Vengeful Reunion

Back in the floating metropolis of Cloudy City, Chewbacca and Marek are forced to share a prison cell. The stark room they are held in was flooded with a hot light. To add to Chewie's misery, a high-pitched whistle screeched loudly, and Chewie was going mad. He banged the wall with giant fists, as he paced back and forth across the cell floor. Marek groaned in frustration, having had enough of both listening and watching the Wookiee go crazy.

"Stomping around and punching things won't save us, you know?" He spoke agitated.

Chewbacca growled back at him through his native language, to which Marek had absolutely no idea what he was talking about. He merely assumed he was saying something 'insulting'.

"If you want to blame anyone for this mess, blame Solo. It's his stupid blind trust that got us imprisoned in the first place."

Once again, Chewbacca growled at Marek. This roar much angrier and threatening as though the beast won't stand for what the Sith was saying about his companion. Marek merely rose his hands in defense.

"Calm yourself beast," He said. "I've no desire to fight you. Don't get me wrong, even with my lightsabers confiscated, I'd still crush you in my grip."

The upper lights went off abruptly. Chewbacca rubbed his eyes and moved to a wall, where he listened for a moment. Then, moaning to himself, he moved to a platform where the disassembled pieces of 3PO lie. He picked up the golden droid's head and meditated on it for a moment, barking a few philosophical remarks. Chewie sticked the robot's head on its torso and started adjusting wires and circuits. Marek watched with an almost amused look on his face.

"Seems the golden tin can finally fell to pieces," He chuckled. "Personally, I say it's a much-needed relief. All his constant prattling would drive a Kath Hound mad."

Suddenly, the lights in 3PO's eyes sparked to life as Chewie contacted two connectors together. 3PO immediately began to speak, but his voice was so slow and so low as to be nearly unintelligible.

"Mmm..." 3PO muttered. "Oh, my. Uh, I, uh—Take this off! I, uh, don't mean to intrude here. I, don't, no, no, no... Please don't get up. No!"

Hearing the return of the droid's frantic voice, Marek groaned and rubbed his temples.

"The silence was good while it lasted."

Chewie looked at 3PO in bewilderment, then scratched his furry head. He got an idea and started adjusting some connections, whereupon 3PO immediately began to speak normally.

"Stormtroopers? Here? We're in danger. I must tell the others. Oh, no! I've been shot!"


In another area of the city, Darth Vader and Seraphina strode through a room that could only be qualified as a torture chamber while two stormtroopers prepared an elaborate torture mechanism. Han was strapped to a rack which tilted forward onto the torture device. Seraphina looked on with a twisted smirk under her visor.

"Care to divulge us the whereabouts of Skywalker and his other friends, space scum?" She asked sinisterly.

Though certainly in no position to do so, Han looked over at the Sith woman and gave a light smirk.

"I don't know what you're talking about sweetheart," He answered smugly.

Seraphina's smirk instantly changed into a sneer, as she eyed the smuggler with a death stare.

"You will tell us what you know," She growled angrily.

But again, Han merely chuckled.

"I bet you're not so bad underneath all those black robes. How's about ditching the helmet, then we can have a nice chat. What do you say?"

Before Han could utter another remark, his head quickly snapped to the side and his jaw hurt something fierce as Seraphina slugged him right across the face as hard as she could punch. Shaking her gloved hand, the Sith grabbed the hilt of her lightsaber and ignited the blood red blade. Bringing the hot scalding blade to Han's throat, she was extremely tempted to end his existence... till Vader halted her.

"Stay your hand Seraphina," He ordered. "Killing the rogue now will serve no end for us if he does not share Skywalker's location with us. Fortunately, there are... other ways of making him talk."

Seraphina smirked as she nodded her head and deactivated her saber. Placing it back to her side, she stepped away as Vader activated the mechanism, creating two bursts of sparks, one of which struck Han's face. The door opened, and the two Sith left the torture room as Han screamed a sharp, piercing cry of agony. They move to the holding chamber, where Lando and Boba Fett waited.

"Lord Vader," Lando spoke.

"You may take Captain Solo to Jabba the Hutt after I have Skywalker," Vader informed Fett.

Han's screams filtered through the torture room door.

"He's no good to me dead," Boba Fett responded.

"He will not be permanently damaged," Vader assured.

"Lord Vader, what about Leia and the Wookiee?" Lando asked, concerned.

"They must never again leave this city," Vader answered.

"That was never a condition of our agreement, nor was giving Han to this bounty hunter!"

"Perhaps you think you're being treated unfairly."

"No..." Lando spoke lowly.

"Good," Vader approved. "It would be unfortunate if I had to leave a garrison here.

Vader turned and swept into the elevator with Boba Fetta and Seraphina close behind. Lando walked swiftly down another corridor, muttering to himself.

"This deal's getting worse all the time."


Back in the large cell, Chewie now had a little more of 3PO back together. One arm was connected, yet the legs are yet to be attached. There is one small problem, however. It seemed the Wookiee has managed to put the droid's head on backwards.

"Oh yes, that's very good. I like that..." 3PO sighed, realizing. "Oh! Something's not right because now I can't see. Wait... WAIT! Oh, my! What have you done? I'm backwards, you stupid furball! Only an overgrown mophead like you would be stupid enough..."

3PO was cut off mid-sentence as Chewie angrily deactivated a circuit and the droid shut down, much to Marek's relief.

"Finally..." Marek sighed.

Suddenly, the Wookiee smelled something and sat up. The pair turn as the chamber door slides open and a ragged Han Solo was shoved into the room by two stormtroopers. Barking his concern, the huge Wookiee gave Han a big hug. Marek took a close look toward Han, noting he was very pale with dark circles under his eyes.

"Captain Solo," Marek spoke, concerned. "Are you all right?"

"I feel terrible," Han moaned.

Chewie and Marek helped Han to a platform before they turned back to the sliding door revealing Princess Leia. She too looked worse for wear as the troopers pushed her into the cell and the door slides closed. She moved toward Han, who lied along the platform, and kneels beside him gently stroking his head.

"Why are they doing this?" Leia questioned.

"The Empire's taking desperate measures this time," Marek assumed. "They want your friend so bad and they're just going to keep torturing us till they have the answers to their questions."

"They never even asked me any questions," Han spoke.

The cell door slid open once more, as Lando and two of his guards entered.

"Lando," Leia frowned.

"Get out of here, Lando!" Han warned.

"Shut up and listen!" Lando spoke, frustrated. "Vader has agreed to turn Leia and Chewie over to me.

"Over to you?" Marek questioned.

"They'll have to stay here, but at least they'll be safe."

"What about Han and Marek?" Leia asked.

"Vader's giving Han to the bounty hunter," Lando answered.

"And he's going to kill me, is he..." Marek assumed, not so much questioned.

"Vader wants us all dead," Leia clarified.

"He doesn't want you at all," Lando countered. "He's after somebody called Skywalker, and that Seraphina wants someone by the name of 'Sparkle'."

"Luke?" Han guessed.

"Twilight?" Marek added.

"They've set a trap for them and their friends," Lando explained.

"But they wouldn't be going through all this trouble if they didn't think..." Marek paused, slowly realizing. "They were coming..."

Leia's mind raced with many emotions.

"And we're the bait."

"They're on their way right now," Lando informed.

By this point, Han's rage reached its peak.

"Perfect! You fixed us all pretty good, didn't you? My friend!"

Han hauled off and punched Lando square in the face. The two friends instantly engaged in a frantic close-quarters fight. The guards hit Han with the butt of their rifles, sending him flying across the room. Chewie growled ands tarted for the guards. They point their laser weapons at the giant Wookiee, till they felt their throats tighten and start gagging while clutching their throats. Marek, his eyes glowing, applied the force choke on them channeling his inner rage. But Lando jumped in and stopped them.

"Stop! I've done all I can. I'm sorry I couldn't do better, but I have my own problems."

"Yeah, you're a real hero," Han replied sarcastically.

"Marek... let them go!" Leia ordered.

But Marek seemed too enraged to listen, as he kept a tight hold on the guards. They started turning pale white under his grip.

"Marek, let them go!" Leia repeated. "Please..."

Finally Marek acknowledged the Princess's request, all of a sudden starting to see a vision of Sunset Shimmer in her place. His face started to soften and the glow in his eyes began to fade. With a heavy sigh, he released his hold on the guards along them to leave with Lando. Han wiped the blood from his chin, as Marek, Leia, and Chewie helped him up.

"You certainly have a way with people," Leia replied, dabbing the wound.


In the meantime, four armor-suited stormtroopers stood at the ready in the large chamber, which was filled with pipes and chemical tanks. In the midst of the room was a round pit housing a hydraulic platform. Darth Vader and Lando stood near the platform.

"This facility is crude, but it should be adequate to freeze Skywalker for his journey to the Emperor," Vader confirmed.

An Imperial soldier appeared.

"Lord Vader, ships approaching," The soldier informed. "One of them is X-wing class."

"Good," Vader approved. "Monitor Skywalker and his team; allow them to land."

The soldier bowed and left the chamber.

"Lord Vader, we only use this facility for carbon freezing," Lando pointed out. "If you put him in there, it might kill him."

"I do not want the Emperor's prize damaged. We will test it... on Captain Solo."

Lando's face registered with heavy dismay, realizing just what Vader was planning.


Through the clouds, Luke's X-wing flew closer toward Cloud City. Encountering no guards on sight, Luke scanned the display panel with concern. Following closely behind the young Skywalker, Storm, Spike, and the girls looked out toward the giant window of the main deck of Storm's starship and carefully observed the floating city.

"There's not a single guard on patrol out here," Rarity observed.

"It does look a little too easy," Fluttershy admitted. "It's like this place is just inviting us in."

"Oh they're likely invitin' us all right..." Applejack nodded. "Fer an ambush."

"Or... maybe they're all on break and decided to get together for a cup of coffee?" Pinkie asked hopefully.

"Right... coffee," Rainbow spoke sarcastically. "At the same time?"

"I'm going to fly us straight for one of the landing pads," Storm informed. "When we land, get ready for anything. Apart from the obvious, who knows what else is waiting for us?"

"I may have a few ideas..." Twilight assumed.


Great activity took place within the carbon-freezing platform. Six Ugnaughts frantically prepared the chamber for use and a special coffinlike container was put in place. With Boba Fett in the lead, a squad of six stormtroopers brought Han, Leia, Marek, and Chewie. Strapped to Chewie's back, with only his head, torso, and one arm assembled was 3PO.

3PO's head faced the opposite direction from Chewies and the droid constantly twisted around in a vain effort to see what's happening. His one attached arm was animated and expressive, intermittently pointing, gesturing, and covering his eyes. The remaining pieces of his body are randomly bundled to the Wookie's back, so his legs and other arm stuck out at odd angles from the pack.

"If only you had attached my legs, I wouldn't be in this ridiculous position," 3PO complained. "Now, remember, Chewbacca, you have a responsibility to me, so don't do anything foolish."

"What's going on... buddy?" Han asked angrily.

"You're being put into carbon freeze," Lando answered.

"Carbon freezing..." Marek muttered. "I really don't like the sound of that."

Boba Fett moved away from the group, approaching Darth Vader himself.

"What if he doesn't survive?" Boba voiced his concern. "He's worth a lot to me."

"The Empire will compensate you if he dies. Put him in!"

Realizing what's about to happen, Chewie released a wild howl and attacked the stormtroopers surrounding Han. Within seconds, other Imperial reinforcements joined the scuffle, clubbing the giant Wookie with their laser weapons. Marek adds himself into the fray, keeping off several troopers off Chewie. From the instant of Chewie's first move, 3PO screamed in panic while trying to protect himself with one arm.

"Oh no! No, no, no!" 3PO screamed. "Stop, Chewbacca, stop...!"

The stormtroopers were about to bash the pair square in the face till Han intervened.

"Stop, boys, stop! Do you hear me? Stop!"

"Yes, stop, please!" 3PO begged. "I'm not ready to die!"

Han broke away from his captors. Vader nodded to the guards to let him go, so the pirate can break up the fight.

"Marek! Chewie, this won't help me. Hey!"

Han gave the pair a stern look, but Marek was more resistant.

"Leave him alone, Vader!" Marek shouted. "Put me in there instead! He's just another smuggler; I'm more a valuable sacrifice than he is."

"All the more reason why I've determined not to volunteer your services, 'apprentice'," Vader replied calmly. "The Empire has very special plans... for you."

"Save your strength kid," Han spoke. "There'll be another time. The princess—you and Chewie have to take care of her. You hear me?"

Marek grunted in frustration; his eyes locked on the empire watching him. But then he turned back toward Leia, eyeing her closely as she looked on with concern. Another reluctant sigh escapes him before he turned back toward Han.

"I will not be responsible for another loss," Marek spoke softly.

"You won't..." Han spoke, winking.

The Wookiee wailed a doleful farewell while the guards slipped him into a pair of binders in a flasher. Chewbacca was too distraught to protest. Marek watched silently as Han turned toward Princess Leia, watching as the pair looked sorrowfully at one another. Then Han moved toward her and gave her a final, passionate kiss. Seeing this scene made Marek remember the kiss he shared with Sunset Shimmer, one of the last they shared... before he lost her to the darkness. A single tear escaped from one eye, but he didn't care.

"I love you!" Leia proclaimed.

"I know," Han answered.

Tears rolled down Leia's face as the group were forced to watch the dashing pirate walking toward the hydraulic platform. Han looked one final time toward his friends—and then suddenly, the platform dropped before them. Chewie howled, while Leia turned away in agony, and Marek felt like the only one forcing himself to watch. But then he turned to the side, and he caught Lando wincing in sorrow. It's as if this scene was leaving a life-changing impression on him.

Instantly, fiery liquid began to pour down in a shower of sparks and fluid as great as any steel furnace. Holding Leia, both Marek and Chewbacca half-turned away from the sight giving 3PO a view of the procedure.

"What... what's going on?" 3PO asked. "Turn around, Chewbacca, I can't see."

"They're about to encase him in carbonite," Marek spoke with dread.

"Oh... well, he should be quite well-protected."

"Yes... if he can survive the freezing process."

Chewie was in no mood for a technical discussion; he gave the pair an angry glance and barked.

A huge mechanical tong lifted the steaming metal-encased space pirate out from the vat and stood him on the platform. Some Ugnaughts rushed over and pushed the block onto the platform. The group could only stare at what remained of Han, the way his eyes crunched shut, his palms partly out, along with traces of his frame. They could only watch as the creatures slid the coffinlike structure to the block, lifting the metal block itself and placed it inside. They soon attached an electronic box onto the structure and stepped away. Lando knelt down, adjusting some knobs and measured the heat. He shook his head in relief.

"Well, Calrissian, did he survive?" Vader asked.

"Yes, he's alive," Lando confirmed. "And in perfect hibernation."

Vader turned to Boba Fett.

"He's all your bounty hunter. Reset the chamber for Skywalker."

"Skywalker and his team just landed, my lord," The Imperial Officer announced.

"Good. See to it he alone finds his way here. Calrissian, take my apprentice, the princess, and the Wookiee to my ship."

"You said they'd be left in the city under my supervision!" Lando argued.

"I am altering the deal," Vader stated, on the contrary. "Pray I don't alter it any further."

Lando's hand instinctively went for his throat as he turned toward Marek, Leia, Chewie, and 3PO. Vader then turned toward Darth Seraphina, who stood quietly the entire time. Seraphina nodded her head, a silent gesture as if answering a mental question.


Luke Skywalker, R2-D2, and the Equestrians carefully crossed a dessert corridor, when they heard a group of people coming down a side hallway. R2 let out an excited series of beeps and whistles. Luke and Storm glared at the tiny droid, with Storm holding a finger over his lips, and the droid stopped in his tracks with a feeble squeak.

Boba Fett entered from a side hallway, followed by two guards pushing the floating, encased body of Han Solo. Fluttershy slowly leaned out for a better look and gasped in horror. But Rarity quickly grabbed her lips preventing her from screaming... but it's too late.

Two stormtroopers, following behind, immediately spotted the group and opened fire. Luke quickly drew his weapon and blasted the two troopers before they can get off a second shot. The two guards whisked Han down another hallway as Fett lowered his arm and fired a deadly laser at the group, which exploded to one side and tore up a huge chunk of wall.

"Who the heck is that guy?!" Rainbow shouted.

"Bounty hunter!" Storm grunted, looking out. "Definitely a Mandalorian... very deadly warriors."

"They're getting away!" Spike pointed a paw.

The group rushed to a side hallway, but by the time they reached it, Fett, Han, and the guards were gone. A thick metal door blocked the passage before them. They turned only to spot Marek, Leia, Chewie, 3PO, and Lando herded down a second hallway by several stormtroopers.

"Princess Leia!" Twilight shouted.

Leia turned just in time to see Twilight and Luke.

"Twilight!" Leia shouted. "Luke don't—it's a trap! It's a trap!"

Before she could finish, she was pulled through a doorway and disappeared from sight. Luke raced after them, leaving little R2 and the others trailing behind.

"Hey, wait for us!" Pinkie shouted.

Luke ran into an anteroom and stopped to get his bearings. Unfortunately, Leia and the others are nowhere to be seen. Behind Luke, R2 and the group scooted down the corridor toward the anteroom when suddenly a giant metal door came slamming down, cutting off Luke's exit. Several more doors clang shut, echoing through the chamber.

R2 and the group stood, with the former's nose pressed against the giant metal door. He whistled a long sigh of relief and, a little dazed, wandered off in the other direction. Determined, Rainbow Dash drew out her lightsaber ready to activate it when Storm stopped her.

"Save your energy Rainbow," Storm advised. "We'll have to find another way to reach Luke. In the meantime, if we hurry, we may find the others on the way."

"Storm's right... we can only hope that Luke can meet with us later," Twilight agreed, facing the door. "Don't worry Luke! We'll be with you shortly!"

With that settled, the group traveled down R2's direction to find another way toward their friends... or Luke... or whichever came first.


In the meantime, Luke cautiously walked forward amongst the hissing pipes and steam. Seeing an opening above him, he stopped to look up. In doing so, the platform he stood upon began to move. Luke rose into the carbon-freezing chamber, borne by the platform. The room itself was deathly quiet. Very little steam escaped the pipes; no one else seemed to be in the large room. Wearily, Luke walked toward the stairway.

Steam began to build up in the chamber. Looking up through the steam, Luke saw a dark figure standing on a walkway above him. Luke holstered his gun and moved up the stairs to face Vader. He felt confident, eager to engage his mortal enemy.

"The Force is with you, young Skywalker," Vader spoke. "But you are not a Jedi yet."

Unfazed, Luke slowly approached Vader and dropped the gun in his holster. He ignited his saber in answer and in an instance Vader's own sword lit up. Luke lunged, but Vader repelled the blow easily. Again Luke struck, as both swords of the two combatants clashed in battle neither one refusing to back down. A fierce battle ensues between man and machine, Luke doing all he can to hold his own with the more experienced combatant.


Galen Marek, Leia, Lando, and Chewie, with 3PO on his back, marched along under guard by six stormtroopers. The group reached an intersection where Lobot and a dozen of Lando's guards stood at attention. The guards immediately aimed their weapons at the startled stormtroopers. Taking the stormtroopers' weapons from them, Lobot handed one to Leia and one to Lando.

"Well done," Lando nodded. "Hold them in the security tower—and keep it quiet. Move."

As Lando's guards quickly marched the stormtroopers away, Lando began to undo Chewie's binding.

"What do you think you're doing?" Leia questioned.

"We're getting out of here," Lando declared.

"I knew all along it had to be a mistake," 3PO sighed with relief.

Chewie turned on Lando and proceeded to choke him.

"You think after everything you've done to us, especially to Han, that we're just going to trust you?" Marek questioned, glaring. "In the Empire, we 'never' take kindly to traitors! I know this!"

Lando tried to free himself from Chewie's tight grip.

"I had no choice..." Lando choked.

To which Chewie barked ferociously, squeezing harder.

"What are you doing?" 3PO argued with Chewie. "Trust him, trust him!"

"Oh, so we understand, don't we, Chewie?" Leia questioned. "He had no choice."

"I'm just trying to help..." Lando insisted.

"We don't need your help!" Marek argued. "I don't want your help! Every other person I've ever turned to, they either 'died'... or 'betrayed' me. Why should you be any different?"

"H-a-a-a..." Lando choked.


"It sounds like Han," 3PO assumed.

"There's still a chance to save Han..." Lando continued. "I mean, at the East Platform..."

"The East Platform..." Marek repeated. "Then that's where we're going!"

"Chewie," Leia spoke.

On command, Chewie finally released Lando, who fought to get his breath back.

"I'm terribly sorry about all this," 3PO apologized. "After all, he's only a Wookiee."

"We can kiss and make-up later," Marek replied. "Come on! We've got to stop their ship from leaving!"


The two guards slid Han's encased body into an opening along the side of the bounty hunter's ship. Boba Fett climbed aboard from a ladder right next to the cargo hold.

"Put Captain Solo in the cargo hold," Boba Fett ordered.

With no argument, the door slammed shut. It won't be long until the bounty hunter was set for takeoff.


In the meantime, Twilight Sparkle, Storm Shield, and the others quietly snuck their way through the halls of Cloud City. On one hand, they hoped to find another entryway to where they last saw Luke only to find themselves lost in an unfamiliar place. On the other hand, they had no idea if any of the others were okay after seeing them carried off. They knew whichever direction they started for, if they didn't reach either of them in time who knows what could happen.

"Stay close everyone," Storm advised. "We don't want to try rushing into a fight we can't win. We just need to find our friends, disable the guards, and get off this city as soon as possible."

"But what about Captain Han?" Applejack asked. "Y'all saw wut they done to him. Who knows where they might be takin' him?"

"I admit I don't know any more than you do. But maybe our friends might have some information on where they are taking him. Which is why we've got to find them."

"I say let those Sith Lords try and find us," Rainbow boasted, confidently. "We'll take on anyone who gets in our way."

"Remember what the masters said about being 'overconfident'," Storm warned. "I may be the more experienced combatant in this team, but I also acknowledge most of you have had very little time to hone your skills here. Against the more experienced warriors, it's very unlikely you'll last long. Just try and leave most of the fighting to me."

"Oh, I do wish that those other Jedi we met could've tagged along with us," Fluttershy whimpered.

Most of the group nodded in agreement, even though there were reasons to suggest their otherwise notable absence. Trailing behind, Twilight Sparkle searched around the halls looking for a means of finding their friends. Suddenly, something briefly caught her eye and she leaned back, spotting a familiar shade of fiery hair crossing a dark path.

"Sunset?" Twilight thought.

Twilight Sparkle looked back to see the rest still walking ahead down the hall. Twilight soon turned back toward the dark space where she thought she saw someone. Even against her better judgment, the urge to know if Sunset is truly alive was too great to ignore. Determined, Twilight Sparkle slowly crossed her way down the hall with her hand over the lightsaber hilt just in case.

It was only after Twilight Sparkle made her way down the other path when Spike's senses started to kick in. Feeling something off, Spike turned around only to find that Twilight Sparkle was missing.

"Uh... Twilight?"


Twilight Sparkle was already farther down the path silently looking around for Sunset Shimmer. Though unwise to traverse down this path alone, Twilight was driven to recover Sunset and hoped that finding her may perhaps lift the weight off her shoulder. Her eyes darted around the dark, but for reasons unknown she couldn't see another familiar trace of Sunset around. The only other sound was her own footsteps against the floor, as she wandered aimlessly in a seemingly fruitless search.

Just then, Twilight Sparkle felt a slight chill down her spine, and she stopped. Her eyes slowly turned to the side as she lightly turned behind her... then she took out her lightsaber, the blade ignited, and blocked an oncoming attack from another fiery blade threatening to press against her face. Twilight's eyes stared fiercely, trying to keep a brave face, as she stood face-to-face with her opponent... the masked Sith warrior, Darth Seraphina.

"Hello... Twilight Sparkle..."

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