Following their introduction to Mondevarious, the gang formerly known as 'Mystery Inc.', along with the Equestria Girls, were escorted to the hotel, where they would stay during the duration of the case. Each was given an individual room, apart from Twilight and the others, who opted to share a room together. Presently, they were all getting situated in their room, Twilight making sure Flurry Heart lies comfortably on one of the pillows, when they were alerted by a knock at the door. Twilight approaches the door and opens it with one hand, where she sees Shaggy and Scooby standing on the other side.
"Like, hey Twi!" Shaggy greeted.
"Oh, hi Shaggy! Hello Scooby!" Twilight greeted, gesturing them inside. "Please, come on in."
Shaggy and Scooby happily obliged, walking into the room. Twilight peeks her head out, looking side to side, making sure no one else was coming. Once she shut the door, Twilight turns toward her friends.
"Alright girls, the coast is clear. I think it's safe to 'change' for a while."
The word 'change' made every pony sigh in relief. Or in this case, 'everybody'.
"Thank Celestia," Rainbow sighed. "I needed a break after walking like this."
"Me too," Applejack agreed. "I mean it ain't bad and all, but ah sure need a break."
The girls, apart from Flurry Heart, gather around in a circle as Shaggy and Scooby step back. Twilight closed her eyes and raised her hands, as they both glowed with a purple hue. The light slowly encased her with a magical aura, eventually spreading toward the other girls. Shaggy and Scooby shield their eyes as a blinding bright light shined through the room. When it eventually cleared, every pony was back to their four-legged, equine selves as Flurry clapped and cooed happily.
"Oh, it feels wonderful to be me again," Rarity said, admiring herself. "Although I must admit, I rather enjoyed those outfits."
"Me too!" Pinkie nodded, then thought. "Hmm... Though doesn't it feel weird that are clothes disappear when we assume these forms?"
"Don't start with that Pinkie," Rainbow said.
"What? What did I say?"
Every pony just shook their heads at Pinkie's behavior, while Fluttershy's cheeks blushed as she knew what Pinkie was saying. Once things were settled, Shaggy and Scooby propped themselves onto the bed while the girls sat around them. At this time, they were going over the plan for what's to come tonight.
"Like here's the plan, girls," Shaggy explained. "Velma is going down to the gathering at the ceremonial stage; Fred is heading down to hangout by the pool; and Daphne is going to investigate at the beach. You're all free to do whatever it is you'd like, but if you want to help anyway, you can join up with us."
"What are you two going to do?" Twilight asked.
"Like elementary my dear, Twilight," Shaggy answered, imitating Sherlock Holmes. "We stay as far away from any ghost sightings as possible and see about that 'all-you-can-eat' meal. When it comes to me and Scoob, only 'Ghost Free' vacation for us!"
"Reah, ghost ree!" Scooby cheers.
"Is the way to be!" Shaggy concludes, smiling.
Sudden knocks at the door made every pony jump and turn. Shaggy motioned the ponies to hide under one of the beds, which they dive in without hesitating. Shaggy slowly approaches the door and opens it slightly. There, all standing on the other side, were Fred, Daphne and Velma.
"Hey Shag, what are you doing here?" Fred asked.
"Oh well..." Shaggy began, nervously. "Like I just came by to check up on the girls. Looks like they're not here, right Scoob?"
"Reah! Robody home!" Scooby emphasized.
"Yeah... We're just going to get going. Like, maybe we can catch up—Did you do something to your hair?"
"Shaggy, if they're gone, how did you get in their room?" Velma asked, suspiciously.
"Oh... Yeah... Uh, they gave me a key! To get in here, case of emergencies. Like, can't be too careful. No sir, heh heh!"
Velma squinted her eyes at Shaggy, which made the nervous hipster widen his eyes. Velma had used this tactic time and time again in all the years he's known her. Whenever she did that, it was to see if someone was lying and Velma could sense it.
"You're hiding something, aren't you?"
Shaggy didn't answer right away. His eyes darted back and forth between Scooby, who waved his paws and shook his head, then to the rest of the gang, who all eyed on him waiting for an answer. At one point, his gaze flicks back to the ponies hiding under the bed for a moment. Unfortunately for him, Velma noticed it.
"I saw that!"
"Saw what?" Shaggy asked, quickly.
"Oh, enough of this!" Daphne interrupts, impatiently.
Having heard enough, Daphne pushed the door open allowing the whole gang to step into the room and push passed Shaggy. They all looked around the room as if looking for something suspicious, oblivious to a certain alicorn foal still bundled up and lying between two pillows.
"What's going on here, Shag?" Fred asked.
"Like uh—uh—What do you mean?" Shaggy stammered.
"Do you think we're idiots?" Daphne asked.
"Like no! Of course not!"
"Then why does it feel like you're keeping something from us?" Velma pressed.
"... 'Keeping something'?" Shaggy asked, feigning surprise. "Like, I don't really know."
"Look Shag, I get it!" Fred said. "I know we're not a team anymore and I get we haven't been in touch. But the least you can do is be honest with us."
As he spoke, Fred backed up slightly without see where he was going. Just then, his foot accidentally stepped on a rainbow-colored tail sticking from under the bed.
Everyone jumped back after hearing the sudden, loud yell. They turn just as a cyan blue Pegasus, with a rainbow mane and tail, soar from under the bed and floating in midair, tending to her tail.
"Sweet Celestia, that hurt!" Rainbow groaned. "All right, whose the wise guy—"
Rainbow turned and froze, realizing what had just happened. Before her eyes, the rest of 'Mystery Inc.' looked back with equally shocked expressions, while Shaggy slumped his shoulders and Scooby shrugged with a sheepish smile. For Rainbow Dash, this got awkward in a hurry.
"Uhh... What's up?"
In that moment, realizing they've been caught, all the other ponies emerged from under the bed and stood together before the gang. But rather than screaming or fainting, they turned toward Shaggy, their eyes stating, 'Explain yourself'.
"Ok," Shaggy sighed, taking a deep breath. "Like, here it is—"
30 minutes later...
"And like, that's how it happened," Shaggy concluded.
The whole time, the gang just looked at him, while the ponies were completely dumbfounded. It was clear this was all too much information to be pulled on at one time.
"So, let me get this straight," Fred spoke, breaking the silence. "A green vortex opened up and these tiny colorful talking ponies just happen to drop out of it?"
"And they're here to stop some unknown evil from taking over the world?" Velma added.
"And unless they stop it, they can't go back to this 'Equestria' of theirs?" Daphne finished.
"Yep, pretty much," Pinkie nodded.
The whole gang turns toward the party pony, who smiled at them hugely.
"Nice to finally know you guys officially; I'm Pinkie Pie!"
Pinkie Pie stuck out her hoof, while the gang just looked at her wondering what to think of all this. Pinkie kept standing there, smiling and holing her hoof out. One by one, the gang slowly shook her hoof and eventually all the others as well.
"I know this is a lot to take in right now," Twilight said. "We don't want to make this any harder for you, but we really want to help solve this mystery."
"It is the only way we're going to get back to our own land," Rarity added.
The gang turned toward each other, contemplating the situation. On one hand, they still weren't keen on working together even though Shaggy gave a look as if saying, 'Let's do it for old time's sake'. But on the other, the benefits of having these ponies helping them out would make it easier to solving this mystery quickly. Not only would their talents be of great help, but this way they can depart for good. The three turn toward the ponies and smile.
"Alright, you girls are in!" Fred declared.
"AWESOME!" Rainbow cheered, doing loops in the air.
"Thank you so much for the opportunity," Twilight thanked. "We won't let you down."
"What do we do now?" Fluttershy asked.
"Not sure if you already know, but we all going to check out this little gathering," Fred explained. "This way we can start gathering information and figure out what's going on. Only question is: Who's going with who?"
"Well, I personally wouldn't mind going along with Daphne," Rarity suggested.
"Cool, so long as you don't mind discussing some outfits along the way," Daphne accepts, with a nudge.
"My dear, you had me at 'outfits'!"
"Yeah, and I hear you're pretty cool," Rainbow spoke, floating to Fred. "How's about we hang around for a while?"
"Well, it's about time someone respected the Fredster!" Fred said, smugly.
Fred and Rainbow Dash gave a high five/hoof while Velma just groaned and rolled her eyes.
"I'll go with Velma then," Twilight offered. "I've a knack for studying clues as well."
"A little collaboration of the minds, huh?" Velma nodded, approvingly. "I like that."
Shaggy and Scooby turn toward Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy.
"Like guess that means you girls are with us," Shaggy said. "If you're up for it, that is."
"Well ahm with ya'll, all the way," Applejack tipped her hat.
"Me too," Fluttershy added.
"I'll go anywhere so long as it's with some friends," Pinkie said excitedly. "Ooh! Ooh! How about we do that part where we go, 'WOO-HOO-HOO!'"
Pinkie stuck her hoof out repeating that thing Shaggy did. But the other kids were still uneasy about it, even Twilight motioned for Pinkie to put her hoof down. Pinkie sheepishly pulls her hoof back.
"Never mind."
Shaking her head, Twilight makes her way toward her friends and once more summons a magic aura around them. Before the gang's eyes, the blinking light shines bright then slowly fades as the ponies assume their human forms again.
"Alright ya'll, let's do this!" Applejack declared.
"Hold up," Twilight said quickly. "Better make sure Flurry Heart is secure before we go."
Sure enough, as Twilight approached the bed, the little alicorn was already asleep yawning and babbling something incoherent. Twilight adjust the sheets around the foal, tucking her in. Twilight smiles and gently kisses her niece's forehead before she returned toward the others.
"So... Are you two 'sisters' or...?" Fred starts to ask.
"I'll explain later," Twilight assures.
With that said, the two gangs made their way out of the hotel room in search for information to uncover the mysterious circumstance surrounding Spooky Island.
The investigation began along a row on 'Spooky Island' called 'Nightmare Boulevard'. Spookapalooza has only just begun and all the attendees were getting into the spirit of the night. Two carts, intertwined together, roamed down the lot as hip hop music played and several tall figures in costumes walked beside them.
In one cart, there was Shaggy and coincidentally Mary Jane, along with Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie sitting together. Velma, Twilight and Applejack sat in the other cart with the rest of the college students. As for Scooby Doo, with his usual seat taken by the Mary Jane girl, he had to sit in the back of the cart much to his chagrin. On their way to the gathering, they passed by several monuments of creeping figurines looming over them.
"This place gives me the creeps," Shaggy told Mary Jane, smiling nervously. "Creeps in the 'good' kind of way."
"Eh, I've seen more frightening figures at the scariest cave in E—" Pinkie began, before correcting herself. "Eee... Ontario! Good ole, Ontario! Really lovely place, right Fluttershy? Fluttershy?"
But Fluttershy wasn't quite paying attention, she was shivering and quivering at all the scary monuments including one that looked like a giant troll posing like he's reaching out for the guests. The sight of it made her whimper as she folds her hands over her eyes.
Meanwhile, Spooky Island was flooded with college students and performers. As the greeters 'welcomed' their guests to 'Spooky Island', there were fire jugglers and some breakdancers performing a routine on a red pad. Rarity and Daphne were searching amidst the crowd for any clues when their eyes spot a man in a green vest and camo pants approaching a blonde-haired man carrying a bag. Strangely, he not only takes the bag but also pays the kid as if it was meant for him. This draws the girls' attention as the man shakes the bag even sniffing it before starting to leave.
"What do you suppose that fellow has in that bag," Rarity ponders.
"I'm not sure," Daphne admits. "But we're gonna find out."
The girls were about to follow the man, when some college kids ran in front of them, being chased by some of the performers yet it seemed like they were having fun. Not far behind, Fred and Rainbow Dash were also looking around by the 'Climb of Death' wall climbing area. As they searched around, they failed to notice two kids were scaling the wall with no safety harnesses.
Meanwhile, back on the tour trains, Fluttershy was looking around nervously when one of the statues seemed to loom toward her. She squeaks again drawing Applejack's attention from the other cart, the country girl looking with concern as Pinkie tried to comfort Fluttershy.
"There, there, Fluttershy," Pinkie assured, patting her friend's head. "These monsters are not real."
"M-M-Maybe..." Fluttershy shivered. "B-B-B-But do the monsters know that?"
Even Scooby Doo, sitting behind their train looked nervous. All the while, Velma and Twilight were looking around for any unusual activity when one of the college students, a young man with curly brown hair, a mustache and goatee, spoke to Velma.
"Is that the dude and his dog who used to solve mysteries?" The kid asked.
"They were part of a larger group, Mystery Inc.," Velma answered.
"Oh yeah!" The kid nodded.
"As a matter of fact, you're actually sitting beside one of the former members," Twilight said, motioning to Velma.
"Really?!" The kid said, turning back to Velma. "Which one were you again?
"I'm Velma."
"The smart one."
"Oh... Right! Cool!"
The compliment made Velma giggle mostly because this kid was so cute.
"And... You've always been a chick?" The dude asked.
"Say what?" Applejack asked, turning to the guy.
"Oh boy..." Twilight sighed, slapping her forehead.
That immediately made Velma silent, as if the mood was immediately killed off. It was one thing not to be recognized as a member of the team, but now she was being mistaken for a dude. All she could do was sit there in silence while Twilight and Applejack looked to the sides.
Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was searching the perimeter for clues when she spies something on the grass.
"Yo Fred!" Rainbow calls out. "Check this out!"
Fred looks toward where Rainbow is motioning and sure enough, they found something intriguing. There appeared to be footprints, three toes hard pressed against the grass. By the looks of it, the tracks were walking from the bounce-houses and towards another spot somewhere on the island.
"Think we might be onto something?" Rainbow asked.
"Score!" Fred answered, following the track.
"Hey, wait for me!"
Rainbow follows Fred into the woods to follow the tracks. Speaking of tracks, the trains reached a fork in the road causing the two to split in different sides. Scooby ends up slipping off the back of one cart and was spun around by the other. He rushes off to follow his friends as a voice makes an announcement on the speakers:
"Here the history of Spooky Island in ten minutes at the Ring of Fire!"
Little did they know, a shadowy creature was eyeing the cartloads of unsuspecting kids heading for the gallery. Its green eyes glowing in the darkness, as if waiting for the right moment to strike.
Finally, Velma and Twilight Sparkle were off the cart and down by the gathering, while Applejack left to find Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. The gathering was taking place at the ceremonial site, where a large assortment of college kids roamed. More staff members, dressed like a ritualistic cult, banged along huge drums which thundered throughout the area. Velma and Twilight looked at each other curiously.
"This place just screams 'spooky'," Twilight spoke up.
"You're telling me," Velma agreed. "See anyone who we can ask questions?"
Twilight scans the area, until her eyes came upon a figure dressed like a weird-looking skeleton creature.
"How about him?"
Velma caught sight of the figure.
"Yep, he'll do," Velma nodded.
The two girls walk toward the figure, stopping him in his tracks.
"Excuse me sir," Twilight calls to him. "We'd like to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind."
The figure doesn't speak, only looks straight at them. The mask alone is what really spooked Twilight, but she tried to stay calm.
"So, how long have you worked here?" Twilight asked.
"A year..." He responds, in a deep creepy voice.
"How has working here been for you?" Velma asked.
"Fine..." He responds.
"So, you haven't noticed anything unusual since you started working here?" Velma asked.
"Any weirdos running around" Twilight asked.
"Uh... No," He responds, shaking his head.
Suddenly, the fire within the pit explodes and he disappears in a flash. All at once, a large group of cult members ran out from behind the two girls, startling them greatly. They all start dancing around the fire pit, chanting something odd.
From inside the mouth of the monster head along the stage, a bald man, wearing a red vest and black pants, walked through. He was covered in tattoos, gazing toward the crowd with a fierce gleam in his eyes. Another man beside him was very muscular, dressed as a masked luchador.
"Welcome, dear victims," The tattooed man said, sinisterly. "My name is N'Goo Tuana. This is my evil best pal, Zarkos."
The tattooed man gestures to the luchador beside him, the muscular man flexing and showing off his bulging biceps which made him look tougher.
"You may recognize him from Telemundo as the famous masked wrestler, Zarkos," Tuana continued.
As the man spoke, the young man who spoke with Velma stood beside the girls, who were busy watching the scene unfold.
"This enchanted island is a thoroughfare to the supernatural realm. For centuries, it was home to creatures who lived on the island undisturbed."
N'Goo Tuana paused as his wicked eyes land upon Velma and Twilight. As he continues his speech, he slowly approaches the girls.
"But then... Ten years ago, Emile Mondevarious antagonized these ancient beings by building a theme park here."
The man continues his advancement towards Twilight and Velma, as Zarkos followed behind him. Twilight was slightly intimidated by these two men, not just because of their tone. She had this feeling something was wrong with these two, she just didn't know what it was.
"The creatures are furious my friends. And I assure you, while you party, they... Plot... THEIR REVENGE!!!"
Tuana points toward the fire pit, as flames burst high into the air. The cultists slowly bow before the face of a hideous creature, that spawned from the flames roaring loudly before the guests.
"Do my friends frighten you?" He asked Velma and Twilight.
Twilight didn't want to admit it, but she was a little spooked by all this. Velma, meanwhile, just looked on with a smile.
"They would, if it weren't for the holographic projectors," Velma points out. "There, and there and there."
Twilight looked toward all the locations Velma referred to. Sure enough, she could see beams of light coming from a few different spots in the area all pointing toward the fire pit. Tuana stared at Velma, as he patted her head roughly.
"What a smart little one," Tuana said.
Eventually, he, Zarkos and the cultists walk away as Velma rubbed her now sore head. Twilight breathes a sigh of relief, thankful that this was over.
"There's definitely something mysterious going on here," Twilight points out.
"No doubt," Velma added. "Now we have a suspect."
They continued looking around the area for a few moments until they couldn't find anything tangible.
"Hey Twilight, maybe you should head down to the pool and scope things out there," Velma offered. "I can finish up here."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, you go on ahead. I'll catch up."
Twilight nods and walks away from the ceremonial area. Eventually, she found the pool where the real party was going on. She notices a large crystal skull shimmering as it slowly spun above the group of college kids getting drinks from the servers. She noticed Pinkie dancing by the pool, smiling at her fun-loving friend. She later spots Applejack consoling with Fluttershy off in a corner.
"Hey guys, did you find anything?" Twilight asked.
"Nope, came up empty-handed sadly," Applejack answered.
"We couldn't find anything useful," Fluttershy whispered.
"Where are Scooby and Shaggy?" Twilight asked, looking around.
"Shaggy's over yonder with that blonde girl from the plane," Applejack pointed. "Ol' Scooby's sitting over there by himself."
"Oh, poor Scooby looks so sad," Fluttershy whispered sadly.
Twilight turned toward where Applejack mentioned and sure enough it's just as she said. Shaggy and Mary Jane were hanging out by a claw machine, while Scooby watched sadly from the sideline. Curious, Twilight approaches Scooby Doo and sits beside him.
"Hey Scooby," Twilight said, with a small smile. "Something the matter?"
Scooby Doo turns to Twilight Sparkle with sad eyes, but at least he was making contact.
"It's Raggy," Scooby answered, sadly. "When he ret that girl, he rays far from re as possible."
"Ahh, I get it," Twilight nodded. "I wouldn't worry to much about it. Shaggy is just having a 'love at first sight' moment; actually, I've had that experience myself. But that's another story."
This still didn't make Scooby Doo feel better, as he looked down. Twilight places her hand on Scooby's paw.
"You think he's going to forget you just because he's falling in love with a girl?"
"Rah hah," Scooby replied, sadly.
Twilight gave a quick thought before asking.
"Who's your best friend?"
"Raggy," He replied.
"That's right! And who's Shaggy's best friend in the whole wide world?"
"Scooby Doo?"
"Yes indeed, Scooby! The moment he asks you that same question, you know he's got a best friend. Even if you two are worlds apart and no matter how many girls Shaggy meets, he will always be your best friend in his heart as he will be in yours."
It was enough to make Scooby Doo smile, as he and Twilight hug each other. Scooby Doo even licks her face, which made her giggle and adjust her glasses.
"Ranks Rilight," Scooby Doo said.
"Anytime," Twilight said, smiling.
Meanwhile, as Twilight and Scooby were talking, the phone rang at the tikki bar. A man, possibly the bartender, picked up the phone answered.
"Hello, Dead Mike's," He spoke.
After a brief pause, he holds the phone and starts looking for someone.
"We got a 'Mr. Doo' here?" He calls out. "I got a call for a 'Mr. Doo'."
"Melvin Doo?" A random kid asked.
"No, Scooby."
The moment the name came up, Twilight Sparkle and Scooby Doo were rather confused.
"That's strange," Twilight said, curiously. "Who'd want to call you?"
"Ri don't know," Scooby Doo.
"Well, I'm going to take another look around, see what else I can learn. I'll be right back."
As Twilight walked off to look for more information, the Great Dane approached the counter and grabbed the phone in his paws.
"Rello," He spoke.
"We've got a bag of uh—" The person at the other end began. "Hamburgers here for yah."
This really seemed to peek Scooby's interest. His head swirld with ideas of hamburgers and his mouth started to water a little bit. He didn't even realize the bartender was watching Scooby Doo, whether it's his nature to notice or he knows something is up.
"Just walk into the dark shadowy part of the forest,' The voice instructs, menacingly. "Where no one can see you."
Scooby looked on curiously, wondering what the voice was talking about. Still, the idea of free food was all too tempting that he didn't really care.
"Rokay!" He said, quickly.
Scooby quickly dropped the phone, racing off into the forest. Fluttershy, however, noticed him walk off and knew she couldn't let him wander off by himself. Even if that meant following him into the deep, dark scary woods.
"This goes against my better judgment," She said to herself.
Fluttershy follows Scooby off into the forest, completely unprepared for what lies ahead. Pinkie and Applejack were hanging out sipping a beverage from cups shaped like skulls as they watched Shaggy work the crane machine.
"Want a stuffed thingy?" Shaggy asked Mary Jane.
"Nobody can win those," Mary Jane points out.
"Fred says it's a worthless talent, that I should've learned French instead," Shaggy explained, as he adjusts the crane. "I say, 'You don't need to know what voulez-vous coucher avec moi means to love that song!"
Just as Shaggy said that, he successfully grabbed a prize that looked very much like a dismembered head much to Mary Jane's shock and delight.
"I think being good at crane machines is way cooler than French," Mary Jane replied.
Shaggy then took the prize from the slot and displays it toward Mary Jane lovingly.
"Voila," Shaggy said, as Mary Jane took the prize.
"Nobody's ever given me a stuffed dismembered head before," Mary Jane said, lovingly.
This did not go unnoticed by Pinkie and Applejack, who had been watching this display and were impressed seeing how Shaggy won her over with that prize.
"Ami... C'est l'amour," Pinkie sighed.
"I know what ya mean, Pinkie," Applejack said. "They sure seem happy together."
"Hmm?" Pinkie asked, looking at the pair. "Oh, yeah sure. They're cute."
Turns out Pinkie Pie wasn't paying much attention to Shaggy and Mary Jane. As Applejack sipped her drink, it's revealed Pinkie Pie was holding a certain photo she took from the plane ride.
"You know, with images like this, it's no wonder why ponies think you and Rainbow Dash are more than just best friends."
Hearing what Pinkie Pie said, Applejack was so shocked she spat her entire drink out of her mouth.
Meanwhile, walking along the beach, Daphne and Rarity were searching for the mystery man from Nightmare Boulevard. As they strolled, they kept themselves occupied through their passion for fashion.
'Passion for fashion'. HAH! That's the one thing these two have in common.
Boo!!! *Hurls a tomato at his partner's face*
"So, you have your own fashion boutique you started back in your world?" Daphne asked, amazed.
"Why yes, I keep Equestria up to date with all the latest fashion," Rarity explained. "I design all my dress from only the finest materials and once my mind is set on a design I don't stop."
"That's pretty cool. I've thought of doing the same thing for the longest time, but I've never really got around to it. Least, not yet."
"Well darling, I believe someday you will turn the fashion world upside down here just as I have in Equestria."
"You really think so?"
"Of course, dear Daphne."
Just as Daphne was about to say something, she heard something coming from far down the beach.
"You heard that just now, right?" Daphne asked.
"Indeed," Rarity answered.
The two girls continued down the beach, until they found a giant hut. Inside, they could heart what sounds like ritualistic chanting. They slowly peek inside to find the mystery man, holding a knife above his head, standing before a dead chicken hanging by a rope on the ceiling. Rarity looked repulsed, if not disgusted, at the sight of the chicken. Just as it seems the man was about to stab the chicken, Daphne made themselves known
"Excuse me?"
Startled, the man abruptly lunged his knife down, before turning to face the girls with a look of dismay.
"What are you doing?" He asked, frowning. "Now I have to start my voodoo ritual all over again!"
"Voodoo ritual?" Rarity asked.
Now Rarity knew of voodoo rituals from her friend, Zecora, who was fortunately understanding when Twilight was late upon gathering ingredients that one time. Still, not once did Rarity ever see the wise zebra perform anything like she's witnessing.
"Yes, voodoo ritual! I was about to sacrifice this chicken."
"But that chicken's not alive," Daphne points out.
"I know the chicken's not alive, smart little girls," The man grumbled. "What, did you figure that out when you saw it didn't have a head?"
"No, but—"
"Ok, so what are you doing here?" The man asked, quickly. "What do you want? Why are you all up in the voodoo ritual space?"
"Well you see darling," Rarity explained. "We're looking for clues to find out why all these kids are acting so strangely."
The voodoo man gave them a knowing look, with a silent 'oh' before looking out the window quickly then back at them.
"Well, here's a clue," The man began.
The girls lean in intently, anxious to hear what he has to say.
"Purple is a fall color; it's the middle of May!" He said, loudly.
Rarity was appalled by his words, as she grabbed ahold of her hair.
"I beg your pardon?!" Rarity said, offended.
"Look, do yourself a favor and get off this island. Go home. Go home before evil befalls your skinny, aerobicized booties!"
Rarity and Daphne looked offended, angry even, by every word he said. But before they could retort, he points the knife at them as he continued.
"And whatever you do... Do not, and I repeat... Do not go into that Spooky Island castle."
He points the knife out the window, as the girls turned and saw a dark, foreboding abandoned castle close to the Spooky Island sign.
"Aha!" Daphne cried. "You want us to go up to that castle!"
"Didn't you just hear what I said?" The voodoo man asked.
"But you're scary and you knew I'd do the opposite of what you say," Daphne deduced. "So, you told me not to go to the castle so I would go up to that castle, where you set a trap to capture me."
At this point, even Rarity couldn't comprehend what Daphne was talking about as she and the voodoo man stare at her, confused.
"Unless... Unless you knew I'd figure it out!" Daphne continued. "So, you told me not to go to the castle, so I would think you didn't want me to go, so I wouldn't go just like you didn't want me to."
"Daphne, I'm sorry darling, but even I don't understand what that means," Rarity interrupts.
"Don't worry Rarity, you'll see what I mean," Daphne assured, facing the voodoo man. "I'll find out what you're hiding in that castle, you watch."
Daphne smugly turned heel and struts out of the hut. Rarity turns toward the voodoo man, sharing the same confusion on their face.
"I'm quite sorry for my friend, sir," Rarity apologized. "You have yourself a pleasant evening doing—Well, whatever it was you were doing."
Rarity then walks out, following Daphne. This left the very confused voodoo man wondering what just happened.
"What in the world?" He asked himself, bewildered.
Meanwhile, deep in the dark forest, Scooby continues his trek in search for the elusive bag of hamburgers the voice on the phone told him about.
"Ramburgers, where are rou?" He cooed.
Suddenly, Scooby stops when he heard a twig snap, jumping in the air and turns behind him where a startled and very nervous Fluttershy stood. The shy girl in question squeaked and fell to the ground from the sudden event. Scooby sighs in relief, relaxing upon seeing a familiar face.
"Ruttershy?" Scooby asked. "Rut are rou roing here?"
Scooby walked up toward Fluttershy, helping her off the ground while she brushes off some leaves off her dress.
"Well, I saw you walk off into the forest," She said, softly. "I couldn't just let you come in here alone."
"Roh! Well, rank you!" Scooby thanks her.
"What are you doing out here by yourself, anyway?"
"Rooking for ramburgers!"
Fluttershy raised her brow curiously. Fluttershy heard of hay-burgers back in Equestria, but she never heard of 'hamburgers' till today. On that note, why would there be hamburgers out here in the forest?
"Well, if you're going then I might as well come along," Fluttershy spoke up. "I just can't stand by and imagine you being here alone."
"Rokay, rollow re!" Scooby responds.
The two continue walking through the forest, searching for the mysterious bag of burgers. Fluttershy had a bad feeling something fishy is going on here but didn't know what. Soon they come across a sign that read, 'Hamburgers this way', pointing to the east.
"Ramburgers!" Scooby said, excitedly. "Roh boy!"
Scooby ran off toward the east so fast, Fluttershy didn't have time to say anything.
"Scooby Doo, wait for me!" She yelled, following him.
Fluttershy ran as fast as she could, finally managing to catch up to Scooby, who sat on the ground looking adoringly ahead. She looks in his direction and sees a bag hanging from a tree with another sign that read "hamburgers" with an arrow pointing at the bag.
"Ramburgers!" Scooby said, dreamily.
Scooby folds his paws in prayer and looks to the sky.
"Rank you."
The Great Dane began to approach the tree, leaning against it as he reached into the bag.
"Scooby, I really don't think this feels right," Fluttershy points out.
Suddenly, she hears footsteps heading in their direction and looks around to see what's coming their way. When her eyes land on what's coming, they grew wide with fear. Stalking towards them was a very tall pink-purplish creature with razor sharp claws and glowing green eyes. She backs into Scooby, who obliviously still searched the bag.
"Sc-Sc-Scooby..." Fluttershy quaked with fear. "I t-think we should l-l-leave now..."
Scooby just ignored her, continuing to dig through the bag. The creature came right toward them, as Fluttershy ducks folding her arms over her head. But somehow, Scooby managed to get the bag off the tree which shot back and bashed the creature in the face. Fluttershy looks up as the creature stumbles a bit before falling to the ground out cold.
Scooby had his head stuck in the bag, as Fluttershy came right behind him.
"Scooby, I really think we should go... Now!" She said, urgently.
The creature, unfortunately, recovered quickly and pulled the bag off Scooby's head. Seeing the creature, Scooby and Fluttershy both screamed in terror as Scooby pulled the bag onto his head. The creature reeled it up, Scooby was like 'Hey' and pulled it back. But one final pull and the creature sent the bag away, as once again the frightened pair screams and runs for their lives. Scooby starts climbing a tree, as Fluttershy clings onto his back while he climbs. The creature was close behind them, as they reached the end of the tree which bounced against their weight.
"What do we do now, Scooby Doo?" Fluttershy asked, in fear.
Scooby Doo looks around then notices how high the tree is from the ground. Then, in a rare moment, he gets an idea.
"Rang on!" Scooby said, seriously.
Before she knew it, Scooby lets go of the tree, as he and Fluttershy fall safely toward the ground. The creature, however, was shot from the tree through the air, crashing into a lift that looks like a monster's head, before landing in front of a rollercoaster which pushed the screaming creature along for the ride.
Meanwhile, Shaggy and Mary Jane were walking along while Applejack was fighting with Pinkie, reaching for the photo which she mischievously held out of reach. Twilight Sparkle stumbled onto this banter and tried to straighten it out.
"Why? Are you admitting something?" Pinkie teased.
"Just give it back, Pinkie!" Twilight insisted. "Whatever's going on, it's not your business!"
Course, the two love birds were so distracted they paid no attention to the girls' antics.
"It's been really nice," Mary Jane said.
The four stopped when they saw Scooby and Fluttershy run for their lives, pushing passed several kids through the pool area. Scooby leapt into Shaggy's arms, as he shook, and Fluttershy ran behind Twilight and Applejack.
"Fluttershy, what's wrong?" Twilight asked.
"Ronster!" Scooby shouted. "Ronster!"
"Yes!" Fluttershy said, pointing. "There's a monster chasing us!"
"A monster?" Shaggy asked, worriedly.
They turn to see a figure emerging through the trees. Then, out from the woods... A man in a giant bunny outfit arrives, beginning to dance with the students. Scooby and Fluttershy both looked in disbelief, Fluttershy's cheeks burned bright red from embarrassment.
"Some monster there, Fluttershy," Applejack chuckled.
"But... But... But..." Fluttershy studdered.
"Scooby Doo, like quit fooling around man," Shaggy said, dropping Scooby.
"I guess I should go," Mary Jane said.
"I'm really sorry about that, Mary Jane," Twilight said. "I don't know what got into them."
"It's fine. It was still very nice to meet you all. I have to meet up with some friends anyway; I'll see you all tomorrow."
Before she left, Mary Jane turns toward Shaggy and gives him a 'smooch' by planting the toy to his cheek. Then she looks toward Scooby.
"Bye Scooby."
But before she can reach to pet him, she gives a light sneeze reminding her of her allergies.
"Bless you," Shaggy said, softly.
Mary Jane smiles and leaves, as Shaggy looks on lovingly. At that moment, Daphne and Rarity appeared from nowhere motioning for their attention.
"Shaggy!" Daphne shouted, quietly. "Scooby! Twilight!"
The three, along with Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy turn toward their direction realizing their friends were beckoning them to follow. They had no idea what to make of it, but they went along anyway.
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