Vader vs Obi Wan
Old Ben Kenobi continued to slink his way unnoticed through the halls of the Death Star. Thus far, the old Jedi had successfully avoided detection from the Imperials. Suddenly, a door behind Ben slid open and a detachment of stormtroopers marched to the power trench. Ben instantly slipped into the shadows, as an Officer moved to within a few feet of him.
"Secure this area until the alert is cancelled," The Officer ordered.
"Give me regular reports," The First Trooper added.
All but two of the stormtroopers are left, as Old Ben Kenobi tries to makes his way around them.
"Do you know what's going on?" The First Trooper asked the other.
"Maybe it's another drill," The Second Trooper guessed.
Ben moved around the tractor beam, watching the stormtroopers as they turn their backs to him. Ben gestured with his hand toward them, as the troops think they hear something in the other hallway. With the help of the Force, Ben deftly slipped past the troopers and into the main hallway.
"What was that?" The Second Trooper asked, looking around.
"Oh, it's nothing," The First Trooper brushed off. "Don't worry about it."
Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Princess Leia Organa, and the Equestria Girls raced down an empty hallway. Eventually they stop before a bay window overlooking the Millenium Falcon. Troopers are milling about the ship. Luke takes out his pocket commlink.
"There she is," Han observed.
"The only ones stopping us are those goofy bucketheads!" Rainbow added.
"C3PO, do you copy?" Luke called.
"For the moment," 3PO's voice answered. "Uh, we're in the main hangar across from the ship."
"What about Applejack and the others?" Twilight added. "Are they alright too?"
"Just fine and dandy, Twi," Applejack's voice responded. "Borrowed some ah them there fancy armor like y'all and just passed security."
"We're right above you," Luke informed. "Stand by."
Han observed the dozen or so troopers moving in and out of the pirate ship. Leia moved toward Han, touching his arm and pointing out the window to the ship.
"You came in that thing?" Leia questioned. "You're braver than I thought."
"Nice!" Han frowned. "Come on!"
Without another fuss, they start off down the hallway. They round a corner... only to run straight into twenty Imperial stormtroopers heading toward them. Both groups are taken by surprise and stop in their tracks.
"Oh, for Celestia's sake!!!" Rarity cringed.
"It's them! Blast them!" The First Trooper ordered.
Without thinking, Han drew his laser pistol and charged toward the troopers, firing. His blaster hurled one stormtrooper into the air. Chewie followed his captain down the corridor, stepping over the fallen trooper on the floor.
"Get back to the ship!!!" Han shouted.
"Where are you going?" Luke called out.
"Come back!" Twilight shouted. "We can't lose you too!!!"
But Had had already rounded a corner, not hearing a single word.
"He certainly has courage," Leia replied.
"Can't argue with that one sister," Rainbow Dash nodded.
"What good will it do us if he gets himself killed?" Luke asked. "Come on!"
Though Luke was furious, there was no time to think about it. The muted alarms begin to go off down the Hangar deck. Luke and Leia start toward the starship hanger, while Twilight and the others follow close behind.
"On the other hand, if anything happens to Han, does this mean I get to pilot the ship?" Rainbow asked.
"NOOO!" The girls shouted in unison.
Meanwhile, Han pursued the stormtroopers down a long, sub-hallway. He yelled while brandishing his laser pistol till the troopers reached a dead end and found themselves forced to turn and fight. Han stopped a few feet from them, assuming the defensive position as the troops raised their laser guns. Soon, all ten troopers move into an attack position in front of the lone star pirate. Han's determined look began to fade, as the troops began to advance. Solo jumped backward as they fired at him.
Chewbacca ran down the sub-hallway in a last-ditch attempt to save his bold captain. Suddenly, he heard laser fire and yelling. Around the corner was Han, pirate extraordinaire, running for his life followed by a host of furious stormtroopers. Chewbacca turned and started running the other way also.
Twilight and the others raced down the halls after Luke and Leia. Suddenly, they found their path blocked by a barrage of Stormtroopers.
"Hold it right there all of you!" One trooper yelled.
The girls quickly turned and starting running the other way, when another group of troopers appeared as well. Their laser guns aimed right at them.
"It's all over now," A trooper spoke smugly.
Just as they were about to fire, a gleaming gold blade flew like a boomerang and took out multiple Stormtroopers. It then flew back and landed in the clutch of on Storm Shield. Twilight and the others looked on with wide eyes and smiles toward the prince.
"Storm!" Twilight yelled joyfully.
"You didn't think I'd miss the party, did you?" Storm chuckled.
"Less talking, more fighting!" Rainbow interrupted.
"Oh... right!"
Using his force abilities, Storm force-pushed the other barrage of troopers back which allowed the others to make their way back to Storm. Once the troopers got back to their feet, they fired toward the group. Thankfully, Storm used the force to pry off a piece of the metal wall and use it as a barricade.
"Rainbow, cover me while I get out and do my thing alright?" Storm instructed Rainbow.
"I'm with ya chief!" Rainbow saluted.
"Everyone else, stay put till I give the word!"
Storm and Rainbow leapt into action with Storm using his saber pike to slash down a series of troopers, while Rainbow expertly blasted the others trying a sneak attack. Deciding to use a technique he hadn't used for some time, Storm mustered as much Force energy he could muster before slamming his fist to the ground. A massive shockwave sent every Stormtrooper flying in every direction successfully knocking them out cold. With the troopers down, Storm deactivated his saber and placed it back on his back.
"You guys can come out now!" He called out.
Twilight and the others slowly emerged from their hiding spot, as Storm approached Rainbow.
"Not bad out there Rainbow," Storm complimented, with a fist bump.
"I could say the same for you, your princliness," Rainbow joked.
Storm chuckled briefly when Twilight suddenly raced toward him and wrapped him in a tight hug.
"Thank goodness you're alright!" She said relieved.
Though stunned at first, Storm hugged Twilight back while Rarity and Rainbow stood offside and looked with smirks on their faces. Finally, Twilight pulled away from Storm and the prince gave her a smirk of his own.
"You must've been pretty worried about me Sparky," Storm chuckled.
Twilight's face immediately went from its usual lavender purple to bright red, which she tried to hide in her hair.
"N-N-No, of course not!" She stammered. "I just didn't want to be on the end of your mother's wrath if you were taken."
"Luckily for you, I'm alright."
"What happened to you anyway? We thought you got captured like Sunset."
"As a matter of fact, Sunset's actually part of the reason I was gone."
Storm's answer caused the three girls to look at him very confused.
"Let me explain..." Storm began.
Storm Shield stood defiant and prepared as he eyed the Sith Apprentice, Starkiller. The young Sith stood before him with his two red lightsabers drawn and ready while Storm held his saber pike in his grip. Both men seemed ready for an all-out battle to ensue.
"If I were you Sith, I'd seriously think about what to do next," Storm warned. "I may look younger than you, but I've been a Jedi Master for nearly a thousand years. I've battled the most ruthless foes in the galaxy and won, so this is nothing to me."
Starkiller glared at the young Jedi prince so fiercely that it seemed his gaze could burn right through his very being. However, the glare quickly softened, and he deactivated both his sabers.
"Luckily for me, I haven't come here to fight you."
This caught Storm by surprise, his eyes widened briefly. That wasn't something he expected would happen. He half expected an all-out brawl with the Sith. Nevertheless, he kept his saber pike at the ready just in case. After all, Sith have always been known to be masters of deception.
"You expect me to believe that?" Storm questioned.
"No..." Stormkiller responded. "But you will if it pertains to your friend Sunset Shimmer."
Hearing the fiery haired girl's name sent Storm leaping through the air and quickly snatched the young Sith by the neck of his robes. While this would frighten most people, Marek didn't even blink.
"Where is she?!" Storm asked threateningly. "What have you done with her?"
"I've done nothing but kept her safe," Starkiller responded.
Storm only glared harder toward Starkiller.
"I don't believe you," Storm spoke, through gritted teeth.
However, Storm reluctantly released Marek and backed away.
"But I do have ways of finding the truth."
"I've nothing to hide from you," Starkiller assured.
"We shall see," Storm said. "Many years ago, when I was but a Padawan, I learned an ancient ability that allows me to sense what's inside a person's heart and find exactly where their true loyalties lie."
Starkiller merely gestured for the Jedi to go on and stood completely still. Storm folded his hands, closed his eyes, and focused through the force. A white light faintly glowed from his body, as he sensed Starkiller's internal being.
"There is a great contradiction within you," He said. "I sense great darkness, full of anger and hatred. But there's also light as well, kindness and mercy."
Finally, Storm opened his eyes and the light receded as his Force energy faded away. He looked Starkiller up and down, observing for any sign of falseness. He did not find any.
"You only appear to be an agent of the dark side," He observed. "But it's just a mask."
"And I have finally chosen the path I truly want to follow," Starkiller answered, with a nod.
"If that's true, then answer for me one question: Where is Sunset?"
"She's safe. I sent her back to Coruscant with my most loyal troops. Once I'm finished here, I plan to return myself so I may devise a way of freeing her. I must maintain the illusion that I still follow the dark side, so the Emperor is none the wiser to my true intentions."
Storm nodded his head in approval as he stepped forward and shook the young Sith's hand. Once he did, Starkiller took something from his robe and placed it directly into Storm's palm.
"A holo communicator?" Storm questioned.
"Before I sent her back to Coruscant, I instructed Sunset to record a message to all of you on it," Starkiller explained. "This way it would assure you she's okay."
Storm glanced at the device in his hand, then back toward Starkiller who ran off down the hall to rejoin his forces. Storm looked after him with a small smile before running the other way to find the others. At least now they had an ally on the inside.
"And that's how I ended up with this," Storm concluded, holding out the device. "We need only to push the button, and we'll know for sure Sunset is okay."
Before he can do so, laser fire echoes from the hall drawing the group back.
"I don't think now's the best time," Twilight spoke. "We've got to get back to the Falcon before the stormtroopers take us."
"Right then!" Storm nodded, putting the device in his pocket. "Follow me girls! I know a shortcut!"
Elsewhere on the Death Star, Luke fired his laser pistol wildly as he and Leia rushed down a narrow sub-hallway, pursued by several stormtroopers. They quickly reached the end of the sub-hallway and raced through an open hatchway onto a narrow bride, which spanned a huge, deep shaft that seemed to go into infinity. The bridge had been retracted into the wall of the shaft, and Luke almost rushed into the abyss. He lost his balance off the end of the bridge as Leia, behind him, took hold of his arm and pulled him back.
"I think we took a wrong turn!" Luke gasped, looking down.
"Boy you sure did all right Luke!"
Luke and Leia's eyes went wide as they turned behind them, and for some strange reason Pinkie Pie & Applejack were standing right behind them.
"I'd probably say you should've taken that left turn at Albuquerque, but I doubt you'd know what that is," Pinkie continued.
"Who are you two?!" Leia asked, raising a brow.
"Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie shook Leia's hand. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person Princess. Oh, and this is my PFF and possibly cousin from another family, Applejack! We came to save you two!"
"Girls, how'd you two even get over here?" Luke asked, baffled.
"I... don't even know..." Applejack spoke, stunned.
Blasts from the stormtroopers' laser guns explode nearby, reminding them of the oncoming danger. Applejack took out a laser pistol as she and Luke fired back at the advancing troops. Leia reached over and hit a switch that popped the hatch door with a resounding boom, leaving them precariously perched on a short piece of bridge overhang. Laser fire from the troopers hit the steel door.
"There's no lock!" Leia observed.
"Hold it!" Pinkie replied, raising a hand.
Pinkie then lifted her own laser fun and blast the controls, causing it to explode.
"There... that should hold it for a while!"
"Pinkie... how we gonna cross the bridge with nothin' to extend it?" Applejack pointed out.
"Ooh... yeah, I can see why that would be a problem."
"They're coming through!" Leia cried out.
They could hear the ominous drilling and pounding from the opposite side of the door, no doubt the Stormtroopers trying to pry the door open.
"If only I had my lasso, we could swing our way across!" Applejack sighed.
"You mean like 'this'?" Pinkie replied, pulling a rope from her hair. "In case of lasso emergency."
Before anyone could report, laser fire struck the wall behind them. Luke and Applejack aimed their laser pistol at a stormtrooper perched on a higher bridge overhang across the abyss from them. For a few minutes, they exchange fire as two more troops appeared on another overhang. One trooper got hit and clutched his chest. Another standing on the bridge overhang was struck by Luke's laser fire and plummeted down the shaft. Troopers moved back off the bridge, as Applejack handed her gun to Leia.
"Hold this."
With the lasso in her hand, Applejack positioned herself while Pinkie provided covering fire toward a trooper appearing on the bridge overhang. She and Leia return the laser volley as another trooper appeared and fired at them. Suddenly, the hatch door begins to open, revealing the feet of more troops.
"Here they come!" Leia shouted.
Leia hit one of the stormtroopers on the bridge above, and he too fell into the abyss. Finally, Applejack tossed the lasso across the gorge, and it wrapped itself around an outcropping of pipes. She tugged on the rope making sure its secure, as she grabbed onto Pinkie and Luke grabbed the princess in his arms.
"I sure hope she can hold four!" Applejack hoped.
Leia turned toward Luke, then kissed him quickly on the lips. To say Luke was very surprised was an understatement.
"For luck!" Leia said simply.
Pinkie Pie turned toward Applejack, who gave her a look.
"Don't even think about it..." Applejack warned.
Pinkie Pie merely smiled with a squeal, as Luke and Applejack pushed off. They swung across the treacherous abyss to the corresponding hatchway on the opposite side ("YEE-HAW!!!"). Just as the four reached the far side of the canyon, the stormtroopers broke through the hatch and fired at the escaping duo. Luke returned fire before they ducked into the tiny sub-hallway.
"Miss me, miss me!" Pinkie teased. "Now ya gotta kiss—"
One laser shot right across Pinkie's hair, leaving a slight bald spot as her face dropped with wide eyes.
"Uh... never mind!" Pinkie finished, before running away.
Meanwhile, Ben hid in the shadows of the narrow passageway while several stormtroopers rushed past him in the main hallway. He checked to make sure they're gone, then raced down the hallway in the opposite direction with his lightsaber out and adjusting the hood over his head. Darth Vader soon appeared from the far end of the hallway, starting after the old Jedi as he used the force to summon the hilt of his own lightsaber from his belt.
3PO and Fluttershy, with Spike in her arms, looked around at the troops milling about the Falcon's entry ramp.
"Where could they be?" 3PO asked.
"Should've gone with them," Spike spoke worried. "Twilight's helpless without me."
R2-D2, plugged into the computer socket, turned his dome left and right, beeping a response. Fluttershy turned back and realized something's wrong.
"Where're Applejack and Pinkie Pie?" Fluttershy asked confused.
Racing down the long corridor, Han and Chewbacca ran with several troopers hot on their trail.
"Close the blast doors!" A Trooper ordered.
At the end of the hallway, blast doors began to close in front of them. The young star-pilot and his furry companion raced past the huge doors just as they closed, managing to get off a couple blasts at the pursuing troopers before the doors slammed shut.
"Open the blast doors! Open the blast doors!"
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ben Kenobi hurried along one of the tunnels leading to the hanger, where the Millenium Falcon waited. Just before he reached the hanger, Darth Vader stepped into view at the end of the tunnel, not ten feet away, and the old man stopped. The Dark Lord ignited his saber, breathing heavily as he stood before the old Jedi. Ben also ignited his own light saber, as he stepped forward slowly. The two Galactic warriors stood perfectly still for a few moment, sizing each other up and waiting for the right moment. Ben moved with elegant ease into a classical offensive position, while the fearsome Dark Knight approached with a defensive stance.
"I've been waiting for you, Obi-Wan," Darth Vader spoke. "Our long awaited meeting has come at last. The circle is now complete. When I left you, I was but the learner; now I am the master."
"Only a master of evil, Darth," Ben retorted.
Darth Vader swung his lightsaber and Ben Kenobi barely dodged to his left, Vader's lightsaber striking the walls with a fiery spark. Lightsabers ignite as two fierce warriors battle to the bitter end, as Vader was heavy on the offense as Ben did his best to block all the deadly blows. Eventually, their blades collide as the two warriors lean toward each other, the sparking of the lights glittering off the front of Vader's helmet and creating a low buzzing sound. Ben can feel an increasing pressure and strain take hold, like an invisible weight placed upon him.
"Your powers are weak, old man," Vader observed.
Kenobi forced himself away, throwing a few swings with his own lightsaber which Vader was able to block.
"You can't win, Darth," Ben spoke. "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."
"And I will show the true nature of the force!"
One of the crates lifts high into the air and soars toward Kenobi, who splits it in half with a mighty swing. The force sent another container toward Kenobi, who swung with his lightsaber...
And made the canister explode around them. Vader fought against the flames as he made a masterful slash toward the old Jedi, who manages to keep the lightning quick Sith lord at bay with his defensive maneuvers. Lightsabers swing toward each other, their blows countered at every turn. Their lightsabers continue to meet in combat, sending them down the halls. The blows of their sabers make the walls around them turn bright red.
"There is no escape," Darth Vader spoke darkly.
Still the Old Man kept his focus intact, as a blow managed to strike Vader across the armor. And the duel between two powerful warriors continued blow for blow. Vader desperately used his left arm to ward off the old Jedi, while he used the other to attempt the killing blow. Eventually, Vader used the force to propel Ben backward and sent him crashing into the wall generating an explosion. Obi Wan fell onto the floor, his lightsaber discarded, and laid there exhausted.
Vader swung his lightsaber toward Kenobi like a boomerang, the blade missing the old Jedi by a few inches. Vader attempted to use the force to swing the blade to the side, but Kenobi calculated the Sith's maneuver and quickly ducked. Vader pulled the lightsaber back to his grip as he stalked toward Kenobi. The old man summoned his lightsaber back and the fight continued between the two ancient warriors.
In the meantime, Han Solo and Chewbacca, their weapons in hand, leaned back against the wall surveying the forward bay, watching the Imperial stormtroopers make their rounds of the hanger.
"Didn't we just leave this party?" Han questioned.
Chewbacca growled a reply, as Luke, the princess, and the two Equestrians joined them. Not a moment later, Twilight and her own party arrived.
"Told you we'd get here quickly," Storm replied.
"What kept you?" Han asked.
"We ran into some old friends," Leia replied.
"Hiya girls!" Pinkie smiled.
"Where's Spike and Fluttershy?" Twilight asked.
"They're waitin' with the droids," Applejack answered.
"How's it look out there?" Rainbow asked.
"Is the ship all right?" Luke added.
"Seems okay if we can get to it," Han observed.
"Let's hope Kenobi got that tractor beam out of commission!" Rarity prayed.
Little did they know, the powerful due between Darth Vader and Ben Kenobi continued. As they hit their lightsabers together, lightning flashing on impact, the doors opened up. The nearby troopers looked on in interest, as the old Jedi and Dark Lord of the Sith fought to the death. From their hiding place, Fluttershy and her group watched as the troopers left their position.
"Now's our chance!" Spike spoke.
"Come on, R2, we're going!" 3PO gestured.
Fluttershy, Spike, 3PO, and R2-D2 leave their hiding spot and stealthy reached for the ship as the seven stormtroopers guarding the starship rushed past them. As they made their way, Fluttershy turns and sees her friends with the others. She silently yet frantically waves her hand toward them drawing their attention.
As Darth Vader and Ben Kenobi lock their blades once more, Vader pushed the old man back, hacking and slashing toward the Old Man who tried to block the ongoing assault. During which point, the other Equestrians and their allies were just making their way toward the ship when Luke and Storm turned toward the battle.
"Ben?" Luke spoke.
As Luke curiously approached for a better look, the rest of the Equestrians turn toward Luke's gaze and see the Dark Lord for the very first time.
"Whoa!" Rainbow gasped silently. "Who's the guy with the helmet mask?"
"I think... that's Darth Vader," Twilight Sparkle gasped, horrified.
Fear and awe stemmed from the faces of the Equestrians and some of the group upon seeing the fight before them. But none were more shocked than Storm Shield, only his reaction was for a very different reason.
"Anakin..." Storm spoke quietly, far from ear reach.
The group could only watch as Ben & Vader emerged from the hallways on the far side of the docking bay, watching the duel between the battling knights. Ben was briefly distracted by the troops charging toward him, realizing he's trapped, when Vader slashed Kenobi across the leg and he bent down to the ground. Vader lunged for the killing blow, when Kenobi used all his strength to force Vader backward giving him room to breathe.
But the Dark Knight merely regained his posture, looming over the fallen warrior who could only look up silently toward the Dark Lord. Echoes of the past rang from their minds, memories of a tragic encounter from many years ago. Only now the tables had turned, the Dark Lord appeared to stand triumphantly over a now mere shell of a Jedi's former self. The Jedi forced himself back to his feet, reigniting his lightsaber for one last act of rebellion. Seeing there was fight left in the old man, Darth Vader stormed toward the old Jedi Knight.
Ben swiftly turned to the side, looking over his shoulder toward Luke and Storm, who looked on with horror. Then the old warrior turned back toward Darth Vader and smiled toward him.
"You should not have come back, Obi-Wan," Darth Vader spoke. "Now, you'll die..."
The old Jedi merely lifted his sword from Vader's, watching his opponent with a serene look on his face. Vader brought his sword down, cutting old Ben in half. Ben's cloak fell to the floor in two parts... only Ben is not in it. Vader, puzzled at Ben's disappearance, poked and prod the empty cloak. The Equestrians silently gasped with horror, Twilight Sparkle covering her mouth to prevent from screaming. Luke and Storm, seeing Ben cut in two, started for him.
"NO!!!" Luke shouted.
"VADER!!!!" Storm shouted.
The stormtroopers turned toward the pair, firing at them. The robots, Fluttershy, and Spike already climbed up the ramp into the Millennium Falcon, while Luke, transfixed by anger and awe, returned their fire while Storm summoned his pike saber, ignited his blade, and block the blasts with a rapid spin. Solo and the other Equestrians joined in the laser fire, holding off the stormtroopers as best as they could. Vader looked up, seeing the group, and advanced toward them while his troopers are struck down one by one.
"Come on!" Han shouted to Luke.
"Storm, we've got to go!" Twilight shouted.
"Luke it's too late!" Leia insisted.
"A.J., blast the door!" Rainbow shouted.
Applejack, with careful aim like a marksman, fired her pistol at the door's control panel, and it explodes. The door began to slid shut. Three troopers charged forward firing laser bolts, as the door slid to a close behind them, shutting Vader and the other troopers out of the docking bay. A stromtrooper laid dead at the feet of his onrushing compatriots. Luke started for the advancing troops, while Solo, Leia, and the Equestrians moved up the ramp into the ship. Luke kept firing, hitting a stormtrooper, who crumbled to the floor.
"Run, boys! Run!" Ben's voice called.
Luke and Storm looked around, trying to see where the voice came from. Instead, Storm took Luke by the arm and started toward the Millenium Falcon, ducking Imperial gunfire from the troopers and raced back into the ship.
From the cockpit, Han pulled back on the controls and the ship began to move. The dull thud of laser bolts bouncing off the ship's outside echoed, as Chewie adjusted his controls.
"I hope the old man got that tractor beam out of commission," Han muttered. "Or this is going to be a real short trip."
"Punch it!" Rainbow shouted.
Chewbacca growled in agreement, as the Millenium Falcon powered away from the Death Star docking bay, making a spectacular turn, and disappeared into the vastness of space.
Behind the sealed doors, Darth Vader stood there as his head looked around. As if somehow, during this moment, he thought he could still feel the presence of his fallen adversary.
"Kenobi..." Vader spoke.
Making nothing of it, Darth Vader turned around and used the force to take Obi-Wan's lightsaber, taking it as his own as he stormed past his troopers. Whatever he was feeling in that moment was nothing more than a painful memory he'd sooner rather forget.
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