Nighttime Talks
Later that same day, as the sun began to set over the horizon, the motley crew trekked their way back to Duloc. It had already been a tumultuous day to say the very least. From discovering that Apple and Raven's friends were still alive, rescuing a princess, and outrunning a fire-breathing dragon... it was a miracle their sanity was still 'partly' intact. Currently, they found themselves wandering a dirt path through a forest. And as they walked, Apple and Raven decided it was time to extract some information from their friends.
"So, how hexactly are you guys still alive?" Raven asked.
"Honestly, we're not really sure," Cerise answered. "One minute, everything seemed spelltacular at Thronecoming and we're having the time of our lives. Next thing we know, we're dodging crossbow bolts and swords!"
"We managed to duck our way through the knights, but we were ambushed from behind," Briar continued. "They threw bags over our heads, tied us up, and knocked us out cold. When we woke up, we found ourselves in that chamber and we've been trapped there ever since."
Meanwhile, huge tears raced down Ashlynn's porcelain face. She still remembered the events of the previous days.
"It all happened so fast..." She wept. "All our friends, our homes, and Hunter... Hunter... they're all gone!"
The poor girl wept as the tears fell freely at the very idea of her recently lost love. Apple placed an arm around her friend in an effort to comfort her, sadly it was of no avail.
"I can't believe this happened," Apple sighed dejectedly. "It's just not fair; we never even saw it coming."
Then Maddie popped up right beside Raven, who still held her wound while stumbling about in pain.
"I have a riddle everyone wants to know," She spoke curiously. "What the hex was that key to you, Raven?"
"I don't know hexactly," Raven answered. "While Apple and I were escaping, I heard two of those knights talking. One mentioned something about 'the Rains of Castamere have fallen' and the other said the key would 'guarantee the future'. I used my magic to grab hold of it as we snuck by. Whatever they wanted with it, I knew it couldn't have been good."
As they spoke, Shrek was still carrying Fiona over his shoulder. By now, she adjusted to her new position in life. She was currently in the midst of talking with Donkey, along with the rest of the group as they pressed on for Duloc.
"Okay, so here's another question," Donkey told Fiona. "Say there's a woman that digs you right, but you don't really like her that way. How do you let her down realeasy so her feelings aren't hurt, but you don't get burned to a crisp and eaten? How do you do that?"
"Dude, speaking from experience, you should be lucky that a girl has feelings for you," Spike advised. "Even if that girl in general was going to turn us all into soup."
"Can I offer something?" Fiona requested.
"Why certainly Fiona," Fluttershy replied. "What do you think Donkey should do?"
"You just tell her she's not your true love," Fiona informed Donkey. "Everyone knows what happens when you find your..."
Shrek gave Fiona a deliberate readjustment that sent her bouncing, cutting her off.
"Oof! Hey!" Fiona complained. "The sooner we get to Duloc the better."
"And ponies tell me I'm too brutally honest," Applejack muttered.
"Oh, yeah," Donkey nodded. "You're gonna love it there, Princess. It's beautiful!"
"It is a very nice place," Fluttershy agreed.
"Despite the maniacal munchkin running the joint," Rainbow spoke under her breath.
"And what of my groom-to-be, Lord Farquaad?" Fiona asked. "What's he like?"
Shrek then noticed a nearby pond. He dumped Fiona unceremoniously on the ground and made for the pond to wash up.
"Well, let me put it this way, Princess," Shrek said jokingly. "Men of Farquaad's stature are in short supply."
"I dunno, Shrek," Donkey chuckled. "There are those who think 'little of him'."
"Oh yeah, but he is a little intimidating," Spike added.
"You got that right," Rainbow snickered, getting in on the joke. "He is on the small side of things."
"He is quite narrow, ah'll say," Applejack put in.
"And yet very good at small talk," Twilight implied.
"What are you guys doing?" Fiona asked, annoyed.
"I hate to break it to you, darling," Rarity began, giggling. "You just might want to lower your expectations a bit... heh-heh-heh..."
"His tiny hat definitely fits him!" Pinkie smiled, holding back a laugh.
"You could say he's a bit undersized!" Rainbow chuckled.
"Normally, I-I really wouldn't say anything mean, but..." Fluttershy quietly offered. "Farquaad has kind of a... miniature status."
"Yeah, like three feet or so!" Spike concluded.
This caused all of them to break out into laughter, while Fiona looked rather irritated.
"Stop it!" Fiona demanded. "Stop it, all of you! You know, you're just jealous you can never measure up to a great ruler like Lord Farquaad!"
Twilight nudged the princess along her side, and Fiona turned toward the pony standing before the remainder of the Equestrian heroes.
"In case you forget Fiona, 'I' am a princess," Twilight pointed out. "I know a thing or two about what makes a great ruler; I've read plenty of books to support my hypothesis."
"Not to mention we've saved our own world from calamity and peril on numerous occasions," Rarity added.
"There was Nightmare Moon, Discord, the Bug Bear, the Ursa Minor, Sombra, the Legion of Doom..." Pinkie listed off. "And that's just our own world. And since then, we've dealt with demons, monsters, cults, crazy fans—"
Twilight once more encased Pinkie in a magical noise-cancelling bubble as she continued on and on. By then, Shrek returned to the group after washing up. He, Donkey, Spike and the girls walked past Fiona and continued on their way.
"Yeah, well, maybe you're right, Princess," Shrek nodded.
"But we'll let y'all do the measuring when ya see him tomorrow," Applejack chuckled.
"Tomorrow?!" Fiona blurted in fear.
She turned back over her shoulder toward the setting sun, and all of a sudden it was as though she realized something.
"Oh my gosh, it's almost sunset!"
"So?" Rainbow raised a brow.
"It'll take that long? I didn't realize it was so late; we need to make camp."
"Hate to agree with the royal pain here, but she's got a point," Raven spoke up, groaning from her wound. "We really should rest up for the night; I can't go any further with this injury."
"Raven's right, Shrek," Apple agreed. "Shouldn't we make camp for the night?"
"Camp? But you've just escaped!" Shrek argued.
"Yes, and I found the whole ordeal quite exhausting," Fiona countered. "I need to rest immediately."
"No, that'll take longer," Shrek retorted, pressing on. "We can keep going."
"But there's... robbers in the woods!" Fiona replied.
This actually caused Donkey and Fluttershy to stop in their tracks and perform a complete 180 degree turn.
"Robbers?! Where? Where?" Fluttershy asked frantically, looking around.
"Whoa! Time out, Shrek!" Donkey said worriedly. "Camp definitely is starting to sound good."
"Hey, come on!" Shrek rolled his eyes. "I'm scarier than anything we're going to see in this forest."
"Besides, even if anything does come at us, I'll give 'em the ole 'Rainbow Smash' special!" Rainbow smirked, with punching gestures. "There's nothing on this Earth that can scare me!"
Shrek turned and kept walking, until Fiona jumped in front of him, blocking his path.
Everyone stopped in their tracks, a slight taken aback by her outburst. They exchanged a few glances that indicated their surprise.
"Okay..." Rainbow squeaked, with a sweat drop.
A short while later, as the sun was going down, the ground found themselves on a hillside cliff overlooking the remainder of Duloc. Shrek was in the process of moving a giant boulder out of the way, opening the mouth of a cave. Taking a peek inside, he saw it was as clear as it could be.
"Hey!" He yelled to the group. "Over here!"
They all walked alongside him and looked inside the cave.
"A cave?" Raven raised a brow.
"Shrek, we can do better than that," Donkey voiced his disapproval.
"Indeed!" Rarity nodded. "This place is not fit for a princess."
"We could always just keep walking as far as we can and hope to find the next town," Twilight suggested.
Fiona, however, was far more concerned with the approaching sunset. Each passing second she grew more urgent.
"No, no, it's perfect!" She said nervously. "It just needs a few homey touches."
"Homey touches?" Applejack questioned. "Like wut?"
Suddenly, Shrek, Donkey, Spike, and the girls heard a huge ripping sound. They looked up and their eyes widened as Fiona pried some bark off a nearby tree with surprising strength. The whole group watched in dumb amazement.
"A door," Fiona answered simply.
"Whoa..." Spike gasped.
"This was the princess who needed rescuing?" Rainbow asked Applejack.
The princess looked again toward the sun. She faked a yawn to cover her urgency as she heaved the door over the cave.
"Well gentlemen, and ladies, I bid thee good night," She said quickly.
Fiona slammed the door behind her. Shrek, Donkey, Spike and the girls looked at each other, puzzled beyond words.
"Um, you want me to come in there and read you a bedtime story?" Donkey suggested. "'Cause I will."
"I know a really good lullaby that'll send you right off to see Princess Luna," Pinkie offered. "It's only one of the most popular songs in the history of—"
"I said GOOD NIGHT!" Fiona hollered.
Everyone turned toward each other in amazement. Then, Shrek leaned over toward the boulder he previously rolled and began to push it back toward the cave.
"Shrek, what are you doing?!" They all gasped.
Shrek released a few laughs, only to notice everyone glaring at him.
"I just... you know... oh, come o—I was just kidding."
"Yeah, sure you were," Twilight said skeptically.
"She seemed nice..." Pinkie smiled, skipping away.
"If by nice you mean rude and ungrateful... yeah, how very generous," Rarity sighed with frustration.
"... Good night, Princess Fiona!" Fluttershy spoke quietly.
The group proceeded to head off for their own place to make camp. Little did any of them know, as the sun completely went down, the sky glowed a shade green almost magical in quality. A voice was heard deep inside the cave.
"By day one way, by night another—this shall be the norm, until you find true love's first kiss and then take love's true form..."
Later that night, the stars twinkled in the sky over the entire group as they made themselves comfortable on the cliff side... or at least 'tried' to. Shrek and Donkey laid around a campfire looking toward the star-lit night, while the Equestrians attempted to help the Ever After group construct camp. They gazed toward the sky as Shrek pointed out certain star constellations to Donkey.
"And, uh, that one, that's Throwback, the only ogre to ever spit over three wheat fields," Shrek explained.
"Right, yeah..." Donkey nodded. "Hey, can you tell my future from these stars?"
"The stars don't tell the future, Donkey," Shrek replied. "They tell stories."
He proceeded to point out another constellation.
"Look, there's Bloodnut the Flatulent," He chuckled. "You can guess what he's famous for."
"Alright now I know you're making this up," Donkey said skeptically.
"I have to agree with Donkey," Twilight nodded. "There is no way that Princess Luna would create a constellation that sounds so... distasteful."
"No, look," Shrek traced the constellation with his finger. "There he is, and there's the group of hunters running away from his stench."
"How revolting," Rarity cringed.
"... Why do you people think those jokes are even funny?" Pinkie eyed the screen.
"Who is she talking to?" Apple asked curiously.
"Oh, just a thousand eyes staring at the screen as we progress in our wacky period of fun and shenanigans," Maddie replied casually.
"Man, that ain't nothin' but a bunch of little dots," Donkey said.
"You know, Donkey, sometimes things are more than they appear," Shrek replied.
"That's true," Applejack nodded. "Like that first time we done met Zecora. We thought she was some kinda evil sorceress threatenin' to curse us all. Turned out she's actually one ah the kindest Zebras we ever met."
"She's the only zebra we've ever met," Rainbow pointed out.
"In canon..." Pinkie added.
"Y'all know what ah mean," Applejack rolled her eyes.
Shrek glanced over to see if Donkey understood him. Instead, all he received was a blank, vacant stare.
"Forget it," Shrek muttered.
Donkey merely stretched his limbs and released a big yawn as he tried to get comfortable.
"You know what I realized?" Donkey spoke up. "If we escaped a dragon, then we could do anything. Yeah, I could be a steed. Or I could work the Crusades circuit if I wanted to. I could even be one of those horses who pull those wagons full of beer! I'd need some hair extensions on my ankles, but I could do it!"
"One of us really should tell him," Rainbow suggested to Applejack.
"Let 'em dream hun..." Applejack replied.
"Say Shrek, who'd you wanna be?" Pinkie asked curiously.
"I don't wanna be anyone," Shrek answered bluntly.
"But just for fun, who would you pick?"
"I wouldn't."
"But if you had to."
"For example, if a villain held a sword at your throat, no offense Ashlynn, and he was like, 'Look here, you can't be an ogre anymore, pick something else!' thenwho would you pick?"
"I would pick that guy up and hurl him into a tree!" Shrek glared at Pinkie.
"You are no fun at all!" Pinkie pouted childishly.
"Is this what it's gonna be like when we get our swamp?" Donkey asked.
"Our swamp?" Shrek retorted bitterly.
"You know, when we're through rescuing the princess and all that stuff," Donkey emphasized. "It's just us sitting around the swamp all day doing nothing?"
"We? Donkey, there's no 'we'. There's no 'our'. There's just me and my swamp. And when I do get back, the first thing I'm gonna do is build a ten-foot wall around my land."
Shrek proceeded to turn his back from Donkey and Pinkie.
"You cut me deep, Shrek," Donkey spoke up. "You cut me real deep just now."
"You know what I think?" Pinkie realized, facing Shrek. "I'm thinking this whole wall thing's just an excuse to keep somebody... or some 'pony' out."
"No... do ya think?" Shrek asked sarcastically.
He turned away again hoping that would be the end of it. But neither Donkey nor Pinkie Pie were finished.
"Are you hidin' something?" Donkey asked curiously.
"Never mind, Donkey," Shrek groaned, lying on his back.
"Is this another one of those onion things?" Pinkie leaned over him.
"No, this is one of those 'drop it and leave it alone' things!"
"Why don't you want to talk about it?" Donkey asked insistently.
"Why do you want to talk about it?" Shrek turned away.
"Because you wouldn't be blocking," Pinkie pointed out.
"I'm not blocking!"
"Oh, yes, you are!" Donkey argued.
"Donkey, I'm warning you..." Shrek threatened.
"Who you trying to keep out?"
All at once, Shrek got on his feet and towered over the chattering pair.
"Everyone! Okay?!"
"Ooh..." Pinkie and Donkey nodded.
"Now we're getting somewhere!" Pinkie smiled, satisfied.
Unseen by either of them, Fiona peeked around the cave door. On one hand, their back-and-forth argument was disturbing her sleep. But at the same time, however, curiosity beckoned the princess to eavesdrop on what essentially was a private conversation.
"Oh! For the love of Pete!" Shrek groaned in frustration.
The ogre made his way toward the edge of the cliff and sat himself away from the group. Pinkie Pie merely bounced right alongside him with a huge smile.
"Aww, come on big guy!" She said teasingly. "No need to be such a sour puss. Let's turn that big frown of yours into a big smile."
Shrek merely turned toward her with the biggest glare he'd ever given. However, Pinkie wasn't deterred at all by the glaring. Instead, her legs started shaking like there was an earthquake.
"Ooh... shaky legs!" She said excitedly. "You know what that means?"
"I don't care!" Shrek groaned.
"It's time for a MUSICAL NUMBER!" Pinkie yelled excitedly. "Hmm... but I can't do this all by myself."
She turned back toward the Ever After High students, specifically Maddie Hatter.
"Miss Maddie, wanna gimme a hoof?" She asked eagerly.
"Ooh, I love musical numbers!" Maddie clapped her hands excitedly.
She raced toward Pinkie's side and they both smiled widely, much to the chagrin of a certain green ogre.
"We just need one more person to complete our ensemble," Pinkie pondered. "Oh Mr. Kelly..."
She and Maddie leapt into the air and off the screen—
... And when the two came back down, they were now on the set of the classic film 'Anchors Aweigh'. Particularly, they were in the throne room scene with none other than Gene Kelly himself.
"Would you mind helping us out?" Pinkie asked.
"No problem!" Gene Kelly smiled.
"Oh goody-goody!" Maddie giggled.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Gene Kelly (Sings):
If you worry, if you worry
If you bother your head.
Pinkie Pie (Sings):
I do!
Gene Kelly (Sings):
It won't help you; it won't help you,
It will hurt you instead.
Madeline Hatter (Sings):
It will?
Gene Kelly (Sings):
Grouchers, groaners, cranks and moaners
They're so unfair—
Pinkie Pie (Sings):
I know.
Gene Kelly (Sings):
If you can't be gay and merry
Lock yourself in solitary.
Though it hurts you, though it hurts you,
Be a pleasanter guy!
You may even learn to like it
If you give it a try!
Pinkie and Maddie (Sings):
We'll try!
Gene Kelly (Sings):
You could laugh and sing and dance,
As gaily as an elf.
But don't expect to get much help,
If you don't help yourself.
"Will you try?" Gene Kelly asked them both.
"If you show us!" Pinkie and Maddie spoke in unison.
"I'll show you!"
"We'll try!"
Gene Kelly proceeded to showcase a few simple tap maneuvers, to which Pinkie and Maddie proceeded to follow.
Gene Kelly (Sings):
One, two, three, four...
Pinkie and Maddie (Sings):
One, two, three, four...
Gene Kelly (Sings):
One, two, three!
Pinkie and Maddie (Sings):
One, two, three!
Gene Kelly (Sings):
Pinkie and Maddie (Sings):
Gene Kelly (Sings):
You see?
Pinkie and Maddie (Sings):
It's easy!
For a minute or two, like a mouse with a crown, Pinkie Pie and Maddie Hatter both pulled out vaudeville hats and proceeded to get into a huge tap dancing routine with a late great performer. At first, Pinkie stumbled about and landed right on her flank. But thankfully, Gene Kelly helped her right back and they continued on. Soon all three danced in many fun and unique ways, skipping across the floor, taking leaps, the girls sliding beneath Kelly with a 'Wee!', and Pinkie even hoped along Gene Kelly's muscles like a bouncy ball. The dance was so crazy that during a series of leaps, Pinkie defied gravity by hovering over the pair until Gene took notice and dragged her down.
One thing was certain, as sure as fire, together these three were constantly having fun dancing together.
"Look ma! I'm dancing!" Pinkie called out.
By the time the dancing was finished, by the time they just shook hands with the man in the sailor outfit, Pinkie and Maddie leapt right off the screen—
... And they both landed back on the cliff side, striking the finishing pose with huge smiles on their faces while breathing heavily. The entire group looked at them strangely for a few moments before brushing them off and went back to what they were doing. Shrek just eyed the pair, who were waiting anxiously for some sign of approval... but just turned away to look over the edge of the cliff. The girls merely sighed with exasperation.
"Nothing..." Pinkie pouted.
"I'll put on some tea," Maddie offered, walking away.
"I'll bring out the cakes!"
As Pinkie Pie and Maddie departed for the campfire, Spike decided a different approach was needed. He walked beside Shrek and took a seat next to him.
"I don't get it, Shrek," He voiced his confusion. "Why are you so eager to be by yourself?"
"Yeah man, what's your problem anyway?" Donkey added. "What do you got against the whole world?"
"Look, I'm not the one with the problem, okay?!" Shrek said loudly. "It's the world who seems to have a problem with me!"
"I don't understand..." Spike answered, shocked.
"You don't understand?" Shrek scoffed. "Look at me! You saw how that princess reacted. That's how it always is. People take one look at me and it's all, 'AAH! HELP! RUN! A BIG STUPID UGLY OGRE!'"
Shrek sighed to himself and slumped further into a miserable state.
"They judge me before they even get to know me," Shrek spoke somberly. "That's why I'm better off alone."
"Wow... I had no idea," Spike answered quietly.
"Don't blame ye, lad. It's not like you could understand what I go through. Why else would I act scary? No one will give me a chance. Why bother?"
"Actually... I do."
"Oh? How so?"
"Back when Twilight and I were still living in Canterlot," Spike began, with a heavy sigh. "Ponies judged me... all the time. I was 'one' dragon, in a city full of ponies... ponies who talk. I feared the idea of making friends in other towns back home because I thought they'd all judge me before giving me a chance."
"So, you do know what I'm going through," Shrek nodded.
"And I'm trying to show others I can be someone they can rely on," Spike continued. "But instead, most ponies look down at me like I'm just the sidekick no one likes. My victories may not be as amazing compared to what Twilight and the others have done, but they're still accomplishments to me. Sometimes... I think I'm not acknowledged as much as I'd like to be, that they'd just roll their eyes whenever I bring up one of my past adventures like they don't even care... like nothing I did mattered."
Twilight and the girls heard word for word of what Spike said and thought back to those days. Whether Spike was aware of it or not, they felt bad for all those years of never giving Spike the same praise he rightfully deserved.
"Oh Spike..." Twilight sighed softly.
"Well, I've been content with being a loner my whole life," Shrek insisted. "But at least you're still young. One day, you'll show everyone what kind of dragon you really are."
"You think so?" Spike asked hopefully.
"Sure... and if they still put you down, take my advice and just ignore them. You deserve to hang with those who 'do' care."
"That actually makes me feel better," Spike smiled. "Thank you Shrek."
"No problem."
"You know, Shrek?" Donkey spoke up. "When we met, I didn't think you was just a big stupid ugly ogre."
"Neither did we," Spike added. "In fact, you're one of the coolest creatures I've ever met. We've got your back."
"Thank you," Shrek sighed.
This moment seemed to last a good while between the three guys. But the silence didn't last long as Donkey decided to press the issue.
"So... there's really no one else you'd rather be?" Donkey asked Shrek.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Shrek remained silent for a while, instead thinking on his own. Throughout his entire life, he'd always chase people off his land so he could spend his days alone. And yet... that never meant he didn't have dreams like everyone else. And much to his own surprise, he began to relate his greatest dream through song.
Shrek (Sings):
I guess I'd be a hero-
With sword and armor clashing,
Looking semi-dashing,
A shield within my grip.
Or else I'd be a Viking,
And live a life of Derring,
While smelling like a herring
Upon a Viking ship.
I'd sail away.
I'd see the world.
I'd reach the farthest reaches.
I'd feel the wind.
I'd taste the salt and sea,
And maybe storm some beaches.
That's who I'd be.
That's who I'd be.
Or I could be a poet,
And write a different story—
One that tells of glory,
And wipes away the lies.
Into the skies I'd throw it.
The stars would do the telling.
The moon would help with spelling.
And night would dot the I's.
I'd write a verse,
Recite a joke,
With wit and perfect timing.
I'd share my heart,
Confess the things I yearn,
And do it all while rhyming.
But we all learn.
But we all learn...
An ogre always hides.
An ogre's fate is known.
An ogre always stays
In the dark and all alone.
So yes, I'd be a hero.
And if my wish were granted
Life would be enchanted,
Or so the stories say.
Of course I'd be a hero
And I would scale a tower
To save a hot-house flower,
And carry her away.
But standing guard
Would be a beast.
I'd somehow overwhelm it.
I'd get the girl.
I'd take a breath,
And I'd remove my helmet.
We'd stand and stare.
We'd speak of love.
We'd feel the stars ascending.
We'd share a kiss.
I'd find my destiny.
I'd have a hero's ending.
A perfect happy ending.
That's how it would be:
A big bright beautiful world...
But not for me.
Donkey and Spike looked up at their friend, as six eyes gazed toward the glittering stars and the great big moon in the night sky. With only the light of the moon piercing through some cracks of the wooden door, it barely touches the silhouette of Princess Fiona. She had been listening all that time, every word... and she felt terrible for herself, for the way she acted.
Fiona (Sings):
An ogre always hides.
An ogre's fate is known.
Fiona and Shrek (Sings):
An ogre always stays in the dark—
Spike & Donkey (Sings):
You're all alone.
Fiona and Shrek (Sings):
All alone (... alone...)
Fiona, Shrek, Donkey, & Spike (Sings):
And I know
He'll appear, (So yes I'd be a hero)
'Cause there are rules (And if my wish was granted,)
And there are (Life would be enchanted,) (All alone.)
Strictures. (Or so the stories say.)
I believe the (Of course I'd be) (You need a pal,)
Storybooks I (A hero, and I would scale a) (Our calendar's open.)
Read by candle (Tower, to save a hothouse) (Ya)
Light. (Flower, and carry her a) (Need)
(...Light...) (... Way.) (Me.)
Fiona, Shrek, Donkey & Spike (Sings):
A perfect happy ending
That's how it should be.
And once the song was finished, whether anyone else even heard or not, the four guys just sat upon the edge of the cliff looking up toward the evening sky.
"So uh, are there any donkeys up there?" Donkey asked.
"Well, there's, um, Gabby, the Small... and annoying," Shrek remarked.
"Okay, okay, I see it now..." Donkey pretended to see. "Yeah, the big shiny one, right there. That one there?"
"Donkey... that's the moon," Spike pointed out.
"Oh... oh, okay."
As they admired the stars in the sky, Spike began to reflect on his own dream:
'Wouldn't it be nice to be the hero who saves the day?' He thought to himself. 'Nah, who am I kidding? I'm still... me. What can I do that Twilight and the others haven't done already? Or can do? What can I... oh, never mind...'
And from the wooded area just near the cliff, Uncle Howdy's dark figure watched from the cover of the brush. Alongside the dark entity were a few ghastly figures. One was a man in a leather jacket, another of a woman in a dark robe, and finally a made with a wide-eyed crazy look on his face. Uncle Howdy merely gave a quiet chuckle as he stared toward the ponies and the Ever After girls.
"Ain't no one going to hurt you... except me."
Meanwhile, back in Duloc, Lord Farquaad... was taking a bath in his quarters and wore his favorite ducky gloves. Already he was having dreams of meeting his lady faire.
"'Princess Fiona? I am Lord Farquaad'... what do you think?" He asked his 'ducks'. "No, you're right, too formal. 'Fiona? Hi, Farquaad, but you can call me Maximus, as I've no doubt you will! Woof!'... no, too smutty...
"But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is Fiona and Farquaad is the sun..."
It was then Thelonious arrived with his lord's drink, as per requested.
"We've just gotten word, my liege: Princess Fiona has been rescued. She's on her way."
To say Farquaad was pleased with the news was an understatement. So pleased in fact, he sang:
"On her way! She's on her way and so am I~! Ah... my fairytale princess, ha-ha-ha! I always said I'd be king and now look: the last adorable piece to my master plan! Though I wonder if that oaf Tirek actually managed to beat those good-for-nothing... yet 'adorable' ponies... ah well—thank you, Thelonious!"
Farquaad gladly took a sip from the straw, savoring the beverage.
"Pina Colada!" He sighed happily.
Ever since his selection of Princess Fiona, Farquaad developed a hankering for Pina Colada; that, and the song was admittedly catchy.
"Ah, just think... soon, they'll be writing be writing books about me instead of those... disgusting little freaks. Oh, that reminds me! Oh, Mirror!"
Farquaad had the Magic Mirror moved to his room, which was shared with his bathroom, so as for it to be more convenient.
"Yeeeees, my liege?"
What the Mirror didn't expect, to his horror, was to be called during Farquaad's... bath time.
"How are the wedding preparations coming?" Farquaad asked.
"All in order, my lord," The mirror answered. "We've booked the cathedral and the band..."
But Farquaad was barely paying much attention. He giggled like a schoolboy as Thelonious proceeded to scrub his tiny little feet. The Mirror was simply at a loss for words at the very sight before him.
"Wow. Um... although I did wonder if you wanted me to invite your father."
The room went silent, so deathly still one could hear a pin drop.
"My what?" Farquaad spoke.
"Well, your... your father, my liege," The Mirror repeated.
Thelonious, knowing what would happen, promptly vacated the premises. All the while, Farquaad could grow some mixed emotions stirring in his tiny frame. A mixture of anger... and tragedy.
"You mean that horrible little man who tried to keep me down my whole life?" Farquaad spoke. "That mal-tempered monster and vile grunt who abandoned me in the woods as a child?"
"Well, he did have his reasons," Mirror responded.
But Farquaad was having none of it, despite the Mirror's best effort to reason with him.
"Mirror, please. My father couldn't accept that I wanted nothing to do with the family business."
Outraged over the fact Farquaad wasn't listening, Mirror promptly vanished from his portrait in a huff.
"That lowly, dirty family business..." Farquaad seethed. "Oh, Mirror!"
"Annnnything else, my liege?" The Mirror asked annoyed.
"I want you to be placed at the end of my bed when I get out of the tub. I wish to gaze upon my future bride before I sleep."
And Mirror once again vanished in disgust, while several guards arrived to position the mirror in his bedroom. Farquaad sat in his tub pondering over his future, yet also thinking back to his youth... the point where his own legacy began.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Farquaad (Sings):
My daddy was a miner.
So he wasn't much around.
Foraging for diamonds
A life spent underground.
Daddy didn't talk much,
He barely said hello.
He simply muttered 'Hi-Ho!',
And off to work he'd go.
Daddy was grumpy.
My mama was a princess,
Who left her crown behind.
Daddy was her true love,
So mama didn't mind.
I never knew my mama,
But she coulda been a queen.
She married way beneath her.
Beneath her knee, I mean.
Daddy's bed was lumpy,
So mommy couldn't sleep.
Daddy built a new one,
So tall and so steep.
Twenty mattresses
She slept upon.
One night she rolled over...
And mama was gone.
So Daddy was grumpy.
Me and my old man—a tale as old as dirt.
A bitter, distant father in a tiny undershirt.
Daddy up and left me, left me good as dead.
Now he lives in squalor, sleeping seven to a bed.
"Oh, you abandoned me in the woods, Daddy!" Farquaad spoke. "Well, I crawled out, and up! Oh if you could only see me now, Daddy! I'd invite you to the wedding... but you have to be THIS tall to get in! Ha-ha-ha! TO THE RACES MEN!"
And just like that, Thelonious returned with an ensemble of knights. They proceeded to dress their Lord and master, decking him out in his robe with shoes. Once 'partly' presentable, Farquaad performs an insane tiny leg dance along with his lackeys.
Farquaad (Sings):
My bride to be is gorgeous,
Her wedding dress, designer.
The guest list will be major,
Without a minor miner.
Ensemble (Sings):
Farquaad (Sings):
Packs of royal lackeys,
Playing violin.
Ensemble (Sings):
Strings of royal underling.
Farquaad (Sings):
Who will not let you in!
Ah-ha! Ah-ha! Ah-ha!
Farquaad & Ensemble (Sings):
Tricked out carriage,
Twenty stallions,
With a coachman named Raoul.
Big reception,
With a boy band,
Farquaad (Sings):
And a royal D.J. by the pool!
I can see my future,
And so it shall be done!
It's total domination,
With some torture just for fun!
'Cause I will have my wedding,
And I will have a queen!
Once I get that crown on,
You will get the guillotine!
And I'll punish you, Daddy,
'Cause I'm all grown up,
And bigger than you'll ever know!
You're gonna pay, Daddy!
It's any day, Daddy!
I'm off to work!
Later, Queen Cersei decided to check upon Lord Farquaad without his prior knowledge. Opening the door by a mere few inches, she spied upon the tiny lord who currently laid in be within his quarters, sipping his drink. In his chambers already stood two mannequins with a suit for himself and a wedding dress for Princess Fiona. There were plenty of other 'his and hers' items as well, along with a bear skin rug that just so happened to be... Mama Bear.
Wow... that's just wrong.
On so many levels.
As Farquaad laid in bed, as requested, the Magic Mirror was set up before him.
"Again!" He demanded. "Show me again."
Cersei could hardly tell from her position, but she could sense some confusion from the mirror over the tiny lord's request.
"Mirror, mirror, show her to me," Farquaad explained. "Show me the princess."
The Magic Mirror merely gave a disgruntled face before bringing up the picture of Princess Fiona once more. Farquaad took a sip of his drink as he smiled in satisfaction.
"Ah, perfect," He sighed.
Queen Cersei merely rolled her eyes with a scoff, having seen more than enough. Deciding she had more important matters to attend to, she proceeded to leave Farquaad to his 'business' and make way for her own.
In another part of the castle, Cersei entered a chamber where Regina was using her own Magic Mirror to spy upon the Equestrian heroes and their new Ever After counterparts. Cersei too could see they were only a day's travel from Duloc, give or take any delays they decide to make. Cersei took her seat at a chair and picked up a chalice of wine with her right hand as Regina eyed the mirror intently.
"Look at them," Regina said in disgust. "It's sickening how sweet they all are. Sickly sweet and pretentious."
"Worry not," Cersei assured, taking a sip. "We'll be rid of them all soon enough."
Regina rolled her eyes and waved her hand, causing the mirror to go dark.
"What makes you so sure?" She asked. "That big red idiot already messed this whole thing up!"
No sooner were those words spoken that the chamber door burst open. Tirek and their knights made their way inside. Many of the knights had their armor burnt, while Tirek had bruises all over his face.
"Speak of the devil," Regina sighed. "What the hell happened to all of you?!"
Tirek growled as he turned toward Cersei.
"Your general abandoned us all and some dark figure drugged us!" He growled. "By the time we came to, those stupid ponies had fled. And just as we were about to make our own way out, we were attacked by that dragon! Thankfully, I was able to absorb a great deal of its power before we escaped. I'd like to see it breathe fire now."
A laugh caused the large centaur to turn his head and he caught Venrys Baratheon walking into the room.
"Even with a whole army at your back, you still can't get the job done," He mocked.
"No thanks to you, coward!" Tirek growled.
"ENOUGH!" Cersei interrupted loudly. "Venrys, did you find what you were sent for?"
Venrys reached into his armor and procured the key before handing it to his Queen. Cersei took the key and examined it with a small smile on her face.
"Excellent!" She nodded approvingly. "With this, we shall secure victory for the Order."
"What about the brats and those ponies?" Regina asked. "As long as they remain alive, our plans are still at risk."
Cersei merely turned to her companion with a knowing look.
"It's all a matter of leverage," She stated simply.
One snap of her fingers was all Venrys needed to make his way from the chamber. Moments later, he returned dragging something with him. It turned out to be another figure bound in chains, a burlap sack over their head. The figure struggled hard but were unable to free themselves of their bonds. Cersei merely looked at the figure with a smirk while Regina rolled her eyes.
"As if keeping four girls alive wasn't enough, you take another one?!" She sighed.
"Oh, but this one is special," Cersei informed her. "You see, once those girls see exactly who it is, they'll do far more than give up a key. They'll give up their very lives."
"You overestimate your persuasion," Regina scoffed.
"And you underestimate what people will do for those they love," Cersei retorted. "When it comes to matters of the heart, people always do crazy things... desperate crazy things..."
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