Bear Cave and Multiverse
If someone were to say things couldn't get any worse for both Mystery Inc. and the Equestrians, they'd have laughed in their face seeing as how things only ever seemed to get worse. Literally every day now, some new evil entered the fray with a desire to destroy them. First it was just a ghost bear, then it quickly morphed into something more with the addition of the Undertaker and his new Ministry. Now suddenly, Malakai Black entered the picture just as it seemed they have an ally. One thing they knew for absolute certainty was if they couldn't come up with a solution, they'd not be able to stop this dark force at all.
This went through their heads while tending to Spike, who earlier was on the receiving end of the Ministry's attack. Mystery Inc. asked them if they wanted to help find clues of the ghost bear, but they decided instead to stay behind and help Spike. So while Mystery Inc. went off earlier that night, the Equestrians were applying some fresh bandages around Spike's head.
"Dang feels like my jaw is two inches to the left," He groaned, massaging his jaw.
"That was a pretty powerful kick to the face little buddy," Storm commented. "You're lucky. Most wouldn't get back up after that."
"And all because I lost my focus," Spike responded. "Actually thought I was getting help from that guy. Boy, was I ever wrong... [i]again[/i]."
"It's not your fault, Spike," Twilight assured. "If anyone's at fault here, it's me."
"Wut do ya mean Twi?" Applejack asked.
"It was under [i]my[/i] watch that Fluttershy got taken by the Ministry in the first place!" Twilight responded. "I wasn't able to protect her, or Spike, or anyone else! It's Sunset Shimmer all over again; some princess I turned out to be. Here I am preaching friendship and harmony, yet I can't seem to protect my friends or even bring that harmony."
"Aww come on Twi, you can't honestly blame yourself for everything going on," Rainbow spoke up. "You didn't ask for any of this."
"But it's my duty as princess, and a friend, to prevent this from happening!"
"You cannot expect to handle 'everything' by yourself darling," Rarity told her. "The whole point of being the Guardians of Harmony is so we can handle all of this 'together'."
"She's absolutely right," Storm agreed. "I swear on my mother's good name we'll get Fluttershy back, save this world, and all the others from utter destruction."
"You know something I don't understand?" Pinkie questioned. "How did Mr. Enigma even got this chapter out seeing as he's under the control of Count Olaf and Dr. Orwell?"
Everyone faced Pinkie Pie with utter confusion.
"What the hay you talking about Pinkie?" Rainbow asked.
"Oopsie, sorry about that!" Pinkie apologized, smiling. "Author issues, nothing to worry about right now."
Every pony merely rolled their eyes and shrugged as they always do whenever Pinkie Pie starts talking nonsense.
"But seriously, wut in tarnation are we supposed tah do now?" Applejack asked.
The entire group turned quickly to the side, spotting a very strange man making his way towards them. The man in question happened to be a member of one of the greatest WWE tag teams in history, perhaps one of the greatest characters in wrestling period: [i]'Broken' Matt Hardy[/i].
There was no question this man was a rather odd sight. A wild-haired, crazed man with a few white streaks in his hair and wearing some weird-looking coat. He strolled towards them with eyes widen with craze.
"If it is answers you see, perhaps you should consider venturing with me into the Multiverse!" He spoke.
Everyone faced the deranged man as though he just said the most ludicrous thing in the world. The only one who didn't look at him as though he were crazy was Twilight Sparkle herself. She rose from her seated position and looked him dead in the eyes.
"How do you know about the Multiverse?" She asked.
Matt merely looked back at her with a smile of crazed amusement.
"My soul has ventured across the Multiverse for a millennium," He responded. "Due to my [i]condeeetion[/i], I have laid dormant in this vessel known as 'Matthew Hardy' for far too long. The presence of the man who is dead has woken me from my sleep and it is I that must protect the Multiverse from total [i]deleeeeeeeetion[/i]."
"You have actually [i]been[/i] to the Multiverse?"
"All beings ventured through the Multiverse," Matt responded, gleefully. "If you follow me, I will help you uncover the secrets you seek in vanquishing the consumer of terrestrial entities and the man who's dead."
Matt waved his hand and a bright blue light flashed before eventually turning into a swirling vortex as he stared with wide eyes and that same crazed smile. While he did that, the Equestrians gathered into a group huddle to discuss the matter further.
"What do you all think?" Twilight asked.
"I think the guy's a few hay fries short of a combo," Rainbow replied seriously. "Does he honestly expect us to just follow him into the unknown?"
"Well, we could always [i]sing[/i] about it..." Pinkie smiled widely.
"[i]Nooo![/i]" The group answered, in unison.
"Besides, after everything that's happened so far, I cannot say for certain whether or not we can truly trust him," Rarity added.
"What other choice do we have?" Storm asked. "If he even has the 'tiniest' shred of an idea to stop all this and get Fluttershy back, we ought to at least take the chance for her."
"How do we even know this isn't another trap by the Undertaker to lead us to our doom?" Spike asked.
"We don't."
"Ah think Twilight and Storm got a point," Applejack spoke. "If'n there's a chance to fix this here mess, we oughta at least try."
"It's like Twilight said, what do we really have to lose?" Pinkie asked. "Except for that fact if something [i]does[/i] go wrong, this could very well be the last Cinematic Adventure ever and that'll leave a whole bunch of fans super-duper sad. Even the guys who keep downvoting the author's friends, when they didn't do anything wrong, and yet its clear they are still interested in our story 'anyway'. Even then, I couldn't bear the thought of upsetting the fans who are anxious enough waiting for 'one' story in another group to be finished."
Everyone once more faced Pinkie, who just smiled and gave a tiny wave at them.
"I guess the only way to stop all this is take a chance at the unknown," Rainbow shrugged. "Guess I'm in."
"Me too!" Rarity nodded.
"Ah'm with y'all no matter what," Applejack added.
Twilight and Storm looked at each other for a moment. Both nodded their heads before the group broke apart and faced Matt Hardy.
"We'll follow you into the Multiverse," Twilight told him.
"[i]Wonderfullllahahahahahah[/i]" Matt laughed. "Then follow me my friends, for the Multiverse awaits!"
Matt Hardy turned heel and walked through the vortex. Everyone looked at each other before slowly stepping forward and followed Matt Hardy into the unknown that was... [i]the Multiverse[/i].
Deep in the woods, along the outskirts of WWE City, Mystery Inc. trudged through the forest in search of the Ghost Bear's lair. Fred led the group with Daphne and Velma following close behind, while as usual Shaggy and Scooby slumped at the end.
"Like, wouldn't it be better to clear our names then go, ya know, bear hunting?" Shaggy complained.
"That's just it, Shaggy," Velma responded. "I can't help thinking whoever framed Scooby is somehow connected to the Ghost Bear."
"Keep it down!" Fred whispered, scoldingly. "We don't want to attract Bayard."
"Like you mean the hillbilly with the gun and the thieving raccoon?" Shaggy shook.
"According to this, the bear cave is right on their property," Velma studied the map.
Hearing that made Shaggy and Scooby freeze in fear before an owl's cry made them shake and quickly run to catch up with the gang. Unbeknownst to them, Bayard stood high upon a rocky cliffside watching the gang strolling through the woods.
"Can't say I didn't warn 'em," He spoke, cocking his gun.
He pointed the gun toward the rocky cliffside and fired off a shot that sent rocks sliding down the cliff.
"Zoinks!" Shaggy yelped.
They soon looked toward the rocks approaching them.
"RUUUUN!!!" Fred cried out.
Everyone ran, for even if they could handle the rocks, they wouldn't last against 'all' of them. Scooby whimpered as he rolled atop one rock as he was closing toward the edge. Scooby was relieved he was saved, course it wasn't over as a huge boulder rolled toward them.They quickly took off running again as the giant boulder chased after them like an 'Indiana Jones' movie. They ran until they stopped upon another ledge. They looked back, panicking as the boulder came upon them.
Thankfully, from out of nowhere, John Cena leapt out in front of them and lunged for the rolling boulder. John grunted as he pushed the boulder out of the way and over the ledge. The gang smiled to each other and shook hands with Cena, congratulating him.
"Like, that was amazing!" Shaggy beamed.
"Cena-mazing!" Scooby nodded.
"How did you know where we were?" Velma asked curiously.
"Daphne texted me," John replied.
Daphne, meanwhile, eyed John in a dreamy state while Fred rolled his eyes and lured jealously.
"Naturally," Fred grumbled.
"What's going on?" John asked the group.
"Hillbilly hospitality," Velma scoffed. "We should keep moving.
"I'll explain on the way," Daphne said, holding John's arm.
The group continued on their way towards Bear Cave. They had no idea what to expect once they went in there, but if there was any evidence to prove that Shaggy and Scooby were innocent the entire time... they were willing to put themselves at risk to find the answers they seek.
Stepping through the other side of the vortex, the Equestrians looked around and noticed nothing but complete, utter darkness surrounding them. And in place of their human forms, the trip had adjusted them back to their Equestrian forms. The landscape itself frightened them a bit, reminding them of where they were in their nightmares. The place where they first encountered the Fiend. What really freaked them out more was the moment they emerged to the other side and no sign of Matt Hardy in sight.
"Where did Matt go?" Spike asked worriedly.
"I don't see him anywhere," Storm added.
"I knew we couldn't trust that guy!" Rainbow said.
Then a sound resembling water drew everyone's attention and they turned to see Matt Hardy guiding a long black gondola along the darkness, much to everyone's confusion. He pulled the boat beside the group and looked at them with those crazy eyes.
"In order to venture deep into the Multiverse, we'll need the assistance of Skarsgard," He gestured to the boat.
Everyone once again faced each other with uncertainty. Then, one by one, they stepped onto the boat and Matt Hardy began to row them along the black landscape.
"This seems more and more like a bad idea by the second," Rainbow pointed out.
As Hardy rowed them along the black void between time and space, the group decided there were certain questions to ask over what lies before them.
"Where exactly [i]are[/i] you taking us?" Twilight asked.
"To combat the man who is dead, you must first venture to the realm of death to procure the sacred urn," Matt responded.
"Oookay... wasn't expecting [i]that[/i] for an answer," Twilight replied nervously. "What exactly does this urn have to do with the Undertaker?"
"It's the source of all his dark magic," Matt responded. "It is also where he has trapped the souls of great warriors, including his true form."
This seemed to draw every pony's attention as they eyed Matt curiously.
"What do you mean his 'true form'?" Spike asked. "Are you telling me the Undertaker we've met isn't the 'real' one?"
"The man who is dead has assumed many forms across the Multiverse," Matt answered. "The one you've had the displeasure to meet is not his true form. It has escaped the Multiverse and captured the soul of his true form in the confines of the urn. To combat this great evil, you must procure the sacred urn and release the spirit contained within."
"So, in order to vanquish the Undertaker, we must release 'another' Undertaker?" Storm asked.
"Yeeeeeeehehehehehehes..." Matt Hardy laughed insanely.
The group looked amongst each other, now entirely uncertain of this entire plan. Celestia knows it is a tough enough task dealing with [i]one[/i]Undertaker. Now they must summon another one? This seemed to get worse and worse by the minute.
Eventually, the group noticed what seemed to be an opening at the end of a dark passageway, which grew closer and closer each passing moment. Finally, when they passed through the pathway, they looked in utter amazement at the sight before them. For they seemed to be floating through an endless galaxy of stars with an endless number of dark planets.
"Welcome to the Muliverse!" matt exclaimed loudly. "It's glorious, isn't it?"
The first to break out of their trance, speaking in utter amazement, was Storm Shield himself.
"You can say that again," He nodded.
"It's... amazing!" Twilight spoke bewildered.
"Why do all the planets look so dark and freaky-deaky?" Pinkie asked.
"In the Multiverse, there is no 'one' true form," Matt responded. "All matter is obsolete to the viewing eye, but there is even more to see if you open your mind and gaze into the cosmos."
Sailing through the Multiverse for a good while, Matt eventually sailed the boat in the direction of another swirling vortex in the distance. This one was much different compared to the one they entered to access this endless plain of existence. This vortex was much larger and darker, like a black hole.
"[i]This[/i] is where you must embark on your own," Matt told them. "You need only enter the Realm of Death and claim the sacred urn yourself. Once you do, it's power will return you to your usual plain of existence."
"How're we supposed to find it?" Rarity asked. "We don't even know what it looks like."
"And even if we do, ain't like it'll be easy tah find," Applejack agreed.
"You will face many perils along the way," Matt responded. "But fear now, you need only call upon the spirits of legends long past. They shall help you uncover it. Good luck my fellow vessels."
The group stood in the boat and looked over the edge into the swirling darkness of the vortex. They were both frightened of falling into the dark, yet all the same they were determined to find what was needed to help their friend and end this horrid evil.
"Thank you for your help Matt," Twilight thanked. "Alright every pony... let's do this."
With their best leap forward, the entire group screamed as they plummeted through the void and were sucked into the endless sea of darkness.
The Mystery Inc. gang and John Cena walked through the forest until they eventually reached an opening in the rocky cliff walls near a flowing river. Velma studied her map before looking back up.
"This is it, guys," She told the others. "Bear Cave."
"Come on, follow me," Fred gestured.
Fred began to walk across a fallen tree across the river. From the bushes off the side, Bayard watched as the gang crossed the river and entered the light. A grin appeared upon his bearded face.
"Now that's just rich," He chuckled. "Those dummies just walked into a trap that's better than any I could ever make."
The gang walked through the cold dark tunnels of the cave, moving very carefully. The only sounds were the water droplets and the screeching of bats. As they walked along, something caught their eyes and they looked over toward the skeletal remains of a bear. Shaggy and Scooby gulped in fear.
"I'll bet you that was the original bear," Fred pointed out.
"He doesn't look so vicious now," Velma scoffed.
"How long do you think he's been there?" Daphne wondered.
"Who cares as long as he stays there," Shaggy replied.
"Reah!" Scooby agreed.
The gang continued onward for a little while, maneuvering through the twists and turns of the cave. Eventually, they reached a point where it looked as though there was a light up ahead in a cavern. Walking towards it, they stumbled upon a tiny cavern filled with books, tools, and all assortment of oddities. A lone table sat in the middle with a lantern lit brightly on top. What was more interesting were the deep scratches on the cave floor.
"Like what is this crazy place?" Shaggy asked.
"My guess... the lair of the Ghost Bear," Velma said, studying the markings.
"Like he has a lot of junk for a ghost... or a bear."
"Not junk, clues," Daphne said, studying the books.
"What kind of books are those?" John asked.
"Books on hypnotism," Daphne replied. "Hypnotic Techniques and Subliminal Hypnosis."
"Jackpot!" Fred grinned, snapping a picture. "I think we just found our first bit of evidence to get you guys off the hook with Kane."
Hearing that alone made Shaggy and Scooby very happy as they ran forth and grabbed the books hugging them tightly.
"Evidence!" Shaggy yelled joyfully.
"Re rove evidence!" Scooby barked happily.
"Hey gang!" Cena called out. "Check this out!"
He pulled some form of blueprints off the cave walls, laying them out flat upon the table for all eyes to see.
"Schematics for an EMP," Cena noted.
"Rhat's an EMP?" Scooby asked.
"What's a schematic?" Shaggy added.
"An EMP is an electromagnetic pulse," John replied. "It's a device that can destroy electronics within its range."
Fred took another picture with his camera for additional evidence.
"Look what I found!" Velma called, showing a calendar. "This calendar has the date for WrestleMania circled in red. R.I.P. WWE?"
To which Fred took another picture, much to the gang's growing annoyance.
"Fred!" Velma yelled.
"Evidence photos, Velma," Fred told her. "Can't have an investigation without evidence photos."
"So someone thinks they're gonna knock the lights out on WrestleMania?" John growled. "Not on my watch!"
It was then there was growling and before anyone could react, the Ghost Bear came upon him and knocked the wrestler hard into the cave's stone wall knocking him out cold.
"John!" Daphne cried out for the fallen wrestler.
"G-G-Ghost bear!" Shaggy yelled fearfully.
The monstrous beast gave a loud roar, eyeing its prey and ready to attack.
The first thing any of the Equestrians noticed was an insanely bright light meeting their eyes. It was so bright they had to shield their eyes with their arms or risking going blind from how bright it was. Eventually, the light faded until it was manageable to un-shield their eyes. The moment they uncovered their eyes, they immediately wished they'd kept them covered.
Their eyes widened with fear when they noticed exactly where they were. There they stood at the entrance of what appeared to be an arena, but certainly not like any they'd ever seen. It looked as though they were in the center of some colosseum, the ramp ahead made entirely of cobblestone leading to a wrestling ring, the remainder of the ground nothing but molten hot magma, and the arena entrance shaped in the form of a gigantic skull. It was perhaps the most terrifying place ever.
"Where... the hay... are we?" Rainbow asked, genuinely scared.
"If I was to make a guess, only one word comes to mind," Storm replied.
"I'm afraid to ask, but... what word?" Spike asked.
"[i]Hell[/i]..." Storm answered. "We are officially in 'hell'."
"I think you might be right Storm," Twilight shook.
"I reckon we find this here urn and get the hay outta here!" Applejack spoke up.
"I second the motion darling," Rarity nodded urgently.
"But where'd we even begin?" Spike asked. "This place is so huge; could take forever to find it."
"Ooh, ooh! I know, I know, I know!" Pinkie said quickly, waving her hoof.
"Yes Pinkie," Storm answered patiently.
"It's right there in the ring!" Pinkie pointed.
Every pony faced the direction where Pinkie was pointing and sure enough, just as she said, a brass urn sat just in the middle of the ring. Everyone looked at each other confused for a moment.
"This feels too easy," Storm said suspiciously. "Like some pony's baiting us."
"Definitely a trap," Twilight agreed. "Every pony, be on high alert. Leave no corner unturned."
The group slowly made their way forward, down across the cobblestone rampway towards the ring. When they got there, they leapt into the ring and made to grab the urn. However, just as Storm touched the urn...
A lightning bolt from nowhere struck the middle of the ring sending Storm back. Every pony gave a startled cry and leapt out of the ring to avoid getting struck, with Twilight and Spike pulling Storm out. When they turned back toward the center of the ring, the urn was no longer there as if it disappeared into thin air. Everyone got back to shaky legs and looked toward the spot the lightning bolt struck.
"I'm guessing this is about to get really, [i]really[/i] bad now?" Rainbow asked nervously.
"Most definitely," Twilight nodded.
Strange chanting filled the air within the colosseum and the entire group turned back to the entrance as a group of dark-cloaked individuals slowly entered. Not a single feature on them could be seen what with their cloaks literally covering every portion of their body. The figures all held giant lit torches within their grasp as they walked down the ramp and encircled the ring, all while the group huddled together in the middle. A wicked laugh echoed throughout the arena and when they turned back again, the group saw Tirek and Cozy Glow emerge. They stared toward the heroes menacingly.
"You pathetic ponies really thought you could just come down here and steal away the source of the Undertaker's power?" Tirek laughed. "Seems you have even less brains than I originally thought."
"As tempting as it is to end your miserable existence here and now, we promised the Ministry and Chrysalis that 'they' kick the snot out of you at WrestleMania," Cozy added.
The two dastardly villains looked at each other, sharing an evil grin as they turned back.
"But... we never said we [i]wouldn't[/i] beat you down before showtime."
The pair made their way down the ramp, joining the masked druids as they surrounded the Equestrian heroes. The group held each other as they found themselves completely surrounded and outnumbered.
"What'll we do?" Spike asked. "We can't fight them all with just us. We need help!"
Twilight recalled what Matty Hardy said about the legends of the past and an idea came to her head.
"Every pony close your eyes and think about help!" She ordered.
"Why?!" Rainbow asked.
"Just do it!" Twilight yelled.
Everyone quickly closed their eyes, thinking of nothing but someone coming to help them in their hour of need.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Every pony shot their heads toward the colosseum entrance, as a car engine rumbled. From the entrance, a hydraulic lowrider was driven by one of the greatest WWE Superstars ever. A former WWE champion with Latin blood hotter than a spicy pepper. That being 'Latino Heat' himself: [i]Eddie Guerrero[/i].
Eddie pulled the lever of the car, and the car's hydraulics bounced the car every which way before he finally stopped and stood up in the car with a microphone in hand.
"Odelé homes!" He said. "Someone calls for help and who better to show up than Latino Heat esé? Now I know what you're thinking bro, one man alone can't do much to help. But no worries, I brought some amigos along with me homes!"
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Out of the entrance emerged a former corrections officer from Cobb County, Georgia turned WWE Superstar. With nightstick in one hand, a ball and chain in the other, one could not deny the unmistakable presence of the WWE Hall of Famer: [i]the Big Boss Man[/i].
The big man stood side by side with Eddie Guerrero, ready to serve some justice and make sure someone's serving hard time.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Up next came perhaps the greatest tag team in WWE history. Dressed in their signature spiked shoulder pads and wearing their traditional face paint came forth the two baddest dudes on the fact of the planet. The legendary tag team known by many names, such as the Legion of Doom and the Road Warriors: [i]Animal and Hawk[/i].
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Next came a man full of machismo and style that any man could ever hope to muster. One of the greatest intercontinental champions of all time, an innovator of the Ladder Match with Shawn Michaels, and a founding member of the renegade N.W.O. The big man known far and wide as the 'Bad Guy': [i]Razor Ramon[/i]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Next emerge one of the most legendary, most beloved figures ever to compete for WWE. The man, the myth, the legend, and a former WWE champion fighting many legendary battles with the likes of Hulk Hogan, Ricky Steamboat, Jake Roberts, and much more. Dressed in one of his flashy flowing robes and signature sunglasses came forth the 'Macho Man' himself: [i]Randy Savage[/i].
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Finally came the most energetic and wildest superstar ever to walk God's green earth. Wearing his trademark war paint on his face, this man oozed charisma and energy with the indomitable spirit of a true warrior. Which only made sense since his name represented exactly what he was: [i]the Ultimate Warrior[/i].
Not even bothering to stop alongside his fellow legends, Warrior ran down the ramp so fast it actually blew Cozy Glow, Tirek, and the druids aside. He ran around the ring several times just to slow himself down and then jumped upon the apron and shook the ropes so violently, it seemed like they'd snap.
With the arrival of new partners and a renewed sense of adrenaline, the Equestrians jumped into battle alongside their new allies who raced down to join the fight. Twilight and Storm used their magic to keep Tirek back, who fired back with a barrage of his own flare. Pinkie Pie and Rarity fought against Cozy Glow, who kept her distance from her slightly more powerful opponents. And Rainbow Dash and Applejack applied their strength with the legends to do battle against the huge number of druids who came by the dozen as each figure fell. Even with their increased numbers, however, the druids were endless and with Tirek and Cozy Glow our heroes were still outnumbered.
"It's no use!" Rarity yelled. "There's too many!"
"We need more help!" Applejack cried.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Much to everyone's shock and awe, out from the entrance stepped not only the 'biggest' legend in WWE, but a true national treasure around the world. Standing seven feet and five inches tall, weighing in at 520 pounds, came a man so well known he actually been deemed the 'Eighth Wonder of the World': [i]Andre the Giant[/i].
The giant walked his way down the cobblestone ramp and with every step he took, the ground shook beneath him. A few druids ran forth to stop him, but Andre easily swatted them aside with his huge hands. He stepped up into the ring and manhandled the druids in his wake, one by one. Now with Andre added to the picture, the druids fell one-by-one until eventually they started to retreat to the depths of which they came.
"Cowards!" Tirek yelled after them. "Come back and fight!"
"Uh, Tirek... b-b-buddy..." Cozy shook.
Tirek turned back catching the Equestrian Heroes and WWE legends staring directly at him with sour looks. Cozy Glow tried to fly away only to get caught in the giant grasp of Andre, completely unable to move an inch. Seeing such a large ensemble of strength and power, Tirek would be lying if he wasn't the slightest bit scared.
"Uh-heh-heh... about the whole beat you down thing..."
But Tirek didn't even get an opportunity to finish the sentence. One punch to the face, courtesy of Andre with his free hand, knocked him so hard that a few teeth burst from his mouth. Not wanting to be outdone, the other legends piled on top of Tirek.
First, the Big Boss Man lifted Tirek up and threw him against the ropes. The centaur bounced off and came back, only to get caught in the Boss Man's signature Spinning Sidewalk Slam. Razor Ramon picked Tirek back up and lifted him high over his head before driving him down to the mat with his signature Razor's Edge crucifix powerbomb.
The Road Warriors lifted him up onto Animal's shoulders, as Hawk climbed the top rope and soared off with the Doomsday Device clothesline sending Tirek spinning head-over-heels to the ground. Then, the high-flying Eddie Guerrero took to the top rope before giving a slight mocking taunt and flew off the top rope nailing his famous Frog-splash.
After him, Randy Savage climbed the top rope as well and stood tall while pointing to the heavens. Then he leapt off, bringing his elbow down right on Tirek's giant chest with his famous Elbow Drop. Then, the Ultimate Warrior unleashed an almighty growl before running off both sets of ropes several times before leaping high into the air before crashing fully down on Tirek with his Ultimate Splash.
Finally, with Cozy Glow still in his grasp, Andre the Giant walked over the severely beaten and battered Tirek. He stood tall over the centaur, who struggled to pick himself up. Andre merely lifted his elbow and dropped all his weight upon Tirek with an elbow drop that could have caved him in, right then and there.
When it was finally over, Tirek groaned in immense pain and rolled out of the ring before collapsing upon the floor outside the ring. Cozy Glow gulped in fear, thinking she would be next. But instead, Andre lowered her down so she could look straight into the eyes of the Equestrians.
"Tell Undertaker and his Ministry we're ready for them," Twilight spoke confidently. "And we're bringing Fluttershy home."
Cozy Glow merely nodded her head rapidly before Andre finally let the little filly go. She flew away in fear while Tirek limped after her clutching his chest. Soon as they were gone, another bolt of lightning struck the heart of the ring and the sacred urn once more sat there. Twilight cautiously walked over and picked it up, holding it closely. She turned back toward her friends with a smile before acknowledging all the legends.
"Thank you all," She spoke appreciatively. "There's no way we would ever have stopped them all by ourselves.
"Hey-yo, no problem chica," Razor chuckled.
"As long as Big Boss Man's around, I'll be enforcing the law and make sure if you don't abide you'll be serving hard time," Boss Man added.
"No one, living or dead, can touch the Road Warriors," Animal said, with Hawk nodding in agreement.
"Glad to help lay some macho madness down on those chumps, oooooooooh yeeeeeeah!!!" Randy said, striking a pose.
"No matter the odds, the spirit of the Ultimate Warrior will run forever!" Warrior smiled.
That being said, the legends waved to the Equestrian heroes who all waved back as they slowly faded away into the bright white light one by one. The last to leave was Andre himself, who smiled upon the Equestrians.
"Tell everyone... we miss them..." Andre spoke, fading away.
Soon, the Mane Six, Spike, and Storm looked upon the urn in Twilight's grasp. They all looked at each other with smiles on their faces. For they knew, that so long as they held the urn in their possession, the game was about to change.
"Now... let's go back and end this," Storm declared.
Then, a bright white light engulfed them as well till eventually they all faded into nothingness.
Mystery Inc. stood cornered in the caverns, as the Ghost Bear slowly stalked toward them with murderous intent. John Cena was still knocked out on the floor, leaving the kids alone to fend for themselves against the monster. The beast stood tall, growling menacingly, but Fred quickly leapt into action and took pictures. The flash from the camera blinding the beast momentarily.
"RUN!!!" Fred yelled.
Not bother to waste another second, the gang ran rough shot down the cavern as fast as they could. The Ghost Bear stayed right on their heels the entire time. They all ran around the cave, but still neither the kids nor the dog could shake the bear loose. Eventually, they ended up back in the same cavern where John Cena still laid unconscious.
"We're back where we started!" Daphne exclaimed, shocked.
The loud growling drew their attention, and the team spotted the Ghost Bear running towards them.
"Jinkies!" Velma yelled. "And so's the bear!"
Having run all around the cave, unable to shake the beast, the gang found themselves in a position where they needed a new plan and fast. Fred looked down toward one of the oxygen tanks laid on the cave floor and an idea came to mind. He flipped the table over on its side and the edge clipped the tank, busting it open. The tank soared through the air towards the bear's direction, but it merely swatted it away with its massive claws. The tank exploded against the cave wall and the bear growled in anger.
That is... until the sound of rushing water was heard.
Everyone, including the Ghost Bear, looked back and saw the cave wall collapse. A torrent of rushing water proceeded to flood through the tunnel. The water quickly washed the Ghost Bear and the gang away, sending them down the cavern along with 'all' the evidence needed to clear Shaggy and Scooby's names.
"The evidence!" Shaggy yelled.
Eventually, the whole gang was pulled under the rushing water. Thankfully, Fred, Daphne, and Velma were able to pull themselves onto the table using it as a makeshift raft. They coughed up water and looked about, only to notice two individuals were missing.
"Where are the boys?!" Daphne asked, panicked.
The gang looked amongst the water, hoping to find Shaggy and Scooby. All of a sudden, they burst through the surface and used the unconscious John Cena as their own raft. Being a big muscular guy, though still out cold, he floated pretty well.
"We got to get the evidence!" Shaggy yelled.
"Don't worry, Shaggy," Fred assured. "I still have the photos."
At that moment, the Ghost Bear burst from the water and chomped the camera in half. Shaggy and Scooby yelled out in panic both at the emergence of the monster... and the fact it destroyed the evidence they needed. Meanwhile, the Ghost Bear swiped its claws at the gang on the table and Velma looked ahead as her eyes widened in fear.
"Guys, hold onto something!" She warned.
Everyone looked toward where she was looking, and they all panicked in fear as the water started going over a huge drop at the end of the tunnel. Eventually, they fell over the edge and screamed mid-fall. The Ghost Bear kept swiping, this time toward Shaggy and Scooby, who screamed with panic. Thankfully, at that moment, John Cena finally regained consciousness, snatched the Ghost Bear's claw, hurled the monster across the air, and it landed toward a nearby cliff. Shaggy and Scooby both cheered with joy while Daphne snapped a picture of Cena with her cell phone.
"Epic!" She smiled.
"Ah, enough already!" Fred yelled irritated.
Finally, the entire gang splashed down in the water at the bottom of the cliff. The table holding Fred, Daphne, and Velma eventually washed up on the show while John Cena carried Shaggy and Scooby out of the water. They all coughed up water, taking deep breaths following their near-death experience with the bear and the cave flooding. When they finally regained some composure, Fred turned to the side and noticed something.
"Hey! Over there!" He pointed.
Everyone looked over and noticed what appeared to be a storm drain leading to 'who knows where'. However, at the moment, it seemed to be their only way out of the cavern, so they began walking through the drain. Eventually, they reached a point where they spotted a grate above them, and Fred reached up to lift it out of the way. When it was clear, the gang pulled themselves out and were shocked to see they stumbled right back into the WWE training grounds.
"Hey! What do you know?" Shaggy spoke bewildered.
"The caves are connected directly to the storm-drains under WWE city," Velma pointed out.
"Giving that ghost bear full access at any time!" Daphne realized.
At that moment, a flash of light nearly blinded them for a moment. Eventually, the blinding light faded revealing the Equestrian heroes (Assuming their human forms) standing together. By the looks of them, the group looked as though they just had been through a huge fight. Their clothes were disheveled, their hair were a mess, not to mention the scrapes and bruises along their skin.
"Like, where'd you guys come from?" Shaggy asked confused.
"Buddy... you wouldn't believe us if we told you," Rainbow responded.
"Ry re..." Scooby spoke.
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