Fight for Freedom
With their friends having basically walked themselves straight into the empire's clutches, Storm Shield, along with Spike and the rest of the Mane Six sat in absolute silence as they contemplated the severity of what just happened. Twilight Sparkle and Luke Skywalker just surrendered themselves to Vader in hopes of getting aboard the Death Star to stop the Emperor and save both Vader and Sunset Shimmer from the dark side.
Now as they sat in contemplation, they realized just how big a leap of faith this truly was. They'll be taken aboard the Death Star where thousands upon thousands of stormtroopers were waiting as well as the imperial master himself. This was definitely not a good idea.
"We shouldn't have let them go," Rarity spoke, breaking the silence. "Certainly not by themselves anyway."
"It was their choice," Applejack reminded. "Ah believe Twi can get Sunset back somehow, just as ah certainly know Luke can reach his father."
"Still, she and Luke shouldn't have gone alone," Rainbow countered.
"Oh dear, I can only imagine what horrible things the Emperor could do to them," Fluttershy whimpered.
"Well I think old Palpy isn't all that bad, just a bunch of hype," Pinkie smiled. "One thing I never got is how he came back after falling down the reactor core. I mean they don't exactly go into detail about it in the next trilogy."
Once again, everyone looked toward Pinkie who just smiled and waved.
"Don't worry guys," Spike said encouragingly. "Twilight and Luke can handle anything that gets thrown at them."
It was then Galen Marek and the Mandalorian joined the group and sat alongside them.
"Never underestimate the power of the Emperor," Marek warned. "I've seen for myself what he could do. There's a reason he's maintained ultimate power over the galaxy as long as he has. He's a master of deception."
"What do you mean darling?" Rarity asked.
"I can explain that part," Storm answered. "Back when the Republic was the center of peace in the galaxy, Sheev Palpatine wormed his way into their ranks. Little did any of them know was him secretly being a Sith Lord in sheep's clothing. He and the Separatist leaders started the Clone Wars and tricked the Republic into accepting an army whose sole purpose was to betray them. Soon as he rose the rank of Supreme Chancellor, he used his authority to disband the Republic and created the new Galactic Empire. And from there... everything went downhill."
It was then Mando decided to throw his own two cents into the conversation.
"For thousands of years, the Mandalorians backed the Empire through countless wars and assassinations," He explained. "I myself, however, did not foresee a bright future for the Empire with Palpatine leading the charge. I decided to make due on my own; of course, in doing so putting myself on the Empire's hit list. So throwing in with all of you wasn't my original plan, but I figured it's better to join the winning side rather than wait for the empire to find me."
"I only hope we'll actually bring an end to this evil empire and save our friends," Rarity said nervously.
"How's 'bout we go on and see what the others are plannin'?" Applejack suggested. "Surely there might be somethin' we can do."
"Good idea," Rainbow agreed. "They'd said they'd be up on the ledge looking out for the shield generators."
"With any luck, they might have figured out a plan," Storm added.
With that, the group all stood and made their way towards the ridge. Han Solo, Leia Organa, Chewbacca, the droids, Wicket, and another Ewok scout, Paploo, hid while overlooking the massive Imperial shield generator. At the base of the generator was an Imperial landing platform. Leia studied the installation, while the remainder of the group crept up alongside them surveying the scene itself.
"So what do you guys see so far?" Storm whispered.
"The main entrance to the control bunker's on the far side of that landing platform," Leia explained. "This isn't gonna be easy."
"Thankfully we're pretty used to things being done the hard way," Spike quipped.
"Still, with all those guards down there, I just know it'll be intense," Fluttershy whimpered. "How are we going to get in?"
"Hey, don't worry," Han assured. "Chewie and I got into a lot of places more heavily guarded than this."
Wicket and Paploo chattered away in the Ewok language while speaking with 3PO.
"What's he saying?" Leia asked.
"He says there's a secret entrance on the other side of the ridge," 3PO translated.
Meanwhile, high in the vast regions of space above, the fleet hung in space near a blue planet. A giant Rebel Star Cruiser is up at the front, but now the Millennium Falcon roared up to a spot ahead of it, tiny in comparison. Lando sat in the pilot seat while his alien copilot, Nien Numb, took some getting used to in the familiar environs of the Falcon's cockpit.
"Admiral, we're in position," Lando announced, through commlink. "All fighters accounted for."
"Proceed with the countdown," Ackbar responded. "All groups assume attack coordinates."
Lando turned toward his weird copilot and could tell just by looking at him he was nervous.
"Don't worry, my friends are down there," He assured. "They'll have that shield down on time... or this'll be the shortest offensive of all time."
The copilot flipped some switches, grunting an alien comment.
"All crafts, prepare to jump to hyperspace on my mark," Ackbark ordered.
"All right. Stand by."
He pulled a lever, and the stars outside begin to streak. First the Millennium Falcon, then Ackbar's Star Cruiser, then, in large segments, the huge fleet roared into hyperspace before disappearing.
Han, Leia, Chewie, the droids, and their two Ewok guides, Wicket and Paploo, have reunited with the Rebel strike squad. The entire group were spread through the thick undergrowth. Below them was the very bunker leading into the generator. Four imperial scouts, their speeder bikes parked nearby, kept watch over the bunker entrance. Chewie growled an observation, and Paploo chattered away to Han in Ewok.
"Back door, huh?" Han asked. "Good idea."
Wicket and Paploo continue their Ewok conversation.
"It's only a few guards. This shouldn't be too much trouble."
"Well, it only takes one to sound the alarm," Leia reminded.
"And only a matter of moments for the rest of the troopers to come running," Applejack added.
"Then we'll do it real quiet-like," Han responded.
"Yeah because we always manage to do things quietly," Rainbow said sarcastically.
3PO explained what was going on to Wicket and Paploo. The Ewoks chattered a moment between themselves. Then Paploo jumped up and scampered into the underbrush. 3PO asked Wicket where Paploo went and was given a rather short reply.
"Oh! Oh, my," 3PO gasped. "Uh, Princess Leia!"
"Quiet," Leia hissed.
"Good heavens 3PO, now what's the matter?" Rarity asked.
"I'm afraid our furry companion has gone and done something rather rash."
"Oh no..." Fluttershy gasped.
Before their eyes, Paploo had slipped out of the undergrowth near where the Imperial scouts were lounging about. Han, Leia, and the company watched in distress while Chewie barked.
"There goes our surprise attack," Han sighed.
Paploo silently swung his furry body onto one of the scout's speeder bikes and began flipping switches at random. Suddenly, the bike's engine fired up with a tremendous roar. Paploo grinned and continued flipping switches. The scouts leapt up in utter surprise.
"Look! Over there!" A scout shouted. "Stop him!"
The Imperial scouts raced toward Paploo, just as his speeder zoomed into motion. Paploo hung on by his paws and shot away into the forest. Three of the Imperial scouts jumped on their rocket bikes and sped away in pursuit. The fourth watched them go from his post at the door. Han, Leia, and Chewie exchanged delighted looks while their friends stared in utter surprise.
"Well... that just happened," Spike remarked.
"Not bad for a little furball," Han complimented. "There's only one left. You stay here. We'll take care of this."
Han and the Wookie nodded at each other, as they slipped down toward the bunker. 3PO moved to stand next to Wicket and R2.
"I have decided that we shall stay here," 3PO confirmed.
Paploo sailed through the trees, more out of luck than in control. It's scary, and yet he loves it. When the Imperial scouts pulled within sight behind him and began firing laser bolts, he decided he's had enough. As he rounded a tree, out of their sight, Paploo grabbed a vine and swung up into the trees. A moment later, the scouts tore under him in pursuit of the still-flying, unoccupied bike.
Han snuck up behind the remaining Imperial scout, tapped him on the shoulder and allowed the scout to chase him behind the bunker straight into the arms of the waiting Rebel strike team. Han returned to the front and tapped a pattern on the bunker door's control panel. Everyone stood out of sight, police-style, as the door opened. Han and Leia peeked inside, finding no sign of life. The rest of the group entered the bunker silently, leaving one lookout behind.
In the twisted steel confines of the Death Star, Darth Vader lead Luke Skywalker and Twilight Sparkle in the direction of the Emperor's throne room. As they walked, Luke and Twilight looked back and forth at one another before facing Vader. Twilight also looked around, almost in anticipation and also worry. So far she'd not seen Darth Seraphina, which was odd because normally she and Vader were always together.
Eventually, the group came to a halt as they noticed the three Inquisitors made their way toward their direction. The masked assassins halted in the presence of their master, bowing in respect toward Lord Vader.
"Lord Vader, we were requested specifically to escort the prisoner to the main reactor," The Third Sister spoke, gesturing to Twilight.
"The Emperor requested their presence in the throne room," Vader retorted.
"That was before his imperial majesty made a new request for her to be brought to the reactor," The Fourth Sister responded.
"And why pray tell would the Emperor wish for her to be escorted there?"
"Let's just say there's an 'old friend' who really wants to see her," The Fifth Sister responded.
Vader slowly turned toward Twilight before turning back and nodding his head so slightly.
"Very well," He agreed. "When you are finished escorting her, you are to join General Grievous on the surface of Endor immediately."
"Yes, Lord Vader," The Inquisitors all nodded.
The Third Sister grabbed Twilight roughly by the arm, proceeding to drag her down the hall with the other Inquisitors following close behind. Twilight cast a glance at Luke, who gave her a knowing look and a light nod. Twilight nodded back toward the young Jedi, as she knew exactly what would be coming next. So she followed along with the three Inquisitors as they made their way towards the reactor.
As they walked, Twilight examined all three Inquisitors and studied them closely. The black cloaks, the visors, they all scream dark side. And yet there also seemed to be something familiar about them all the same.
"I hope you are prepared for what happens next Twilight Sparkle," The Third Sister spoke.
"I've been ready for the last few years," Twilight responded simply.
"As has our master," The Fourth Sister added. "She has long awaited the opportunity to end you herself."
"At least she no longer hides behind a mask like you cowards," Twilight mocked.
The Third Sister stopped in her tracks causing Twilight to bump into her and fall backwards. All three Inquisitors looked down at her, then at each other. They all nodded simultaneously before they reached up and removed their visors at the same time. Twilight gasped in surprise when she saw the familiar faces of Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk staring down at her.
"Hello princess," Adagio smirked.
"Did you miss us?" Aria grinned.
Twilight just stared wide eyed at the three sirens, the Dazzlings, the girls she had battled with in the past.
"H-How?" She asked shocked.
Adagio knelt down quickly, yanking Twilight back to her feet.
"'How' and 'why' aren't really important right now," She said wickedly. "What is important is 'who' and 'what' awaits you."
She shoved Twilight forward down the hall. Eventually, they came to a set of double doors which slide open to reveal quite the sight. Twilight stared at the giant Death Star reactor, as it glowed a bright blue in the midst of the giant room.
There were a series of platforms stretching across the room that all culminated in the center where the reactor remained. Twilight could also see a hooded figure standing right in the dead center, staring at the giant reactor. Adagio pushed Twilight forward and she fell down onto the platform before her. She turned back seeing the three sirens looking at her maliciously.
"Well, we'd love to stay and chat," Adagio spoke confidently. "But we're late for killing all your friends."
"Much to avenge, revenge, and destroy," Aria chuckled.
"Catch you later Twily," Sonata waved.
The door slid shut and locked as they all walked away. Twilight slowly pulled herself back toward her feet. Grabbing her lightsaber that still hung on her belt, she slowly turned around and stared toward the hood figure standing by the reactor. Taking a few cautious steps forward, she eventually stood in the middle of the platform waiting.
"Sunset!" She yelled.
Slowly, ever so slowly, the hooded figure turned to face Twilight. Though her face was still shrouded under the hood, Twilight knew exactly who she was staring at.
"Twilight Sparkle," Seraphina grinned. "I have long been waiting for this day."
Though Twilight was quite nervous and scared, she didn't show it. She just stood tall with all the confidence she could muster.
"Take off that hood," She said. "You don't need it anymore."
"What do you think you will see if I do?" Seraphina asked.
"The face of my best friend."
A long moment of silence passed as the two force wielders just stood there staring at one another. Eventually, Seraphina grinned and reached up as she pulled back the hood of her cloak. Twilight could then look upon the face of Sunset Shimmer once more. Her entire demeanor seemed to grow ever darker since they last met. Her eyes seemed redder, if that were even possible, and the dark veins covered more of her face than before.
"Your friend is gone," Seraphina spoke evilly. "She was weak... foolish... much like yourself. I've destroyed her."
"That's not true!" Twilight shot back. "I know my friend is still alive. She's still in there somewhere, buried deep in the darkness, and I intend to dig her out!"
Seraphina gave a wicked laugh as she stepped forward onto the platform.
"And exactly what would you know about darkness? You're the Princess of Friendship, the Element of Magic. Your very being is coated in light. You have absolutely no idea what it's like to be me."
Twilight took a deep breath, as she took a few more steps forward.
"Sunset, please! Just listen to me—"
"DO NOT CALL ME THAT!" Seraphina screamed. "That's not who I am anymore!"
"Yes it is!" Twilight yelled back. "You've just forgotten who you are; you've been blinded by the Emperor's lies. And you know that! Don't deny it, Sunset!"
Seraphina's brow furrowed greatly; a great scowl drew unto her face.
"Is that what you think this is about?" She asked. "I honestly don't know what I hate most about you. Your cluelessness... or your over-inflated ego."
"Please Sunset, I can help you if you'll just let me," Twilight pleaded.
Seraphina growled as she quickly reached for her lightsaber.
"You still don't understand!" Seraphina screamed. "YOU ABANDONED ME!!!"
This caused Twilight to take a step back from the sheer amount of volume in her voice.
"W-What are you talking about?" She asked confused.
"You left me behind!" Seraphina yelled. "I waited... and waited... and waited for you to rescue me. The whole time I was tortured, put through the worst pain you could ever possibly imagine. I prayed every night my friends would come for me. But where were you, Twilight Sparkle? You tossed me aside for this stupid rebellion and left me... with him!"
"That's not true!" Twilight cried. "I loved you so much, we all did. We searched across the galaxy for the last few years trying to find you. We'd never abandon you."
Once again, Seraphina laughed menacingly as she stepped forward once more till she and Twilight were just within arms' length from each other.
"You always told me Twilight, 'Focus on what I want, and it will happen'. Well... do you know what I want now? I... want... you... DEAD!"
Darth Seraphina unclipped her cloak and let it fall to the ground before she ignited her dual saber, twirling it around a few times before standing at the ready to fight. Twilight hesitantly reached for her own lightsaber, igniting it.
"I don't want to fight you Sunset Shimmer," Twilight said hesitantly. "But I will do whatever I have to do to save the galaxy... and you!"
"I wouldn't want to fight me either," Seraphina smirked wickedly.
Within the confines of her mind, Sunset Shimmer currently waged a war of her own. Satele Shan currently battled the Vitiate form of the Emperor and though she was strong in the force, the Emperor was certainly equal to her. Valora Syn battled against her long-time enemy in Darth Andromedis and Darth Marr battled against the man who killed him in Valkorion. This left Sunset Shimmer as the lone one standing across the Emperor's true form: Tenebrae. The red-skinned Sith pureblood just laughed as he stared her down.
"Don't you see the errors of the ways that held you back for so long?" He asked. "Why do you continue to resist? Let go... accept the darkness. We will accomplish so much once I am in control of that wonderful vessel of yours."
Sunset held her lightsaber before her, standing at the ready to attack.
"You won't hurt me or anyone else in the galaxy ever again," She spoke determined. "I will stop you, once and for all."
This only caused Tenebrae to laugh harder.
"So confident..." He chuckled. "You clearly don't know as much of me as you think. Both versions of me became too complacent, too distracted by moral concerns. Empires, wars... even family. I have seen where that path led, and I am not so easily distracted now."
Tenebrae leapt through the air and Sunset did the same as Tenebrae quickly procured an ancient lightsaber. The two began to duel back and forth. Both landed heavy blows that under normal circumstance would have blown a regular person to pieces. Tenebrae delivered a vicious kick to Sunset's stomach causing her to groan and fall back. Tenebrae tried to strike her down, but Sunset was much too quick, rolling toward the side and regaining her ground. When she got back up, Sunset and Tenebrae collided their sabers together as they battled out in a test of strength.
"You lash out with such conviction," Tenebrae growled. "Don't you see how pointless it all is? I control this place, and all that happens. Every motion happens by my design, and you are no exception. You cannot succeed, only die alone."
A sudden glow of purple caused them both to turn just as Revan charged in with his lightsaber drawn.
"In the fight against you, no one is alone."
He leapt through the air and brought his lightsaber down, striking the former Emperor who dispersed in a dark purple mist. Revan turned back toward Sunset, who smiled at him in appreciation.
"Thanks for the hand," She thanked him. "Took you long enough."
"He divided us," Revan spoke. "That's how he's always won. He knows only together we are stronger than he could ever hope to be."
Revan held out a hand to her which Sunset happily took.
"Are you ready to go home, Sunset Shimmer?" Revan asked.
"Let's do this," She said determined.
"Then let's end him—together!"
Back in the Death Star, Vader and Luke entered the throne room alone. They walked across the dark space before the throne, both father and son, side by side, beneath the gaze of the Emperor. Vader bowed before his master.
"Welcome, young Skywalker," Palpatine greeted. "I have been expecting you."
Luke peered at the hooded figure defiantly. The Emperor looked down at Luke's binders.
"You no longer need those."
The Emperor motioned ever so slightly with one finger and Luke's binders fell away, clattering to the floor. Luke looked down at his own hands, free now to reach out and grab the Emperor's neck. But for now, he does nothing.
"Guards, leave us," Palpatine ordered.
The red-cloaked guards turned and vanished behind the elevator, never to be seen again.
"I'm looking forward to completing your training. In time, you will call me Master."
"You're gravely mistaken," Luke replied defiantly. "You won't convert me as you did my father."
The Emperor climbed down from his throne, walking very closely toward Luke. The Emperor looked into his eyes, and for the first time Luke could perceive the evil visage within the hood.
"Oh no, my young Jedi," Palpatine said. "You will find that it is you who are mistake... about a great many things."
"His lightsaber," Vader piped in.
Vader extended a gloved hand toward the Emperor, revealing Luke's lightsaber. The Emperor took it, examined it thoroughly.
"Ah yes, a Jedi's weapon," Palpatine chuckled. "Much like your father's. By now you must know your father can never be turned from the dark side. So will it be with you."
"You're wrong," Luke shook his head. "Soon I'll be dead... and you with me."
The evil Emperor only chuckled.
"Perhaps you refer to the imminent attack of your Rebel fleet," He spoke knowingly.
Luke looked up sharply.
"Yes... I assure you we are quite safe from your friends here."
Vader looked toward Luke.
"Your overconfidence is your weakness," Luke pointed out.
"Your faith in your friends is yours."
"It is pointless to resist, my son," Vader added.
The Emperor then turned to face Luke again.
"Everything that has transpired has done so according to my design," He mocked. "Your friends up there on the Sanctuary Moon are walking into a trap. As is your Rebel fleet! It was I who allowed the Alliance to know the location of the shield generator. It is quite safe from your pitiful little band. An entire legion of my best troops awaits them."
Luke's look darted from the Emperor to Vader and, finally, to the sword in the Emperor's hand.
"Oh... I'm afraid the deflector shield will be quite operational when your friends arrive."
Han, Leia, Chewie, Marek, Mando, the Equestrians, and the Rebel strike team stormed through a door and entered the main control room, taking all the personnel prisoner.
"Alright everybody!" Pinkie yelled. "Put your hands up in the air..."
All at once, many of the controllers threw their hands in the air as though they had absolutely no control of their actions.
"... and wave 'em around like you just don't care!" Pinkie said happily.
All the controllers began waving their arms in the air along with Pinkie, much to the confusion of everyone else. It wasn't until Rainbow Dash came up and placed a hand on Pinkie's shoulder did they finally stop, much to their relief.
"Um Pinkie, I know you're having fun and all, but in case you haven't noticed... WE'RE ON A MISSION HERE!!!" She yelled loudly.
"Alright, alright," Pinkie said defensively. "Yeesh! No one gets my humor!"
"All right! Up!" Han ordered. "Move! Come on! Quickly! Quickly, Chewie."
The Rebel troops herd the generator controllers away from their panels. Leia glanced at one of the screens on the control panel.
"Han!" Leia yelled. "Hurry! The fleet will be here any moment."
"Charges!" Han ordered. "Come on, come on!"
The team worked quickly to set the charges around the controls, knowing that time was not on their side at the moment.
Outside, 3PO watched nervously in the bushes as several more controllers and stormtroopers raced into the bunker, leaving the guards at the door. He then took notice of a few more figures approaching from the rear. Those figures being General Grievous, the Dazzlings (Minus their visors), and Demitria.
"Oh, my!" 3PO cried. "They'll be captured!"
Wicket chattered in Ewok and took off full steam into the forest.
"Wa-wait!" 3PO called after him. "Wait, come back! R2, stay with me."
Meanwhile, inside the bunker, Han and Pinkie Pie looked up from setting charges as an Imperial commander entered.
"Freeze!" The commander yelled.
"Uh... think fast!" Pinkie shouted, hurling a case.
The case with the charges struck the commander, and he fell backward over the rails screaming while plummeting to his death. Everyone else spun around to find dozens of Imperial weapons trained on them and their cohorts. A poised force of Imperial troops surrounded them, even more pouring into the room, roughly disarming the Rebel contingent. And among them, another commander glared at the nervous group.
"You Rebel scum..."
"Ooh boy..." Spike muttered.
Han, Leia, and the others exchanged looks as they found themselves completely helpless. In that moment, Grievous, the Dazzlings, and Demetria finally arrived.
"Well... well... well..." Grievous chuckled. "Like wamprats caught in a trap, you scum make it far too easy to exterminate you."
"And look what we have here girls," Adagio smirked. "Galen Marek, alive and ticking... we shall remedy that very soon."
"Ooh-ho-ho, all the things we're going to do to you..." Sonata smiled, pointing at everyone. "And you... and you... and..."
Sonata paused when she noticed the masked bounty hunter, Mando, just staring defiantly at the confused Siren.
"And... you are?"
"My name is of little importance to either of you," Mando spoke defiantly.
"You think you're pretty tough," Aria glared. "Well we'll see how you last after we rip you apart, so we can look into the eyes of the man who thinks he could destroy us.
"Remove the Rebels from the base, on the double!" Demetria ordered.
And so the stormtroopers proceeded to do so, without question, as they started taking our heroes' weapons and lead them through the bunker back toward the surface.
The Death Star and its Sanctuary Moon hung distant in space, as the Rebel fleet appeared from hyperspace with an awesome roar. The Millennium Falcon and several Rebel fighters are at the front as the space armada bared down on its target: The Death Star. Lando flipped switched, checked his screen, and spoke into the radio.
"All wings report in."
"Red Leader standing by," Wedge reported.
"Gray Leader standing by."
"Green Leader standing by."
"Lock S-foils in attack positions," Wedge commanded.
From the bridge of the Rebel Headquarters Frigate, Admiral Ackbar watched the fighters massed outside his viewscreen.
"May the Force be with us."
Lando looked worriedly toward his alien copilot, Nien Nunb, who pointed to the control panel and spoke to Lando.
"We've got to be able to get some kind of reading on that shield, up or down," Lando informed his colleague.
To which Nunb voiced his concerns through his own native tongue.
"Well, how could they be jamming us if they don't know... if we're coming," Lando realized.
Lando shot a concerned look toward the approaching Death Star, as the implications of what he's just saying sunk in. He quickly hit a switch on his commlink.
"Break off the attack! The shield is still up."
"I get no reading!" Red Leader spoke. "Are you sure?"
"Pull up! All craft pull up!"
The Falcon turned hard to the left. Out the window, the stars and the Death Star moved off right. The Falcon and the fighters of Red Squad veered off desperately to avoid the unseen wall. Alarms screamed, lights flashed, all while the huge ship changed course abruptly. Other ships in the fleet shot by outside as the armada tried to halt its forward momentum.
"Take evasive action!" Ackbar commanded. "Green Group, stick close to holding sector MV-7."
A Mon Calamari controller turned away from his screen, calling out toward Ackbar quite excitedly. The Admiral rushed over to the controller.
"Admiral, we have enemy ships in sector 47," The controller informed.
On the screen the moon could be seen, the Death Star, and the massive Imperial fleet. Ackbar moved toward the commlink.
"It's a trap!" Ackbar shouted.
"Fighters coming in!" Lando confirmed, over commlink.
Much excitement was on the bridge as the attack began. The Millennium Falcon, and several Rebel squads, head into an armada of TIE fighters. The sky exploded as a fierce dogfight ensued in and around the giant Rebel cruisers.
"There's too many of them!" A Rebel Pilot informed.
"Accelerate to attack speed!" Lando ordered. "Draw their fire away from the cruisers."
"Copy, Gold Leader!" Wedge confirmed.
And thus, the battle continued around the giant cruisers. A desperate defense to keep their plan in motion, knowing that they still face a grueling, daunting task ahead.
Through the round window behind the Emperor's throne, distant flashes of a space battle in progress could be seen.
"Come boy," The Emperor beckoned. "See for yourself."
As the Emperor sat in his throne, with Vader standing by his side, Luke moved to look through a small section of the window.
"From here you will witness the final destruction of the Alliance," The Emperor continued. "And the end of your insignificant Rebellion."
Luke Skywalker was in utter torment. He glanced toward his lightsaber sitting on the armrest of the throne. The Emperor watched him, smiling, and caressing the lightsaber.
"You want this, don't you? The hate is swelling in you now. Take your Jedi weapon. Use it. I am unarmed. Strike me down with it. Give in to your anger. With each passing moment, you make yourself more my servant."
Vader watched the agony grow increasingly on Luke's face, despite the young man's best efforts to remain strong.
"No!" Luke defied.
"It is unavoidable," The Emperor spoke calmly. "It is your destiny. You, like your father, are now mine!"
Han, Leia, Chewie, and the rest of the strike team were led out of the bunker by their captors. Grievous, the Dazzlings, and Demetria took the lead looking out toward the surface proudly. The surrounding area, deserted before, was now crowded with two-legged Imperial walkers and hundreds of Imperial troops. It seemed the situation looked hopeless for our heroes.
"All right, move it!" A stormtrooper ordered. "I said move it! Go on!"
"Ooh... this is terrible, just horrible!" Fluttershy whimpered. "Just when everything was turning around for us, we've been outsmarted by our bitter enemies."
"A feeling I share far too well..." Sonata replied, absently.
"Don't talk to the prisoners, Sonata!" Aria scolded, punching Sonata's shoulder.
"Ow!" Sonata pouted.
"Chin up, Fluttershy dear," Rarity reassured. "We'll figure out a way through this somehow."
Suddenly, from the undergrowth beyond the clearing emerged a wild series of beeps and whistles, and—
"Hello!" 3PO called. "I say, over there! Were you looking for me?"
The Equestrians looked up seeing R2 and 3PO stood near one of the big trees. 3PO purposely exposed himself, waving his arms about drawing the Empire's attention.
"3PO?!" The Equestrians shouted, baffled.
"What the hay is he doing?!" Rainbow cried out.
"Bring those two down here!" The commander ordered.
"Let's go!"
As six Imperial stormtroopers rushed over to take them captive, the two droids ducked out of sight behind the tree.
"Well, they're on their way," 3PO assured. "R2, are you sure this was a good idea?"
The stormtroopers come around the tree, finding the two droids waiting quietly to be taken. 3PO quickly rose his hands in surrender.
"Freeze!" One trooper yelled. "Don't move!"
"We surrender!" 3PO said.
As the Imperial troops moved to do so, however, a band of Ewoks dropped down from above and overpowered them.
"Oh!" 3PO gasped. "Stand back, R2."
In a nearby tree, an Ewok rose a horn to his lips and sounded the attack call. And all at once... all hell broke loose! Hundreds of Ewoks threw their fuzzy bodies into the fray against the assembled stormtroopers and their awesome two-legged walkers. Biker scouts darted about blasting Ewoks only to be crushed by a volley of rocks tossed by Ewoks from the trees above.
Seeing their chance, the Equestrians broke free from their captors, raised their arms, and summoned back their previously discarded weapons, the lightsabers and even Mando's guns.
"I don't know about you ladies," Pinkie spoke. "But I've had just about enough of these Intergalactic Nazi rip-offs!"
"Yeah... like she said!" Rainbow agreed. "Let's buck these mothers up!!!"
Applejack merely turned toward Rainbow Dash and nodded with a smirk.
"ATTACK!!!" Grievous shouted.
The stormtroopers and controllers, undistracted by the Ewoks, raced toward the Equestrians and their allies with guns blazing. And they all leapt high into the air, Mando igniting his jetpack, and dove straight into the incoming battle ready to fight. Applejack landed on the ground and swung one leg hard, knocking two stormtroopers aside. Applejack proceeded to hack and slash away several beams shooting toward her and any unfortunate stormtroopers standing in their way.
She then flipped her lightsaber into the air, quickly took out her lasso, and whipped it high in the air snatching the glowing blade. She rapidly twirled the lightsaber with her lasso like a twirling chained hook and swung hard with a grunt. Her attack hit her targets, as stormtrooper helmets flew high into the air.
Rainbow Dash toward one controller and sliced him down with her twin lightsaber. She turned toward a charging stormtrooper, twirled her blade around, and knocked him down as he fell in pain. Several Stormtroopers attempted to fire from the corners of the trees, only for Rainbow to block them rapidly. She quickly raced toward the shooting stormtrooper, sliced his weapon in half, and kicked him upside the head. Then using the force, she lifted a nearby, heavy rock and swung it hard against the other stormtrooper knocking him flat on his back. She raced back to rejoin the others, twirling her dual-lightsaber high in the air.
In the meantime, the Mandalorian fired every arsenal of his weaponry he had against any stormtrooper and controller in range. Galen Marek defended his fellow ally using his lightsabers and Jedi force abilities, sending the Empire's forces flying and screaming. Suddenly, Galen felt something and quickly blocked an incoming lightsaber only to find himself staring into the rage-filled eyes of Demetria.
"What did your master ever see in a has-been like you?" Demetria growled.
"What a coincidence?" Marek smirked confidently. "I was just about to say the same about yours."
Demetria snarled and pushed Galen back, slashing her lightsaber with fury as Galen desperately ducked and blocked every form of attack she threw at him.
Rarity, along with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, defended themselves against the flurry of the Dazzlings offense. It is such a chaotic fight between all six competitors, at times Rarity blocked Adagio's blade from grazing Fluttershy, who barely blocked a fist from Aria with her boot.
And while their own allies had their arms full, Pinkie Pie and Sonata Dusk fought with their own flurry of lightsaber action. Their beams sparked against one another as they attempted to strike one another, pressing their weaponry in an attempt to get close. And then out of random, Pinkie quickly pulled out a cellphone from her hair.
"Say cheese!" Pinkie shouted gleefully.
Sonata quickly smiled alongside Pinkie Pie, who snapped a quick selfie, and they looked at the picture.
"Aw... I blinked!" Sonata whined.
"Eh, I'll edit this later," Pinkie shrugged.
Then the girls quickly resumed their fight after one random motion. Ducking between their legs and the chaos of falling bodies, Spike weaved through the crowd avoiding the crossfire. But he was not entirely defenseless as he had already applied the force on an unfortunate group of Empire soldiers, twirling them around like a hurricane over his tiny body. Whaling each of them against approaching Empire Stormtroopers like hurling hammer-throws toward them.
Applejack and Rainbow Dash laid out their own group of Stormtroopers, mounting their fallen forms into piles. Just then, Applejack spotted a trooper approaching Rainbow from behind and quickly took him out before he could reach her. Rainbow turned toward Applejack, who caught her gaze in a flash.
"Wut?" Applejack asked.
Rainbow Dash quickly grabbed hold of Applejack's shoulders, drawing her close.
"You are just... so... awesome, A.J.!" Rainbow said.
She proceeded to lock lips with Applejack, who was caught off guard yet quickly fell into the spell and kissed her back. A pair of troopers made out to get them when a rocket hit the ground before them, exploded, and sent them flying high into the air. Smoke stemmed from the pack of The Mandalorian, who merely shook his head at the sight.
"Women..." Mando replied.
In a later time, Storm Shield and General Grievous fought heavily in the center of the battlefield. With his multiple arms Grievous swung his sabers rapidly against Storm, who used his saber pike to block out as much of the assault as he could. All of which caught the attention of Pinkie Pie, who randomly appeared while blocking Sonata's attacks.
"Hiya Storm!" Pinkie called out.
"Hi Pinkie!" Storm waved. "Just one second!"
Storm quickly swung his pike and chopped off one of Grievous' arms, only for a new arm to appear and grab another light saber hidden in his figure. Storm twirled his blade around watching sparks fly over him before moonsaulted backward to provide extra distance. He soon spotted Pinkie Pie waving one of the stormtrooper's guns.
"Need a gun or anything?"
"Nah... I'm good!"
Storm Shield quickly took out a pair of stormtroopers charging at him, hacking them apart with his pike. He barely dodged an attack from Grievous, who pierced one of his sabers into the dirt floor. Storm twirled in the air and grabbed hold of one of Grievous' free arms with his legs, bending it as Grievous struggled to break free.
"How about some water?" Pinkie asked, holding a canteen.
"Sure!" Storm smirked.
Pinkie held the canteen over Storm's lips, as the man opened wide and guzzled down the cool beverage down his throat. With a sigh, he quickly twisted his legs and broke another of Grievous' arms as the cybernetic general roared in pain.
Amidst the confusion of the battle, Han and Leia broke away and dove for cover by the bunker door, while explosions erupted around them. Han went to the bunker door control panel attempting to open the doors.
"The code's changed," Leia panicked. "We need R2!"
"Here's the terminal!" Han shouted.
"R2, where are you?" Leia asked, over commlink. "We need you at the bunker right away."
R2 and 3PO hid behind a log as the battle raged around them. Suddenly, the stubby little Astro-droid released a series of whistles.
"Going?!" 3PO asked. "What do you mean, you're going? But—but going where, R2?"
R2 didn't answer and shot off across the battlefield. 3PO panicked and raced after him.
"No, what! R2! Oh, this is no time for heroics. COME BACK!!!"
Biker scouts race around and over the two droids, blasting away at the little Ewoks as the furry beasts scurried for cover. A group of Ewoks moved a primitive catapult into position. They fired off a large boulder which struck one of the walkers. The walker turned and headed for the catapult, blasting away with both guns. The Ewoks abandoned weapons and fled in all direction. Just as the walker moved in to stomp the catapult, Ewoks dropped vines restraining two huge logs which swung down and smashed the walker's head flat.
A line of Ewoks hung desperately to a vine hooking another walker's foot. As the walker moved along, the fuzzy creatures are dragged behind.
Two speeder bikes pursued the Ewoks through the underbrush. As the scouts rounded a tree, they are knocked off as their bikes were vine-tied between two trees. And amidst all this chaos, the hypnotized stormtrooper scout was firing away at random shooting his own colleagues with his gun.
"I will fight for the rebellion!" He spoke dazily. "I will fight for the rebellion! I will fight for the rebellion!"
And somehow the lucky scout had missed every shot that was hurled around him, every explosion near his feet, and he just kept walking.
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