A Fiendish Attack
Later that evening, following a sold out 'slamtastic' show at the WWE Arena, Mystery inc. and the Equestrians were on their way to the WWE Training Camp on the outskirts of town. They all currently found themselves buckled to their seats in Sin Cara's rather roomy and very awesome convertible that rolled through the streets of WWE City. Everyone looked at the many different sights as they passed by, and Cookie smiled from the front passenger seat.
"So, how do you all like Sin Cara's convertible?" He asked them.
"It's awesome!" Rainbow smiled. "I should ask him later where he got it because I'm in the market for a totally rad ride myself!"
"Like it's a real muscle machine!" Shaggy cheered in delight.
"Eh, it's pretty cool and all," Storm shrugged. "But I've got this wicked speeder that can go from 0 to 150 in the blink of an eye."
"A speeder that you just sold?" Rainbow reminded.
"... [i]Yes[/i]."
Soon enough, the car pulled up to a giant gate with the WWE logo suspended over it. The two big gate doors slid open allowing the group entry. Sin Cara drove forward through the gates, providing everyone a look at the WWE Training Center. Two large buildings stood at the front of the facility, with three large training rings off to the back, and dozens of cabins lined the walls of the rocky cliff side.
"Here we are guys," Cookie told everyone. "WWE's Rock Yard, where the pros train for greatness."
As they passed the two large buildings, everyone looked inside to see a large number of great athletes training in the gyms. Many of them were either lifting weights, running, or practicing their moves in the training rings.
"Wow, this facility is rather impressive!" Twilight admired. "I should really speak with Celestia and Luna about creating something like this for future guard training."
"The Wonderbolts would get suck a kick out of this place," Rainbow added.
"Not to mention a ton of dragons would dig this as well," Spike nodded.
"Eh, far too dirty and sweaty for my taste," Rarity cringed in disgust.
"But y'all were just havin' a ball with the rest ah us at that there wrestlin' show," Applejack countered.
Rarity huffed again and pouted in her seat as the car drove up alongside a group of trainees running behind WWE Hall of Famer, Sgt. Slaughter.
"Rook!" Scooby pointed to the legendary wrestler.
"It's Sergeant Slaughter!" Shaggy gushed.
"Awesome!" Rainbow smiled.
"I thought you'd like it here," John Cena smiled over Rainbow's excitement.
"And there's Jerry 'the King' Lawler!" Shaggy pointed out.
"Rand Jimmy Hart!" Scooby pointed to another Hall of Famer.
"Boy, you guys really know your wrestling stuff," Pinkie smiled. "Just as I know every single flavor of cake frosting. There's vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, blueberry, butterscotch..."
"I think we get the point Pinkie," Storm interrupted.
Shaggy and Scooby soon forgot all about the wrestlers the moment they saw the 24/7 All You Can Eat Grill.
"Here at camp, we even have our own 24/7 restaurant," Cookie informed, with a smile. "It's like home."
"More like paradise!" Shaggy chuckled.
"With Shaggy and Scooby, the 'All You Can Eat' is paradise," Fluttershy giggled.
Everyone looked toward the side to the giant face of the rocky cliffs with a large picture of the WWE championship carved into the mountainside.
"Is that the championship belt?" Daphne asked Cookie.
"It sure is!" Cookie nodded. "Carved into the mountain. A prize set in stone and the dream of every WWE superstar."
"Talk about motivation," Storm nodded in approval.
"Next thing you know there'll me a Mount Rushmore style monument with four of WWE's biggest icons of all time!" Pinkie giggled.
Fred continued taking a few shots of the facility and the carving in the mountain when his eyes landed upon the three training rings.
"Mr. Sin Cara, could we stop over there for a minute?" He asked.
Sin Cara pulled the car alongside the three rings, and everyone turned to see Cookie's nephew, Reuben, training with the superstars. Currently, he was working with Triple H, who threw Reuben into the ropes and caused the man to fall to his knees. Triple H got him in position for his signature 'Pedigree' finisher, but Reuben used his strength to counter out and throw Triple H over him in a Back Body Drop. Triple H landed on his feet and smirked toward Reuben.
"Sweet!" He complimented.
From outside the ring, Santino Marella, A.J. Lee, and Brodus Clay showed their approval as well.
"Way to go Rubie!" Santino shouted approvingly. "That was a nice job!"
"Yeah, way to go Rubie!" A.J. cheered.
"Yo that was funk-tastic, baby!" Brodus smiled, taking a bit of his sandwich.
"Like wow!" Shaggy gaped in awe. "I didn't know your nephew dude was a superstar!"
Cookie looked toward his nephew for a moment before turning away with a look of sorrow and envy.
"Yeah, that's what he'd [i]like[/i] to think," Cookie scoffed. "I better get you kids settled into your cabins. Up ahead on the left, Sin Cara."
Sin Cara pulled the car forward a little more and stopped right in front of a row of cabins. Cena and Cookie both emerged from the car first, helping everyone out one-by-one.
"Well here we are," Cookie gestured. "We'll get the girls settled in one cabin and the guys in another one. If I were you guys, I'd get a good night's rest because tomorrow is another jam-packed day full of adventure."
"Mr. Cookie, is it possible I might be able to get a few snapshots of the superstars during their training tomorrow?" Fred asked hopefully.
"Sure, just be sure you're up bright and early in the morning," Cookie nodded.
Everyone jumped and turned toward the sound of a loud sneeze by a rustling bush in front of one of the cabins. Shaggy and Scooby both shook with fear as they held each other tightly and Fluttershy hid behind Rarity, fearing what could be in there. Cena walked over to the bush and peeked in.
"Whoever's on there, come on out!" He spoke calmly.
From out of the bush popped none other than WWE superstar, R-Truth. The African American wrestler looked all about in panic while clutching something to his chest. Upon closer examination, everyone saw it was another championship belt with a green strap. This was the WWE 24/7 championship.
Upon locking eyes with John Cena, Truth almost seemed relieved.
"Oh hey, wassup John?" He asked.
"Still hiding out, R-Truth?" Cena chuckled.
"I gots to man!" Truth responded. "I only just done got my baby back and I ain't lettin' no one else take it from me."
"Truth, everyone's either training or gone to bed for the night," Cena assured his friend. "I'm pretty sure you're safe for the night."
"Ain't no place safe man. Remember that time they got Jinder on the plane? Or the time I rolled up Drake at his wedding? Uh-uh dog, I ain't taking no chances!"
With that being said, Truth ran out of the bushes and down the street to find himself another place to hide. Everyone else looked after him in utter confusion before turning to Cena for an explanation.
"Okay, what's the deal with 'that' guy?" Storm asked. "And why does he look like he's running from the cops or something?"
"That's R-Truth, the 24/7 champion," Cena answered.
"24/7 champion?" Twilight asked confused.
"That means it's always constantly on the line, [i]every[/i] day and night," Cena explained. "As long as there's a referee around to count the pinfall or submission, that title can be won 'anywhere' at 'any' time."
"Cool, so it's like a PG version of the Hardcore Championship?" Pinkie asked.
"Yes, exactly. Way to sum it up."
"Is that so?" Spike asked intrigued. "You know... [i]maybe[/i] I could just pin him quickly and win that belt to add to my own personal horde."
"Are you kidding?" Rainbow argued. "If any pony's winning that belt, it'll be me!"
"When a dragon has eyes on the gold, it's suicide to step in his way."
"Please... don't think you can intimidate me little dude. I used to scare the day lights outta you when you were no bigger than a puppy dog."
"Like how scared you were during the rainbow cookie incident?"
Cena merely chuckled in amusement over the bickering.
"Good luck you two," Cena chuckled. 'Since Truth finally won the belt back recently, he's been really hard to catch."
"Let's not worry about that for now," Cookie interrupted. "We'll have the girls take the cabin in the left and the guys will take the one on the right. Anyway, I've got to get back to the office. You kids all have a nice night now."
"Bye Cookie!" Everyone waved.
Cookie soon walked off towards the Performance Center and Cena took off after him as well. Everyone made their way into their own personal cabins for the night, ready to catch a good night's sleep after one heck of an action-packed day.
Later, in the girls' cabin, Daphne and Velma sat on the two main beds while the Mane Six lounged on the couch alongside them. Currently, they were listening to Daphne complain about not having any other clothes to wear considering Shaggy and Scooby forgot to pack the luggage before coming here.
"I can't believe Shaggy and Scooby left all of our luggage behind," She complained. "Now all I have are these two scarves. Which one do you think John would like best?"
Velma and the girls all looked up and noticed Daphne holding two very identical scarves of the exact same color, length, and fabric. They all looked amongst each other as if wondering if she was completely nuts (Well, [i]almost[/i] everyone).
"Are you serious?" Velma asked.
"Yep, seriously," Daphne nodded. "Which is best?"
"Daphne they're exactly the same," Twilight pointed out.
"Maybe to the naked eye Twilight darling," Rarity pointed out. "But to a fashionista, it's all in the details."
"Oh boy, here we go again," Rainbow groaned. 'What in pony feathers are you talking about now Rarity?"
"Well darling, while the two look very identical in color and length, in all reality they may both actually have completely different stitching," Rarity explained. "Or one may contract light different which could alter the color. The devil is in the detail my dear."
"Last time ah didn't take Rarity's advice on fashion, ah ended up makin' a big ole mess outta everything," Applejack informed her mare friend. "Believe me when ah tell ya hun, it's best to listen tah Rarity."
"Thank you Applejack," Rarity thanked.
"Okay so you see my point," Daphne concluded. "So which do you think is best?"
Velma just looked at her with a bored blank expression for a moment before turning back to her research pad.
"The one on the right," She responded uninterested.
"My thoughts exactly," Daphne smiled.
All of a sudden, an argument was happening outside the cabin alerting the girls' attention. Together, they all crept toward the window to investigate the commotion. Peeking out the window, they saw Reuben arguing with his uncle.
"I don't understand Uncle Cookie, it's just not fair!" Reuben complained. "I know I'm good, [i]you[/i]know I'm good. Why won't you help me get into WWE?"
"Somebody's gotta talk some sense into you," Cookie replied, gesturing to his knee brace. "Do you think I built this brace because it looks good? All it takes is one accident to put you out of contention."
"Maybe I'll be luckier," Reuben argued.
"Maybe not," Cookie retorted. "You need to be practical. You should keep going to your computer classes. Computers, that's the ticket Rubie."
And just like that, Cookie walked off and left Reuben looking after him. Reuben looked toward the championship carving in the mountain, as an upset sigh escaped his lips. If his uncle was unwilling to help him make it big, that carving would be as close as he'd get to the championship.
Inside the cabin, the girls looked sadly toward Reuben.
"Poor Reuben, I feel sorry for him," Daphne spoke sadly.
"He reminds me of when Shining Armor started training to be in the Royal Guard," Twilight recalled. "When he first joined, he was scrubbing dishes, cleaning armor and they had him do an assortment of other chores. He never really got to do any 'real' guard training... least not the 'first' period."
"Believe me, I know 'exactly' how he feels," Spike spoke up. "For the longest time, I always wanted to be bigger than what I already was. But being a little dragon at the time, I never really got the opportunity. That is until Twilight and I came to Ponyville."
"Yep and when we all met and became friends, things really began tah take off fer all of us," Applejack nodded.
"It's understandable," Velma said, looking at her pad. "Reuben represents the heroic male aspirating to stature of a great warrior. His journey is related and appealing to a wide audience."
"Oh for the love of Celestia, enough with the egghead talk!" Rainbow groaned irritated.
She soared over and snatched the tablet from Velma's hands.
"Hey, I need that!"
"Look Velma, not everything in life is about research and knowledge," Rainbow spoke to her. "This is professional wrestling. It's not something you just put under a microscope and come up with some nerdy science mumbo jumbo."
"Rainbow Dash does have a point," Daphne nodded. "Has it ever occurred to you that WWE is not something you can scientifically explain?"
"Don't be silly Daphne, science and logic explains everything!" Velma retorted.
"How exactly do you explain [i]us[/i]?" Rainbow asked.
Suddenly, Pinkie Pie popped out from under the bed with a cake and a party hat on her head as everyone faced her.
"Sorry to be a nosey-nelly and all, but can you guys keep it down a bit?" She asked. "I'm trying to throw a party down here!"
Pinkie quickly slipped back under the bed and all of a sudden, bright multicolored lights and upbeat music started emanating under the bed. Everyone just looked in confusion before turning back toward Velma.
"Can your science and logic explain Pinkie Pie?" Fluttershy asked.
"... No comment."
Meanwhile, in the guys' cabin, Shaggy was playing his handheld version of the WWE video game while Fred looked back at all the shots he captured. Storm thankfully was able to conjure a few beds for himself, so he and Spike wouldn't have to sleep on the floor. Speaking of Spike...
"Sorry, I'm late," Spike greeted, coming in. "Just had to check on the girls and make sure they were comfortable."
"Mm, talk about an exciting day huh Spike?" Storm asked the dragon.
"You can say that again dude," Spike nodded. "That was some pretty sweet action going on in the ring earlier. Wonder what it would be like to actually fight in it one day."
"Slow your roll there pal," Storm chuckled. "We're just here to find the Legion and the Dazzlings. We can't afford to get caught up in a Smackdown here... or Raw... or even those NXT shows, including the U.K. version."
"I know, I know... but still wouldn't it be awesome?"
"Sure Spike... I guess it would."
"Like you know the best part about WWE?" Shaggy asked from his bed. "You get all the food you can eat!"
"Reah, all the food!" Scooby nodded.
"Big day tomorrow!" Fred spoke from the couch. "Cookie said we get to see the superstars training. I can't wait to snap some epic action shots."
Fred laid upon the couch, all set for bed while Storm and Spike did the same.
"Come on now, lights out you two!" Fred told Shaggy and Scooby.
"Like you got it Fred," Shaggy replied, shutting off the light. "Sweet Dreams Scoob!"
"You too Raggy!" Scooby nodded, rolling over for bed.
Soon enough, everyone was out like a light and drifted off to a peaceful land of dreams.
Well... [i]not quite[/i] everyone...
A pair of brilliant green eyes slowly opened as Storm Shield awoke. The young prince looked around in confusion, finding himself standing in a completely black abyss. He looked about and took a few steps forward into the darkness. There was absolutely no one around or any signs of life at all. No people, animals, or even sounds. Just a black empty void of nothingness.
Storm instantly snapped his head in the direction of the voice and noticed Twilight, Spike, and the rest of the Mane Six standing off to the side.
"Oh thank goodness you're all here!" He sighed in relief.
"Yeah that's great and all, but where the hay are we?" Rainbow asked confused.
"I can't make heads or tails out of it," Twilight shrugged.
"Looks like an endless abyss of darkness," Rarity spoke up.
"Oh dear me, it really is quite spooky here," Fluttershy quaked in fear.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
And just like that, the entire atmosphere changed as a blinding light engulfed Storm, Spike, and the Mane Six. When it finally passed, they looked around and noticed they were no longer standing in a black void of nothingness. Now they were in what resembled the set of a children's television show.
"Okay seriously, what the hay's goin' on here?" Applejack asked confused.
"I don't know, but this looks like a cheerful place to visit!" Pinkie smiled. "I mean it looks like Pee-Wee's Playhouse here. Like the one I tried to make for all the foals back home."
"You never told me you made a playhouse for Pee-Wee," Spike pointed out.
"Not [i]that[/i] Pee-Wee, Spike."
Just then, the sound of a door opening drew all their attention and they all turned to see a very peculiar man poking his head through the door. The man in question happened to be WWE Superstar: Bray Wyatt.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
The man in question fully entered the room and looked straight ahead as though looking at something, or rather 'someone', that wasn't there.
"Oh hey there, my fireflies!" He waved happily. "Welcome back to the Firefly Fun House. I've really missed you all so much and I hope you missed me too. I know I've been gone for a long while, but don't worry... I'm not going anywhere... ever again."
The last he spoke, his face suddenly shifted from cheery do dead serious, as though menacing. Then, like flipping a switch, he instantly changed back to a cheery guy as he laughed. He then looked toward the Equestrian group and Spike who all looked confused... and also a slight scared.
"Yowie wowie, what have we here fireflies?!" Bray asked. "I don't remember meeting all of you before. What brings you here to my funhouse?"
The group looked at each other before Twilight stepped up.
"Uh—we're really sorry sir," She apologized. "But we really don't know what's going on here."
"Ah don't worry about that!" Bray assured. "Knowing things is 'overrated' anyway. After all, knowing too much can certainly be a very dangerous thing. It can poison our minds like the evil that festers inside us all."
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"And we don't want that do we?" Bray asked smiling.
"But you see..."
"Wait a minute!" Bray interrupted. "I know what you're all doing here. You're all [i]new[/i] friends for the funhouse, right?"
"Look sir, we really haven't the time for games," Rarity spoke up. "We'd really just like to..."
"Oh, I just [i]love[/i] making new friends," Bray said excitedly. "Especially seeing as how all my 'old' friends have abandoned me. Left me to rot in the dust... like the carcasses for the buzzards..."
Again, the last part he spoke in a very menacing tone which really seemed to freak out the rest of the Equestrians.
"But that's okay!" Bray replied cheerily, once more. "Because now I have all [i]new[/i] friends! Friends with whom I can share my secrets with all day long. What do you say?"
The mood suddenly went from cheery and fun to eerie and disturbing as Bray Wyatt dawned a very serious look.
"Do you want to see [i]my[/i] secret?"
"Um—no—no, that's okay!" Twilight chuckled nervously. "I think we're just going to find a way out of here. Thanks anyway!"
Wyatt didn't seem to hear her as he just gave them a sadistic smirk before stepping back and opened the door once more. From out the door, a bright red light emerged and blanketed the entire room in blood red light. Everyone looked around in fear as the red light surrounded them.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
It was then Storm Shield felt a very evil and dark presence standing directly behind him. Slowly he turned around and his eyes went wide with fear as he came face to face with the demonic alter ego of Bray Wyatt... [i]the Fiend[/i].
Not even having a moment to blink, the Fiend pounced toward Storm and caught him in the Mandible Claw. The demonic entity screamed demonically as he attacked the young prince.
"Storm!" Twilight screamed.
The girls and Spike all ran forward to stop this monster only to find themselves held back as a bunch of chains appeared out of nowhere and constricted their arms. They pulled the group toward a wall and held them there as the demonic Fiend forced Storm on the ground, choking as the Mandible Claw inched deeper. Eventually, the pain became too much, and Storm finally passed out. The fiend stood back up and held his arms out wide as he looked back toward the Mane Six and Spike.
"[i]LET ME IN!!![/i]"
Storm and Spike both instantly shot up in bed as they both gasped in shock. The effects of that dream, or rather a 'nightmare', hung heavily on their minds as they wiped the sweat forming on their brows and Storm clutched his jaw, feeling just how sore it was. Hearing the sounds of growling outside their cabin, they both jumped out of bed and went outside to investigate. Looking out, they were shocked by what they saw but none as shocked as Shaggy already outside.
A sleepwalking Scooby Doo, chewing on something... [i]that shouldn't be chewed on[/i].
"Scooby Doo!" Shaggy said fearfully. "Like dude, what are you doing with that bear?"
Scooby, who had woken up by this point, looked confused by what Shaggy was talking about till he looked down and saw what he meant. For he was standing upon the shoulder of a very large, very 'angry' demonic ghost bear. The monster roared angrily, and Scooby screamed in fear before jumping off tis back and ran off with Shaggy.
"That's no bear!" Storm shouted.
"Wet yourselves and run!!!" Spike screamed.
The boys proceeded to run down the hills of the grounds, as the Ghost Bear charged after them. Shaggy and Scooby ran across the roof of one cabin trying to ditch the bear, as Storm and Spike followed. But the moment the bear touched the roof inches from the boys, the roof collapsed beneath them, and they fell into the cabin. The bear burst through the wall as Storm and Spike picked themselves off the floor only to find themselves in the presence of 'The Miz', wrapped in bandages, his foot suspended in a cast, and a neck-brace. The boys stared awkwardly toward The Miz, who merely gave an annoyed look.
"We are [i]so[/i] sorry," Storm apologized.
"But since we're here... can we have your autograph?" Spike asked, holding out a notebook.
"Really?" The Miz asked annoyed.
"Uh, maybe another time!" Storm replied quickly. "C'mon Spike, we must save our friends!"
In the meantime, Scooby and Shaggy kept running down the hill and bounced over bushes with the ghost bear in hot pursuit. Their commotion and the damage around the cabins caused all the lights to turn on. John Cena soon emerged and saw the bear after the kids and leapt into action. But he was not alone, for several WWE superstars also came to their rescue drawing Storm and Spike's attention.
"Well would you look at that now?" Storm replied. "The calvary has arrived!"
Shaggy and Scooby ran till they ran straight toward Sin Cara's car. They managed to duck all the way as the bear splashed on the vehicle, shattering it into pieces. The bear growled toward the group when John Cena stepped forward in defense.
"Back off ugly!" John called out.
"It's clobbering time!" Spike called out.
Spike raced forward with Sin Cara racing beside him. Together, they dashed toward the beat, leapt into a somersault, and attempted to deliver a pair of kicks toward the bear. But the beast managed to catch the pair and sent them hurling back. John Cena managed to catch his colleague, swinging him around to safety, while Storm caught Spike in his arms and set him down.
"Okay that bear is tougher than I thought," Spike concluded.
"You think?" Storm replied.
Soon the other superstars raced ahead to challenge the terrible beasty.
"Time to call your momma!" Brodus Clay shouted.
Brodus Clay leapt forward and attempted to deliver a hammer shot against the bear, who actually caught the big man with his mighty strength. Triple H gave a mighty roar and attempted to charge toward the monster who merely kicked him aside before hurling Brodus Clay toward the ground and onto Triple H.
"Not... funky..." Brodus groaned weakly.
"Okay... my turn!" Storm declared.
Storm Shield quickly raced forward to take his shot against the Ghost Bear. The bear swiped a mighty claw toward Storm, who ducked the blow and countered with an uppercut under the bear's bony jaws. Storm proceeded to deliver a set of right knee shots against the sternum of the bear while delivering some elbow shows across his face. But then suddenly, the bear wrapped his arms around Storm and captured him in a bear hug. Storm tried to worm his way out of the hold, but the bear squeezed with all its might crushing Storm tightly in his grip. The human version of the Prince screamed in utter agony as he felt as though he were breaking in half.
Suddenly, from the air Twilight was hurled forward and delivered a side kick to the left side of the bear's face. The sudden blow weakened the bear's hold and Storm fell out onto the ground coughing and groaning from the pain. As Twilight helped Storm to his feet to regroup with the others, the rest of the WWE roster and the Equestrians gathered together and surrounded the Ghost Bear. The bear merely roared and gripped the remainder of Sin Cara's car in its claws before tossing it into a tower...
And just like that, a mighty explosion erupted over the training grounds flames igniting into the night air. The blast was so great and the heat so intense, they all had to shield their eyes to divert their gaze from the flames. By the time they were able to look, the Ghost Bear itself was gone. And soon enough, all that remained was a big fire. Sin Cara stared in despair as his car had just been destroyed. Fluttershy stood beside the luchador and placed a comforting hand over his shoulder.
"We're sorry that the ghost bear did that to your car, Mr. Sin Cara," Fluttershy said.
"Shaggy, Scooby, are you okay?" Daphne rushed over, with Fred and Velma.
"G-G-G-G-Ghost B-B-B-Bear!" Shaggy and Scooby whimpered fearfully.
"Don't worry, I know what'll calm them down," Storm spoke up.
Recovering rather quickly, Storm quickly whipped up a box of Scooby Snacks. Shaggy and Scooby snapped their heads in the direction of the Prince of Peace and raced over with big smiles on their faces. Storm smirked at them and handed them the Scooby Snacks. The two of them soon ate their snacks as a way of calming down.
"Poor guys... that ghost bear really did a number on them," Storm shook his head. "Sure did a number on 'me'..."
"Storm, what're you saying about this bear?" Twilight asked, as Cookie came with the others.
"Some local legend I heard from the few superstars earlier tonight," Storm replied, stretching his back.
"Oh it's no legend son," Cookie said. "Vicious the Ghost Bear has risen from the grave. To challenge us all!"
"Well gang, sounds like we have another mystery in our hands," Fred declared.
Unbeknownst to the entire gang, high upon the hilltop overlooking the training grounds, Kane watched from the darkness of the trees. Things were certainly heating up rather quickly.
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