deep within the Everfree forest, three former sirens and a Twi'lek Sith emerged from their own portal. All four ladies were battered from war, and angry as ever.
"Damn that Twilight Sparkle and those stupid, meddling ponies!" Adagio sneered. "Why is it every time we finally have a means to achieve our end, they always come out of nowhere and ruin everything?"
"It took us forever to finally find the empire after losing our singing voices," Aria groaned. "Even longer to finally climb the ranks to become Inquisitors. All that power, all that dark energy, gone in the blink of an eye."
"I don't know, maybe it's a good thing we didn't win this time," Sonata shrugged.
This caused both Adagio and Aria to snap their heads, glaring at her. Sonata squeaked and nearly shrunk in stature.
"Sorry, she apologized. "It's just... for real-sies, I never liked the Emperor. Always pushing around the way he did, telling us what to do. And besides... we could've died in that explosion. Those ponies saved our lives."
"Sonata, I'm only going to say this with the upmost sincerity," Aria said calmly. "YOU'RE AN IDIOT!!!"
Sonata jumped and hid herself behind Adagio, hiding from her sister's wrath. Adagio just rolled her eyes before pulling Sonata out from behind her.
"Alright you two, that's enough!" She said.
Beside them, Demetria growled to herself as she breathed heavily.
"She said we'd rule the galaxy together," She seethed quietly. "She promised me the galaxy... and she practically spat in my face!"
Demetria then released the most ungodly scream imaginable, and a whole bunch of trees in the Everfree ripped from the ground itself blasting off into distant space.
"She is going to pay for this!" Demetria vowed. "Mark my words, if it's the last thing I ever do, I WILL destroy Sunset Shimmer!"
Soon the Dazzlings walked up beside her.
"Get in line tentacles," Aria quipped. "We all want to destroy those pathetic little ponies."
"Well—" Sonata spoke timidly.
"ALL!" Aria clarified, sighing. "Seems we can never come up with a good enough plan to do it."
"Perhaps I can help with that."
All four girls snapped their heads to the side, as another dark figure emerged from the Everfree. The figure which turned out to be none other than the Master of the Dead himself, Darth Andromedis. The white haired Sith lord slowly stalked from the trees with his black cloak billowing in the wind. All the girls looked at him with quirked brows in confusion.
"Well look who 'finally' decided to show up!" Aria groaned.
"What are you doing here?" Demitria asked. "I thought you were ripping the galaxy to oblivion."
"I was..." Andromedis nodded. "Or at least, that's what I 'wanted' Palpatine to believe. When the truth is I had something to find."
Andromedis snapped his fingers and in a dark cloud, Palpatine's stone throne appeared behind them.
"What? You spent all that time looking for a rocking chair?" Aria asked. "You wanted something so uncomfortable to sit on, there's an endless supply of fallen trees here."
Andromedis merely chuckled at her words humorously. From behind the mighty Sith, the Mysterious Benefactor, Cozy Glow, Lord Tirek, Sombra, and Chrysalis appeared. The Dazzlings and Demetria all stood at attention, ready for an attack.
"No need for that," The Benefactor informed them. "We haven't come to kill you, rather to aid."
"Yeah right!" Adagio said sarcastically. "Like we'd ever believe anything from someone who wears an old bedsheet over their head?"
"Silence you worm!" Chrysalis hissed.
"At ease Chrysalis," The Benefactor assured. "We don't expect you ladies to trust us. Matter of fact, we'd consider you fools to do so. However, what we offer onto you is 'very' real."
The Benefactor motioned to Chrysalis, Cozy, Tirek, and Andromedis.
"These four already agreed to join us in taking over countless worlds behind this, and we offer you the same. The chance to join an order so powerful, even the mighty princesses and their Elements of Harmony can never stop us."
Though the idea seemed tempting, the Dazzlings and Demitria certainly were no fools.
"How do we know you'll even keep your word?" Adagio asked.
"And how do any of us know this isn't a trap?" Demitria agreed.
Andromedis stepped to the side of the Benefactor.
"Because I offer you the full might of my new empire."
The girls looked at him in confusion, as Andromedis turned and held out a hand. The very stone of the throne cracked, bits chipping away, and when the dust settled they couldn't believe what they saw. In place of the stone instead sat a magnificent throne forged of dark steel.
"Behold... the Eternal Throne," Andromedia smiled wickedly.
"Impossible!" Adagio said. "It was said to have been destroyed three thousand years ago."
"So it was believed," Andromedis nodded. "In reality, however, the throne was sealed away in stone by the Republic so no man or woman could 'ever' again possess the incredible power it wields. They buried it so far beneath the earth it was believed impossible to find again."
"So then how in the world did old wrinkle-face end up with it?" Aria asked.
"How he came to possess it is a mystery," Andromedis admitted. "However, he was never able to unlock the true potential of the throne. When hidden in formation, one could never truly possess the power of the Eternal Fleet. Had Palpatine been aware of the true power he possessed, perhaps the tide of war may have shifted in his favor."
Andromedis stepped forward to the throne, turning back to face the sinister group before him.
"Now I possess the Eternal Throne, and with it I will bring forth a new empire unto the galaxy. Under my rule, we will begin a new era in galactic history."
Hen then looked over toward the Dazzlings and Demitria.
"Join me as my apprentices, and I will allow you to command the Eternal Fleet however you see fit."
Andromedis sat upon the throne and the moment he did, a strange energy burst from the throne itself. From across the galaxy, across different worlds, an entire armada of ancient starships arose from beneath the earth and shot off at lightspeed toward Equestria. Looking above them, the entire group saw them looming overhead at the ready. The Dazzlings and Demitria looked amongst each other, wicked grins on their faces, and they turned back toward Andromedis and the Dark Order.
"Where do we sign up?" They asked together.
From the darkness of the forest, while the evil syndicate plotted, a menacing black figured loomed in the dark. It's red glowing eyes watching everything unfold before it, then its bat-like wings opened at full length, and it shot up into the sky. As it flew off into the darkness, it released a shriek that could make a cockatrice quake.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
And then... it disappeared into the unknown.
The End...?
(End of Season 1)
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