A Dark Path
Back in the cell block of the Imperial Palace, Sunset Shimmer slowly regained consciousness after being injected with a mysterious liquid by one of the Inquisitors. With her vision fully regained, she looked around only to find herself locked in a cell. She groaned to herself until the sound of cell block doors sliding open caught her attention. She soon noticed Starkiller making his way inside. Seeing him, she quickly got up and grasped the bars of her cell.
"Galen!" She cried.
Starkiller quickly made his way to the cell.
"Are you alright?" He asked concerned.
"Not exactly!" Sunset shook her head. "Things got more complicated than they were before."
"What happened?"
"Turns out those three Inquisitors gained control of your guards, captured me, and took me to Korriban. They forced me to help them find something they needed. Next thing I know, they knocked me out and three me back here!"
Hearing this made Marek's eyes widen in shock. To know his own personal troops had been stolen from him and now under the command of Vader's Inquisitors. His master never told him this and he started to wonder why. He quickly shook this from his head, remembering the reason he came. He unlocked the cell door and pulled Sunset out.
"Thankfully, our opportunity to escape has come."
"Turns out your friends made it into the Rebellion. They are currently attacking the Death Star. From what I can tell, they have the means to destroy it once and for all. When they do, the Emperor and Vader will be so focused on the fallout of the disaster they won't even notice we're gone. By the time they realize what happened, you'll be gone from this place forever."
Sunset smiled so widely it seemed impossible. Then she did something she had no concept of due to her overwhelming joy. She quickly threw her arms around Marek... and smashed her lips to his. Marek's eyes widened in shock, as did Sunset's when she realized what she'd done. Quickly pulling away, she faced the shocked young Sith, and her face burned bright red.
"Um—well—I uh—I'm sorry that wasn't..."
Before she could apologize, Starkiller quickly wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back to him as their lips met again. Surprised once more, Sunset's eyes widened before she slowly melted with the kiss and her eyes fluttered closed. After a moment or two, the two finally pulled away from one another and just stared into each other's eyes. It felt like an eternity before Marek finally snapped back to reality.
"I'm sorry to say this, but I must bring you to see the Emperor," He said.
"But I thought we were leaving right now!" Sunset spoke fearfully.
"And we will... but the Death Star is still up there. In the meantime, the Emperor demands I bring you to the throne room at the top of the palace."
"What if he tries to turn me?"
"He won't!"
Marek stroked his hand across her cheek to calm her, which thankfully did.
"There's no way he could possibly do that to you now," He spoke confidently. "You've proven to be far more resilient and stronger than anyone I've ever met. We just need to buy a little more time while he's none the wiser, then once word of the Death Star gets blown up... we can leave immediately. If anyone can resist the Dark Side, it's you. Trust me."
Sunset smiled once more hearing such encouraging words before allowing Marek to lead her out the cell block. Now she was more determined than ever, confident that her friends would succeed. And when they do, she and Marek will escape this place and never looks back. Things were definitely starting to fall into place... or so they thought.
As they rounded the corner, out of sight, they failed to notice the Third Sister hiding in the shadows. She grinned wickedly to herself under her visor. A small beeping noise caused her to reach into her cloak, pulling out a holo device. Pressing the button, the holo image of Doctor Caz appeared.
"My lady Inquisitor, I have called to inform you that our work is finally complete. Project X is ready."
An evil chuckle escaped from the Inquisitor.
"I shall be down momentarily."
Placing the device back in her cloak, the Third Sister made her way down the dark halls toward the laboratory. It was time to take the fight to the rebels on a completely new and dangerous level.
Inside the war room of Massassi Outpost, Leia and the others are shocked to learn that R2-D2 was blown up during Luke's initial run through the Death Star trench. They stare intently at the projected screen, while 3PO watched the Princess undoubtedly upset for his friend. Lights representing the Death Star and targets glow brightly.
"The Death Star has cleared the planet," The intercom announced. "The Death Star has cleared the planet."
"Why do we have to cut these things so close?!" Rarity whined.
"It's up to Luke and Rainbow now!" Storm voiced his concern. "If they lose... we lose."
Inside the Death Star control room, Tarkin glared at the projected target screen.
"Rebel base, in range," The intercom announced.
"You may fire when ready," Tarkin instructed calmly.
"Commence primary ignition."
An officer reached up and pushed buttons on the control panel, as green-lighted buttons turn red.
Along the surface of the Death Star, the three TIE fighters zoomed down the Death Star trench in pursuit of Luke, never breaking formation. Luke looked anxiously at the exhaust port. Vader adjusted his control sticks, checking his projected targeting screen. Luke's ship barreled down the trench. Rainbow Dash flew from behind Vader's formation, her targeting computer swinging around into position. Of all the ships, she was aiming for Vader.
"C'mon... c'mon... get in range..." Rainbow muttered, sweat pouring.
Vader took careful aim on Luke's X-wing fighter.
"I have you now," Vader spoke.
He pushed the fire buttons. The three TIE fighters moved in on Luke. As Vader's center fighter unleashed a volley of laser fire, one of the TIE ships at his side exploded into flame. The two remaining ships continued to move in. But the blast didn't come from Rainbow Dash though she almost pushed her button.
"What the what?!" Rainbow shouted.
Luke looked about, wondering whose laser fire destroyed Vader's wingman. Vader, taken by surprise, looked out from his cockpit.
"WHAT?!" Vader shouted.
Vader's wingman searched around him trying to locate the unknown attacker. Rainbow Dash looked up toward the darkly heavens and her eyes widened.
"No way..."
Han and Chewbacca grinned ear-to-ear, as the Millenium Falcon headed right at the two TIE fighters. It's now a collision course. The wingman spotted the ship coming at him and warned the Dark Lord.
"Look out!"
Vader's wingman panicked at the sight of the oncoming starship, veering radically to one side, colliding with Vader's TIE fighter in the process. Vader's wingman crashed into the side wall of the trench and exploded. Vader's damaged ship spun out of the trench with a damaged wing (A bent solar fin) heading for deep space. Vader turned round and round in circles struggle to get his ship in control.
Rainbow Dash saw Solo's ship moved toward the Death Star trench.
"Captain Solo..." Rainbow gasped, in shock. "You're really here..."
Solo smiled as he spoke to Luke over his headset mike.
"You're all clear, kid! Now let's blow this thing and go home!"
Han's transmission could be heard in the War Room. Leia and the others listened intently.
"Han Solo ya sneaky devil!" Applejack smiled.
Pinkie's expression immediately brightened, and her hair sprung to life.
"No problem-o, Luke!!!" Rainbow shouted. "You got this!"
Luke looked up and smiled before he concentrated on the exhaust port, then fired his laser torpedoes. The torpedoes shoot toward the port seemingly disappearing into the surface and not explode. But the shots found their mark, going through the exhaust port, toward the main reactor.
"THEY'RE IN!!!" Rainbow shouted. "Now let's get the heck out of here!"
Luke threw his head back in relief, the force truly on his side.
An Imperial soldier raced to the control panel board, pulling the attack lever as the board behind lit up.
"Stand by..." The intercom spoke.
Three X-wings, a Y-wing, and the Millenium Falcon raced toward Yavin in the distance.
Several Imperial soldiers flanked a pensive Grand Moff Tarkin, busily pushing control levers and buttons.
"Standing by..."
The rumble of a distant explosion begins...
The Rebel ships raced out of sight, leaving the moon-like Death Star alone against a blanket of stars. Several small flashes appeared on the surface... until the Death Star exploded into a supernova, creating a spectacular heavenly display.
"Great shot kid!" Han cried out. "That was one in a million!"
"Now that was 20% cooler!" Rainbow smirked. "No... make it NINETY percent cooler!!! WAHOO!!!"
Luke felt at ease after a stressful fight, his eyes closed.
"Remember, the force will be with you... always," Ben's voice spoke.
As the Rebel ships raced toward the fourth moon of Yavin, Vader's ship spun off into the depths of space realizing too late that the battle is lost. The only survivor of the entire fleet, Darth Vader's ship raced away from the field of battle to report his failure to the Empire.
Luke climbed out of his starship fighter to a string of cheers from a throng of ground crew and pilots. Luke climbed down the ladder, as they all welcome him with laughter, cheers, and shouting. Princess Leia rushed toward him.
"Luke!" Leia shouted. "Luke! Luke!"
She threw her arms around Luke, hugging him as they danced around in a circle. Rainbow Dash just slid down the ladder of her own ship when her own friends piled on top of her, laughing and crying as they held onto Rainbow. Spike climbed over the pile and licked Rainbow in the face as she chuckled. She barely brushed her way through the pile when she saw Applejack standing there. For a moment, the two just stare each other in the eye, not saying a single word.
"I told you I'd be—"
But Rainbow doesn't finish before Applejack pulled Rainbow Dash toward her and smashed her lips toward her. Rainbow's arms flailed before they slowly wrapped around Applejack, playfully pushed Applejack's hat off and kissed her back. While the two were busy, Solo raced toward Luke and they embraced one another, slapping each other in the back.
"Hey! Hey!" Han chuckled.
"I knew you'd come back!" Luke laughed. "I just knew it!"
"Well, I wasn't gonna let you get all the credit and take all the reward!"
The rest of the Equestrians joined up with the Rebel allies (With Rainbow & A.J. preoccupied at the moment).
"Well, look what the cat dragged in!" Pinkie joked. "So... you finished paying off your debts already?"
"Actually... we never made it to Tatooine," Han admitted. "What can I say? I just can't stay away... and Chewie was very persistent."
Fluttershy turned toward Chewbacca, who bellowed with a friendly growl. Fluttershy smiled as she hugged the big lug.
"I missed you too, Chewie!" Fluttershy smiled tearfully.
Luke and Han looked at one another, as Solo playfully shoved Luke's face. Leia moved in between them.
"Hey, I knew there was more to you than money," Leia chuckled.
"You're definitely in so much trouble if the guys you owe money to hear of this," Spike smirked.
"Hey... if I'm going to be punished just like you rebels," Han smirked. "I might as well 'be' a Rebel... if you'll have me."
"At least we're all together again," Rarity smiled.
Twilight Sparkle turned toward Luke's ship; her face dropped to a sorrowful look.
"Not all of us..."
Luke turned toward Twilight's direction, suddenly realizing.
"Oh no!"
The fried little R2-D2 was lifted off the back of the fighter, carried off under the worried eyes of 3PO.
"Oh my! R2! Can you hear me?" 3PO called out. "Say something!"
But the droid was nonresponsive, as if the little droid were already dead. Worried, 3PO turned toward a nearby mechanic.
"You can repair him, can't you?"
"We'll get to work on him right away," The Technician assured.
"You must repair him! Sir, if ay of my circuits or gears will help, I'll gladly donate them."
"He's going to be all right 3PO," Storm reassured. "We promise."
"I don't know about all of you," Rarity spoke up. "But this battle has really taken a toll on my nerves. I could use a chance to settle down."
"Rarity's right," Twilight agreed. "Let's find ourselves a place to settle down. I have a feeling we're going to have quite a celebration later today."
"OH YEAH!!! PARTY TIME!!!" Pinkie squealed.
The group slowly make their way down the hall to prepare for the upcoming celebration. Along the way, Storm shook his head when Applejack and Rainbow Dash were still going at it.
"Come along, you two!"
Smirking, Storm pushed the girls down the hall though their lips remained locked. Twilight Sparkle stayed behind to see the open hangar smiling proudly toward the horizon.
"Sunset Shimmer... that was for you!" Twilight spoke. "See you later."
Twilight Sparkle finally turned away to regroup with her friends, knowing that one battle was finally over.
The doors to the Emperor's throne room slid open, allowing Starkiller to lead Sunset directly to the center of the dark chamber. Sitting atop his throne, the sinister Emperor Palpatine slowly rose and descended the stairs to the floor.
"It seems the Rebellion struck a powerful blow to the Empire," He spoke coldly. "The Death Star has been destroyed.
"Guess I should be thanking them," Sunset smirked cockily.
From under his hood, Palpatine bit back a vicissitude growl.
"You think yourself unbreakable dear?" He asked grimly. "You think your will is powerful? I wonder how much your will shall crack after what I have to show you."
"Say or do what you want, but the answer is no!" Sunset retorted. "Not you or anything else in this entire galaxy will make me change my mind!"
Palpatine only gave a wicked smirk.
"Not even when it concerns your friends?"
Sunset's stone cold demeanor suddenly broken, as she stood frozen with wide eyes.
"What're you talking about?"
"Tell me dear, why is it that your so-called 'friends' would rather waste their time consorting with rebel scum instead of searching for you?"
Sunset shook her head quickly, trying to regain her demeanor.
"My friends stopped your twisted empire's plans!" She responded. "They're coming to find me and together we'll take you down. And you know that!"
Palpatine released an evil cackle.
"Is that truly what you believe child? Your friends have known for a while now where you were. Yet they did not even concern themselves with coming to save you."
Sunset turned toward Palpatine and Starkiller. Marke shook his head, mouthing words to her.
"He's lying!" He mouthed. "Don't listen to him!"
"I believe your friend, Twilight Sparkle, was the one who said, and I quote, 'We do not need to rescue Sunset'."
"You're lying!" She shouted. "Twilight would never say that; I know her!"
Palpatine slowly turned to face her again, as the doors to the throne room opened once more. The three Inquisitors slowly entered the chamber along with a broken droid, which they tossed to the center of the room. Along with the inquisitors came another creature all together. A towering cyborg comprised of nine white armor/cybernetic metal plates beneath a dark cloak. It was believed he died during the Clone Wars, yet here he was... alive.
Palpatine noticed his presence and smiled upon his approach.
"How wonderful to see you returned to your former glory.. General Grievous."
The tall cyborg general slowly bowed in the presence of the sinister ruler.
"I am most grateful for your agents retrieving my broken remains and restoring my being, Lord Sidious," Grievous spoke, in a heavy robotic voice.
"Now that you have been returned with nothing more of your former anatomy to weaken you," Palpatine admired. "You are once more capable to leading the Empire's forces and crush the rebellion for good."
"You need only direct me, my lord," Grievous responded. "I serve to obey only my masters."
Palpatine once again returned his attention to Sunset.
"Since you refuse to accept my word," Palpatine grinned. "Perhaps its best to see the evidence yourself."
He stalked slowly toward the broken droid, ripping its metal head open. Pulling out a small chip from the robots subatomic brain, he approached the Third Sister. The Inquisitor produced her holo device and handed it to the Emperor. Palpatine inserted the small chip into the device and clicked it on. A holographic image of Twilight appeared.
"Guys... do you know what this means? There's no need for us to rescue Sunset!"
The device continued to replay the holo over and over again.
"Guys... do you know what this means? There's no need for us to rescue Sunset!"
"Guys... do you know what this means? There's no need for us to rescue Sunset!"
Sunset's eyes widened in horror, slowly walking forward and looked at the tiny image of Twilight.
"This was taken from a rebel droid my spies were able to return to me from the Rebel base," Palpatine explained. "It seems neither she nor any of the others intended to come for you at all."
Finally, Marek couldn't take a note of this.
"Don't listen, Sunset!" He yelled. "This is all..."
Palpatine quickly turned and shot a powerful surge of force lighting at him, propelling him back. Rolling across the ground before coming to a stop, Marek groaned in pain from the lightning's effect. Palpatine turned back toward Sunset Shimmer, the girl kneeling on the ground and staring at the holo device. Hot tears raced down her face watching the holo Twilight repeat the phrase over and over and over.
"I thought—I thought you'd never give up on me," Sunset sobbed. "You promised you'd always find me!"
Sunset sobbed as the feeling of pain and betrayed overcame her. The feeling of a hand upon her shoulder caused her to look back. Palpatine looked at her, almost in a comforting way.
"I did not wish to show you this my child," He spoke softly. "But time you learned the truth: Friendship is weakness. It feels real at the beginning, but it's all an 'illusion' that fades over time... until you are left with nothing. It is power, 'true' power, that lasts forever."
Sunset slowly stood up, wiping away the tears from her cheeks. She looked from Palpatine, the three Inquisitors, and the cyborg general surrounding her.
"We can offer that very power," Palpatine continued. "You will never have to rely on anyone else to get what you want. The entire galaxy can be yours... you need only accept."
"Just as we did..."
Sunset faced the three sisters moving towards her.
"Once we were like you, till we found sanctuary in the dark side of the force," The Third Sister continued. "You have no earthly idea of the power it wields."
"It gave us such strength we no longer resort to 'old' tactics of gaining power," The Fourth Sister added.
"You can hold that power too Sunset," The Fifth Sister added. "Just accept it; we hope to turn our trio... into a 'quartet'."
As Sunset stared at the three Inquisitors, one question dawned on her that she had been wondering since the beginning.
"Who are you?" She asked.
"Oh... I think you know who we are Sunset," The Third Sister smirked.
Sunset rolled her eyes in frustration.
"No, I don't know! Enough with the riddles and get to the point!"
The three Inquisitors looked toward each other before they nodded. Reaching up, they simultaneously removed their visors from their heads and Sunset stared in shock. For standing before her were none other than Adagio Dazzling, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk... The Dazzlings.
"YOU!!!" Sunset pointed.
"Surprise!!!" Sonata smiled. "It's us!"
The three sirens grinned as Sunset stared at them in shock. These were the same Sirens who tried to manipulate the entire city of Canterlot until she and the others stopped them. But the last time she saw them was at the Starswirled Music Festival, living in a van and performing as Red Herrings for the bigger acts. Now here they stood, directly in front of her better than ever.
"You see Sunset, after we lost our powers, we were lost in a world not our own," Adagio explained. "We tried to make the most of it, we tried... then one day, we found ourselves in this universe thrusting us right into the arms of the Empire itself!"
"The Emperor offered us power far beyond our wildest dreams," Aria continued. "The ability to do whatever we want, whenever we want."
"Now you have the chance at that exact same power," Sonata continued. "Think about it! Why should you care for friends when clearly they couldn't care less about you?"
Sunset could not think straight, conflicting emotions course through her body. She felt hurt, angry, heartbroken, confused, and betrayed all at once. She couldn't believe her own friends had no intent to save her. It only made her anger grow She looked toward the Emperor, taking a deep breath.
"What must I do?" Sunset asked.
Palpatine grinned menacingly.
"Become my apprentice, and I will teach you the ways of the dark side," He answered. "With you and Vader at my side, no one in the galaxy will dare oppose us. The empire will be yours to command."
He gestured for Sonata to come forward which she gladly obeyed. She carried with her two cases, one slightly larger than the other. She stood before the Emperor and Sunset, opening both cases. Sunset looked inside to see a set of black Sith robes clearly fashioned for a lady and a double-bladed lightsaber hilt.
Sunset closed her eyes for a moment as the anger continued to course through her. Slowly, she knelt to her knees before Palpatine.
"I pledge myself to your teachings," She said.
Palpatine once again gave an evil grin.
"Good..." Palatine said amused.
"On one condition."
Sunset looked the emperor in the eyes, glaring fiercely.
"No one in the Empire gets to lay a finger on Twilight Sparkle... except me! You can keep the galaxy and do what you want with the Rebel scum, but I must face Twilight Sparkle myself... alone. Not you... not your troopers... nor your Inquisitors, your generals, or your apprentices. I must be the one to destroy her... no. I must... kill Twilight Sparkle."
Palpatine chuckled but admired the fire in his eyes.
"Fulfill your training apprentice... and the princess is all yours," The Emperor declared. "But you will not fight her as 'Sunset Shimmer'. Henceforth, you shall be known as... Darth Seraphina."
Sunset slowly stood back up, as she turned back to the holo device toward her friend... no... her former friend...
Feeling the anger and pain course through her well-being, Sunset channeled her emotions through song:
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Sunset (sings):
I'm so tired of pretending
Where's my happy ending?
I followed all the rules
I drew inside the lines
I never asked for anything that wasn't mine
I waited patiently for my time
But when it finally came
She called her name
And now I feel this overwhelming pain
I mean it's in my veins
I mean it's in my brain
My thoughts are running in a circle like a toy train
I'm kinda like a perfect picture with a broken frame
I know exactly who to blame
Sunset felt an immense power flow through her, as she threw her hand out toward the holo device and shattered it to a million pieces.
Sunset (sings):
I never thought of myself as mean
I always thought that I'd be the queen
And there's no in between
'Cause if I can't have that
Then I would be the leader of the dark
And the bad
Now there's a devil on my shoulder
Where the angels used to be
And he's calling me the queen
Being nice was my pastime
But I've been hurt for the last time
And I won't ever let another person take advantage of me
The anger burns my skin, third-degree
Now my blood's boiling hotter than a fiery sea
There's nobody getting close to me
They're gonna bow to the Evil Queen
Your nightmare's my dream
Just wait until they fall to my wicked schemes
Within a flash, Sunset Shimmer snapped her fingers and adorned the Sith robes from the first case. Looking down at her new self, she smiled with evil satisfaction. She channeled the force to draw her new lightsaber toward her and ignited it.
Sunset (sings):
I never thought of myself as mean
I always thought that I'd be the queen
And there's no in between
'Cause if I can't have that
Then I would be the leader of the dark
And the bad
Now there's a devil on my shoulder
Where the angels used to be
And he's calling me the queen of mean (calling me, calling me)
The queen of mean (calling me, calling me)
The queen of mean (calling me, calling me)
While doing this, Palpatine climbed back to his throne and pulled something behind it. The Sith holocron the inquisitors retrieved from Dromund Kaas. Setting it down on the seat of the throne, running a cold hand over it, the device activated. It floated above the seat and glowed blood red. Sunset froze as she felt a sensation pulling her towards the throne. She looked up, saw the glowing holocron, and she felt... attracted to it.
Sunset (sings):
Something's pulling me
It's so magnetic
My body is moving
Unsure where I'm headed
All of my senses have left me defenseless
This darkness around me
Is promising vengeance
The price that I'm willing to pay is expensive
There's nothing to lose
When you're lonely and friendless
So my only interest is showing this princess
That I am the queen
And my reign will be endless (endless)
Sunset reached for the holocon and the moment her finger touched it that her eyes snapped open with a white glow. She felt a hot searing feeling overtake her, as the power of the dark side flooded over her. When it finished, she knelt to the ground completely drained. She felt the power course through her and suddenly she stood up. Snapping her eyes open again, instead of moderate cyan, now they were blazing bright Sith red.
Sunset (sings):
I want what I deserve
I want to rule the world
Sit back and watch them learn
It's finally my turn
If they want a villain for a queen
I'm gonna be one like they've never seen
I'll show them what it means
Now that I am that
I will be the ruler of the dark and the bad
'Cause the devil's on my shoulder
Where the angels used to be
And he's calling me the queen of mean (calling me, calling me)
The queen of mean (calling me, calling me)
I want what I deserve
Throwing her arms into the air, she blasted a huge amount of force lightning which ripped a hole through the ceiling and emerged from the top of the palace. Palpatine cackled in sick delight, as he watched such unrelenting power flow through the young girl.
Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Rainbow Dash entered the huge ruins of the main temple. Hundreds of troops lined up in neat rows. Banners flew overhead, at the far end stood a vision in white, the beautiful young Senator Leia. Garbed in a long white dress, she is staggeringly beautiful. Standing beside her was Princess Twilight Sparkle, dressed in a regal gala outfit that matched her skin-tone and crown specifically prepared just for her. Even Storm Shield, the Prince of Peace himself, stood beside her cleanly dressed, his hair slicked back, and donning his own regal crown.
Luke and the others solemnly marched the long aisle, kneeling before Senator Leia and the Equestrian royals. From one side of the temple marched a shined-up, fully repaired R2-D2. He waddled up to the group and stood next to the equally pristine 3PO and the remainder of the Equestrians, all awestruck by the whole event. Chewbacca, of course, was quite confused but Fluttershy giggled slightly. Sitting just to the leg of Princess Leia were Dodonna and several other dignitaries.
Princess Leia rose and placed a gold medallion around Han's neck. The space captain merely winks at her. She repeats the ceremony with Rainbow Dash, who smiled toward Applejack, whose cheeks glowed Apple red. And finally, Leia bestows a medal to Luke, who is moved by this whole chain of events. He feels a nudge at his shoulder, as he turns toward Rainbow Dash.
"Your aunt and uncle would be very proud of you," Rainbow smiled.
Luke nodded with a smile, before they turned to face the assembled troops, who all applauded for the brave heroes. Chewbacca growled, R2 beeped happily, and the group of weary travelers smiled before the masses.
"It almost feels weird," Pinkie replied casually. "Normally by this point the portal would open up and we'd all be going home seeing as how we beat the bad guys and saved the day."
"We only won a battle Pinkie dear," Rarity replied. "That does not mean the war is over."
"So long as the Empire's still plotting and Sunset Shimmer is still out there in the galaxy, we're going to be stuck here for a while," Spike observed.
"Oh... poor Sunset," Fluttershy sighed sadly. "I hope we'll be reunited again soon; I can't help but fear for her."
"Now don't y'all worry about nothin' every pony," Applejack replied, with a wink. "I bet that Starkiller feller's bringin' Sunset home to us as we speak..."
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
At the Imperial Palace, a huge assembly of Stormtroopers stood at attention in the square below the palace. Atop the balcony, overlooking the very square, Sunset Shimmer walked toward the edge. From her sides emerged the three Dazzlings to her left (In their Inquisitor disguises) and General Grievous to her right. Sunset Shimmer stared before the thousands of troopers gathered at attention.
"They're ready to receive your orders," The Third Sister grinned wickedly. "Time to show the galaxy who's really in charge."
She turned toward Sunset, holding something for her. Sunset looked down and saw she was holding an ancient Sith mask.
"Think of this as your 'initiation'," The Third Sister spoke simply. "The galaxy must have a 'face' to fear."
Sunset reached out and grabbed the mask from Adagio's hands. She slowly placed it on her head and adjusted the hood of her robes over it. And now... any and 'all' traces of Sunset Shimmer were gone from the galaxy. Only Darth Serephina remained, grabbing her lightsaber from her side, igniting one side, and held it high over her head. The troops began to chant:
From behind the group on the balcony, the demonic Emperor Palpatine grinned with pleasure. Finally, a new weapon was at his disposal which he fully intended to use to his advantage. Soon enough, the rebellion would be nothing more than a pile of ash. For now...
It's time for the Empire... to strike back!
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