Twilight Vs Seraphina

As chaos unfolded high in Cloud City, Lando, Leia, Marek, and Chewie ran down through the many corridors of the city. All of a sudden, they spotted R2 rushed toward them, beeping wildly. But the little droid is not alone, as Storm Shield and the other Equestrians (Minus Twilight Sparkle) turned a corner and skid to a halt before the others.

"Princess Leia! Guys!" Fluttershy smiled, with relief. "Oh thank goodness we found you!"

"R2! Master Storm! Girls!" 3PO shouted. "Where have you been?"

"It's a very long story... 3PO?" Rainbow spoke, confused.

Just then, Chewie turned around toward the stubby droid and the Equestrians, causing 3PO to be spun out of sight from his friends.

"Turn around, you wooly...!" 3PO cried out. "Hurry, hurry! We're trying to save Han from the bounty hunter!"

"We know!" Rarity cried out. "We just saw them go down one of the halls."

"C'mon! We've got to hurry if we're going to get Han back!" Storm spoke.

Whistling frantically to 3PO, R2 scooted along with the racing group.

"Well, at least your still in one piece!" 3PO complained. "Look what happened to me!"

"How in tarnation did y'all end up in this state?" Applejack asked.

"Trust me... you don't want to know," Marek muttered.


Eventually, the elevator door slid open as the entire group raced for a large bay overlooking the East Landing Platform.

"There's the ship!" Storm pointed out.

But just as they arrived, Boba Fett's ship took off against a cloudy sunset sky.

"They're getting away!" Rainbow cried out.

In wild anguish, Chewie howled and started firing toward the ship.

"Save your ammo, Chewie!" Marek shouted, looking back. "We've got company!"

A laser bolt exploded near the group and they all turned to see what Marek had already spotted emerging from the other direction: An entire squad of stormtroopers running toward them. R2 peeked out from the elevator.

Leia and Chewbacca started firing at the troopers, as Lando, with Fluttershy and Pinkie close behind, made a break for the elevator. Laser bolts continued to explode around the group, but they refused to budge. Marek retaliated with some force lightning towards some of the troopers, sending a fraction of the group flying off and falling through the clouds. Lando and Pinkie Pie stuck their heads out the elevator, as the former motioned for the group to run. But neither the princess, the Wookie, or the rest of the Equestrians even noticed. They seemed possessed, transported, and for one small group all the frustration of captivity and anger of loss poured through their death-dealing weapons.

Eventually, after a few moments, they finally began to move through the rain of laser fire toward the elevator. The Equestrians were able to block any lasers that threatened to strike, thanks to their newfound lightsabers. Once inside, the doors slammed shut and the stormtroopers raced forward. Storm and the rest of the Equestrian Girls all breathed a sigh of relief now that they were safely out of harm's way.

That is... until they finally took notice of just where they were. Standing before them was the combined power of General Grievous, the Inquisitors, and Demitria. All of them had their weapons drawn, ready for a good long fight.

"Out of the frying pan and into the fire," Storm commented.

In quick fashion, he and the girls all ignited their lightsabers (Some of them 're-igniting') as they prepared themselves for battle.


Twilight stood completely frozen in shock as she found herself in the paralyzing presence of Darth Seraphina. The masked Sith held her double-bladed lightsaber at the ready, as a battle between the two was about to commence. A slight breeze billowed her cape behind her for additional effect.

"I've long awaited this altercation for three years," Seraphina spoke menacingly. "The day I finally end your miserable existence once and for all. To finally feel your warm blood run cold as it slips through my hands."

Twilight was completely petrified internally at the sight. Moreover hearing this evil woman spew such hateful, wicked words. Never before had Twilight ever known such hatred and anger in her entire life, not even from all the other menacing beasts she faced prior.

"I don't understand," Twilight spoke. "You say you've waited years to kill me and my friends. What did any of us ever do to you? What did Iever do to you?"

Seraphina released an evil chuckle, as she took another step toward Twilight Sparkle. The Princess of Friendship in turn stepped back keeping her eyes on the menacing Sith.

"That right there has always been your greatest flaw Princess," Seraphina pointed out. "You tackle dangerous and terrifying enemies daily, save countless worlds, even fool yourself into thinking you are anything but a novice. Yet the one thing you can never do... is realize the wrongs you've done unto others."

Seraphina swung her lightsaber in a circle a few times before grasping it in both hands.

"And I never said anything about killing 'your friends'," Seraphina corrected. "Just... you."

Twilight shakily held her lightsaber, the lavender purple blade glowing toward the Sith. In an instant, their blades clashed. The blows Seraphina delivered were powerful enough that only a few would've reduced the entire area to ruins. It was honestly a miracle Twilight managed to block many of them with the little training she received. Seraphina soon used the power of the force to push Twilight against a nearby wall. She proceeded to place Twilight in a force choke, as the latter tried to pry herself of the invisible grip upon her neck. This of course only intensified the choking sensation.

"You may hold a lightsaber now Sparkle," Seraphina spt. "But that does not make you a warrior."

Twilight desperately darted her eyes around seeking something to help her out of this situation. Catching sight of a few crates behind Seraphina, she could almost hear the voices of Master Yoda and Grandmaster Satele Shan in her head.


"Use the force, you must," Yoda instructed.

"Trust in the force," Satele added. "Allow it to flow through you..."


Twilight reached deep within herself and concentrate on what needed to be done. Little by little, the crates slowly and silently lifted off the ground. Then in the blink of an eye, they soared with great speed towards Seraphina. The Sith sensed the incoming crates and released Twilight from her force grip to leap over the incoming crates that smashed hard into the wall. Twilight used this instance to regain her breathing as she coughed, sputtered, and fell to one knee. She rubbed he throat desperately as Seraphina landed gracefully before her once again chuckling in amusement.

"I see you've learned to use the force," She spoke. "A cute little trick you just used, but it won't get you anywhere. Unlike you, I've had years of training and experience. There is nothing you can conjure that I can't throw back tenfold."

Seraphina grasped the hilt of her saber with both hands, twisting it until it clicked. As if Twilight didn't think it could possibly get much worse, Seraphina pulled the dual saber apart so now she was holding 'two' twin Sith sabers. Now... this had gotten much harder.


Meanwhile, Luke and Vader were locked in combat along the platform overlooking the chamber. Their lightsabers clashed, as the platform below their feet swayed to-and-fro. Luke aggressively drove Vader back, force Vader to apply some defensive tactics.

"You have learned much, young one," Vader spoke, impressed.

"You'll find I'm full of surprises," Luke replied.

Vader made two quick moves, hooking Luke's sword out of his hand and sent it flying. Another lightning move at Luke's feet forced the young to jump back to protect himself. Losing his balance, Luke rolled down the stairs to the circular carbon-freezing platform. He sprawled along the floor, surprised and shaken. Just in time he looked up toward Vader, who flew right at him like a giant black bird. Luke rolled away as Vader made his landing. Crouching, Luke kept his gaze steadily on his enemy.

"Your destiny lies with me, Skywalker," Vader spoke. "Obi-Wan knew this to be true."

"No!" Luke shouted, in defiance.

Behind Luke, the hydraulic elevator cover had opened noiselessly. All the while, Luke slowly and cautiously moved back, away from the Dark Lord.

Suddenly, Vader attacked so forcefully Luke lost his balance and fell back into the opening. There was a rumble, and in an instant freezing steam rose to obscure Vader's vision. Vader turned aside, deactivating his sword.

"All too easy," Vader said. "Perhaps you are not as strong as the Emperor thought."

Through the steam behind Vader, something blurred upward as liquid metal began to pour into the pit. Vader turned around—and then looked up. He saw Luke, who leapt fifteen feet straight up and now hung from some hoses along the carbonite outlet.

"Impressive..." Vader admired. "Most impressive."

Luke jumped down to the platform where he was separated from Vader by the steaming carbonite pit. He rose his hand and his sword, which had fallen on another part of the platform, swiftly jumped into his outstretched hand and was instantly ignited. Vader immediately lit his sword as well.

"Obi-Wan has taught you well," Vader continued. "You have controlled your fear... now release your anger."

But Luke was more cautious, controlling his anger. He began to retreat as Vader goaded him on. As he assumed a defensive stance, he realized he had been foolhardy. A quick sword exchange and Luke forced Vader back. Another exchange commenced, and as Vader retreated it was Luke's turn to press forward.

"Only your hatred can destroy me," Vader spoke.

Breathing hard, Luke jumped into the air and turned into a somersault over Vader. He landed upon the floor, slashing at Vader while the room continued to fill up with steam. Vader retreated before Luke's skillful sword, blocking every swing only to lose his balance and fall into the outer rim of pipes.

The energy Luke used to stop Vader had brought him to the brink of collapse. Luke moved toward the edge and peered down only to find no sign of Vader. He then deactivated his sword, hooked it upon his belt, and lowered himself into the pit.

Moving through a tunnel-like entrance, Luke cautiously approached the reactor room. He ignited his sword, moving into the room, and toward a large window... as Vader entered.

Luke raised his sword, moving forward to attack. Behind Luke, a large piece of machinery detached itself from the wall and came smashing forward toward his back. Luke turned and sliced it in half just as another machine hurtled toward him. Using the Force, Luke managed to deflect it and sent it flying as if it had hit an invisible shield.

A large pipe detached itself, flying toward Luke, who managed to deflect it. Spark-shot wires pulled out from the wall and whipped toward the youth. Small tools and equipment flew at him, bombardment from all sides. Luke did his best to deflect everything, but soon he was bloodied, battered, and bruised. Finally, one machine glanced off him and flew toward the large window. A fierce wind blew into the room, and Vader just stood, an unmoving, dark, rocklike figure staring toward Luke.

Staring as a piece of machinery finally struck Luke and knocked him out of the window. He fell onto the gantry, rolling, and hung over the edge, holding his deactivated sword in hand. He put the sword along his belt and scrambled up.


Moving through the darkly corridor, Twilight Sparkle kicked the Sith Woman heavily in the stomach. Darth Seraphina fell onto the ground, the air knocked out of her lungs. Twilight drew her Lightsaber toward Seraphina, the light emanating a heavy glow along her visor.

"Stand down," Twilight demanded.

But Seraphina was quick to respond, using the other half of her own Lightsaber to draw away from Twilight's blade. She picked herself upon her feet and proceeded to fight the alicorn Padawan, now with only one working blade. Sparks exploded with each contact the blades made, Twilight Sparkle switching to the defense with Seraphina on the offense. A fierce battle between two warriors, a fight neither one aims to lose. Everything to gain from this one confrontation, and everything to lose all at the same time.


In the meantime, Storm Shield and the Equestria girls stood at the ready. Their weapons drawn in preparation to fight the evil syndicate standing across from them. Grievous was the first of the side of evil to step forward, his four sabers drawn for battle.

"I got this one," Storm spoke, stepping forward. "This is personal."

The young Jedi prince stepped forward till he and the psychotic cyborg General stood mere inches from one another. Grievous towered over Storm, yet the Jedi Master showed neither fear nor nerves. Only intense concentration on display, as if the young man had been waiting for this moment all his life.

"Your efforts against me are a fool's errand, Jedi scum," Grievous growled. "I shall make quick work of you, just as I did those witches of Dathomir. Especially the one you fell for... Khaleena."

Hearing the name made Storm's eyes widen before they turned into a venomous scowl. Screaming out, Storm charged full speed towards Grievous. The brave Jedi jabbed forward, disrupting Grievous' shield, but also drawing the Jedi in close. Grievous swung all four blades with quick precision, knocking Storm back as the Jedi barely blocked the attacks. Grievous spun his torso at incredible speeds, his blades appearing as one blur and green blur. Storm jumped over Grievous, narrowly escaping the funnel of death. But soon as he landed, Grievous merely turned around still spinning his arms rapidly.

"Could really go for an evil monologue about now!" Storm suggested hopefully.

"Don't worry, I'll make a speech... for your corpse!"

Grievous shot forward, all four blades extended to a point in the shape of a drill. He began spinning once again, only this time he was running.

"Not good..." Storm muttered.

Storm stuck his saber right into the center, halting the rotation of Grievous. But in doing so, it sent him flying like a spiraling javelin. The Jedi slammed against the ground below, causing him to clutch onto his injured back. Grievous leapt down and hacked downward, but Storm flipped backwards onto his feet and out of harm's way. He jumped forward toward the general, whose defenses were down, and swung at his head.

But just in the nick of time, Grievous bent back, avoiding decapitation, but losing most of his left antenna plate. Storm rolled forward, dodging Grievous' backward stabs attempts, and hopped along his feet. Grievous sprung to a stand as well, entering a new saber stance. He raised two arms over his head in stabbing positions, the two others in defensive formations.

"I have all but barely begun to fight," Grievous spoke. "While you are limited to one style at a time, I can use two!"

"Well... you'll need it, Grievous!" Storm declared. "Because now... I'm not holding back!"

A brief image of hundreds of clone troopers stood around Storm Shield, like a blast from the past. But in the present, Grievous showed little concern as he waited for Storm to make his move. In the meantime, the Equestria Girls attempted to come to Storm's defense, only for The Sisters and Demetria to stand before them, two of the sisters and Demetria were armed while only one sister merely held her fists.

"What's a matter Sister?" Rainbow beckoned, twirling her blade. "Not good with a light-saber?"

"I won't need a lightsaber to defeat you..." The Sister growled. "Never needed one..."

And the Inquisitors, along with Demetria, charged toward the Equestria Girls who shouted battle cries as they charged ahead, and another fierce battle was set to commence between the two groups.


While our heroes kept the syndicate busy, Marek, Leia, Lando, Chewie, and the droids rounded a corner and headed for the door to the landing platform. They caught a glimpse of the Millennium Falcon for a moment before the door slammed shut. The group ducked into an alcove, as stormtroopers arrived at the end of the corridor. The troopers sent a rain of laser bolts at the group. Chewie returned their fire, while Lando punched desperately toward the door's control panel.

"The security codes has been changed!" Lando muttered.

"R2, you can tell the computer to override the security system," 3PO advised.

With a beep, R2-D2 scooted toward a computer socket on the control panel. Lando, meanwhile, connected with the panel's intercom.

"Attention! This is Lando Calrissian," Lando announced. "The Empire has taken control of the city. I advise everyone to leave before more Imperial troops arrive."

R2 took off a computer cover and stuck his computer arm into the socket. Suddenly, a short beep turned into a wild scream. R2's circuits lit up, his head spun wildly, and smoke began to seep out underneath him. Quickly, Chewie and Marek pulled him away.

"That's not a terminal, it's a socket!" Marek observed. "Is there 'any' other way out of this city?"

"This way!" Lando pointed.

Together the group flee down the corridor. As he scooted along with them, R2 sent some angry beeps 3PO's way.

"Don't blame me! I'm an interpreter," 3PO argued. "I'm not supposed to know a power socket from a computer terminal."

In the meantime, all the residents of Cloud City are in a panic. The entire population attempts to get out of the city. Some carried around boxes, while others dragged packages along. Whichever way they ran, some changed directions just as quickly. While the few shot at invading stormtroopers, others simply tried to hide. Cloud City itself was a mess.

Other stormtroopers pursued the group consisting of Marek, Lando, Leia, and Chewie. They fired back with whatever weapons they had. R2 worked on another door to the landing platform, while 3PO berated him for his seeming ineptitude.

"What are you talking about?" 3PO argued. "We're not interested in the hyperdrive on the Millennium Falcon. It's fixed!"

"Will somebody just open the stupid door!!!" Marek shouted, freaking out.

Chewie, Leia, and Lando retreated along the corridor. One triumphant beep from R2 and the door snapped open.

"I never doubted you for a second," 3PO replied. "Wonderful!"

"You both need to get a room," Marek muttered. "But right now, we got to get on that ship and pick up the rest of our crew!"

R2 laid a cloud fog, obscuring everything, as the group dashed outside. And they made a bolt for the Millennium Falcon, as a battalion of stormtroopers reached the main door. Lando and Leia held off the troops, as the droids got on board with Chewie and Marek. As Chewie bounded for the ship, with 3PO upon his back, the droid hit his head on the top of the ramp.

"Ouch! Oh! Ah!" 3PO cried out. "That hurt. Bend down, you thoughtless... ow!"

That time it was Galen Marek who purposely flicked a finger toward the droid's forehead, anything to get him to shut up.


Eventually, Chewie started up the ship. The giant engines began to whine, as Lando and Leia raced up the ramp under a hail of laser fire.

"Leia! Go!" Lando shouted.

Inside the Millennium Falcon, R2 dragged the partially assembled 3PO down the corridor.

"I thought that hairy beast and that brooding teen would be the end of me," 3PO complained. "Of course I've looked better."

R2 beeped understandingly. Chewie worked the controls, as Leia sat in Han's seat. Lando and Marek watched over their shoulders as Chewie pulled back on the throttle. Eventually, the Millennium Falcon itself began to move and lift gracefully into the twilight sky. Roaring away from the city, while troops fired after it and TIE fighters took off in pursuit.


Luke moved along the railing and up toward the control room. The young man barely got very far down the dark shaft when Vader lunged at him. Luke immediately raised his lit sword to meet Vader's spark flew in the midst of their duel, with Vader gradually forcing Luke backward toward the gantry.

"You are beaten," Vader declared. "It is useless to resist. Don't let yourself be destroyed as Obi-Wan did."

Luke answered by rolling sideways, thrusting his sword at Vader so viciously he nicked Vader against the shoulder. The black armor sparked with smoke and Vader seemed to be hurt. Still, the Sith immediately recovered and laid out the offense. Luke backed off along the narrow end of the gantry as Vader came at him, slashing at the young Jedi with his sword. Luke made a quick move around the instrument complex attached to the end of the gantry itself. Vader's sword slashed down, cutting the complex loose. It began to fall before it was caught by the rising wind and blown upward.

Luke glanced at the instrument complex floating away during their duel. In an instant, Vader's sword stuck across Luke's right forearm, cutting off his hand and sent his sword flying. In great pain, Luke squeezed his forearm under his left armpit and moved back along the gantry to its extreme end. Vader followed, while the wind subsided, and Luke could barely hang on. By this point, there was nowhere for him to go.

"There is no escape," Vader spoke. "Don't make me destroy you. You do not yet realize your importance. You have only begun to discover your power. Join me and I will complete your training. With our combined strength, we can end this destructive conflict and bring order to the galaxy."

"I'll never join you!" Luke spat.

"If you only knew the power of the dark side. Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father."

"He told me enough! It was you who killed him!"

"No. I... am your father."

Shocked beyond any measure of words, Luke stared toward Vader in utter disbelief. The armored Sith warrior, a mechanized weapon of mass destruction, proclaiming himself to Luke that he was his father. It was more for him to bear.

"No... no..." Luke frowned, in denial. "That's not true! That's impossible!"

"Search your feelings," Vader spoke. "You know it to be true."

And Luke found himself in the midst of his feelings, and the poor man found himself completely overwhelmed. He could feel 'everything' around him. Sorrow... anger... suffering... pain... all human emotions. As if all the stories, everything that he was initially told about the proud man Luke known him to be... all of it a folly.

"NO!" Luke screamed. "No!!! No!"

"Luke... you can destroy the Emperor," Vader continued. "He has foreseen this; it is your destiny. Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy as father and son. Come with me. It is the only way."

And to prove to himself how serious his offer was, Vader put away his own lightsaber. And he held out his hand toward Luke, beckoning him to join him in hopes that the young man will embrace his destiny.

A calmness swept over Luke, as if he already made his decision. In the next instant, he stepped off the gantry platform into space. The Dark Lord looked over the platform, watching Luke fall far below. The wind began to blow at Vader's cape, the torrent finally forcing him back, away from the edge. The wind soon faded, while the wounded Jedi plummeted fast, unable to grab onto anything to break his fall.


Another battle took place with Twilight Sparkle finally holding her own against Seraphina. After a lengthy period of time, the Princess and the Sith were evenly matched slashing lightsabers against one another yet neither gaining the upper-hand. In that time, Twilight finally gained a better use of the force as if rediscovering her lost magic since coming to this realm. Finally finding herself on the offense, Twilight Sparkle delivered her own series of rapid strikes against Seraphina. Despite Seraphina's experience skill and discipline, even the Sith herself found herself on the ropes searching for a weak point in Twilight's tactic.

Just as Seraphina finally managed a swing, Twilight Sparkle quickly ducked and delivered a well-placed shot of her magic right in Seraphina's face. The force was so strong it knocked her visor right off her head as the Sith crashed upon the ground. She hit the surface so hard her hood fell over her head. Twilight looked down upon the fallen Sith, aiming her lightsaber toward her back.

"It's over Seraphina," Twilight declared. "You've lost."

Seraphina slowly started to make her way back to her feet. Along the way, her hood fell off from her head. Twilight's eyes went wide when she noticed a very familiar shade of fiery red and golden hair falling down the otherwise black cloak.

"Sunset?!" Twilight gasped.

Seraphina slowly turned around to the point where Twilight could see her face. The lavender alicorn girl held her hand to her mouth, staring in horror. Sure enough, she stared upon the face of Sunset Shimmer, except she was no longer the same girl she once knew. Her eyes were now solid blood red eyes; dark veins ran along her neck and around her eyes. Any amount of the old Sunset didn't seem to exist anymore. Instead, only a shell of pure hatred and evil stared upon the stunned girl, as tears poured from her eyes.

"Sunset... you're alive..." Twilight spoke quietly. "But Marek... he said..."

Seraphina growled before Twilight could finish, gritting her teeth in rage. She used the emotion within to conjure as much Force lightning as possible. Releasing an almighty scream, she hurled the lightning toward Twilight and the force was so great it pushed Twilight through the wall of the room, and she crashed hard into another. Twilight collapsed to the ground, now completely out cold and barely alive.

Seraphina emerged from the gigantic hole in the wall, staring down upon the crumbled form of Twilight Sparkle. She was so tempted to end her miserable existence then and there, holding her lightsaber over Twilight's limp form. Quickly she rose the blade high in the air, finally ready to finish what she started...


Suddenly, Darth Seraphina found herself flying to the side by a great force out of nowhere. The Sith fell to her knees, dropping her lightsaber upon the ground which rolled along the ground. Before Seraphina could turn and recover, a tiny figure suddenly leapt along the wall and pushed itself off and slammed headfirst against Seraphina's face knocking her backward. Seraphina quickly recovered and used the force to retrieve her lightsaber, re-igniting her blade. But the moment she looked ahead, she stood there silent and still.

There, standing in defense of the unconscious alicorn princess, a tiny purple-and-green dog stood and growled fiercely. Spike, Twilight Sparkle's ever faithful assistant, having followed Twilight's trail the moment she disappeared. And here he was, discovering his friend in danger and without thinking somehow used the force within himself to send the rival Sith back. Instincts took over the young dog, whether he knew that the Sith was Sunset or not. All that mattered at this point was his friend's safety.

Naturally, as impressive as Spike's skill was, Seraphina was still the powerful one and could easily break the little dog in two if need be... which made it all the more odd when instead she turned off her lightsaber and placed it back along the belt. As she picked herself back upon her feet, she placed the hood back over her head. And slowly, she stalked off as Spike kept his eyes upon the Sith. She paused for a moment, barely glancing to the side so only her jawline could be seen.

"Congratulations..." Seraphina spoke, softly.

And just like that... Darth Seraphina disappeared into the distance leaving Spike alone as he turned toward his fallen friend, the girl groaning in pain. Muttering a single word as Spike leaned toward her.

"Sunset... Sunset..." Twilight spoke weakly. "Sunset..."

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