
In the deepest, darkest corner of Wild Space lies the frozen planet of Hoth. The desolate ice planet has very few life forms capable of living in such frigid terrain the planet offered. A gigantic star destroyer, The Infernus, flew slowly in the direction of the snowy planet. Aboard the gigantic battleship, a certain cyborg general stood staring out at the current location of the rebel scum. A lone imperial soldier cautiously approached the monstrous machine.

"General Grievous sir," He spoke nervously.

The recently restored Grievous slowly turned and locked his yellowish serpentine eyes toward the frightened Imperial.

"What do you want?" He spat.

"Um—y-you told me t-to report to you the moment Hoth was in sight sir."


"Hoth is in sight... sir."

Grievous growled in irritation as he quickly approached the horrified man and snatched him by the neck in his metallic grip.

"You think me so blind I do not realize the obvious?" Grievous growled.

The sudden sound of the command center hatch doors sliding open caused the entire room to face its direction. Slowly entering the room, a menacing figure clad in black entered. Her robes flowed behind her as she walked, her masked face providing a stone-cold impression while she observed the entire room. Grievous quickly threw the Imperial soldier down to the ground before kneeling to one robotic knee in her presence. When he looked up, he stared right into the masked face of the Emperor's fury: Darth Seraphina.

"What need you have for me General Grievous?" Seraphina asked, in a robotic voice.

"We are rapidly approaching the surface of Hoth, Darth Seraphina," Grievous responded. "Within moments, our troops will be on the ground ready to find the rebel base."

Seraphina looked up toward the gigantic window overlooking the frozen world. Three long years passed since the Battle of Yavin and the complete annihilation of the Death Star. Three years since she was abandoned, left for dead by those she thought she could trust. Three long years since...


She'd never allow herself to dwell on events of the past. No need to remember anything that's meaningless to her now. She merely turned back toward General Grievous.

"Take the Three Sisters and lead the search along the surface," She ordered. "Weed out the Rebels one by one if you must. Should you run across the targets I have ordered, just remember one thing: Twilight Sparkle is mine to kill."

Grievous bowed his head, acknowledging the lady Sith's command.

"Worry not Lady Seraphina," Grievous assured. "We will flush the rebel cowards out of hiding and destroy them all. Should we encounter any of your targets, we shall leave them to your will."

"Then I leave you to your invasion, General," She said. "I have other matters to attend to."

Seraphina nodded her head begore quickly turning her way out the command center. A personal entourage of Stormtroopers followed closely behind the dark lady as she made her way toward the shuttle hangar. Of course, the Infernus was her own personal flagship granted to her by her master. Yet she rarely bothered herself with matters of the war with the rebellion. She left the ship and the soldiers to Grievous and the Inquisitors. She only cared about one thing: Revenge. Until said time came to play, she had matters of her own to attend to. Boarding one of the shuttle transports, the pilot turned to her.

"Where shall we be bringing you today, my lady?" He asked.



A pair of moderate cyan eyes quickly snapped open, as Sunset Shimmer gasped for breath. Sitting up and breathing heavily, she clutched her aching head. The last thing she remembered was the pain and anger over losing her friends. She recalled touching the ancient holocon Palpatine presented her. After that... nothing.

Slowly getting her bearings, she raised her head and looked around. She saw before her eyes the most bizarre sight she'd ever seen. It seemed as though she was in the deepest reaches of space, yet something wasn't right. All around her were ancient Jedi and Sith warships, all frozen in battle. Many tall buildings stood crumbling into ruins around her. The grounds upon which she stood were rocky and dark. It's as though she was stuck in some forgotten universe.

"At last, you've awoken..."

The sudden deep voice nearly made Sunset jump out of her skin. Turning to her side, she noticed a figure standing beside her. The figure looking down at her resembled an old man, with graying hair and beard garbed in some strange silverish white armor. He held his hands behind his back, standing with the poise and yet cruel nature of a war general.

"I have longed for the chance to speak with you personally, Sunset Shimmer," He spoke.

Sunset slowly started to back away in fear, as the old man slowly approached her.

"W-W-Who are y-you?" She trembled. "W-Where am I?"

The old man merely released a low chuckle, as he ceased in his tracks.

"You seek truth," He said simply. "This is precisely why I've come to speak with you."

Sunset stopped trying to scurry away; instead, she face the man greatly confused.

"I-I don't understand," She admitted.

"I sense your confusion and trepidation," The man said plainly. "I can assure that your worries are unnecessary. You have nothing to fear."

"That's debatable," Sunset replied, standing up.

"Once again, the old man chuckled with amusement.

"I have gone by many names, spanning countless generations," He explained. "Once, I was but a humble man. Now, I stand before you a conqueror... a leader... a God. You may know me simply as Valkorion: Immoral Emperor of Zakuul."

If Sunset wasn't confused before, she most certainly was now. What was this old man talking about? Sunset found it difficult to understand, seeing how he was speaking almost in riddles.

"What're you talking about?" She asked. "Where are we? What is going on?"

"You seek answers, which you shall have," Valkorion assured. "We best move on if you are to begin your ascent to glory."

Now it has officially become too much for Sunset Shimmer. Either the man must have been crazy... or at least gravely mistaken.

"No... I'm not going anywhere with you!" Sunset objected. "I don't even know you... nor what the heck is going on. I need to find my way back to my friends."

Sunset turned to walk away, when suddenly Valkorion himself stopped her in her tracks. The man now appeared right before her.

"And just where exactly are you trying to return to?" He asked. "Have you no concept of 'where' you are?"

"No idea," Sunset admitted. "But I don't plan on listening to you for another second!"

She brushed past him, but each time he always appeared in front of her. Eventually, she grew tired and groaned to herself.

"Try as you may dear, but there is no escaping the recesses of our own mind..."

That statement made Sunset froze in place. She turned back toward Valkorian, now eager to listen.

"What do you mean my own mind?" She asked.

"The moment you touched the holocron, it sent you deep within the confines of your subconscious," He explained. "You are now no more than a prisoner in your own head. I may provide you an escape, but only if you are willing to hear what I have to teach you."

Sunset shook her head quickly, looking around the endless void. Perhaps what Valkorian was saying was true. If it were, there was truly no escaping her own mind. If he had a 'means' to escape, the best she could do was play along and hear what he has to say. At this point, she really had no other choice.

"What must I do?" She asked, sighing.

Valkorion smirked slyly, as he walked alongside the young girl.

"Follow me," He instructed.

The old man walked along the twisting, crooked rocky terrain. Sunset did her best to follow him along the way. Eventually coming upon a rocky cliff that overlooked what seemed to be the Stormtroopers' ground assault. Sunset caught up as she looked around her environment.

"What is all this?" She asked confused.

"What you see is a vision of time long passed," Valkorion explained. "A time when the galaxy was thrown into an endless abyss of chaos. Nearly three thousand years ago, the Jedi and Sith were at constant war with one another. Though I ruled as Emperor of the Sith at the time, I saw the empire as no more than a failed experiment."

This made Sunset froze in fear, as she turned toward the man.

"Y-Y-You were the Sith Emperor?" She asked shakily.

"The Empire was nothing more than a small delay of my true focus," Valkorion answered. "Slowly crumbling away, Sith bickering amongst themselves. Hence why I maintained silence for so long. What purpose was there saving a doomed order? I realized in order to gain what I sought that a change had to be made. As it also means... for you."

Valkorion pointed toward the canyon below, drawing Sunset toward the sea of Stormtroopers. As she observed closely, she noticed her friends fighting at the epicenter with lightsabers.

"Is that—"

"Your so-called 'friends'," Valkorion interrupted. "Nothing more than chains binding you."

He pointed toward each and every single one of them. Staring with Applejack...

"There's the conscientious farmer..."

... then Rainbow Dash...

"An overzealous rogue..."

... then Fluttershy...

"The cowardly caretaker..."

... then Rarity...

"A glory seeking designer..."

... then Pinkie Pie...

"The mentally unstable baker..."

... and finally Twilight...

"And... the narcissistic royal."

Sunset looked on, as Valkorion spoke.

"Why is it you waste time with those lesser than you? Obligation... pity... or simply vanity?"

The more he spoke, the more his words cut through Sunset's thoughts. She suddenly shook her head, glaring at him.

"You're wrong!" She yelled. "They're my friends. They've stood by me even after all the horrible things I've done. They accept me... they love me... for who I am."

"You've always been far superior to them in every way, yet delude yourself believing you are equals," Valkorion countered calmly. "You could have them all bending their knees to you in submission, if only you'd allow yourself to accept... the truth..."

Valkorion said no more, as he continued down the path leading towards who knows where. Sunset looked across the valley, the image of all her friends in battle. She allowed only a single stray tear to slide down her face before she followed Valkorion into the unknown.


An Imperial probe robot zoomed toward the planet Hoth, landing onto it's ice-covered surface. An explosion marked the point of impact. A weird mechanical sound rose above the whining of the wind. The strange probe robot, with several extended sensors, emerged from the smoke-shrouded crater. The ominous mechanical probe floated across the snow plain before vanishing into the distance.

A small figure galloped across the windswept ice slope. The bundled rider was mounted on a large gray snow lizard, a Tauntaun. Curving plumes of snow rose from beneath the speeding paws of the two-legged beast.

The rider galloped up a slope, reining his lizard to a stop. Pulling off his protective goggles, Luke Skywalker noticed something in the sky. He took a pair of electro-binoculars from his utility belt and through them sees smoke rising from where the probe robot crashed. The wind whipped at Luke's fur-lined cap as he activated a comlink transmitter. His tauntaun shifted and moaned nervously beneath him.

"Echo Three to Echo Seven," Linke spoke, through commlink. "Han, old buddy, do you read me?"

After some slight static, a familiar voice is heard.

"Loud and clear, kid," Han answered, over commlink. "What's up?"

"Well, I finished my circle," Luke informed. "I don't pick up any life readings."

"There isn't enough life on this ice cube to fill a space cruiser. The sensors are placed, I'm going back."

"Right. I'll see you shortly. There's a meteorite that hit the ground near here. I want to check it out. It won't take long."

Luke clicked off his transmitter, reigning back on his nervous lizard. He pat the beast along the head to calm it.

"Hey, steady girl," Luke soothed. "What's the matter? You smell something?"

Luke took a small device from his belt, proceeding to adjust it when suddenly a large shadow fell over him from behind. He heard a monstrous howl and turned to see an eleven-foot-tall shaper towering over him. It is a Wampa Ice Creature, lunging at him ferociously.

"Aaargh!!!" Luke screamed.

Luke grabbed for his pistol but was hit flat in the face by a huge white claw. He fell unconscious into the snow and in a moment the terrified screams of the Tauntaun were cut short by the horrible snap of a neck being broken. The Wampa Ice Creature grabbed Luke by one ankle, dragging him across the frozen plain.


Meanwhile, a stalwart figure rode his Tauntaun toward the entrance of an enormous ice cave. Rebel troopers rushed about unloading supplies and otherwise securing their new base. The rider, Han Solo, swung off his lizard and pulled off his goggles.

He walked into the main hanger deck toward the Millennium Falcon, which was parked among several fighters. Mechanics, R2 units, and various other droids hurry about. Han stopped at the Millennium Falcon where his Wookiee copilot, Chewbacca, was welding on a central lifter. Chewie stopped his work and lifted his face shield, growling an irritated greeting to his boss.

"Chewie!" Han called out.

The Wookie grumbled a reply.

"All right don't lose your temper. I'll come right back and give you a hand."

Chewbacca put his mask back on and returned to his welding as Han left.

Within the rebel base was a makeshift command center set up in a blasted area of thick ice. The low-ceilinged room was a beehive of activity. Controllers, troops, and droids move about setting up electronic equipment and monitoring radar signals. General Rieekan straightened up from a console at Han's approach.

"Solo?" The General saluted.

"No sign of life out there, General," Han reported. "The sensors are in place. You'll know if anything comes around."

"Commander Skywalker reported in yet?"

"No. He's checking out a meteorite that hit near him."

"With all the meteor activity in this system," Rieekan spoke, indicating the screen. "It's going to be difficult to spot approaching ships."

Taking a deep breath, Han blurted out what's on his mind.

"General, I've got to leave. I can't stay anymore."

Princess Leia, standing at a console nearby, was dressed in a short white combat jacket and pants. Her hair was braided across her hair in a Nordic fashion. She overheard their conversation and seemed somewhat distressed. Of course, she's not the only one... as the Equestrian Heroes, Twilight Sparkle's closest friends (All dressed for the winter), also heard the banter... with a few exceptions.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Rieekan sighed.

"Well, there's a price on my head," Han explained. "If I don't pay off Jabba the Hut, I'm a dead man."

"A death mark's not an easy thing to live with. You're a good fighter, Solo. I hate to lose you."

"Thank you, General."

He turned toward Leia and the group, as Rieekan moved away.

"So it's true then ain't it?" Applejack spoke firmly. "Captain Han Solo has decided to leave us."

It was not so much a question, as it was more of a statement. As if somehow, Applejack knew the answer.

"Yeah..." Han spoke. "Well, I guess this is it."

"I guess..." Rainbow turned away.

"That's right," Leia added.

The group turned toward Leia and they can plainly see she's angry. Han, seeing no warmth offered to him, shook his head, and adopted a sarcastic tone.

"Well, don't get all mushy on me," Han retorted coolly. "So long, kids."

"Goodbye..." Fluttershy spoke sadly.

Han walked away into the quiet corridor adjoining the command center. Leia stewed for a moment, then hurried after him. The girls could tell where this was going.

"Oh dear!" Rarity sighed. "Not again..."

"Come on y'all," Applejack gestured.

The girls quickly followed Leia, who rushed toward Han.

"Han!" Leia shouted.

Han stopped in the corridor, before turning to face Leia and the group.

"Yes, Your Highnessness?" Han asked sarcastically.

"I thought you decided to stay."

"Yeah! Whatever happened to, 'If I'm going to be punished just like you rebels, I might as well be a Rebel...'?" Pinkie Pie asked, holding out the script. "Continuity..."


*A gloved hand quickly took the script back*

"Well, the bounty hunter we ran into on Ord Mantell changed my mind," Han replied.

"Yeah well... we took care of that bum didn't we?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Okay they nearly got us that time... but to be fair he cheated!"

"Ya could've just gone back ta Tatooine and paid yer debt when you had the chance," Applejack suggested.

"I've been trying to!" Han insisted. "But things got in the way..."

"Han, we need you!" Leia insisted.



"Oh, what about you need?"

"I need?" Leia asked, mystified. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You probably don't," Han shook, fed up.

"U-U-Um excuse me, Captain Solo," Fluttershy spoke quietly. "Pardon me for not paying attention but... what precisely is Princess Leia supposed to know?"

"Come on! Is it that obvious?" Han asked Fluttershy. "The princess wants me to stay because of the way she feels about me."

"Yes. You're a great help to us," Leia listed. "You're a natural leader..."

"Um Leia darling," Rarity spoke up. "I don't think that's what Han's talking about."

"Yeah—seems Han's kinda—sort of—ya know?" Applejack stammered, pushing her fingers.

Leia turned toward the Equestrians, then stared at Han. Slowly understanding... she laughed.

"You're imagining things!" Leia argued.

"Am I?" Han asked. "Then why are you following me? Afraid I was going to leave without giving you a goodbye kiss?"

"Give her a break, Han!" Rainbow grumbled.

"I'd just as soon as kiss a Wookiee!" Leia retorted.

"I can arrange that," Han argued. "You could use a good kiss!"

Angrily, Han strode down the corridor as Leia and the others stared after him. While Leia stewed over the argument, a sigh escaped Applejack's lips as she looked over her shoulder thinking about something else... or in this case, 'someone'.


Sitting over the opening of the base, overlooking the endless plains of ice as far as the eyes can see, Twilight Sparkle sat silently as the winter air made her hair sway. She just stared out toward the cold and up the heavens of the Hoth sky, ignoring the bit of frost clung to her glasses. In her hands, she absent-mindedly pat her one companion who's been at her side since coming here... Spike the Dragon... except now he's a dog. Spike looked up a few times, but Twilight's expression was difficult to read. Yet he could tell this much... his friend was hurting.


Snapping out of her stupor, Twilight Sparkle slowly turned to the side as Storm Shield, wrapped in a heavy cloak, approached the pair. In each of his hands, he carried a piping hot container with a steaming liquid inside.

"Thought you could use a hot drink," Storm offered. "Wouldn't want to catch your death out here."

Twilight Sparkle looked down toward the hot mug in Storm's right hand, pondering for a few seconds. Then eventually, Twilight Sparkle carefully grasps the container by the handle.

"Thanks..." Twilight spoke softly.

Twilight takes a slow sip from the mug, feeling the scolding hot liquid race down her throat. A heavy sigh escapes her lips as she watches her breath take off into the winter atmosphere. For a moment, the three just sit together (Spike on Twilight's lap) as they gazed out toward the Hoth plains.

"I feel terrible, Storm..." Twilight spoke, breaking the silence.

"Yeah I know what you mean," Storm nodded. "Hoth's not exactly the place I'd ever want to go to for a winter vacation. And we thought the frozen north of Equestria was cold..."

"You know that's not what I'm talking about, Storm..."

"... I know," Storm nodded, sadly. "You're still thinking about Sunset aren't you?"

"How can I not?" Twilight asked sadly. "It's been three years since we've seen her Storm... three years. You said Starkiller was going to bring her to us."

A look of regret started to form on Storm's face. He did not mean to give Twilight Sparkle or her friends too much hope, after the Sith Lord gave the message to him from Sunset herself. Three years had passed since they got her holo-communicator... and even though they barely aged (Or not at all) the absence of their one friend has taken its toll on everyone. But out of all of them, Twilight took it the hardest.

"I've been trying to reach out and get in contact with Starkiller, trying to figure out the delay," Storm explained. "Three years, I used the force trying to reach out to him... but for whatever reason he's very difficult to track. Then again, he is a Sith Lord. When the Jedi were on the hunt for Sith like him, they either stand and fight... or hide as far from the Jedi as possible."

"I can't help but feel that it's all my fault," Twilight sighed, tearing up.

"Don't talk that way Princess..."

"But it's true!" Twilight insisted. "If I had held onto Sunset just a little longer, least she'd be with us right now."

"To be fair Twilight," Spike spoke up. "I was the one who touched the television controls instead of telling you about it. So it's more my fault that my curiosity got the better of me... again."

Twilight Sparkle did not argue with Spike, instead she just stared silently at him and pat him atop his head. As if she were saying to him, 'It's okay'. Then she feels a hand gently clasp her shoulder. She turned and Storm Shield gazed toward her with a reassuring glance.

"As soon as we leave Hoth, we will find Sunset Shimmer," Storm Shield promised. "I don't know 'when' and I don't know 'how', but we're going to get Sunset back even if we have to scour this entire universe to do it."

Twilight Sparkle smiled sadly toward Storm Shield, tears slowly falling from her face. Storm saw that her tears started to turn to tiny icicles latching onto her cheeks. Carefully and gently, Storm reached out and flicked the ice off her face. Though Twilight twitched slightly, she kept quiet and allowed the Prince of Peace to finish.

"Better?" Storm asked.

"... Better," Twilight nodded, smiling.


A familiar stream of beeps and whistles heralded the approach of R2-D2 and C3PO, who appeared around a corner and moved along an ice wall toward the main hangar.

"Don't try to blame me!" 3PO argued. "I didn't ask you to turn on the thermal heater. I merely commented that it was freezing in the princess' chamber. But it's supposed to be frezzing. How are we going to dry out all her clothes? I really don't know."

R2 beeped a stream of protesting whistles.

"Oh, switch off!" 3PO groaned.

Suddenly, the rest of the Equestrian Heroes race into the two droids.

"Yo guys!" Rainbow called out. "Any of you two seen Han?"

"I thought he'd be going back to his ship, Miss Dash," 3PO replied.

"We need to speak with him right away," Rarity spoke. "Princess Leia said it's urgent."

"If we hurry, they didn't leave yet," Applejack assured. "C'mon y'all!"

With Applejack at the lead, the rest of the girls and the robots followed them toward the main hanger. They eventually come to a stop at Han Solo's space freighter. Han and Chewie struggled with their central lifters.

"Why did you take this apart now?" Han argued. "I'm trying to get us out of here and you pull both of these!"

Chewie grumbled in irritation.

"Excuse me, sir!" 3PO called out.

"Put them back together right now!" Han ordered Chewie.

"Might we have a word with you, please?" 3PO asked.

"What do you want?" Han faced the group, irritated.

"Sorry to bother you Han," Fluttershy apologized. "But Princess Leia's been trying to reach you on the communicator."

"I turned it off! I don't want to talk to her."

"So you're ghosting princesses now?" Pinkie replied, shaking her head. "Ooh... probably not the best idea."

"Anyways, Princess Leia told us to ask you about Luke," Rarity continued. "Apparently he hasn't come back yet, and she doesn't know where he is."

"I don't know where he is," Han grumbled.

"Nobody knows where he is," 3PO emphasized.

"What do you guys mean 'nobody knows'?"

The group turned toward fading light at the entrance of the ice cave. Sure enough Twilight Sparkle, along with Storm Shield and Spike, approached the group after overhearing their conversation.

"Apparently Luke's still out in the snow," Applejack explained. "Ain't nobody's heard where he's been."

"Oh no...!" Storm groaned, clutching his forehead. "And it's going to be dark out there pretty soon; Hoth is not a safe place to travel at night."

Han seeing the night sky slowly forming along the planet, he jumped off the lift and the group followed.

"Deck officer," Han shouted. "Deck Officer!"

"Excuse me, sir," 3PO spoke up. "Might I inqu—"

Han abruptly clasped his hand over 3PO's mouth, as the deck officer approached.

"Yes, sir?" The Deck Officer asked.

"Do you know where Commander Skywalker is?" Han questioned.

"I haven't seen him. It's possible he came in through the south entrance."

"You better find out for sure," Storm suggested. "It's getting darker by the second out there."

"Yes, sir," The Deck Officer saluted.

The deck officer left in a hurry, as Han took his hand off 3PO's mouth.

"Excuse me, sir," 3PO spoke. "Might I inquire what's going on?"

"Why not?" Han asked.

"Impossible man. Come along, R2, let's find Princess Leia. Between ourselves, I think Master Luke is in considerable danger."


Later, the deck officer and his assistant hurried toward Han and the Equestrian Heroes as they entered the tunnel.

"Commander Skywalker hasn't come in through the south entrance," The Deck Officer informed. "He might have forgotten to check in."

"No way," Twilight Sparkle shook. "I'd know if everyone checked in."

"It's true..." Spike spoke up. "Never argue with Twilight when it comes to organization."

"Are the speeders ready?" Han asked.

"Not yet," The Deck Officer shook. "We're having some trouble adapting them to the cold."

"Guess it's a good thing we didn't bring your speeder with us, huh Stormy?" Rainbow chuckled nervously.

Storm turned toward Rainbow Dash with a look of annoyance.

"Don't mock me..."

"Then we'll have to go out on Tauntauns," Han spoke.

"We'll go?" Fluttershy asked nervously.

"By we, I mean 'me'," Han replied. "Can't risk putting you kids at risk, or the princess will have my head!"

"Hello!" Rainbow frowned, pointing at Twilight. "We have a princess too buddy!"

"Sir, the temperature's dropping too rapidly," The Deck Officer reminded.

"That's right, and my friend's out in it," Han retorted.

"I'll cover sector twelve," The assistant officer volunteered. "Have com-control set screen alpha."

Han pushed through the group and proceeded to mount a Tauntaun.

"Han, you're not going to have a lot of time out there!" Storm called out. "The tauntaun will freeze before you even reach the first marker. And even if somehow you manage to pass it, there's dangerous obstacles out there that could kill you!"

"Then I'll see you in hell!" Han shouted.

Han maneuvered his mount out the cave, as the Equestrian Heroes watched him race into the dark bitter night.

"He better know what he's doing," Spike hoped.

"So... do we just stand here all night or... what?" Fluttershy asked, confused.

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