Meet the New Gang

A calm, cool breeze blew through the air on a quiet night in the town of Coolsville. The sun just set over the horizon, which brought forth the end to another day for the denizens of the town. At the local malt shot, in the midst of the town, many customers were leaving the establishment and returning home for the evening. Eventually, the parking lot of the malt shop was completely empty and dead silent.

That is... until a certain crystal portal opened up in the middle of the parking lot and from out of said portal was a group of colorful ponies and a teenage dragon.

The Mane Six, Spike, and Storm stepped out from the portal and onto the concrete parking lot as the crystal aura slowly closed behind them. As they've done on many adventures prior, they took a moment to look around their new surroundings. Clearly, they were once again in the human world. However, there was clearly something weird about this world.

"Okay... where the hay are we now?" Rainbow asked.

"I have no idea," Twilight responded. "It's the human world for sure, but it looks so... oh, what's the right word...?"

"Animated?" Pinkie suggested.

"Yeah... let's go with that," Twilight nodded.

"Regardless, that gives us no further clue as to exactly 'where' we are," Rarity pointed out.

"Well one thing's for sure," Spike smiled. "I hope I get to have my human form back. Love having the massive guns."

Spike flexed his arms and showed off the muscles that his teenage dragon form possessed. Everyone chuckled over the dragon boy's cheekiness.

"Oh Spike, don't ever change," Storm chuckled.

"Don't plan to," Spike grinned.

"Alright y'all seriously, we have tah figure out where the Sam Hill we are," Applejack reminded everyone.

"Maybe someone at that diner may be able to tell us," Fluttershy suggested, pointing at the malt shop.

"Good idea Flutters!" Rainbow praised. "C'mon guys!"

The group made their way towards the malt shop when suddenly the front door to the establishment opened. Before their very eyes, a group of familiar people emerged. The first guy had blonde hair and wore a white shirt with blue jeans. The girl beside him had red hair and wore a purple dress with matching pumps. The second girl had dark brown hair in a bob style, wore glasses, an orange sweater, red skirt and matching shoes. The second guy was a tall lanky gent with dirty blonde hair, wore a green t-shirt and brown pants. Then there was an unmistakable Great Dane with a collar that was initialed 'S.D.' walking alongside them. The Equestrians stopped in their tracks and gasped in shock when they realized 'exactly' who this group was.

"Is that... Mystery Inc.?" Fluttershy asked in shock.

"That's unmistakably them," Rarity nodded.

"Pretty hard to mistake that group of kids and Great Dane for anyone else," Rainbow added.

"Ooh... come on every pony! Let's go say hi!" Pinkie said excitedly.

The group raced toward the young mystery solvers, who halted in their walking when they saw a strange group rushing in front of them.

"SCOOBY! Guys!" Twilight exclaimed joyfully. "What are you doing here?"

The Mystery Inc. gang spoke no words. They just looked at the group of ponies and the teenage dragon in complete confusion. The first one to speak up was Shaggy.

"Whoa Man!" He said surprised. "Like, talking horses? That's wild!"

"Reah! Rild!" Scooby Doo agreed.

This caused the Equestrian group to look confused. What was Shaggy talking about? If they didn't know any better, he acted as though they've never even met.

"Wait... what are you talking about?" Spike asked confused. "It's us!"

"Do we... know you?" Fred asked.

"C'mon Fredster, it's us!" Rainbow responded. "The Mane Six... Spike... the Equestrian Heroes?! Any of this ringing any bells?"

Once more, the gang looked at each other and shrugged before turning back toward the equally confused Equestrians.

"We've never heard of you," Daphne responded.

"You... don't remember us?" Fluttershy asked somberly.

"Surely you all gest?" Rarity asked.

"Sorry, but I think we'd remember meeting a group of colorful talking ponies and a giant lizard."

"Hey!" Spike spoke loudly. "I'm a dragon! Dragon! Not lizard. I don't do that tongue thing."

To emphasize, Spike stuck out his forked tongue which flickered a bit before huffing and crossing his arms. This made Pinkie Pie laugh.

"Don't you just 'love' references?" Pinkie giggled.

"Y'all have to know us guys!" Applejack spoke up. "The Coolsonium Criminology Museum! Thrilling car and motorbike chases! Adventures in your hometown! Spooky Island!"

"A fake reporter ruining your reputation!" Pinkie added. "Swapping our bodies with our protoplasms! Running for our lives from Chrysalis and her monster hordes... twice! Pointing and laughing when Shaggy turned into a lady!"

"Like, say what now?" Shaggy asked.

"Ridiculous!" Velma shook her head. "All of it. Are you guys animatronics or something like—"

"Wait!" Daphne interrupted. "Is this one of those hidden camera shows? If it is, maybe I'll finally get to meet Ashton Kutcher!"

"No, this is real life Daphne," Twilight responded. "Though now that I look at you guys, something's different about you guys."

Twilight studied the group from the neck down, taking in their new appearances and then it hit her like a ton of bricks.

"A-Ha!" She realized. "I got it! You're wearing your old outfits!"

"And y'all look like teenagers again!" Applejack realized.

"And this clearly is not the same Coolsville we remember," Rarity added.

"And they look... off," Storm observed.

Twilight continued to think about the situation, as she paced back and forth for a moment. Then suddenly, it dawned on her. She remembered reading something like this before when she was studying this precise theory some time back.

"I think I know what's going on here," She theorized. "We might be in another alternate dimension, which just so happens to have people who look like the same friends we already know but completely different all the same."

"Like your Canterlot High friends?" Storm asked her.

"Exactly!" Twilight nodded. "This isn't our Mystery Incorporated, every pony.

"Ah yes..."

"The Multiverse Theory!" Storm and Twilight realized.

"That explains why most of the other humans and the animals look similar to us," Storm pondered. "We're really sorry for the confusion folks."

"Like none taken man," Shaggy replied.

"This is all so really confusing and quite frankly far-fetched," Velma spoke skeptically. "There isn't even any real proof that what you say is true."

Just then, an imaginary lightbulb went off in Pinkie's head.

"Ooh, ooh! I have proof that we've met you guys in another universe."

Reaching deep into her mane, she started scavenging around for the proof needed to show what they were saying is in fact true. Along the way, she also pulled out a number of miscellaneous items that had absolutely nothing to do with them whatsoever (Silver slippers, a paper mâché musical box with a monkey, a lightsaber, a wand, a Timmy the Tooth puppet, and a picture of Doc & Rain Shine on their honeymoon...).


Pinkie Pie smiled when she found exactly what she needed: A giant framed picture, straight from her mane, which she set down in front of Mystery Inc. The group studied the picture and their eyes widened in confusion and amazement. For in that picture was a group of ponies and Spike standing before a much different group of people resembling them perfectly.

"See, this is us!" Pinkie pointed out. "And that's the Mystery Inc. we already know and love!"

"That just can't be possible!" Velma said amazed. "The Multiverse theory is just a complicated hypothesis that has never ever been proven true."

"True or not Velma, you have to admit these people look like us," Fred replied.

"Except their style needs some serious work," Daphne added.

"Rey! Rats me!" Scooby pointed to his other version.

"You bet it is Scooby Doo!" Fluttershy smiled, scratching the big dog's head.

The Mystery Inc. gang looked at each other, as if trying to take in exactly what was being told to them. If what they're saying was true, these little ponies and the teenage dragon met their other forms in some parallel universe where they were good friends. It all seemed too good to be true, like something out of a storybook. However, these creatures were most certainly alive and well. And standing before them was tangible proof they were telling the truth.

"Well if what you say is true, I say it's nice to meet you guys," Fred smiled.

"Or like, nice to see you guys 'again'," Shaggy chuckled.

Fred soon heard a beeping sound and looked down at his watch, which showcased how late it was getting.

"We should probably start getting home gang," Fred told the others. "It's getting late."

Shaggy and Scooby turned toward the group of Equestrians.

"Like you guys need a place to crash?" He asked. "If so, you can bunk with Scoob and I. Like we got this awesome new wrestling video game that we've been dying to play."

The Equestrians all looked at each other for a moment then back toward Shaggy and Scooby with a smile.

"Sure, we wouldn't mind hanging with you guys," Rainbow nodded.

She then flew right up to Shaggy with a cocky grin on her face.

"Though I feel I should warn you when it comes to games... I don't lose."

"Really?" Shaggy smirked back. "Like is that a challenge?"

"Oh no..." Rainbow shook her head. "It's a warning that you're going down."

"Like you're on!" Shaggy replied.

The tall lanky boy stuck out his hand and Rainbow stuck out her hoof. The moment they shook, it symbolized their challenge as official.

"Oh boy..." Applejack sighed. "Here we go again."

Soon, the Equestrian group and Mystery Inc. started their way out of the parking lot towards their residence. Completely unbeknownst to the rest of them, a large dark creature watched from atop the malt shop. The creature unfurled it's giant black wings and took off into the sky, but not before taking one last look at the departing groups with its two giant red eyes.



In another part of the world, the fireflies flew, and the thunder boomed along a dark road in the midst of a large forest. From over the edge of that road walked a tall, dark figure at a slow yet constant pace. A quick flash of lightning shined on the figure revealing the seven-foot tall Demon of Destruction, Kane. The legendary WWE superstar walked down the dark road with a specific destination in mind.

That destination soon came into view as the lights of a shining city caught the eyes of the Big Red Monster. Kane looked toward the side of the road seeing a gigantic sign depicting fellow WWE Superstar and Legend, Triple H (Hunter Hearst Helmsley), waving and welcoming visitors to the city.

"Welcome to WWE City!" The sign greeted, in Triple H's voice. "Take the next exit because it's just that good."

Kane grumbled to himself as he continued down the road towards the city. At that moment, the sound of footsteps and a voice drew Kane's attention to further down the road. Jogging up the road happened to be the ever cocky and arrogant WWE Superstar, the Miz. His music player played his entrance theme during his jog.

"I'm The Miz, and I'm awesome!" He said mid jog. "Who's awesome? I'm awesome. Who's awesome? I'm awesome. Who's awesome? I'm awesome. Who's awesome? I am—"

Miz found himself cut off as he bumped directly into Kane. When Miz looked up and saw who he bumped into, he gasped in surprise at seeing the giant monster of a man.

"Kane, you're back!" Miz spoke surprised. "I thought we'd never see you again after you lost that last match."

Kane growled lowly as he raised his giant hand high and brought it down, rapidly grabbing The Miz by the face.

"Not that I agreed with the decision," Miz wheezed fearfully. "Not the face, not the face, not the face!"

Kane lifted the Miz high into the air, about to deal some damage to the arrogant superstar. Before Kane could chokeslam The Miz to hell, he turned toward the WWE Logo knowing his main goal: To reclaim what was one 'his' title.

"Welcome to WWE City!" The sign said again. "Take the next exit because it's just that good."

Kane growled to himself again as he dropped The Miz to the ground and started back down the road again, heading to WWE City. Miz got back to his feet as he looked around in fear for a moment but then got cocky once Kane was gone.

"Yeah, that's what I'm talking about," He spoke confidently. "You keep on going, Kane. You're lucky! You got off easy this time."

The Miz put his earbuds back in his ears and kept jogging down the road.

"Who's awesome? I'm awesome," He chanted once more. "Who's awesome? I'm awesome. Who's awesome..."

Once again, Miz stopped in his tracks once more as a growl greeted his ears and he took his earbuds out once more. Looking around, he tried to figure out exactly where the growling was coming from.

"Who's out there?" He called out. "Is that you, Kane?"

The growling continued from a bush off the side and Miz raised a curious eyebrow. Just then, a massive demonic bear burst from the bush and charged toward Miz. The superstar in question was beyond confused as the Ghost Bear loomed over him and Miz held out his arms to hold the bear back. Slobber dripped onto his face, much to his disgust, before Miz sidestepped the bear and turned back with a cocky grin.

"That all you got, Yogi?" He insulted.

Insulted and angry, the Ghost Bear gave a mighty swipe of its claw and ended up shooting Miz back so hard, it knocked his clothes off and he was left in nothing but his boxers. When Miz got up, he felt his face and realized it was now scratched up.

"My... MY FACE!!!" He cried.

He did not have much time mourn for his money-making face as the Ghost Bear charged at him again. The Miz quickly turned heel and ran away. He started climbing up the sign for safety, as the Ghost Bear used his claws to swipe at the sign and tear it apart. From high above the sign, Miz looked down and saw the bear tearing away the sign.

"Really?" He sighed.

The Ghost Bear successfully forced the sign down with The Miz still on top of it.

"Ah! No! No!" Miz yelled, on the way down.

The sign crashed down with a massive thud and soon pieces of it scattered all over the ground. Miz laid motionless under a few planks of wood in pain.

"Unnecessary roughness..." He groaned to himself.

The last thing the Miz saw before blacking out cold was the Ghost Bear standing over him and unleashing a blood-curdling growl...

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