Something Strange

A large ensemble of monsters departed the hotel, which was now in shambles. Furniture tossed around and about, broken glass all over the floor, pieces of the roof hanging loosely, it truly was a mess. Each monster dragged at least one unconscious college student in their claws, while the fate of all the other students remained in the air. As they left, they were communicating to each other in a rather strange language, one you wouldn't find in any linguistics book but a language only they know.

As they made their way toward wherever they were meeting, they passed a row of carnival games just outside the hotel. None of them took notice of a particular group of people and ponies (Disguised as humans anyway) hiding amongst the 'Head in a Vase' game. Slowly, they pop their heads out watching the creatures dragging the students away.

"Like, I have a sinking feeling these dudes aren't brainwashed cult members," Shaggy said.

"Oh, really?!" Rainbow snarked. "What was your first clue?"

"Come now, Rainbow, there's no need for that," Rarity scolds.

"Will ya'll keep quiet before yah get us caught?!" Applejack whisper yelled.

Rainbow just rolls her eyes, shaking her head in response.

"Who are they?" Daphne asked. "What do they want with the college students?"

"All very good questions, Daphne," Twilight spoke up. "Personally, I think we should follow them."

Shaggy instantly snaps his head in her direction, looking at her like she was crazy.

"Say what?"

"She's right, Shaggy," Daphne agreed. "We need to defeat the creatures and save Fred and Velma."

"Well, that's sort of like my plan: We just get the heck out of here and let the creatures eat Fred and Velma!"

Shaggy laughed nervously at that thought, while everyone else looked at him in shock.

"You would seriously leave your own friends to be eaten by those beasts?!" Rarity asked, appalled.

"Better than being eaten myself," Shaggy replied.

"Reah!" Scooby agreed.

"Lookie here boys, we ain't goin' nowhere and neither are ya'll!" Applejack said. "If there's one thing we never do is abandon our friends in need!"

"Besides, who knows what those monsters could do to those poor kids?" Pinkie rambled. "They could be luring them straight to the deepest darkest depths of a spooky cave. Only to be imprisoned inside some icky-sticky cocoons against the walls, at the end of their ropes. This way those beasts could probably drain the life out of them till their bodies are dried as husks and whatever ends up being left over..."

"PINKIE PIE!!!" Twilight shouted, frustrated.

Immediately the other girls shushed their friend, in case any nearby monsters heard that. Still, all that talk about what those monsters had in mind for their friends made Flurry Heart whimper, hugging her aunt close. But thankfully, any monsters still around were far from hearing distance much to their relief. Pinkie Pie paused for a moment, with a nervous grin and tries to change the subject.

"Not like that 'would' happen. Point is: We can't let those big meanies get away with... Whatever it is they have in mind."

"The girls are right," Daphne explains to Shaggy. "Fred and Velma always figured out everything. Now it's our turn Shaggy. For once, they're the damsels in distress, not me!"

No sooner did she say that, when the vase she was in starts to tip over. Everyone reached out to stop her fall, but ultimately the vase tipped completely over, sending Daphne crashing hard on the floor.

"Daphne, are you okay?" Fluttershy asked.

"Help!" Daphne groaned.

"Timber!" Rainbow joked, with a laugh.

Everyone just glared toward her, which made her stop laughing.

"Oh come on, guys! Any pony in their right mind would've said the same thing!"

Rolling their eyes, the girls and their friends climbed out of their individual vases. Mary Jane, one of the only college students left, helped Daphne off the ground and slowly crept along following the creatures. They followed the trail which led them back to the ceremonial stage, as all the creatures walked toward the Skull entrance. Everyone peeks over a small hill, watching the creatures drag the students into the cave.

Twilight Sparkle could feel a stir and looked down, as Flurry wiggled in her grasp whimpering at the sight of the cave. She ran a comforting hand over the little foal's mane, trying to soothe her.

"Shh... It's alright, Flurry," Twilight reassured. "Auntie Twilight won't let those monsters hurt you."

Flurry smiled a bit toward her aunt, then turned over to Scooby Doo. Even though he was just as scared as Flurry, the Great Dane made one look toward the alicorn foal and knew he had to make her feel better. So he starts making funny faces, even waving his tongue about, but as quietly as possible. Seeing the big dog act silly, Flurry clap her little hoofs and giggled.

"Alright, I'm calling for help," Mary Jane announces, pulling out her cell phone.

"No, I got this," Daphne assured. "I got this..."

However, as Daphne turned back toward the cave entrance, a big stone door closed and sealed the entire entrance. Daphne's confident demeanor instantly shift to uncertainty, perhaps realizing they are over their heads this time.

"I don't got this!" Daphne admits.

"All right call for back-up," Twilight instructs Mary Jane. "But whatever you do: Don't say 'anything' about giant monsters; they'll never believe us."

Mary Jane nods as she dials the number for the Coast Guard, which happened to have a station just outside the island. They wait for a while as the phone rings, until they hear someone pick up immediately.

"Coast Guard, Fitzgibbon."

"Hello, sir. We're on Spooky Island. Our friends were..."

Mary Jane looked around toward the others, trying to figure out what to say. They just shrugged as they all didn't know how to describe their situation without mentioning 'monsters'. So Mary Jane had to improvise.

"... Kidnapped. We need someone here right away!" She finished.

"Well, we do have a unit in the vicinity. Can you meet them at the pier?"

"Uh huh!"

"Okay, they'll be right there."

With that settled, Mary Jane hung up the phone and faced the rest of the gang.

"So, what's the plan?" Twilight asked.

"The Coast guard will send a unit out right away," Mary Jane replied. "They told us to wait for them at the pier."

"Oh, I do hope they can help us," Fluttershy said, nervously.

"I just hope they're more useful than the guards back in Canterlot," Rainbow replied.

The girls again turned their face toward Rainbow Dash, giving a 'Really?' expression.

"I'll be quiet," Rainbow concludes.

"Well, come on girls!" Pinkie said, excitedly. "What are we waiting for?"

Pinkie starts skipping towards the beach, while the rest of the team follows close behind. Reaching the pier, they sat along the sand waiting for the coast guard to arrive. While half the group kept watch, the others looked around in case the monsters come back. But after a while, they all started feeling very tired as not a trace of a boat could be seen. Slowly, one by one, the whole group fell asleep as minutes drift into hours.


The rays of the morning sun rose high above the horizon over the island. The waves wash smoothly and evenly over the banks of the beach, as the team slept soundly along the shore. Scooby Doo kicks and grumbled as he dreamed, while Twilight clutched a sleeping Flurry close to her chest. The rest were all sleeping normally when a volleyball rolls into Daphne causing her to sit straight up.

As Daphne looked around, she noticed something was definitely off. The hotel, which was destroyed last night, suddenly looked practically new. As if nothing happened from the night before.

"Something messed up is happening," Daphne said, as the others stirred.

"What happened?" Shaggy asked, jolting awake. "Is the coast guard here?"

"Hey Dash, are yah seein' this?" Applejack asked, turning to the side. "Uh... Dash?"

Rainbow Dash, in question, was the one girl who didn't jolt awake as usual. She lied in a very weird angle: Her face planted against the sand and her rear in the air almost like a crouched ostrich. Applejack, rolling her eyes, stands up from the sand and kicks her shoe gently.

"Wake up!"

Rainbow Dash rolls over to the side with a groan. As she lifts her face off the ground, her face was covered in sand and she looked tired. She takes one look up at the sun and turns back shielding her eyes, while holding her forehead with the other hand.

"Oh boy... I don't feel so good," Rainbow Dash moaned. "Remind me never too..."

Rainbow Dash stops as she turns toward the hotel, while the other girls were looking around. It was then it slowly dawned on Dash as she concentrated.

"Wow, this is strange. I must've had more than I thought!"

"Like what happened to the shattered windows and the busted walls?" Shaggy asked, bewildered.

"It's like last night's attack was a bad dream," Twilight added. "Everything looks so normal."

None could understand what was going on. They all stood up, Twilight lifting Flurry Heart who yawns cutely but when she saw the hotel even she was confused.

"Is the Coast Guard even coming?" Applejack asked, looking around.

"Honestly, we've been here all night and no one's coming," Rarity hugged. "Now that's just rude!"

"Well, at least those monsters are gone," Fluttershy whispered. "I hope..."

"Yo Red! The ball!" A random college student yelled.

Daphne reached down and grabbed the ball that hit her side. She throws the ball, which the girl caught, as the latter returned to her friends.

"Let's go!" Daphne told the group.

Together, they made their way back toward the hotel. As they round the back towards the pool, they could hear what sounded like a party. Upon arrival, they saw a whole group of college kids dancing to rock music. There was also a band, Sugar Ray as they call themselves, performing one of their tracks towards the students.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Finally!" Pinkie proclaimed, excitedly. "Now we can party like there's no tomorrow!"

"Pinkie, wait!" Twilight called.

But it was already too late, however, as Pinkie ran off and started dancing on stage with Sugar Ray. The band didn't seem to mind or care; they practically encouraged her to dance while they kept playing.

"Could she possibly pick a worse time to start partying?" Rainbow asked.

"Well, what can you expect?" Rarity asked, deadpanned. "It's Pinkie Pie!"

"Okay, we need to split up," Daphne informed them.

"Why?" Shaggy asked, nervously.

"Have ya already forgotten Shaggy?" Applejack asked, raising an eyebrow. "If all them college kids are here, I reckon Fred and Velma are in there. We gotta find 'em and figure out what happened."

"She's right," Twilight agreed. "The best way to cover more ground is to split up and keep an eye open for anything suspicious or scary."

"Rou rotta re kidding?" Scooby moaned.

"I'll go this way," Mary Jane said, before walking off.

"Me, Fluttershy, and Applejack will take a look around the bar," Twilight said.

"Hey, why don't I take a look at the bar?" Rainbow asked.

"... Seriously, Dash?" Applejack asked.

"Maybe it be best if you keep an eye on Pinkie," Twilight suggests. "Just to make sure she's not having too much fun."

Rainbow Dash turned toward Pinkie Pie, who was crowd-surfing above a sea of college students cheering and waving her arms.

"Hmmph... Fine!" Rainbow groaned, before walking off.

Nearly everyone walked off in different directions, leaving Rarity, Shaggy, Scooby, and Daphne.

"We'll go with you two," Shaggy suggested.

Daphne, however, just points off in another direction with a stern look. They both turn eagerly to Rarity, who just shrugged. Shaggy sighs in defeat and starts walking off toward the direction Daphne pointed to.

"Come on, Scoob!" Shaggy called to his best buddy.

As they both head off, Rarity turns to Daphne.

"Was it really necessary to send them off on their own?" Rarity asked. "Maybe they could help us."

"Trust me Rarity," Daphne explained. "If years of working with these two taught me anything, the first thing they'd do is find a place that serves food instead of looking for clues. We'd never get anything done."

As they talked, they pushed through all the college students till they reached the other side of the pool. Just then, their path was blocked by the lead singer of Sugar Ray, Mark McGrath.

Mark (Sings):

I count the days till I see you again

You know I tried, and I am sorry

One night can make a difference

Please don't leave me hanging on and on...

Initially, as Mark sang to them, the girls were nearly flattered by this serenade. But it wasn't long till they noticed his eyes seem to change to a glowing green color and his voice lowered, almost demon-like. This made the two fashionistas slightly uneasy and slowly head off in the other direction. After a while, the two found themselves at the entrance to the women's locker room where they could hear a commotion inside. Curious, the two face each other and silently nod their heads, cautiously entering the locker room.

Meanwhile, Scooby and Shaggy were walking through the huge gathering of partying students and when they eventually regrouped with Twilight and the other girls.

"Hey, you guys find them yet?" Shaggy asked.

"No," Twilight answered, shaking her head. "We've looked everywhere!"

"How can we possibly find two people in this sea of craziness?" Rainbow asked.


Suddenly, the girls turned as Pinkie Pie danced her way back to her friends.

"Oh my gosh, you guys, this is the best party I've ever been to!" Pinkie laughed. "This beats the time we had a birthday party for Gummy, then we had a party the day after! You know, I honestly thought you guys didn't want to be friends anymore after that. Then there was that thing with the turnips and the flour..."

As she rambled on, Scooby kept scouring the area using his nose to pick up a scent. As he sniffed around, he stops suddenly when he noticed a very familiar figure partying with the other students.


It was indeed Fred Jones, only he appears very different. He was sporting a tank top and swim trunks along with a pair of sunglasses. A complete contrast from his usual denim shirt and jeans.

"Yo yo, the biatch was like, 'What?' and I was like, 'Later on!'"

As if the clothes weren't odd enough, Fred's choice of words came off weird and made no sense. Nope, this was not Fred's usual manner even if he was the cool guy. The way he acted was reminiscent of some of the crazy college students who acted weird on this island. Shaggy, Twilight, and the others all caught sight of Fred and ran to him.

"Fred!" Twilight sighed in relief. "Oh thank Celestia you're alive!"

"Yeah, we thought you were a goner there, Fredster!" Rainbow playfully punched his shoulder.

This seemed to catch Fred's attention as he turned to face the group.

"What up, dogs? And uh—Dog?" Fred asked.

"Keeping it real," Scooby responds, giving a peace sign.

Everyone else just looked at him funny, wondering what was up with Fred. They could definitely see he was acting very strange, even Pinkie could tell.

"Like, what happened last night?" Shaggy asked Fred.

"Man, we got beats like it was the lizz-nizz on Earth!" Fred responds. "You know what I'm saying G?"

Shaggy nodded, but after a moment shook his head.


"Fred, you are really starting to creep us out," Twilight said, holding Flurry close to herself.

"Yeah, what the hay is going on?" Dash asked.

"Let me handle this, Dashie," Pinkie offered, pushing Rainbow aside. "I speak Jive."

Pinkie turns toward Fred Jones, looking silently at his face then he starts speaking slang while doing a jig.

"Yo, homey, peep this! Ya'll tripping if ya'll think we buy this shizzle! Now step off our homies a'fore we gotta get up in yo face and lay ya'll out! Ya dig, fool?

The music suddenly stopped, as everyone turned toward Pinkie Pie. Even Fred seemed taken aback by Pinkie's choice of words, but none more surprised than Pinkie's friends along with Shaggy and Scooby.

And in case you don't speak 90s, let's put this in a way we all can understand:

"See here, my friend. You must be insane if you think we believe this obvious charade. Now tell us what you've done with our friends before we engage in fisticuffs. Understand, good sir?"

... That's it! No more British sitcoms for you.


Meanwhile, Daphne and Rarity were investigating the Women's locker room, looking for anything that seemed out of the ordinary. Just then, they happen upon a familiar face.

"Velma!" Daphne said, in relief.

Rarity turns to catch a sign of their old friend, but then she noticed something startling. There was Velma, dancing on one of the benches surrounded by a bunch of girls in swim wear. But what caught her off guard was not just Velma dressed in swim wear, but she wasn't even wearing her glasses.

"You're wearing make up?" Daphne asked.

"Darling, what's going on?" Rarity asked.

"I'm just getting my swerve on," Velma smiled. "Right ladies?"

The other girls cheered, encouraging Velma to let loose and have some fun. The two fashionistas were taken aback by this display, but none more surprised than Daphne. Having worked with Velma back then, she's never seen her act this way. Even Rarity found Velma was acting... Well, un-Velma like.

"Velma," Rarity spoke up. "Now I adore your choice of fashion, albeit a little... Revealing. But we were wondering if you can remember anything that happened the other night. You know? With the monsters?"

"Hold up!"

Velma immediately stopped, her face shifts from cheery to serious, and the room was completely silent. Rarity and Daphne looked around nervously, as Velma turns toward her friends while creaking her neck.

"There is 'one' thing I do remember those creatures doing," Velma said, sinisterly.

As Velma spoke, she slowly stepped down from the bench and never once took her eyes off the girls bending her neck to the side with an awful cracking sound. Rarity shivered uncomfortably, a habit she never liked.

"Um... What did they do to you?" Rarity asked, nervously.

"They make you scream," Velma answered.

"Scream?" Daphne asked, nervously.

"Uh huh," Velma replied, twisting her neck again. "Kind of like..."

Velma slowly rolls her head in position, her eyes starts to frown, and she roared inhumanely, right in the girls' face. All the other girls start to roar viciously towards the fashionistas, Rarity was so frightened that she released a high-pitch scream. The two fashionistas made a bolt for the door as all the girls chased after them. Daphne quickly closes the door, while Rarity uses her magic to levitate a broom and position it between the door handles while they tried to bash their way out.

"We have to warn the others!" Rarity screamed.

Daphne nods without arguing and they quickly make a mad dash to the outside.


Back at the pool, all the commotion, including a crashing sound and a loud growl, drew the group's attention.

"You guys heard that right?" Shaggy asked the girls.

"I've got a really bad feeling about this," Twilight answered.

"Ah, the heck with this!" A growling voice spoke.

They all turn back around, as a bunch of college students leapt onto a few tables surrounding Fred. Then all of them, including Fred, roared loudly and released the same green gas those monsters unleashed the night before. It was then they all realized what happened, as they all scream in terror and ran away as far as they could.

"Get the dog and the foal," 'Fred' growled.

Fred and the other demonically possessed students gave chase towards the group, as they ran for their lives.


Meanwhile, Rarity fled from the locker room area with Daphne following behind. Just then, the masked henchmen, Zarkos, grabs Daphne before she could get far.

"Damsel in distress!" Zarkos declared.

"Let go of me!" Daphne struggled.

Rarity turned back to see Daphne trying to fight her way out of Zarko's grip, who had her locked in a wrestling position. He reached for the Daemon Ritus in Daphne's purse, smiling.

"DAPHNE!!!" Rarity cries.

The fashionista rushed over to help, when a group of cultists swooped in from the bushes growling as green mist steamed from their mouths. Rarity looked at them nervously, realizing she was outmatched by the numbers.

"RUN RARITY!" Daphne screamed. "GO GET HELP!"

Rarity nods, reluctantly leaving Daphne behind as the demonic students follow her. Zarkos merely looks on but deciding to let the 'muchachos' handle her. Having got what he came for, he leaves with Daphne fighting in his grip and the daemon ritus in his possession.


Meanwhile, the other girls and their friends bolted for their lives until they reached a storage shed, where all the Spooky Island vehicles were kept. With no second thought, they quickly run inside.

"Hurry, get the door!" Shaggy said, urgently.

Rainbow and Applejack both grab the two doors, quickly sealing them shut and locking them from the inside. The students began to pound on the door violently, until a few punched through the walls and Fred grabbed ahold of Shaggy. Fluttershy was so scared, she hid behind Rainbow Dash.

"Why is Fred in a bad mood?" squeaked.

"That's not Fred, Flutters!" Rainbow shouts.

"He's a monster!" Shaggy cried, breaking free.

The students/monsters kept punching their way through the wall. Suddenly, the members of Sugar Ray, also possessed, jumped toward the roof and started bashing their way through with their instruments. Twilight hugged Flurry close as she looked up, the little foal whining amidst all the chaos.

"Ruys, rikes!" Scooby shouts.

"I know, yikes!" Shaggy gasped.

"No, rikes!"

Scooby pulls a tarp back, revealing four Spooky Island ATV's that were all ready for use. The entire group, especially Rainbow, eyed the bikes happily.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" Rainbow said, excitedly.

Rainbow quickly jumps on one of the bikes, revving it up. Twilight held Flurry for dear life as they hop behind Rainbow. Applejack and Fluttershy jump on another, Scooby and Pinkie board a third bike and Shaggy took the last. They all put their helmets on, revving the motors as the teens tried to hack their way through.

"Hold on, Flurry!" Twilight instructs her niece.

Flurry just giggles and claps as they start moving, as 'Fred's eyes widen. Before long, they burst through the door as Scooby gave a loud cheer and waving his arms out. The sped away from the storage shed, momentarily leaving the possessed-teens behind, as they sped through Spooky Island. They trailed through the island, as Rainbow enjoys the breeze brushing against her.

"This is majorly awesome!" Rainbow yelled, revving the engine faster.

Meanwhile, Rarity brushed through the foliage and found herself on the trail when Mary Jane emerges from the other side.

"Mary Jane?!" Rarity spoke, surprised.

"Rarity?!" Mary Jane answered back.

"Raggy, look out!"

The two girls turned to see the group speeding towards them. Fortunately, they hit the breaks to a complete stop before they could hit the girls.

"Rarity! Mary Jane!" Twilight said, relieved. "What happened?"

"I saw my friend, Beth Ann," Mary Jane said, frantically. "There's something wrong with her eyes!"

"Where's Daphne?!" Fluttershy asked, worried.

"That brute, Zarkos, and the cults!" Rarity explained. "They kidnapped Daphne and took the Daemon Ritus!"

"Like, hop on!" Shaggy tells the girls.

Mary Jane jumps on the back of Shaggy's bike, but Rarity stops as Applejack holds out a helmet for her.

"Oh, you cannot be serious..." Rarity whined.

Suddenly, the girls look back as a few possessed students jump from the foliage behind them.

"Oh, for Pete's sake, this ain't a time to argue!" Applejack groaned. "Just get on!"

Reluctantly, Rarity grabs the helmet and gets on the bike between the cowgirl and Fluttershy as they start the engines again.

"Last one to lose these chumps is a rotten hay burger!" Rainbow yelled.

Rainbow speeds off as the others follow behind her. Scooby performs a wheelie, as he and Pinkie speed off which made Pinkie cheer while holding onto the Great Dane. Shaggy and Mary Jane took off at a slower pace, which allowed one possessed student to lunge and grab ahold of the tail on the back of the bike. Shaggy looks behind seeing the student being dragged along but refusing to let go.

"Like, what a drag!" He yelled.

As the student tried to pull itself up, Shaggy and Mary Jane noticed they were about to turn a corner and had a plan. They made a sharp turn around the corner, forcing the student to let go and crash into a pile of bushes.

As Shaggy's bike met up with the others, they were all relieved to see none of the other students followed them. They took the time to enjoy the ride, as Pinkie Pie cheered. Scooby looks toward his best friend, his tongue hanging loosely.

"Like, duck!" Shaggy yelled.

Shaggy was able to duck an incoming branch, but it smacked Mary Jane upside the head. When she looks up, Scooby noticed that he face seemed stretch out, her eyes were green, and she was growling towards the Great Dane. Scooby gasps in shock, but Pinkie was swept away by the ride she wasn't paying attention. The figure, assuming Mary Jane's identity, stretched her face until it was able to rearrange itself. And just like that, it assumed Mary Jane's identity like nothing happened.

By the Ceremonial Stage, Rainbow Dash, along with Twilight and Flurry, were the first to arrive and came to a complete stop. They hop off the bike, discarding their helmets. Rainbow could not wipe the smile off her face.

"That was the coolest thing I've ever done!" Rainbow said, excitedly. "When we go back to Equestria, I'm taking this bad boy with me!"

"Are you kidding, Rainbow?" Twilight muttered, flabbergasted. "We almost got killed riding this thing and Flurry is scared to death!"

Rainbow looks down toward the little foal in question. Flurry Heart merely giggled and clapped excitedly. Rainbow looks up to Twilight with a smirk, clearing seeing the only one terrified is Flurry's own aunt.

"I'm pretty sure Flurry Heart isn't the one who's scared, Twilight."

Twilight was about to argue, when the rest of the gang came riding up alongside them. Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy got off their bike and pulled off their helmets. Rarity's hair practically stuck up in the air wildly, as she brushed a hand over it with a frown.

"Oh, look what that helmet did to my beautiful hair!" Rarity whined.

"Seriously Rarity, is this really the best time?" Applejack groaned.

"Come on girls, please don't fight," Fluttershy whispered. "You know I don't like seeing friends fight."

Applejack and Rarity turned to Fluttershy, nodding understandingly and sighed.

"Sorry," They said in unison.

Soon enough, Scooby, Pinkie, Shaggy and Mary Jane came riding through the forest stopping before the others. Shaggy and Mary Jane were the first to hope off their bikes, cheering for their escape.

"Yes!" Shaggy shouted.

"That was great!" Mary Jane said, loudly.

The two of them embraced in a hug, while Twilight and her friends were like 'aww'. But the two lovebirds were too distracted the moment they laid eyes on each other.

"Oh man, are you alright? You were great!"

"You too..."

Suddenly, Scooby jumps in front of Mary Jane and barked angrily at her. The girl squeaks and jumps back much to everyone's confusion.

"Scooby, what are you doing, man?" Shaggy asked, confused.

"Raggy! Rarry Rane is a ran in a RASK!" Scooby barked, making random gestures.

"Mary Jane is a man in a mask?" Shaggy chuckled, skeptical.

"I think the expression is 'Mary Jane' is wearing a mask," Fluttershy corrected.

"It's not really important how he said it, Fluttershy," Applejack said. "Point is, Scooby thinks Mary Jane ain't who she claims to be."

"Girls..." Mary Jane began.

But Mary Jane didn't get very far when Scooby kept barking at her. Shaggy jumps in between his best friend and the girl he has a crush on.

"What are you doing, man?" Shaggy berets his dog. "Step off, Scoob!"

"Raggy, you're ripped!" Scooby barked.

Shaggy, and especially Fluttershy, were taken aback by his words.

"I'm whipped?" Shaggy challenged. "Oh yeah? Well, why don't you say that to my face, man?"

"Guys, come on!" Twilight said, trying to reason. "Let's not behave like children and be practical..."

"YOU STAY OUT OF THIS!" The guys shout.

Twilight Sparkle was shocked by the outburst as the other girls swarmed to her defense. Flurry Heart's eyes widen as she looks in utter shock, like the other girls. Unbeknownst to anyone else, Mary Jane stood to the side and appeared to be 'amused' by their back-and-forth banter.

"Roar rother eats rat roop!" Scooby barked toward Shaggy.

"SCOOBY DOOBEY DOO!" Fluttershy gasped. "Language!"

"No Scooby Doo, your mom eats cat poop!" Shaggy argues back.

Fluttershy held her hands over her mouth, she nearly faints when Applejack and Rainbow caught her. Before long, fists were flying as Scooby and Shaggy both starts sparring together, staring each other down.

"Bring it! You want a piece of the Shagster?" Shaggy challenged. "Feel the pain, Scoob. Okay, come on! Two shots! Two shots! Me and you, me and you again. I'll give you some right now, buddy!"

"SHAGGY! SCOOBY! STOP!" Twilight shouts.

Suddenly, a loud wail stopped the boys before they could lay it out and everyone turned to see Flurry Heart crying and wriggling in Twilight's arms. It wasn't as loud as last night, but the poor alicorn was unable to stand the sight of the two fighting. Flying right out of Twilight's arms, she landed upon the ground as tears streamed down her face. It was more than enough for the girls to step in.

"Ya'll aught to be ashamed ah yerselves!" Applejack scolded.

"She's absolutely right!" Rarity added. "You two are supposed to be best friends, yet here you are fighting and bickering like fillies in day care!"

"Are you happy now?" Twilight asked, angrily. "Now you've made Flurry cry! And when Flurry gets hurt, I get very... Very... Upset!"

The two friends looked between their new friends and the little crying alicorn huddled between them. The more they thought about it, they realized the girls were right. What were they even arguing about? Here they are supposedly the best friends in the world, and they were about to rip each other apart. But none felt more ashamed than Scooby Doo, as he looked toward Flurry.

From the very beginning, the two seemed to share a very special bond and now this argument with Shaggy made her upset. As he turned toward Mary Jane, who seemed innocent enough, he tried to see if what he saw was true... And yet, she seemed 'normal'. Maybe he was the one who is wrong, that maybe he was just 'jealous'. The Great Dane turns back toward the little foal, who's cries dim to a whimper, and he places a comforting paw on her back.

"Rim rorry," Scooby apologized. "Raybe ri was reeing things."

Shaggy walks up toward the little foal as well, giving her a tiny pat on the head.

"Yeah, like me too," Shaggy apologized. "I'm really sorry for upsetting you Flurry and I'm sorry for snapping at you, Scooby Doo."

Hearing the two friends make up, little Flurry's mood brightens again, giggling happily again. The two friends hug it out, with Flurry caught in the middle, who otherwise hugs them back as the girls look on.

"Aww..." The girls said, in unison.

They all look back to see the Equestria Girls smiling approvingly, marveling at the cuteness they displayed.

"You see?" Rainbow smiled. "That's how friends should be acting."

"Yeah, instead of arguing, it's better to work it out and apologize," Pinkie smiled as well. "Even if it's not your fault."

Flurry flew behind Scooby, landing onto his back. Just as the two were about to step toward the girls, a trap door opens below their position and they plummet down a dark cavern. Shaggy and the girls immediately ran up to the opening, looking down.

"SCOOB!" Shaggy called out.

"FLURRY!" Twilight cried. "Flurry, where are you?! FLURRY!"

But answer there came none, no one could see through the darkness below the floor.

"Scooby and Flurry Heart have been eaten!" Pinkie screamed.

"I gotta save him!" Shaggy said, frantically. "You girls stay here, and I'll be right back!"

"No way!" Twilight said. "My niece is down there too! I'm coming with you!"

"We've all got to do down there!" Rainbow exclaimed, frantically. "There's no time to waste!"

"No guys!" A deep voice spoke.

They all turn around, but all they could see is Mary Jane, who looked scared for them.

"I mean it's too dangerous," She said.

"I've got to!" Shaggy insists. "Scooby is my best pal!"

"And Flurry is my little niece," Twilight said, determined. "I promised her parents she would not get hurt like last time and I intend to keep it. I'm willing to go down into that hole, jumping into the nest of those monsters, and save her along with our friend, Scoob!"

The tanker group, minus Mary Jane, stood at the mouth of the cavern and prepares to jump.

"Friends don't quit!" Shaggy shouts.

One by one, with Shaggy in the lead, they all jump through the pipe into the deep cavern. Fluttershy was the last as she looks down nervously.

"Oh, oh dear goodness!" Fluttershy whimpered.

Before long, she proceeds to follow her friends not knowing where the pipe would take them. All the group knew was that they needed to save Scooby and Flurry, unaware of the most particular discovery during this entire mystery.

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