Breaking Through
Laser blasts and explosions sounded out across the forest moon of Endor, as the battle between the Rebellion and Imperial troops intensified. In the midst of the carnage, the group of Equestrian Jedi battled against Grievous, the Dazzlings, and Demitria. Adagio and Rainbow Dash were currently locked in a battle of strength, both swinging furiously at one another. Adagio applied a powerful force push hurling Rainbow Dash backwards toward a nearby tree. However, rather than crashing into the tree like anyone else would, Rainbow flipped through the air and pushed her feet off the tree the moment of impact. This caused her to leap off and soar through the air before doing the same with the next tree and the one after. Before too long, she was jumping back and forth between trees circling the entire area. Adagio growled in irritation, turning toward the incoming Stormtroopers.
"What are you idiots waiting for?!" She hissed. "Shoot her!"
The troopers aimed their blasters high and released a series of rounds. Seeing the incoming blasts, Rainbow expertly dodged them as she bounced back and forth between the trees.
"Come on losers!" She yelled mockingly. "Can't ya hit me?! My sickly grandmother could shoot better than you dipsticks!"
The troopers fired at the spunky tomboy Jedi, completely unaware of the tiny purple puppy leaping behind them. Spike dug way deep into his very core and unleashed a force bark so big the troopers flew across the forest. Seeing the assailants gone, Rainbow performed a quick somersault before landing back on the ground safely. She quickly gave the little dog a pat on his tiny head in gratitude.
"Thanks for the assist little dude," She thanked him.
"No problem!" Spike responded. "You know, I'm really getting the hang of these force barks."
"Good for your slugger, but let's save the boasting till we win this fight."
Spike nodded, quickly taking off to help the others while Rainbow leapt back into action. Soon, she found herself staring down a very irate Adagio.
"Is that the best you can throw at me goldilocks?" She mocked.
"Oh, I'm just getting started..." Adagio growled in response.
The two clashed lightsabers once more, as the fight between a Siren and a pony-turned-human continued.
Meanwhile, Aria Blaze and Applejack were in the midst of a slug fest. Seeing Aria preferred physical force than magic, she engaged the country girl in a battle of fists and kicks. She three a series of hard lefts and rights, which Applejack either ducked, dodged, or blocked.
"Ah thought the point of throwing fists was that ya would actually land one!" She mocked Aria.
Aria growled as she took another approach, spearing Applejack to the ground and released a series of right hands. Applejack grabbed the siren in a headlock, and they went rolling across the ground as they wrestled and fought one another. Eventually Applejack was able to get Aria's arm behind her back and wrenched it hard. But Aria elbowed Applejack in the nose, causing her to let go and Aria rolled away.
Both got back to their feet and Applejack wiped a bit of blood beginning to trickle from her nostril. Seeing the blood on her hands seemed to put Applejack in a trance-like state, as she leapt across the field with a huge spin kick. Aria ducked the kick, but Applejack used the distraction to force push Aria into a nearby boulder and she crashed upon the ground.
The Falcon and other Rebel fighters engaged in a ferocious battle with Imperial TIE fighters, as the battle raged around the cruisers of the Rebel armada. Lando was in constant radio communication with the pilots of the other Rebel squads.
"Watch yourself, Wedge!" He ordered. "Three from above!"
"Red Three, Red Two, pull in!" Red One yelled.
"Got it!" Red Two responded.
"Three of them coming in, twenty degrees!" Red Three called.
"Cut to the left! I'll take the leader! They're heading for the medical frigate."
Lando steered the Falcon through a complete flip, as his crew fired at the TIEs from the belly guns.
Pressure's steady," The Navigator said.
The copilot Nien Nunb chattered an observation.
"Only the fighters are attacking," Lando observed. "I wonder what those Star Destroyers are waiting for."
The giant Imperial Star Destroyer sat silently some distance from the battle. The Emperor's huge Super Star Destroyer nestled in the midst of the fleet. Admiral Piett and two fleet commanders watched the battle at the huge window of the Super Star Destroyer bridge.
"We're in attack position now, sir," The commander said.
"Hold here," Piett ordered.
"We're not going to attack?"
"I have my orders from the Emperor himself. He has something special planned for them. We only need to keep them from escaping."
The Emperor, Vader, and a horrified Luke watched the aerial battle fireworks out the window and on the viewscreens. Another Rebel ship exploded against the protective shield.
"As you can see, my young apprentice, your friends have failed," Palpatine mocked. "Now witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational battle station."
The Emperor then spoke into the commlink on his throne.
"Fire at will, Commander."
Luke, in shock, looked out across the surface of the Death Star to the Rebel fleet beyond. Controllers pulled back several switches, as Commander Jerjerrod stood over them.
One button pressed, switching on a panel of lights. A hooded Imperial soldier reached overhead and pulled a lever. A huge beam of light emanated from a long shaft. Two stormtroopers stood at one side at a control panel. The giant laser dish on the completed half of the Death Star began to glow. Then powerful beams shot out toward the aerial battle, where the atmosphere was thick with giant ships.
In among them, Rebel X-wings had a dogfight with Imperial TIE fighters. Now an enormous Rebel cruiser was struck by the Death Star beam and blown to dust. The Millennium Falcon roared over, followed closely by several TIE fighters, buffeted by the tremendous explosion of the Rebel cruiser. Lando and his copilot are stunned by the sight of the Death Star's firepower.
"That blast came from the Death Star!" Lando said horrified. "That thing's operational! Home One, this is Gold Leader.
Ackbar stood amid the confusion on the wide bridge.
"We saw it," Ackbar responded, through commlink. "All craft prepare to retreat."
"You won't get another chance at this, Admiral."
"We have no choice, General Calrissian. Our cruisers can't repel firepower of that magnitude."
"Han will have that shield down. We've got to give him more time."
Back on Endor, R2 and 3PO made it to the door while Han and Leia provided covering fire.
"We're coming!" 3PO yelled.
"Come on!" Han said urgently. "Come on!"
"Oh, R2, hurry!"
The little droid moved toward the terminal and plugged in his computer arm. A large explosion struck near R2, knocking him head over heels, before finally landing on his feet. The stubby astro-droid's head spun and smoldered. Suddenly, there was a loud noise and Han and Leia turned around catching R2 with all his compartment doors open, all his appendages sticking out. Water and smoke spurt from the nozzles of his body. Han rushed for the terminal, as 3PO rushed to his wounded companion.
"My goodness!" 3PO gasped. "R2, why did you have to be so brave?"
"Well, I suppose I could hotwire this thing," Han suggested.
"I'll cover you," Leia said.
Off to the side, Storm Shield and General Grievous engaged in another war between them. Barely pausing his offensive for a nanosecond, General Grievous redoubled his attack on the Grand Jedi. He cut, slashed, and stabbed with all his considerable fury. Into the attack he poured every last frustration, indignity, and outrage he endured over the past weeks. Each blow carried his repressed anger at the aliens for their primitive world and their naïve philosophies, his indignant fury at his own helplessness, and his utter apocalyptic rage over one pony he had respect for betraying him. The blows fell without pause or reprieve, faster even than the unaided eye could properly follow... it was almost enough.
"You will never defeat me Jedi scum," Grievous growled. "Lord Sidious ensured that the alloy in my armor can withstand the incredible heat of a lightsaber. You may manage to land a blow to my being, but it will do nothing to phase me."
"Fine with me Grievous," Storm groaned. "Just means I can get as creative as I want; thinking all the ways to end you for good!"
Grievous just let out a loud mechanical laughter.
"Still hurling words to the voice like the petulant child you are. But your friend is going to die, just like Khaleena. And I will kill you, the same as I did to her... slowly!"
The two continued back and forth, throwing strike after strike toward one another. Wherever the cyborg's blades fell, his own, guided by the Force, was there to meet them. Each attack Storm caught, batted aside, or simply avoided with easy steps backwards or to the side. Utterly in tune with the harmony of the light side, Grievous' assault could not break him.
In the meantime, Galen Marek and Demetria fought tooth-and-nail attempting to land the killing blow to end the fight for all. A battle between two figures very close with a certain Equestria girl corrupted by the dark side. And while Marek had his share of many intense battles with warriors on an equal scale, he had never felt such raw power from the likes of this warrior. Power from a figure who suffered so greatly, endured so much, and so much hatred in her eyes it would make the Gods themselves cringe.
"You're giving me a run for my money, I'll admit it!" Galen grunted. "You could've been an incredible asset for our side. Instead you choose to fight for a side just using your pain for their own needs."
"What've you to know of pain?!" Demetria growled. "I had to fight everyday of my life to be where I am today. They may have taken me in, but I fight only for me!"
"We're not so different, Demetria. It doesn't have to be this way!"
"Shut up and fight!"
Demetria swung with such rage, Galen nearly lost hold of his own lightsaber. Seeing that this woman was so far gone, he had no choice but to keep fighting. But something within her words reminded him of another, someone suffering just as greatly as her... someone he hoped could still be saved.
Ewoks in handmade, primitive hang-gliders dropped rocks onto the stormtroopers, divebombing their deadly adversaries. One was struck in the wing by laser fire and crashed. A walker lumbered forward, shooting laser blasts at frantic Ewoks running in all directions. Two Ewoks were struck down by laser blasts... thankfully one managed to pick himself up. He reached for his friend and tried to drag him away, but he just laid there. The Ewok looked down upon his friend, trying to stir him away... only to realize he was dead, and the Ewok leaned over him mourning greatly.
The Rebel fleet continued to be picked off, from one side by the Death Star's deadly beam, from the other by the rampaging Imperial Star Destroyers. Lando steered the Falcon wildly through an obstacle course of floating giants. He's been yelling into the commlink.
"Yes!" Lando said desperately. "I said closer! Move as close as you can and engage those Star Destroyers at point- blank range."
"At that close range, we won't last long against those Star Destroyers," Ackbar responded.
"We'll last longer than we will against that Death Star... and we might just take a few of them with us.
The Rebel cruisers moved very close to the Imperial Star Destroyers and began blasting away at point-blank range. Tiny fighters raced across the giant surface, against a backdrop of laser fire. The control tower of a Star Destroyer was under attack while Rebel pilots suffered heavy blows.
"She's gonna blow!" A rebel pilot yelled.
"I'm hit!" Another pilot screamed.
The damaged Y-wing plummeted toward the Star Destroyer, crashing into the control tower with a terrible explosion."
Out of the window, from the view screens, the Rebel fleet were being decimated in blinding explosions of light and debris. But in the Emperor's throne room, there's no sound of battle. The Emperor turned toward Luke.
"Your fleet has lost," Palpatine said mockingly. "And your friends on the Endor moon will not survive. There is no escape, my young apprentice. The Alliance will die... as will your friends."
Luke's eyes were full of rage, this Vader observed closely.
"Good..." Palpatine grinned. "I can feel your anger. I am defenseless. Take your weapon! Strike me down with all your hatred, and your journey towards the dark side will be complete."
Luke Skywalker, unable to resist any longer, reached out his hand and the lightsaber flew toward him. He ignited it in an instant and swung toward the Emperor. Vader's lightsaber flashed into view, blocking Luke's blow before it could reach the Emperor himself. As the two blades sparked on contact, the Emperor chuckled sinisterly as the fight between Luke and his father took place before his eyes.
The battle raged on as Stormtroopers fired against the Ewoks with sophisticated weapons, while their furry little adversaries snuck from behind the troopers and bashed them over the head with large clubs. A walker marched through the undergrowth, blasting Ewoks wherever it went. Suddenly, Chewie, with two Ewoks clinging to him, swung on a vine to the roof of one of the walkers. They land with a thud atop the lurching machine, hanging on for dear life. One of the Ewoks peeked through the window.
"Look!" One pilot yelled.
"Get him off of there!" The other ordered.
The walker pilot opened the hatch to investigate, only to get yanked out and tossed overboard before he could scream. The two Ewoks jumped into the cockpit and knocked the second pilot unconscious. The Ewoks are thrown violently as the mighty machine careened out of control. Outside, Chewie was nearly knocked overboard; he stuck his head through the hatch with a series of angry barks. Course, the Ewoks were too busy and frightened to listen to the Wookie's complaint, as the latter slipped inside the walker.
Chewbacca's walked moved through the forest, firing laser blasts at unsuspecting stormtroopers, and destroyed other Imperial walkers. The Ewoks shout and cheered as the giant machine helped turn the tide of battle in their favor.
In speaking of changing tides, General Grievous surprisingly found himself overwhelmed by Storm Shield's own tenacity. Despite having all the weaponry and advanced material on his side, that was not enough to hold Storm back. The young man seemed to just grow stronger with every swing he took. At one moment, he managed to repel Grievous' attempt at assault long enough to actually pierce the cybernetic warrior in the chest. He grunted in agony as he stepped back a slight, but the metallic monster only stared with growing rage.
"You... you can't defeat me, boy... I won't lose to another Jedi..." Grievous growled.
He violently grabbed hold of Storm's pike saber, pulled it off his armor, and hurled it aside as a few sparks flew out.
"I am the ultimate war machine... I was programmed for the battlefield. You're just a boy playing pretend... living the fantasy. Throw all your might as you want, but I will never be destroyed! I'll just come back... I always come back!"
"Well then, I do have some good news Grievous," Storm sighed, determinedly. "It's not going to be me who ends up destroying you... then again, I never had to be."
"What're talking about boy?!" Grievous growled.
"That's... where the bad news comes in. I just needed you in the right place... at the right time..."
Suddenly, Storm Shield threw his arms out and applied enough of the force to bind the metallic warrior in his grasp, forcing him at a standstill. Try as he might to fight out of it, the mechanized warrior couldn't break free from Storm's force-like grasp no matter how hard he turned and swung his lightsabers. Unable to twist around and see he was standing around the bottom of a nearby cliff.
"NOW!!!" Storm shouted.
An Ewok warrior gave the signal, and another pair struck down the 'key' stone. In doing so, without the one stone holding it in place, a mountain of boulders fell loosely over the edge. Grievous finally turned and his eyes widened as he saw the boulders raining down toward him. He cried out in rage, raising his arms out, only for the boulders to finally topple all over his figure and he was crushed under the weight of the stones.
Storm covered his face as the dust swirled about him and waited till it settled before lowering his hands. Before his eyes, what remained of General Grievous was one metallic hand sticking out limply amidst the rocks stacked on top of him. The fingers twitched, as sparks flew out, but not a trace of further life was seen of Grievous. And before Storm's very eyes, once more, the monster formerly known as General Grievous was soundly defeated.
"Tell Khaleena that Storm Shield said 'hi'," Storm spoke.
On the opposite side, Aria and Adagio were pushed back, forced on the defense as Applejack and Rainbow Dash laid out on the offense. The numbers were suddenly stacked against them the moment Fluttershy and Rarity came in, adding their own offense with their friends. Still, the two Dazzlings fought hard determined not to lose another group of Equestria Girls again.
Just then, The Mandalorian raced past and lassoed the girls with his metallic whip from an armbrace looping around the pair. Before the two Dazzlings could break free, they were dragged off by Mando who proceeded to tie the extended wire along a tree, and the two girls screamed as they swung around in ever-tightening circles until the wire broke off from Mando's armbrace and they crashed together into a tree, tied up and nowhere to go (Their weapons beyond reach).
As the Mandalorian landed back on the ground to rejoin his allies, they noticed one of the Dazzlings was missing. They turned around, only to see that Pinkie Pie and Sonata Dusk were actually sitting together outside the battlefield. Somehow, Sonata had a taco which she was munching on and listened with interest as Pinkie held out a list for... wait what?
"So you guys actually shared an adventure with a gang of talking sea creatures?" Sonata asked, interested. "Do any of them like music?"
"Uh, duh!" Pinkie smiled. "It was practically a Broadway musical blended with a movie made for kids, yet adults find it funny too. Oh they are such wonderful creatures. But lemme tell ya, that's nothing compared to all the 'other' adventures we have in mind. Why, in one adventure, there's definitely a band of mermaids we have to contend with who have wonderful singing voices underwater."
"Oh really? Well, I'd love to meet them sometime—"
Sonata Dusk and Pinkie Pie turned around, and the Siren's eyes widened to see the Equestrian heroes (And Mando) staring down at her with their arms folder. Sonata twisted around nervously realizing she's caught, while Pinkie Pie seemed more laidback.
"Uh... allow me!" Sonata offered.
She quickly rolled one hand into a fist and delivered a hard *WHAM!* to her face, thus sending her falling backward and she laid there unconscious. Pinkie Pie merely clicked her tongue as she patted the top of Sonata's boot.
"Nighty-night Sonata..." Pinkie smiled.
In the meantime, Han worked furiously at the control panel. Wires sparked as he attempted to hotwire the door. He motioned to Leia, who blasted away at some stormtroopers.
"I think I got it," Han said. "I got it!"
The three wires sparked as a connection was made. With a loud swoosh, a second blast door crashed down in front of the first. Han frowned and turned back toward the wires again. Leia exchanged shots with stormtroopers in the bushes, then suddenly cried out in agony as her shoulder was struck by laser fire.
But the stormtrooper did not have time to celebrate when he was blasted in the face... by his own comrade. The very same stormtrooper scout who walked slowly down the trail, firing randomly at his own allies, and still stuck under the Jedi spell.
"I will fight for the rebellion..." The scout muttered. "I will fight for the rebellion! I will fight for the rebellion!"
Galen Marek fell with a grunt as he was kicked back by Demetria. She was about to finish the young man for good, when she heard the random mutterings of the nearby scout walking toward her and every shot of his flew right over and past her.
"I will fight for the rebellion... I will fight for the rebellion... I will fight for the..."
Having enough, Demetria hurled her lightsaber with a grunt watching it spin in the air and impale the stormtrooper scout right in the chest. He stood there for a moment until the pain took its toll, his strength faded, and his gun fell onto the grassy floor.
"The rebellion..." The scout gasped.
Drawing his last breath, the scout fell backward onto the ground as Demetria used the force to pull the lightsaber out and it flew straight back into her hand.
"NOOOO!!!!" Pinkie Pie shouted. "RANDOM STORMTROOPER GUY!!!"
Galen Marek groaned as he forced himself back to his feet, managed to get onto one knee as Demetria slowly stalked toward him.
"This is what the Empire has come down to now?" Marek asked. "Killing the Emperor's own allies?"
"Like you were any better?" Demetria asked. "Yes... my master told me 'all' about you, 'Starkiller'. That you were once the most dangerous warrior for the Empire, a man who kills without mercy. I look at you now... and now all I see is a husk of a has-been warrior."
"Do you truly believe the Emperor will ever make you his successor? He doesn't care about you... he doesn't care about anyone who doesn't fit the mold of his plot! Believe me, I know what he's like... I know what he'll do to persuade you to follow him."
"I do not serve the Emperor; I could care less what the old man wants. I serve only 'one' master, and 'one' master only. And unlike you, my master granted me the right to be any warrior I want to be... encouraged me in ways you failed to do. And I was given only two instructions: Fight you... or kill you. Either way, you're going down the same way you started... alone."
But rather than showing anger and hate, Galen merely chuckled over Demetria's words. The latter of which found it rather surprising, if not insulting.
"You sit upon the pedestal of death... and you laugh?!"
"That's the funny thing about people like me lady..." Marek spoke, catching his breath. "I'm never alone. Not anymore."
Before Demetria could argue, she quickly sensed something and turned rapidly for a death swing. But before she could land the killing blow, a pair of fingers pressed against her forehead, and she gasped in shock. In front of her, Storm Shield stood over with his fingers to her head staring calmly at her.
"Funny thing about anger: let it consume you, and soon enough... you lose sight of everything," Storm quoted. "Now... sleep!"
As if following a command, Demetria's eyes forcibly closed, and she collapsed onto the ground the force drifting her into the void to rest. With Demetria taken care of, not dead but taken out, he slowly approached Marek, stood over the young man, and reached his hand out toward him. With no second thought, Marek took Storm's hand and lifted himself back up.
All of which occurred as the remainder of their allies checked on the wounded Leia.
"Oh, Princess Leia, are you all right?" 3PO asked concerned.
"Let's see," Han studied the wound.
"It's not bad," Leia assured.
Suddenly, a number of Stormtroopers ran in with laser blasters at the ready and pointed right at them.
"Oh, dear," 3PO gasped.
"Don't move!" One trooper yelled.
Leia held her laser gun at the ready, behind Han, out of view of the two stormtroopers moving toward them. Han and Leia's eyes locked; a moment seemingly suspended in time.
"I love you," Han told her.
Another shared look happened between them, as she smiled up at Han.
"I know," She responded.
"Hands up! Stand up!"
Han stood up slowly and turned, revealing the gun in Leia's hand. She disposed of the stormtroopers in a quick flash. As Han turned back toward Leia, as all their allies gathered around the doors, they looked up and saw a giant walker approach and stood before them, its deadly weapons aimed right at them.
"Stay back," Han warned.
All at once, the hatch on top of the walker opened and Chewie stuck his head out, barking triumphantly.
"Chewie!!!" Fluttershy cheered.
"Chewie!" Han yelled to him. "Get down here! She's wounded!"
Chewbacca was just about to climb down from the war machine when Han suddenly had a thought.
"No, wait... I got an idea."
In the meantime, Luke and Vader are engaged in a man-to-man duel of lightsabers even more vicious than the battle on Bespin. But the young Jedi had grown stronger in the interim, and now the advantage shifted to him. Vader found himself forced back, losing his balance, and fell down a flight of stairs. Luke stood atop the stairs, ready to attack.
"Good," Palpatine smiled. "Use your aggressive feelings, boy! Let the hate flow through you."
Luke momentarily turned toward the Emperor, then back to Vader, realizing he was using the dark side. He stepped back, turned off his lightsaber, and relaxed, driving the hate from his very being.
"Obi-Wan has taught you well," Vader said.
"I will not fight you, father," Luke responded.
Vader climbed back the stairs toward Luke's level.
"You are unwise to lower your defenses."
And Vader attacked, forcing Luke on the defensive. The young Jedi leapt in an amazing reverse flip toward the safety of the catwalk overhead. Vader stood just below him.
"Your thoughts betray you, father. I feel the good in you... the conflict."
"There is no conflict," Vader argued.
"You couldn't bring yourself to kill me before," Luke countered. "And I don't believe you'll destroy me now."
"You underestimate the power of the dark side. If you will not fight, then you will meet your destiny."
Vader hurled the laser sword, which sliced through the supports holding the catwalk, then returned to Vader's hand. Luke tumbled to the ground in a shower of sparks, rolling out of sight under the Emperor's platform. Vader moved to follow him.
"Good," Palpatine grinned wickedly. "Good..."
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Inside the main reactor room aboard the Death Star, Darth Seraphina lashed out at Twilight Sparkle as they continued their ferocious sword fight. Seraphina threw a number of containers toward Twilight with the force, but thankfully Twilight was able to dodge each one of them. They battled their way off the platform and into the main entry hallway moving their fight toward the main control center.
As the laser swords flew, bits of the hallway are cut up. Both force wielders eventually locked sabers with one another testing their strength. Twilight placed her hand out, using the Force to push Seraphina away. But Seraphina responded with her own hand blocking the attack. Both combatants are blasted backwards onto the control panels, sending sparks flying. Eventually, they regained their footing as Twilight once more stared down the dark Sith.
"Sunset, please stop!" Twilight begged. "This isn't you at all. You need to wake up and realize how crazy this whole thing is!"
"But I am awake, Twilight Sparkle!" Seraphina chuckled darkly. "For the first time, in the longest time, I am awake! I see things more clearly now than ever before."
Seraphina reached out with one hand, and a large tankard of explosive material was released from its mooring. Seraphina used the Force to hurl the tankard toward Twilight, who managed to jump out of the way as the tankard exploded into a ball of fire. Seraphina then used the force to rip a sliding door clear off the wall and proceeded to race down the hallway. Twilight leapt after her, but Seraphina quickly turned and aimed the full brunt of her force lighting toward the young Jedi, catching her in mid-air and hurling her hard against the wall. The force caused Twilight to drop her lightsaber and Seraphina leapt across the hallway, pinning Twilight to the wall with one hand clasped firmly around her throat. Twilight struggled to breathe, as she tried pushing Seraphina off her but to no avail.
"Why don't you just give up Jedi?!" Seraphina hissed. "Save yourself the agony of a slow, painful death and just die with some dignity."
Twilight quickly surveyed the environment around her, desperate for a way out of the situation. Looking above them, she noticed a pipe above them where she could clearly hear hot air travelling through. Channeling the force, Twilight reached out and pulled the pipe with such power it eventually broke and blasted hot air right into Seraphina's face.
The Sith yelped in agony, blinding by the hot air, and lost her grip on Twilight as she stumbled blindly down the hall. Twilight recovered from being choked, drew her lightsaber back to her with the force, and raced after Seraphina. Twilight used the force to slam Seraphina against the wall, but the Sith lady recovered before the Jedi can cut her down. The two continued to fight their way down the hall toward the stairwell leading back to the Emperor's throne room.
The two armadas, like their sea-bound ancestors, blasted away at each other in individual point-blank confrontations. A Star Destroyer exploded. The Rebel victor limped away, its back half alive with a series of minor explosions. The Rebel cruiser managed to move in next to a second Star Destroyer before it exploded completely, taking the Imperial Star Destroyer with it. The Falcon and several fighters attacked one of the larger Imperial ships.
"Watch out!" Lando called. "Squad at .06."
"I'm on it, Gold Leader."
"Good shot, Red Two," Wedge said, over commlink.
"Now... come on, Han, old buddy," Lando pleaded to himself. "Don't let me down."
Controllers watched the main viewscreen on which a vague figure of an Imperial walker pilot could be seen. A great deal of static and interference kept the image from being properly seen.
"It's over, Commander," Han said determined. "The Rebels have been routed. They're fleeing into the woods. We need reinforcements to continue the pursuit."
"Send three squads to help," The CR commander ordered. "Open the back door."
"Yes sir," The second commander said.
As the bunker door opened, and the Imperial troops rushed out, they're surprised to find themselves surrounded by Rebels, their weapons pointed at them. Ewoks holding bows and arrows appeared from the roof of the bunker. The Imperial troops threw down their guns, as Spike gave a shrug with a cocky smirk.
Han and Chewie rushed inside the bunker with the remaining explosive charges. Han, Chewie, and the Equestrian Heroes rushed toward the control room and started planting charged along the control panels.
"Throw me another charge!" Han ordered.
"Aye-Aye Captain!" Pinkie saluted. "Now for my favorite part of any part; ending it all with a Big Bang! BANG!!!!!"
The last word Pinkie sung at random, to which the others just shook their heads as they planted the remaining charges.
Vader stalked the low-ceilinged region on the level below the throne. The Sith lord searched for Luke in the semi-darkness, his lightsaber held ready to kill.
"You cannot hide forever, Luke," Vader told him.
"I will not fight you," Luke responded.
"Give yourself to the dark side. It is the only way you can save your friends. Yes, your thoughts betray you. Your feelings for them are strong. Especially for..."
Vader stopped, sensing something. Luke shut his eyes tightly, in anguish, trying to prevent his father from reading his thoughts. But it was too late!
"Sister!" Vader realized. "So... you have a twin sister. Your feelings have now betrayed her, too. Obi-Wan was wise to hide her from me. Now his failure is complete. If you will not turn to the dark side, then perhaps... she... will."
"NEVER-R-R!!!" Luke growled.
Luke ignited his lightsaber, screaming in anger, rushing toward his father with a frenzy never seen before. Sparks flew as Luke and Vader fought in the cramped area. Luke's hatred forced Vader to retreat from the lower area and across a bridge overlooking a vast elevator shaft. Each stroke from Luke's sword drove his father further toward defeat.
The Dark Lord was knocked to his knees, as he raised his sword to block another onslaught until... Luke slashed Vader's right hand off the wrist, causing metal and electronic parts to fly from the mechanical stump. Vader's sword clattered uselessly away, over the edge of the platform toward the bottomless shaft below. Luke moved toward Vader, holding the blade of his sword to the Dark Lord's throat.
It was at the moment the throne room door blasted off, as Twilight Sparkle was thrown through the air before crashing before the Emperor's throne. Twilight looked up in a daze toward the evil tyrant smiling down at her menacingly. Before she could do anything, however, she was force-pulled back into a standing position as Seraphina charged in with her lightsaber pointed forward like a javelin. Twilight leapt over the oncoming attacker, landing directly behind her. But Seraphina was far too quick and kicked her with such force she flew backwards and crashed into the railing overlooking the dangerous drop to the chasm below. Twilight looked down in horror of the terrifying drop but was quickly cut off when she leapt to the side to avoid Seraphina's strike, the railing sparked as Seraphina cut through with her saber.
But Seraphina grabbed the metal piping of the railed and ripped it off before nailing Twilight in the back with it. Twilight cried out in pain as she fell to the ground, but she held up her lightsaber as Seraphina brought hers down for the killing blow. The two pushed against one another for a moment before Seraphina flicked her saber and in the process sliced Twilight's saber in half. Seraphina stepped back as Twilight slow sat on her knees, looking down toward her destroyed lightsaber. Adding insult to injury, Seraphina saw the glasses having fallen from Twilight's face inches from her and Seraphina stomped upon it, crushing it to smaller pieces. Twilight then turned up toward Seraphina looking at her with the most hateful look she could muster.
"You've lost Twilight Sparkle," She declared. "Now I can finally do what I've been waiting to do for the past few years. However, I will give you the opportunity to say a few final words. If I were you, I'd make them count."
Twilight lowered her head, closing her eyes tight as a few tears fell down her face. She couldn't believe she had truly lost a fight. From the side, Luke looked over toward Twilight at the mercy of Seraphina.
"Twilight!" He called out.
He was about to race forward and help, but Twilight held her hand up. Slowly, she lifted her head to look in the eyes of her former friend. And in that moment, Twilight could only think of 'one' last thing to say to her.
"Sunset Shimmer, you are my 'best' friend... more than just that. You mean more to me than even Princess Celestia. But I refuse to live in a timeline where we must fight."
She brushed the destroyed remains of her lightsaber aside, allowing her arms to fall to her side.
"If you are truly 'evil'... you truly believe in the Dark Side... then go ahead. Strike me down. Do what makes you happy... but I'll 'always' forgive you. I love you, Sunset."
Hearing those words actually caused Seraphina to freeze on the spot. She was actually willing to let herself be killed? As those thoughts were running through Seraphina's, something else was weighing heavily upon her mind.
Deep within the oblivion of the void, the seemingly endless battle between light and darkness waged on. Darth Marr battled against the form of Valkorion with the might he possessed thousands of years before. Valkorion laughed lowly and darkly as he disappeared in a puff of black smoke. But this did nothing to deter Marr, who simply stood his ground with the same level of determination.
"Show yourself coward," He growled.
"Gladly," Valkorion responded.
A few puffs of smoke appeared all around Marr and in an instant, he was completely surrounded by many forms of Valkorion. Marr made to attack one but was quickly ambushed by the others as they all threw him back and forth with the force. They all threw force lightning at him and though Marr held off a few of them, even he along couldn't stop the lightning from contacting his form. Eventually, it all became too much for him as they blew him to the side, and he rolled along the ground before coming to an eventual stop. He groaned as he slowly sat up and looked at the many forms of Valkorion.
"You wear a mask to maintain the illusion you are a powerful Sith worthy of respect," Valkorion taunted. "Yet despite your beliefs, you were always weak. That's why it was so easy for me to kill you all those years ago."
Marr growled to himself as he grabbed his lightsaber and hurled it through the air. In the process, his saber twirled through the air with the force and acted like a boomerang as it took out numerous Valkorion forms. Marr caught the saber as it returned and leapt high in the air before coming down with a huge force shockwave that eradicated the remaining replicas. This left only Valkorion, the true Valkorion, left standing as Marr quickly advanced on him.
"You're wrong Valkorion," Marr said. "You only destroyed my being because I allowed it. All it served was to make me stronger, as I became one with the force."
In another part of the void, Andromedis and Valora were locked in their own battle. The two arch enemies during the Old Republic clashed their sabers back and forth with great force, neither willing to give an inch. Andromedis short force lightning from the tips of his fingers, but Valora blocked with her own lightsaber and threw it back at him. The Sith lord groaned in pain as the lightning coursed through him, as Valora raced up and delivered a powerful roundhouse kick sending him flying back. Andromedis flipped through the air before eventually landing on his feet and Valora flew up to meet him.
Eventually, Andromedis had quite enough of this nonsense. He reached into the darkest recesses of his black heart, unleashing a huge explosion of force lightning that blew Valora far back. The Jedi Master landed hard on the ground as her lightsaber rolled a great distance away from her and she laid there nearly knocked out. Andromedis walked slowly to her fallen figure, raising his lightsaber high, and prepared to deliver the killing blow... but stopped.
Valora looked up, seeing Andromedis looking down at her with a wicked, cocky smirk on his face. He deactivated his lightsaber and clipped it back to his side.
"Killing you now would be far too easy," He mocked. "Besides, I have far bigger plans set for the future of this galaxy. Now that I have been awakened, soon enough the galaxy will bend their knees to me."
Then, within the blink of an eye, Andromedis disappeared in a haze with his sick laughter echoing through the void. This made Valora increasingly nervous about what he meant
Unlike herself, he wasn't dead and confined to the force. He still had a living, breathing being able to unleash pain and torment on the galaxy. And with her unable to stop him any longer, she only hoped someone would finally bring an end to him. But hearing the continuous struggle around her, Valora quickly shook these thoughts from her head and resumed the fighting.
Sunset Shimmer and Revan held their own against the former Sith Emperor, as Tenebrae released a series of force lightning strikes against his adversaries. Yet Revan was quick to block them with his lightsaber. When Sunset and Revan attempted to attack with their own blades, Tenebrae was more than ready for them as he produced not one but two blood red sabers and expertly countered each of their attacks. Eventually, all the fighting led to the three forms of the Emperor led to the middle of the rocky terrain of the void.
The three forms of the Emperor combined their power and with a humongous blast of dark energy sent every single one of their attackers backwards. Sunset and everyone else slowly sat up seeing the three forms of the Emperor side by side with their eyes glowing blood red. A strange force seemed to envelop them as though they were calling on the very essence of the dark side itself to aid them.
"I told you..." Tenebrae said.
"I control all that happens here..." Vitiate added.
"I am immortal," Valkorion finished. "Infinite... endless!"
Just as all seemed lost for Sunset and the others, a glowing blue portal opened to the side causing everyone to stop and stare at the strange phenomenon. From the very portal emerged a figure of a lady dressed all in white, even her hair was completely white. Though the Emperor had not seen this being for thousands of years, he remembered her as though it were yesterday.
"Meetra Surik," He growled.
"Everything ends," Meetra said to him. "Even you."
This caused Tenebrae to laugh evilly.
"I believe you tried to destroy me once before," He reminded her. "You failed."
"True," Meetra nodded. "However, last time we did not have the one thing needed to finally wipe the galaxy clean of you."
The deceased Jedi master slowly walked towards the group of heroes before coming to a rest before Sunset Shimmer.
"You were the missing quality we needed," She declared. "Someone who has faced the darkest corners of their own heart and vanquished it. You, Sunset Shimmer, who always felt underappreciated and overlooked, allowed yourself to become as dark as the dark side itself. However, you fought the darkness and came out into the light. Now you serve as a guardian of piece, the light side itself."
Sunset smiled, hearing such kind words from the long dead master before turning her attention to the Emperor. Reaching within herself, she closed her eyes and allowed the light to flow through her. The entire landscape of the void soon became enveloped in a magnificent golden light amongst the darkness. One by one, everyone stood up by Sunset's side as they all faced the Emperor. Tenebrae's gaze faltered for a moment as he could feel the darkness growing weaker around him. Satele Shan stood right up alongside Sunset as she faced the dark master.
"Everything you've done..."
Then, miraculously, more and more figures emerged from the light. Many former Jedi, Soldiers, Civilians, and others alike appeared from the light offering their strength in the force to fight against the dark. Some of those being the family of Valkorion himself: Senya Tirall, Arcann, Thexan, and Vaylin.
"Everyone you betrayed..." Senya continued.
From beside Darth Mar emerged familiar figures of Jedi Knight, Kira Carson and the former Emperor's wrath, Lord Scourge. Along with many others the Emperor had twisted and vanquished.
"Everyone you've manipulated..." Kira finished.
More and more, the three forms of the Emperor felt their strength faltering and tried to maintain it. However, they were quickly losing this battle of will.
"Everyone you've murdered..." Meetra spoke.
Revan then stepped alongside Sunset as well.
"The force seeks balance," He said. "Always..."
Eventually, the power of the light proved overpowering for the darkness, and it blew Tenebrae back. Soon he and his other forms went stiff, starting to freeze up.
"No, no, no!" Vitiate panicked.
"The force is mine!" Valkorion yelled. "I command it!"
"I... am... endless!!!" Tenebrae growled.
Sunset then stepped before the giant gathering of followers behind her with the light side practically radiating from her very form.
"No..." She shook her head. "In the end... you are nothing."
The light side could be felt through the very air as it permeated strongly. Vitiate and Valkorion both slowly became entrapped in stone much like the Legion of Doom long ago, leaving only Tenebrae left. Soon, even he began to be entrapped in stone.
Sunset slowly walked forward to the now stone form of Tenebrae, gently reaching out, and gave a tiny flick of her finger. The stone statue crumbled under her very touch and the other forms followed suit. And just like that, the Sith Emperor was no more.
All Seraphina could do was look down toward Twilight, who knelt on the ground waiting to be struck. Not even bothering to lift what remained of her lightsaber, discarded all over the ground. So many thoughts raced through her head: Why was Twilight willing to let herself be killed? Was she truly doing this for her? Eve after the things she did?
Palpatine interrupted her thoughts, cackling evilly while watching the scene unfold.
"Yes... kill her, she is weak," Palpatine spoke, sinisterly. "Kill her and the rebellion falls with her. Together, we shall rule the galaxy."
Seraphina pushed those words back into her head, trying to focus on her task at hand. But for the first time in a long while, she suddenly had no idea what to do. On one hand, this could all end with one strike, one strike and it's over. And yet, Seraphina still couldn't believe that the pony-turned-girl was willing to lay her life down to her, the very same one her master claimed forgotten all about her. Yet there she was, kneeling in defeat and succumbing to her fate as a sacrifice for her.
All these thoughts raced through her head, as she raised the crimson blade of her saber above her head. A fierce look dawned on her face, staring toward Twilight, who doesn't even return her gaze. She's just sitting there, staring toward the ground sadly. All at once, Seraphina's intense glare softened seeing Twilight in this state. The once blood red Sith eyes of Darth Seraphina seemed to melt away and were replaced with the moderate cyan eyes of Sunset Shimmer.
"Twilight..." Sunset whispered.
Then Sunset closed her eyes, weighing her options. And just as quickly opened her eyes, as if it suddenly dawned on her what must be done. Sunset turned around and swung her lightsaber, spinning on her heels toward the Emperor. She felt her blade make contact, but not the way she thought. She looked up toward the Emperor's face, as he smirked knowing the attack was coming and produced his own lightsaber to block the attack.
"You betray your friends and this rebellion," Palpatine cackled maniacally. "I always knew you'd eventually betray me too."
Lunging his hand out, the Emperor 'force punched' Sunset to the farthest corner of the room. She crashed against the metal wall and fell to the ground, groaning in pain as Twilight looked on. She turned towards Palpatine, who laughed as he watched Sunset hit the floor.
"You had such potential, just like Lord Vader. You could've been my successor, like him. My equal, like him. But it seems you're willing to share the same fate as the rebel scum. Now Seraphina, my former apprentice... you must die!"
"My name..." Sunset growled, picking herself up. "... is Sunset Shimmer!"
Sunset quickly recovered, screaming her lungs out as she ignited her lightsaber and raced toward her 'master'. She swung furiously a few times, but each blow Palpatine blocked easily. Using as much strength as she could, Sunset conjured as much force lighting in her hands and shot it at the Emperor. Palpatine blocked the incoming bolts with his lightsaber, applying the force to hurl back at Sunset. She could feel the lightning jolt through her body, feeling the intense pain skyrocket through her.
Just then, Sunset gasped as she felt something hot pierce through her abdomen, followed by extreme pain. Her eyes glazed over, as she looked down and saw Palpatine thrust his lightsaber straight through her abdomen.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Twilight screamed.
Palpatine ripped his lightsaber out of Sunset, placing it back in his robes. Sunset took a shaky breath as she fell to her knees and Twilight quickly jumped up running toward her side. Sunset fell back into Twilight's waiting arms, as she looked up at her with fear in her eyes. She too could see the worry in Twilight's.
"No, no, no, no, no!" Twilight pleaded. "Come on Sunset, stay with me. Stay with me."
"T-Twilight..." Sunset spoke raspy. "Hold me... I-I need... t-to know... please..."
Nodding, Twilight held her hand towards Sunset Shimmer who weakly clutched her hand with Twilight's. Then her eyes began to glow, and she gasped. She could see everything playing out before her, every event from the all the time spent here. Twilight's time... everything she'd done... all her words... all her feelings... and as the light faded, Sunset slowly turned toward Twilight.
"Y-Y-You... you really did come for me..."
"Yes... yes Sunset, I'm here," Twilight cried. "I'm never letting go... I promise..."
Chuckling at the sight, Palpatine turned his attention toward Luke who still stood over Vader.
"Good!" He chuckled. "Your hate has made you powerful. Now, fulfill your destiny and take your father's place at my side!"
Luke looked toward his father's mechanical hand (Or what's left of it), then to his own mechanical, black-gloved hand. Only then did he realize how much he became like his father. He made the decision for which he has spent a lifetime in preparation. Luke stepped back, hurling his lightsaber away.
"Never!" Luke said defiantly. "I'll never turn to the dark side. You've failed, your highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me."
The Emperor's glee was quickly replaced with pure, raw rage.
"So be it... Jedi."
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