Princess Fiona

Confusion and worry ran rampant through the minds of Apple White and Raven Queen, as the two teens stared toward the restrained forms of their friends, whom they assumed were all dead. After the events of the Red Thronecoming, they never thought any of their friends actually survived as the two were on the run from all those knights. And yet, here they were, chained up to four posts right before their very eyes surrounded by Lannister Knights and the Black Knights. Venrys Baratheon walked past the girls and into the very room till he stood beside Lord Tirek.

"What's the matter ladies?" Tirek asked mockingly. "Lost for words? No witty remarks? Aw... what a shame."

"H-H-How?" Apple stumbled breathlessly.

"Well, I'm glad you asked," Venrys chuckled. "You see, it was very tempting to kill them all, as we had with all their other friends. However, once I found out what you've taken, it became necessary to keep them alive as... leverage."

Both Raven and Apple looked at each other, having no idea what the man was talking about.

"What do you mean 'what we took'?" Raven asked. "We've taken nothing from any of you; we never did anything to you. You... attacked... us!"

Off to the side, the Mane Six and Spike struggled to free themselves of the iron net holding them down with boulders. However, without their abilities, this proved rather difficult.

"How are we getting out of this?" Rainbow questioned urgently.

"If I could, I'd use my dragon fire to melt a hole right through this stuff," Spike groaned.

"Without my magic, I can't do anything for us... or them," Twilight gestured to Apple and Raven.

"Nor can I," Rarity added.

"Daggumit!" Applejack groaned.

Applejack gave an exceptionally hard kick in frustration at one of the boulders, which in turn chipped off a huge chunk of rock. She stared at the rock for a moment when an idea came to her head.

"Hey y'all, looks like this boulders mighta cracked some when they hit the ground," She whispered to the group. "We kick 'em hard enough, we might just break 'em."

"Ooh... that might just work!" Pinkie smiled. "Back on the rock farm, I used to help Maud break boulders all the time. Of course, Maud was the stronger one. She did most of the breaking while I loaded them on the carts."

"But what if I chip a hoof?" Rarity complained.

"Seriously Rarity!" Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Just once... just this once... forget your vanity!"

"You sure this will work?" Fluttershy asked.

"Only one way tah find out," Applejack replied.

The Mane Six and Spike proceeded to buck away at the boulders, trying to break them apart. While this went on, Apple White and Raven Queen were still dealing with Venrys.

"Don't you remember?" Venrys asked. "While you two snuck away from my knights, rather cowardly mind you, you managed to pick something off one of them. Something rather important they were bringing to me."

Venrys drew a very sharp dagger from a holster at his side and approached a restrained Ashlynn Ella, grabbing a handful of her hair. The girl gasped in pain as Venrys positioned the knife along her throat.

"No!" Apple cried. "Please don't hurt her. Whatever you think we took from you, I'm truly fairy sorry. If I knew what it was, we'd give it back to you. I swear!"

Tirek then turned toward Raven.

"Perhaps... you should tell her that," Tirek grinned.

Apple turned toward Raven, a hint of confusion on her face.

"Raven, what is he talking about?"

But Raven gave no response. She just eyed Venrys with a death glare, as he held the blade to Ashlynn's throat. Raven wanted so much to use her magic to crush him like a bug, but she swore to herself long ago that she would never allow herself to go dark again. Instead, she reached around her dress before pulling something out of one of her pockets... which happened to be a golden key.

Raven held the key out and Venrys laughed as he dropped the dagger from Ashlynn's throat. He strode over and snatched the key from Raven's grasp.

"Now was that so hard?" Venrys chuckled.

"Goes with your black heart!" Raven growled.

"Sticks and stones, sweetheart. Boys... kill them all."

"No!" Raven yelled. "I won't let you..."

She never got the chance to finish her sentence as a knight shot a crossbow bolt straight into her abdomen. She fell back onto the floor, screaming in pain.

"RAVEN!!!" Apple White screamed.

She quickly raced to the dark princesses' side and held her in her arms as the Lannisters and Black Knights drew their blades and advanced upon them and their friends. All of a sudden, a few were hurled back by a few blasts of magic. Tirek and Venrys looked over to see the Mane Six and Spike freed from their net, ready to fight.

"Back away from them now!" Twilight ordered angrily. "You may have more men than we do, but we have one thing that always prevails in the end: the power of friendship!"

"Aww yeah, time to bust the baddies!" Rainbow smirked, cracking her hooves.

And just like that, all hell broke loose. The Mane Six and Spike jumped in and started battling with the Lannister and Black Knights. Rarity blasted a few of them back against the wall with a powerful brush of her magic.

"You ruffians are truly barbaric!" She yelled.

Rainbow Dash flew at top speed around the room as she delivered a series of lightning kicks and punches to every knight in her path.

"I'll pound you jerks so hard; it'll make your grandkids dizzy!" She yelled between hits.

A few knight swung swords toward Applejack, but she expertly dodged and delivered a series of hard bucks that dented their armor so hard she swore she could hear ribs crack. Spike held off a few guards as he dodged crossbow bolts or burned them with his dragon fire in mid-air.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy snuck through all the action toward the girls tied to their posts. She proceeded to use her teeth to pull their restraints to free them.

"W-W-Who are y-you?" Briar croaked weakly.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you," Fluttershy assured her. "My name is Fluttershy; I'm here to save you."

"Flutters, incoming!" Rainbow yelled.

Fluttershy turned just in time to spot a sword swinging at her and she managed to duck just in time. Soon as she got up, her face was no longer filled with worry. But rather, it was filled with an emotion she rarely felt... anger.

"How dare you... how DARE you threaten innocent teenagers?!" She yelled angrily. "You make me so angry! And you know what you deserve? I'm giving you... the stare!"

She proceeded to stare straight into the knight's eyes, her 'stare' so powerful it bore right into his soul. The guard found himself frozen in fear before he screamed out and fell to the floor in a fetal position.

"Mom... mommy... please... please, don't send me away!" The guard cried. "I want to stay on the farm; please don't let them take me! I don't want to go! Don't let them take me! Please mom, PLEASE!!!"

Once the knight was done, Fluttershy continued her work freeing the others and before long, they were all free. That said, however, the girls were extremely weak and yet they managed to make their way toward Apple and Raven.

"Raven..." Briar spoke worriedly. "Is she alright?"

"I'm not sure," Apple responded. "I was able to remove the bolt, but she's still bleeding."

"We need to apply pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding," Ashlynn instructed urgently.

Ashlynn tore a piece of her skirt and placed it over the wound, doing her best to apply pressure to the wound. Meanwhile, Tirek stood alongside Venrys as together they watched the carnage unfold before them.

"I think it's time we get our hands dirty," Tirek suggested. "I've been itching for another shot at those pitiful ponies for a long time now."

"And you do just that," Venrys responded. "I've other matters to attend to."

"What're you talking about?" Tirek asked, confused.

"My Queens instructed me to recover the key and report to them my findings," Venrys told him. "As far as I'm concerned, my job is over. I leave the heavy lifting to the expendable... or in this case, a big dumb brute who's no more than a shell of his former self."

With one last laugh, Venrys bolted from the room much to the chagrin and outrage of Lord Tirek.

"You... COWARD!!!" Tirek yelled after him.

Just then, Tirek was blasted smack-dab into a wall. The moment he got up, he stared angrily toward Twilight Sparkle, whose horn glowed brightly with her magic.

"Seems your new companion left you on clean up duty, Tirek," Twilight mocked.

"Works for me!" Tirek growled. "Because now, after all these years, I'm going to do to you ponies exactly what I should've done in the first place!"

"Corrupting our forms with the power of the Rainbow of Darkness, transform us into Stratodons, and force us to pull your chariot as you fly over Equestria?" Pinkie Pie guessed.

"What... no!" Tirek shook his head. "I'll burn your entire manes to ashes, then smash your faces with an iron fist!"

"Oh my..." Fluttershy gasped.

"No, not like that! Urgh... I'll shove a nail right through your feet, then slit your horns off with an axe! But first, when I wipe the floor with you, Twilight Sparkle, and all your friends are gone, I'm going to pluck off every one of your little feathers... one at a time!"

He proceeded to charge his own magic and fired a blast toward Twilight, who proceeded to send a blast of her own toward him. Their magic collided and fought for dominance, as chaos continued all around them. All of a sudden, a strong wind swept through the chamber and snuffed out every single torch in the room. The entire area was blanketed in darkness as a cloud formed, sending a cold chill through everyone in the room. For whatever was causing this, it certainly wasn't anything good.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

At the entrance of the chamber, a bright light shined upon everyone as they turned to look. From the light emerged a shadowy figure, with a long handlebar mustache, a trench coat, and top hat. The figure itself, Uncle Howdy by name, stood staring toward the frozen faces of all the shocked individuals, heroes and villains. He then brought one hand up, gave one simple tip of the hat, and the whole room filled with smoke.

"What trickery is this?" Tirek questioned. "If this is some kind of... joke... it's—it's not..."

Tirek found his sentences muddled as his head started to spin and his vision grew foggy. Eventually, he fell to the ground passed out. Not long after, all the other knights in the room followed suit, slipping into unconsciousness one-by-one. The only ones still conscious were the Equestrians and the Ever After group. They stared wide-eyed as the shadowy figure stood over them.

"Who killed the world?" Uncle Howdy asked cryptically.

He slowly turned his head until his gaze landed right toward Madeline Hatter.

"Why, you did..."

Uncle Howdy burst out into insane laughter as the light faded to black. Soon, all the torches lit up once more and the man in the shadows was no more. Tirek, along with all the knights, remained unconscious as the others slowly turned toward each other.

"What just happened?" Spike asked, confused.


"Man, I should've worn my cup..."

Shrek groaned as he slowly picked himself off the floor, brushing debris off himself. His back was toward Princess Fiona, who laid upright on the bed near the window. Though a bit startled, she was ecstatic to see her knight in shining armor. She straightened her dress, laid back down, and then quickly reached over for a bouquet of flowers off the side table. She laid back down, pretending to be asleep, as she clutched the bouquet to her breast. Eventually, Shrek turned and took note of the princess lying on the bed, her eyes closed

"Aw great, I got one of the snoozers..." He thought.

Shrek walked across the room over to her, approaching the bed with the visor lowered. He bent down over Fiona, who puckered her lips slightly. Shrek bent over her... took her by the shoulders... and forcefully shook her.

"Wake up!" He said forcibly.

"Uh—uh—uh! WHAT?!" Fiona asked, irritated.

"Are you Princess Fiona?"

"I am," Fiona nodded with a smile. "Awaiting a knight so bold as to rescue me."

"Ah, that's nice," Shrek said sarcastically. "Now let's go!"

Shrek turned to leave when Fiona quickly sat upright.

"But wait, Sir Knight!" She called out. "I have long awaited this day! This be-ith our first meeting. Should it not be a wonderful, romantic moment?"

She tossed the bouquet and laid back down, swooning dramatically with flourish.

"Yeah, sorry, lady," Shrek responded. "There's no time. So where's the door?"

"Oh, the door won't work," Fiona pointed out. "It's locked from the outside."

"Then how do we get out of here?"

"Why, the same way you got up?"

"The same way I--?!" Shrek gasped, groaning. "Oh, come on! I just--! Aw geez, I'm like a crackpot magnet. Alright then, let me think."

But as if Shrek didn't have enough on his plate, Princess Fiona proceeded to break out in song.

Fiona (Sings):
This is how a dream comes true.
This is how I pictured you—
Climbing in to rescue me.
This was always meant to be.

"Oh, that's lovely," Shrek replied, heading for the door. "Now let's go."

But Shrek didn't get very far when Fiona pulled him back into the 'spotlight'.

Fiona (Sings):
This is how the scene must go
You standing...
(Moves him an inch to the right)
... There—the light, just so.
Then you smile and gaze at me,
Take my hand on bended knee.
... Bended knee.
(Grits teeth)
... Bended knee.
(Pushes him down, she's strong)

"Ow!" Shrek groaned.

"Sorry," Fiona smiled sharply.

Fiona (Sings):
And though we've only met, somehow I always knew
It would look like this when dreams come true!

"SHREEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!" A voice shouted.

"And... that's our cue to leave," Shrek declared.

Shrek walked back, yanking Fiona's arm, and hauled her toward the door.

"Hey, wait. What are you doing?!" She asked confused. "You know, you should sweep me off my feet out yonder window and down a rope onto your valiant steed."

But Shrek was barely paying attention. He yanked hard on the door handle, only for it to snap off. Just as Fiona said, it seemed the door was stuck in place. And yet, this hadn't stopped him yet.

"You've had a lot of time to plan this, haven't you?" He asked her.

"Mm-hmm," Fiona nodded.

Fiona screamed as Shrek suddenly smashed the barred door down with his shoulder, while still holding onto her arm. He rushed down the tower's staircase with Fiona in tow, grabbing a torch along the way. Leading her out of the tower, and they race through the Dragon's keep.

"But we have to savor this moment!" Fiona complained mid-run. "You could recite an epic poem for me."

At some point, Shrek and Fiona crossed the bridge connecting the tallest tower with the rest of the castle.

"A ballad? A sonnet! A limerick? Or something!"

Fiona pulled her arm from Shrek's grip. They stop for a moment for Shrek to figure out which direction to go.

"I don't think so," Shrek shook his head.

"Well, can I at least know the name of my champion?" Fiona asked.

"Uh, Shrek."

"Sir Shrek," Fiona nodded.

With a smile and her throat cleared, Princess Fiona held out a handkerchief of her possession.

"I pray that you take this favor as a token of my gratitude."

"Thanks," Shrek responded awkwardly.

Shrek regarded the handkerchief curiously and proceeded to wipe off his sooty face with it, then along his neck, and even his armpits. He proceeded to hand it back to Fiona, who was appalled to see that it was nearly blackened with soot.


They both turned just as the Mane Six, along with Spike and the Ever After group ran towards them. Cerise and Maddie helped Raven along, while trying to apply pressure to her bleeding wound.

"What happened to all of you?" Shrek asked curiously.

"We were ambushed by Tirek and his cronies," Spike responded.

"But luckily, we put on a cloud-busting whoopin' on 'em!" Rainbow bragged.

Shrek looked past them and took notice of the new additions to their little posse, which made his eyes roll.

"Oh great, more company," He sighed.

"Turns out Tirek's been keeping Apple and Raven's friends hostage," Rarity explained.

Twilight Sparkle turned nad that was when she finally noticed Princess Fiona.

"Hello, you must be Princess Fiona," Twilight held out her hoof. "I'm Twilight Sparkle, princess of Equestria, and these are my friends. We're here to rescue you."

Fiona just stared at the purple pony princess for a moment as well as the rest of the buzzard assembly of characters.

"You can talk?" Fiona asked bewildered. "And did you call yourself... a princess?"

"Yeah, kind of a long story."

"And we don't have time right now," Shrek groaned, impatiently. "We need to leave now."

"Now hold on a minute!" Fiona called out.

Fiona (Sings):
Brave sir knight, slow down a bit.
Shut-in girls are delicate.
I've longed for this my whole life long.
Now you're doing it all wrong!

"Really?" Rainbow raised a brow.

Fiona (Sings):
'Down a rope a steed awaits,'
That's what every story states.
'Riding over rough terrain,
Past the Dragon you have slain.'
(Off his look)
'... you have slain.'

"Uh oh..." Spike whispered, huddling back.

Fiona (Sings):
... you have slain?

"Yeah, funny story about that..." Pinkie chuckled nervously. "You're going to laugh when I tell you. You see, we only just arrived at the castle, and we saw just how spooky the interior was. So, we split up to find you. Us girls and Spike in one direction, Shrek in the other, and—wait a minute!"

Pinkie paused for a moment, then quickly looked left and right over the group. She proceeded to count heads with her hoof rapidly, whispering to herself.

"Guys, don't be alarmed... but I think we're missing some pony," Pinkie stated.

All of a sudden, they were all startled by the dragon's roar.

"You didn't slay the dragon?!" Fiona exclaimed worriedly.

"It's on my to-do list, now come on!" Shrek responded.

Shrek grabbed Fiona once again and took off running towards the direction of the dragon's roar. The Equestrians and the Ever After group followed closely behind, or as best they could while trying to help an injured Raven.

"But this isn't right!" Fiona complained. "You were meant to charge in, sword drawn, banner flying. That's what all the other knights did!"

"Yeah, right before they burst into flames!" Shrek pointed out.

He gestured at the skeleton of a knight laying against the wall, a charred outline of a man burned into the stone behind it.

"That's not the point!" Fiona argued. "Ugh!"

Fiona pulled her arm free from Shrek and stopped running. The rest of the group skid to a halt alongside them. Cerise and Maddie finally laid Raven down for a better chance at helping her. Twilight approached to examine the poor girl.

"How's she doing?" Twilight asked.

"Not so good," Cerise responded. "We've stopped the bleeding by a little, but she needs medical attention."

"Or the mooncalf will never sing beneath the pale moonlight again," Maddie added.

Twilight looked back toward the rest of the group, confused with the young girl's riddle.

"She needs help soon or she'll die," Briar explained.

While the girls determined what to do, Spike looked around the area before he noticed a bubbling pot next to a large cookbook. He took a curious whiff in the air and was intrigued by the smell.

"Hmm... something's cooking!" Spike noted, grabbing a ladle. "I wonder what they've been feeding the princess anyway."

Spike proceeded to dip the ladle for a careful spoonful of the broth. But as he slowly lifted the ladle, something burst on top of the brew... which turned out to be a boiled skull with empty eye sockets, along with various remains floating up. Spike added the torn limbs and skulls with horror, before letting the ladle sink into the boiling brew.

"This creature seriously needs a new hobby," Spike shuddered, backing away.

Meanwhile, Princess Fiona walked toward the group and looked at the injured girl.

"I might be able to help you," She suggested. "I'm no doctor, but I can at least clean the wound and stitch it up."

"Oh will you please?!" Apple practically begged.

Fiona merely nodded as she knelt down alongside the group and proceeded to help patch Raven's wound. While doing this, Shrek paused to look around and made for a set of wooden doors.

"Wait—where are you going?" Fiona asked over her shoulder. "The exit's over there!"

Shrek turned around as she pointed her arm to her left.

"Well, I have to save my ass," Shrek replied.

"Nice way of putting it there, Shrek," Rainbow said with an eye roll.

"What kind of knight are you?" Fiona asked appalled.

"One of a kind," Shrek answered.

Shrek silently pushed the doors open, emerging onto a balcony of a large spacious room. In the very center of it all, the Dragon itself had Donkey wrapped up within her tail. The Dragon sat upon a floor littered with a horde of gold coins and jewels. Donkey, meanwhile, tried very hard to talk his way out of the mess he got himself into.

"Slow down, slow down, baby, please," Donkey rambled. "Look, I believe it's healthy to get to know someone over a long period of time. Just, just call me old-fashioned. I don't want to rush into a... a physical relationship. I'm not... not emotionally ready for a commitment of, uh, this, uh – 'magnitude' really is the word I'm looking for. Magnitude..."

But the Dragon was under a spell of her own: a love spell. Gently, she caressed Donkey with a single claw.

"Hey, that is unwanted physical contact," Donkey argued. "Hey, what are you doing?"

Dragon lifted her head toward the chandelier hanging above them. Gently, she lit the candles with her fire breath setting the mood. She was blissfully unaware of an armored green intruder sneaking his way through the room, trying to determine how he was getting Donkey out of there.

"Okay, okay, let's just back up a little and take this one step at a time," Donkey continued. "I mean we really should get to know each other first, you know, as friends or maybe even pen pals. Y'know cause I'm on the road a lot, but I just love receiving cards to read—"

Shrek, finding a solution, leapt over the balcony, and grabbed for the chain connected to the chandelier. Unfortunately, the chain wasn't low enough for him to grab Donkey. He swung over the dragon, then back, and until he was left dangling above her. The heads of the Equestrians, five ponies and one dragon, nervously peeked through the door, silently watching the awkward scene before them.

"Oh y'know I'd, I'd really love to stay, but—"

But before Donkey could finish, Dragon tugged at Donkey's tail with her mouth.

"Hey, hey, don't do that! That's my tail! That's my personal tail. You're gonna tear it off. I don't give permission to—hey! What are you gonna do with that?"

The dragon was starting to get very horny, playing around with the anxious Donkey. The beast proceeded to press her lips, ready to plant Donkey a big wet kiss. While sorting a plan, Shrek looked up and soon realized that the chain was jammed above him. He started to shake it, trying to relapse it from the pulley. All of a sudden, the pulley broke loose, and Shrek started falling.

"Hey, now! No way!" Donkey shook his head. "No! No! No, no! No. No, no, no. No! Oh!"

Just mere seconds before Donkey and Dragon made contact, Shrek landed atop of the mule, bumping him out of Dragon's grasp as the Dragon leaned down for a kiss... but instead planted her lips upon Shrek's rump. The Equestrians witnessing the event were disgusted by the sight, Spike planting a claw upon his mouth to keep from throwing up and Rarity fainting at the horrific sight.

And this moment is why I 'hate' toilet humor with a passion.

The moment the Dragon opened her eyes and saw what she had done, much to her horror, she roared in disgust. By then, Shrek released his hold on the chain and sent the chandelier on top of her head, which acted as a collar around her neck. As the dragon roared again, Shrek and Donkey immediately took off running dodging a blast of fire from the enraged monster. Shrek grabbed Donkey in one arm, then grabbed Princess Fiona, who wandered into the room, with the other as he ran past her. The Equestrians proceeded to follow after the running ogre-in-disguise.

"Hi, Princess!" Donkey greeted.

"It talks!" Fiona gasped.

"Yeah, it's getting him to shut up that's the trick!" Shrek spoke, facing the Equestrians. "Where're the others?"

"Fluttershy's led the Ever After girls down the exit we passed," Twilight instructed. "We need to get to the bridge right now!"

They gasped as Shrek suddenly stopped, having reached the end of the balcony. Shrek spotted a fallen column that formed a sort of slide. Twilight Sparkle, along with Rainbow Dash and Spike, took off into the sky toward the ground below as Shrek and the others hopped on it just as Dragon tried to bite them. The others slid down the slide; unfortunate, they spotted a crack in the stone. The Earth ponies and Rarity quickly hopped over the crack... but the crack struck Shrek right in the groin, his eyes crossed as he reached the bottom of the slide. While the group ran ahead, their flying friends joining up, Shrek stumbled after them groaning in pain. The dragon chased after them, the beast lunging in attack mode, the chain of the chandelier still unraveling.

Fiona (Sings):
Are you there, God?
It's me, Fiona!

"Lady, how's about less praying and more running?!" Rainbow cried out.

Fiona (Sings):
In the end remember
All your dreams come TRUE!!!

They narrowly dodged the dragon's fire blast as the chased continued into a large hall of the castle.

Fiona (Sings):
Say your affirmations
And love will come to you.
If you can conceive it
Believe it, achieve it.

"This princess has gone plum daffy!" Applejack remarked, mid-run.

"Ooh, actually that sounds like fun!" Pinkie smiled. "Let me try!"

Pinkie Pie (Sings):
Mad dragon, yay
Skeletons, hoory!
Pretending I'm not here
Nothing more to fear!
Pink ponies, happy sky!
Pink ponies, happy sky!

They raced past a multitude of stone pillars, the dragon never far behind as her chain looped itself around. Shrek and the others zig-zagged around them trying to work the trail to their advantage.

Pinkie Pie and Fiona (Sings):
Pink ponies, happy sky
Pink ponies, happy sky...

Fiona (Sings):
Oh, my God! We're gonna die!

The Dragon ended up in front of them and took a deep breath ready to fire. Acting quick, Spike shoved the group aside and they dodged the fire, while Spike took the majority of the attack. The group quickly turned as smoke began to build.

"SPIKE!!!" The girls cried out.

As the smoke cleared, Spike wobbled his way through as smoke cleared through his nostrils. To their relief, he didn't seem hurt at all. But judging by his expression he looked like he was slightly high by the overwhelming sensation.

"Awesome...!" Spike sighed, giddy-like.

"GUYS!!! OVER HERE!" Fluttershy's voice called out.

The group spotted Fluttershy and the Ever After girls, waving toward them near the entrance of the bridge and desperately beckoning them to hurry. The group leapt over several rows of chains, while Twilight and Rainbow flew over them. Spike, still dazed from the attack, laid on Applejack's back as she carried him the rest of the way. Shrek quickly came to a halt, which Twilight took notice of.

"Okay, you two, head for the exit!" Shrek ordered, setting Donkey and Fiona down.

"Shrek, what're you doing?!" Twilight cried worriedly. "Run!"

"It's all right, little pony! I'll take care of the dragon."

Shrek grabbed for a sword lodged deeply in the floor, as if the ogre was preparing to take a stand against the best. But instead, Shrek stuck it through a link in the chain embedding it deep within the floor. Twilight, witnessing his actions, realized what the ogre was planning and proceeded to take off with the others. By now, Shrek and Twilight Sparkle caught up with the others, who waited near the exit.

"RUN!!!" Shrek and Twilight called.

They sprinted as fast as they could out of the castle, Cerise and Maddie carrying the wounded Raven in their arms as they ran. Running across the rickety bridge, they sped up as Dragon breathed a huge fireball behind them. The Ever After High girls, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Spike just made it to the other side while the others just reached the middle of the bridge. But the fire quickly burned the ropes eventually snapping the bridge in half.

While Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash were already in midair, their friends were hanging onto the bridge as they swung to the other side. But Donkey, unable to grab on, fell to the lava below... but not before Shrek caught him by the tail. Fiona screamed in terror as Dragon flew over the boiling lava to get them. Twilight and Rainbow Dash assumed the position, the latter ready for a fight.

"Bring it on, heart burn!" Rainbow taunted, holding her fists.

Suddenly, the chandelier jerked Dragon back, the sword having lodged itself into a storm column and the chain was stuck. The Dragon couldn't move any further, too focused on the fact she was stuck. Rainbow Dash smirked as she saw the position the beast was in.

"We got her on the run now!" Rainbow declared, ready to charge.

"No, Dash," Twilight held her back. "We're done here... we're done..."

With the Dragon preoccupied, the remainder of the group quickly climbed for safety as their friends reached down to pull them up. Seeing the group escaping her lair, the Dragon released a defeated cry... followed by a sad whimper. Not so much because she failed her task to keep the princess in her tower, but because for the first time she seemingly met someone she cared about, someone she thought loved her... and now he was gone. He'd be leaving somewhere very far away, and she might never see him again... it hurt her so much.


The first to emerge was Princess Fiona, who gracefully slid down to the bottom of the volcanic hill. The Mane Six and Spike slid down behind her, helping the Ever After crew down. As they settled in the comfort of safety, Fiona was so overwhelmed with joy over her newfound freedom... she couldn't help but sing... again.

Fiona (Sings):
This is how I pictured it,
More or less, I must admit.
A thumping in my heart.
A life about to start...

I knew this day would come,
And you would find your way. (Spike tiredly gave a thumbs up)
At last my dream comes true.
I knew, I knew, I knew...
... it would be... TODAY!!!

And all at once, the set had changed. They are safe on the other side; all signs of the Dragon (Apart from her fading roar) and her keep had vanished. Fiona skipped about like the overjoyed princess she is. The Equestrians and the Ever After crew are winded.

"Well... that was certainly an experience," Spike sighed in relief.

"One I'm rather is over now," Rarity nodded.

"At least we made it out alive," Fluttershy spoke softly.

Yeah... just barely...

Speaking of which, how is it one tiny sword was able to hold back a giant dragon anyway?

It's a cartoon, who knows?

"Oh how hat-tastic!" Maddie smiled, looking toward the sky. "New narrator friends!"

Wait... she hears us?

She's the Mad Hatter's daughter. Why are you so surprised? Pinkie can hear us.

"Yes indeedy I can!" Pinkie giggled.

"You hear them too?" Maddie asked, wide-eyed.

"Well of course!" Pinkie nodded. "Been talking to them throughout the whole series so far."

"Well, high-diddle-diddle! Isn't that a coincidence?" Maddie giggled. "Would you like some tea?"

She took off her tiny hat and procured an entire tea set. She proceeded to pour two cups of tea, complete with a few squares of sugar from the teapot.

"Miss Maddie, I get the feeling we're going to get along just fine!" Pinkie grinned.

As this went on, Raven slowly yet surely started to regain her strength back. She at least was able to stand again, granted her stance was still wobbly. The girl nearly fell before Apple and Ashlynn caught her.

"Whoa now, take it easy Raven," Ashlynn urged. "Don't push yourself too hard."

"Last thing we need is another friend leaving us too soon," Apple said tearfully. "I can't bear the thought."

"Don't worry you guys, I'm fine," Raven assured. "Just need to catch my bearings is all."

"Thankfully, Princess Fiona knows a thing or two about patching people up," Cerise sighed gratefully. "Which surprises me since she's been locked in a tower all these years."

Meanwhile, Fiona was still overjoyed to finally be free from her prison.

"You did it!" She exclaimed excitedly. "You-did-it-you-did-it-you-did-it! You rescued me! You're amazing, you're—you're wonderful, you're..."

Behind them, Donkey tumbled his way down the hill. Shrek slid down the hill and crashed into Donkey. Some of the ponies cringed over the impact.

"A little unorthodox I'll admit," She stated awkwardly. "But—they deed is great, and thine heart is pure. And you—"

She pointed toward Spike, who looked side to side quickly and then pointed to himself mouthing 'Me?'.

"You stood up against your own race and saved my life without expecting anything in return. Little dragon, I am eternally in your debt."

"Well, well, well..." Spike smiled, crossing his arms.

"Ahem..." Donkey cleared his throat.

"And where would a brave knight be without his noble steed?" Fiona asked.

She knelt beside Donkey, reached down, and squeezed his face.

"Alright! I hope you heard that," Donkey said happily. "She called me a 'noble steed'! She thinks I'm a steed."

"Yeah, yeah, we all heard it!" Rainbow rolled her eyes.

Donkey blushed, causing Fiona to chuckle and Shrek to roll his eyes in suit.

"Well, Sir Shrek, the battle is won," Fiona declared, standing up. "You may remove your helmet, good Knight."

Donkey and the ponies gasped, making eye contact with Shrek.

"Ahh... no," Shrek spoke hesitantly.

"Why not?" Fiona asked.

"I... I have helmet hair."

"Oh yeah, you know how it is!" Rainbow nodded quickly. "It's a very bad sight, you'd be uncomfortable. Heck, you should see how Applejack's hair looks when she's wearing that old hat of hers twenty-four seven."

"Watch it, hon!" Applejack scolded lightly.

"Please, I would'st look upon the face of my rescuerer," Fiona insisted coyly.

"Oh no, you wouldn't... tst," Shrek replied.

"But—how will you kiss me?" Fiona asked, batting her eyelashes.

"What?" Shrek asked, bumping into a tree stump. "That wasn't in the job description."

"Maybe it's a perk!" Donkey smiled.

"No, it's destiny," Fiona explained. "Oh, you must know how it goes: 'A princess locked in a tower and beset by a dragon is rescued by a brave knight, and then they share true love's first kiss'."

The entire group gave Fiona a wide-eyed look.

"Hmm? With Shrek?" Donkey questioned. "You think—who, whoa, wait a sec! You think that Shrek is your true love?"

"The big guy right here?" Rainbow pointed at Shrek.

"Well... yes," Fiona nodded, smiling sheepishly.

Shrek, Donkey, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Spike turned to each other... and burst out laughing.

"Oh sweet Celestia, that's funny!" Rainbow laughed.

"You think Shrek is your true love!" Donkey wheezed.

"What is so funny?" Fiona asked.

"Well, let's just say I'm not your type, okay?" Shrek told her.

"Of course, you are," Fiona retorted. "You're my rescuer! Now—now remove your helmet."

"Look, I really don't think that's a good idea," Shrek warned."

"Just take off the helmet."

"I'm not going to."

"Take it off."



"Okay! Easy! As you command... Your Highness."

Reluctantly, Shrek slowly took off his helmet revealing his ogre self. Fiona eyed him blankly, confused but not frightened. Shrek grinned awkwardly, the same said for the others.

"Surprise..." Fluttershy smiled weakly.

"You're... an ogre?" Fiona asked.

"... Sorry," Rarity apologized.

"Oh, you were expecting Prince Charming?" Shrek remarked.

Suddenly, before Fiona could answer, Maddie and Pinkie popped up between the two.

"Ooh, which ones?" Maddie asked eagerly. "There's Daring and Dexter."

"Didn't you also say they have a sister named Darling?" Pinkie asked.

"Oh peas and tea cakes, you're right!" Maddie snapped her finger. "Though actually, Darling's not really into princes herself. Actually, it's a very funny story when you think about—"

But Apple White slapped a hand over Maddie's mouth, not so much to not spoil a secret but to gesture her to the ogre and the princess. Fiona and Shrek eyed them with narrow eyes, unamused by their antics. Pinkie and Maddie merely smiled, taking the hint, and walked off with Apple White.

"Oh, no. This is all wrong!" Fiona complained, pacing back and forth. "You're not supposed to be an ogre!"

"Princess, I was sent to rescue you by Lord Farquaad, okay?" Shrek informed her. "He's the one who wants to marry you."

The mere mention of Lord Farquaad prompted Fiona to turn about in surprise.

"Well then, why didn't he come rescue me?" She asked.

"Good question," Shrek replied. "You should ask him that when we get there."

Shrek turned, removing what little armor remained attached.

"But I have to be rescued by my true love!" Fiona exclaimed. "Not by some ogre and hi... hi... his pets!"

A heavy gasp emerged, as the Mane Six and Spike froze and slowly turned towards the princess.

"Who are you calling pets?" Rainbow asked offended.

"Well, so much for noble steed," Donkey sighed disappointed.

"And so much for eternal debt!" Spike sighed, with a huff.

"Look princess, you're not making my job any easier," Shrek sighed, irritated.

"I'm sorry, but your job is not my problem," Fiona huffed, crossing her arms. "You can tell Lord Farquaad that if he wants to rescue me properly, I'll be waiting for him right here."

Fiona sat down determinedly on a nearby rock; however, Twilight was not having it.

"Excuse me?!" Twilight gasped, frustrated. "We spent an entire day trying to get to this castle with very little sleep! We're captured by a homicidal centaur and his croons, fought tooth and nail for our freedom and yours, barely escaped a dragon with our lives... and all of a sudden, you think you can just belittle us after all the trouble we went through to save you! I don't think so!"

"Easy Twi... remember your breathing..." Apple instructed calmly.

"And another thing!" Shrek said loudly. "I'm no one's messenger boy, all right? I'm a delivery boy."

"You wouldn't dare!" Fiona challenged.

With no second thought, Shrek lifted Fiona over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Fiona kicked and screamed like a spoiled little brat.


"You all comin'?" Shrek asked the group.

"Oh yep! I'm right behind ya!" Donkey replied.

"Time to hit the road again," Spike added.

"Put me down, or you will suffer the consequences!" Fiona said angrily. "This is not dignified! Put me down!"

Fiona smacked Shrek on the back of the head, screaming in frustration as the entire group proceeded down the mountain.

"You know every pony; I'd say this will go much faster if we do this in song!" Pinkie suggested.

Pinkie proceeded to take out a ukelele and proceeded to strum a familiar tune.

Pinkie Pie (Sings):
Sing a song, yes a travel song
When you got—

But Rainbow Dash quickly swiped the ukelele off of a confused Pinkie Pie's grip. Rainbow proceeded to tighten the four strings until they snapped one-by-one. She proceeded to split the instrument in half and pressed the neck until it burst into a billion pieces. Then she took the body and slammed a hoof through the hole making it bigger before hurling it over the side sending it plummeting to the ground below. Rainbow proceeded to fly ahead as Pinkie Pie stared blankly at the scene.

"A simple 'no' would've been fine, thank you!" Pinkie called out, following the group.

As they walked down, from high atop the mountain, the shadow of Uncle Howdy watched the departing group.

"He's got the whole world in his hands."

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