Dromund Kaas
Never before had life seemed so bleak; so utterly helpless than it currently felt. At this very moment, Sunset Shimmer laid sprawled along the cold floor of her prison cell in the upmost pain she had ever felt her entire life. The force lighting constricted all her muscles, making it next to impossible to move. For the moment, all she could do was silently hope and plead that her friends were looking for her. Never before had she felt so helpless and weak in all her life... until today.
The sound of the cell doors sliding open drew her attention, though she was unable to move and see who just entered. The sound of boot stepping before her made her shut her eyes tightly, praying that whatever about to happening would be quick. When nothing happened, she slowly opened her eyes and saw Starkiller knelt beside her, just 'looking' at her.
"It's so bizarre," He said simply. "Never before have I seen someone tortured as much as you... and still maintain their façade."
Sunset would have responded if she could, but the pain was still far too much for her to bare. Starkiller quickly looked around, making sure no one else was present. Then, he reached into his armor pocket and pulled out a syringe with an unknown liquid inside. Seeing this, Sunset began to panic on the inside.
"Relax..." Marek said quietly. "This will restore function to your body and ease the pain you feel. It will be quick. But I won't lie to you... it will hurt."
Unable to protest or agree, Sunset just laid there and waited. Starkiller quickly jabbed the syringe into her arm, injecting the liquid into her system. He was not lying when he said it was painful. It felt like another surge of force lightning coursing through her. Thankfully, it passed after a moment, and she was finally able to move her arms and legs. Sunset gasped for breath as Marek slowly helped her sit up.
"W-W-What do you want?" Sunset asked shakily. "Come to heal me so you can bring me in for another torture session?"
Marek gave no answer, only standing back on his feet. He began to pace the cell, as he tried to comprehend something in his mind.
"I don't understand you..." He said honestly.
"Understand what?" Sunset asked.
"You stand in the Imperial Palace, tortured by the Emperor himself, and still you feign innocence."
"I's because I am innocent," Sunset reiterated. "I've already told you; I'm not one of these Jedi you talk about."
Marek shook his head as he stopped pacing, turning toward her as she slowly stood up.
"Then how is it that you possess the force?" He asked.
"Where I come from, magic is a very common practice many possess," Sunset explained. "If you'd like, I can show you. Maybe you'll believe me."
While the idea certainly was intriguing, Starkiller was by no means a fool.
"You can't deceive me with your mind tricks," He snarled.
"It's no trick," Sunset responded. "Just let me show you. If you still don't believe me when it's over, you can strike me down where I stand."
This really got Starkiller's attention. Not only was she willing to show him exactly where she was from, but she was prepared to die if he didn't believe her. Sunset held out one hand and Marek just looked at it for a moment as he considered his next move. Deciding to take a chance, he slowly reached out his own hand and grabbed her smaller one. And in a flash, Sunset's eyes glowed white and Starkiller started seeing many different memories course through his mind.
He saw her as a unicorn Pony under the tutelage of a tall regal unicorn with wings and a rainbow mane... Celestia...
He saw her when she was first sent to Canterlot High, a pony emerging from a portal and instantly transformed into a human...
He saw her transform into a horrible she-demon, beckoning an army of brainwashed humans toward the portal...
Finally, he saw her defeat by the magic of friendship and ultimately her reformation...
When the visions came to an end, Marek quickly drew his hand back and stared at Sunset in shock. There were not many things that surprised the young Sith, but this was certainly different.
"You are telling the truth," He said amazed. "You're not a Jedi nor are you even from this galaxy. You're an innocent in all of this."
Finally, Sunset released a breath of relief knowing he finally believed her.
"Yes..." She sighed. "My friends and I were teleported to this place. I got separated from them during the trip. All I want is to find them and go home."
This caused Starkiller to scoff at the idea.
"The likeliness of that happening are slim to none," He said. "Escaping the Empire is futile. They are the most powerful force in the galaxy and with the power of the Dark Side, they are unstoppable."
"You can't seriously believe that!" Sunset spoke shocked. "After what they've done to you... killing your father... filling your head with lies..."
Starkiller stopped in his tracks, slowly turning around to face Sunset. Anger clouded his vision, as he quickly moved toward her in a single stride and lifted her high in the air by her throat.
"Don't you ever speak about that again!" He growled. "You had no right to look into my mind and see what you've seen. You're lucky I don't cut you down right here, right now!"
Sunset tried to respond, but his grip on her neck was so strong it was nearly impossible. All she put together were a series of gasps and wheezes. When his anger faded, Starkiller quickly let her down. She sputtered and coughed as her breath returned to her. Seeing her like that made Starkiller feel something within him he thought had died out many years ago...
Kneeling down again, he helped her back to her feet.
"I apologize," He said sincerely. "Sometimes when my anger takes over, the dark side becomes strong enough that it blinds me to what I'm doing."
Sunset rubbed her throat as she tried to offer a response.
"You used to be good once," She said. "They took you away, darkened your mind and soul. Why do you still side with them?"
Hearing this question truly made Marek think about 'why' he remained loyal to the Empire. True, Vader saved him from the Imperial troops all those years ago... but he still killed his father. Shaking his head, he quickly snapped back to reality and quickly exited the cell before locking it shut again.
"Come tomorrow, I will escort you to the Death Star and you will bear witness as my master demonstrates the full power of the Empire. Do NOT try to escape... you will die."
Marek quickly turned and left the cell block, leaving Sunset to fall back to the floor in despair. She could only hope her friends were on their way. The sooner she got out of this galaxy, the better.
An Imperial shuttle soared effortlessly through the depths of wild space as it approached the former capital planet of the Sith Empire: Dromund Kaas. The dark planet, plagued by constant storms, was once the seat of power in the galaxy during the time of the Old Republic. As the shuttle flew past the raging storm clouds, it soon flew within the vicinity of Kaas City. Though the city has been through years of war and strife, its skyscrapers still stood tall and pristine as though they hadn't been touched in a thousand years.
The shuttle slowly touched down along the outskirts of the city and the exit hatch opened. From within the shuttle, the Three Sister inquisitors emerged along with a barrage of Stormtroopers. They all walked through the streets of the old Sith city, admiring the many skyscrapers that reached almost to space itself. It wasn't till they reached the center of the city they all looked up and saw the Imperial Citadel.
Nearly three thousand years before their time, the Sith Emperor constructed this domain to house the most intelligent, most destructive Sith that ruled the galaxy. The Citadel was once watched over by the leading power of the Empire: The Dark Council. These ancient Sith ruled the Empire while the Emperor remained silent.
The Third sister led the charge, as her fellow inquisitors and the Stormtroopers made their way inside the ancient structure. While the outside didn't look quite so bad, the interior was definitely worse. The Citadel sat in shambles after the great Galactic War, many of the Sith abandoned this world afterwards leaving the Citadel to rot.
The Third Sister scanned the room with the sensors in her helmet to detect any forms of life that could possibly remain in the area. Sensing nothing, she turned to the Stormtroopers.
"Remain here and secure the vicinity," She ordered. "The three of us will collect the ancient artifact from here."
"Yes my lady," The captain nodded.
He motioned the other troopers forward and they ran in different areas to scout. Meanwhile, the three inquisitors made their way through the many halls of the Citadel. As they walked, they could almost hear the ancient voices of Sith long since passed as if they were guiding them in the right direction. After some time walking, they finally come to the one room they had been seeking:
The Dark Council's meeting chamber.
The moment they took one step inside the chamber, a vision coursed through their heads.
The Dark Council currently sat in congregation, each sitting at their seat which represents their Pinnacle of Power. Leading the council was the heavily armored Sith: Darth Marr. Other members such as Darth Vowrawn, Darth Ravage, Darth Mortis, and Darth Acharon were all in attendance. Currently Darth Thanaton, head of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge, stood before the members of the council making his statement.
"My lords, his master was corrupt," He spoke. "He is corrupt."
"And what are you suggesting we do about it?" Darth Marr asked.
"You know what the situation requires. Order must be preserved; punishment meted out. If we are to conquer our enemies, Zash's former apprentice must die!"
"I'm flattered that you would talk about me to all of your friends, Thanaton."
The addition of a new voice to the mix caused every Dark Council member to look toward the entrance of the chamber. In walked a young man dressed in dark Sith robes and armor. He had dirty blonde hair swept to the side and strange tattoos adorning his face. He walked with a certain style both mythical and almost graceful as he walked to the center of the room. Everyone heard about him, yet they had never come to meet him... till now.
Lord Andromedis...
Even with having only been a Sith for a short time, this young man already conquered so much in the galaxy. He trained on the ancient Sith world of Korriban and soon became an apprentice to Darth Zash. Sometime later, he trapped his master in the body of his beastial Dashade servant Khem Val, which ascended him to become a Sith Lord. Since then, he has consumed the force ghosts of ancient Sith Lords giving him immense battle and recently had a battle with Darth Thaanton on Corellia. Thanaton, being the coward he was, fled from the duel which brings them to this very moment.
"Our talk concerns the future of the Sith order," Thanaton told Andromedis. "A future without you."
"Then why haven't you killed him yet?" Darth Ravage asked.
"You know as well as I do that these things must be done properly," Thanaton responded.
"The Kaggath is a playground game. Murder has no rules."
"The Kaggath is an honored tradition of the Sith," Thanaton retorted. "Tulak Hord competed. Marka Ragnos! Ludo Kressh!"
"The question stands," Darth Marr interrupted. "Why has this apprentice, this child, proved impossible for you to kill?"
"He's had ample opportunities to kill me," Andromedis mocked. "He lacks the strength to finish the job."
Being mocked before his fellow council members made Thanaton increasingly angry.
"I am a member of the Dark Council," He growled. "I am your superior!"
"I swear if you don't silence Thanaton, I will!" Ravage said to Mortis.
"I will not be betrayed!" Thanaton said. "I will not die. And when I've killed this slave, you will all answer for it."
Thanaton and Andromedis then became locked in an epic battle, both sides throwing lightsaber strikes and force lightning trying to gain the advantage. However, in the end, Andromedis emerged the victor while Thanaton knelt in defeat in a matter of minutes.
"No..." He shook his head. "I won't be defeated; I can't be!"
With the last of his strength, Thanaton threw as much force lightning as he could against the young Sith. Andromedis merely knocked the strikes aside as though they were child's play. Finally, Thanaton drew his lightsaber attempting to run at Andromedis. Seeing the incoming blow, Andromedis used the force to stop Thanaton in his tracks and bend him to his knees. With one last bout of lightning, he hurled Thanaton across the room. Too weak to stand, Thanaton crawled to the very center of the chamber, as all the other council members stood around him.
"I'm sorry Thanaton," Mortis apologized.
He used the force to snap his neck and Thanaton's lifeless body fell limp on the ground.
"Good riddance to him," Ravage spat.
"He was a better Sith than you give him credit for, Ravage," Marr said.
"Let us hope his 'successor' is as worthy," Mortis added.
The elder Sith stood before Andromedis, who in turn stood over his fallen adversary.
"My lord... your seat," He said.
The Sith lord gestured to Thanaton's seat of power. Andromedis stopped in his tracks as he gazed upon a spot with the council, then back toward the other members in shock.
"My lords, I am truly honored," He said in shock. "I was not expecting this honor."
"You just killed a Dark Council member in fair combat," Marr pointed out. "What do you expect?"
"He's only a Lord!" Ravage protested. "You can't put a lord on the Dark Council!"
"Quiet Ravage!" Marr yelled at him. "He's earned his place... unlike 'some'."
The annoyed Ravage grumbled to himself, as he made his way back to the other council members. Marr took his seat above the rest, as he looked at Andromedis.
"By order of the Dark Council, and in light of your reputation as a master of the Dark Side, you are now Darth Nox."
Andromedis bowed his head before the rest of the council in acknowledgement..
"I appreciate the honor my lords," He thanked. "However, if it is any consolation, I'd prefer to be addressed as Darth Andromedis."
"Whatever title you deem necessary," Marr nodded.
With that in mind, Darth Andromedis took his seat beside Marr, along with the rest of the council.
"You are head of the Pyramid of Ancient Knowledge," Marr explained. "You are charged with keeping the mystical knowledge of the Sith and guarding the secrets of our order. With us, you are ruler of all Sith, answerable only to the Emperor himself."
"Will I get to meet the Emperor?" Andromedis asked. "Why isn't he here?"
"The Emperor will summon you 'if' and 'when' he wishes," Mortis answered. "Our business here is complete. You would do well to meet with the rest of your followers and ensure their loyalty. We will summon you the next time the Dark Council congregates."
As soon as the visions came to an end, The Third Sister found herself standing at the seat of the councilman. The metallic hand caressed along the arm length of the chair, as the sensors of her helmet gazed upon the other chairs. The most powerful Sith in the galaxy all sat in this very spot, looming over all the followers who ever came before them. And now all that remains was an empty room, rot with age, like it hadn't been touched until their arrival. Yet somewhere in this very spot, the treasure they seek was hidden somewhere and the Emperor made it very clear they would not return until they claim it.
The other sisters stand around the center of the room, scanning the chamber in search of clues for where to find this source of power. One sister took one step along the floor... and suddenly the ground began to shake. A once silent chamber was now greatly disturbed by vibration and a growling sound that caused the two sisters to turn toward a dark hallway. The Third Sister stood tall along the councilman's chair, looming toward the distance and slowly unveiled her lightsaber.
Suddenly, before their very eyes, a terrifying creature appeared before them. It stood at about 3.2 meters, a number of spines protrude from its back, and a pair of flaps (Tusk-like projections) stuck out from its jaw. It's massive claw, four to a hand, clutched and opened. The moment it saw the intruders standing before them, it growled as its eyes glowed red.
"What... the hell... is that?" One sister asked.
The Third Sister pushed the button on her lightsaber handle, the crystal blade glowing red... at three angles. The lengthy part at the top of the handle and two blades protruding from the east and west side above the handle.
"A test..." The Third Sister answered.
The Third Sister flipped from the councilman's chair, landed hard upon the ground, and charged toward the monster. One of the other sisters unsheathed and activated her own lightsaber and charged alongside the Third Sister. The other stood back, observing as the fight commenced between two of her sisters and the terrifying monster. They swung their lightsabers against the beast, who kept a great distance from the deadly blades.
The monster retaliates with a sweep of his claws, keeping the Inquisitors on the move as they flipped and dodged over its attacks and tried to contact the beast with their lightsabers. When that didn't work, they unleashed their force lightning against the beast but either the electricity merely bounced off the beast or it barely grazed it. Whatever the case, their endeavors made the beast angry as it rushed toward the two Inquisitors. They just flipped aside as the beast charged toward a wall...
The beast left a severe dent against the wall of the ancient council chamber, pulling its spines out from the wall, sending rubble and dust falling from the walls. Slightly dazed, the creature slowly turned back to the center as the one unarmed sister stood at the center of the floor. Rather than pulling out her own lightsaber, the Inquisitor just stared at the beast through its visor and positioned her hands into a fighting stance.
The monster roared against the act of defiance and charged forward; its claws extended for the kill. It raced toward the Inquisitor, who stood perfectly still as if waiting for their moment. The monster was inches away from catching the Inquisitor in its clutches until...
One fist from the Inquisitor lunged directly against the monster's abdomen. The beast seemed to gasp in shock over the intensity of the rib crushing blow, so much so the beast spat a bit of blood from its mouth. But the Inquisitor was not finished with the monster. The inquisitor proceeds to throw rapid, hard punches along that same spot. The two other Inquisitors see that the monster was left in position and with their lightsabers handy, they race toward the beast, leap forward, and...
The monster stood perfectly still, it's jaw extended, and eyes widen. After a few seconds passed, the monster's head slid off the neck and crashed onto the ground. And the remainder of the creature's entire anatomy fell sideways, and its lifeless body laid upon the ground. The three inquisitors stood over the deceased body, it's blood spilling from the slash wound. A parade of footsteps stormed into the chamber, an army of stormtroopers rushed in with guns at the ready... only to find the trio standing over the corpse.
"And I thought the Rancors were ugly," One Inquisitor replied.
"It is a Rancor... or was," The Third Sister replied. "They called it Terentarek, smaller than a Rancor and subjected to years of mutation by Sith hands. By the looks of it, an 'ancient' one. Be glad their tusks and claws did not touch you... highly venomous."
Suddenly, a light illuminated around the Inquisitors causing each of them to slowly turn. A glow illuminated from a dark hallway, as if something were beckoning to the three.
"What do you think we'll find there?" An inquisitor asked.
"The reward for passing the test..." The Third Sister replied. "Come... let us claim it so that the Emperor may proceed to the next phase of the plan..."
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