Wrestlemania Night 1

The very next day, the sun shined down upon the WWE arena. The Equestrian heroes, Mystery Inc., and John Cena walked through the corridors with Ms. Richards. As they walked, they explained everything to the lady executive of all they found at Bear Cave. Of course Storm Shield, Spike, and the girls intentionally left out the parts where they ventured through the multiverse and battles against dark forces alongside WWE legends in the plains of damnation. It already wasn't believable to them, and only they experienced the multiverse themselves. They were certain nobody else would believe it and they decided to keep that to themselves.

"So you see Richards," Cena explained, mid-walk. "That's how the Ghost bear gets in and out of places so quickly."

"And we have reason to believe that whoever is behind these bear attacks has planted an EMP device somewhere in the stadium."

"He could shut down the entire show right in the middle of WrestleMania," Velma finished.

"You see Ms. Richards?" Twilight pointed out. "This proves Shaggy and Scooby are completely innocent. From what they've said, it seems whoever is behind this has been planning this for quite some time, while Shaggy and Scooby only just got here a few days ago."

"And were you able to find 'any' solid evidence that the dog and his friend didn't steal the championship belt, of which we have tangible footage?" Richard shot back.

"Not exactly, but..."

"Then as far as I'm concerned, their WrestleMania match tomorrow is still underway."

Both Shaggy and Scooby gulped loudly, starting to quiver with fear over the very prospect of having to face Kane.

"I don't know Richards," Reuben butted in. "We shouldn't take any risks; we'll have to cancel the show."

"You [i]can't[/i] cancel WrestleMania!" Richards retorted. "That'd be like cancelling Christmas, not to mention my career! Besides, what could anybody gain by shutting off the lights?"

"Not just the lights, but the T.V. cameras as well," Daphne pointed out. "There'd be no show."

"People would panic in the pitch black," Velma pointed out. "They'd get hurt."

It was during this moment Sin Cara 'flipped' into the conversation and began striking a few poses.

"Does this guy really have to flip around so much?" Rainbow deadpanned. "I mean I know I can be a showoff myself, but seriously."

[i]Even if this movie 'did' give Sin Cara any 'lines', it would all be in 'Spanish' or something.[/i]

[i]You 'really' need to do more research on these guys.[/i]

"Don't worry about that right now Dash," Cena spoke up. "Besides, Sin Cara's right. It would tarnish the entire reputation of WWE."

"Look, I'll have my men guard the stadium's generators 24/7," Richards told them. "They'll check 'every' square inch of the building right before the show. No one's going to get away with anything under my watch. One way or the other... WrestleMania goes on."

That being said, Richards walked away to sort everything into the place leaving the rest of the group behind.

"If the object of the EMP is to create chaos, you know the Ghost Bear won't be far away when it happens," Velma pointed out.

"Or Discord for that matter," Storm muttered, under his breath.

"Well, I think it's pretty obvious what we need to do now," Fred said.

"Run away?" Scooby asked fearfully.

"Scooby Doo, must you always think that's the answer to 'everything'?" Rarity pointed out.

"Like it hasn't failed us yet!" Shaggy replied.

"No, we need to turn WrestleMania into a trap," Fred said determined.

"A [i]big[/i] bear trap," Cena nodded. "Whatever you've got planned Fred, count me in."

Cena stuck out his hand and everyone looked toward Fred with smiles, letting him know that they were down with whatever he had planned. Fred, smiling as well, shook Cena's hand.

"Come on then, we don't have much time," He said.

"But don't forget, John and I still need to train for our match tonight against the Ministry!" Spike pointed out.

Cena turned back toward the teenage dragon-turned-human with a rather regretful look upon his face.

"Yeah... about that..." Cena spoke slowly.

"What?" Spike asked worriedly.

"I'm really sorry to do this Spike, but I won't be able to team with you and Edge tonight."

"WHAT?!?!" Spike gasped in shock. "You mean to tell me it'll just be me and Edge out there tonight? You realize we'd be at a severe disadvantage!"

"I know, and I wish I could help you out, except..." John explained. "After getting smashed into that cave wall by the Ghost Bear, the head trainers told me I had a concussion. I won't be able to wrestle tonight!"

"So wait, you'll help the gang with the 'trap', but you can't even wrestle?" Spike asked.

"Never said I had to do the physical part."

"Well that's just great!" Rainbow spoke sarcastically. "Now where are Spike and Edge supposed to find another partner on such short notice? Nearly every other wrestler on this roster are either already scheduled for WrestleMania or on the injured list."

"You could always ask Michael Cole to put on his wrestling gear," Pinkie suggested.

"NOOOOOO!!!" Everyone shouted.

"I believe that's something I can help you with baby."

The entire group turned to see none other than the Equestrian heroes' new manager, Jimmy Hart, approaching them.

"Wut are ya talkin' about?" Applejack asked confused.

"You see, John came to me earlier after his trip to the trainers and told me he wasn't able to compete tonight," Jimmy explained. "I knew I couldn't leave my new client without a tag team partner tonight... aside from Edge. I went out and found you Spike a replacement scheduled to meet you out in the ring for your match tonight."

Spike merely ran his hand through his green hair, sweating slightly over the news.

"Then why don't I feel any better?" Spike asked nervously.


Later that night, the thunder crashed as the rain poured from the heavens while the first night of WrestleMania was in full effect. Fans walked through the arena doors, tickets in hand, ready for a night of amazing action. Out in the arena, the seats were jam-packed to the rafters with screaming, cheering crowds. Spike, in his wrestling garbs, peeked from the curtain to the backstage area, his nerves skyrocketing as he contemplated the night head. Here he was with little to almost 'no' training whatsoever and now he has to go out before the crowd and put his body on the line in a grueling match just to prove himself.

His thoughts were interrupted by footsteps behind him, drawing his attention to Edge walking beside him.

"Ready to go out and tear the house down tonight?" Edge asked.

"Yeah... I guess," Spike responded unsurely.

Spike proceeded to take a seat on a nearby equipment crate, slumping down and taking deep breaths. Edge could tell just by looking at the young man that he was clearly upset. He slowly walked over to sit alongside the kid.

"Nervous?" He asked.

To which Spike merely gave a slight nod.

"I understand how you feel," Edge spoke, patting his shoulder. "I felt the same way before my first match."

"It's not so much about the match," Spike responded. "I've had my share of fights before coming here. It's more of 'what's' at stake. And if I lose this one... I'm afraid I'll let everyone down and I'll never hear the end of it."

"Yeah... John told me everything that's been going on lately with this whole New Ministry thing. I get it... I used to be a member of the old Ministry; I know what it's like when the Darkness creeps in."

Edge looked down toward Spike, placing an arm around his shoulder.

"When I was told of this, I knew I had to help you guys anyway I could," He continued. "Now we're going out there tonight, we're going to beat them down, and we'll get your friend back one way or another."

Spike turned back toward Edge, now with an actual smile on his face.

"Thanks for the pep talk Edge," Spike spoke gratefully.

"No problem kid," Edge smiled back.

It was during that moment Jimmy Hard approached the pair.

"Alright baby, let's get this going!"

Spike and Edge both jumped from the create and made for the stage entrance, ready to tackle the task at hand.


Back out in the arena, the cheering and adoration of the fans continued to escalate and grow as the first night of WrestleMania was underway. The ring announcer stepped into the ring with a microphone in hand, ready to address the erupting audience.

"[i]Ladies and gentlemen... Welcome to WrestleMania![/i]"

The crowd cheered even louder in response.

"[i]The following contest is a Six Man Tornado Tag Team Match set for one fall...[/i]"

"[i]ONE FALL!!![/i]"

"[i]... with a sixty minute time limit![/i]"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The audience cheered with adulation once more, as Edge and Spike raced out upon the stage with adrenaline. Jimmy Hart followed them out as the pair ran to each side of the stage, rallying the crowd. Finally, they started their way down the ramp only to stop in the middle with Spike standing in front of Edge. They both threw their arms in the air and a big blast of colorful pyro exploded behind them.

"[i]Making their way to the ring, accompanied by the 'Mouth of the South' Jimmy Hart, at a combined weight of 404 pounds: the team of Spike and the 'Rated R Superstar' Edge!!![/i]"

Everyone cheered again and the announcers sat down upon their table to speak.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the first night of WrestleMania!" Michael Cole announced. "As always I am Michael Cole accompanied by my broadcast partner, Jerry 'the King' Lawler!"

"Boy Michael, I am so excited for the first night of what is sure to be one of the greatest WrestleMania's ever!" Jerry said excitedly. "And what a way to kick off the show tonight than a six-man matchup!"

"How true that is King, but there is one thing that myself and everyone else is widening tonight. Who is going to replace John Cena in the match here tonight."

"I'm not sure Michael. After Cena wasn't cleared to compete tonight, Jimmy Hart said he found a tag team partner, but we have no idea who it is. I can't wait to find out!"

Spike and Edge stepped into the ring, waiting to find out who their mystery tag team partner could possibly be. They waited... and waited... and waited...

And then the lights went out...




[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The roof nearly blew off the arena as the crowds' cheering was deafening. From out of the floor rose a man who hadn't competed in WWE for six whole years, but one everyone knew well. The man who built WWE's rival company AEW, a multiple time champion, and son of the legendary Dusty Rhodes: the 'American Nightmare' [i]Cody Rhodes[/i].

"[i]And their tag team partner, from Atlanta, Georgia, weighing in at 220 pounds: THE AMERICAN NIIIIIIIIIGHTMARE, COOOOODYYY RRRRRHOOOOOODES!!![/i]"

"This entire arena just exploded!" Michael Cole said amazed. "You could hear that reaction all the way in the woods on the outskirts of the city!"

"You're telling me Michael, this is amazing!" Jerry agreed. "We haven't seen Cody Rhodes in a WWE ring in years, but what a reaction when he returns."

Cody rolled into the ring, staring right at a very surprised Edge and Spike who looked toward the American Nightmare with awe. Cody stuck his hand out and they both stared for a moment longer before shaking it one by one. Cody stood alongside them in anticipation for what's about to come next as the lights went out again.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

A long silence ensued from the audience out of fear as the New Ministry made their way out the backstage area. Leading the charge was Malakai Black, who Cody Rhodes had quite a history with. Black stood garbed in a macabre-looking headpiece that was skeletal and spooky. Behind him came Kevin Thorn, followed by Abyss and Father James Mitchell. They were perhaps the most terrifying, powerful force ever to walk the Earth.

"[i]And their opponents: 'the Monster' Abyss, Kevin Thorn, and Malakai Black!!![/i]"

"They are perhaps the most sadistic, horrifying group ever assembled in the WWE," Michael Cole announced.

"You hit the nail on the head there Michael," Jerry agreed. "These three individuals have literally sold their souls to the devil himself, the Undertaker. In my opinion, it's only made them even more powerful than anyone could possibly imagine."

The three demonic entities entered the ring and stood directly across from their opposition. Both teams stared daggers toward one another. The referee stepped into the ring, ready to signal for the bell, until James Mitchell stepped before him with a microphone in hand.

"I hope the three of you are prepared to enter a world of pain and eternal damnation at the hands of the Ministry," He spoke. "You see, this is not going to be a regular match by any means. This is the match that my monster Abyss made famous. This is going to be... 'Monster's Ball'!!!"

With that said, Mitchell dropped the microphone and departed the ring with a sadistic cackle. He knew a Monster's Ball match was dangerous, destructive even. It was more likely that someone wouldn't be walking out on their own two feet. That's just exactly what he wanted out of this night. Spike, wide-eyed, turned to walk out of the ring only for Edge and Cody to grab both his shoulders and forced him to turn around.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, it looks like this matchup tonight at WrestleMania will now be a Monster's Ball match!" Michael announced.

"Oh let me tell you Michael just how happy I am 'not' to be part of this match," Jerry added. "There have only been a handful of Monster's Ball matches in wrestling history, and they all usually end with someone in the hospital... or worse."

"I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR THIS!!!" Spike called out.


At the sound of the bell, the match-up was officially underway. Right off the bat, an all-out slug fest ignited as both teams raced toward each other and started laying out fists against one another. Cody and Malakai went after each other, Edge took it to Abyss, and Spike and Thorn threw down.

"Here we go, matchup is underway!" Michael announced. "These men are already taking it to one another!"

"What do you expect Michael?" Jerry asked. "For days now, these men couldn't wait to get at one another."

Thorn seemed to have the upper hand at first, dragging Spike to a corner. After a moment, Thorn finally backed up and in a possible sign of defiance, Spike slapped Thorn right across the face. The Vampire lord slowly turned his face back, clearly enraged, and a bead of sweat dropped from Spike's head as he chuckled nervously. Immediately, the vampire went to work on Spike, pounding him with fists which Spike desperately tried to block.

"This Spike kid better watch out because he's not just in the ring with anybody," Michael warned. "He's going face-to-face with Kevin Thorn, one of the most extreme individuals in the industry."

As Thorn pummeled Spike in the corner, Edge stepped in and pulled Thorn off of Spike. Edge threw a massive punch on Thorn, stunning the vampire a tad, and just as he turned around he was met with a dropkick courtesy of Spike himself.

"An impressive drop kick from Spike on Thorn," Michael observed.

"I'll admit, this kid actually has some impressive moves!" Jerry agreed.

However, the momentum was short lived as Malakai Black snuck up and rolled up Spike in a schoolboy pin-fall attempt.

[i]1... 2...[/i]

Thankfully, Cody leapt in and broke up the pin. The American Nightmare pressed the attack upon Malakai. The latter wasted little time getting up, kicked Cody in the midsection, and went for the DDT. However, Cody countered and tried going for a DDT of his own. Malakai had the move scouted and turned it into a suplex.

Meanwhile, thinking quickly, Spike climbed the top rope. It was unclear what intentions he had because Thorn met him at the top rope and landed a few clubbing blows. For a moment, the vampire had the advantage, till one swift kick to the skull sent him crashing down to the mat. Spike repositioned himself, then hit a picture perfect 450 degree splash before going for the cover.

[i]1... 2... [/i]

Then Abyss jumped in and broke the pin. Spike, having no time to refocus, felt lifted off the ground as Abyss wrapped his hand around Spike's neck. Lifting the boy up, Abyss nailed a massive chokeslam on the young dragon teen. Spike quickly rolled out of the ring, clutching his back in pain.

Abyss quickly followed the young dragon teen out the ring, reaching under the ring apron before pulling out a steel chair. Spike leaned against the ring post, turning his back toward Abyss, having no idea what was coming. Abyss reeled the chair back just as Spike turned around. But luckily, Spike ducked out of the way and the chair instead connected with the ring post, the force causing Abyss to drop it. Spike quickly scrambled over, picked the chair up himself, and smacked it across Abyss's back. The monster stumbled forward in pain as Spike brought the chair across his back once more, each blow leading to resounding cheers from the fans.

While this went on, Cody and Malakai continued their in-ring battle. The match was firmly in Cody's control now. He stalked Black on the top turnbuckle, waiting for him to get to his feet, and then connected with a moonsault. Both men were down on the ring. As Cody got back to his feet, he grabbed Black and hurled him outside the ring. All the while, Thorn and Edge were wrestling in the crowd and Spike smacked Abyss upside the head with the chair. Cody slipped out and dragged Malakai to the announce table, where he bounced his head off the table. Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler looked on in confusion, as the challenger ran his hands through his hair, thinking up ways to wear Black down.

Another idea came to mind as Cody positioned Malakai on the table and climbed up himself. He then positioned Black in a vertical suplex position, which usually is the set-up for the Brainbuster. However, Black countered it into his own suplex, sending Cody and himself crashing through the table.

"And Malakai Black and Cody Rhodes just crashed through our table!" King announced in shock.

"And another table bites the dust," Michael mumbled to himself.

Edge and Kevin Thorn kept fighting through the crowd, throwing haymakers at one another. Kevin Thorn quickly took advantage and threw Edge toward the ringside barricade. Thorn looked over and noticed a garbage can off the side with a few weapons inside. Dastardly sickening things swept through his head, as he quickly ran and kicked Edge right over the barricade. He then went back, grabbed for the garbage can, and threw it over casting all the weapons over the barricade and onto the floor.

Kevin Thorn quickly hopped over the barricade to go back on the attack. However, Edge grabbed for a kendo stick in the process and whacked Thorn's side with a sickening smack.

Back with Abyss and Spike, the Monster rolled the young dragon back into the ring and climbed back in after him. Abyss turned back as James Mitchell hopped upon the apron and handed his monster a black bag, which Abyss quickly grabbed. Dumping the bag out, thousands of thumbtacks spilled onto the mat. James Mitchelle laughed sickly before he was pulled off the apron by Jimmy Hart. Hart grabbed his megaphone and smashed it over James Mitchell's head, sending the Sinister Minister falling to the ground.

Abyss picked Spike up and placed him on the top rope. He climbed himself up and positioned Spike for the super-plex. Thankfully, Spike threw more punches toward Abyss' head and stopped the monster in his tracks. Spike then flipped Abyss over and powerbombed him off the top rope and onto the thumbtacks. The thumbtacks stuck onto his skin and Abyss rolled out of the ring in pain just as Kevin Thorn pushed a ladder into the ring as Edge now laid unconscious upon the floor... a broken kendo stick laid onto his back.

Thorn set the ladder right in the middle of the ring and started climbing up, as Spike was laid upon the ground. Just as Thorn prepared to jump off, Cody climbed the apron, spring-boarded off the ropes, and caught Thorn with a Cody Cutter off the top of the ladder. Both men rolled out of the ring in pain as Abyss slowly got to his feet against the barricade. Then, in a solute second, Edge ran around the barricade and speared Abyss right through the barricade.

"Edge speared the Monster right through the barricade!" Michael announced loudly.

"Good lord Michael, this matchup is barbaric!" Jerry added.

Back in the ring, the only ones inside were Malakai Black and Spike. Malakai picked Spike up and positioned him for a suplex. However, when he picked Spike up, the young dragon was able to reverse and landed on his feet before nailing Black with a neck breaker into a pin attempt.

[i]1... 2...[/i]

Malakai kicked out just as the referee's hand came down for three. Spike got up and climbed the top rope, posing for the crowd. As Black made his way back to his feet, Spike leapt off the top rope. Black stepped out of the way and Spike landed on his feet. He turned back around for another attack, only to receive the Black Mist right in his eyes. The mist blinded Spike and made him so disoriented he didn't see Malakai deliver his Black Mass spin kick right to the side of his face and he fell flat on his back for the pin.

[i]1... 2... 3!!![/i]

The crowd booed loudly as Black slowly got to his feet after securing the victory.

"[i]Here are your winners: Kevin Thorn, 'the Monster' Abyss, and Malakai Black![/i]"

"Ladies and gentlemen, in all my years as a broadcast commentator, that was one of the greatest matchups I have ever called!" Michael announced.

"I couldn't possibly agree with you more Michael," Jerry nodded. "That match had a little bit of everything. I only wish the outcome could have been different."

Malakai Black sat cross-legged next to a still unconscious Spike for a few moments before a sinister idea came to his head. He quickly rolled out of the ring and grabbed two chairs from under the ring before rolling back inside. He quickly placed one chair under Spike's head and stood back up at full height with the other one in hand.

"Oh come on Malakai, you've done enough already!" Michael said.

"Someone get in there and stop him!" Jerry said urgently.

[i]Where's the part where Twilight and friends rush off to save Spike![/i]

[i]No one's allowed to interfere during these WrestleMania matches![/i]

[i]*Pause* THAT doesn't make any sense![/i]

Black raised the chair over his head, ready to bring it down at full force. That is... until Storm Shield raced in and tackled Malakai Black to the ground. He started laying in a set of punches until Black pushed him off, rolled out of the ring, and stood alongside his demonic disciples.

[i]*Slowly turns toward writing partner with a slight glare*[/i]

[i]It'll ALL make sense in the next chapter... I promise![/i]

Storm Shield helped Spike back to his feet, while Edge and Cody rolled in to help out the little guy. Spike groaned and cried out trying to scrub the mist out of his eyes, while the two WWE stars pulled him out of the ring and helped him up the ramp toward the backstage area. Storm stayed in the ring as he paced back and forth in frustration before grabbing a microphone.

"Okay... I've had enough of this Ministry garbage!" He yelled angrily. "It's one thing to come after me and my friends, but nearly putting one of my best buddies in the hospital! Heck no! I'm ending this thing right here, right now!

"FIEND!!! Get out here so I can you straight to Hell, like I'll do to the Undertaker tomorrow! In fact, I'll step it up a notch and challenge you Fiend... to a HELL IN A CELL MATCH!!!"

He hurled the mic down and stood in the ring waiting for his opposition to come to the ring to face him.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The arena lights went out once more as a blood red light enveloped the area and the Fiend emerged from the backstage area. Holding his lantern, which resembled the head of his former persona 'Bray Wyatt', the demonic Fiend walked slowly and methodically down the ring. When both combatants were in the ring, the red light stayed lit all around the arena as the gigantic Hell in the Cell structure was lowered around the ring.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it looks like this match will now be a Hell in a Cell match!" Michael Cole announced. "Personally, if I were that Storm kid, I'd not want to be in there right now."

"No kidding Michael," Jerry agreed. "I have sat at this commentary table for twenty years and I have commentated almost 'every' Hell in a Cell match in history. Believe me when I tell you: These matches are not for the faint at heart."

The referee quickly rang the bell (DING!), and the matchup was underway. The Fiend immediately started punching Storm's gut and tossed him into the cell like he was nothing. The Fiend then put one boot on Storm's throat and while the kid was choking painfully the Fiend put another boot onto his stomach. The ref asked if Storm wanted to give up, but he could barely choke out a 'No'. Storm then crawled to a corner, trying to pull himself back to his feet.

"Already at the start of this match, and the Fiend is dominating Storm Shield!" Michael announced.


[i]Somewhere in Discord's theater...[/i]

[i]"We're going to lose..."[/i]


Storm rolled out the ring, trying to escape the Fiend's wrath, but the demonic entity quickly followed him out. As the Fiend advanced toward Storm, the young prince quickly grabbed a kendo stick under the ring and ran back into the ring with the Fiend on his tail. Just as the Fiend rolled back in, Storm whacked him on the gut with the Kendo Stick. Unfortunately, it had little to no effect on the Fiend. Storm kept on the attack with the weapon until the Fiend finally fell on his back.

Storm quickly started dropping his knee on the Fiend's head. Then he raised the Kendo Stick high above his head and brought it down hard on the Fiend's head before going for the pin.


The Fiend quickly kicked out at one and got back to his feet like nothing happened. The Fiend Irish-whipped him out of the ring then speared him through the cell. The Fiend grabbed Storm and rolled him back in the ring for a pin attempt of his own.

[i]1... 2...[/i]

Storm kicked out at two-and-a-half and the Fiend locked him in the colossal clutch in an attempt to make Storm tap out. The Fiend grabbed his head in both hands and twisted it to the side like he could snap it off like a bottle of cheap wine. The Fiend grabbed Storm and threw him out the ring again. Following him out, he grabbed Storm by the back of the neck and dragged him outside the cell where they broke the wall down. The Fiend Irish-whipped Storm towards the barricade but Storm jumped on top and spun back around in a diving crossbody.

Storm grabbed a chair from behind the barricade and started smacking it repeatedly over the back of the Fiend. He went for the cover but once more the Fiend kicked out at only one. Now Storm was growing more frustrated, seeing as nothing he did could hurt the Fiend. Storm looked up toward the top of the cell as an idea came to his head. Storm started climbing up the side of the cell and soon the Fiend started after him. The two of them were about half-way up the cell and they both started ramming each other's heads into the wall. Eventually, they were so disoriented that they both fell sixteen feet off the cell to the floor.

"Good lord almighty!" Michael yelled. "They could very well both be broken in half."

"Those two are going to need some serious medical attention after tonight," Jerry added.

Storm laid upon the floor in excruciating pain, but the Fiend quickly jumped back up to his feet like the indestructible monster he was. The Fiend started climbing the cell again and Storm crawled his way up after the Fiend. Finally, the two warriors made their way to the top and the Fiend positioned Storm for the Sister Abigail, but Storm pushed the Fiend off and ran him with a massive spear which sent them crashing through the roof of the cell and down through the floor of the ring.

"MY GOD!!!" Michael yelled.

"Someone get out and help these guys quick!" Jerry yelled.

Both Storm and the Fiend laid in that giant hole they left in the ring, barely moving and without a sign of life in them. The referee went to check on the two and noticed Storm's arm was positioned over the Fiend causing him to count the pinfall.

[i]1... 2... 3!!![/i]


"[i]Here is your winner: STORM SHIELD!!![/i]"

"My God ladies and gentlemen, in all my years I have never seen anything so barbaric as what we've all just witnessed!" Michael declared.

"Michael, I've watched Mankind get thrown off this cell by the Undertaker many years ago," Jerry replied. "I thought I'd never see anything as dangerous as that, but these two have certainly topped that tonight!"

The referee helped Storm out of the hole and the young man collapsed on the mat in absolute pain. Storm Shield laid completely still, in deep pain upon that wrestling ring floor. He had just gone through a tremendous physical battle with the Fiend, which 'thankfully' he won. Only now every single inch of his body was racked with pain. It hurt to move, yet he slowly crawled his way to the ropes and dragged himself back to his feet.

"Wow!" Michael Cole exclaimed. "What an all-out war we just witnessed tonight King!"

"You can say that again Michael," Jerry Lawler responded. "Coming from someone who has felt the Fiend's wrath, I am truly surprised this young man was even able to keep conscious right now."

"He went to war with the Fiend tonight, but he emerged victorious here at WrestleMania."

"I wouldn't be too excited for him Michael. He may have gotten past the Fiend tonight, but in doing so he also might have sealed his own fate. Tomorrow night, he now goes one-on-one with the Undertaker."

Finally, Storm was able to return to his feet and leaned back against the turnbuckles. Clutching his sore arm in the air, the crowd cheered for the young prince. However, the victory was not to last as the sound of a bell toll made the entire atmosphere change. The lights went out before a bluish purple light enveloped the arena and all in it. The image of the Lord of Darkness himself, the Undertaker, appeared on the giant titan-tron as he seemingly stared directly at Storm.

"Poor unfortunate soul," Undertaker stated sinisterly. "You've been nothing but a thorn in my side since the beginning. I had hoped you might save yourself a world of pain and torture falling before the Fiend tonight. Though it seems you're far too stubborn and persistent to quit. If I were you, I'd enjoy this small victory while it lasts, because come tomorrow night, you will experience nothing less than pure, utter hell. Tomorrow night, I will do two things.

"The first... I'm going to take my fist, shove it right in the middle of your chest, and rip your heart out and eat it. The second, I will drag your lifeless carcass from that ring, dump it into a six-foot deep grave, and shovel the dirt upon it. For tomorrow night, you and I will face each other, one-on-one... 'Buried Alive'."

The crowd cheered over the announcement while Storm stood there, a frozen look upon his face. He was lucky just to survive tonight. Now he must compete tomorrow against perhaps the most evil entity in the entire WWE in a Buried Alive match. Just then, the lights went out again. When they returned, the Undertaker himself now stood directly before him with a look to kill.

"My god, it's the Undertaker!" Michael Cole exclaimed loudly.

"Where did he come from?" Jerry asked shocked.

"Crud—" Storm muttered.

Before he could say more, Undertaker wrapped his hand around Storm's throat and pulled him right to the center of the ring, where he flipped him upside down and nailed him with a massive Tombstone Piledriver.

"Tombstone Piledriver!!!"

"That might've just killed him!"

And just like that, Storm Shield laid completely lifeless as Undertaker looked upon his motionless form with a sick smirk upon his face.

[i]We're doomed...[/i]

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