The Death Star
In the dark, cold cell block of the Imperial Palace, Sunset Shimmer laid along the hard ground. She silently prayed to Celestia that her friends would soon rescue her, or at least something good to happen soon. Since arriving at this new world, all she experienced was pain and anguish. From the very first torture session with Palpatine, there had been at least 'six' more... each more painful than the last. At this point, Sunset became so accustomed to it she no longer shed a single tear when the painful force lightning rippled through her body.
The sound of the cell block door opening made her sit up almost instantaneously, as Starkiller made his way into the block. He unlocked the door to her cell, gesturing for her to step forward.
"Come with me," He instructed.
With no fight left in her, following the period of torture and isolation, Sunset did just as she was ordered. Sunset shakily got to her feet, slowly approaching the young Sith boy. He shackled her in a pair of force resistant cuffs, as he proceeded to lead her out of the jail cell.
"Where are we going?" Sunset asked quietly.
"My master ordered me to escort you off world," Starkiller explained. "We will board an imperial shuttle and make way for the Death Star immediately."
Sunset let her head hang low, as she walked alongside Starkiller toward the palace hangar. As they walked, Marek looked down at Sunset and saw that her demeanor had been much worse since he last saw her. She seemed so lost... so broken. All of a sudden, Sunset collapsed mid-stride but thankfully he caught her before she completely hit the floor. Leaning her against the wall, Starkiller noticed her skin was losing color, her hair flattened, and she grew thinner due to lack of food.
This sight truly made the young man feel 'slightly' bad for what she must be going through. Seeing her in such a state, he made a quick decision. Reaching into his robe pocket, he pulled out a tiny device.
"I know you must look upon me and see nothing more than a cold, conniving killer," He spoke. "I won't argue with those claims, as they are mainly true. But unlike many in the empire, I have some sense of compassion."
Pushing a button in the device, a small needle protruded from the pack. Quickly, he jabbed it into her arm and Sunset gave out a startled yelp of pain. But then... a different sensation washed over her. For the first time since her capture, she actually felt... good. Her pale skin slowly regained its glow, her hair grew its luster back, and her figure slowly returned to normal. After a moment, Starkiller removed the device and Sunset faced him with confusion.
"What did you just do?" She asked.
"I administered a stimpack to you," Starkiller explained. "Your health is being restored."
Sunset looked down at herself, seeing he was telling the truth. Now she was healthier than she had been in days. Looking back toward the Sith, Sunset can't wrap her brain around it. Only one question plagued her mind.
"Why did you just help me?"
Marek sighed to himself before looking her dead in the eye.
"Despite what my master or the Emperor believe, you proved to me you are indeed innocent. I cannot simply stand idly by while an innocent woman suffers."
Hearing the answer actually made Sunset smile for the first time in days.
"I knew there was a good man in there," She said softly.
Without thinking, she quickly threw her arms around Marek's neck and hugged him tight. Starkiller went stiff as a board, while the young girl hugged him. Never having actually had physical contact with anyone unless it was to kill them, it took him by surprise.
"Thank you..." Sunset whispered in his ear.
After a moment, Sunset finally let go and looked at Marek in the eyes. Their eyes met, and instantly they could feel some strange connection. Marek couldn't understand it, but clearly he felt the presence of the force. Shaking his head quickly, he helped Sunset off the ground and they both made for the hangar again. Not a word was spoken between the two for the remainder of the walk. Finally reaching the hangar, Starkiller lead Sunset aboard a shuttle prepped to leave, the shuttle lifted off, and zipped off into the dark of space.
Aboard the Death Star, a certain 'Dark Lord of the Sith' grew more and more frustrated by the minute. His tactics to pry information from the Princess have thus far proven unsuccessful.
"Her resistance to the mind probe is considerable," Vader spoke. "It will be some time before we can extract any information from her."
Just then, an Imperial Officer interrupted the meeting.
"The final check-out is complete. All systems are operational. What course shall we set?"
"Perhaps she would respond to an alternativeform of persuasion," Tarkin suggested.
"What do you mean?" Vader asked.
"I think it is time we demonstrate the full power of this station," Tarkin answered, facing the soldier. "Set your course for Princess Leia's home planet of Alderaan."
"With pleasure," The solider nodded.
The Trooper made to leave when he stopped as if realizing something he almost forgot.
"Lord Vader..."
The Dark Lord faced the Trooper.
"Lord Starkiller's vessel is approaching," The Trooper informed. "He'll be arriving shortly."
"Prepare for their arrival," Vader commanded.
With that settled, the Trooper saluted and made for the docking bay. Vader turned toward Tarkin.
"A guest will be joining for the demonstration," Vader informed.
"Very well..." Tarkin spoke, understanding.
Meanwhile, back along the streets of Mos Eisley, four heavily armed Stormtroopers moved menacingly along a narrow slum alleyway crowded with darkly clad creatures hawking exotic goods in the dingy little stalls. Men, monsters, and robots crouch in the waste-filled doorways, whispering and hiding from the hot winds. C-3PO peaked out from one of the doors, seeing that the Stormtroopers were coming.
"Lock the door, R2," 3PO instructed, shutting the door.
"All right, check that side of the street," A trooper ordered.
One of the troopers checked a tightly locked door, tapping along its surface.
"Door's secure. Move on to the next door."
As the Stormtroopers marched down the alleyway, the door slid open with a crack. 3PO, Fluttershy, and Rarity, the latter holding Spike closely, peeked out. R2-D2 was barely visible in the background.
"Phew! That was scary," Fluttershy sighed. "I thought we'd be caught for sure."
"It's a good thing I managed to convince one of the residents to let us borrow this place," Rarity nodded in agreement. "Let's hope we can get off this planet before they start asking for 'special' favors."
"I would much rather have gone with Master Luke than stay here with you," C-3PO grumbled to R2. "I don't know what all the trouble is about, but I'm sure it must be your fault."
R2-D2 made some beeping sounds and Fluttershy gasped quietly.
"You watch your language mister!" Fluttershy bereted, pointing at the droid.
The droid made a beeping sound that made him sound rather 'sheepish'. Spike looked up to Fluttershy in confusion.
"You actually understood what he just said?" He asked curiously.
"No..." Fluttershy admitted. "But I don't appreciate the tone he used."
"Let's hope the others are having better luck than we are," Rarity hoped.
"I don't know," Spike shrugged, leaning against Rarity. "I actually like this arrangement."
Rarity patted Spike's head as they resealed the door in case the Stormtroopers come back.
Meanwhile, the group consisting of Ben Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, Storm Shield, and Twilight Sparkle stood by a sleazy used speeder lot. The whole time they spoke with a tall, grotesque, insect-like used speeder dealer hoping to make some form of arrangement.
"What do you make of this Han Solo character?" Twilight asked Storm. "You really think his ship is as fast as he says?"
"I certainly hope so Twi," Storm replied uncertainly. "The longer we stay in Tatooine, the more tyranny and chaos the Empire is sure to bring. Not to mention what could become of Sunset in the process."
This terrified Twilight to no end, just thinking about what's happening to her friend. Days have gone by and still they've made no progress leaving this planet to find her. She could only hope by the time they found her it won't be too late. Strange exotic bodies and spindly-legged beasts passed by as the insect concluded the sale by giving Luke some coins.
"He says it's the best he can do," Luke informed the group. "Since the XP-38 came out, they're just not in demand."
"It will be enough," Ben reassured.
Ben and Luke leave the speeder lot and walked down the dusty alleyway past a small robot herding a bunch of anteater-like creatures. Twilight made to join them when she turned toward Storm, who gave one last forlorn look at his faithful speeder.
"A thousand years since we've traveled together," Storm spoke softly. "Now we have to part again."
"Don't worry Storm," Twilight spoke. "You'll get it—'her', you'll get her back somehow. It's more than just a mode of transportation to you; it's like one of your best friends."
Storm Shield turned toward Twilight Sparkle, smiling as if she were using the right words.
"Thanks Twi," Storm smiled. "I'll be with you in a moment; I'd just like one last look."
Twilight Sparkle nodded in understanding, before making herself around the corner to rejoin the two men. Looking down toward his speeder, Storm lifted one hand and gestured to the dealer. The dealer slowly approached Storm... who suddenly grabbed the dealer by the collar, and forced him to look into his eyes... which suddenly glowed red.
If the dealer could show any form of expression, its eyes would widen and its 'jawlike' structure would drop. But instead, the dealer just tentatively nodded. Storm's eyes start to dim and suddenly his demeanor changed almost instantaneously.
"A pleasure doing business with you," Storm replied calmly. "Good day..."
And just like that Storm Shield turned away to rejoin the group, leaving the dealer startled and seemingly frightened. It did not take long for the Jedi to rejoin the others as they made way for Docking Bay 94.
"If the ship's as fast as he's boasting, we ought to do well," Ben spoke.
"We better meet with the others and let them know," Twilight advised. "Then somehow we need to find the rest of our friends before we run into any more trouble."
Unfortunately, their presence did not go unnoticed. A darkly clad creature emerged from the shadows as they passed, watching them as they disappear down another alley.
At Docking Bay 94, Jabba the Hutt and a half-dozen grizzly alien pirates and purple creatures stood in the middle of the bay. Jabba, the grossest of the slavering Hutts, his scarred face a grim testimonial to his prowess as a vicious killer. A fat, slug-like creature with eyes on extended feelers and a huge ugly mouth.
"Solo!" Jabba called out, in his tongue. "Come out of there, Solo! Solo!"
"Right here, Jabba."
A voice directly behind the pirates startled them, as they turned around to see Han Solo and the giant Wookiee, Chewbacca, standing behind them with no weapons in sight.
"I've been waiting for you, Jabba," Han spoke casually.
"Have you, now?" Jabba asked suspiciously. "I expected you would be."
"You didn't think I was gonna run, did you? I'm not the type."
"Han my boy, there are times when you disappoint me..." Jabba spoke, fatherly-smooth. "Why haven't you paid me... and why did you have to fry poor Greedo like that? After all we've been through together."
"You sent Greedo to blast me," Han pointed out.
"Han, why you're the best smuggler in the business," Jabba replied, with mock surprise. "You're too valuable to fry. He was only relaying my concern at your delays. He wasn't going to blast you."
"I think he thought he was," Han answered, unconvinced. "Look Jabba. Next time you want to talk to me, come see me yourself. Don't send one of those twerps."
"Han, Han... if only you hadn't had that dumped that shipment of spice..." Jabba replied. "You understand I can't just make an exception. Where would I be if every pirate who smuggled for me dumped their shipment at the first sign of an Imperial starship? It's not good business."
"Look Jabba, you know even I get boarded sometimes..."
As Han circled around Jabba, he purposely stepped on the mob boss's tail, and he wailed in pain.
"... You think I had a choice, but I've got a nice, easy charter now and I can pay you back, plus a little extra. I just need some more time."
Jabba pondered as if he were weighing his options, then he turned toward his men.
"Put your blasters away!" Jabba ordered.
All of his cohorts performed as instructed, as Jabba turned back toward Han.
"Han, my boy, I'm only doing this because you're the best and I need you," Jabba implored. "So, for an extra, say twenty percent I'll give you a little more time..."
"Fifteen, Jabba," Han demanded. "But don't push it."
"Okay... 'fifteen'," Jabba agreed. "But this is it. If you disappoint me, fail me again, I'll put a price on your head so large you won't be able to go near a civilized system for the rest of your short life."
"Jabba, you're a wonderful human being," Han replied sarcastically. "I'll pay you because it's my pleasure."
With business settled, Han climbed aboard his ship for final preparations. Jabba made a gesture and he, along with his cohorts, made their leave from the docking bay. Among Jabba's band of deadly pirates, one of his most deadly associates stood among them: A heavily armored bounty hunter, wearing a customized suit of Mandalorian armor. One of the most feared bounty hungters in all the galaxy... Boba Fett.
He glanced around silently, not uttering a single word, before he followed the Hutt gangster and his cohorts.
Twilight Sparkle crossed around the streets hoping to catch a trace of Rarity, Fluttershy, and Spike, the droids included. She comes by one of the doors and leans her ear upon it silently, hoping to catch a faint voice. Curiously, she lifted her hand toward the door.
Recognizing the signal, Twilight Sparkle stood back as the door slid open and her eyes found the droids and her friends clumped together. Her eyes catch Spike, nestled between the two breasts of the two girls. Her eyebrow widens a bit at the unusual scene.
"Let's face it, Twilight," Spike commented. "This is not the worst thing you've caught me doing."
Twilight shook her head and held her arms out, as Rarity takes Spike and placed him back in Twilight's possession. Looking around to make sure they haven't been spotted. They work their way down the street before meeting up with the rest of the group.
At the alleyway near the Docking Port Entry, Chewbacca waited restlessly at the entrance to Docking Bay 94. Ben, Luke, Storm, the girls, and the robots made their way up from the street. Chewbacca jabbered excitedly and signaled them to hurry. They pass the giant hulking creature when Fluttershy paused a moment to look up toward Chewie in awe... before continuing her way forward. The darkly clad creature, which followed them from the speeder lot, stopped at a nearby doorway and spoke into a small transmitter.
Chewbacca, in the meantime, lead the group into a giant dirt pit that is Docking Bay 94. Resting in the midst of a huge hole was a large, round, slightly beat-up, pieced-together hunk of junk that could only loosely be called a starship.
"That's... the Millenium Falcon?" Rainbow replied, unconvinced.
"What a piece of junk!" Luke remarked.
The tall figure of Han Solo emerged down the boarding ramp.
"She'll make point five beyond the speed of light," Han replied. "She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kids. I've added some special modifications myself."
Luke and Twilight scratched their heads. Han could obviously see by the look of their faces that they are uncertain about his claims. Chewbacca rushed up the ramp, urging the others to follow.
"We're a little rushed," Han added. "So if you'll hurry aboard we'll get out of here."
The group rushed up the gang plank, passing a grinning Han Solo. Rarity stopped just along the ramp to face Han Solo.
"She's tres joli [very pretty] indeed, but is she seaworthy?" Rarity asked seriously.
"Don't try to be cute with me sweetheart," Han replied.
Pouting, Rarity climbed her way aboard as Han Solo kept watch for any sign of trouble. The droids were the last to board the ship.
"Hello, sir," 3PO greeted.
But the man barely acknowledged the droid's greeting.
Inside the Millenium Falcon, Chewbacca settled into the pilot's chair and started the mighty engines of the starship. No doubt anxious to leave Tatooine as soon as possible.
Eight Imperial stormtroopers rushed toward the darkly clad creature.
"Which way?" The lead trooper asked.
The darkly clad creature pointed to the door of the docking bay.
"All right, men. Load your weapons!"
The troopers, holding their guns at the ready, charge down into the docking bay entrance.
"Stop that ship!" The trooper ordered.
Han Solo looked up and saw the Imperial stormtroopers rushing into the docking bay, ready to fire.
"Blast 'em!"
Just as the troopers started to fire, from out of nowhere, Storm Shield jumped clear over their heads and grasped his saber pike from his back, igniting the blade. The troopers all fired their blasters at the Jedi prince, but Storm spun the blade of his saber with one finger and sent the blasts back toward the troopers. Jumping into action, Storm swung the blunt end of the pike at a trooper, which dazed him to the point Storm could pole vault over him and swing his blade straight across the trooper's back.
Han drew his laser pistol and popped off a couple shots which forced the stormtroopers to dive for safety. Storm Shield, shutting off the blade, raced past Han Solo, as the pirate ship engines whine and Han hit the release button slamming the overhead entry shut.
"Chewie, get us out of here!" Han shouted.
Storm Shield rejoined the group, as they all strapped in for take-off.
"Oh my, I'd forgotten how much I hate space travel," 3PO whimpered.
"If it's anything like flying, I don't blame you," Fluttershy agreed worriedly.
On the streets of Mos Eisley, half a dozen stormtroopers at check point heard the general alarm. They turned to the sky as the huge starship rose above the dingy slum dwellings, quickly disappearing into the morning sky.
Within the Falcon's cockpit, Han climbed into the pilot's chair next to Chewbacca, who chattered away as he pointed to something on the radar scope. As the Corellian pirate ship zoomed into the farthest depths of space, Han frantically typed information into the ship's computer. Little R2 appeared momentarily at the cockpit doorway, making a few beeping remarks, before scurrying away.
"It looks like an Imperial cruiser," Han observed. "Our passengers must be hotter than I thought."
He quickly delivered instructions to Chewie.
"Try and hold them off. Angle the deflector shield while I make the calculations for the jump to light speed."
The Millennium Falcon raced away from the yellow planet of Tatooine, followed by two huge Imperial Star Destroyers.
Over the shoulders of Chewbacca and Han, Spike and the girls looked on toward the galaxy spread before them. Luke and Ben made their way into the cramped cockpit where Han continued his calculation.
"Stay sharp!" Han shouted. "There are two more coming in; they're going to try to cut us off."
"Why don't you outrun them?" Luke asked. "I thought you said this thing was fast."
"Watch you mouth, kid, or you're going to find yourself floating home," Han argued. "We'll be safe enough once we make the jump to hyperspace. Besides, I know a few maneuvers. We'll lose them!"
"You better hurry!" Spike yelled, pointing a paw. "They're coming!"
"I'd really prefer not to die today!" Rarity added.
Imperial cruisers fire toward the pirate ship, which shuddered as an explosion flashed out the window.
"Here's where the fun begins!" Han announced.
"Exactly how is any of this classified as fun?" Rainbow asked, annoyed.
"How long before you can make the jump to light speed?" Ben added.
"It'll take a few moments to get the coordinates from the navi-computer," Han answered.
The ship rocked violently as lasers bounce against it.
"Are you kidding?" Luke asked incredulously. "At the rate they're gaining..."
"Traveling through hyperspace isn't like dusting crops, boy! Without precise calculations we could fly right through a star or bounce too close to a supernova and that'd end your trip real quick, wouldn't it?"
The ship was now constantly battered with laser fire, as a red warning light began to flash.
"What's that flashing?" Luke pointed out.
"We're losing our deflector shield," Han observed. "Go strap yourself in, I'm going to make the jump to light speed."
Quick as a whip, the girls, Storm, and Spike found a seat and strapped themselves in. The galaxy brightened and moved faster, almost as if crashing a barrier. The girls and Spike screamed as they held tightly on whatever they can grasp as they felt the pressure pushed into them. Stars become streaks, as the pirate ship makes the jump to hyperspace and the Millennium Falcon zoomed into infinity in less than a second.
The planet of Alderaan loomed behind the Death Star battle station, as an Imperial shuttle zoomed through space toward the giant station. When the shuttle landed in the station's hangar, the black hatch opened up and Starkiller lead Sunset Shimmer, along with a barrage of Stormtroopers.
In the control room, Admiral Motti entered the quiet control room and bowed before Governor Tarkin, who stood before the huge wall screen displaying a small green planet.
"We've entered the Alderaan system," Motti informed.
Soon Vader and two stormtroopers enter with Princess Leia, her hands bound. Seconds later, Starkiller's group entered the control room and among them Sunset Shimmer. She looked around the control room, before catching sight of the princess.
"Princess Leia!" Sunset gasped.
"Sunset..." Leia responded.
Unable to reach one another due to their captives on tight guard and restrained enough as they are, all they could do was look on now well aware that they've both been captured.
"So... you must be Sunset Shimmer," Tarkin spoke, approaching Sunset. "I've been told much about you..."
Sunset Shimmer did not respond to the man, only stared at him with whatever amount of a rebellious streak remained in her eyes.
"Governor Tarkin," Leia spoke, breaking the silence. "I should have expected to find you holding Vader's leash. I recognized your foul stench when I was brought on board."
"Charming to the last," Tarkin replied. "You don't know how hard I found it signing the order to terminate your life!"
"I'm surprised you had the courage to take the responsibility yourself!"
"Princess Leia, before your execution I would like you, and your little friend, to be my guests at a ceremony that will make this battle station operational."
"What're you talking about?" Sunset asked.
"Think of it as a message to all of our enemies," Tarkin replied. "No star system will dare oppose the Emperor now."
"The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers," Leia snarked.
"Not after we demonstrate the power of this station. In a way, you have determined the choice of the planet that'll be destroyed first. Since you are reluctant to provide us with the location of the Rebel base, I have chosen to test this station's destructive power... on your home planet of Alderaan."
Sunset Shimmer's eyes went wide hearing what Tarkin was planning.
"Wha-NO!!!" Sunset yelled.
The stormtroopers held her back, even when she didn't move. Even Leia herself tried to object.
"Alderaan is peaceful. We have no weapons. You can't possibly..."
"You would prefer another target?" Tarkin interrupted. "A military target? Then name the system!"
"SILENCE!" Tarkin waved menacingly, before facing Leia. "I grow tired of asking this. So it'll be the last time. Where is the Rebel base?"
Leia could overhear an intercom voice announce the approach to Alderaan. Her eyes briefly turned toward Sunset Shimmer, her eyes begging for her to do something. But seeing there was no other choice, and not wanting to put her people in danger, she lowered her head.
"Dantooine..." Leia answered softly. "They're on Dantooine..."
Sunset eyes lowered seeing the princess give away the rebels' location. On one hand, she knows Leia did it to save an entire planet (No doubt her family must be down there). But on the other hand, people were still going to die especially those who believed they could stand against these homicidal maniacs. Tarkin smiled triumphantly, pleased with the results, as he faced Vader.
"There... you see Lord Vader, she can be reasonable," Tarkin assured, facing Motti. "Continue with the operation. You may fire when ready."
The moment Tarkin uttered those words, Leia and Sunset's head reeled up violently.
"What?" Leia shouted, shocked.
"You made a deal monster!" Sunset barked. "She told you where the base is; you promised..."
"You're far too trusting..." Tarkin replied smugly. "Dantooine is too remote to make an 'effective' demonstration. But don't worry... we will deal with your Rebel friends soon enough."
"I won't let you do it!" Sunset shouted.
She tried to push her way through the stormtroopers, but only one hand was holding her back. Sunset turned around as Starkiller prevented her from moving forward, his eyes telling her to 'Stop!'. She glared toward the young man, tears streaming from her eyes as Leia too was held back under Lord Vader's grip. The two women were faced with no choice but to witness the inevitable.
"Commence primary ignition," The Death Star Gunner instructed.
A press of the button switched on a panel of lights. A hooded imperial solider reached overhead and pulled a lever. Another level was pulled soon after. Vader reached for still another lever, as a blanket of lights on the panel and wall lit up. A huge beam of light emanates from within a cone-shaped area, converging into a single laser beam out toward Alderaan...
The small green planet once called Alderaan now blew into space dust. Sunset looked on with horror and shock, all that remained of the planet and the people residing on it... now nothing more but flying rocks forever drifting through space. She slowly turned toward Tarkin, who only looked at her coolly.
"Murderer..." Sunset growled. "MURDERERS, ALL OF YOU!!!"
"Take them away," Tarkin waved off. "We're done with them."
As the Stormtroopers proceed to take Leia and Sunset away for containment, a deeper growl escaped Sunset's lips as she swung her restraint arms against one Stormtrooper knocking him aside. The other Stormtrooper tried to wrap his arms around Sunset, but she knocked him aside with the back of her head and a kick to the sternum. She tried to rush toward him, but other Stormtroopers piled on top of her forcibly struggling to take her away as Starkiller tried to lead them away. Sunset struggled in their grip before she was able to lift her face, her eyes suddenly glowing red as she glared at Tarkin.
"I'm going to get you..." Sunset threatened. "You hear me, Tarkin?! I'M GONNA BUCKING GET—"
But the doors sealed shut before she could finish her sentence. Tarkin seemed unphased by Sunset's threat as he turned toward Darth Vader.
"A fiery one you've collected," Tarkin acknowledged.
"Yes... she is slowly embracing the Dark Side," Darth Vader declared, looking on. "It won't be long now..."
Later, in the central hold of the Millenium Falcon, Ben Kenobi and a few Equestrians watched as Luke Skywalker practiced the lightsaber with a small 'seeker' robot. Ben suddenly turned away and sat down, faltering as if he could almost faint. Just then, Storm Shield released a grunt of pain as he clutched his chest, falling to one knee. And as if that weren't enough, Pinkie Pie started to shake rapidly, uncontrollably. Twilight quickly rushed over to check on her friends.
"Obi Wan, Pinkie, Storm!" Twilight cried. "Are you alright?"
"What's wrong?" Luke asked.
Pinkie's shaking finally stopped, as she fell back. Twilight luckily caught her before she hit the ground.
"I... I've never felt my Pinkie Sense do that before," Pinkie sighed.
"I felt a great disturbance in the Force..." Obi Wan confirmed. "As if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened."
"I felt the same Master Obi Wan," Storm groaned. "I can feel the agony of millions dying all at once. This has caused a tumultuous rift in the force."
"It's like..." Pinkie tried to speak. "Like all the laughter in the world turned to screaming... and then... nothing. Just nothing... at all..."
Pinkie shivered as Twilight helped her sit down. Some of the others were freaked out knowing that when Pinkie Pie's scared, that's when things are serious. Ben rubbed his forehead, seemingly drifting into a trance. Then he fixed his gaze on Luke.
"You'd better get on with your exercises," Ben suggested.
It wasn't long before Han Solo entered the room.
"Well, you can forget your troubles with those Imperial slugs," Han informed. "I told you I'd outrun 'em."
But hardly anyone paid attention. Luke once more practiced with the lightsaber. The others, including 3PO, watched Chewbacca and R2, who are engrossed in a game in which three-dimensional holographic figures moved along a chess-type board. Fluttershy gazed toward Chewbacca, as if something about this creature was so fascinating... it seemed to distract her from the previous news.
"Don't everyone thank me at once," Han grumbled, irritated. "Anyway, we should be at Alderaan about oh-two-hundred hours."
Chewbacca and the two robots sat around the light table covered with small holographic monsters. Each side of the table had a small computer monitor embedded in it. Chewbacca seemed very pleased with himself, as he rested his lanky fur-covered arms over his head. It was then he became aware of a pair of eyes watching him, slowly turning toward Fluttershy.
"You sure are a cute big fella," Fluttershy smiled, facing Han Solo. "What kind of animal is he, Mr. Solo?"
"Actually Fluttershy, Chewie's no animal," Han Solo corrected. "He's a Wookiee."
"A Wookiee?" Fluttershy asked confused.
"That's right Fluttershy," Storm confirmed, addressing Chewie. "Our friend here's part of a species of tall, hairy humanoids native to the planet Kashyyyk. They are among the strongest species you'll find anywhere in the galaxy. Their planet is mainly swampland and forests, but they can actually adapt to icy worlds without protective clothing, gloves, or boots."
"I see..." Fluttershy nodded, interested.
Speaking of the Wookiee, he just finished his latest move on the board. 3PO looked at the board nervously.
"Now be careful, R2," 3PO advised.
R2 immediately reached up, tapped the computer with his stubby claw hand, and caused one of the holographic creatures to walk toward the new square and take down the one in its path. Rainbow Dash smirked over the move.
"Not bad little guy!" Rainbow replied, with a thumbs up. "That's your biggest move yet!"
A sudden frown crossed Chewbacca's face and he began yelling gibberish at the tiny robot. Rainbow Dash and 3PO intercede on behalf of their small companion and an argument ignited with the pair against the huge Wookiee.
"He made a fair move," 3PO pointed out.
"Yeah, screaming about it won't help you ya big lug!" Rainbow yelled, pointing a finger.
"Let him have it kid," Han interrupted. "It's not wise to upset a Wookiee."
"But sir, nobody worries about upsetting a droid," 3PO pointed out.
"And I ain't scared of a walking hairball!" Rainbow replied.
"You should be," Storm advised. "I forgot to mention ONE thing about Wookiees: They'll pull their enemies arms out of their socket when they lose."
"What-the-WHAT?!?!" Rainbow gasped, wide eyed.
"He's right," Han nodded. "Wookiees are known to do that."
Rainbow Dash and 3PO turned back toward Chewbacca, who just stared at them with a low hum. Rainbow looked down at her arms and quickly folded her arms under the pits of her arms, as Applejack approached her.
"Maybe you ought to take a seat somewhere else, sugar cube," Applejack suggested softly.
"Yeah... you're right," Rainbow nodded. "I like my arms just the way they are."
Applejack lead Rainbow Dash away, leaving the droids to deal with Chewie.
"I see your point, sir," 3PO acknowledged Han, facing R2. "I suggest a new strategy, R2. Let the Wookiee win."
In the midst of it all, Luke stood in the middle of the small hold area seemingly frozen in place. He held the humming lightsaber high over his head. Ben watched him from the corner, studying his movements. Han watched with a bit of smugness.
"Remember, a Jedi can feel the Force flowing through him," Ben advised.
"You mean it controls your actions?" Luke asked curiously.
"Well... partially," Storm surmised, waving his hand. "It also obeys your commands."
Suspended at eye level, about ten feet in front of Luke, the 'seeker', a chrome baseball-like robot covered with antennae, hovered slowly in a wide arc. The ball floated to one side of the youth then the other. Suddenly, it made a lightning-swift lunge and stopped within a few feet of Luke's face. Luke doesn't move and the ball backed off. It slowly moved behind the boy, then made another quick lunge, this time emitting a blood red laser beam as it attacked. It struck Luke in the leg, causing him to tumble over. Han released a burst of laughter as the rest turned to him.
"You think that's funny?" Rarity frowned.
"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, doll," Han replied smugly.
"You don't believe in the Force at all, do you?" Twilight assumed.
"Kid, I've flown from one side of this galaxy to the other. I've seen a lot of strange stuff, but I've never seen anything to make me believe there's one all-powerful force controlling everything. There's no mystical energy field that controls my destiny."
"Well, in your viewpoint perhaps," Twilight replied. "But in the world where we come from, the magic that flows in our landscape controls just about everything. The weather, the agriculture, life in general... it's all part of us as we are part of the magic."
"Maybe the problem Hans is not that you don't believe in what you can't see," Pinkie pointed out. "It's that you don't understand it."
"It's Han," Han replied. "And I'll understand it... when I see it. It's all simple tricks and nonsense."
"Why you arrogant—"
Twilight reached out toward Han, but the rest of the girls held the girl back. Even Spike had to push his hind legs against Twilight's legs as best as he could.
"He's just trying to get to you Twi," Spike insisted. "Don't let him get in your head."
Seeing that someone in the party needed convincing, Ben decided 'another' approach was needed. He reaches for a large helmet, which he places upon Luke's head. The helmet completely covered his eyes.
"I suggest you try it again, Luke," Ben instructed. "This time, let go of your conscious self and act on instinct."
"With the blast shield down, I can't even see," Luke chuckled. "How am I supposed to fight?"
"Your eyes can deceive you. Don't trust them."
"I'd listen Luke," Twilight agreed. "If years have learning under Celestia, and a few lessons with Zecora taught me, you can't always rely on your five senses to perform magic like the Force. Sometimes... you just have to reach deep within yourself, and it just comes naturally."
"Hmm... not bad Twi," Storm nodded. "You'd make a pretty good teacher."
"Well she does run a whole school, so..." Spike pointed out.
But Twilight can't help but blush toward Storm Shield, despite her best efforts to hide it. Han skeptically shook his head, as Ben throwed the seeker into the air. The ball shoots straight up in the air, then dropped like a rock. Luke swung the lightsaber around blindly missing the seeker, which fired off a laser bolt and truck Luke square on the seat of his pants. He let out a painful yell, attempting to hit the seeker. Rainbow held a hand over her mouth, trying so hard not to laugh.
"Stretch out with your feelings," Ben instructed.
"Don't overthink it," Storm added. "Just feel it... let it come to you..."
Luke stood in place, seemingly frozen. The seeker made a dive toward Luke and, incredibly, he managed to deflect the bolt. The ball ceased fire after multiple shots and reassumed its original position. The group stared in awe at the display.
"Oh my...!" Fluttershy gasped silently.
"Not bad, young'un!" Applejack smirked.
"You see, you can do it," Ben nodded with approval.
"I call it luck," Han retorted.
"In my experience, there's no such thing as luck."
"Look, going good against remotes is one thing. Going good against the living? That's something else."
Before another argument can commence, a small flashing light, from the far side of the control panel, drew Solo's attention.
"Looks like we're coming up on Alderaan," Han informed.
The captain and Chewbacca climb their way back into the cockpit, leaving the group in the holding area.
"That man is very difficult to convince," Rarity observed.
"You know girls, I did feel something," Luke marveled. "I could almost see the remote."
"That is the Force my friend," Storm clarified. "It's weird at first, but it will prove very useful where you're headed."
"You have taken your first step into a larger world," Ben added.
"Speaking of larger worlds," Spike spoke up. "If and when we get to Alderaan, hopefully they are willing to narrow down our search for Sunset. I can't imagine what must be going on out there."
Back at the Imperial Palace, Emperor Palpatine sat upon his throne as he relished in the pain and torment he felt through the force. His connection to the dark side allowed him to feel the agony and turmoil of the denizens of Alderaan as they were disintegrated into dust. It made the twisted old man smile in sick delight, so much chaos reigning supreme. His plan worked perfectly and soon the rebel alliance would fall just as easily as Alderaan.
The sound of the Throne Room door opening interrupted his thoughts, as the three sisters walked in. Normally, he'd be raging mad at having such thoughts rudely interrupted. However, his wicked smile only widened when he saw the Third Sister carrying a box in her arms as they approached the throne. Reaching the foot of the stairs, the inquisitors all bent the knee to the imperial master.
"How faired your search for the artifact on Dromund Kaas?" He asked.
The Third Sister presented the box to the Sith Lord, opening it and revealing the holocron.
"We have obtained the artifact you requested, your majesty," She responded. "However, the holocron was rigged with a force that shook the foundation of Kaas City to its core. The city now lies in complete ruin."
Palpatine slowly stood from his throne, as he descended the stairs to stand before the bowing inquisitors. Reaching out, he pulled the holocron from the box and held it before his eyes. A low chuckle emerged from his throat as he observed the ancient artifact.
"Kaas City was no more than a means to an end," He said. "What matters most is that you were able to walk away with the only thing that truly mattered."
The Emperor then climbed back to his throne, as the three sisters stood back on their feet.
"What would you have us do now, your majesty?" The Third Sister asked.
Palpatine sat back on the throne, as he admired the holocron in delight.
"I no longer require the use of you three at this moment," He answered. "You may go about and conduct whatever requires your attention. Should I need of your services further, we will be in touch."
The inquisitors bowed their heads before turning away and exiting the throne room. The evil Emperor's maniacal cackle could be heard echoing behind them. When the throne room door sealed behind them, the three sisters marched down the hall.
Now that our services are no longer needed, shall we attend to our own mission?" The Fifth Sister asked.
"Worry not sister," The Third Sister answered. "Korriban still awaits our arrival."
"Before we leave, perhaps it would be beneficial to check the status of the Emperor's otherproject," The Fourth Sister suggested.
"Surely our scientists made further progress since last time," The Fifth Sister added.
"Very well," The Third Sister nodded.
The inquisitors made their way to the Imperial Palace Robotics division. The moment the laboratory doors slid open, that's when all the scientists stood at attention the moment they entered the room.
"Doctor Alderick?!" Third Sister yelled.
A tall, lanky man wearing gray robes and round spectacles quickly made his way to the front of the room before the inquisitors.
"Yes Lady Inquisitor?" He asked fearfully.
"I require an update on the status of Project X," She demanded.
"R-Right away my lady," Alderick stammered.
He quickly led the three inquisitors toward a large operating table, one worked by a series of repair robots. They were all crowded around a large object covered by a tarp.
"As you can see, our droids have been able to reconstruct the subject's cybernetic intelligence," Alderick informed. "However, there was a problem with constructing a physical form for the Emperor's liking. We had to scrap the project and start from scratch unfortunately.
This was not the information the Third Sister wanted to hear, as she slowly turned her head to meet the terrified scientist.
"If I am understanding this correctly, Doctor," She spoke. "You failed. Is that not correct?"
Alderick gulped loudly, as he fumbled to fix his glasses.
"Forgive me my lady, we just need more time to..."
A choking sensation over the scientist cut his words off. He desperately clutched his throat, as the Fourth Sister heled out her hand, forcibly choking the poor Doctor.
"We gave you specific instructions to have this project done on time Doctor," Third Sister continued darkly.
"P-Please my lady!" Alderick choked out. "J-Just give us a little more time!"
The Third Sister glared at the doctor from under her visor before eventually signaling the Fourth Sister to cease her action. The Inquisitor nodded her head and released the force choke. Alderick coughed, gasping for breath as he rubbed his throat and stared at the head inquisitor.
"Worry not Doctor, I understand your position," She spoke calmly. "Perhaps what this project needs is a fresh start. When a mistake has been made, sometimes it's essential to start... from the beginning..."
Alderick sighed, relieved that the Inquisitors understood. Then in the blink of an eye, he felt a hot burning sensation in his abdomen and gasped. The Third Sister ignited her lightsaber, stabbing it through his gut. Drawing the saber out, the poor doctor fell to the ground dead, leaving the other scientists wide eyed and horrified. Holding her still ignited lightsaber, the Third Sister pointed toward another scientist in the corner.
"You!" She exclaimed. "You're head of this project now. I do not care what you must do to complete this project on time. Work omg hours, sleepless nights if need be, but this project must be complete within the coming days. Do I make myself clear?"
The doctor fell to his knees, almost in prayer.
"Yes! Yes my lady," He spoke frightened.
The Third Sister deactivated her saber, placing it at her side before the three turned to leave the lab. From under the tarp, a large metallic claw slipped from under its cover...
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