TIE Fighter Battle
Across the sea of stars and endless blackness, the Millennium Falcon flies as far from the Death Star as she possibly can. The Equestrian Heroes gathered in the central hold area of the ship itself, huddled together in utter silence following recent events they had witnessed. Among them, the tragic loss of one of their close allies, who sacrificed himself in a bitter fight against the evil Lord Vader just so they could escape.
Among the group, Luke Skywalker was deeply saddened by the loss of Obi-Wan Kenobi or 'Old Ben' as he knew him by. The group looked toward Luke, but they can think of nothing to do nor what to say. Even the robots themselves could only look on silently seeing there was nothing else that can be done. Princess Leia wrapped a blanket around him protectively, Luke turned and eventually looked up at her. She sat down beside him while all the Equestrians could do was wait and hope they could escape.
From the cockpit of the ship itself, Captain Han Solo spotted enemy signatures approaching the Millennium Falcon. There was no denying it: The Empire were after them and this time they were not looking for prisoners.
"We're coming up on the sentry ships," Han informed Chewbacca. "Hold 'em off! Angle the deflector shields while I charge up the main guns!"
Chewbacca proceeded to carry out his captain's orders, as Han worked his way toward the main guns. In the meantime, Luke just looked sadly shaking his head back and forth. Princess Leia smiled comfortingly at him.
"I can't believe he's gone," Luke sighed.
R2-D2 beeped a reply, the rest of the Equestrians nodded sadly. Pinkie Pie herself was so deeply sad about the entire scenario that her hair deflates to a flat appearance
"I'm replaying this same exact image in my head over and over again," Pinkie sighed. "And I'm seeing the scene reply in so many different scenarios, even 'stop motion'. But still... we just lost a really great friend. I don't know how I'm going to cope with this..."
"There wasn't anything you could have done," Princess Leia spoke.
"I'd have begged to differ..." Rarity replied sadly.
"Yeah... back in Equestria, we had 'all' them fancy powers to prevent moments like this," Applejack mourned.
"Even when we were humans we at least retained some ability," Rainbow Dash added angrily. "We should've been able to stop that chump!"
"But Princess Leia is right..."
The girls turned toward Storm Shield, who had been sitting quietly in the corner. Even more quietly than Fluttershy.
"If we had tried to interfere during that battle, we'd have only endangered ourselves more," Storm Shield explained. "The plans would've been taken, the Rebels would be annihilated, and worse we'd either be forced into slavery... or killed. I 'knew' Obi-Wan had been preparing for this moment; I 'knew' this was probably how he always wanted to go."
Twilight Sparkle turned toward Storm Shield, seeing him look down at the counter. She sympathetically places a hand over his shoulder.
"I'm so sorry..." Twilight apologized softly. "He was a really good mentor."
"Yes... he was," Storm sighed, turning to Twilight. "Listen... there's something I probably should've mentioned before—"
Before Storm Shield could talk, Han rushed into the hold area and approached Luke.
"Come on, buddy, we're not out of this yet!"
"Hey, what about us?" Spike asked. "What're we 'chopped liver'?"
"The Empire's sending their troops after our ship," Han informed. "I need Luke to man one of the gunports."
"We can help!" Rainbow insisted.
"There's only two gunports on this entire ship kid. You kids wait here and guard the princess. We'll do the rest."
Han and Luke proceed to leave the holding area, while the girls looked on. Several of them even pouted.
"Men..." Rarity pouted, turning toward Storm and Spike. "No offense!"
"Eh! I've been called worse..." Storm shrugged.
A few seconds later, Han Solo assumed his attack position along the topside gunport. Luke Skywalker moved toward his gunport, while Leia and several of the Equestrians work toward the cockpit. Rainbow Dash eyed the controls of the ship, rubbing her hands together, when a furry hand stopped her. Rainbow turned toward Chewbacca, who shook his head with a growl and Rainbow pouted toward him. Eventually, Luke climbed down the ladder into the gunport cockpit, one of the two main laser cannons mounted in large rotating turrets on either side of the ship.
Han adjusted his headset as he sat before the controls of his laser cannon, adjusting the attached microphone over his lips.
"You in, kid?" Han spoke. "Okay, stay sharp!"
Chewbacca, Princess Leia, and several of the Equestrian Heroes searched the heavens for attacking TIE fighters. The Wookiee pulled back on the speed controls as the ship bounced slightly. Computer graphic readouts form on Solo's target screen, as Han reached for the controls. Luke sat in readiness for the attack, his hand on the laser cannon's control button.
Chewbacca spotted the enemy ships and barked.
"Bogies twelve o'clock!!!" Rainbow shouted.
"Here they come!" Leia spoke through the intercom.
Flying across space, the Imperial TIE fighters move toward the Millennium Falcon. One of each veered off the left and right of the pirate ship. The stars whipped past being the Imperial pilot as he adjusted in maneuvering joystick.
Ooh my...
*Clears throat* The TIE fighter raced past the Falcon, firing laser beams as it passed.
Inside the Hold Area, C-3PO sat next to R2-D2 with Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Spike close by. The ship bounced and vibrated as the power goes out in the room and comes back on.
"Ohhhhhh myyyyyyyyy!!!" Rarity squealed.
"Uh... passengers please remain seated until the epic space flight comes to a complete stop!" Pinkie announced. "Thank you!"
"Very helpful Pinkie Pie!" Spike cried out.
In the gunports, a TIE fighter maneuvered in front of Han, who followed it and fired with the laser cannon. Luke did otherwise, as the fighter streaked into view. Unfortunately, the ship suffered a minor hit and bounced slightly as the two TIE fighters dive down toward the ship.
"Guys, what're you doing up there?!" Rainbow called out.
"They're coming in too fast!" Luke called out.
The Millennium Falcon flies through space, as the two TIE fighters charge through the background. Laser bolts streak from around the craft. The ship shuddered as a laser bolt hit close to the cockpit. The Wookiee chattered something toward Fluttershy.
"It's okay... it's okay..." Fluttershy assured, slightly worried. "Our friends will take care of the big, mean spaceships! It'll all be over soon..."
The TIE fighter proved very fast as it soared across the frame, firing toward the Millennium Falcon. The two TIE fighters fired a barrage of laser beams, one of which streaked along the side of the ship. The ship lurched violently, throwing poor 3PO into a cabinet full of small computer chips.
"Oooh!!!" 3PO screamed.
Spike nearly flew off his feet when Rarity caught him in mid-air.
"Hold on, Spiky-wikey!!!" Rarity shouted.
Leia and Twilight watched the computer readout, as Chewbacca manipulated the ship's controls.
"We've lost lateral controls!" Leia announced.
"Oh, I hope this ship can hold just a little longer!" Twilight hoped worriedly.
An enemy laser bolt struck the ship's control panel, causing it to blow out in a shower of sparks.
"That ain't a good sign!" Applejack spoke.
"R2-D2, a little help!" Storm called out.
R2-D2 advanced toward the smoking sparking control panel, dousing the inferno by spraying it with fire retardant.
Luke swiveled his gun mount, following the TIE fighter with his laser cannon. Solo in turn aimed his laser cannon at another enemy fighter. All the while the TIE fighter streaked in front of the ship, the gunners watching as it flew over. The fighter headed right for the ship, as Luke followed it across his field of view firing lasers from his cannon. But the TIE fighter dived past the ship while Luke kept firing.
At the port, Han followed a fighter in his sights, releasing a blast of laser fire. He connects and the fighter exploded into fiery dust. Han laughed victoriously.
Two TIE fighters moved toward and over the Millennium Falcon, unleashing a barrage of laser bolts at the ship. Another TIE fighter moved in on the ship and Luke, smiling, firing the laser cannon at it, scoring a spectacular direct hit.
"Got him! I got him!"
Han turned, giving Luke a victory wave which Luke gleefully returned.
"Great kid! Don't get cocky."
"Yeah! That's my department!" Rainbow called out.
Ignoring Rainbow Dash, Han turned back toward his laser cannon as two more TIE fighters cross the front of the ship. While Chewbacca manipulated the controls, Leia turned, looking over her shoulder out the ports.
"There are still two more of them out there!" Leia called out.
"They just keep coming!" Twilight shouted.
"Of course they would... the Empire aren't letting us go 'that' easily!" Storm remind.
A TIE fighter moved toward the ship, firing laser blasts at it. Luke and Han looked toward their respective projected target screens. An Imperial fighter crossed Solo's port, as Han swiveled in his chair following it with blasts from his laser cannon. Another fighter crossed Luke's port, and he reacts in a like manner, the glow of his target screen lighting his face.
The TIE fighter zoomed toward the ship, firing destructive blasts at it. Luke fired a laser blast at the approaching enemy fighter, and it burst into a spectacular explosion. Luke's projected screen gave a readout of the hit itself. The Millennium Falcon bounced slightly as it was struck by enemy fire.
The last of the attacking Imperial TIE fighters loomed in, firing upon the Falcon. Solo swiveled behind his cannon, his aim describing the arc of the TIE fighter. The fighter drew closer, firing at the Falcon, but a well-aimed blast from Solo's laser cannon hit the attacker, which blew up in a small atomic shower of burning fragments.
"YEEHAW!!!" Applejack shouted.
"That's it! We did it!" Luke chuckled.
The princess and Fluttershy jumped up and gave Chewie a congratulatory hug.
"We did it!" Leia and Fluttershy cheered.
"Yo girls, everything all right back there!" Rainbow called out.
"We're all right Dashie..." Pinkie called out. "Although we seem to have a 'teeny' tiny little problem back here."
"Why? Are the Droids okay?" Storm called out.
In the passageway, 3PO lay along the floor of the ship completely tangled in the smoking, sparking wires.
"Help! I think I'm melting!" 3PO called out, turning toward R2. "This is all your fault."
R2 turned his dome from side to side, beeping in response.
"Gracious! I'm sorry for him, but all he does is nag, nag, NAG!!!" Rarity cried out. "Seriously, who does that?"
"... I would not know," Spike spoke sheepishly.
The victorious Millennium Falcon moved off majestically through space, continuing their trip hoping for no more surprises.
Back in the Death Star, Darth Vader strides into the control room, where Governor Tarkin watched the huge view screen. A sea of stars loomed before him.
"Are they away?" Tarkin asked Vader.
"They have just made the jump into hyperspace," Vader informed.
"You're sure the homing beacon is secure aboard their ship? I'm taking an awful risk, Vader. This had better work."
In the meantime, Han removed his gloves and smiled his way back to the controls of the ship. Chewie moved into the aft section to inspect the damage while Leia sat near Han and Rainbow Dash loomed over.
"Not a bad bit of rescuing, 'captain'," Rainbow replied smugly.
"Sometimes I even amaze myself," Han smirked.
"That doesn't sound too hard," Leia spoke. "Besides, they let us go. It's the only explanation for the ease of our escape."
"But why they hay would they make it easy?" Applejack asked confused.
"Their tracking us!" Leia answered.
"Not this ship, sister," Han retorted.
Frustrated, Leia shook her head.
"Well... at least the plans in R2 are still intact," Twilight changed the subject.
"What's so important?" Han asked. "What's he carrying?"
"The technical readouts of that battle station," Leia informed. "I only hope that when the data is analyzed, a weakness can be found."
"Then this mission is far from over," Storm nodded.
"It is for me!" Han argued. "Look, I ain't in this for your revolution, and I'm not in it for you guys. I expect to be well paid. I'm in it for the money!"
"You needn't worry about your reward," Leia fumed. "If money is all that you love, then that's what you'll receive."
The princess angrily turned, with the Equestrian Heroes in follow. As they start out of the cockpit, they passed Luke coming in.
"Your friend is quite a mercenary," Leia grumbled.
"Friend is a bit of a strong word to describe Han," Rainbow replied, folding her arms.
"I wonder if he really cares about anything... or anyone."
"I care!" Luke shook his head.
"I don't know about you, but I think I'm going to take a rest in the holding area," Twilight spoke. "Just let us know when we get to the base."
Luke nodded as the rest of the Equestrian Heroes join the others in the holding area. Luke sat in the copilot seat, as he and Han stared out toward the vast blackness of space.
"So... what do you think of her, Han?" Luke asked.
"I'm trying not to, kid!" Han muttered.
"Good..." Luke replied, under his breath.
"Still, she's got a lot of spirit," Han admitted. "I don't know, what do you think? Do you think a princess and a guy like me..."
"No!" Luke spoke, with finality.
Luke looked away, as Han smiled over young Luke's jealousy. Little did they know, Pinkie Pie overheard the whole thing... and kept her mouth closed, trying so hard not to talk...
Eventually, the battered ship drifted into orbit around the planet Yavin, proceeding to one of its tiny green moons. Entering the 'fourth' moon, the ship soared over dense jungle. An alert guard, his laser gun in hand, scanned the countryside. He set the gun down and looked toward the temple, barely visible in the foliage.
Rotting in a forest of gargantuan trees, an ancient temple lay shrouded in an eerie mist. The air was heavy with the fantastic cries of unimaginable creatures. Han, Luke, and the others are greeted by the Rebel troopers Luke and the group rode into the massive temple on an armored military speeder.
The military speeder stopped in a huge spaceship hangar, set up in the interior of the crumbling temple. Willard, the commander of the Rebel forces, rushed up to the group and gave Leia a big hug. Everyone was pleased to see her.
"You're safe," Willard sighed, holding Leia. "We had feared the worst."
Willard composed himself, stepping back and bowed formally.
"When we heard about Alderaan, we were afraid that you were... lost along with your father."
The mention of Princess Leia's father, among the people killed by the Death Star, made the Equestrians bow their heads in guilt knowing a princess lost a member of her family.
"We don't have time for our sorrows, Commander," Leia spoke, straight to business. "The battle station has surely tracked us here."
She pointed toward Han, who merely frowned.
"It's the only explanation for the ease of our escape," Leia continued. "You must use the information in this R2 unit to plan the attack. It is our only hope."
Off to the side, Twilight Sparkle and Storm Shield made their way to the center of their friends, who all waited anxiously.
"Are we really mounting a full-scale assault on the Death Star?" Rainbow asked.
"Looks like it Rainbow," Twilight nodded.
"How in the wide world of Equestria are we possibly going to do that?" Rarity asked. "We had a hard enough time escaping the Death Star and their TIE fighters. Now you want us to go back?!"
"She's got a point Twi," Spike agreed. "How are we possibly going to destroy that thing?"
"Um well, I-I hate to admit, but..." Fluttershy whispered. "I-It does seem a little um h-hard to do..."
"Celestia almighty knows just how hard it's been fer us tryin' tah find Sunset," Applejack pointed out.
Just then, Storm remembered something very important.
"That reminds me..." Storm spoke up.
Reaching into his robe pocket, he pulled out the holo communicator Starkiller gave him.
"Wut in tarnation is that thing?" Applejack asked.
"Oh wait, let me guess!" Pinkie said excitedly. "Is it a speaker? A waffle maker? A light projector? A party box?"
Everyone turned toward Pinkie Pie, like she was completely off her rocker before Storm continued.
"This is a holo communicator," Storm explained. "Apparently Sunset recorded a message for us to let us know she's alright."
Hearing this made all the girls' eyes widen, even Spike.
"Why didn't you just say so darling?" Rarity asked.
"Go ahead and play this sucker!" Rainbow said.
Storm clicked a tiny button on the side of the device and a tiny holographic image of Sunset Shimmer appeared.
"Hey guys, it's me Sunset. If you're listening to this, it means I'm alive and well. Currently I'm being held captive by the Empire and on my way back to the Imperial Palace on Coruscant. Before you start worrying about me, I'm not in trouble but I need you all to relax... especially you Twilight..."
Twilight Sparkle chuckled slightly yet smiled toward Sunset with a tear rolling down her right eye.
"I have a friend on the inside who's planning my escape as we speak. They call him Starkiller, but his real name is Galen Marek. He may be a Sith, but he's actually one of the good guys here. He's going to help me get out of here. As soon as I'm free, I fully intend to get back to you guys as soon as we can. I love and miss all of you. I'm going to be back with you again soon..."
Nearing the end of the message, Sunset Shimmer seemed to turn back as if seeing someone coming. She turned her head back forward as if she were looking toward Twilight Sparkle.
"And Twilight... whatever happens, don't ever give up on me no matter how long it takes. You never lost faith in me before, and I know you won't now. You've always been there for me when I needed you most, not just as my teacher... but something 'more'. Whatever you do, don't let me lose sight of what we have. You're my very best friend, Twilight Sparkle. Find me again as I intend to find you..."
And just like, the message ended, and the holographic Sunset faded to non-existence. Everyone stood watching as Sunset's image disappeared, all of them joyous and relieved.
"She's alive!" Pinkie yelled happily.
"Guys... do you know what this means?" Twilight asked. "There's no need for us to rescue Sunset!"
"Are you crazy Twi?" Rainbow asked shocked. "I thought the main objective was to find Sunset so we can go home!"
"You don't understand. If what Sunset said is true, this Starkiller person or Marek or however he wants to be called is helping her escape from the Empire. He's going to bring her back to us."
"Then what do we do then?" Fluttershy asked curiously.
"We do what we can for the rebels," Twilight assured. "All we can do is hope Sunset will find us... we just got to believe she'll come back to us."
Nodding reluctantly, the Equestrians make their way toward the base to regroup with the others. Twilight and Storm stayed behind as the princess turned toward the Alicorn stallion.
"Thanks for telling us about Sunset's message," Twilight smiled tearfully. "I really needed to hear that."
"You're welcome," Storm nodded, sighing heavily. "Except... it wasn't exactly what I wanted to tell you before."
"Oh? Then what is?"
"Um... I'll tell you all later. Let's get this Death Star deal figured out."
The alicorn princess nodded her head in agreement, as the ponies turned humans work their way into base. Without Twilight knowing, Storm Shield turned back toward the sky hoping everything would go accordingly.
Deep in the far reaches of space, a single imperial transport shuttle zoomed through space in the wake of the fugitives escape from the Death Star. Aboard the ship, Sunset Shimmer sat in the midst of a large amount of Stormtroopers that watched her every move. Starkiller assured her they were all his own personal troopers, and they'd ensure her safety when they returned to Coruscant. Still, the way they just stared at her creeped Sunset off.
"So... are you guys 'clones'?" Sunset asked, trying to start a conversation. "I only ask because you all look alike with the suits..."
"Oh no, the cloning operation on Kamino was shut down when the Empire turned to conscription," One Stormtrooper spoke up. "Now it's all about recruitment just to fill up the ranks—"
"SHUT UP, GARY!" A trooper shouted.
Suddenly, one trooper emerged through a pair of hatch doors and spoke to what Sunset could only assume was the captain.
"Sir, we're coming up on the Fury," The trooper announced.
"Excellent," The captain acknowledged. "Bring us in close and we shall connect to their docking port."
The trooper only nodded his head before returning back through the hatch to the front of the craft. While all this went on, Sunset watched with confusion.
"Excuse me, Captain..."
The stormtrooper captain slowly turned to look at her which made her extremely nervous.
"What's going on?" Sunset asked nervously.
"Transfer from this shuttle to another ship," The captain responded plainly.
This really got Sunset's attention.
"I don't understand... I thought we were on route to Coruscant."
"It seems you've been severely misinformed!" The captain spat venomously.
Sunset reeled back by the captain's outburst. Sunset started growing worried, surprised by the turn of events. Starkiller promised her she'd be on her way back to the Imperial Palace, that she'd be safe until he returned. Why were they in the process of boarding another ship? These questions raced through her mind, all while the shuttle came into view of another ship. Sunset snapped out of her thoughts for a brief moment for a look at the ship she's transferring to. It was not a huge ship by any means, but it was definitely something fierce.
Soon as the two ships were in proximity to one another, a long tube came from the side of the transport shuttle to the rear docking port for the ship. Once it finished, Sunset was roughly dragged from her seat by one of the troopers.
"Move it prisoner!" He yelled at her.
Her words were cut off abruptly when the trooper bashed her nose with the back of his laser rifle. Sunset grasped her nose that now hurt profusely. When she finally pulled her hand away, she was shocked to see she's now bleeding as well. The troopers clearly didn't care, as they just pushed her forward and towards the tube that connected the two ships.
"Why are you doing this?" Sunset asked.
"Orders..." One trooper said simply.
"But Starkiller said we were going back to the Imperial City! That no harm would come to me! When he hears about this..."
Suddenly, two large hatch doors to the connecting tube slid open and Sunset's eyes widened in shock. Standing in the door were none other than the three Inquisitor sisters along with a barrage of other troopers.
"Unfortunately for you, these troops no longer take orders from Starkiller," The Third Sister said. "They now take orders solely from us."
When those words escaped her mouth, the troopers aimed their rifles at Sunset and the flame-haired girl now understood what was going on. Clearly, the three Inquisitors had taken command of Starkiller's forces, and he was none the wiser. This truly scared Sunset now because she had absolutely no idea what's going to happen now.
"What do you want from me?" Sunset asked fearfully.
The Third Sister slowly walked forward until her visor covered head was merely inches from Sunset's.
"We're planning a little side project, and you're going to help us."
"NO!" Sunset denied determinedly. "I'll never do the bidding for that sick twisted old man you call Emperor!"
Sunset's head whipped violently to the side, nearly falling over from the force of the slap across her face. She held her now stinging cheek and her bloodied nose as hot tears threatened to spill from her eyes. Quickly shaking her head, she composed herself as best she could. She would not give them the satisfaction of making her cry. Pulling her gaze back to the inquisitor, she kept a fierce, determined look on her face.
"That was a warning," The Third Sister said. "As for our project, the Emperor has no knowledge of what we're doing today. We've done his bidding well already; whatever happens now is our business alone."
Then the two other sisters stepped forward.
"What we had in mind requires something that's been lost for the last few thousand years," The Fourth Sister spoke up.
"Which is why we require you," The Fifth Sister added. "We require that special talent of yours to find exactly what it is we're looking for."
Sunset's eyes widened again.
"How'd you know about—"
"Did you truly think a talent like yours can't be felt through the force?" The Third Sister asked. "The time for questions is over; we move in with our plans."
The three Inquisitors turned on heel and headed back towards their own ship. A few troopers pushed Sunset forward and onto the ship behind them. Once aboard their ship, the hatch doors sealed quickly and the tube connecting the ships retracted. With that, the imperial shuttle flew off back to Coruscant. Sunset was led back to her feet by a few other troopers leading her to the command deck of the Fury. The three inquisitors stood at the head of command, giving the order to their troops.
"Make way for our destination at hyperdrive speed!" The Third Sister ordered.
The imperial agents aboard quickly punched the coordinates they were ordered, and the ship shot across the galaxy at hyper speed. After a while, the ship finally slowed down entirely. The face of the ship was now in sight of a red-orange planet that seemed to emit a glow. Sunset looked on in shock and fear toward the planet, feeling an evil, dark energy emitting from the planet.
"What is this place?" She asked.
The three sisters stood in anticipation, as the ship began to edge closer to the planet. From beneath their visors, they all smiled wickedly.
"The ancestral home of the Sith," The Fifth Sister answered.
"Where the original Sith first emerged," The Fourth Sister added.
The Third Sister released an evil chuckle, admiring the planet.
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