The New Ministry

Following a rather sleepless and rather strange night, the Mane Six, Spike, Storm, and Mystery Inc. found themselves at WWE Headquarters the very next day. Having done battle with the Ghost Bear the night before, needless to say management should know. Storm, Spike, and the girls were also very scary after that nightmare the previous night and could not for the life of them figure out what it meant. For the moment, they decided to keep it to themselves until they could determine how to handle it.

Right now, they had other things on their minds as they all stood in the office of WWE executive, Ms. Richards. Right now she was looking through a file, and the group could tell by the look on her face that she was 'not' happy. By the time she was done, she slammed the file shut.

"[i]Assault... battery... property damage... ghost bear?![/i]" Richard read, glaring. "What the heck is going on? And what are you kids doing in WWE City anyway?"

"We won a contest!" Scooby and Shaggy responded.

"Did she forget about the contest?" Twilight whispered to John Cena.

"She shouldn't have," John Cena replied. "She sent out the memo."

Richards looked toward Cookie in confusion, the man merely shrugged.

"Don't look at me Richards," He replied. "You're the one who sent out the memo, 'The Victory Dance Challenge'."

"Oh right..." The woman groaned. "That wasn't [i]my[/i] idea. Boys in marketing or video game design, one of those. Who can keep anything straight with all these bear attacks?"

"There have been [i]others[/i]?" Velma asked concerned.

"Indeed, [i]several[/i]," Richards replied.

One click from the remote and all the screens showcased several key locations all over the city.

"Many of them inside our buildings. The creature trashed the kitchen, and totally obliterated our video game studio, and as quickly as it appears, it disappears."

"Oh my!" Fluttershy squeaked in fear.

"I'm telling you, it's the ghost!" Cookie told the visitors. "The evil from beyond the grave..."

The door creaked open, which made Scooby leap into Shaggy's arms and Fluttershy ducking behind her friends as they faced the open door terrified again. That instantly dropped soon as they saw Vince McMahon himself stroll into the room.

"Now let's all remain calm here," He told the others. "We don't wanna cause too much ruckus."

"Mr. McMahon!" Rainbow, Shaggy, and Scooby beamed.

Scooby, Shaggy, and Rainbow at this point were gushing like total fan girls.

"In the flesh!" Shaggy cried giddily. "I can't believe I'm face-to-face with Vinny Mac!"

"The Boss!" Scooby continued.

"The Higher Power!"

"The Mac Attack!"

"The Mac Daddy!"

"Daddy Mac!"

Vince looked at them both with clear confusion written on his face. It didn't last very long before Rainbow got in his face with a whole bunch of questions.

"Oh my gosh Mr. McMahon, it's nice to finally meet you!" Rainbow said, shaking his head wildly. "I must ask: What was it like feuding with Stone Cold Steve Austin? Did it hurt when he hit you in the head with that bedpan? What about when he filled your car with cement?"

Vince quickly pulled his hand back and Rainbow slowly backed up till she stood next to Shaggy and Scooby.

"Yes well... thank you for that trip down memory lane," Vince said awkwardly.

"Hmph! You'll never see 'me' act like that," Rarity huffed.

"Oh ah'm sure we will at [i]some[/i] point," Applejack whispered to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy giggled over that, as did Applejack, before they both stopped the moment Rarity turned and sent them a heated glare.

"Let me cut to the chase," Vince McMahon said. "We've been doing research on you kids, you're some kind of 'mystery solvers'. We could really use your help here."

Mystery Inc. all looked at each other for a moment before turning back with smiles, as did the Equestrians.

"Thank you, Mr. McMahon," Twilight smiled. "We'd be honored to."

"My main concern is the Championship Belt," Vince replied. "Not only is it worth a fortune, but WrestleMania wouldn't be the same without it."

"So true!" Rainbow nodded.

"I'm too loyal to rules for stealing," Spike spoke, crossing his arms. "Even if I'd want that belt to add to my collection."

A thought bubble formed above Spike's head, picturing himself in his old teenage Dragon self. Only he made the thought bigger, giving off a 'Tough Enough' vibe just like a professional WWE wrestler.

"Excuse me sir, but we don't need kids meddling in security matters," Ms. Richards told McMahon. "I promise the Championship belt is well-guarded 24/7 with state of the art laser and wire electric alarm system. There's no way the bear could get to it without tripping the beam and setting off an alarm that would have my security men within seconds."

"Too bad WWE Security has a bad rep for getting beaten up so easily," Storm muttered to Pinkie Pie.

"I understand Richards," Vince replied to the blonde woman. "But it couldn't hurt to let these kids lend a hand."

"It's what we do!" Fred added with a smile.

"So true!" Pinkie agreed. "No group solves more mysteries than these meddling kids right here. Dating all the way back to 1969!"

Ms. Richards merely responded by narrowing her eyes toward Mystery Inc and their group of friends.

"[i]What's with her?[/i]" Storm thought to himself.

"You mind if I help?" John Cena asked.

"Oh no, not at all!" Storm spoke aloud, smiling.

"Great idea, John!" Daphne added, latching onto his arm.

"Awesome!" John Cena smiled back. "Because I think there's [i]someone[/i] you should talk to."

"And who might that be?" Fluttershy asked.

"Follow me and you'll see," Cena responded.

John proceeded to lead Mystery Inc. and the Equestrians from the office and down the hall towards the entrance to the roof. What neither group saw were two figures entirely hidden in the dark. Father James Mitchell stood with a much taller, cloaked individual and they kept a close watch on the group walking down the hall.

"It seems they were foolish enough not to heed my warning," Mitchell smirked wickedly. "What would you have me do now?"

The dark figure, watching after the group for a moment, walked further back into the shadows.

"Summon the others," The figure ordered deeply. "Tonight... we make our presence known."


The group continued to follow John Cena onto the roof of WWE headquarters. Walking out into the roof, they saw a very familiar masked luchador staring out at the sunrise.

"Sin Cara?" Twilight and Velma asked together.

"He knows the legend of the bear, better than anyone," John replied.

Sin Cara flipped through the air before landing right in front of the entire group. Shaggy, Scooby, Rainbow, and Fluttershy all clapped impressed by the masked man's display.

"Does anybody by chance speak Spanish?" Storm asked.

"[i]Desafortunadamente, no creo que yo ni nadie aquí sepa español,[/i]" Pinkie shrugged.

Everyone faced the pink party pony in surprise and confusion.

"That basically means 'no'," Pinkie explained. "If only the 'Three Mascaritas' were around, they'd make this easier."

"Don't worry about that, I speak masked luchador," John Cena replied. "I'll translate as best I can."

Once more, Sin Cara broke into a series of flips and spins as though trying to explain the story through pantomime and his motions. Thankfully, Twilight was able to use her magic to help pain a picture in everyone's minds as Cena explained the story to them.

"[i]The Legend of the Ghost Bear goes back 100 years ago,[/i]" John Cena translated. "[i]A monstrous bear part of a traveling show, they named him Vicious, and for good reasons too. The creature had a mean streak a mile wide and twice as ugly. He'd had never been beaten... 'ever'... though there was one man who stepped up to the challenge. That man being Sin Cara Grande, Sin Cara's great-great-great-grandfather.[/i]"

"Ooh..." Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie exclaimed in surprise.

"He challenged the bear on this very spot," John continued. "Long before there was ever a WWE City. The battle between man and bear was epic."

"Sure sounds like it," Spike whispered to Applejack.

"Hush now sugar cube," Applejack whispered back.

"[i]The bear was a horrible, unstoppable beast,[/i]" John continued. "[i]But when the match was over, it was the men standing victorious. The bear could not contain its anger, the beast enraged its attack through the town.[/i]"

"Dear Faust!" Rarity gasped.

"[i]Many lives would have been lost that day,[/i]" John continued. "[i]Had it not been for the brave luchador Sin Cara Grande. While saving those innocent town folk, he was injured.[/i]"

"Oh my..." Fluttershy shook. "W-What about the bear?"

"The bear? It escaped into the woods into a cave downward, never to be seen again," John replied. "Until now... Sin Cara feels the soul is disturbed by WrestleMania itself, which is why the monster has risen from the grave. To have its revenge."

Everyone gasped in shock, also slightly in fear, upon hearing all this.

"But fear not," John continued. "It is Sin Cara's honor and duty to continue his great-great-grandfather's legacy and protect WWE City, at any cost!"

With the story finally over, the others clapped as they felt amazed. Sin Cara bowed to them following his performance.

"Well that's quite the story," Storm told Cena. "It would certainly serve as a good excuse for someone to use the legend of the bear to stir chaos."

"So, you think the ghost bear is a big fake?" Cena asked him.

"Absolutely!" Storm nodded. "All we need to do is compile a list of potential suspects, to determine who could possibly have a grudge against WWE."

"And by my count, that sounds like a [i]very[/i] big list..." Pinkie agreed.


Later that very same night, the Mystery Inc. crew and the Equestrians followed John Cena back to the WWE Training Camp. Now they had knowledge about the ghost bear itself, but they still required more in order to figure out the mystery as a whole. First and foremost, two questions rang in their minds: Who would use the legend to destroy WWE and why? Not only that, but they also required the location of both the Legion of Doom and the Dazzlings.

Right now, however, they followed alongside Shaggy and Scooby, who both carried large towers of pizza boxes while accompanying John Cena. While walking, they noticed a bunch of wrestlers sitting together and eating. All of them were talking about the ghost bear itself.

"I have half a mind to go out in the woods, find that bear, and rip it's head off!" Triple H said angrily.

"I don't know Triple H," Brodus Clay spoke uncertainly. "He's awfully tough."

"I think we should stick together," Santino added.

"What do you think Miz?" A.J. asked.

She turned toward the heavily banged up superstar, who was currently sitting in a wheelchair.

"Stick together," Miz groaned in pain.

"I can't believe you two are still hungry after the meal we just had," John chuckled.

"This is just a late-night snack, right Scoob?" Shaggy smiled.

"Right... relps rus sleep," Scooby nodded.

"Believe me John," Twilight giggled. "When it comes to eating, Shaggy and Scooby may as well be the undisputed champions of the world."

"Every professional eater in the world couldn't stand up to Shaggy and Scooby," Applejack agreed.

"Joey Chestnut, Furious Pete, Takeru Kobayashi, Theeta Rappai, Matt Stone, Bob Shoudt, Sonya Thomas..." Pinkie listed, taking a deep breath. "Choji, Fuu, Toriko, Monkey D. Luffy... oh, and Son Goku!"

"I don't know who half those people are... but it's true!" Spike nodded.

"Yep, if those two were as strong as they are at eating, they'd be superstars," Rainbow chuckled.

John chuckled along with the rainbow-haired girl as they all walked. The entire group were completely unaware of Kane watching from around the corner with a deep scowl. As they walked, Twilight turned her side towards the cabins and noticed a familiar trio standing by their cabin. Sure enough, it was the familiar sight of Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk. The three Sirens stood smirking wickedly at the group, while Adagio maliciously waved her fingers. Twilight Sparkle shot back with a fierce glare.

"The Dazzlings!" She yelled toward the others.

The Mane Six, Spike, and Storm looked over and saw the familiar sirens as well. The whole team were ready to spring into action.

"Let's get 'em!" Rainbow yelled.

"John, get Scooby and Shaggy to their cabin!" Applejack ordered. "Keep 'em there till we get back!"

Cena, while having no idea what was going on, noticed the seriousness in their eyes and knew there was a good reason. With a quick nod, he quickly hurried Shaggy and Scooby back to their cabin, much to their confusion. The Equestrian group stayed behind to face the Dazzlings head-on.

"I've been waiting to get my hooves on those fish-faced witches for a long time!" Rainbow said, cracking her knuckles.

"Looks like we ain't gonna wait no more hun!" Applejack spoke determined.

"Come on, after them!" Storm shouted loudly.

The Mane Six, Spike, and Storm quickly raced off towards the Dazzlings, who quickly ran away from the training grounds and into the city.


The Equestrians continued their pursuit for the Dazzlings through the streets of WWE City. Until at last, they finally ended up back in the WWE Arena. The Dazzlings had quickly entered through the back door and the heroes followed them right inside. Once in the backstage area, they found not a trace of the Dazzlings or anyone else. All that greeted them was eerie silence and a dimly lit hallway. To say the least, they found the atmosphere very spooky... yet private.

With no one looking, the group reverted from their human guise and back into their Equestrian forms.

"G-G-Guys, I-I-I t-think we s-should g-go back n-now," Fluttershy shook.

"We can't just leave Fluttershy," Rarity told her. "If the Dazzlings are here, surely the Legion of Doom are not very far behind."

"Rarity's absolutely right," Twilight agreed. "If they're all here, we can take them all down right here and now together."

"I don't know guys," Storm spoke uncertainly. "I have a bad feeling about this. Like this whole thing's a trap."

"Fer sure it's a trap," Applejack responded. "But it don't matter none cuz there ain' nothin' them varmints can throw at us that we can't throw back harder."

"Abstively-posilutely!" Pinkie nodded excitedly. "Besides, it's not like when we walk in here that some scary man in a hockey mask will hack us all to pieces with a machete. Or a burned-up ghost man with a clawed glove tearing our innards and dragging us across the roof."

Every pony slowly turned toward Pinkie Pie with a heated glare, which caused the pink party pony to smile nervously.

"I did say it's unlikely," She said.

"Can some-pony [i]please[/i] explain why we can't just leave her back while we handle these things?" Rainbow groaned.

"Forget about that now," Twilight brushed it off. "Right now, we must focus. Let's move."

The group proceeded down the corridor, slowly and carefully despite not knowing what's lurking in the shadows. The group made certain to look carefully, behind every piece of equipment to make sure no one was hiding away. The more they weren't able to find anything, the more uneasy they started to feel. They knew for certain the Dazzlings had run in here, but still they nor anyone else were to be found.

Eventually, the group emerged from the backstage area and found themselves standing on the stage overlooking the ring and the empty arena. Walking down slowly, stepping into the ring together, they looked around and noticed one thing in particular.

"It's quiet in here," Storm pointed out. "[i]Too [/i]quiet."

At that moment, every single door in the area slammed shut, one-by-one, much to the entire group's surprise. A single light snapped on, shining upon them all. A wicked laugh drew their attention back to the stage where they saw Father James Mitchell once more, standing beside the Dazzlings... [i]and[/i] the Legion of Doom. The Sinister Minister held a microphone in one hand, proceeding to address the group.

"You should have heeded my advice when you had the chance," He spoke sinisterly. "Now from the deepest recesses of Hell, I've brought together an unholy alliance that will not only conquer this world but shall spread our darkness across the Multiverse!"

From inside the ring, the Mane Six, Spike, and Storm stood their ground.

"Please!" Rainbow scoffed. "All I see are a bunch of punks we've kicked the feathers out of in the past and a crazy old man. I like our chances."

"Are you kidding? We're not even British!" Sonata whined.

Aria turned toward Sonata and slapped her upside the head.

"Why don't you be quiet?!" Aria groaned.

Tirek merely smirked as he grabbed the microphone from James Mitchell.

"You have absolutely no idea of the powers we now possess, little pony," He spoke. "You may have defeated us once before, but now 'we' have the numbers. 'We' have the powerful artifacts to make us more powerful than all your precious elements and princesses combined."

Then it was Adagio's turn, as she produced her own microphone.

"Not to mention, we've met a few new allies here to help us put you stupid ponies [i]and[/i] your dragon friend in the ground... [i]once and for all[/i]..." She spoke aggressively.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

From the entrance ramp of the arena emerged one of the most dangerous, most terrifying entities in WWE history: [i]Kevin Thorn[/i], the vampire lord himself. Standing side by side with the rest of the sinister group, the vampire gave a wicked smile which showcased his two elongated and dangerously sharp fangs. He wiped the smirk from his face and sent a look of hatred towards the group in the ring.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Next came a dangerously violent, disturbed individual whom Father Mitchell knew all too well. The seven-foot-tall monster of mayhem himself: [i]Abyss[/i]. The twisted, vile masked monster carried his favorite toy: A devastating 2x4 plank with sharp nails sticking from it which he dubbed 'Janice'. His arms were marked with scars from violent encounters he engaged with other combatants, where he emerged the victory.

With these two huge, menacing men standing alongside the evil syndicate, the Equestrians in the ring looked immensely nervous. Then Father Mitchell, facing the girls in the ring, smiled as an evil idea came to him.

"Oh, don't worry girls," He assured. "My two big monsters here won't cause any of you harm. However... I know a [i]few[/i] who will..."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The girls gazed in horror as a giant leviathan-like woman walked out from the backstage area and stared straight at them with an icy stare that was almost hypnotizing. This monster of a woman was known as [i]Kharma[/i]. Perhaps the most terrifying women's wrestler of all time, having squared off with both women [i]and[/i] men in the past. Double tough, double ferocious, she was cut above 'any' competitor who stood in the ring.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Almost straight from the pits of hell itself came forth the demon assassin: [i]Rosemary[/i]. The she-devil walked from the backstage area like a zombie freshly risen from the grave. Alongside her was her brother in Decay, the mentally unstable and demonic clown man: [i]Crazzy Steve[/i]. The two Decay members laughed insanely upon sight of the group in the ring, slowly making their way beside Abyss, a fellow member of [i]Decay[/i].

Seeing the diabolical group standing on the stage before them, the Equestrian group thought this was another bad dream. They closed their eyes, trying to wake themselves up. But when they opened their eyes again, they realized they were indeed 'completely' awake. What happened next was perhaps the most horrifying thing of all. The group bent on one knee as they faced the entrance once more and bent down on one knee.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The lights in the arena all went out as a dark blue light engulfed the entire arena. The air became deathly cold, almost like it was actually raining inside. A tall, dark cloaked figure soon emerged from backstage. From the depths of hell, through fire and brimstone, emerged the most evil, terrifying entity of them all. That of course being the Demon of Death Valley, the Lord of Darkness, the Phenom himself: [i]The Undertaker[/i].

The entire group on stage bowed in his dark presence as the group in the ring looked on in fear toward the gigantic demonic man. The Undertaker stood straight at them with a death stare, as the rest of the group rose up and stood alongside the Phenom. Father James Mitchell handed a microphone to the demon himself and slowly he rose it to his lips.

"Welcome... to Hell!" He spoke menacingly. "And your eternal damnation. For too long, the demons have been confined to the deepest depth of darkness, unable to bring our unholy wrath upon the world. But now, with my new Ministry at my side, the days of darkness and despair are upon us yet again.

"The days of bright lights and scary music are over. It is time for pure unadulterated hatred and evil. From this day forward, we will hurt who we want, take what we want, and destroy what we want. Until the day of Armageddon is upon us, and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

"That being said, I will leave you with one final thought: Be afraid... be [i]very[/i] afraid."

And just like that, the lights went out once more. When they came back in a second later, the Undertaker and his Ministry had vanished.

"How many villains are we going to fight in this crossover again?" Pinkie asked sheepishly.

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