Face to Face
Having successfully avoided death after jumping off the speeder bike, Leia laid barely conscious upon the area she was upon. Her clothes are torn, she's bruised, and she's disheveled all at once. All at once, there was sudden movement and a strange little furry face with huge black eyes slowly came into view. The creature in question happened to be an Ewok, Wicket by name. He seemed somewhat puzzled over the strange creature lying on the grass, and prodded Leia with a spear. The princess groaned, which frightened the stubby ball of fuzz as he prodded her again with the sharp point of the spear. In seconds, the princess quickly recovered.
"Cut it out!" Leia snipped.
The Ewok jumped up and held the four-foot-long spear in a defensive position. As she tries to figure out where she is and what happened, Leia watched Wicket circle warily around her. She slowly stood up, and the Ewok quickly backed away.
"I'm not gonna hurt you," Leia spoke calmly.
The princess looked around at the dense forest, particularly toward the charred remains of her speeder bike. She sat down, with a sigh, on a fallen log.
"Well, looks like I'm stuck here," She groaned. "Trouble is, I don't know where here is."
She placed her head in her hands, rubbing away the soreness from her fall.
Leia quickly looked up as a blur zipped through the forest in their direction. Leia quickly recognized the speck of pink and a hint of yellow at the bottom.
"Fluttershy?" She called out.
And all at once, the shy, timid girl herself skid to a halt before the princess. She leaned her hands upon her knees, breathing heavily as if she'd just ran a marathon. Once appropriately recovered, she lifted her tired head toward Leia.
"Oh princess... thank goodness I found you," Fluttershy sighed.
"What are you doing here?" Leia asked. "I thought you were with Han, Luke, and the others."
"I was..." She answered, turning back. "But then we heard your speeder crashed, so we decided to look for you. I kind of ran ahead of the rest."
"But that trip must've taken you miles. How did you even get here so quickly?"
"You'd be surprised how years of constant fear and paranoia could give you quite the energy boost."
It was then Fluttershy eventually looked down toward the small fuzzy creature standing by Leia's side. All at once, her eyes widened with utter surprise. However, instead of her usual fearful self, her reaction was more so due to the cuteness of the little thing.
"Oh my goodness!" She gasped. "What a cute little creature. Oh look at him, isn't he just so adorable?"
Leia chuckled to herself as Fluttershy knelt down on her knees to observe the Ewok, much to the creature's own confusion.
"Well I guess you can say he's a new friend," Leia chuckled.
She looks over toward the watchful little Ewok, patting the log beside her.
"Well, maybe you can help us. Come on, sit down."
Wicket holds his spear up warily, growling at her like a puppy.
"Oh don't you worry little one," Fluttershy assured. "We won't hurt you. My name is Fluttershy, and I take care of many creatures of all kinds back where I'm from. I wouldn't hurt a fly or a flea."
Hearing the strange pink haired human speak so calmly made the cautious Ewok lower his spear.
"I promise we won't hurt you," Leia added. "Now come here."
More growls and squeaks emerge from the little bear-like creature.
"All right," Leia spoke defensively. "You want something to eat?"
She takes out some scrap of food from her pocket and offered it to him. Wicket took a step backward, then cocked his head and moved cautiously toward Leia, chattering in his squeaky Ewok language.
"That's right little fella," Fluttershy smiled. "It's good. Go on. Hmmm?"
Sniffing the food curiously, the Ewok approached Leia and sat on the log beside her. Fluttershy smiled in approval as she also came up and sat alongside the small teddy bear creature. The moment Leia took off her helmet, the little creature jumped back, startled again. He ran along the log, pointing his spear at her and chattering a blue streak. Leia held out the helmet toward him.
"Look, it's a hat," Leia spoke calmly. "It's not gonna hurt you. Look. You're a jittery little thing, aren't you?"
Fluttershy cautiously reached a timid hand out, gently placing it on the Ewok's head. This caused the creature to jump and point its spear at her. However, when he looked into her calming eyes, an instant connection seemed to be made and Wicket slowly lowered his weapon. Fluttershy reached out her hand again and gently started to scratch behind his little ears. Wicket seemed to really like the treatment and leaned further into the scratching. This caused Fluttershy to giggle cutely as she watched the little guy gaze over the helmet as he leaned into the scratching.
Suddenly, his ears perked up and he began sniffing the air. He looked around warily, whispering some Ewokese warning to Leia and Fluttershy.
"What is it?" Leia asked.
"I think I can make out what he's saying," Fluttershy responded. "He says... 'Look out'!"
Fluttershy leapt up and tackled Leia to the ground as a laser bolt burst from the foliage and exploded on the log next to Leia. The three rolled backward off the log, hiding behind it. Leia held her own laser gun at the ready, while Wicket disappeared underneath the log. Fluttershy readied her lightsaber as another shot exploded, and still no sight of anyone in the forest. Then Leia sensed something and turned to find a large imperial scout standing over her with his weapon pointed at her. He reached out his hand for his weapon.
"Freeze!" The scout ordered. "Come on, get up!"
She handed the weapon over, as a second scout emerged from the foliage in front of the log.
"Go get your ride and take her back to base," He informed the other.
"Yes, sir."
The second scout started toward his bike, as Wicket, crouched under the log, extended his spear and hit the first scout on the leg. The scout jumped and let out an exclamation and looked down toward Wicket in puzzlement. Unbeknownst to him, Fluttershy used the force to pull the pistol away from him and hurl it away before striding up toward the scout before proceeding to use... 'the stare'. The scout tried to avoid the ominous stare but soon found himself succumbed to the young Jedi's secret power. It seemed like he was under some form of hypnotic stare.
"You will fight for the Rebellion," She spoke softly.
"I will fight for the Rebellion," The scout responded.
In the meantime, Leia dove for her laser pistol, and the second scout (Now on his bike) took off. Leia fired away and hit the escaping bike, causing it to crash into the first scout's bike, which flew end over end and exploded. Soon the forest was quiet once more as Wicket poked his fuzzy head up from behind the log. He turned toward Leia and Fluttershy, regarding the pair with newfound respect mumbling his awe. Leia hurried over, looking around all the time, and motioned the chubby little creature into the dense foliage.
"Come one, let get outta here," She said.
As they move into the foliage, Wicket took the lead. He shrieked and tugged at Leia, waving some hand gestures. Fluttershy listened carefully to his words.
"He's telling us to follow him," Fluttershy translated. "That we'll be safe where we're going."
In the meantime, Darth Vader and Darth Seraphina both walked down the corridor toward the private elevator leading up the Emperor's tower. The Emperor's private guard stepped in their path.
"Halt!" The guard ordered. "The Emperor does not wish to be disturbed at the moment."
Vader and Seraphina looked at each other before facing the guards and raised both of their hands in the choking gesture. Both guards sputtered and gagged as they were choked by the force.
"The Emperor will see us, now!" Vader said menacingly.
"The Emperor will see you, now," The guard choked out.
Both Sith lords released their grip and the guards regained their composure.
"Oh... and one more thing," Seraphina growled.
She quickly unsheathed her lightsaber and sliced both imperial guards down where they stood. After sheathing her lightsaber again, Seraphina looked up spotting Vader staring directly at her.
"What?" She asked. "They may serve the Emperor, but those who fail to know their place must be exterminated... no exceptions."
Vader spoke not a word, instead walked into the elevator with Seraphina following in suit. Two more imperial guards stood watch at the elevator as the door opened. Vader and Seraphina stepped out from the elevator, entering the eerie, foreboding throne room which appeared to be empty. Their footsteps echoed as they approached the throne and waited, absolutely still. The Emperor sat with his back toward the Dark Lords.
"I told you to remain on the command ship," Palpatine spoke.
"A small Rebel force has penetrated the shield and landed on Endor," Vader responded.
"Yes, I know."
The way the Emperor responded made it seem as though there was absolutely no surprise in his tone. As though he had already expected this to happen.
"Heading the force is none other than Twilight Sparkle and her rag tag group of blind followers," Seraphina informed.
"My son is with them," Vader added.
"Are you sure?" Palpatine asked.
"I have felt him, my Master."
"Strange, that I have not. I wonder if your feelings on this matter are clear, Lord Vader."
"They are clear, my Master."
"Then you must go to the Sanctuary Moon and wait for them."
"He will come to me?"
"I have foreseen it," Palpatine nodded. "His compassion for you will be his undoing. He will come to you and then you will bring him before me."
"As you wish."
The Dark Lord strode out of the throne room, leaving only Seraphina and Palpatine in the throne room.
"What of Twilight Sparkle, my master?" Seraphina asked.
"When Lord Vader brings the young Skywalker to me, no doubt the foolish Jedi girl will come to rescue him," Palpatine answered.
This caused Seraphina to crack a cruel, wicked grin under her hood.
"Where I will be waiting," She grinned.
Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Chewbacca, and the two droids spread out as they moved through the heavy foliage near the clearing where Leia was last seen. Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle, the Mandalorian, Galen Marek, and the others were spread out in another area. Spike was ahead of both groups, using his nose to track for a scent, sniffing the ground heavily. Eventually, Spike stopped and barked rapidly, pointing toward a spot ahead. Luke followed Spike's call where he discovered Leia's helmet. He picked it up with an expression of concern.
"Luke!" Han yelled. "Luke!"
"Spike! Did you find anything?!" Twilight yelled as well.
Luke and Spike raced back, the former with the helmet. They found Han near the charred wreckage of a speeder bike in the grass. Twilight and the others soon raced up toward the rest of the group.
"Oh, Master Luke," 3PO gasped.
"There's two more wrecked speeders back there," Luke informed. "And I found this."
He tossed the helmet toward Han.
"I'm afraid that R2's sensors can find no trace of Princess Leia," 3PO informed.
"And I can't get any further trace of Leia from here," Spike added. "This jungle has far too many new smells, it kind of blends in."
"Wait, so there's no sign of Leia whatsoever?" Rainbow asked. "Does that mean she's...?"
"Come on now Rainbow, let's not think like that," Applejack spoke quickly. "Ah'm sure she's just fine. A little lost maybe, but fine all the same."
"I hope she's alright," Han spoke worriedly.
Chewbacca growled, sniffing the air, then with a bark pushed off through the foliage.
"What, Chewie?" Han asked. "What? Chewie!"
"What's he do..."
Spike stopped when his nose started inhaling something in the air, he sniffed rapidly till he caught the scent Chewbacca found.
"That's new..." Spike muttered, following the trail.
The others rushed to keep up with both Spike and the giant Wookiee. As he scooted along, R2 whistled nervously. The group soon reached a break in the undergrowth. Chewie walked up to a tall stake planted in the ground, a dead animal hung from it. Spike stepped closer, took a few whiffs, and reeled back, cringing while waving his right paw in front of his nose.
"Hey, I don't get it," Han said confused.
"Oh, that's simply disgusting!" Rarity cringed, on the verge of vomiting.
The rest of the group joined the Wookiee around the stake.
"Nah, it's just a dead animal, Chewie," Han told the Wookiee.
But Chewie, unable to resist, reached toward the meat.
"Chewie, wa-wait!" Twilight called out. "Don't touch that—"
But it was too late. Chewie already pulled the animal from the stake, and the whole ground found themselves hanging upside down inside an Ewok net, suspended high above the clearing. R2 let out a while series of beeps and whistles, while Chewie howled his regret. Their bodies are a jumbled in the net. Han removed a Wookiee paw from his mouth.
"Well, this isn't good," Storm groaned.
"How do you like this for luck?" Spike muttered. "Stuck together in some nutty way, by the most conveniently placed trap on the market."
"Well look on the bright side Spikey," Pinkie replied, cheerfully. "It could be..."
"Pinkie Pie, I swear," Marek threatened. "You finish that sentence, so help me, I will punch you 'so hard' your coat's going to lose its color!"
"Yeesh, alright then Mr. Grumpy. Oh wait, I don't know if I can say that since that's part of the 'other' Fanfiction group."
"Will you just be quiet both of you?" Mando asked.
"Nice work," Han spoke sarcastically. "Great, Chewie! Great! Always thinking with your stomach."
"Will you take it easy?" Luke assured. "Let's just figure out a way to get out of this thing. Han, can you reach my lightsaber?"
"Yeah, sure," Han nodded.
"I can't reach mine," Twilight said, flailing her free hand.
"Me neither!" Storm added.
R2, at the bottom most point in the net, extended his cutting appendage and began slicing at the net. Han tried to squeeze an arm past 3PO to reach Luke's lightsaber. The net continued to spin, making some of the occupants rather dizzy.
"R2, I'm not sure that's such a good idea," 3PO said nervously. "It's a very long dro-o-op!!!"
R2 cut through and the entire group tumbled out of the net, crashing together onto the ground below. As they regained their senses and sat up, they realized that emerging from the surrounding foliage were dozens upon dozens of Ewoks. All coming in a variety of colors, wearing colorful garbs, and each brandishing a long spear.
"What the—WHA?!" Rainbow muttered.
"What are these things?" Twilight wondered.
"If I'm not mistaken," Storm observed. "I think we're in the presence of the natives of this moon, the Ewoks."
Han tried to pick himself up, perplexed at the presence of these weird creatures before him. But one Ewok, Teebo, drew a spear right toward his face.
"Hey! Point that thing someplace else," Han scolded.
The man pushed the spear, wielded by Teebo, out of his face and a second Ewok warrior approached Teebo. An argument briefly took place between the two before the spear returned to Han's face. He grabbed it angrily, starting for his laser pistol.
"I wouldn't do that!" The Mandalorian warned.
"What you know of these creatures?" Rainbow asked.
"Not personally... but I am aware that they are warriors. We 'are' on their moon, and they are clearly not accustomed to strangers."
"Just put the gun down Han," Storm suggested. "It'll be all right... hopefully."
The remaining Ewoks swarmed through them, confiscating them of their weapons. Luke allowed them to take his lightsaber, though Rainbow stubbornly put up a fight with her own till a pair of Ewoks took her dual-lightsaber out of her hands. Chewie growled toward the furry critters in defense.
"Chewie, give 'em your crossbow," Luke ordered.
R2 and 3PO are just untangling themselves out of the net. Eventually, 3PO propped himself free and sat up, albeit slightly rattled.
"Oh, my head," 3PO complained. "Oh, my goodness!"
Soon as the Ewoks saw 3PO, they released a gasp and chattered amongst themselves. 3PO began speaking to them in their native tongue. The Ewok nearest him dropped his spear and prostrated himself before the droid. In a moment, all the Ewoks followed suit. Chewie lets out a puzzled bark, while Spike stared in confusion. Han, Luke, and Storm regarded the bowing creatures in wonder. Soon the Ewoks began chanting toward 3PO.
"Do you understand anything they're saying?" Luke asked.
"Ooh, ooh, I think I do!" Pinkie said excitedly. "I think that one said that the princess flew on the wings of an eagle. She had a VCR, but wanted a DVD player, and the gods sent munchkins to hypnotize her water skis. So she took her peanut butter sandwich for a walk."
Everyone, including the Ewoks, stared at Pinkie in the upmost confusion as though she had completely lost her mind.
"Pinkie, do you even believe half the stuff you say?" Rainbow asked.
"Nope," Pinkie giggled. "But it makes for good character dialect."
"Okay seriously, does 'anyone' have a logical idea about what they're saying?" Luke asked again.
"Oh, yes, Master Luke!" 3PO spoke up. "Remember that I am fluent in over six million forms of communication."
3PO once more spoke with the Ewoks in their tribal language.
"What are you telling them?" Twilight asked.
"Hello, I think... I could be mistaken," 3PO answered. "They're using a very primitive dialect. But I do believe they think I am some sort of god."
"Well upon my word!" Rarity gasped, surprised. "They actually think you... are a God?"
Chewbacca, R2, and Pinkie think that's very funny while Han and Luke exchanged 'what next?' looks.
"Well, how's about usin' that there 'divine influence' and get us outta here?" Applejack suggested.
"I beg your pardon, Applejack, but that just wouldn't be proper," 3PO replied.
"Proper?!" Rainbow argued. "We're surrounded by killer teddy bears, as embarrassing as this is, and you're justifying not helping us by saying what's 'proper'?!"
"It's against my programming to impersonate a deity," 3PO replied.
"Why, you—" Han growled.
Han moved toward 3PO threateningly, when several Ewok spears are suddenly thrust in his face at the affront of their god. The Ewoks move in to protect their god and Han found himself surrounded by a menacing circle of spears, all aimed at him. He held his hands up placatingly.
"My mistake. He's an old friend of mine."
"I guess this is a bad time to bring up that you guys are kind of deities?" Spike asked Storm and Twilight.
"Given our circumstances right now... they'd never believe us," Storm whispered back.
A procession of Ewoks marched through the ever-darkening forest. Their prisoners – Han, Luke, Chewie, R2, the Equestrians, and their allies – were tied to long poles and wrapped in vines, cocoonlike. Each pole carried upon the shoulders of several Ewoks. Behind the captives, 3PO was carried on a litter, like a king, by the remaining creatures. The procession moved along a shaky, narrow, wooden walkway, high in the giant trees. It stopped at the end of the walkway, which dropped off into nothingness. On the other side of the abyss is a village of mud huts and rickety walkways, attached to the giant trees.
The lead Ewok took hold of a long vine and swung across to the village square; the other Ewoks followed suit. The procession wound its way into the village square. Mother Ewoks gathered their babies up and scurried into their huts at the sight of the newcomers. The group stopped before the largest hut. The entirety of the group are still bound to their poles. Han himself was placed on a spit above what looks like a barbecue pit, while the others leaned against a tree nearby. 3PO's litter/throne was gently placed near the pit, the droid watched with rapt fascination. Twilight and her friends are less fascinated.
"I have a really bad feeling about this," Han said nervously.
"Just keep it steady," Mando advised.
Chewie growled his concern. All of a sudden, all activity stopped as Logray, the tribal Medicine Mane, emerged from the big hut. He examined the captives carefully then eventually joined 3PO, whose throne has been placed on an elevated platform. A larger, gray-haired Ewok, Chief Chirpa, examined the group's lightsabers with great curiosity. Logray spoke to 3PO and the assemblage of fuzzy Ewoks, pointing toward the prisoners tied to the stakes. The Ewoks began filling the pit under Han with firewood.
"What did he say?" Han asked.
"I'm rather embarrassed, General Solo," 3PO responded. "But it appears you are to be the main course at a banquet in my honor."
"Well, what do you know?" Pinkie giggled. "They decide to skip the appetizer round and move straight to dinner. I just hope we'll still have room for dessert."
"Pinkie..." Rainbow growled. "We're the dinner! Those monsters are going... to eat... us!"
"Ooh... I hate to think if Fluttershy ran into these guys," Rarity moaned, worriedly. "The poor dear must be suffering dearly..."
The drums start beating, all furry heads turned toward the large hut. Leia emerged, wearing an animal-skin dress. And much to their surprise, Fluttershy walked alongside the Princess, albeit slightly dressed in similar fashion as Leia. The two women could see what's happening around the same moment the prisoners saw them.
"Leia!" Everyone yelled. "Fluttershy!"
As the girls moved toward them, the Ewoks blocked their way with their raised spears.
"Oh my!" Fluttershy gasped.
"Fluttershy! Your Royal Highness!" 3PO spoke.
R2 and Chewie chimed with their welcome. The girls looked amongst the assembled Ewoks and sighed.
"But these are my friends," Leia spoke.
"Maybe I can convince them otherwise," Fluttershy offered.
She waved her hand drawing the attention of both Chirpa and Logray.
"Pardon us good sirs," Fluttershy spoke up. "It seems there's been some slight misunderstanding. Those are not prisoners, they're my good friends. Oh, won't you please let them go?"
Unfortunately for Fluttershy, even though they heard what she said, they just shook their heads negatively. The Medicine gestured toward the prisoners and barked several orders. Several Ewoks jumped up, piling more wood on the barbecue with vigor. Leia and Fluttershy traded frantic looks toward their friends.
"Somehow, I got the feeling that didn't help us very much," Han moaned.
"No... you think?" Marek asked sarcastically.
"3PO, tell them if they don't do as you wish, you'll become angry and use your magic," Luke suggested.
"Magic?" The girls questioned.
"3PO? As in... 'that' 3PO?" Spike asked, anxiously.
"Trust me..." Luke assured. "I have a plan."
"But Master Luke, what magic?" 3PO questioned, confused. "I couldn't possibly—"
"Just tell them," Storm spoke.
And so, 3PO proceeded to speak to the Ewoks. The Ewoks seemed vastly disturbed by 3PO's words. Yet Logray stepped forward, challenging 3PO. While they were distracted, Luke quickly glanced toward Twilight and her friends, the former quickly putting it together. Together, Luke, the girls, Marek, Storm, and even Spike started to close their eyes and began to concentrate. Fluttershy silently watched the group in action, then turned toward 3PO and, while not even the Ewoks close to her were looking, she too closed her eyes concentrating.
"You see, Master Luke!" 3PO called out. "They didn't believe me. Just..."
All of a sudden, the litter/throne, wit 3PO sitting upon it, rose from the ground. At first, 3PO doesn't notice and kept talking.
"... as I said they wouldn—Wha-WHA-What's happening! Oh! Oh, dear! Oh!"
All the Ewoks fall back in terror from the floating throne. Now 3PO began to spun as though he were on a revolving stool, with the droid calling out in total panic at his situation.
"Put me down!" 3PO cried out. "HE-E-ELP! Master Luke! Twilight! R2! Somebody, somebody, help! Master Luke, R2! R2, quickly! Do something, somebody! Oh! OHHH!"
Chief Chirpa yelled orders to the cowering Ewoks. They rushed up, releasing the bound prisoners. Luke and Han enfold in a group embrace, while Fluttershy raised to the arms of her good friends. Luke noticed the spinning 3PO, with R2 beeping up at him, and slowly lowered the golden droid and the throne back to the surface with ease.
Logray ordered the little droid cut down, and R2 crashed upon the ground. When the Ewoks set him upright, the little droid was fighting mad. R2 beeped a blue streak at the nearest Ewok, and pursued him, finally get close enough to zap him with an electric charge. The Ewok jumped two feet in the air and ran away, screaming. A small group of Ewoks surrounded the giant Wookiee, scratching their heads and marveled at his height.
"Oh, oh, oh, oh! Thank goodness," 3PO sighed.
"Thanks, 3PO," Luke smiled.
"I... I never knew I had it in me," 3PO spoke shakily.
"Yeah, neither did I," Rainbow smirked.
"Let's just let him have this moment Rainbow," Applejack smiled, nudging her shoulder.
A glowing fire danced in the center of the spartan, low-ceilinged room, creating a kaleidoscope of shadows on the walls. Along one side, a group of ten Ewok elders flank Chief Chirpa, who sat on his throne. The Rebels sat along the walls of the hut, with 3PO between the two groups, Wicket, and Teebo off to one side. 3PO himself was in the midst of a long, animated speech in the Ewoks' squeaky native tongue. The Ewoks listened carefully, occasionally murmuring comments to each other.
3PO pointed several times at the Rebel group, pantomiming a short history of the Galactic Civil War, mimicking the explosion and rocket sounds, imitating Imperial walkers. Throughout the long account, certain familiar names are distinguishable in English, Princess Leia, R2, Darth Vader, Sunset Shimmer, Death Star, Jedi, Obi-Wan Kenobi, even Twilight and several of her friends had a mention or two. R2 began beeping excitedly toward 3PO.
"Yes R2," 3PO responded. "I was just coming to that."
3PO continued with the following subjects: The Millennium Falcon, Cloud City, Vader & Seraphina, Han Solo, Sarlaac, bringing the history up to the present time. For Twilight and her friends, for the events they were not involved with, they were taking this as an abridged version of events to get an idea what they missed. At the end of it all, the Chief, Logray, and the elders conferred, then nodded in agreement. The Chief stood and made a pronouncement. The drums began to sound, and all the Ewoks stood with a great cheer and screeched.
"What's going on?" Han asked.
"I don't know," Leia shrugged.
Luke had been sharing the joy with smiling visage, but now something passed like a dark cloud through his consciousness. The others do not notice.
"Wonderful!" 3PO exclaimed in excitement. "We are now a part of the tribe."
"Ooh wonderful!" Fluttershy smiled.
Several of the little teddy bears raced up and hugged the Rebels.
"Just what I always wanted," Han spoke sarcastically.
Chewbacca was being enthusiastically embraced by an Ewok, while Wicket clung to Han's leg.
"I don't know Han," Storm remarked. "These Ewoks have been fearing the Empire's wrath, as the rest of the universe. Since they know this planet better than we do, we could use some extra hands.
"Well, short help is better than no help at all," Han chuckled, facing Wicket. "Thank you. Okay."
"He says the scouts are going to show us the quickest way to the shield generator," 3PO informed.
"Then the sooner we reach the generator and shut down the system, the sooner we can move forward with the rest of the plan," Mando spoke.
Chewie barked, while Luke drifted to the back of the hut. Now he wandered outside into the moonlight. Leia and the girls soon noticed and followed silently.
"Good. How far is it?" Han asked. "Ask him. We need some fresh supplies, too. And try and get our weapons back."
Han pulled 3PO back as he kept trying to translate.
"And hurry up, will ya?" Han continued. "I haven't got all day."
The walkway was deserted now. The windows of the little guts glowed and flickered from the flames inside. The sounds of the forest fill the soft night air. Luke wandered away from the Chief's hut and stood staring up at the Death Star. Leia and the girls found him soon as they left the hut.
"Luke, what's wrong?" Leia asked.
Luke turned and for one long moment just looked at her.
"Leia... do you remember your mother?" Luke asked. "Your real mother?"
"Just a little bit," Leia admitted. "She died when I was very young."
"Well, what do you remember?" Twilight asked curiously.
"Just... images, really."
"Like you always had these feelings about something even though you can't connect all the dots at first?" Pinkie asked. "Oh, do tell!"
Leia was rather surprised by the insistence, yet she proceeded.
"She was very beautiful. Kind, but... sad. Why are you asking me all this?"
"I have no memory of my mother," Luke answered. "I never knew her."
"Luke, tell me," Leia insisted. "What's troubling you?"
"Vader is here... now, on this moon," Luke answered.
"He is?" The girls gasped, in alarm.
"And... Sunset Shimmer?" Twilight asked.
"She is," Luke nodded.
"How do you know?" Leia asked, alarmed.
"I've felt their presence. He's come for me; he can feel when I'm near. That's why I have to go."
"Now hold on partner," Applejack stepped up. "You barely survived your encounter with Vader; you can't think to face him alone."
"As long as I stay, I'm endangering the group and our mission here," Luke countered. "I have to face him."
While the girls were letting this sink in, Leia was distraught... confused even.
"Why?" Leia asked.
Luke moved close, his manger gentle and very calm.
"He's my father."
"Your father?" Leia asked.
"There's more. It won't be easy for you to hear it, but you must. If I don't make it back, you're the only hope for the alliance."
Leia, very disturbed by this, moved away as if to deny it.
"Luke don't talk that way. You have a power... the girls have... their friends... I—I don't understand and could never have."
"Actually Leia," Fluttershy stepped up. "You have that power too."
"In time you'll learn to use it as I have," Luke spoke. "The Force is strong in my family. My father has it... I have it... and... my sister has it."
Leia stared into his eyes. What she sees there seemed to frighten her. And yet, she doesn't draw away. Slowly she began to understand.
"Yes..." Twilight spoke up. "It's you Leia."
"I know," Leia nodded. "Somehow... I've always known."
"Wait a minute, hold up!" Rainbow spoke up. "I'm sorry, but this just doesn't make any sense. How is it that you two never knew you were siblings?"
"Perhaps I can help with that."
Leia, Luke, and the others all turned toward Storm Shield, walking up to them. He sat down alongside them, as they looked on with a blend of curiosity and interest.
"What do you mean Storm?" Luke asked.
"Remember when we all first met Obi-Wan together?" Storm asked. "He talked about how he and I fought together in the Clone Wars. It was during that time we both worked with your father... and your mother."
"You did?" Twilight asked.
To which Storm merely nodded, a smile of nostalgia crept across his face.
"What can you tell us about them?" Leia asked.
"Oh man, what can I not tell you about them?" Storm chuckled. "I'll start with your mother Padme. She used to be the Queen of Naboo before the war began. She was a kind, gentle soul yet knew how to fight if need be."
"Sounds a lot like you Leia," Luke smiled.
This caused Leia to smile and playfully bump her brother's shoulder.
"She advocated for the preservation of democracy as well as a peaceful resolution to the Clone Wars. Prior to their meeting, she had protection from then Padawan Anakin Skywalker. Although the Jedi Code forbade any personal relationships, deeming attachment, and possession unbecoming of a Jedi, you've never seen a more closer pair than those two soon as their feeling grew.
"Eventually, they married in secret, despite Padme's over reservations about their relationship and the consequences they would face if ever the truth came to light. So any interaction between them was limited, what with Amidala continuing to advocate for peaceful solutions in the Senate while Anakin served on the front lines as Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic."
"Okay when you describe them that way, you make them sound pretty awesome," Rainbow spoke.
"Well, Anakin did have a tendency of being a bit whiny in his youth... but he made up for it with his skills..." Storm added. "But the fear of loss ultimately seduced him to the dark side of the Force, believing by becoming a Sith Lord he'd have the power to prevent his wife from dying... especially from childbirth."
To which the note of what their mother had gone through sparked concern between Luke and Leia.
"Ultimately, your mother died of a broken heart after giving birth to you," Storm concluded sadly. "But even as she died, she always believed there was still good in your father. Even after everything he did, even after all the lives he cost, she would've risked her life regardless only because she loved him."
"Then you know why I have to face him," Luke spoke.
"No!" Leia objected. "Luke, run away, far away. If he can feel your presence, then leave this place."
"Princess, it's not going to matter where we go," Twilight said. "If Vader's out there looking for Luke, Seraphina will seek me out too. They'll follow us no matter where we go. We can't afford to run anymore."
"She is right Leia," Applejack agreed.
"Still... I wish I could go with you," Leia spoke to Luke.
"No, you don't," Luke shook his head. "You've always been strong."
"Then... I'm going with you," Twilight spoke, determinedly.
"Twilight, noo...!" Rarity cried out.
"Twilight, I know what you're thinking," Storm spoke up. "I may agree with the results you are aiming for, but not the motivation."
"Don't you see Storm?" Twilight said. "You were right about one thing. I can't go on 'blaming' myself for what happened to Sunset, when it's high time I started acting like the 'solution' to bringing our best friend back."
"So yer just goin' to go storming off into battle all by yerself?" Applejack questioned. "I thought we agreed whatever we'd do, we're doin' it together."
"Sunset only wants to come after me, she has no interest in any of you," Twilight countered. "Meanwhile, these rebels here need all the help they can get especially if the Emperor's forces will be on the field. You're needed more than I am, Storm... they need 'you' more than ever.
"Let's not forget the only reason Sunset thinks I'm to blame is because she doesn't know the truth. But Sunset Shimmer has a gift. If she won't take my word for it, she'll at least see my thoughts and realize the truth. If I can get close enough for her to reach out, we won't need to have a fight at all."
"But why... why must you confront them?" Leia asked.
"Because... there's good in them," Luke answered. "I've felt it... Twilight feels it too. Vader won't turn me over to the Emperor; the real Sunset Shimmer would never hurt her friends."
"We have to save them," Twilight added. "We can turn them back to the good side... at least we have to try."
A sigh escaped Storm's lips feeling a sense of déjà vu from the words of both Twilight and Luke. Yet he could also see there was no talking them out of it. All he could do was approach Twilight Sparkle, looking her straight in the eyes, and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.
"I can't stop you from doing this Twilight Sparkle," Storm spoke calmly. "But promise me you will come back... for Equestria's sake... for your friends. And if Sunset can't be reasoned with or if she insists on fighting you—"
"It won't come to that," Twilight reassured. "I will be back... 'with' Sunset Shimmer."
Luke and Leia hold each other close, looking at each other, brother and sister together. All of Twilight's friends, even Spike, gathered around Twilight and embracing her warmly all ending with a slight hug from Storm Shield. Leia and the girls hold back tears, as Luke and Twilight slowly move away from them. Storm watched quietly as the pair disappeared onto the walkway leading out of the village.
And there the group stood, bathed in the moonlight, watching their two friends depart. By which time, Han emerged from the Chief's hut and approached the group. Leia started crying, her body trembling. He soon realizing only now that she is upset.
"Hey, what's goin' on?"
The group didn't answer right away. Leia attempted to stifle her sobs, wiping her eyes dry.
"Nothing," Leia finally spoke. "I—just want to be alone for a little while."
"We just need a breather..." Fluttershy voiced for the princess. "We'll be back shortly."
But Han was not having any of that. Somehow he could tell everyone was hiding something, and he was not satisfied with their answers.
"Nothing?" Han repeated. "Come on guys, tell me. What's goin' on?"
Leia looked toward him, struggling to control herself.
"I... we can't tell you," Leia answered.
"Did you tell Luke?" Han asked, losing his temper. "Is that who you could tell?"
But Leia just turned away, refusing to look Han in the eye. Han groaned in exasperation and started to walk away, seeing it was fruitless getting through to Leia and clearly none of the group were talking. All at once... he stopped in his tracks, as if having second thoughts. Slowly, he turned and walked back toward Leia as the group looked on silently.
"I'm sorry," Han apologized.
"Hold me," Leia cried.
Han gathered the princess in his protective embrace, the girl losing control and bawled onto his shoulder. The girls and Spike looked on remorsefully at this scene, while Storm merely turned away and looked out into the darkness where they last saw their friends.
"Twilight..." Storm whispered. "Please... let your plan work."
An imperial shuttle floated down from the Death Star, landing gracefully on the huge platform. Now, an Imperial walker approached the platform from the darkness of the forest. The whole outpost—platform, walkers, military—looked particularly offensive in the midst of this verdant beauty. Darth Vader walked down the shuttle ramp onto the platform, into an elevator, and appeared on a ramp on the lower level. He walked toward another ramp exit, meeting two troopers and a commander with Luke and Twilight Sparkle. The pair stood at the center, wrapped in binders. The young Jedis gazed toward Vader, completely calm.
"These are the Rebels who surrendered to us," The Commander informed. "Although they deny it, I believe there may be more of them, and I request permission to conduct a further search of the area."
The commander extended his hand, revealing their lightsabers.
"They were armed only with these."
Vader looked at the pair (Specifically Luke), turned away, and faced the commander, taking the lightsabers from the commander's hand.
"Good work, Commander," Vader spoke. "Leave us. Conduct your search and bring his companions to me."
"Yes, my lord," The Commander bowed.
The officer and troops soon withdraw without another word. Till eventually, Darth Vader, Twilight Sparkle, and Luke Skywalker are left standing alone in the oddly tranquil beauty of the place. The sounds of the forest filter in upon them.
"Where's Sunset Shimmer?" Twilight asked, breaking the silence.
"Seraphina will be waiting for you shortly," Vader answered. "She and the Emperor are expecting you."
"We know, Father," Luke spoke up.
"So, you have accepted the truth."
"I've accepted the truth that you were once Anakin Skywalker, my father—"
Before Luke could continue, Vader turned to face him.
"That name no longer has any meaning for me."
"It is the name of your true self," Luke argued. "You've only forgotten. I know there is good in you; just as there's still a trace of Sunset Shimmer. The Emperor hasn't driven it from you fully."
"The Emperor hasn't driven it from either of you fully," Twilight added. "That's why neither of you destroyed us when you had the chance; that's why we found Marek alive back on Hoth. You couldn't even destroy him when he was a child, so I suspect you 'wanted' us to find him all along."
"And that's why you won't bring us to your Emperor now," Luke concluded.
"Or you would've done so... right now."
Vader looked down from Luke than to the lightsaber in his own black gloved hand, whilst Twilight's lightsaber was put around the belt. He seemed to ponder over both of their words. In a flash, he ignited the lightsaber admiring the green blade stemming out. He examined the humming, brilliant blade closely.
"I see you have constructed a new lightsaber," Vader spoke. "Your skills are completed. Indeed, even you Twilight Sparkle are most powerful. As the Emperor has foreseen."
They stood for a moment as Vader extinguished the lightsaber. They stepped closely toward Vader, than stopped. The Dark Lord himself stood silent and still.
"Come with us," Luke spoke.
"Storm Shield said you were once a great Jedi Knight," Twilight reminded. "Can you not be that great man again?"
"Obi-Wan once thought as you do," Vader answered. "You don't know the power of the dark side. I must obey my master, just as Sunset Shimmer obeys him.
"We will not turn..." Luke warned.
"And I know Sunset's being forced to kill me," Twilight pointed out. "The Emperor wants nothing to do with me; he just wants me dead and you're letting it happen."
"If that is your destiny," Vader spoke bluntly.
"Search your feelings, father," Luke begged. "You can't do this. I feel the conflict within you. Let go of your hate."
"You can help us," Twilight implored. "You can save Sunset Shimmer; you'd be a hero. You know it's the right thing to do."
"It's too late for me, Twilight Sparkle," Vader concluded.
Vader signaled toward some distant stormtroopers. He and the pair stood staring at one another, father and son eye-to-eye for the longest period of time.
"The Emperor will show you the true nature of the Force," He spoke to Luke. "He is your master now."
"Then my father is truly dead," Luke spoke calmly.
They start to follow the stormtroopers onto the vessel leading toward the Emperor, and potentially Darth Seraphina. Before they depart, Twilight Sparkle turned back toward Vader with a look of determination.
"Padme still believed there was still good in you Vader," Twilight spoke. "You may give up on yourself, but she never quit on you."
"You... don't know... anything... about me..." Vader warned.
"You're right... I don't," Twilight glared calmly. "But 'you' do..."
Twilight Sparkle doesn't wait for Vader to respond further, instead she stood beside Luke as the doors closed before them. And Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith, looked out toward the distant woods. The words from both the girl and his son rang across his ears, and it seemed all at once Darth Vader was having second thoughts. In the end, he could still make a choice... but what would it be? Would he be content as an obedient servant to the Emperor? Or is there still a man left behind his mask?
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