Wrestlemania Night 2
The next night, following WrestleMania's first epic night,, there was now more on the line than ever before. For tonight, this was the night the Mane Six, or in this case 'five', were supposed to take on the New Ministry in a 12 person tag team match. Meanwhile, Storm Shield was scheduled to fight the Undertaker in a Buried Alive match... provided of course, he was in tip-top form to compete at all.
Currently, Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the girls sat backstage tending to Spike and Storm. They did the best they could to ease the two boys of the soreness coursing through their bodies from the night before. Of course, that was easier said than done. Rarity even tried to carefully clean the mist off Spike's face, his cheeks red from crying due to the stinging pain when the vapor hit directly into his eyes. It was a miracle that it didn't blind him.
"Feels like a raging bull ran over me," Storm groaned in pain.
"No kidding," Spike nodded grimacing. "Haven't been this sore since the time I got caught between Iron Will and Bulk Biceps during their arm wrestling match... ended up turning into a real fight. Who's got two thumbs and got sucked right in the middle? This guy... ow..."
"I'm so sorry you guys," Twilight apologized. "We meant to come down and help. But we just couldn't."
"I'm going to regret asking, but..." Storm spoke curiously. "Why not?"
"It wasn't pretty, let me tell ya," Rainbow responded, shivering slightly. "But we'll never forget it—"
[i]The Night Before...[/i]
[i]Twilight Sparkle and the rest of her friends sat backstage watching as WrestleMania progressed. They watched as Spike and his team took the fight to the Ministry, and the whole time they cheered for him. The more that Twilight watched, her not-so-little dragon assistant handling things on his own, the prouder she became. For so long, all she ever saw of him was that same little baby dragon that hatched from his shell, sucking his tail during his first moments of life. Now, she saw a grown dragon warrior, even a 'human' warrior, fighting for his life and she was immensely overjoyed over how far her little Spike had come.\[/i]
[i]"Come on Spike!" Twilight cheered. "You can do it!"[/i]
[i]"Kick their butts little dude!" Rainbow yelled at the screen.[/i]
[i]"He's truly remarkable, isn't he?" Rarity asked.[/i]
[i]"Y'all can certainly say that again sugar-cube," Applejack nodded. "That there's one hay of a brave dragon."[/i]
[i]"Yeah he is!" Pinkie agreed, pulling popcorn from her hair. "Any pony want any? Nice and buttery!"[/i]
[i]"Um... no thanks Pinkie," Twilight shook her head. "I'm good."[/i]
[i]The girls kept watch as Spike and his team fought in their match, anticipating for them to pull off the win. All of a sudden, their excitement dropped the moment the match turned in favor of the Ministry. Their joy turned to horror the moment they saw Spike misted in the eyes, courtesy of Malakai Black, and it was then Twilight was the first to jump up.[/i]
[i]"We need to go down there and help Spike!" She said urgently.[/i]
[i]"What are we waiting for?" Rainbow asked. "Let's go!"[/i]
[i]The girls quickly raced out the locker room, making their way down the halls toward the stage. Just as the rounded the corner, approaching the stage, they suddenly heard a loud cry calling out for them.[/i]
[i]"GIRLS! HELP!"[/i]
[i]The girls stopped in their tracks, snapping their heads toward the direction the screaming came from. What really made them stop was the fact it was very familiar.[/i]
[i]"Fluttershy?!" Pinkie gasped.[/i]
[i]"She's here!" Rarity spoke. "We need to go rescue her!"[/i]
[i]"What about Spike?" Twilight responded.[/i]
[i]"Spike's more than capable of handling them varmints himself," Applejack told her. "We need tah save Fluttershy from those hoodlums b'fore it's too late!"[/i]
[i]The girls started racing down the hall toward the direction of the screams. Twilight stayed behind for a moment, looking out the curtain where Spike fought in the ring.[/i]
[i]"Good luck Spike," She whispered.[/i]
[i]And without another moment to waste, she raced down the hall after the others.[/i]
[i]<> [/i]
[i]The girls ran around the backstage area searching for their lost friend. Despite their best efforts, however, it seemed like they were never able to locate her. They followed the screaming closely, yet it seemed to lead them on some never-ending wild goose chase. Soon enough, they stopped for a moment to catch their breath.[/i]
[i]"I don't understand," Twilight gasped breathlessly. "We've ran all over this place and haven't found her anywhere."[/i]
[i]"What'd you expect?" Rainbow asked. "The Ministry sure as hay weren't making it easy for us."[/i]
[i]Suddenly, the screaming picked up again. This time it was much closer than before. The girls listened intently, trying to pinpoint exactly where it was coming from. They followed the screaming toward a nearby door in the hallway. Leaning against the door, they could hear the screaming from the other side. Twilight tried to open the door, but it was locked tight.[/i]
[i]"Dear Celestia, she's locked in there!" Rarity gasped.[/i]
[i]"We gotta get her out somehow," Applejack said.[/i]
[i]"Every pony, get behind me!" Pinkie told them.[/i]
[i]The girls jumped behind Pinkie, who reached into her hair and pulled out her party cannon. Pinkie proceeded to load herself into the cannon and placed a helmet on her head for safety. [/i]
[i]"When I give the word, fire me into the room!" She ordered.[/i]
[i]"Pinkie, are you insane?!" Rainbow questioned seriously.[/i]
[i]"Is that a trick question?" Pinkie asked. "Doesn't matter. It's the only way to save Fluttershy."[/i]
[i]"Or... we could just find a janitor and have them unlock the door," Rainbow suggested.[/i]
[i]"No time, just do it!" Pinkie yelled.[/i]
[i]The girls looked at each other, uncertain for a moment, but then decided not to argue on this. Fluttershy's life depended on this one decision, and thus they decided to get it over with. They grabbed for the rope to fire the cannon and Pinkie sunk further inside. Finally, they pulled the rope and the cannon blasted Pinkie toward the door. The force of the blast successfully blew the door right off its hinges and the girls quickly raced to help Pinkie.[/i]
[i]"Pinkie, are you okay?" Twilight asked worriedly.[/i]
[i]They pulled Pinkie up off the floor and the pink party girl was beyond dizzy. Miniature cupcakes floated around her head, as her eyes swirled round and round.[/i]
[i]"Neve better..." She slurred. "Hey, did that talking turkey always used to be there? How'd that guy swallow the lawnmower?"[/i]
[i]A sudden scream quickly snapped their attention to reality. They all turned and gasped in horror at the terrible sight before them: Fluttershy, strapped to a giant Undertaker symbol on the ground. She opened her eyes and instantly sighed in relief at the sight of her friends.[/i]
[i]"Thank Celestia..." She cried in relief. "You finally found me!"[/i]
[i]"Hang on Flutters, we're getting you outta here!" Rainbow assured.[/i]
[i]The girls quickly ran toward their friend, but just as they were about to untie her, that's when everything changed. The image of Fluttershy quickly faded away into nothing and soon a new landscape appeared around them.[/i]
[i]"What's going on?" Rarity asked frightened.[/i]
[i]Soon, the area around them looked much scarier. They appeared to be standing in the midst of an old rundown barn in the woods. It was dark, cold, and just had this feeling of complete emptiness. [/i]
[i]"Where did Fluttershy go?" Pinkie asked.[/i]
[i]"And where the hay are we now?" Applejack asked.[/i]
[i]"WAAAH! HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!"[/i]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
[i]The sound of sick, wicked cackling made them jump and turn toward a menacing figure standing behind them. The figure wore an odd-looking black-and-white mask, a dark robe-like coat, and carried a black-and-white checkered umbrella.[/i]
[i]The girls stared at the figure in fear, which just looked at them with eyes as white as fresh fallen snow. No pupils of any sort could be seen.[/i]
[i]"We love, we hate, we die, forever late in Willow's way!" The figure said menacingly.[/i]
[i]It started to cackle once more, very loudly, and the girls started running in the opposite direction. They ran out of the barn, through the woods as fast as their legs could possibly carry them. Yet somehow the figure kept up with their exact pace. No matter how fast they ran, no matter where they went, the figure was always a few steps behind them.[/i]
[i]Eventually, the girls noticed a large fallen tree and immediately raced to hide behind it. They remained as silent as the dead, silently praying that whatever that thing was wouldn't find them. They stayed silent and still for a few moments more before Twilight slowly lifted her head to peek out of the tree. Only when she looked out, she noticed that the figure was no longer there.[/i]
[i]"Okay, I think it's gone," She whispered.[/i]
[i]"What the hay was that?" Rainbow asked.[/i]
[i]"I don't know," Twilight shrugged.[/i]
[i]All of a sudden, Rarity could feel a tickling sensation across her neck and immediately swatted Pinkie Pie.[/i]
[i]"Pinkie, this is no time for games!" She muttered. "Stop tickling me!"[/i]
[i]"I'm not even near you!" Pinkie responded.[/i]
[i]Rarity froze as soon as she heard those words. Slowly, she turned her head to look at what was causing this sensation. It was then she noticed a few slimy worms wriggling around her neck. She then released a shriek of absolute panic.[/i]
[i]"EWWWWWW!!!" She shrieked. "Get them off! Get them off!"[/i]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
[i]All of a sudden, more worms dropped from out of the sky. Before too long, it was essentially raining worms. A low laugh caused them all to face their side as another figure crouched right next to them. The figure itself was rather muscular, his face painted red with large black dots, and it carried a clock in one hand and a large stick-like staff in the other.[/i]
[i]"Oh my darling, oh my darling, oh my darling Clementine," The figure sang sinisterly. "As the time draws near, the future becomes more clear."[/i]
[i]The figure grabbed a few worms crawling on the ground, picked them up, and very grossly... ate them. Everyone looked in disgust as the monster just sucked them down before laughing once more.[/i]
[i]"I'm the boogeyman, and I'm coming to get ya!" He yelled.[/i]
[i]He soon smashed the clock over his head, laughing once more while the girls screamed and ran for their lives. It all seemed like a never-ending nightmare, no matter how much they ran from it these haunting figures were never far away. That is until Twilight noticed a door in the middle of the woods and they all ran full speed towards it. The girls ran and ran and finally exploded through the other side of the door.[/i]
[i]By the time they got to their feet, looking around in terror, they noticed they were right back in the backstage area of WrestleMania. Looking back behind them, they noticed the room they just walked out of was nothing more than a small broom closet. How much time had passed since they horrendous experience? Neither one of the girls could tell or that they were simply too scared to think. But they wouldn't know that answer... until much later that night.[/i]
"Wow, that sounds traumatic," Spike stated bluntly.
"You don't even know the half of it Spike," Rarity nodded. "I can still feel those disgusting things crawling all over me."
"And we still weren't able to get Fluttershy back," Rainbow sighed disappointed.
"We don't even know if that was really her or not," Twilight added. "For all we know, it could've been just a huge ruse by the Undertaker to throw us off our game."
"Well, mission complete," Applejack grumbled.
At that moment, Jimmy Hart walked toward the girls and two boys ready for another night of WrestleMania.
"Alright ladies, time to get on out there and show 'em whose boss!" He declared motivated.
"But we're down one woman with Fluttershy gone," Pinkie pointed out. "Where're we going to find another partner to fill up our team on such short notice?"
It just so happened Santino Marella was walking by when he leaned in on the conversation.
"You say you need a new partner?" He asked. "Why didn't you just say so? I have the perfect partner in mind for you. I go give her a call now."
Before anyone could say anything, Santino raced down the hall much to everyone's confusion. All the girls, and boys, could do was stare blankly after him (Occasionally blinking).
"What is he talking about?" Spike asked.
"No idea little buddy," Storm replied. "Whatever it is, it can't be good."
"Don't you worry about nothing, I've already found another partner," Jimmy assured. "Now y'all just go on out there and I promise you, everything will be alright."
Despite being bummed out over not rescuing Fluttershy, the girls got to their feet and made for the stage entrance. And while they were still nowhere close to reuniting with their best friend, they were sure as hay the Ministry would pay for taking her away from them.
Out in the arena, the air was electric. The second night of WrestleMania was going off without a hitch. After the first jam-packed action-filled night, people were more than ready to see what's going on for Night Two. At the commentary booth, Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler were calling all the action.
"Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the second night of the greatest sporting event in the entire world: WrestleMania!" Michael Cole announced. "As always my name is Michael Cole joined by Jerry 'the King' Lawler at ringside and I cannot even begin to express how excited I am about tonight."
"Oh you said it Michael because tonight we have Storm Shield facing off against the Undertaker in a Buried Alive match!" Jerry added. "But before we even get to that, we have a 12 women tag team match to kick off tonight. Boy, I can't wait!"
"Neither can I King, so let's get right to the action."
"[i]Our opening contest for the evening is a 12 women tag team match set for one fall-[/i]"
"[i]ONE FALL![/i]"
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The crowd booed emphatically as the first to make their way onto the stage were the Dazzlings, flanked by Kharma and Rosemary. The sinister sirens slowly made their way down the ramp with the two monster women behind them. The New Ministry climbed into the ring and established their dark presence to all the WWE Universe in attendance.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Next came the one and only 'Changeling Queen' herself, Chrysalis. Except now she took a more 'different' form in contrast to her usual quadruped presentation. Now she assumed a human form, complete with biker-like attire. She certainly didn't look like her usual self, but still she retained that very same sinister feeling about her.
The Changeling Queen quickly made her way to the ring and stood alongside her fellow vile vixens. All six women waited for the arrival of their opponents/victims for the match.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
'Right There in Front of Me' played throughout the arena, and the crowd erupted in cheers as Twilight Sparkle strolled onto the stage. Twilight gave out a few high fives as she passed the younger fans along the gate, as she marched toward the ring before jumping onto the ring apron. Soon as she stepped over the ropes, she stood at her corner waiting for her other friends to emerge.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
'Shake Your Tail' came on next as Pinkie Pie raced onto the stage, waving excitedly toward the crowd. She proceeded to literally draw her confetti cannon from her hair and fired toward the crowd. However, instead of confetti, the cannon shot out cupcakes to the crowd, many of which caught the cupcakes from the air. She started skipping toward the ring and gave many high fives along the way. Climbing the top rope, she waved excitedly to the crowd once more as the fans gave their support to the energetic young lady.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
'Hardcore Country' played as Applejack walked onto the stage with her signature lasso, which she proceeded to swing around and perform several tricks. The crowd was loving it, cheering for her as she walked toward the ring. She quickly hopped onto the second rope and gave the lasso a nice twirl before the cheering crowd.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Rarity walked onto the stage, striking a pose like a fashion model on the walkway. She proceeded to walk down the ramp like strutting on a catwalk, climbing onto the apron and laid across the second rope. She looked toward the crowd, striking a pose reassembling her about to faint. She smiled toward the crowd in attendance, blowing them a tiny kiss before joining her friends.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
'Awesome As I Wanna Be' boomed throughout the arena and the crowd went nuts. Rainbow Dash raced down the stage, pointing toward the crowd. As she walked down the ramp, at the very last inch of it, she did a little power slide for the finish. Hoping into the ring, climbing up the second rope, she pointed toward the crowd again. She then performed a backflip off the second rope and landed perfectly on her feet, as the crowd erupted in loud cheering.
All the girls stood in anticipation inside the ring, wondering exactly who was supposed to be their sixth partner for this match.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Everyone in the audience cheered (Though they were also very confused) by the arrival of Santino Marella's 'twin sister': [i]Santina Marella[/i]. None perhaps more shocked than Twilight and the girls, all standing in the ring looking toward each other with confusion (More disgust from Rainbow Dash). It was clearly just Santino wearing a wig and fishnets, anyone could see that. Santina climbed into the ring, waving toward the other girls excitedly. They all just looked at each other for a few more moments silently...
Then, out of nowhere, Applejack struck a massive super kick that sent Santina over the top rope and to the floor outside. They all just looked toward Santina, who laid on the floor out cold, though Rainbow couldn't help but chuckle in slight amusement. Thankfully, Jimmy Hart walked out on stage with a microphone.
"Hold on a minute baby!" He spoke. "Now I know what you girls are thinking and don't worry, Santina is not your partner tonight. Your partner tonight is the baddest woman on the planet."
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
The roof nearly blew off the arena for a second time in twenty four hours, as the fans erupted in cheers again. Out of the back, in her plaid kilt skirt and black leather jacket, emerged 'the Baddest Woman on the Planet' herself: [i]Rowdy Ronda Rousey[/i]. The members of the New Ministry actually looked scared for the first time (Even the women who [i]never[/i] fought this woman), while the Equestrian Heroes looked pleased beyond belief. The top ranked fighter in the UFC and WWE made their way into the ring, standing alongside her fellow warriors.
The teams talked it over with one another, agreeing that Adagio and Twilight would start off the match. The Ministry stood in their corner, while the Equestrians and Ronda Rousey were in theirs. Both Adagio and Twilight were in the ring as their partners stood on the apron in their respective corners. The referee called for the bell (DING!) and Adagio took off after Twilight. Fortunately, the princess was ready for it, and they looked up in a test of strength.
The two of them pushed with all of their might against one another for about a few minutes before Twilight pushed Adagio off and gave a smirk.
"What's wrong, Adagio?" Twilight smirked. "Thought my head wouldn't be in the game?!"
Adagio merely smirked back as she walked toward her corner and tagged Kharma in.
"Tag!" The referee shouted.
Kharma slowly got into the ring, staring directly toward the frightened Twilight Sparkle. Yet thought Kharma was clearly larger than Twilight, she did her best not to be intimidated.
"Come on, Kharma!" She shouted. "Hit me with your best shot!"
Kharma quickly moved toward Twilight, but the princess was ready. The two superstars went at it, back and forth with a flurry of punches. Control of the match itself went back and forth between the two for a few minutes until Kharma took control. She picked Twilight up in a bear-hug submission and started squeezing the life out of her.
"Come on, Twi!" Rainbow shouted at her. "Come on!"
Rainbow started clapping, getting the crowd going. With the crowd behind her, cheering her on, Twilight broke out of the hold and landed an enziguri on Kharma, stunning the big woman.
"Come on, Twi!" Rainbow shouted again. "Come on! Tag me in!"
Twilight moved toward the corner of the ring where her friends stood and quickly tagged Rainbow in.
"Tag!" The referee shouted.
Rainbow quickly got into the ring and pressed on the attack. She ran at Kharma with a huge drop kick, then ran off the ropes, and hit it again. On the final one, Kharma caught Rainbow with a massive clothesline. She then picked Rainbow up and threw her right into her corner tagging in Aria Blaze. The purple siren quickly came in, stomping Rainbow deeply into the corner. She tagged in Adagio, who applied the same tactic, and hen tagged in Sonata who proceeded to do the same.
Sonata pulled Rainbow back to the center of the ring, blowing a kiss to her opponents on the other side. She proceeded to pick up Rainbow and body-slammed her onto the mat. She then walked over to her corner and climbed the top rope. Standing high atop the turnbuckle, she leapt off for an Elbow Drop. Thankfully, Rainbow managed to roll out of the way at the last moment and Sonata crashed down in pain. Rainbow started crawling toward her corner, while Sonata laid in the ring in pain. Not wanting to let Rainbow tag one of her partners, the remainder of the New Ministry chose now to interfere.
Kharma ran first, giving Rainbow a huge body splash to keep her down. Wanting to help her marefriend, Applejack jump in and hit the super kick to Kharma's face, stunning the woman before she fell over the ropes. Rosemary soon jumped in, lifting Applejack upon her shoulders before driving her down with her Red Wedding spinning face-buster. Rarity climbed the top rope while Rosemary was distracted, and when she turned around, Rarity flew off and hit a beautiful hurricanrana that sent her out of the ring.
The remaining Dazzlings attacked Rarity together, beating her down till Twilight and Pinkie jumped in to aid Rarity. Soon everyone got involved in the fight, beating each other up until all the chaos spilled directly out of the ring.
Meanwhile, back in the ring, Sonata finally got back to her feet just as Rainbow crawled to her corner and tagged in Ronda Rousey. The mixed martial artist slipped into the ring as Sonata turned around and saw Ronda smirking at her. The siren hadn't the time to cover up as Ronda quickly laid off some stiff punches to the face and gut. She grabbed Sonata's arm and started Judo flipping her like a rag doll.
Ronda could feel the energy of the crowd as she lifted Sonata back up and onto her shoulders. She hyped the crowd as she fully turned and nailed her famous Piper's Pit swinging Samoan Drop. Sonata laid there, cringing in pain and wondering how this could 'possibly' get any worse. Ronda knelt down beside her, trapping her arm under her own. Sonata looked up toward Ronda, her eyes begging for mercy.
"Please... please don't!" She pleaded. "I never did anything to you!"
Rona merely laughed and synched her famous Armbar submission hold. Sonata could actually feel her shoulder separate, as she screamed in utter agony and tapped out ever so quickly.
The crowd erupted in heavy cheers as Ronda's music kicked in. The Equestrians soon made their way back into the ring, their enemies fallen and grimacing in the agony of defeat. They heard the announcer calling out, 'Here are your winners! Ronda Rousay... and the Rainbooms!'. The girls were ecstatic as they rushed in and held their arms up together before the cheering crowd. And when that was done, they raced toward Ronda and a few fist-bumped the UFC fighter, while Pinkie rushed into a hug to which Ronda merely chuckled.
Rainbow Dash basked in the glory of victory, raising her arms out as she stood on the turnbuckle posing for the erupting crowd. Just then, she felt something pull her back and she turned around till she was face-to-face with Applejack. Before a word can be thrown out, Applejack pulled Rainbow in for a kiss much to the ecstatic nature of the fans watching. Pinkie Pie really got into it, dancing in the center of the ring before the fans.
"We're 2-to-1!!!" Pinkie cried out. "We're 2 and 1!!!! WHOOP! WHOOP! WHOOP! WHOOP!"
While all the girls were cheering, Sonata had rolled back outside the ring as the new Ministry were recovering from their loss. As the Ministry members turned to walk up the ramp to the backstage area, Sonata pleadingly looked up toward her fellow Sirens as they stood over her. They did not say a word though, but the disappointed looks in their eyes said more than enough. Silently shaking their heads, they turned and walked away to rejoin their fellow Ministry members as Sonata feebly hobbled behind them clutching her still-sore shoulder.
Along the way, a dazed 'Santina' Marella limped toward the Dazzlings and nudged into Aria's side. Disgusted, Aria reared back and delivered an uppercut so hard she sent the man flying through the arena leaving his lady disguise floating for a moment before plopping to the floor. He hollered and screamed in comical fashion, rolling around in the air, until his form faded into the sky, and he disappeared with a blinking light.
The fans were still insanely pumped over the first match of the evening and now it was time for another stellar match. A wall of dirt was set up right next to the stage entrance, complete with a six-foot grave dug into it and a tombstone at the head. Now it was time to determine who'd be walking out of the arena and 'who' would be buried alive.
"[i]The following contest is the Buried Alive match. The rules are simple... the only way to win is to throw your opponent into the grave, and cover him with dirt until he is declared buried alive.[/i]"
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
The crowd cheered in adulation as Storm Shield burst through the backstage curtain like a house of fire, all riled up for this match. Not just another fight, but an opportunity to finally put an end to this evil ministry at the source.
"[i]Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 153 pounds: Storm Shield!!![/i]"
"Well ladies and gentlemen, it's finally time for the Buried Alive match!" Michael Cole announced. "You can see how Storm Shield makes his way down to the ring with full confidence. But I don't think he really knows what he's getting himself into tonight."
"You're right Michael, and that is a very dangerous thing if you ask me," Jerry added. "This isn't just a normal match that can be won by pin or submission. Someone is going to be dumped in that grave and have their lifeless body buried under that cold wet dirt."
Storm made his way into the ring, pacing back and forth as he psyched himself up for this match (Or at least trying to). Course, it was difficult for the fans to tell how anxious Storm may be as he seemed to be brimming with confidence. All of a sudden, the lights went out as a loud gong signified the arrival of the Phenom himself. Storm braced himself for anything that could happen prior to his entrance.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
A large wall of fire erupted from the stage and straight from the depths of Hell itself rose the nefarious Deadman himself: the Undertaker. The Lord of Darkness was garbed all in black, wearing a cloak with a shoulder line that looked like a pair of bat wings. He truly embodied the personification of evil at this moment.
"[i]And his opponent, from Death Valley, weighing in at 328 pounds, THE UNDERRRRRRRTAKER!!![/i]"
"In all my years as a broadcast journalist, there has never been a more dangerous and vicious superstar ever to step into a WWE ring like the Undertaker."
"Michael, I've watched this guy for years, even competed against him," Jerry added. "A lot of the time, no matter how hard you try, nothing you do hurts this guy. It's like he feels no pain, and even if he does he sure enjoys it."
The Undertaker slowly and methodically climbed the ringside steps, standing right before the ring post for a good few moments in a frozen state. He then shot his arms into the air and with a loud *CRACK!*, all the lights in the arena lit up bright. He soon stepped between the ropes, removing his cloak before dropping it just outside the ring. The deadman and the prince both approached each other, looking into one another's eyes with sheer hatred.
Soon as the bell rang, the match was underway with both men hammering away in a vicious brawl. Undertaker then hurled Storm with an Irish whip into the ropes before he nailed a Hip Toss. This sent Storm to one of the corners, where Undertaker nailed him with a Corner High Knee. He started laying rapid punches to the head and ribs till he finally backed off, leaving Storm groaning in pain from the force of the blows. Undertaker then ran to the corner, aiming to nail a Big Boot, but storm ducked out of the way and Undertaker got hung up on the top rope.
"And Storm Shield moves out of the way just in time," Michael announced.
"That could very well be the opportunity this kid needs against the Phenom!" Jerry added.
Storm started going on the offense, attacking the leg hung up on the top rope. This was how he figured would cut the Undertaker down to size. Storm grabbed the leg and wrenched it back across the rope, causing Undertaker to yell out in pain. Finally, Undertaker fell off the rope and by the time he got back to his feet, he was limping on the left leg. Storm ran off the ropes to continue the assault, only to run directly into a Big Boot.
"And Undertaker nails a Big Boot!" Michael announced.
Undertaker picked Storm back up and wrapped his hand around his throat before he nailed a massive choke slam. He grabbed Storm and chucked him right out of the ring. He flipped over the top rope, grabbed Storm, and dragged him toward the burial mound. He brought Storm right up to the gravesite and dropped him right in. He grabbed for the shovel and began putting dirt in the hole, but Storm quickly rose up and climbed out of the hole.
Storm got out of the hole and began nailing the Undertaker with rapid punches before he grabbed the shovel and struck him in the back which sent him rolling down the hill.
"What a shot by Storm!" Jerry said.
Undertaker eventually made his way back into the ring with Storm hot on his trails. Storm threw off more punches which drove Undertaker into the corner. Storm put him up to the top turnbuckle and climbed up to position for a Superplex. Storm mustered all the power that he could, hurling himself against the Undertaker with such force that they both hit the mat with a sickening thud.
Both men struggled to their feet as the pain coursed through their bodies. Undertaker was the first to get back to his feet, charging full speed, and took himself and Storm over the top rope with a massive clothesline.
"Both men sailed right over the top rope!"
Storm started to crawl away, but the Undertaker was right on his tail. The prince tried crawling under the ring apron, but Undertaker grabbed his ankle and pulled him back out. What he didn't know was that Storm grabbed a lead pipe and smashed it into the Undertaker's bad leg. Undertaker howled in pain the moment the pipe struck his knee. Storm proceeded to hit the same leg a few more times for extra measure. Undertaker leaned against the barricade on one leg, as Storm ran at him and nailed him hard in the head with the pipe, sending him over the barricade.
Storm followed the Undertaker over the barricade and through the WWE universe. The shot from the pipe left a huge gash on the Undertaker's head, and now it was bleeding. By the time Storm caught up with the Undertaker, he was leaning against the arena wall. He moved to advance on the attack when Undertaker countered it and drove him right into the wall. Dazed after smacking his head against the wall, Storm turned right into the Undertaker's uppercut and stumbled backward toward the crowd and over the barricade with Undertaker following closely.
The two made their way back towards the gravesite and climbed up the dirt pile as Storm leaned against the gravestone. Undertaker ran and tried smashing Storm's head into the gravestone, but the prince ducked out of the way and Undertaker's foot kicked the gravestone off sending it falling to the ground. Storm kicked for Undertaker's bad leg and the Deadman fell to one knee over the tombstone. Thinking quick, Storm got back up and curb-stomped the Undertaker's face into the stone.
Undertaker laid completely unconscious on the ground, while Storm Shield used the rest of his energy to roll the Phenom into the grave. He slowly got back to his feet and started shoveling the dirt on him. Just as he was about to win, something happened that stopped the man in his tracks.
From backstage came the rest of the New Ministry carrying a giant Undertaker symbol, which a frightened Fluttershy was strapped to. Storm gasped upon seeing his kidnapped friend and raced forward to help her. However, Rosemary drew out a wicked-looking dagger from her boot and held it dangerously close to Fluttershy's neck, as the girl whimpered with fright. Storm had no choice but to back off when he bumped into something and turned directly toward a fully awake Undertaker.
"Not again—" Storm uttered.
Undertaker quickly turned Storm upside down and nailed his Tombstone Piledriver directly on the steel floor of the stage.
"Tombstone Piledriver on the steel stage!" Michael yelled.
"That's it, he's dead," Jerry declared.
Undertaker lifted Storm onto his shoulders and carried him back to the grave where he dumped his limp form. Just as he started to pile the dirt, the rest of the Equestrians, including Spike, Edge, and Cody Rhodes raced onto the stage and ambushed the Ministry. The Undertaker kept shoveling the dirt until he felt something smack against his back. Unphased, he slowly turned around and saw a trembling Twilight Sparkle holding a shovel in her hands.
The Deadman swat the shovel away and snatched her by the throat much to her horror.
"You truly think you can defeat me?" He asked menacingly.
"Maybe not..." Twilight choked out. "But I know someone who [i]can[/i]..."
She reached behind her, quickly pulled out the urn, and uncorked the top. All at once, a strong gust of wind flew out and a light emerged from the urn along with a purple haze. The lights in the arena went out and a cold draft blew through.
"All the lights have gone out," Michael announced confused. "Man, do you feel that King? It's like the temperature just dropped to freezing in here."
"Not only that Michael, but it also feels like it's raining!"
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
The lights in the arena came back on and the entire crowd cheered out of respect and joy. The Undertaker couldn't understand 'why' until he turned around and came face-to-face with the very soul he trapped inside the urn for so long. He stared directly toward the face of the true form of... [i]himself[/i].
The 'true' Undertaker snatched his other half by the throat and choke slammed him directly into the grave. The rest of the cult ran forward to help their fallen leader when Malakai Black quickly stopped them. He looked toward the 'true' Undertaker and smirked wickedly before turning back to the Ministry.
"There's no sense falling in the name of a false god!" He spoke. "Let the imposter rot in the ground. We are already far more powerful than any known force. The Dark Order sent me here to lead should the false Deadman fall, and fall he has. This is no longer a Ministry, from now on... this is the 'House of Black'. Let us retreat to regain our strength, for soon we shall deliver our vengeance upon the Multiverse."
The rest of the group looked amongst each other, as if contemplating whether or not this was a good idea. However, seeing the false Undertaker thrown into his own grave made them realize perhaps he was never meant to lead them. Staring toward the King of the Black Throne, they bowed their heads in respect before turning to leave.
While doing so, the rest of the Mane Six quickly raced forward and untied Fluttershy from the Undertaker's symbol. Soon as the timid girl was finally free, she threw her arms around her friends, and they in turn did the same.
During this, the Undertaker lifted Storm from the grave and handed him the shovel. Storm gladly took the offered tool and began piling dirt on the unconscious 'false' Deadman. Twilight took the shovel she had and began piling dirt alongside the prince. The rest of the Mane Six and Spike soon came by to help out. Before too long, the grave was entirely full of dirt and the referee rang the bell signaling the victory and the crowd cheered.
"[i]Here is your winner: STOOORRRRRM SHIEEEEELD!!![/i]"
"Well, there you have it ladies and gentlemen, Storm Shield survived the Buried Alive match!" Michael announced happily.
"A well deserved victory Michael," Jerry nodded. "He took the 'false' Undertaker to Hell and back, but in the end he emerged the victor."
The Mane Six and Spike threw their arms around Storm Shield, who did the same as they all hugged.
"You did it storm!" Twilight yelled happily. "You defeated the Undertaker!"
"Nah..." Storm shook his head. "[i]We[/i] did it... all of us! We're some team."
"Thank Celestia we got ya back, Fluttershy," Applejack sighed in relief.
"I was so worried you guys," Fluttershy shook. "I thought I'd be trapped with those horrible people forever."
"Yeah, who knows what could've happen?!" Pinkie rambled. "Why that black mist could've made you into a grumpypants, you'd suddenly start wearing black, listening to punk rock music, and you'd turn so evil that—"
"I don't think we need to worry of that now, darling," Rarity assured her. "It's all over now... finally."
"Not [i]just[/i] yet..." Storm replied. "We still have one more thing to do first... in the meantime..."
The prince pulled away from the group till he was face-to-face with the 'real' Undertaker. He knelt down, picked up the urn off the ground, and handed it over to him. The Undertaker slowly reached out and took the urn back. Then he did something that showed greater respect, something any sports entertainer longed for. The Undertaker himself extended his hand to shake.
Storm looked upon the offered hand for a moment before graciously reaching out and shook it. Undertaker then back up, knelt upon one knee, and bowed in respect toward Storm Shield.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Undertaker then stood to his full height before looking out toward the audience he had entertained for years. He slowly removed his gloves, his trench coat, and even his hat, all of which he placed upon the ground. After all this, he realized it was finally time to step away.
Undertaker climbed down from the dirt mound and made his way up the ramp. Stopping right at the entrance, he slowly looked back one last time before turning back, looked down, and thew his right arm into the air as the thunder rolled. Everyone in the arena cheered as the Phenom proceeded backstage for the last time with the Mane Six, Spike, and Storm following after him.
Little did any of them know, upon the gravesite, a bolt of lightning struck the grave... and a hand popped from out of the dirt.
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