Truth Revealed

Immediately, the two teams went to work putting their plan into fruition. For the next few hours, they gathered all the necessary materials needed to pull off the biggest trap they've ever constructed. Everything needed came from various parts of the island: Fred, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, and Fluttershy collected the disco skull from the pool while Velma, Daphne, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity collected a few climbing equipment from the rock-climbing wall.

Once they collected all the tools and equipment, they made their way back to the cave where the ritual is to be performed and immediately went to work. Shaggy and Velma used a pully to raise the disco skull high into the air. Daphne, Fred, and Rarity were suspended in the air with some rock-climbing equipment working around the vents leading to the outside. The rest of the girls helped position the disco skull into the deep crevice in the wall to keep in place until the time to use it.

Shaggy, along with Velma, used one of the pulleys to lower himself to the cave floor, while Fred lowered himself to Velma's level. Shaggy approaches the Equestria Girls, who had just finished their part of the job.

"You guys got it all ready? Shaggy asked.

"You bet!" Rainbow nods.

"Yep, that there disco skull's as packed as hay in a hay bale," Applejack added.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash do a fist-bump, as Shaggy nods and walks off toward the vat of protoplasm.

"Shaggy, are you guys certain this will work?" Twilight asked, unsure.

"Like totally!" He assured.

"Hey Fred!" Rainbow yelled. "Everything ready up there?"

"All good on this angle!" Fred answered.

Pinkie looks up toward the top of the cave, where Rarity and Daphne are still suspended along the vent.

"Wow, I can't believe how tiny you guys look up there," Pinkie rambled. "Do we look as tiny down here as you look up there? I bet we look like tiny bugs!"

"Pinkie darling, is now really the best time?" Rarity asked from above.

Pinkie just smiled, shrugging her shoulders. Twilight, still unsure of the plan, can only think about two important people in her life. The lives of Scooby Doo and Flurry Heart were at stake, not to mention the whole world. If this fails, there would not be a do-over for any of them.

"Can we go over the plan one more time?" Twilight asked. "I just want to be sure everything goes accordingly."

"Of course," Fred replied, showing off the pulley. "So, we use the pulleys to tip over the vat."

"Then Daphne and Rarity will open the air vents from the outside and release the disco skull," Velma continued.

Twilight nodded, as she heard the plan again, understanding the entirety of it all.

"Okay, then the light will reflect off the skull..." Twilight added.

"Those creatures will explode," Shaggy jumped in, excitedly. "We'll find Scoob and Flurry, and then we will have like saved the world!"

"You know, it feels somewhat different saving a world that isn't our own," Fluttershy whispered.

"I agree with Flutters," Rainbow nodded. "Don't get me wrong, I love helping people, but it feels weird when we're not saving our own world for a change."

Before more could be said, the sound of big heavy drums echoed throughout the entirety of the cave. Everyone looked worried because they knew what's coming.

"Oh no..." Fred began. "The ritual's beginning."

"We've gotta finish this up quickly!" Applejack said, urgently.

"Quick Shaggy, attach this to the vat!" Velma instructs.

Velma tossed a rope down to Shaggy, who quickly ran toward the protoplasm vat and quickly attaches the rope to it. While doing so, he could hear their voices crying for help.

"Shh! We're trying to save you," Shaggy whispered to them.

The drums were getting louder, which could only mean they were getting closer.

"Shaggy, please hurry!" Twilight urged.

He quickly finished tying the rope to the vat, before giving the big thumbs up.

"All systems go!"

They all nod, moving into action to initiate the plan. Completely unbeknownst to them, Shaggy's belt accidently got clipped to the rope instead of the vat. He quickly realized his mistake when he was unable to move.

"No wait!" Shaggy cried. "Fred! Velma!"

However, no one seemed to hear him.

"Mystery Inc. rides again," Fred said.

With that said, Fred and Velma leapt off their position with the rope pulling Shaggy straight towards the top of the cave. He hit the ceiling so hard, the harnesses holding Daphne and Rarity snapped, sending them screaming and swinging through the air.

"Rarity!" Fluttershy shouts.

"Hold on Shaggy!" Twilight yelled. "I got you!"

Twilight ran in front of Shaggy, holding up her arms to stop his descent. However, he was too fast, and they end up crashing into each other. Twilight held tightly to Shaggy, as they swung downward toward the pit. A pair of cultist guards were passing through, when the screaming makes them turn and saw two kids propelling towards them. All the guards could do is scream before Twilight and Shaggy crash into them, knocking them out cold.

"Like, what a ride!" Shaggy said.

"You're telling me," Twilight agreed.

Twilight turns toward the unconscious guards, making sure they were completely out. Shaggy looks off down the corridor, his eyes widen with excitement. He taps Twilight on the shoulder a few times, until she looks up and saw what he was seeing. Her eyes widen as well, especially what they both saw.

Scooby Doo, sitting in the relic room, fanned and treated like royalty. A few female attendants even fed him a couple Scooby Snacks.

"Would you like another Scooby Snack?" One attendant asked.

"Hmm... Rokay!" Scooby nodded.

Twilight and Shaggy couldn't wipe the smiles off their faces seeing that their friend is alive and well.

"Scooby Doo!" Shaggy said, happily.

"If he's down here, that means Flurry can't be too far," Twilight said. "We need to close enough to ask if he's seen her."

"Like, how do we do that?" Shaggy asked.

Twilight turns back toward the unconscious guards, then back to Shaggy. She determined the smaller one was a bit more her stature, while the bigger guard was more Shaggy's. A thought came to her head, making her smile.

"I know exactly what we're going to do."


Meanwhile, back up in the cave, the mass of possessed college students and cultists made their way toward the ritual site. Fred, Velma, and the remaining Equestria girls huddled together in one area.

"There goes the entire plan," Rainbow groaned.

"Quick!" Velma instructs. "Hide the Daemon Ritus!"

They hid the device in one of the backpacks with all the material inside and hid it behind them. Soon enough, the entire cave was filled with possessed students, all gathered around the vat and they begin some strange ritualistic dance-and-chant. As they did so, the others knew if they'd be discovered if they didn't play along. They did their best to emulate the dance, until they eventually found themselves doing their own dancing (With Velma doing the 'hand jive').

Rarity and Daphne were hanging above them all through their suspended ropes, watching everything from the ceiling. It was so strange and creepy; they couldn't wait to stop it all. They looked down and saw Fred motioning them to go with his head. Nodding, they both knew what they had to do and slowly crawled through a small cavern in the walls.

Meanwhile, Shaggy and Twilight had partially undressed the guards, wearing the vests and the masks. Twilight had to take off her glasses so she could wear her mask, only to realize something.

"Wow... My vision is really bad in this form," Twilight whispered.

Just then, more chanting is heard when another group of possessed students pass through. Shaggy and Twilight quickly danced just like them, or at least tried to in order to avoid suspicion. But soon enough, their dancing went a little crazy with Twilight performing the exact dance as she did during that Garden Party but in human form.

Suddenly, the two cultist guards start stirring and noticed those two kids dancing in front of them. Course, they were both so caught up in the rhythm they didn't notice them looming over. Soon enough, during their dance, they inadvertently struck the guards Twilight hitting the small guard in the face and Shaggy even hit the bigger guard below their belt. They both swung their arms hitting the guards repeatedly in the face until one final hit sent them both backwards knocking them unconscious again. The commotion causes Twilight to turn to the unconscious guards, turning back with a shrug, before they moved to the side to reach Scooby.

As the mass of students continued performing the ritual, the main architects behind the ceremony made their presence felt. N'Goo Tauna and Mondevarious, walking side-by-side, through the sea of students. Mondevarious wore blue ceremonial robes, with a resting place to inset the Daemon Ritus on his chest. As they walked, they noticed two of Mystery Inc. and the Equestria Girls desperately trying to dance.

Soon enough, the ritualistic chanting and dancing came to an abrupt halt, with everyone freezing and pointing off toward the cavern behind them. The only one who didn't stop was Fred, who kept dancing. Velma and the girls all looked at him, making small gestures to get him to stop. He soon stopped and looked around, seeing everyone staring directly at him.

"Y-Y-Yo yo yo, home dogs!" Fred said, nervously. "Ya'll forgot the next part of the dance. W-Where we do the electric slide!"

"Ooh, yeah that's a fun one!" Pinkie cried.

Then, she quickly pulled out a boombox from her hair and quickly laid it on the sand. She then clicks the button and soon the 'Electric Slide' track begins to play as she and Fred tried to demonstrate the dance, to look like they were under control. Even Pinkie sung some of the lyrics as she truly found herself into it, while the others reluctantly followed.

Pinkie Pie (Sings):

You can't see it (It's electric!)

You gotta feel it (It's electric!)

Ooh, it's shakin' (It's electric!)


She's a pumpin' like a matic

She's a movin' like electric

She sure got the...

In the middle of her verse, one student's shoulders were moving up and down when one look from another immediately made him stop. Despite their efforts, this was failing miserably. Mondevarious rolled his eyes at the idiocy, while Tuana motioned for the cult members to detain them. A few walked up from behind the group, holding them in place while one guard smashed the boombox with one foot.

"Aww!" Pinkie whined. "Right in the middle of the chorus!"

"Fred! Velma!" Mondevarious gestured. "Welcome to my little end of the world party."

One of the cult members dug through the bags behind them, until he found what he was looking for. Pulling the Daemon Ritus out of the bag, he slowly approaches Mondevarious.

"I've waited a long time for this moment. Thank you for returning the ultimate party favor... The Daemon Ritus."

Mondevarious turns his attention toward the Equestria Girls, smiling wickedly.

"How wonderful it will be when I assume control of an entire army of demonic creatures and take this world as my own. Soon I shall have the power to destroy all who stand against me, especially 'you'... You, for what you've done to me."

"What could you possibly have against us?" Fluttershy shook.

"We ain't never done a darn thing to yah!" Applejack added.

"You still haven't figured it out, have you?" Mondevarious smirked, slightly. "You may think as you wish, but you are more responsible than you can imagine. Having everything that I've built, everything I worked for my entire life... Taken away. Now, you will learn how I felt."

Mondevarious then returns his attention to Mystery Inc.

"Don't think I have forgotten you. I would be remiss, however, if not 'every' member of your little team were here to witness your ultimate downfall. As a parting gift, allow me to reunite you with a very 'old' friend."

Mondevarious motions one of the cultists to bring something forward, watching as the man walks up with a quivering cage wrapped in a sheet. Placing it on the floor beside Mondevarious, the evil man lifts the sheet off and its contents leave Fred and Velma especially shocked. Inside, a dog the size of a puppy, locked in that very cage struggling to free himself.

"Come on, let me outta here!" The pup yelled. "Fight me like a man you coward! I'll rock you, I'll sock you straight outta..."

The pup stopped when he saw a pair he hadn't seen in a long time, two grown-ups who were just as surprised.

"Scrappy Doo!" Velma said.

"Velma? Fred?!" Scrappy asked, confused. "What are you guys doing on this kooky island? And who are these girls?"

"Sooo, that's Scrappy Doo?" Rainbow Dash asked. "The puppy you told us about?"

"Yep, that's him," Velma nodded.

"Wait a second!" Scrappy interrupts, looking around. "Where's Uncle Scooby?"

Mondevarious merely chuckles, as he turns toward the masses of students.

"And now, behold the sacrifices!" He announced.

A group of cult members slowly walk forward carrying Scooby Doo on what appears to be a stone throne. The Great Dane, blissfully unaware of what was truly going on, waved as he passed through the crowd.

"Rank you, rank you!" Scooby thanked. "Rello, rank you!"

One of the guards beside him was very different than the others and not as muscular.

"Psst!" He whispered.

"Rank you—Raggy!?" Scooby realized.


"I'm here too, Scooby!" A female voice added.


Scooby turns toward the two cultists holding the back ends of his seat. Both Twilight and Shaggy slightly removed their cult masks revealing their faces and smiling at him.

"Rat are rou doing here?" Scooby asked, surprised.

"We're here to save you, Scooby," Twilight whispered. "Do you know where Flurry is?"

"Ruh uh!" Scooby shook his head.

"Uh... Twilight?" Shaggy whispered, harshly.

Twilight turns to Shaggy, his eyes widen.

"What is it, Shaggy?"

"Like, I know where she is!"

Shaggy shakily points ahead, as Twilight looks over until her eyes widen. A cult member pulls a chain attached to a magical bubble, where inside a very scared and crying Flurry Heart was kept. The poor little foal was in hysterics, crying as she was pulled up alongside Mondevarious who eyed her evilly. Twilight herself could feel tears falling down her face, seeing her niece in this state.

"Flurry..." She whimpered.

"This is insane!" Shaggy said, fearfully. "Let's make a run for it; we like gotta get out of here, man."

"Ruh uh!" Scooby shook his head. "Rime a raccrifce!"

"A sacrifice? Dude, that's not a good thing, Scoob!"

As they pressed on, the rest of the gang watched from the sidelines seeing the cultists bring Scooby toward the center of the gathering. Their eyes went wide seeing poor Flurry and Scooby placed in this situation. Even Scrappy Doo stopped struggling, watching from his confinement seeing the events unfold. Meanwhile, Shaggy still tried to talk sense in Scooby, who was willing to take part in this ritual.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you," Shaggy said. "And, I'm really sorry I haven't been a really good friend since we got here. But listen, you like gotta trust me now."

"Rou don't trust me!" Scooby whined.

"I do trust you, Scoob. Now look, who's your best buddy?"


"That's right, and who's my best buddy in the whole wide world?"

"Rooby Doo!" Scooby pointed to himself, tearfully.

"That's right Scooby, you are. And we're like two trippy peas in a far-out pod, man."

Twilight turned toward Scooby Doo, seeing the tears in his eyes hearing Shaggy saying those things to him.

"It's just as we discussed back at the pool, Scooby," Twilight said. "Remember?"

Scooby thought for a moment, realizing that she was right. He remembered their discussion at the pool that night, during Spookapalooza, when Twilight tried to assure him that no matter what happened, Shaggy would always be his best friend. Hearing those exact words, he realized she was telling the truth all along.

"Reah!" Scooby croaked, holding back tears.

"Like I said: No matter what Shaggy will always be there for you," Twilight said, smiling. "Because true best friends are always there for each other."

"She's absolutely right, buddy," Shaggy said. "And best buddies trust each other. So, let's do what we do best: Let's grab Flurry, then we'll all run out of here screaming in fear like a couple of lunatics, alright?"

"Rokay!" Scooby agreed.

"On the count of um—Let's make it five!"

"All right, but hurry!" Twilight whispered, urgently.

"One..." Shaggy began. "Two..."

Before they could even get to 'three', the large pincher came down from nowhere and reached itself into Scooby's chest which began glowing.

"Scooby Doo!" Shaggy shouted.

Twilight looked up, catching N'Goo Tauna controlling the pincher. While Scooby seemed ticklish at the pincher messing with him, the evil man used the pincher to pull Scooby's protoplasm from his body the same, leaving Scooby Doo's body limp and out while Tuana brought the protoplasm slowly towards Mondevarious.

"NOOOOO!!!" Twilight shouts.

"Rey, rook at re!" Scooby's protoplasm said.

The man himself positioned the Daemon Ritus, clicking it into place along his chest as the vat of protoplasm began to spin uncontrollably like a tornado.

"The moment is at hand," Mondevarious announced. "Through the Daemon Ritus, I shall absorb the energy source!"

As two more guards grabbed ahold of Shaggy and Twilight, the Daemon Ritus opens and glows wildly pulling the protoplasmic vortex into itself. Mondevarious' body shook, as he absorbed the protoplasm through the Daemon Ritus right before the teams' eyes as the screams of the captured spirits echoed through the cave.

"And now, to complete the transformation, I shall absorb the pure and innocent ones!"

"Scoob!" Shaggy gasped.

"Raggy!" Scooby's protoplasm called out.

"Flurry Heart!" Twilight squeaked. "Please, let her go!"

The little alicorn foal caught sight of her aunt, tried vainly to reach for her but could not move due to the chains and the magical bubble encasing her. She could only watch helplessly as Scooby's protoplasm reached closer toward the Daemon Ritus.

"ULTIMATE POWER SHALL BE MINE!" Mondevarious professed, loudly.

"Nobody absorbs my pals!" Shaggy exclaimed.

"I've waited long enough," Twilight agreed. "Let's do this!"

Nodding to each other, Shaggy elbowed the guard holding him in the gut and Twilight kicked the guard holding her in the lower region. They both released their captives, gasping in pain, as Shaggy ran forth and jumped on the pincher, which began to move around erratically. Twilight quickly ran forward and jumped onto the air to forcefully kick Mondevarious across the cave until he crashed to the floor, out cold. The Equestria Girls cheered Twilight along, as they saw this happen.

"Go Twilight!" Rainbow cheered.

"That's gonna hurt in the morning!" Applejack laughed.

"Down with the big meanie!" Pinkie clapped.

"I don't know what's going on, but you boys are in big trouble now!" Scrappy cheered.

Fluttershy didn't quite cheer, but she smiled and clapped along with the rest of the girls.

Shaggy and Scooby, meanwhile, we swung around and about along the pincher. Thankfully, after a moment or two, Scooby's protoplasm was freed from the pincher's grip as he zoomed around the room.

"Rime free!" Scooby cheered. "Rook at me!"

The cultists tried to catch Scooby's protoplasm, only to crash into some of the possessed students, who were just standing around. Scooby even mocked a few who tried desperately to grab him. Needless to Tauna wasn't faring any better with Shaggy.

"Get off my pincher!" Tuana growled.

Finally, Shaggy was thrown from the pincher and rolled along the cave floor until he reached the edge of the giant pit. Scooby, meanwhile, was finally able to return to his body, laughing as he was brought back to life.

"Rowabunga!" Scooby said, excitedly.

Twilight slowly approached the grounded Mondevarious, as the other girls including Fred and Velma came up to join her.

"I think it's about time we solved this mystery, once and for all," Velma declared.

"I couldn't agree more on that one," Twilight nodded.

Twilight leans down, slowly reaching her hand to remove the Daemon Ritus which glowed brightly. Just as her fingertips made contact, Mondevarious arms violently grabbed Twilight's arms. As Twilight struggled against his grip, Mondevarious slowly rose up, his eyes shot open, only this time they were glowing bright green. Twilight tried to retract her arms but found herself lifted in the air as Mondevarious got back to his feet, his evil smile now filled with fangs.

"You will not stop me this time, Twilight Sparkle! The magic of friendship won't be enough to save you now!"

Suddenly, green energy exploded from Mondevarious propelling Twilight Sparkle, sending her crashing toward her friends. Mondevarious shook violently, his body twitching and turning in all directions. From his back, two giant insect-like wings protruded. Mondevarious' skin was soon replaced by matted dark furs. His arms and legs shift into long legs filled with holes. His entire body morphed into what appears to be a cross between a giant insect and an equine breed. Finally, a large jagged horn protrudes from his head as his eyelids open and eyes roll forward glowing a bright green.

The Equestria Girls eyes widen, as their mouths dropped. They could not believe what they were seeing; no way what they saw is real.

"No way!" Rainbow gawked.

"How can this be?" Applejack stammered.

"That's not possible!" Fluttershy shook her head.

An evil feminine laugh emerged from the creature standing before them. There was no mistaking that indeed a familiar foe from their past was here. A being responsible for the near destruction of Canterlot during the royal wedding, a creature who almost took over Equestria and turned nearly every pony against each other. Before their very eyes, stood the almighty Queen of the Changelings herself.

"Queen... Chrysalis..." Twilight gasped

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