Obi Wan Kenobi

Laying flat upon the cold metal slab, pain skyrocketed through every nerve of Sunset Shimmer's being. For hours, strapped to that slab, she was subjected to horrendous torture from the evil Sith Emperor. At some point, the tears stopped falling from her eyes as if she just couldn't anymore. Finally, Palpatine lowered his hands and ceased the force lightning.

"It would seem your will is strong child," He said lowly. "Why fight the inevitable? You need only agree to serve me. Learn the ways of the dark side of the force and only then will you understand."

Sunset spoke no words, only moved her head to turn away from the evil old man. Palpatine merely chuckled evilly.

"Resist as you will..." He smiled wickedly. "They always resist... and it matters not. You will soon see the galaxy as I see it."

He quickly snapped his head in the direction of the three inquisitors, who stood at attention.

"Take her back to her cell," He ordered.

"Yes, your majesty," The Third Sister responded.

They all came to Sunset's side, slowly unbinding her from the slab.

"And when you finish, you will journey to the ruins of the Sith Citadel on Dromund Kaas. There's a source of power I seek... do not return to me until it is found."

"Understood," The Fourth and Fifth sister bowed.

Once the inquisitors finished unbinding Sunset, they slowly dragged her limp body away.

"Oh yes... and one more thing," Palpatine called.

The three stopped in their tracks and turned. With a single gesture from Palpatine's frail hand, he beckoned the Sisters to force Sunset's head back around. Forcing her to look into the dark, soulless eyes of the Emperor himself.

"Worry not my dear, we shall meet again... for another session."

The Emperor released a sickly, maniacal cackle as the inquisitors dragged Sunset back to her cell once more. Arriving at the holding cell, the inquisitors violently shoved Sunset back inside and she just fell limply to the ground. She seemed so devoid of life, a woman without hope, lying on the cold floor motionless.

The three inquisitors left the poor girl to her cell, knowing she won't be going anywhere. Slowly, they slither their way toward the hangar of the palace.

"Now it's off to Dromund Kaas," The Third Sister announced.

"I wonder what the Emperor seeks on the Sith's old capital planet," The Fourth sister questioned.

"That planet is rife with old artifacts and ancient Sith knowledge of those who came before. With luck, it will be a weapon to use against this rebellion."

"What about what we seek in this planet?" The Fifth Sister asked.

"Worry not. We shall find what we seek and soon we shall consume all the force energy from this entire galaxy... and the one after that... and the one after that..."

The three inquisitors climbed aboard one of the Empire's transport shuttles and made their way toward the old Sith capital planet.


Morning slowly crept into the sparce, yet sparkling oasis of the open courtyard. The idyll is broken by Uncle Owen's yelling, his voice bellowing throughout the homestead.

"Luke? Luke? Luke? Where could he be loafing now?!"

The interior of the kitchen offers a warm glow, as Aunt Beru prepares the morning breakfast. Owen entered in a huff.

"Have you seen Luke this morning?" Owen asked. "And those kids he was with?"

"He said they had some things to do before he started today," Aunt Beru answered. "So they left early."

"Uh? Did they take those two new droids with them?"

"I think so."

"Well, he'd better have those units in the south range repaired by midday or there'll be hell to pay!"


Meanwhile, along the wastelands, the rock and sand of the desert floor are a blur. C-3PO pilots the sleek Landspeeder gracefully across the vast wasteland. Luke leans over the back of the speeder, adjusting something in the motor compartment.

"How's that?" Luke yelled.

3PO signals that 'Everything is fine', as Luke turned back into the wind-whipped cockpit, and popped the canopy shut. Alongside their speeder, the Equestrians sped forth in their own speeder with Storm Shield assuming the controls. The girls eyes look out toward the horizon, trying to spot a sign of where the little R2-D2 droid could be. Turned out finding one droid along the entire desert planet was like finding a needle in a haystack.

"You sure we're going the right way?!" Twilight called out.

"Old Ben Kenobi lives out in this direction somewhere," Luke pointed out. "But I don't see how that R2 unit could have come this far."

"Maybe we made a wrong turn at that last sand dune," Pinkie suggested.

"Pinkie Pie, look around you!" Rainbow shouted, irritably. "There's nothing but sand dunes everywhere!!!"

"Uncle Owen isn't going to take this very well," Luke moaned.

"Sir, would it help if you told him that it was my fault?" 3PO offered.

"Sure," Luke answered brightly. "He needs you... he'd probably only deactivate you for a day or so..."

"Deactivate!" 3PO yelled. "Well, on the other hand, if you hadn't removed his restraining bolt..."

"Hey you two!" Storm shouted. "Hate to break up your heart-to-heart banter. But there's something dead ahead on the scanner."

"It looks like our droid..." Luke observed. "Hit the accelerator!"


From high along a rocky mesa, the tiny Landspeeders could be seen gliding across the desert floor. Suddenly, in the foreground, two weather-beaten Sandpeople shrouded in their grimy desert cloaks peered over the edge of the rock mesa. One of the marginally human creatures raised a long ominous laser rifle, aiming at one of the speeders. But the second creature grabbed the gun before it can be fired.

The Sandpeople, or 'Tusken Raiders' as they're sometimes called, speak a coarse, barbaric language as they get into an animated argument. The second Tusken Raider seemed to get in the final word and the nomads scurried over the rocky terrain.

The Tusken Raider approached two large Banthas standing tied to a rock. The monstrous, bear-like creatures are as large as elephants, with huge red eyes, tremendously looped horns, and long, furry, dinosaur-like tails. The Tusken Raiders mount saddles strapped to the huge creatures' shaggy backs and ride off down the rugged bluff.


The speeders are parked along the floor of a massive canyon. Luke, with his long laser rifle slung over his shoulder, stood before little R2 with the entire Equestrian team surrounding them.

"Oh, I knew I should've brought some lotion," Rarity moaned. "My skin's going to be as red as a peach!"

"You could stand to use a bit of sun," Rainbow remarked.

"Hey, whoa, just where do you think you're going?" Luke asked R2.

"Y'all had us worried to death sugar cube," Applejack added.

The little droid whistled a feeble reply, as C-3PO posed menacingly behind the little runaway.

"Master Luke here is your rightful owner," 3PO scolded. "We'll have no more of this Obi-Wan Kenobi gibberish... and don't talk to me about your mission, either."

"Totally! I mean who knows what could've happened to you..." Pinkie babbled. "You could've been blasted into a million tiny pieces. Or carried onto a conveyor belt, slowly toward a machine designed to crush appliances into tiny cubes of..."

"Pinkie... you're not helping!" Spike muttered, through her teeth.

"Well anyways, it's getting late," Storm replied, observing the sky. "We need to leave this place immediately."

"I only hope we can get back before Uncle Owen really blows up," Luke spoke, worriedly.

"And not in the funny way like that show with the singing furry creatures," Pinkie remarked.

"If you don't mind me saying so," 3PO offered. "I think you should deactivate the little fugitive until you've gotten him back to your workshop."

"Oh, don't be mean to R2," Fluttershy scolded lightly. "He's not going to try anything rash, aren't you little fella?"

All of a sudden, the little robot jumped to life with a mass of frantic whistles and screams.

"Take it easy, little guy! Take it easy!" Twilight urged, turning to 3PO. "What's the matter with him?"

"Oh my..." 3PO realized, turning to Twilight. "He says there are several creatures approaching from the southeast."

Luke swung his rifle into position and turned toward the south.

"Sandpeople! Or worst! Come on, let's have a look."

"Y'all wanna go to the spot where those vermin might kill us?" Applejack asked sarcastically.

"Come on!" Luke urged.

"We'd better follow Luke just to make sure he doesn't hurt himself," Storm advised. "But some of us should stay behind with R2 and keep themselves hidden."

"O-O-Oh... I don't like confrontation," Fluttershy stuttered, stepping toward R2. "M-M-Maybe I better stay... to watch R2, of course."

"Better make that two," Pinkie volunteered. "After all, Auntie Pinkie Pie has to make sure two of her bestest friends in the galaxy don't let those big, meanie Sandy-Pants put their grubby hands on you... inappropriately."

"Pinkie... I'm a year older than you," Fluttershy whispered annoyed.

"I think I'd rather stay out of this one," Spike spoke shakily. "N-N-Not that I'm scared... but figured they could use extra protection."

"Aw, Spikey..." Rarity sighed.

"Thank you for volunteering Spike," Twilight nodded. "You guys wait here and keep watch."

"And if we're not back in five minutes..." Storm added, tossing Pinkie the keys. "Take the speeder and get out of here as fast as possible."

Pinkie and Fluttershy silently salute as they watch the rest of their friends, including C-3PO, follow Luke Skywalker toward the nearby ridge just south of their location.


Once in position, Luke carefully made his way toward the rock ridge, scanning the canyon with his electro-binoculars. He spotted the two riderless Banthas. 3PO and the Equestrians struggled just behind the young adventurer. Storm Shield observed with a pair of his own binoculars, while the girls stayed behind him... though Twilight crouched 'next' to

"What on Earth are those things?" Rarity pointed out.

"Banthas, popular mode of transportation for the Tuskan Raiders," Storm Shield observed. "If those beasts are there, then their riders aren't too far... very territorial creatures, they lived off what this planet can provide for Celestia knows how many years and any who step on their grounds are an enemy."

"Are they really as bad as you say they are?" Rainbow asked.

"Let me put it in a way you can understand... when it comes to Sandpeople, they live by their name. They're not very social creatures, they prefer to live off the land and as far from civilization as possible. But the worst part... they rarely take prisoners... alive."

Rainbow's eyes widened to the size of pinpricks, a bead of sweat dropped from her head.

"Noted..." Rainbow spoke.

"There are two Banthas down there," Luke observed. "But I don't see any... wait a second, they're Sandpeople all right. I can see one of them now."

"Only one of them?" Twilight questioned. "Now why would he be out in the open all by himself?"

"I reckon he's a scout?" Applejack guessed.

"No... Sandpeople never travel alone," Storm answered. "If that one's guarding the Banthas, then the other one must be..."

Suddenly, while the group watched the distant Tuskan Raider through their electro-binoculars, something hugged moved in front of their field of view. Before either one could react, a large, gruesome Tusken Raider loomed over them. The girls screamed at the sight, while a startled 3PO backed away... right off the side of the cliff. Rarity turned and he could be heard for several moments, clanging, banging, and rattle down the side of the mountain.

"3PO!!!" Rarity shouted.

The towering creature brings down his curved, double-pointed gaderffii—the dreaded axe blade that struck terror in the heart of the local settlers. Luke managed to block the blow with his laser rifle, which smashed to pieces. The terrified farm boy scrambled backward till he's forced to the edge of a deep crevice. The sinister Raider stood over him with his weapon raised and released a horrible shrieking laugh.


The Tusken Raider was knocked aside by a devastating kick toward the mountain wall... his head hit the wall and knocked him unconscious. Applejack stood with one leg out, after releasing a devastating kick. Storm stood with his jaw wide at the sight.


All of a sudden, roars caused the group to turn as more Tusken Raiders leapt from the wall above them and stood before them, their own weapons ready to kill.

"Rarity, look out!" Twilight shouted.

Two of the Tusken Raiders quickly grabbed Rarity by the arms and the fashionista screamed. They tried to drag her away as the unicorn turned human struggled against their fierce grip.

"Guys, help!" Rarity shouted.

"Dash!" Storm shouted.

"Right... these two are all mine!" Rainbow spoke confidently.

Rainbow Dash made her way toward the Sandpeople, swaying her body and crossing her legs at a rapid pace like a boxer's dance. They eyed the cyan skinned teen curiously, as she zipped side to side and hopping about her feet. Two of the raider raised their axes and tried to strike her, but she's quick to duck and they clattered against each other. She hurled her fists toward their 'lower regions', causing the two to cringe and lean over. Another charged toward her with his weapon held high and she retaliates with a side kick knocking him back.

Another raider charged toward Applejack, who knocks him back with another side kick below the chin sending him off the edge of the cliff. Storm Shield fought another Raider, blocking his attacks and holding him back with a punch to the chest. As Twilight kept her guard up, another Tusken Raider jumped toward her with his weapon raised.

"WAIT!" Twilight held an arm out.

Twilight quickly removed her glasses from her face, folding them, and storing it in a pocket in her uniform. The Raider leaned its head to the side, as if utterly confused. Twilight then braced herself, squinting her eyes.

"You should never fight a woman with glasses," Twilight spoke.

Suddenly another Tusken Raider grabbed her, wrapping its filthy arms around her waist. With a yelp, Twilight swung a leg below his belt out of instinct, knocking some air out of him, and clubbed him with an elbow to the face.

In all that time, Rarity tried to swing herself out of the raiders grip and kicked one leg toward one Raider in front of her, knocking him head-over-heels. She swung another leg toward one of the Raiders holding her, loosening his grip slightly. The girls and Storm fought as long as they could, though the Raiders proved very tough to keep down. At one point, while trying to defend herself, Twilight kept bumping into the Raiders due to her poor vision. Though she managed to dodge two of them, who nearly sandwiched the princess, they were quick to grab her and hurl her toward Luke. Twilight barely picked herself up before she heard a scream and Rarity was thrown on top of her, knocking the wind out of Twilight.

The Tusken Raiders lifted Rainbow Dash, who struggled in their grip, and they threw her into the pile of bodies like a trash bag. Even Storm Shield could barely keep his guard for as long as he could, until a Tusken Raider hurled him aside and sent him rolling amongst the girls. The numbers proved especially overwhelming for Applejack, despite landing a solid kick that sent a Tusken Raider rolling before she too was thrown atop her friends. Whatever remained of the Sandpeople, they gathered around the fallen heroes and they watched helpless as they loomed toward them, their weapons raised in the air.


R2-D2, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Spike forced themselves into the small alcove within the rocks, as the vicious Sandpeople walked past carrying the inert Luke Skywalker and their friends. They were all dropped into a heap before their speeders. With the group unconscious, the Sandpeople start ransacking the speeders, throwing parts and supplies in all directions. And then suddenly... they stopped.

Confused, the remainder of the group looked on timidly and nervously as all was quiet... for a moment or two. Just then, a great howling moan echoed throughout the canyon which sent the Sandpeople fleeing in terror.

"W-W-What's out there?" Fluttershy whimped.

R2-D2 responded with a series of beeps, just as nervous as the others.

"It sounds like a g-g-g-ghost!" Pinkie chattered.

They moved as tightly into the shadows as they could, feeling crushed between each other and the cliffs on both sides. The slight swishing sound that frightened off the Sandpeople grew ever closer, until a shabby old desert-rat-of-a-man appeared and leaned over the unconscious group. R2 made a slight sound and the figure turned, looked right where the others were hidden, and removed the hood over his head. His ancient leathery face, cracked and weathered by exotic climates was set off by dark, penetrating eyes and a scraggly white beard. He squinted his eyes as he scrutinized the nervous looking group.

"Hello there!" The old man greeted. "Come here my little friends. Don't be afraid."

R2 waddled over toward where the others crumbled in a heap, whistling and beeping his concern. The others slowly approached, as Ben placed a hand over Luke's forehead.

"Twilight?" Spike spoke up. "Rarity?"

"Are they all right?" Fluttershy asked, with concern.

"Don't worry, they'll be all right," The old man reassured.

The moaning and groaning from the group confirmed the old man's suspicions, as the team starting coming to.

"Ow..." Twilight groaned, clutching her head. "What happened?"

"Rest easy, dear, you've had a busy day," The man replied. "You're fortunate you're all still in one piece."

As they all regained consciousness, while Twilight repositioned the glasses over her eyes, Luke looked up toward the man and instantly recognized him.

"Ben? Ben Kenobi!" Luke gasped. "Boy, am I glad to see you!"

"The Jundland wastes are not to be traveled lightly," The old man spoke. "Tell me young Luke, what brings you and your friends out this far?"

"Well, that little rolling bucket of trouble for one thing!" Rainbow grumbled. "Thinks he's searching for his former master..."

"I've never seen such devotion in a droid before..." Luke added, kindly. "There seems to be no stopping him."

"He claims to be the property of one 'Obi-Wan Kenobi'," Applejack spoke, brushing shoulder. "Is he a relative of yours? Ya reckon ya know who he's talkin' about?"

Ben pondered this for a moment, scratching his scruffy beard.

"Obi-Wan Kenobi... Obi-Wan? Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time... a long time."

"I think my uncle knew him," Luke guessed. "He said he was dead."

"Oh, he's not dead, not... not yet..." Ben corrected.

"You know him?" Luke asked curiously.

"Well of course, of course I know him," Ben replied, pointing at himself. "He's me! I haven't gone by the name Obi-Wan since oh before you were born."

"You're the Obi-Wan Kenobi!" Twilight gasped.

"That's right," Obi-Wan nodded, turning to Storm. "And it's good to see you, Master Storm Shield."

"Master Kenobi," Storm bowed.

"Wait... you know this man?!" Rarity asked.

"Well, not personally... but that's a longer story."

"Then the droid does belong to you," Luke concluded.

"Don't seem to remember ever owning a droid," Ben replied, looking at the droid. "Very interesting..."

Suddenly, he looked up at the overhanging cliffs and the group looked in his direction.

"I think we better get indoors. The Sandpeople are easily startled but they will soon be back and in greater numbers."

"I don't know about y'all," Applejack replied. "I ain't gonna wanna be around when they come back."

Twilight and Storm helped Luke up, the young man rubbing his head. R2 let out a pathetic beep as Fluttershy turned toward him.

"What is it little guy?"

Pinkie Pie suddenly had a thought and started counting heads. Gasping loudly, she looked around.

"Where's 3PO?!"


Little R2 stood at the edge of a large sand pit, chattering away in electronic whistles and beeps. Luke, Ben, and the group stood over a very dented, very tangled 3PO lying half buried in the sand. One of his arms had broken off. Luke and Storm tried to revive the inert robot, the former shaking him while Storm flipped a hidden switch on his back several times. Until finally, the mechanical man's systems rebooted.

"Welcome back Tin Man," Rainbow remarked.

"Where am I?" 3PO asked. "I must have taken a bad step..."

"More like a great fall..." Spike joked. "But no, you were lucky we found you."

"Can you stand?" Luke asked. "We've got to get out of here before the Sandpeople return."

"I don't think I can make it," 3PO quivered. "You go on, there's no sense in any of you risking yourself on my account. I'm done for."

R2 made a beeping sound.

"No way Goldy, we're not leaving you that easily," Rainbow brushed off. "What kind of talk is that?"

"C'mon, we'll carry you," Storm replied. "We'll have you repaired once we get somewhere safe."

Luke and Ben helped the battered robot to his feet. Little R2 watched from the top pit. Suddenly, Spike's ears perked up and he glanced around suspiciously. Sensing something, he stood on his hind legs and sniffed the air.

"We better get out of here guys..." Spike warned. "I think those sand monsters are coming!"

"Spike's right," Twilight agreed. "Let's move!"


A while later, the group found themselves in a small, spartan hovel cluttered with desert junk. Yet somehow, it still managed to radiate an air of time-worn comfort and security. Luke was in a corner repairing 3PO's arm, while old Ben sat thinking.

"No, my father didn't fight in the wars," Luke said. "He was a navigator on a spice freighter."

"That's what your uncle told you," Ben replied. "He didn't hold with your father's ideals. Thought he should have stayed here and not gotten involved."

"And you fought in the... Clone Wars?" Twilight asked.

"Very brutal war..." Storm emphasized. "Too many casualties to count..."

"Yes, I was once a Jedi Knight the same as your father," Ben answered.

"He does sound pretty awesome," Rainbow spoke. "Would've like to have met him."

"He was the best star-pilot in the galaxy, and a cunning warrior," Ben described, turning to Luke. "I understand you've become quite a good pilot yourself."

"Sounds like he was a really good friend of yours," Twilight assumed.

"Oh yes... very much..." Ben nodded sadly. "Which reminds me..."

Ben picked himself up and goes to a chest where he rummages around. As Luke finished repairing 3P0 and started refitting the restraining bolt back on, 3PO looked at him nervously. Luke thought about the bolt for a moment, then put it on the table. Ben shuffled up and presented Luke a short handle with several electronic gadgets attached to it.

"I have something for you," Ben offered Luke. "Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough, but your uncle wouldn't allow it. He feared you might follow old Obi-Wan on some damned-fool idealistic crusade like your father did."

"Sir, if you'll not be needing me," 3PO spoke up. "I'll close down for a while."

"Sure, give yourself a rest," Storm replied. "You earned it."

As 3PO shut himself down, Ben handedLuke the saber.

"What is it?" Luke asked curiously.

"Your father's lightsaber," Ben answered. "This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or as random as a blaster."

Luke pushed a button on the handle. A long beam of light blue shot out about four feet and flickered there. The light played across the ceiling. As Luke admired the lightsaber, Old Ben looked over at Storm Shield as a small smile formed.

"As for you Master Storm, I also have something for you as well."

Ben walked over to another part of his tiny hovel, before returning with a long wooden case in his arms. He held it out to Storm and the young prince grasped it in his hands. A look of almost realization swept over his face.

"Is this what I think it is?" He asked.

Old Ben nodded his head, smiling in response.

"It would seem you left this behind a thousand years ago," He explained. "Your master was able to recover it and kept it in his possession for all those years. Then when he left, he gave it to me with the knowledge that his greatest Padawan would one day return."

"Well, I don't know about the 'greatest'..." Storm replied humbled. "And yet I... I..."

But as he slowly, shakily opened the box... he stopped. A smile formed as Storm admired the content inside. A long silver pike with gold trimmings which, even after a thousand years, was kept in pristine condition.

Storm could almost feel a tear of joy fall from his face as he picked the pike up from the box and held it in his grip. The pike itself measured up to about the same height as him (His human height).

"It's been so long..." He said silently.

Everyone else in the group seemed confused.

"Uh Storm, what's so great about a pole?" Rainbow asked skeptically.

Storm turned back to the cyan tomboy with a smug smirk.

"I'll show you what's great about this pole..."

Storm pressed a button on the end of the pike and a golden lightsaber blade ignited from the end. The girls and Spike took a step back yet looked on in fascination at the weapon. Storm whirled the pike around a few times rapidly between his fingers, switching hands a few times and made it seem so effortless. As an added effect, he pole-vaulted with the other side of the pike over the girls and landed behind them. For extra emphasis, he softly jabbed Rainbow with the blunt side of the pike.

"That is what's so special," He said smugly.

Rainbow had to pick her mouth up off the ground where it lay, shocked by what she had just witnessed.

"Could I get one of those, Mister Kenobi?" Pinkie pleaded.

"Heh-heh... all in good time dear," Old Ben chuckled. "An elegant weapon for a more civilized time."

"Wait a minute!" Twilight spoke, in shock. "Storm, you mean to say that you... are a Jedi?"

"More or less," Storm nodded. "A thousand years ago, when I landed in this world, I quickly learned that I wanted to fight against the Sith Empire and their evil corruption. One of the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy saw potential in me and decided to train me. For years I worked and fought hard to battle the Empire. I even remember this one conflict I had with Darth Bane."

"Darth... Bane?" Twilight asked curiously.

"That's an even longer story..."

"For over a thousand generations the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic," Ben added. "Before the dark times, before the Empire."

But for whatever reason, Luke hadn't been listening at all.

"How did my father die?"

"A young Jedi named Darth Vader, who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil, helped the Empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi Knights," Ben answered. "He betrayed and murdered your father. Now the Jedi are all but extinct. Vader was seduced by the dark side of the Force."

The group were in shock over how a single man could be responsible for the death of warriors as famous as the Jedi Knights. Still, one part of their conversation sparked their curiosity.

"What's the Force?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well, the Force is what gives a Jedi his power," Ben explained. "It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together."

"Sort of like our magic in Equestria," Twilight compared. "How it helps grow all the plants... changes the atmosphere in the sky... even keeps us safe from the Windigos."

"Exactly that," Storm nodded.

R2 made beeping sounds, drawing the group's attention. But mostly Ben Kenobi's.

"Now, let's see if we can't figure out what you are, my little friend," Ben spoke. "And where you come from."

"We only saw one part of the message," Spike replied. "We were wondering if you could—"

The recorded image of the beautiful young Rebel princess, projected from R2's face, cut Spike's words short. The team looked toward the hologram of the fair maiden with awe.

"I seem to have found it," Ben replied.

Luke gazed toward the lovely girl's image, as it flicked before his eyes.

"General Kenobi," She spoke. "Years ago you served my father in the Clone Wars. Now he begs you to help him in his struggle against the Empire. I regret that I am unable to present my father's request to you in person, but my ship has fallen under attack and I'm afraid my mission to bring you to Alderaan has failed. I have placed information vital to the survival of the Rebellion into the memory systems of this R2 unit. My father will know how to retrieve it. You must see this droid safely delivered to him on Alderaan. This is our most desperate hour. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope."

After some slight static, the transmission cut short. Old Ben leaned back and scratched his head. He silently puffed on a tarnished chrome water pipe, while Luke had stars in his eyes. The group turned toward one another, as Spike stared with his jaw intact.

"I figured someone was in desperate need of help..." Spike spoke, in shock. "But this is bigger than I imagined it was going to be."

"Well Spikey, good thing you went with your instincts fiddling with the portal," Rarity replied. "Now we know what brings us all here right now."

"You must learn the ways of the Force if you're to come with me to Alderaan," Ben told the group.

"Us?!" The Equestrians (Minus Storm) gasped.

"Alderaan?" Luke chuckled. "I'm not going to Alderaan. I've got to go home. I'm late, I'm in for it as it is."

"Luke, I think we have bigger things to worry about than being late for dinner or chores," Rainbow remarked.

"It's bad enough one of our best friends is lost in the galaxy or worst," Twilight added. "But now there's someone else in peril, probably someone of great importance. If we're to find this woman and hope to find clues about Sunset's disappearance, we're going to need all the help we can get."

"The young Princess is right Luke," Ben agreed. "She needs your help. I'm getting too old for this sort of thing."

"I can't get involved!" Luke argued. "I've got work to do! It's not that I like the Empire. I hate it! But there's nothing I can do about it right now. It's such a long way from here."

"That's your uncle talking."

"Oh, God, my uncle," Luke sighed. "How am I ever going to explain this?"

"Learn about the Force, Luke," Ben advised.

"Kenobi's right..." Storm nodded. "The war may not be coming to you now, but if Darth Vader was after this princess then he's sure to suspect what he's looking for was in R2-D2. He'll send his entire army down here and everyone on this planet will be in danger."

"I'm all about family and responsibilities too Luke," Applejack stepped up. "But if I thought like that back home and mah family were in peril for doin' nothin', I'd regret it fer the rest of mah life."

"Besides, you said you wanted an adventure," Twilight reminded. "This is the best chance you have."

Luke Skywalker thought about it for a moment, as if deep down he was struggling between what he wanted to do and what he felt he needed to do. On one hand, he could spend another season content with his chores and dreaming about another opportunity he'll miss out. But on the other, he'd get to have that adventure and perhaps play an important role in this rebellion like his friends, exploring the galaxy, seeing planets, and daring the odds... and yet to do all that, all of it, he'd leave his only family behind.

"Look, I can take you as far as Anchorhead," Luke compromised. "You can get a transport there to Mos Eisley or wherever you're going."

"You must do what you feel is right, of course," Ben nodded.

"Well... if Luke's not going to go," Storm motioned. "I'm going with you. To finish where I left off."

"The portal brought us all here for a purpose," Twilight added. "If we help you get this message straight to Alderaan and possibly save that woman, we could use your help to find our lost friend."

All the girls and even Spike stepped forward, standing beside Twilight and Storm as they look toward Ben Kenobi. He looked toward the entire group, even the nervous Fluttershy who tried to be brave in the wake of an unknown peril. He nodded with silent approval, despite the fact most of them have no experience with his ways... still, he saw potential in each and every one of them. And Luke looked on from the doorway, silently wanting to join in... but feels bound by his own sense of duties.

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