The Rebellion
The sky burned a reddish orange, which perfectly matched the landscape of the ancient Sith world of Korriban. For thousands of years, the planet served as the cored world for training the ancient Sith Lords. So many come to this planet as nothing more than slaves and gone on to become the most powerful figures in the galaxy. Once this planet was home to many, not it served to house a few remaining Sith.
The imperial shuttle slowly set down in the midst of the Valley of the Dark Lords. The back docking hatch of the shuttle slowly opened, as a barrage of Stormtroopers slowly emerged. Following them out the shuttle, the three Inquisitor sisters emerged and took a good long look at the dark, sinister planet from beneath their visors. They took notice of the giant Sith Academy Pyramid that still stood tall and terrifying as it had thousands of years ago.
"Korriban..." The Third Sister admired. "Where all the great Sith Lords of old emerged from."
"All the greats that have stepped from this planet," The Fourth Sister added. "Marka Ragnos... Tulak Hord... Ludo Kressh..."
"Bring out the prisoner now!!!" The Fifth Sister ordered.
Two more troopers emerged from the cargo port dragging along a resisting Sunset Shimmer. Sunset did everything in her power to pull away from the troopers' grasp. If she weren't wearing the stupid magical binding restraints, she'd have sent them all flying by now. Sunset looked toward the three Inquistors with such a hateful, disdained look.
"I don't care what you do, I won't help you!" She yelled at them. "When I get back to my friends, I swear I'll make you regret this!"
Only a chuckle emerged from the Third Sister.
"Such intensity," She mused. "Such fire... fine qualities of a Sith."
Sunset only glared harder, shaking her head.
"If you've brought me here to turn me dark, you're wasting your time!" She barked determined. "My friends will find me and your whole empire will come crashing down!"
"SILENCE PRISONER!" The trooper captain yelled.
Sunset's head whipped to the side again after receiving another blow to the fast from the blunt end of a blaster rifle. She took a moment to recompose herself, spitting out some blood. All this served to do was to entertain the three wicked Inquisitors.
"Make idle threats all you wish Sunset Shimmer, but they serve only to ensure your demise is swift."
The Third Sister yanked Sunset by the hair, which caused Sunset to gasp in pain while the Sister dragged her, and her entourage walked forward. They traversed through the valley before coming upon the opening of a cave carved deep in the mountain. The Third Sister threw Sunset near the mouth of the cave and all the troopers aimed their weapons at her.
"Behold... the Tomb of Marka Ragnos," The Third Sister explained. "Hidden deep within these crumbling ruins lies the key to ensuring the future of the Sith Order. You'll use your ability to see into the past and lead us to exactly where we need to go. Fail... and you'll find yourself a permanent resident of this tomb."
Sunset slowly picked her sore, aching body off the ground and stood facing the tomb's entrance. She contemplated running or at the very least leading them off track, but what could she really do? Every single trooper had a gun aimed at her back and the three Inquisitors held a strong connection with the dark side. Even if she found a way to escape, where would she possibly go? How could she get out of this? With no other alternative, she slowly marched forth and into the tomb with the rest of the group following close behind.
A signal emanating from The Third Sister's right hand has the Inquisitor hold out her hand. An image of Governor Tarkin appears before her.
"Yes Governor Tarkin?" The Third Sister spoke.
"We are approaching the planet Yavin," Tarkin spoke. "The Rebel base is on a moon on the far side. We are preparing to orbit the planet."
"Excellent... we'll be along shortly."
Governor Tarkin nodded in satisfaction before his holographic image disappeared.
"Soon as we take care of... business," The Third Sister muttered sinisterly.
Overlooking the jungles of Yavin, a lone guard stands in a tower high above the Yavin landscape. He surveys the entire countryside, while a mist hung over the jungle of twisted green.
Meanwhile, a fellow named Dodonna stood before a large electronic wall display in the war room briefing area. Leia and several other senators are on one side of the giant readout. Aside from the Equestrians, the low-ceilinged room was filled with star-pilots, navigators, and a sprinkling of R2-type robots. Everyone listened intently to what Dodonna was saying, while Han and Chewbacca stood near the back.
"The battle station is heavily shielded and carries a firepower greater than half the star fleet," Dodonna informed. "It's defenses are designed around a direct large- scale assault. A small one-man fighter should be able to penetrate the outer defense."
Gold Leader, a rough looking man in his early thirties, stands and addresses Dodonna.
"Pardon me for asking, sir, but what good are snub fighters going to be against that?"
"Well, the Empire doesn't consider a small one-man fighter to be any threat, or they'd have a tighter defense," Dodonna explained. "An analysis of the plans provided by Princess Leia has demonstrated a weakness in the battle station."
R2-D2 stands beside a similar robot, makes beeping sounds, and turned his head from right to left. Fluttershy watched nervously as Dodoona presents a simulation of the Death Star and the target area.
"The approach will not be easy," Dodonna continued. "You are required to maneuver straight down this trench and skim the surface to this point. The target area is only two meters wide. It's a small thermal exhaust port, right below the main port. The shaft leads directly to the reactor system. A precise hit will start a chain reaction which should destroy the station."
Twilight Sparkle jotted down the notes rapidly on a notepad, while beside her Rainbow Dash was snoring. Her right elbow was on her right leg, her head resting along the palm. Murmur of disbelief runs through the room between our heroes and all the other pilots.
"Is that all?" Spike muttered, under his breath.
"Only a precise hit will set up a chain reaction," Dodonna emphasized. "The shaft is ray- shielded, so you'll have to use proton torpedoes."
Sitting beside Luke was a hotshot pilot around sixteen years old. His name was Wedge Antilles.
"That's impossible, even for a computer."
"It's not impossible," Luke replied. "I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-sixteen back home. They're not much bigger than two meters."
"Then y'all better be a good shot Luke," Applejack advised. "Every pony—I mean, 'everyone' in this room only has one shot at that there reactor. Can't afford to make any mistakes."
A snore draws the group toward the side, Twilight finally noticing Rainbow Dash sleeping away the whole time. Rolling her eyes, Twilight Sparkle aims her fingers toward her nose... and flicks her.
"DAH!!!" Rainbow shouted, waking up. "What happened? What I miss?"
"Man your ships!" Dodonna instructed. "And may the Force be with you!"
The group rose, as Rainbow Dash watched everyone leave.
"Oh good... lunch time."
Rainbow Dash proceeded to walk off in another direction while the group watched her, shaking their heads.
"Sometimes I worry about that girl..." Storm sighed.
"Believe it or not, she was like this when we tried to prep her to join the Wonderbolts," Twilight Sparkle replied. "Let's just say 'our' methods didn't go so well."
"Actually made it much worse," Rarity added.
"Hmm..." Storm pondered.
In the outer regions of space, the Death Star began to orbit around the planet toward the tiny green moon. Inside, Tarkin and Vader watched the computer projected screen with interest. A circle of light intertwined around one another on the screen showing its position in relation to Yavin and the forth moon.
"Orbiting the planet at maximum velocity," The intercom spoke. "The moon with the Rebel base will be in range in thirty minutes."
"This will be a day long remembered," Vader declared. "It has seen the end of Kenobi and it will soon see the end of the Rebellion."
Back in the main hangar deck, the Equestrian 'Heroes'...
*Eyes the audience*
*Clears throat* The Equestrian Heroes, Luke Skywalker, C-3PO, and little R2-D2 enter the huge spaceship hanger and hurry along a long line of gleaming space-fighters. Flight crews rush around loading last-minute armaments and unlocking power couplings. In an area isolated from this activity, the group (Spike included) discover Han and Chewbacca loading small boxes onto an armored speeder.
"All flight troopers, man your stations," A voice spoke, over the loudspeaker. "All flight troops, man your stations."
But as they see, Han deliberately ignored the activity of the fighter pilots' preparation. While Luke was quite saddened at the sight of his friend's departure, most of the Equestrians were disappointed.
"So it's true..." Applejack observed, like a disappointed mother. "Yer just takin' yer reward and ditchin' us just like that?"
"That's right, yeah!" Han confirmed. "I got some old debts I've got to pay off with this stuff."
"We do understand, one of our friends was just the same," Rarity spoke. "But what do you intend to do after that?"
"Look lady, even if I didn't, you don't think I'd be fool enough to stick around here, do you? Why don't you come with us? You're pretty good in a fight. I could use you."
"Come on! Why don't you take a look around?" Luke asked, getting angry. "You know what's about to happen, what they're up against."
"They need a good pilot... like you," Fluttershy frowned. "At least we're not turning our back on them. Why are you any different?"
"What good's a reward if you ain't around to use it?" Han retorted. "Besides, attacking that battle station ain't my idea of courage. It's more like suicide."
"But... but I thought we were going to have to have some buddy-comedy relationship," Pinkie spoke, beggingly. "You know, like we're the good natured, eccentric girls who get the larger fanbase and you are the neurotic straight-man who screws up in all his endeavors. And we laugh and then one of us says, 'AH, HERE IT GOES!!!', and then... and the hilarity... and the situational comedy?"
"It's no use..."
Everyone turned toward Twilight Sparkle, who stood in the back watching them silently during this time.
"A deal is a deal after all," Twilight spoke up. "He'd help us get the Princess back with the Rebels, we'd ensure he gets his money, and he never puts up with us again. That was our agreement, and a promise is a promise."
"All right..." Luke gave up, addressing Han. "Well, take care of yourself, Han. I guess that's what your best at, isn't it?"
"Well fine... I guess that's that..." Applejack sighed, tipping her hat. "So long, Han."
"Yeah... bye," Fluttershy sighed sadly.
Luke and the group go off. Han hesitated before he calls out:
"Hey, kids... may the Force be with you!"
Luke and the group turned, as Han winked at them. Luke lifted his hand in a small wave, as did all the others, before they go off. Fluttershy waved meekly toward Chewbacca, who waved back as she turned away with a tear in her eye. Han turned toward Chewbacca, who growled at his captain.
"What're you lookin' at? I know what I'm doing."
In the meantime, Luke and the group meet up with Leia and Dodonna under a huge space fighter.
"What's wrong?" Leia asked.
"Han actually left..." Twilight sighed. "Despite everything, I truly thought he'd change his mind."
"He's got to follow his own path," Leia replied. "No one can choose it for him."
"The princess is right Twilight," Storm agreed. "Every decision we make in life defines our story; we can only hope Han made the right choice."
"I only wish Ben were here," Luke sighed sadly.
In response, Leia gave Luke a tiny kiss, before turning off. Just as Luke heads for his ship, another pilot rushed up to him and grabbed his arm.
"Hey, Luke!"
The group turned and were shocked by who it was.
"Biggs!" The Equestrians gasped.
"I don't believe it!" Biggs smiled. "How'd you get here... are you going with us?!"
"Nah, most of us are stayin' with the princess," Applejack replied. "Luke's the one takin' the helm."
"I'll be up there with you!" Luke spoke proudly. "Listen, have I got some stories to tell..."
Red Leader, a rugged handsome man in his forties, came behind the group. He has the confident smile of a born leader.
"Are you... Luke Skywalker?" Red Leader asked. "Have you been checked out on the Incom T-sixty-five?"
"Sir, Luke is the best bush-pilot in the outer rim territories," Biggs replied.
Red Leader patted Luke on the back as they stop in front of his fighter.
"I met your father once when I was just a boy, he was a great pilot," Red Leader informed. "You'll do all right. If you've got half of your father's skill, you'll do better than all right."
"Thank you, sir," Luke smiled. "I'll try."
Red Leader hurried to his own ship.
"I've got to get aboard," Biggs spoke. "Listen, you guys can tell me your stories when we come back. All right?"
"Fingers crossed," Storm said simply.
"Hey Biggs, I told you I'd make it someday," Luke added.
"You did, all right!" Biggs replied, heading off. "It's going to be like old times, they'll never stop us!"
Luke laughed, shaking his head in agreement. Just as he heads for his ship, another voice called out.
"Hey guys!!! Check it out!"
They turn around and their eyes widen in surprise. Rainbow Dash, who had been absent the whole time, approached the group. Only she was dressed much like a starfighter, even carrying her own helmet. Only in comparison to the standard orange outfits Luke and most of the pilots are wearing, Rainbow's outfit comes in a dark blue that matches her cyan skin tone.
"What do you think?" Rainbow asked, presenting herself. "I'm officially part of the flight team; even have my favorite color!"
"W-W-Wait a minute, you're on the flight team?" Twilight asked. "When did this happen?"
"Yeah..." Pinkie asked, pulling out a book. "I don't remember this in the script..."
Gimme that!!!
*A hand takes the script back, as Pinkie gives a toothy grin*
"They actually agreed to let you pilot one of these ships?" Rarity asked.
"Well actually, no..." Rainbow replied. "But I really thought I could take part in the fight, given I'm the best flier in Ponyville. So I asked Leia if she could slip me in... and she said yes."
"She did all that because you asked her?" Twilight repeated.
"Uh yeah, that's what I said. She said the Rebels need all the help they can get and there happened to be an extra ship available... turns out the pilot got sick and couldn't make it. So I'm going to be up there helping us bring down those Empire scum!"
"But Dash... are ya sure you wanna do this?" Applejack asked worriedly. "You realize most of these pilots ain't likely to make it back! What if ya get blown up?"
"Applejack has a point darling," Rarity agreed. "This isn't like performing a stunt show with the Wonderbolts. This is war we're talking about."
"Girls, I'm flattered your worried about me. But if piloting a ship is anything like flying, I'll figure it out. And if they are going to shoot me, they have to catch me first. Besides, one of us needs to have Luke's back."
Luke smiled over Rainbow's words. But suffice to say, while Applejack knew there's no talking Rainbow out of it she can't help but worry.
"Just... just promise me you won't do nothin' stupid out there," Applejack insisted.
Rainbow Dash smirked as she planted a kiss on Applejack's lips.
"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."
Pinkie Pie's lips sputtered, as tears form in her eyes.
"Our little Dashie is all grown up... ready to kill people..." Pinkie bawled.
Rainbow Dash makes her way to her own assigned ship, as the group looked on and saw her approach an X-Wing. As Luke began to climb the ladder into his own sleek, deadly spaceship, the crew chief, while working on the craft, pointed to little R2, who was being hoisted into a socket on the back of the fighter.
"This R2 unit of yours seems a bit beat up," The Chief observed. "Do you want a new one?"
"Not on your life!" Luke replied, on the contrary. "That little droid and I have been through a lot together."
"Yeah, the little guy's going to be all right," Spike replied. "Right R2?"
The crewmen lower R2-D2 into the craft. Now part of the exterior shell of the starship, the little droid beeped that 'he is fine'. Luke climbed into the cockpit of his fighter putting on his helmet. 3PO and the girls looked from the floor of the massive hanger, as the crewmen secured 3PO's little electronic partner into Luke's X-wing. It's an emotional filled moment as R2 beeped good-bye.
"Okay, easy she goes!" The Chief instructed.
"Hang on tight, R2," 3PO spoke. "You've got to come back.
R2 beeped an agreement.
"Don't worry 3PO, the little guy's going to be all right," Storm assured. "Besides, your life will be pretty boring without him."
R2 whistled something similar to a chuckle, as 3PO stared at Storm (Which he could only guess was a glare). All final preparations are made for the approaching battle. The hangar buzzing with last-minute activity as the pilots and crewmen alike made their final adjustments. The hum of activity was occasionally trespassed by the distorted voice of the loudspeaker issuing commands. Coupling hoses are disconnected from the ships as they are fueled. Cockpit shield roll smoothly into place over each pilot. A signalman, holding red guiding lights, direct the ships. Luke, a trace of a smile gracing his lips, peered about through his goggles.
Rainbow Dash was just adjusting her own helmet in the cockpit of her own ship, feeling the adrenaline of the incoming battle.
"The Force will be with you..."
Ben's voice spoke out, leaving Luke and Rainbow confused. Luke tapped his headphones as if there's a glitch. Meanwhile, Rainbow turned toward her friends, especially toward Applejack who stared toward her. Rainbow gave the thumbs up and a wink, with that same confident smile that made Applejack smile back with a blush.
All that can be seen of the fortress was a lone guard standing on a small pedestal jutting out above the dense jungle. The muted gruesome crying sounds that naturally permeate this eerie purgatory are overwhelmed by the thundering hum of ion rockets as four silver starships catapult from the foliage in a tight formation and disappeared into the morning cloud cover.
The princess, 3PO, the Equestrians, and a field commander sat quietly before the giant display showing the planet Yavin and its four moons. The red dot, which represents the Death Star, moved closer to the system. A series of green dots appeared around the fourth moon. Indistinct chatter filled the war room.
"Stand-by alert," The intercom announced. "Death Star approaching. Estimated time to firing range, fifteen minutes."
The anxiety started to form on Twilight's face, knowing that this battle will mean the difference between victory and defeat. Then she feels her hand being held and Twilight slowly turned, as Storm Shield turned toward her and slowly nodded his head with reassurance. Twilight's face widened, and she quickly turned back to the display to hide the blush on her cheeks.
In the outer regions of space, the Death Star slowly moved behind the massive yellow surface of Yavin in the foreground, as many X-wing fighters flew in formation toward the Death Star. Light from a distant sun created an eerie atmospheric glow around the huge planet. Rebel fighters flying in formation settle ominously in the foreground and very slowly pull away.
Red Leader lowered his visor and adjusted his gun sights, looking toe ach side at his wing men.
"All wings, report in!"
One by one, all the Rebel fighters (Including Biggs, Wedge, Luke, Rainbow, and a guy named Porkins) check through their mikes.
"Red Ten standing by."
"Red Seven standing by."
"Red Three standing by," Biggs spoke.
"Red Six standing by," Porkins spoke.
"Red Nine standing by."
"Red Two standing by," Wedge announced.
"Red Eleven standing by."
"Red Five standing by," Luke added.
"Element three standing by," Rainbow Dash spoke.
R2-D2, in position outside the fighter, turned his head side-to-side and made beeping sounds.
"Lock S-foils in attack position," Red Leader instructed.
The group of X-wing fighters move in formation toward the Death Star, unfolding the wings and locking them in the 'X' position. Rainbow Dash peered side to side, seeing the wings at work.
"This is going to be so awesome!!!" Rainbow Dash spoke excitedly.
"We're passing through their magnetic field," Red Leader spoke, over her headset. "Hold tight!"
Luke adjusted his controls, as he concentrated on the approaching Death Star. The ship began to be buffeted slightly.
"Switch your deflectors on," Red Leader instructed. "Double front!"
The fighters, now X-shaped darts, move in formation. The Death Star now appeared to be a small moon growing rapidly in size as the Rebel fighters approach. Complex patterns on the metallic surface began to become visible. A large dish antenna was seen built into the surface on one side.
Inside his cockpit, Wedge was amazed... frightened even at the awesome spectacle.
"Look at the size of that thing!"
"You think that's big, wait till your inside that thing!" Rainbow spoke.
"Cut the chatter, Red Two and Element Three," Red Leader spoke, through their sets. "Accelerate to attack speed. This is it, boys!"
"Ahem!" A throat cleared.
"... and you too Element Three."
As the fighters moved closer to the Death Star, the awesome size of the gargantuan Imperial fortress was revealed. Half of the deadly space station was in shadow, the area sparkled with thousands of small lights running in thin lines and occasionally grouped in large clusters; somewhat like a city at night as seen from a weather satellite.
"Red Leader, this is Gold Leader!" Gold Leader spoke, from his cockpit.
"I copy, Gold Leader!" Red Leader answered.
"We're starting for the target shaft now."
From his cockpit, Red Leader looked around at his wingmen; the Death Star looming in from behind. Two Y-wing fighters bobbed back and forth in the background. He adjusted his computer targeting device into position.
"We're in position," Red Leader announced. "I'm going to cut across the axis and try and draw their fire."
Two squads of Rebel fighters peeled off. The X-wings dive toward the Death Star surface. A thousand lights glowed across the dark grey expanse of the huge station.
Alarm sirens scream inside the Death Star, the soldiers scrambled to large turbo- powered laser gun emplacements. Electronic drivers rotate the huge guns into position as the crew adjust their targeting devices.
Around the Death Star, laser bolts streak through the star-filled night. The Rebel X-wing fighters moved in toward the Imperial base, as the Death Star aimed its massive laser guns at the Rebel forces and fire.
In the war room, Princess Leia listened to the battle over the intercom. 3PO and the Equestrians stood at their side.
"Heavy fire, boss!" Wedge spoke, over the speakers. "Twenty-degrees."
"I see it," Red Leader answered. "Stay low!"
Up in space, an X-wing zoomed across the surface of the Death Star.
Technical crews scurried here and there in the Death Star itself, loading last-minute armaments and unlocking power cables.
Wedge maneuvered his fighter toward the menacing Death Star. X-wings continue in their attack course on the Death Star. Luke nosedived radically, starting his attack on the monstrous fortress. The Death Star's surface streaks past the cockpit window.
"This is Red Five, I'm going in!" Luke spoke.
"Element 3, on your tail!" Rainbow added.
The X-wings race toward the Death Star. Laser bolts streak from their weapons, creating a huge fireball explosion on the dim surface. Terror crossed their faces as they realized they won't be able to pull out in time to avoid the fireball.
"Luke! Rainbow! Pull up!" Biggs shouted.
Their ships emerged from the fireball, with the leading edges of the wings slightly scorched.
"Are you all right?" Biggs asked.
In his own cockpit, Luke adjusted his controls and breathed a sigh of relief. Flames burst outside the cockpit window.
"We got a little cooked, but we're okay," Luke assured.
"We don't cover this often in Wonderbolt training." Rainbow replied. "On the other hand, A.J.'s definitely getting something hot for dinner when this is over."
From the war room, Applejack chuckled and shook her head as the battle raged on in space. It was now up to the Rebellion to hold their own against the Death Star. Unbeknownst to them, the real threat was taking place elsewhere."
The depths of the Tomb of Marka Ragnos were as dark and cold as the very man the tomb had been built for. Having been untouched for thousands of years, the tomb still held many mysteries waiting to be uncovered. Sunset Shimmer walked through the desolate caverns of the tomb with an entourage of Stormtroopers and the three Inquisitors following behind. Having been walking these caves for about an hour or so it's safe to say they had pretty much walked right into its heart.
"Do you sense anything here?" The Third Sister asked.
Sunset gave no answer but a shake of her head. Since the moment they stepped into the tomb, the Inquisitors hounded her every step of the way. Whatever they were looking for, they were very determined to find it. As they walked through the cave, a small glimmer caught Sunset's eye from a crumbled pile of rock. Approaching the crumbled pile, slowly she reached her hand into it. Pulling it back, she was shocked when she pulled out a very old lightsaber that was clearly damaged.
The moment her eyes landed on the old weapon, her eyes immediately shot open and glowed white as she saw the past:
She saw Coruscant from thousands of years before the Jedi Temple stood at the epicenter of the planet. A tall dark figure in a black robe and a blue skinned Twi-lek girl made their way into the temple. A battleship crashed through the doors and an army of Sith Lords emerged to battle the Jedi. She saw this dark figure, Darth Malgus, strike down the Jedi Master Ven Zallow and the Sith Order destroying the entire city. The last thing she saw was Malgus emerging from the burning temple, covering his masked face with his hood once more.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Sunset gasped as her vision ended, dropping the saber to the ground. That weapon had seen very dark days and was held by a very evil man. The Fifth Sister quickly used the force to draw the lightsaber to herself and observed it.
"Darth Malgus' lightsaber," She observed.
"Not what we're looking for," The Third Sister responded. "But certainly of great interest."
The Third Sister grabbed the lightsaber, placing it in her cloak.
"Keep moving!" She ordered Sunset.
Sunset took a moment to collect herself after seeing such horrible past events. To think the Jedi Temple had actually been sacked by the Sith, it was too much for her to bare. Continuing forward, eventually the group entered a large chamber in the tomb. Taking one step inside, Sunset immediately felt faint and could sense a strong presence of the dark side in this very chamber. The Third Sister noticed, smirking under her helmet.
"This is it," She announced. "Look around... and find something of value."
The troopers fanned out in separate sections of the chambers, searching for anything they could find. Suddenly, Sunset's eyes snapped open again and glowed. After a moment, she blinked, and her eyes were back to normal. She walked over to a section of the chamber where a giant statue sat there. Reaching behind it, she noticed a stone lever, reached for it, and pulled. The cave instantly shook and trembled as a portion of the cave floor slowly slid open and a platform rose from the ground. Laying atop the platform resembled a large block of some material, the mold resembling the shape of a figure. Stepping toward it cautiously, the three Inquisitors gazed in admiration.
"After nearly three thousand years, finally you have risen," The Third Sister said eerily.
"What is it?" Sunset asked.
"Nothing that concerns you... yet."
"Men, get the transport in here and move this out now!" The Fourth Sister barked.
"Yes ma'am," The captain nodded.
Within an hour, the troopers brought down a transporter and loaded the block onto it. The Third Sister walked toward Sunset Shimmer, crossing her arms.
"You've done well for yourself," She spoke. "But don't think for a moment this changes anything."
Sunset wasn't given an opportunity to speak when the Fourth Sister came from behind her and stuck a syringe into her neck. Instantaneously, Sunset collapsed into the cavern floor completely unconscious.
"Captain, take her out too!"
"Yes ma'am..."
The captain ran up, scooped Sunset over her shoulder, and carried her off with the rest of the entourage. The three Inquisitors followed soon afterwards. They were so busy feeling victorious, they took no notice of ghostly apparitions hiding in the dark.
"What are we to do now?"
"We cannot do anything till he's released from the carbonite..."
"The poor girl has been through so much torture... so much torment..."
"I could sense her presence across the galaxy, as well as her friends. They are strong... I only hope we'll be able to help them..."
"Now that the carbon prison has been discovered, we are finally free to leave Korriban. My only hope... is that we're not too late..."
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