Wrestlemania Challenge
The next morning came rather quickly for the Mane Six, Spike, and Storm Shield. Together, in their human guise, they walked back into the WWE Training Camp. After that experience from the night before, they knew things were growing more serious than originally expected. Dealing with this ghost bear and the Dark Order was 'tough enough' as it was, but now it had grown far worse. Now with the emerge of the Undertaker, his new Ministry, and their alliance with the Order, they just knew things would grow worse for them and all of WWE City.
"What the hay are we supposed to do now?" Rainbow asked concerned.
"Ah don't know hun, but I reckon we need to tell the gang and Mr. McMahon about this," Applejack stated.
"After what happened last night, it's time to come clean and tell them exactly what's been happening," Twilight agreed. "The dream we've all had, the confrontation, it's becoming too much."
"I just hope they'll have the resources capable of dealing with this situation," Rarity spoke nervously.
"We do have to bare in mind they are still a sports entertainment company," Storm pointed out. "It's not like the WWE are training super soldiers."
"Then again... our own guard could use the bigger muscle," Spike shrugged.
As the group kept walking, they noticed something peculiar ahead. A couple WWE City police officers, with Ms. Richards included, stood right in front of Shaggy and Scooby's cabin. Judging by their body language and facial expressions, they didn't look happy at all.
"Oh dear, more trouble," Fluttershy whimpered.
The group quickly ran forward until they skid to a halt, right beside Richards and the police.
"What's going on, Ms. Richards?" Twilight asked the executive.
"I don't believe that's any of your business," Richards shot back.
"You're knocking on our friends' door with a couple police officers," Spike pointed out. "So yes, it most certainly [i]is[/i] our business."
In that moment, the door slowly opened and revealed Shaggy, who yelped in fear before the presence of Ms. Richards and the police.
"Like is something wrong Ms. Richards?" Shaggy asked nervously.
"Cut the chit-chat, the WWE Championship belt has been stolen," Ms. Richards informed him.
"WHAT?!" Everyone yelled together.
At that moment, the rest of Mystery Inc. and the WWE superstars came over to see what all the commotion was about.
"And we know who 'did' it..." Ms. Richards narrowed her eyes.
"Who could possibly do something like that?" Pinkie asked. "I mean aside from a couple gold-crazed dragons and greedy griffins back home. Oh, and something about a greedy money-grubbing... duck with a lisp?"
Everyone turned toward Pinkie curiously, before quickly shaking their heads and returning to the matter at hand.
"The one who stole that championship was... [i]your[/i]dog," Richards concluded.
Everyone around them gasped in shock, but Shaggy shook his head in denial and disbelief.
"Like that can't be true!" Shaggy argued. "Scooby Doo has been in here with me all night! Weren't you buddy?"
Shaggy pulled the door open further, showcasing Scooby Doo, who indeed was still in bed.
"Rats right!" Scooby nodded, sitting up.
However, while sitting up, some of his blanket fell down and everyone could faintly see a glimpse of glimmering gold. Scooby noticed as well, as a shocked expression formed on his face, and he quickly covered himself back up.
"I saw that!" Ms. Richards glared.
The security men barged into the room with everyone else following behind.
"Um rothing to ree here!" Scooby said nervously. "Rust re in bed."
The security guard quickly yanked off the blanket and everyone gasped in shock at the sight before them. Scooby Doo, wearing the stolen WWE championship, around his waist.
"Scooby Doo!" Fluttershy gasped. "You didn't—"
"You sir, uh dog, are a thief!" Ms. Richards glared at Scooby.
"But Ms. Richards, this doesn't make any sense!" Twilight spoke up. "Scooby Doo couldn't have taken the championship belt."
"Were you with him all last night to prove it?" Richards shot back.
"Well... we actually had our own problems to deal with," Rainbow responded.
"Then your opinion really doesn't carry any weight in the matter."
"But Scooby Doo has never stolen anything in his whole life," Daphne argued.
"Except the hearts of all the children," Pinkie smiled meekly. "Not literally, but—"
"I have proof... [i]right here[/i]!" Ms. Richards showed her tablet. "Last night's security footage, take a look!"
"Fine, show us!" Rarity said.
Ms. Richards presented the security video as everyone watched closely. The video showcased the championship belt in its security case surrounded by dozens of security lasers. Scooby soon appeared on the video performing certain dance moves over the laser security. Then somehow he broke the glass after activating the code and literally took the belt.
"R-R-Ri did steal it..." Scooby stuttered.
"No way..." Spike said in disbelief.
"This has to be a hoax!" Applejack added.
"Say it ain't true, Scooby Doo," John Cena frowned.
"Hold on a second!" Velma spoke, examining the screen. "Isn't there something strange about Scooby?"
"You really want us to answer that?" Daphne deadpanned.
Scooby took the belt off himself and looked down in shame as he handed the belt to Cookie.
"Yeah, this is the championship belt alright," Cookie confirmed. "I'd know it anywhere."
"Look, you found the belt, how's about you just take it back?" Storm suggested. "Scooby Doo can just say he was sorry, the belt goes back in its case, and we can all just pretend this never happened."
"Yeah, no harm done," Spike added.
"I'm afraid we'll be taking the belt [i]and[/i] the thief with us as well," Ms. Richards glared.
On cue, she had the two guards approach to escort Scooby out of the cabin.
"Ron't ret 'em take me, Raggy!" Scooby cried out for his best friend. "NOOO!!!"
"I won't pal! Hang on!"
Shaggy grabbed Scooby's back hind legs, only to be dragged along.
"Ron't let them rake re!" Scooby cried out. 'Rime innocent!"
All the others could do was watch as Scooby and Shaggy were dragged off.
"Great, another problem to deal with!" Storm groaned. "In all the other adventures in the past, I don't think we've ever had so many problems pile up at once!"
"What about the 'Star Wars' movies?" Pinkie piped in.
"[i]Besides[/i] that..."
All of a sudden, Velma and Twilight both got an idea in their heads as they both turned to each other as though sharing the same thought.
"Jinkies, that's it!" Velma beamed. "Come on, we've got to work fast if we're gonna save Scooby."
"What are you talking about?" Rarity asked.
"We'll explain on the way," Twilight replied. "Come on! We must hurry!"
Everyone looked at each other in confusion for a moment but quickly raced off after Velma and Twilight towards the WWE Arena.
Later that very same day, the entire group gathered at the WWE Arena down by the ring. They had also gathered up the WWE City police and Ms. Richards. Later on, Vince McMahon made his way out from under the entrance and down the ramp, as he looked toward the giant group gathered at the ring.
"All right, kids," Vince said, walking over. "What's going on here?"
"Thanks for coming, Mr. McMahon," Twilight smiled. "Velma and I have asked you all here to show you that Scooby isn't a thief. He's just a pawn. Take it away Velma."
Velma hit a button on the tablet to show the security footage on the big screen for everyone to see.
"And the video footage is important, why?" Rainbow asked.
"Well, look at this," Velma replied. "We got it from the memory card of the video game. Here's the security video of Scooby as he was taking the belt, and here's the video footage of Scooby doing his winning victory dance from the memory card of Shaggy's video game."
Velma proceeded to add a video of Scooby performing the video game victory dance from back home, which as Velma pointed out resembled the moves of the security video.
"Yeah, that's a funk-a-dactyle move!" Brodus Clay said.
"Is there a point to any of this?" Ms. Richards asked impatiently.
"Watch as we slow down the victory dance," Twilight instructed.
Velma proceeded to slow down the footage so everyone could have a better look at the footage onscreen.
"It's the [i]same[/i] movement!" Daphne realized.
"Scooby was programmed with a post hypnotic suggestion to steal the championship belt," Velma continued.
"Like that's why he's been sleepwalking since we got here!" Shaggy realized.
"Oh reah!" Scooby nodded.
"And just how did the boy and dog get this post technological programming?" Ms. Richards asked Velma.
"My guess is from the video game itself," Reuben suggested. "May I?"
Velma handed him the tablet so he could examine it himself. He soon began to do something with the tablet.
"I'm connecting the saved file from Shaggy's WWE video game to the tron-screen."
Reuben accessed a file which showed Sin Cara's dancing in the video game, as Scooby copied the moves on the very spot.
"Someone highlighted every move with light flashes," Reuben pointed out. "Flashed which could have planted that post hypnotic suggestion in Scooby's brain."
"Oh great, eggheads everywhere!" Rainbow groaned. "I just can't get away from them!"
"Nice hacks, Reuben," Velma smiled.
"That's my nephew!" Cookie smiled proudly. "He's a computer genius!"
"Listen kids," Vince spoke up. "As compelling as this theory might be, I'm still a guy who likes to look at the facts."
"And the fact is: He [i]stole[/i] it!" Ms. Richards sharply pointed toward Scooby. "And he's going to jail for it!"
"No! There must be some way to clear their names!" Fluttershy frowned.
Then Richards walked right up and pointed her finger right in Shaggy's face.
"And it was [i]your[/i] video game, so you're going with him as his accomplice!"
"[i]Accomplice[/i]?" Shaggy asked confused. "I'm not an accomplice. I'm not even sure what that means."
"It's a person who helps another commit a crime," Pinkie defined. "Like murder cases..."
"Pinkie, you're not helping!" Spike muttered.
"Isn't there a way we can prevent that from happening?" Fred asked hopefully.
"No!" Richards snapped.
"Actually, [i]yes[/i] there is!" Mr. McMahon interjected.
Hearing this instantly made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.
"Thank you Mr. McMahon!" Twilight thanked him. "I promise you, no matter what it is that needs to be done Shaggy and Scooby can handle it. Isn't that right guys?"
"Like totally!" Shaggy nodded. "Whatever it is."
"We'll ro it!" Scooby agreed.
"What do they have to do to earn their freedom?" Storm asked.
"WWE City law says that [i]anyone[/i] accused of a crime can compete in the ring for a chance to win their freedom," Vince responded.
And just like that, the good feeling was instantly snuffed out as Shaggy and Scooby's faced both fell at the very idea. The two of them, competing in a match, just to earn their freedom? They may as well be placed in handcuffs right now.
"With WWE City officials declaring that WrestleMania will be held on not just one but two nights this year, I have the power to make that happen on the second night," Vince continued. "But I have only [i]one[/i] competitor left who's looking for a match."
Vince pointed toward the entrance ramp as everyone looked up in anticipation as to who was about to walk out from behind that curtain.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
The room turned a hellish red as huge flames burst from the stage. From behind the curtain emerged none other than the seven-foot-tall Big Red Monster: [i]Kane[/i]. The masked younger brother of the Undertaker himself appeared on the stage with a deadly glare plastered on his face.
"Kane!" Shaggy and Scooby shook fearfully.
"I want another shot at the title," Kane glared at the cowardly duo. "Looks like I'll have to go through [i]you[/i] two to get it. I accept the challenge."
Both Shaggy and Scooby shook with fright as they held each other closely.
"Like you know Scooby, I hear prison food isn't that bad," Shaggy said.
"No!" Velma spoke determined. "You want a chance to prove your innocence in the ring. They accept the challenge Mr. McMahon!"
"WHAT?!" The Equestrians yelled in unison.
"Velma, are ya outta yer mind?!" Applejack asked.
"Your sending those guys to their demise!" Rainbow added.
Valme gave no response other than a wink in their direction, which was none too reassuring.
"Ms. Richards, release these two so they can prepare for their match," Vince ordered. "Unless they can prove their innocence, their match with Kane will main event WrestleMania on the second night."
Kane snarled as he punched his fist into his open palm. If he didn't look menacing enough, the flames made him look scarier. Shaggy and Scooby were still very frightened and nervous about this as they fainted from fright. Eventually, Kane walked off the stage and disappeared as Mystery Inc. tried to get Shaggy and Scooby to come around.
"Now then, if there's nothing else, I have work that I have to get back to," Vince informed, making his leave.
"Wait a minute, Mr. McMahon!" Twilight called out. "There actually is something else we have to tell you."
Vince quickly turned back around toward the lavender-skinned teenager and her group of friends.
"Go on then," He replied.
"Well you see sir," Twilight began. "We believe your entire company and this entire city are in great danger."
"Yes, we are aware of the bear attacks..."
"But it's not just about the Ghost Bear!"
"What are you talking about?"
"Last night, we saw some old foes of ours and we followed them to this very arena."
"Only when we got here, they weren't alone," Rarity added.
"There's some evil group of wrestlers who have banned together with our enemies to form some sort of evil syndicate!" Spike said.
"We call them [i]heels[/i], young man," Vince spoke seriously. "We pay them to act mean and perform dirty tactics, but we don't call them [i]evil[/i]..."
"That's not the point, sir," Storm spoke up. "If we don't stop these guys, they'll have more than enough power to take over not just this entire city but the very world as we know it! You've just got to believe us!"
Vince, despite hearing what the group had to say, scoffed as though he didn't believe a single word they were saying.
"And you really expect [i]me[/i] to believe all that?" He asked skeptically. "Me? Vincent Kennedy McMahon? You kids are just pulling my leg."
From the sidelines, Pinkie noticed a folded piece of paper fall from Mr. McMahon's pocket. She stealthily moved over to pick it up, while he was still talking to her friends. Unfolding it, she skimmed over the contents before her eyes, till they went wide, and she quickly folded up the paper which she hid in her mane.
"But we're telling you the truth sir," Fluttershy said. "We need to do something before..."
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
*Play twice, for a few seconds, for dramatic effect*
The ringing of the gone was heard, loud and clear through the arena, as the lights all went out till there was nothing but pitch-black darkness. After a moment, a second gong rang loudly, and all the lights came back on. Everyone looked around worriedly for a few moments, trying to see what was going on. It was then Twilight noticed something very wrong.
"Guys... where's Fluttershy?"
Everyone turned their heads immediately toward where Fluttershy stood. They soon noticed she was no longer there, as if she just vanished into thin air.
"She was right there a second ago," Rainbow spoke.
"Oh dear Faust, where could she be?" Rarity panicked.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Once again, the lights in the arena dimmed as a dark blue light enveloped the entire building. Upon the titantron over the entrance, the ghastly evil face of the Undertaker himself appeared.
"You weak, pathetic souls have no idea what you're meddling in," He spoke grimly. "No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, there is nothing that can stop the rebirth of eternal darkness. Soon enough, evil will spread across all known worlds, and all forms of life will either serve us... or perish in the flames of hell!"
Everyone in the arena watched with wide eyes, fearful and shocked as the demonic 'Deadman' made his message clear. The only one who broke free from his gaze of fear was Storm Shield. A look of determination spread across his face, as he grabbed a microphone from the side.
"Easy to talk big while you hide like a coward!" Storm spoke. "I've faced more terrifying things than you all my life, and each and every time I've walked away the winner. How about you come down here right now and try you luck against me?"
Hearing the challenge laid before him, the Undertaker merely chuckled wickedly.
"You have [i]no[/i] idea what you just asked for," He spoke. "I was born with the devil whispering in my ear, boy. He gifted me with a great connection with the supernatural and the ability to hate without any reason whatsoever."
"B-B-B-Boy... this guy is [i]really[/i] committed to his character," Pinkie shuddered.
"After all..." The Undertaker continued. "I don't need to [i]fight[/i] you... to [i]beat[/i] you."
From up on the stage, a ring of fire formed and out of it rose Kevin Thorn and Abyss. The two of them held a very scared, timid Fluttershy in their grips. The poor girl struggled heavily against them.
"FLUTTERSHY!" The group yelled.
"Let her go you big meanie!" Pinkie yelled.
"I swear I'll go crazy on your evil butt if you touch her!" Rainbow threatened.
Another sadistic laugh broke loudly through the arena, though this one was clearly more feminine. Out of the backstage area emerged none other than the rest of the Ministry, with Chrysalis leading the charge.
"You just don't get it, do you?" Chrysalis smiled. "We hold all the power around here now. Whatever we wish shall be done. That's why we'll be keeping your little friend with us until our plan comes to fruition."
"Twilight Sparkle, we swore vengeance on you all those years ago and now the time has come!" Adagio spoke. "But this time, it won't be enough blasting you to oblivion. We'll beat you [i]so[/i] badly, you'll never set foot in Equestria ever again!"
At that moment, hearing enough, Rainbow Dash rushed into the ring and grabbed a microphone herself.
"Look here cheese whiz!" She called out. "We're not scared of you or anything else! We've beaten you once before and we'll do it again! How about this? You want to kick the feathers out of us, we want to do the same to you. Three stupid sirens, that big bug brain, and those ugly excuses for women. How's about we have ourselves a twelve-person tag team match... at WrestleMania?!"
The Ministry looked amongst each other with wicked grins on their faces.
"We'll see you there," Adagio grinned.
Then Storm Shield himself had an idea of his own.
"You know what? A match at WrestleMania doesn't sound like a bad idea," He said. "How about it, Deadman? You say you want to bring eternal darkness forever, but you'll have to go through me first!! At WrestleMania, you and I, one-on-one, inside the squared circle. WrestleMania may be your reign, you may have won your share of fights, but you've never faced the likes of me!"
The Undertaker once more released an evil laugh from his video on the titan-tron.
"If you truly have a death wish, I have no problem obliging," He responded. "I will face you at WrestleMania... but first, you have another challenge to overcome."
Storm raised a curious eyebrow in confusion, as the lights suddenly went off again in the arena.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
And just like the nightmare from their first night in WWE City, a blood-red light engulfed the area. Storm quickly turned around just as the Fiend pounced on him and applied the Mandible Claw. Everyone quickly turned around as Storm once more struggled to pry the Fiend's hand off his jaw, kicking his legs wildly trying to push him off. The group raced to Storm's aid, making to climb the ring.
A huge explosion was heard as a massive ring of fire surrounded the ring and blew everyone back. Now blocked by a wall of flame, they could only watch helplessly as Storm eventually passed out from the Mandible Claw... [i]again[/i]. The Fiend looked down upon his fallen prey, before breaking into a fit of insane laughter and demonic growls. He held his arms out wide before the lights went out again. When they came back up, he vanished once more along with the rest of the Ministry.
With the fire around the ring extinguished, the girls and Spike quickly raced to help Storm to his feet. They had no idea what they've truly gotten themselves into, only that they are soon about to enter the fight of their lives. A fight made even more personal with one of their best friends in the clutches of those sociopathic villains, and who knows what they'd do with her?
"Storm's supposed to fight that freak just to get a match with the Undertaker?!" Pinkie cried out.
"That guy is just too powerful, how're we going to help Storm prepare for this?" Rarity asked, glancing at the unconscious prince.
"And how are we going to save Fluttershy?" Spike added.
"One thing is absolutely certain everyone," Twilight informed. "It's going to take a miracle for us just to survive."
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