The Return

Deep within the recesses of her rapidly darkening mind, Sunset Shimmer grew more worried with each passing day. The longer she spent trapped in the confines of her own head, the darker her personality became. Thankfully, due to the aid of Satele Shan, Darth Marr, and Valora Synn, the former Sith Emperor had been silent since their last meeting. She still remembered the confrontation with the centuries old Sith before the Jedi Master Valora intervened. And since that time, all had been quiet thus far.

However, things rapidly grew concerning for Sunset as she had witnessed events transpiring in the outside world before her. She'd seen the recent battle between Twilight and herself. Honestly, it scared her. While she was trapped mentally, her body quickly became heavily tainted by the darkness. Unless she could escape, before too long, she'd surely be consumed by her own rage. All of this went through her head, as Sunset continued training with Valora in lightsaber training all while Satele and Marr quietly observed.

The Jedi Master kept the pressure on with rapid strikes that had defeated many foes during her time in the galaxy. Thankfully, due to all the training Sunset had received, the fiery-haired teen was able to block them all and deliver her own wave of powerful strikes in return. Valora then delivered a powerful force push but Sunset used her momentum to redirect the force to propel herself into the air and hovered over Valora. Coming back down, the two once again engaged in fierce combat.

"A most impressive display," Marr commented to Satele.

"I can hope that soon enough she'll be strong enough to finally escape this imprisonment," Satele spoke worriedly. "If not, I fear for what will become of her."

As Valora and Sunset kept going back and forth, something strange began to happen. All of a sudden, the ground below them shook with a heavy tremor. As it did so, Sunset groaned in pain as she clutched her chest, which now felt as though it were on fire. She collapsed upon the ground, and the two Jedi masters and even the Sith Lord rushed to her side.

"What's happening to me?" Sunset groaned in pain.

"Seems your body has embraced enough power from the dark side, that now it's beginning to affect you here," Satele answered. "I hoped we'd have more time to continue your training but seems we haven't much time left."

Once Sunset was finally able to regain a better feeling, pulling herself to her feet, she looked upon Satele with not a hint of an idea as to what she meant.

"What are you talking about master?"

Satele, Marr, and Valora all looked at each other in acknowledgement, before looking back toward her.

"You must destroy the Sith Emperor once and for all," Satele told her.

This caused Sunset Shimmer's eyes to widen, with both shock and somewhat fear.

"I-I-I'm not ready for that yet!" Sunset said, uncertainly. "All the times I've confronted him in the past, he's either gotten into my head or proved to be 'way' too powerful for me to handle!"

"The Emperor has long since been a plague on this galaxy for thousands of years," Marr stated. "However, long ago, the Dark Council and I made a crucial discovery. An ancient prophecy stating that a young Jedi from another galaxy would arrive in our world, fall victim to the dark side of the force, and eventually rise up to strike him down. I took this knowledge forth into death, as I searched the galaxy for the one who would fulfill this prophecy."

"And... you really think I'm the one destined to put down the Emperor?" Sunset asked, uncertainly.

"You must be..."

All at once, Sunset Shimmer quickly turned around toward the source of the mysterious new voice. The rest followed her gaze as a figure emerged from the dark and approached the group. A mysterious being, resembling a human in terms of features, the body covered in armor and a cape hiding a trace of their identity. And yet the voice alone confirmed it was indeed a man, even with the mask covering the face entirely.

"Revan..." Marr spoke. "What news brings you here?"

"It is just as I have feared would happen," Revan. "With each passing second, the inevitable moment we have long dreaded is slowly coming to life even as we speak."

"What do you mean?" Sunset asked. "Just what's going to happen?"

The masked figure, Revan by name, turned toward Sunset Shimmer, who can barely determine the impression with the mask. But somehow she can sense something emanating within him, something dark and foreboding.

"Unless you fulfill your destiny and free yourself of the chains that bind you now," Revan warned. "It will not be long until 'he' returns..."

"Who?" Sunset asked, fearfully.


Back in the sub level of Cloud City, the battles continued to ensue. Storm Shield held his own against the likes of General Grievous, while the other Elements fought the Inquisitors and Demetria. Currently, Rainbow Dash and Applejack double-teamed the attacking Third Sister. Suffice to say, the Inquisitor managed to hold her own against two Jedi. Applejack swung her lightsaber high, while Rainbow swung low. Both of which the Third Sister easily avoided. The Inquisitor force pushed Applejack far across the room before blocking another incoming attack from Rainbow's double-blade.

"Looks like you still haven't learned anything from the last time we squared off," The Third Sister mocked.

"Is that right?" Rainbow asked. "Then explain to me how I can do this!"

Rainbow shot her hand out, wrenching it back which used the force to grip the Inquisitor and yank her in her direction. She swung her blade in a chopping motion, to which the Sister barely managed to block with her lightsaber. Seeing an opportunity, Rainbow swept her legs out and knocked the Sister off her feet. Rainbow flipped herself over and pinned the Inquisitor toward the ground, holding her blade to her neck.

"How's that for not learning anything?" Rainbow asked smugly.

But the Inquisitor merely chuckled darkly.

"Impressive," She said sarcastically. "Shame you haven't learned to master your surroundings."


Before anything else could be said, the Sister monkey-flipped Rainbow into the air and she was smashed in the face by a flying spinning heel kick from the Fourth Sister. Rainbow Dash screamed before she found herself flying toward the wall, crashing face-first. Rainbow fell back against the floor, her eyes spinning as the Fourth Sister landed on her feet and stood over her.

"You were never one for brains..." The Fourth Sister spoke.

Suddenly, the Fourth Sister heard a yell and quickly turned with a block catching Applejack's foot just before her powerful legs could strike her side. And yet her kicks were still strong enough to skid the Fourth Sister back. And yet the Inquisitor still held her ground, glaring toward the country girl who held her lightsaber out while getting her feet back in place. Without another word, the two proceed to battle it out to the death, with the Fourth Sister dodging Applejack's lightsaber swings and kicks.

Rainbow Dash recovered long enough to watch the fight between the two. The Fourth Sister angling about till she could land a blow with her arms or legs, while Applejack used her lightsaber swinging and missing her target. Even the Third Sister joined in for a moment to watch the fight between the two.

"I love that woman..." Rainbow Dash sighed, dizzily.

"She totally pegs you, doesn't she?" The Third Sister remarked.

"... I don't know what that means..."

Meanwhile, Rarity and the Fifth Sister duel it out like this bout were more of a fencing match between the two. Sparks flying as their lightsabers contact one another. A battle of grace and style between two essentially equal competitors. They swing their blades with their left hand, Rarity on the offense while the Fifth Sister is on the defense.

"You are wonderful!" The Fifth Sister remarked.

"Thank you!" Rarity replied politely. "I worked hard to become so!"

"I admit you're better than I thought you would be."

"You're tone says otherwise. Care to share?"

"Ooh... probably because I know something you don't."

"And what is that?"

"I am not left-handed!" The Fifth Sister replied.

The Fifth Sister quickly switched hands mid-block and soon started swinging her lightsaber with her right hand. Now she was pressing forward on the attack, as Rarity found herself trying to keep her defense up as best as she could.

"You are amazing, darling," Rarity complimented.

"I ought to be if I'm to serve as an Inquisitor," The Fifth Sister replied.

"Though, if you kindly permit me so. I have something I have to confess."

"Tell me quick; we have appointments for later."

"... I'm not left-handed either!"

Rarity shoved the Fifth Sister away from her long enough to switch hands, swinging her lightsaber so effortlessly before the Fifth Sister. Without the mask, she would've exposed a look of surprise toward an opponent she'd have deemed inferior to her skills. Nonetheless, the battle commences between the two.

While along another part of the room, Demetria loomed around stalking towards Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. The two girls nervously held their lightsabers up while the Sith before them was analyzing her next move. Waving her lightsaber around, a fierce glare gazing toward the pair.

"Um, listen... Demetria, was it?" Fluttershy spoke nervously. "I understand you feel you must fight for your master. But we're begging you... walk away from all of this."

For a moment, Demetria suddenly broke out in a laugh while the two hold their guard over this sudden uncharacteristic development. But as quickly as it came, her face resumed its merciless exterior.

"You call that begging?" Demetria asked coldly. "You can beg better than that."

"Huh... didn't work with that other woman either," Pinkie chuckled nervously.

Suddenly, Demetria zoomed toward the girls and the pair were barely able to duck or block any of her attacks, yelping out with surprise. Demetria proved to be a formidable adversary, violently slashing her lightsaber about trying to land an opening upon the pair. Despite any attempts from Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie to land a blow, they had underestimated the skill and precision of this one Sith lord. A woman who was fighting as if she weren't a rookie, like she'd been training to fight her entire life. But the way she fought... she was fighting to 'kill' and these two knew that.

The room around them flashed with lights from every angle, as the Equestrians and the Sith attempted to bring one another to their knees. Shouts and cries dissolved any form of silence in the room, as a battle between evenly matched opponents took place. But eventually, after a lengthy fight, the Equestrians found themselves piled together in the center and even Rainbow Dash was hurled into the group through the force. They found themselves surrounded by Grievous, Demetria, and the Inquisitors all with their lightsabers pointed.

"I must admit... you and your friends have fought boldly, Storm Shield," Grievous admitted. "But the fun and games are over. Now at last, prepare to rejoin all of your fallen friends... like the failure you always have."

"Better I died fighting a losing battle than living as a coward," Storm glared.

"For Decades, I've wanted to shut that mouth of yours. At last... my time is upon me!"

Grievous aimed to swing with all his arms, as the group raised their lightsabers in preparation. But just as Grievous lunged out... his arms suddenly stopped. Confused, he looked around all his arms, but it felt like some great force was preventing him from moving. Even when the Inquisitors or Demetria tried to lash out, they found themselves unable to move. Forcing their heads to turn, their eyes widen with surprise.

Emerging toward them, walking slowly, a glowing figure approached the group. Twilight Sparkle, her eyes dead shot yet seemingly screaming with rage slowly walked toward the room. The Equestrians looked on with shock seeing their friend, with her a cautious Spike following closely. All around her a purple aura swirled, as tears streamed from her eyes and her teeth clenched. Finally, when she could no longer hold it in... Twilight released a terrible scream!!!

Twilight's scream was so loud, the Sith were propelled backward and flung against the wall by a explosive force. The Equestrians had to cover their ears while Twilight unleashed every raw emotion flowing out of her. Rage and despair, after a sudden realization as to what happened prior. The Sith barely recovered in time but saw that they were facing a force unlike any they expected. Silently, they turned to the other and quickly made their retreat while everyone was distracted.

Finally, Twilight's yell died down as she crumbled down to her knees... and by the time the group looked up they saw that she was sobbing heavily, crying in anguish. Spike slowly made his way toward Twilight, who's eyes caught sight of him, and she picked him up in her arms hugging him. The rest of the group made their way toward Twilight Sparkle, gathering around their friend. Storm was the last to approach, staring down at her sympathetically.

"Twilight..." Storm spoke.

"She's alive, Storm..." Twilight stammered, mid-sob. "Sunset's alive..."

"What?!" Rainbow shouted.

"She's become one of them... she's become one of them..."

The group looked toward one another and for a moment they didn't know what to think. Sunset Shimmer, the long-lost friend they had sought after for years, only to discover she's become a Sith. And if Twilight Sparkle had run into her, the fact Twilight lived to tell the tale of it all... there was so many questions. And then it suddenly dawned on Storm Shield.

"Luke!" Storm realized.


Luke Skywalker fell further and further toward the seemingly endless voice, until he was sucked straight into an exhaust pipe along the side of the shaft. The moment Darth Vader saw this, he turned and hurried off the platform. Luke tumbled through the exhaust pipe, sliding along the end of the slickly polished pipe. He stopped as his feet hit the circular grill, which knocked open. Despite Luke's attempt to claw at the surface of the pip, trying to keep from sliding out into space, he tumbled out and emerged at the undermost part of Cloud City.

Reaching out desperately, he managed to grab onto the electronic weathervane looking down at the endless sea of clouds in a Dusk-filled sky. He tried to climb his way back through the grill, trying to make his way back inside the pipes. Unfortunately, the grill automatically shield before him and now the one-armed Jedi found himself clinging on for dear life.

"Ben... Ben, please!" Luke begged.

But any attempt for Luke to reach out to Ben Kenobi a.k.a. Obi-Wan were met in vain, as the young man found himself truly alone along the weathervane. He tried to pry himself up along but kept slipping back down. He hooked one of his legs around the fragile instruments. All the while, a powerful current of air rushed out at him from the exhaust pipe itself.

"Storm... Twilight... Leia!"

An ominous cracking sound emerged along the base of the weathervane, as a piece broke off. Luke looked on as the very piece flew into the clouds far below. Time was not on Skywalker's side, and he needed to act fast. Reaching out with his mind, he branched out with as much of the force within him hoping to reach someone.

"Hear me!" Luke called out. "Leia!"


Princess Leia stood in the Millennium Falcon, as if she were lost in a sea of fog. Galen Marek turned toward the Princess, seeing the troubled expression on her face. Meanwhile, Chewie was busily operating the ship with Lando standing next to the Wookiee. But while they were checking the readout on the control panel, suddenly Marek felt something too and his face started to frown as if his head was pulsating.

"Luke..." Leia spoke. "We've got to go back."

Chewie growled in surprise.

"What?" Lando called out.

"I know where Luke is!" Leia answered.

"The Princess is right!" Marek spoke. "Turn the ship around!"

"But what about those fighters?" Lando pointed out.

Chewie barked in agreement with Lando.

"I won't leave any more allies behind!" Marek barked. "Just do it!"

"But what about Vader?" Lando added.

Chewie turned on Lando, the newcomer, with an ominous growl.

"All right, all right, all right."

Soon enough, the Falcon made a graceful banking turn back toward Cloud City. The crew could only hope that if what Leia and Marek said were true, that their friend was in trouble and needed help, that they weren't too late.


In the meantime, Darth Vader entered the landing platform of Cloud City. He watched as the speck that was the Falcon disappeared. The wind blew at his cape. He turned as Grievous, the Inquisitors, Demetria, and Seraphina, now without her mask, stood be the Dark Lord along the entrance to the platform.

"The Jedi scum have gotten away!" The Third Sister sighed.

If Vader can sense that the group weren't telling the whole story, or at least the one speaking for the group, he had no time for a confrontation.

"Bring my shuttle!" Vader ordered.


Nearly unconscious, Luke Skywalker hung upside-down along the weathervane. His body shifted along with the wind as he struggled to stay away. Around the bottom of Cloud City, the Falcon dove toward the underside. Three TIE fighters closed in on the starship.

But just before any of the ships could act, laser bolts streamed from nowhere and blasted the ships into bits. Storm's ship cruised along through the clouds, their cannons smoking from the laser-fire. At the helm, Storm piloted the ship with a fierce gleam of determination while the rest of the Equestrians huddled close to the Prince of Peace.

Inside the Millennium Falcon, Princess Leia tried to remain calm as Lando and Chewie positioned the ship.

"Look, someone's up there!" Lando pointed, out the cockpit window.

"It's Luke!" Storm spoke, through the intercom. "He's hurt badly!"

"Chewie, slow down!" Leia ordered. "Storm, we're going to get under him. Lando, open the top hatch."

Without argument, Lando rushed out of the cockpit following Leia's orders with obedience.

In the meantime, Luke hung by one arm from the crossbar of the weathervane. He briefly slipped from the bar and barely grabbed onto the pole of the vane, as the Falcon banked toward him. The Falcon positioned itself under Luke, as Lando moved up through the opening of the hatch. Luke began to slide, till finally he fell from the vane into space.

"LUKE!!!" The Equestrian Heroes cried out.

From the Falcon's cockpit window, Leisa saw Luke falling from the bottom of the city. The ship gained speed toward him.

"Okay... Easy, Chewie!" Leia instructed.

The Falcon closed in on Luke, as three more TIE fighters raced forward and fired away. Eventually, the hatch popped open with a hiss of pressure. Lando reached out to help the battered warrior inside the ship. Flak burst all around as the Falcon banked away from the city, with Storm's ship following close behind. Leia and Chewie struggled with the controls.

"Lando?" Leia spoke, through the intercom.

"Okay, let's go!" Lando answered.

The Falcon and Storm's vessel raced away, closely followed by three TIE fighters. All of which kept heavy laser assault on the fleeing starships. Explosions erupt around the Falcon's cockpit, buffeting the ship wildly. Chewie howled as he frantically tried to control the ship. Leia and Chewie turned to see Luke, bloody and battered, entering the cockpit supported by Lando. Leia jumped up and hugged him, while Chewie barked in joyous relief.

"Oh, Leia..." Luke sighed.

"All right, Chewie," Lando spoke. "Let's go."

Leia proceeded to help Luke from the cockpit as another huge blast rocked the ship. The ships, still followed by the three TIE fighters, raced away from the cloud-covered city. Luke laid to rest on a cot, his injured arm wrapped in a protective cuff. Marek stood close by as Leia gently wiped his face. The ship lurched again signaling the fact they were not out of the woods just yet.

"I'll be back," Leia promised Luke. "Galen, please keep watch over him."

"Understood," Marek nodded.

Leia kissed Luke before leaving the quarters. Marek leaned beside Luke, seeing that the stump where his arm used to be. A frown formed upon his face knowing that this was indeed the Sith's work.

All over the ship, muted alarm buzzers bellowed. Lando anxiously watched the flashing lights on the control panel, hurriedly adjusting some switches. Seated next to him, Chewie pointed out a new blip appearing on the panel. Leia, watching over their shoulders, recognized the shape.

"Star Destroyer..." Leia confirmed, with dread.

"All right, Chewie. Ready for light-speed," Lando instructed.

"If your people fixed the hyperdrive," Leia pointed out.

Another explosion rocked the ship, reminding her there was no time for an argument.

"All coordinates are set on our end," Storm spoke, through intercom. "It's now or never."

Chewie barked in agreement, while the green light on the panel flashed on.

"Punch it!" Lando shouted.

The Wookie shrugged and pulled back the light-speed throttle. The sound of the ion engine changed... it was winding up. Faces are tense, expectant. Except nothing happened, and the engine went off. Chewie released a frustrated howl as flak violently rocked the ship.

"What's going on?!" Rainbow shouted, through the intercom. "We can't take off without you!"

"They told me they fixed it!" Lando spoke, in frustration. "I trusted them to fix it. It's not my fault!"

Chewie got up from his chair and started out the cockpit. He gave Lando an angry shove, as he stormed past him.


In the distance, the TIE fighters continued their chase, still firing lasers. Vader's Star Destroyer moved behind them, determinedly following the ships. Vader stood on the bridge looking out the window, as Admiral Piett approached him.

"They'll be in range of our tractor beam in moments, my lord," Piett informed.

"Did your men deactivate the hyperdrive on the Millennium Falcon?" Vader asked.

"Yes, my lord."

"Good. Prepare the boarding party and set your weapons for stun."

"Yes, my lord."


Beeping while he worked, R2 busily connected some wires to 3PO, who now had one leg attached. Chewie entered through the doorway, grunting to himself.

"Noisy brute," 3PO muttered. "Why don't we just go into light-speed?"

R2 beeped in response.

"We can't? How would you know the hyperdrive is deactivated?"

R2-D2 whistled knowingly.

"The city's central computer told you?" 3PO translated. "R2-D2, you know better than to trust a strange computer. Ouch! Pay attention to what you're doing!"

In the meantime, Chewie was in the pit trying to loosen something with an enormous wrench. Frustrated, he used the wrench like a club and hit the panel. Leia and Lando, seated in front of the control panel, were suddenly sprayed by a shower of sparks.


In the Star Destroyer, Vader stood along the bridge, watching as the ships were pursued by the TIE fighters. As his destroyer drew nearer, Vader's breathing grew slightly faster.

"Luke..." Vader spoke.

In the sleeping quarters, Luke seemed to realize Vader's ship was drawing nearer. He felt resigned to his fate. He senses that he was beaten, more emotionally than physically. But he was not alone, Galen Marek could feel the presence of the Dark Lord drawing closer.

"Father..." Luke spoke.

"Son, come with me..."

"Luke... don't listen to him!" Marek warned. "You can't let him get to you"!

"Ben..." Luke moaned. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?" Marek asked. "Luke... what did he say to you?"

Back in the cockpit, Lando and Leia were still at the controls of the Falcon. Meanwhile, in the ship's hold, Chewie continued to work frantically on the hyperdrive mechanism.

"Chewie!" Lando shouted, through the intercom.

In darkest space, the two ships raced through the starry skies followed very closely by the TIE fighters and the huge Imperial Star Destroyer. In the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon, Luke entered the cockpit alongside Marek and together they looked out the window. The one-armed boy was almost unconscious with pain and depression.

"It's Vader..." Luke confirmed.

"Luke... it is your destiny."

"Ben, why didn't you tell me?"

"Alert all commands!" Piett ordered from the bridge. "Ready for the tractor beam."

R2-D2 raced to a control panel and started working on a circuit board. Furious, 3PO stood on one leg, yelling.

"R2, come back at once!" 3PO shouted. "You haven't finished with me yet! You don't know how to fix the hyperdrive. Chewbacca can do it. I'm standing here in pieces, and you're having delusions of grandeur!"

"SHUT UP!!!" Marek shouted, from the pit.

R2 moved a circuit on the control panel. All of a sudden, the panel lit up and soon Leia and Lando were thrown into their seats as the Millennium Falcon unexpectedly shot into hyperspace. As the ship tilted up, R2 toppled into the pit on top of Chewie.

"Oh, you did it!" 3PO cheered.


From inside the cockpit of Storm's ship, they could see the Falcon preparing to enter hyperspace.

"Hang on girls!" Storm shouted, pulling the throttle. "It's going to be a bumpy ride!"

Soon the two ships soared into infinity, away from the huge Star Destroyer which seemed, by contrast, to stand still. Inside, Admiral Piett and another captain glanced at Vader in terror. He turned slowly and walked off the bridge, his hands help behind his back in a contemplative gesture. Not knowing what Vader was bound to do next was scarier than what the crew would expect of him.



The Millennium Falcon was attached to a huge Rebel cruiser by a docking tube. Rebel fighters moved about the giant cruiser, and a Rebel transport ship hovered near the fleet. Lando sat in the pilot's seat, talking through the commlink. Chewie busily threw a variety of switches in preparation for takeoff.

"Luke, we're ready for takeoff," Lando informed, through commlink.

"Good luck, Lando," Luke answered, through commlink.

"When we find Jabba the Hutt and that bounty hunter, we'll contact you."


Luke spoke through the commlink, as a medical droid worked on his hand. Leia stood near him, while 3PO and R2-D2 looked out the window.

"I'll meet you at the rendezvous point on Tatooine," Luke informed, through commlink.

"Princess, we'll find Han. I promise."

"Chewie, I'll be waiting for your signal," Luke added, through commlink.

Chewie's wail came over from the commlink in the Falcon.

"Take care, you two. May the Force be with you."


In the meantime, along another part of the Medical Center, Storm Shield did his best to nurse his wounded shoulder following his altercation with Grievous. As he felt the shooting pains stabbing his shoulder, he found himself wondering how he allowed himself to become so vulnerable. He'd made a mistake, momentarily lost control of his emotions, and almost gotten himself killed. It seemed Grievous knew how to manipulate his mind, even after all this time since the Clone Wars.

The sound of the doors to his room sliding open caused him to look up and none other than Twilight Sparkle herself entered. The Princess's eyes almost immediately went wide when she saw Storm, completely shirtless with his shoulder wrapped in gauze. It wasn't so much the injury that caused the reaction, for her it was the sight of his toned muscles and abs that drew her attention..

"Enjoying the view?" Storm jested.

"Uh huh..." Twilight nodded dozily.


It was then some sense finally returned to Twilight, who rapidly shook her head to clear it.

"Um—I mean—I don't know what you're talking about," She stumbled nervously. "I was just coming to check on you and I got distracted by your—rippling muscles. I mean injury—I was distracted by your injury."

Twilight's face flushed red with embarrassment, as she tried desperately to hide her face behind her hand. Storm just chuckled in amusement over her obvious flustering. It was then another shooting pain shot through his shoulder making him cringe. Twilight instantly rushed to his side to check on him.

"Are you okay?" She asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm good," Storm grunted. "Grievous certainly hasn't lost his touch since the Clone Wars. If anything, he's only gotten better."

Thinking about what he had just said, Twilight's gaze went from concern to curiosity.

"Speaking of that," Twilight began. "You never explained much of your time here during the war."

Once again, Storm was quick in his attempt to sway her from the topic.

"Like I said, it's not really a time that—"

"Storm... please!" Twilight begged. "I only just learned my best friend has been manipulated into an evil Sith tyrant who wants to kill me! I could really use something to take my mind off that for a moment... please."

Storm gazed into Twilight's eyes, clearly seeing the hurt in her eyes still. The recent revelation that Darth Seraphina had actually been Sunset Shimmer all along still haunted her. When Starkiller told them all Sunset was gone, he was certainly right. She may not be gone in body, but in mind and soul. Her kind-hearted nature had instead been corrupted by the Emperor and she now was at his complete disposal. He sighed to himself, deciding to tell her.

"Years ago, when I first came here, I was thrust into the chaotic time in the galaxy," Storm explained. "I was a young child at the time, with no knowledge of the world beyond my own. That's when I had the good graces to meet Master Yoda. He was much younger back then, feuding with an ancient Sith known as Darth Bane. Before Bane, the Sith were plentiful but there was constant power struggles and infighting amongst each other. Bane created the Rule of Two, which stated there could only ever be two Sith present at a time, a master and an apprentice."

Twilight listened intently as Storm spun his tale.

"Master Yoda saw something in me and offered to teach me the ways of the force. I was hesitant at first, but I knew as the Prince of Peace I owed it to the galaxy to bring 'peace' to it. For the next few hundred years, I trained strictly under the watchful eye of Master Yoda. Then came the time of the Clone Wars."

"Rainbow Dash told me Grievous mentioned someone named Khaleena during your first," Twilight said. "Who was that?"

Hearing the name, Storm hung his head in sadness.

"During my time in the Clone Wars, I was tasked by the Jedi Council to travel to the hostile planet of Dathomir to form a peace agreement with the witches of the planet known as the Night Sisters. Many of them were against the idea and actually tried to kill me... except one. The only one who saw my vision of peace, a young witch at the time yet wise beyond her years. We forged a friendship and soon enough it quickly turned... personal."

Storm used his magic to conjure a holo-projector. Pushing a button, it produced an image of a young pale woman in red robes, adorned in strange markings. Despite her bizarre appearance. She was still quite a beautiful young woman.

Twilight gazed upon the holo-image, then over to Storm, who looked at it with great sadness.

"You two must've been very close," Twilight said solemnly.

"Closer than I ever imagined we'd be," Storm nodded. "The Jedi forbid any sort of romantic relations, seeing these emotions could be used against us. To easily tempt us into darkness. Yet whenever I was with Khaleena, it didn't matter. I'd have broken the council's rules time and time again, even leave the Jedi Order, just for her. I had never felt that way about any pony... or 'anyone' till I met her."

Storm switched the projector off, as a tear rolled down his face.

"Grievous soon arrived on Dathomir, slaughtering the Night Sisters one-by-one. When I received the report, I made haste for the planet as fast as my ship could take me. But it was far too late. I landed after Grievous, and the remaining Separatists departed the planet. All I found was a landscape littered with the dead... including Khaleena."

Twilight noticed a few more stray tears falling down Storm's face; she placed a comforting hand along his good shoulder.

"Oh Storm, I'm so sorry..." She said sympathetically. "I can't imagine how hard that must've been for you."

"After months of tracking, Obi-Wan and I had finally cornered Grievous on Utapau. Finally, we brought him down after a grueling fight. I thought I found closure after the loss of Khaleena... then it happened."

"What happened?" Twilight asked.

"Order 66..."



"We were betrayed by those who swore to fight alongside the Jedi," Storm recalled. "But it was not of their own freewill. We discovered too late that a top secret order was programmed into our clone trooper army, an order that deems the Jedi traitors to the Galactic Republic, and ergo, subject to summary execution by the Grand Army. Obi-Wan, Yoda, and I barely survived the execution, but we lost so many Jedi Generals...

"Ki-Adi-Mundi... Aayla Secura... Plo Koon... Stass Allie... all great warriors, betrayed by a 'contingency order' against renegade jedi... but it was all a means for the Sith to bring about the long-awaited fall of the Jedi Order. Not even the younglings were safe, not from the Clones... and not from the man who ultimately turned on us... Anakin Skywalker..."


"The few who survived the initial execution either went into hiding... or were soon corrupted into the Empire's service," Storm concluded sadly. "Sunset Shimmer happened to face the unfortunate fate of becoming a Sith, even when she wasn't a Jedi from the start..."

"Back in Equestria, we faced several conflicts between the thousands of years of our existence," Twilight spoke quietly. "But that pales to everything you've told us..."


"So it's all true..." Applejack told Galen. "Sunset Shimmer has become one of the Sith."

Galen Marek nodded silently and reluctantly, as he sat cross-legged in the center of a room surrounded by the rest of the girls. They were all taking in the news of Sunset's true fate, most of which horror and despair. They've known that this Sunset had become evil once before. Only this time now, she's become something far more dangerous. And now she was out to get them, mostly Twilight... a friend who barely survived.

"All this time I had thought—" Rarity spoke reluctantly. "Oh, what was I thinking? To believe that Sunset Shimmer was destroyed, I was assuming you were lying to us..."

"I never 'lied' about Sunset Shimmer," Galen spoke quietly. "I only said the Sunset you knew was 'gone', I never once said she died..."

"The sad thing is that Marek is right..." Pinkie sighed, her hair deflated. "It's like that Anon-A-Miss story she told us all about, only now she's really driven to destroy people..."

"And I never truly got to apologize to her..." Marek sighed. "About one of the last things we talked about..."


Sunset Shimmer was still a prisoner of the Emperor at the time. But every so often when she wasn't facing grueling torture or mind games, whenever Starkiller spared some time to heal her of her wounds and ensured that she'd eat, they'd get together when the Emperor was busy. They'd have some brief time to talk, learning a bit about one another. Then came one of their more recent conversations...

"Marek... I've been thinking..." Sunset spoke.

"About what?" Marek asked.

"... Looking back, before coming here, I've wondered exactly what I'm meant to be. What I should do with my life."


"I think I've figured it out..."

"What is it?"

"... I want to be a Jedi Master."

"... What?"

"You heard me... I want to become a Jedi Master!" Sunset spoke. "I'm obviously very good with magic, which is kind of like the Force, and I always wondered how I'd be as those impressive lightsaber duelists. Somehow, I feel... like this is my calling. To harness the light side of the Force, and together... we could defeat the Empire. We can be teachers together, helping those to master the Force for good. Maybe open up a school for Padawans—"

"That's absolutely out of the question!" Marek denied.

"What do you mean?" Sunset asked.

"Sunset, do you even know the history of the Jedi Order and their lifelong conflict with the Sith? Have you forgotten it was Luke Skywalker's father, a former Jedi Knight, who became a Sith, a puppet for the Emperor... AND BRAINWASHING ME INTO KILLING JEDI?!"

"Well yeah, but... I know you're not a puppet. You came to your senses—"

"You're missing the point! Being a Jedi Master takes responsibility! The stress, the stress... the war! There's no way they'd ever let someone like you become a Jedi Master! Not if you refuse to serve the Emperor!"

"I'm not asking for permission!" Sunset stood her ground. "I want to become a Jedi Master!"

"The Emperor is THIS CLOSE to corrupting you Sunset! I can't afford to lose you now... you'd be much safer back in Equestria—"

"And do what? Wait around, while you deal with the Empire... letting 'you' risk your own hide?"

"It's not... Sunset, try to understand. You're a great person, but the life of a Jedi is no way to live... I've been there! I fully intend to return you to your friends, go back to your home in Equestria, and we can just leave fighting to me..."

"But you won't win without me! I've endured enough of their tortures, and if what you say is true, I'm becoming one of them. But at least I've gotten to know their tricks, inside-out. You need me, Marek!"

"I'm not losing a girl to the Empire!"

"That's all I am to you?" Sunset asked, hurt. "Just 'a girl'... wow, I thought someone like you would believe in me. Maybe I was wrong about you... you are just another puppet."


"JUST STOP PRETENDING TO BE MY FRIEND!!!" Sunset shouted, turning toward a corner.


"I was never pretending with her..." Marek spoke sadly. "I really did care about her... and now I've truly lost her to the darkness."

"Isn't there 'any' way we can get Sunset to come to her senses?" Fluttershy asked hopefully.

"She serves the Emperor as his fury," Marek answered. "Once you are under the Emperor's thumb, the odds of being free are a million to one..."


"Her fate is much worse than Marek's," Storm informed Twilight. "As powerful as Vader may be, he is still as much a servant to the Emperor as the Sith who still live."

"But I don't want to have to fight her," Twilight said. "There must be a way we can resolve this peacefully."

"Our friend is all but broken by this point... in the end, we can only do so much for her now..."


"But just suppose..." Rarity implored. "If the Magic of Friendship still resides somewhere within Sunset Shimmer, I see no reason why we can't encourage her to reconsider."

"You speak of fantasies," Marek argued. "There is no logical sense for someone's who's gone from that much pain to—"

"Just suppose!" Rarity insisted.

"... I want to be able to help Sunset," Marek sighed heavily. "I really want to do what I can to help. But I can't make any promises to either of you..."


"I don't know 'how' we're going to do it," Storm spoke. "I don't know 'what' it will take. The chances of convincing Sunset to come back to us would be the same as convincing Luke's father to betray the Empire."

"But... there's 'still' a chance, isn't there?" Twilight asked hopefully.

"I hope there is Twilight..." Storm sighed. "Mark my words: I won't fail your friend as I did with Khaleena. We will get her back... and then we're going back to Equestria where we belong."


Following a lengthy procedure, Luke Skywalker looked down upon his hand. A metalized type of bandage had wrapped around his wrist as it turned out he was granted a robotic implant as a substitute for his missing hand. The medical droid made some adjustments in a tiny electronic unit, then pricked each of Luke's fingers to ensure he has a working limb.

"Ow!" Luke muttered.

Luke wriggled his fingers, then made a fist, and relaxed it. His new hand was completely functional. Soon he got up and walked toward Leia. There was a new bond between them, a new understanding. Leia thinking about Han; Luke thinking of his uncertain, newly complicated future. Together, they stood at a large window of the medical center looking out toward the Rebel Star Cruiser and a dense, luminous galaxy swirling in space.

Joining amongst the pair, Twilight Sparkle and Storm Shield made their way toward the window. Twilight right beside Storm's one shoulder that wasn't hurt. Spike pedaled alongside his two friends, looking out toward the horizon as determined as a number one assistant could be. Their other friends soon joined up with them, one by one, until the Equestrians were all together.

For a moment, Rainbow Dash looked back and saw Galen Marek just leaning along the wall with his arms folded, briefly looking down before turning his mournful gaze toward the group. They looked at each other for a moment, then Rainbow beckoned him forward with a head motion and a small smile. Hesitant at first, Marek slowly made his way toward the group feeling welcome amongst them for the very first time.

Luke places his arms around Leia. The droids stood beside the whole group, and 3PO moved closer to R2, even putting an arm on him. Together, they watched as the Millennium Falcon moved into view, made a turn, and zoomed away into deepest, darkest space. And while they stood together, looking out the window of the star cruiser, two escort fighters joined the larger ship. And soon, the cruiser turned and moved away into space toward an uncertain future, where ahead new battles were waiting for them.

And while Twilight and the others had no idea what was in store for them, one thing was utterly certain: They may have lost a few battles... but they will not lose the war.


On the planet Coruscant, within the twisted confines of the Imperial Palace, Emperor Palpatine sat atop his throne. The evil tyrant stroked his wrinkled chin in contemplation as he considered the next course of action. It had already been a severe blow to the Republic, with the capture of Han Solo. But he knew it would not be enough to stop them entirely. The son of Vader was still alive, along with his 'meddlesome' companions. Should they return to Dagobah, to complete the tutelage under Master Yoda, they could very well pose a serious threat to his power.

His thoughts were interrupted when the doors to the throne room opened. Darth Seraphina, along with her syndicate, entered battered and bruised from their battle high in the clouds. Still, they walked away 'slightly' more victorious than their foes. Coming to a halt at the foot of the throne, they bent their knees before the Emperor, who chuckled as he stood to his feet.

"I trust the incursion to Cloud City was a successful endeavor?"

Seraphina stood to her feet, drawing her hood off her head to reveal her face.

"Indeed Master," Seraphina nodded. "Solo's on transport to Tatooine as we speak; our agents have taken control of the city."

"And what of the son of Vader."

"I am unsure master. From what I've heard from Vader, he had fallen down a shaft beneath the city. However, we could not sense his death."

Palpatine smirked wickedly at the response.

"Then our plans continue as expected," He declared. "Now that he's learned the truth, it shall plant a seed of doubt within his mind. If we bend him to the dark side, all hope for the rebellion is lost."

Then Palpatine looked deeply into Seraphina's eyes, which he could see were boiling with anger.

"What of Twilight Sparkle, my apprentice?" He asked. "You stand before me without your mask. Which begs the question to the progress of your vengeance."

Seraphina gritted her teeth, growling at the very thought that Twilight Sparkle got away. Not only that, but also the moment where her former self gained an ounce of control once more. Thankfully, she regained herself and locked the girl back deep into the confines of her mind.

"The girl continues to live and breathe... 'for now'," She explained. "However, I feel this could fuel my revenge and her sorrow only that much more. The fact she's seen my face now will eat away at her further. It will make her weak, I promise you."

Palpatine nodded in satisfaction, as he stepped from his throne and stood before his apprentice.

"Worry not my apprentice," He assured. "Soon enough, your vengeance will come."

He then looked back toward the rest of the group, with a knowing look that made them curious as to his thoughts.

"The Empire has won a small victory today, seizing the city and capturing Solo," He announced. "Yet this is not enough to squander the rebellion by any means. In fact, it only makes their resolve much stronger. In order for the Empire to gain control of the galaxy, the rebellion must be crushed. Thankfully, due to your efforts on Korriban, we now have the ultimate means of defeating them."

This caused the group to face the tyrannical ruler with confusion.

"What do you mean my lord?" Demitria asked.

The Emperor gave no response, but instead started his way from the throne room. The group followed closely as Palpatine lead them through the twisted passageways beneath the palace. Eventually, they came to a hidden chamber where a block of carbonite stood in the center, hooked upon a strange machine. Palpatine stepped up beside the machine, activating a code which caused the carbon to slowly dissolve. Everyone watched in fascination as a figure slowly slipped out from the prison. For the Inquisitors in particular, the figure was 'very' familiar.

"How is this possible?" The Fifth Sister asked.

"I remember him..." The Fourth agreed. "That can't be though. He died thousands of years ago..."

"It would seem not," The Third said, amazed.

With the process fully complete, a figure fell from the block of carbon and slowly rose to their feet. He wore old Sith armor that clearly came from the time of the Old Republic. He had certainly aged, which was noted by the silvery white hair sitting atop his head. Though he certainly changed, there was no denying his presence. Palpatine stood back, cackling sinisterly.

"Welcome back... Darth Andromedis."

The End

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