Shaggy and Scooby

It was a warm spring day, a magnificent setting in Coolsville, Ohio. Many college students were celebrating spring break, all planning on having the time of their lives. Most of them walked down the white sandy terrain of the beach, enjoying some fun in the sun. The only thing that really stuck out was a large green van painted with orange flowers and the words 'Mystery Machine' written along the side. A small cloud of smoke steams out the sunroof of the van, as laughing could be heard.

Sitting inside the back of the van is a man with shaggy, dirty-blonde hair with a matching goatee. The hair just happened to match his name, Norville Rogers... Or 'Shaggy' as he prefers. Shaggy wore a green tank top, brown slacks and clunky brown shoes. Sitting across from his is a giant Great Dane, brown furred with dark splotches and a blue collar with gold 'S.D.' letters. This dog happened to be the most famous dog in the entire world, with a name everyone remembers: Scooby Doo.

The two best friends laughed while grilling out in the back of the Mystery Machine. If there was one thing they love more than anything, it was 'eating'. As a matter of fact, they could eat their way through a tanker truck loaded with food and still have room left over.

"This is primo!" Shaggy said, while grilling. "Man, talk about toasted."

Scooby eyes the food with intent, waiting to get a bite of that delicious food. Shaggy grabs a plate and a bottle of chocolate sauce for the burger.

"Man, the only thing I like better than an eggplant burger... Is a chocolate-covered eggplant burger."

Shaggy squeezed the bottle, as a large glob of chocolate sauce slathered all over his eggplant burger. Scooby held up a bottle of hot sauce.

"With rot sauce, ra-cha-cha-cha!" He said, squirting some sauce.

Yes folks, you heard right: Scooby Doo is a talking dog.

Yep... Just let that sink in for a moment.

Anyway, as far as dogs go, Scooby Doo was special for numerous reasons. Just being able to talk was perhaps the most interesting of them all... But that's a long story.

Shaggy grabs his burger, as he looks over his one best friend in the entire world.

"Yeah, just another beautiful day in paradise."

Just as Shaggy was about to take a bit of his burger, he felt a slight draft. Confused, he paused for a moment and looked around for the source. It wasn't before the draft starts picking up, as if a strong wind appeared ever so suddenly.

"Scooby Doo, did you leave the window open again?" He asked.

"Ruh uh!" Scooby shook his head.

"Like, then where is that wind coming from, man?"

Soon enough, the wind continues to build up practically blowing all the food in the van all around them. This just made Shaggy and Scooby especially nervous.

"Zoinks!" Shaggy cried, urgently. "Like grab the food, Scoob!"

"Rokay!" Scooby responds.

The two friends tried to catch as much food as possible but found it difficult to catch it out of the air. Suddenly, a strange vortex opens from the back of the van. Shaggy and Scooby hold each other close, scared out of their wits.

"Scooby Doo, what do we do?!" Shaggy yelled.

Scooby merely jumped from Shaggy's arms toward the front seat of the van, hiding down below. Shaggy followed close behind, ducking for cover. The van started to shake as something fell into a pile in the back. Eventually, the vortex closed and the two slowly peek their quivering heads to eye the back of their van.

There, a little creature sat in the van shaking off some food like a cute puppy. From what they could see, this little creature had cotton candy hair, pinkish white fur, big bright-blue eyes, and a giant pair of wings and a horn. Clearly it was an infant, if the diaper it worse wasn't any indication. It just sits there, a big smile on its face, looking around it's new surroundings in wonder. Shaggy and Scooby just look at each other, completely bewildered by what to make of this.

"Like Scooby Doo," Shaggy whispered. "Do you see what I see?"

"Ruh huh!" Scooby nodded.

"Go see what it is, Scoob."

"Ruh uh, rou go check!"

Shaggy looks between Scooby and the small creature, back and forth for a few seconds.

"Alright, we'll 'both' check!'

They both nod in agreement, slowly stepping over the seat toward the back of the van. The little creature peers at the two and smiled warmly. It stretch out its little hooves, cooing. The two just look at each other, then back towards the creature.

"What do you think it is, Scoob?" Shaggy wondered.

Scooby slowly approaches the little creature, who looked up to the Great Dane with those incredibly huge baby-blue eyes. Their faces were just mere inches from each other, as Scooby sniffed it out. The little creature just giggled, as if ticklish, and grabbed ahold of Scooby's face. Under most circumstances, Scooby would yelp and run straight out of the Mystery Machine... And yet, he noticed the little creature was just hugging his face. All at once it made his demeanor soften.

"Rawww shucks!" Scooby said.

The Great Dane couldn't help but lift the little creature in his paws, holding it close to him. The little one nuzzled into the big dog's chest, as Shaggy came closer.

"Aww, that's like such a sweet moment, ain't it Scoob?" Shaggy asked.

"Ruh huh!" Scooby responds, hugging the creature.

As Shaggy came for a closer look, he examined the wings along the creature's back and the horn protruding from its forehead.

"Like Scoob, this is gonna sound weird," Shaggy observed. "But I think this is an alicorn!"

"Rah ralicorn?" Scooby asked, confused.

Before Shaggy could explain, the strange vortex opened again. A large mass of bodies flew out, one piling onto Shaggy, knocking him to the ground.

"Like, ouch!" Shaggy wheezed.

Scooby jumps back, holding the little alicorn close as the green vortex closed. It was then they noticed a group of six multicolored horses, some with wings and some with horns. One of them, also with both a horn and wings, was lying on top of Shaggy who was so dizzy he could see flying ponies over his head. The rest were groaning and slowly recovering from the impact of a hard fall.

"Man, I really hate that falling thing!" Rainbow Dash groaned.

"I ain't felt this sore since the time ah had tah heave a giant bale of hay up the barn with the pully," Applejack moaned. "Shot me across the entire apple crop!"

"Oh Fluttershy, can you please get of me, darling?" Rarity asked.

Fluttershy, in question, had a much softer landing... Sitting on top of Rarity's back which was rather uncomfortable for the fashionista.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Fluttershy responds, hopping off.

Every pony got to their hooves, standing in the middle of the van and stretched their joints. Shaggy slowly stumbled to his feet, as Twilight hopped off the skinny man and pulled him up.

"I'm terribly sorry sir," Twilight apologized. "We didn't mean to fall on you."

"Like no worries," Shaggy said, dazed. "What's a minor concussion between..."

Shaggy turned to whoever was talking to him but paused with shock seeing no one standing in front of him. He slowly peeks down toward six colorful ponies standing before him, staring at him with huge eyes. The man was so shocked his own eyes grew to the size of saucers, turning to Scooby and chuckling nervously.

"Scooby Doo, I haven't hallucinated this hard since back in college, man. I'm seeing colored horses standing in front of me."

"Actually sir, we're ponies," Pinkie corrected, excitedly. "But don't worry, it's an easy mistake. Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie! What's yours?"

Shaggy just froze in place, hearing every word the pony said. He laughed nervously, then fainted on the ground. Every pony ran up to him, kneeling beside the unconscious man.

"Oh dear, is he alright?" Rarity asked, concerned.

"I'm not sure," Twilight responds.

"Is there anything we can do to wake him?" Rainbow asked.

Scooby gently places Flurry down, as the little alicorn smiles at him. Scooby searched through the van till he found an old smelly sock from Shaggy's laundry, walking toward his buddy. The stench was so bad the girls nearly threw up and had to cover their muzzles. They stand back as Scooby waved the sock over Shaggy's face, before he quickly woke up and sat straight up gasping.

"I'm up!" Shaggy exclaimed, loudly. "I'm alright!"

Shaggy turns to the side, when his eyes caught sight of the ponies once more.

"'Sup?" Rainbow asked.

Shaggy was about to faint again until Twilight grabbed his face with her hooves.

"Sir, me and my friends are talking ponies. This isn't a dream; you are not hallucinating. Please spare us the trouble of fainting again."

Shaggy quickly nods his head as best as he could, as Twilight released her hooves. Shaggy shook his head rapidly, looking back toward the others.

"Like sorry for that," Shaggy said, nervously. "It's not every day a bunch of multi-colored ponies fall in my van and talk to me."

"I'm really sorry, sir," Twilight said, urgently. "But we were just following my niece through the vortex and it's important we get her back."

Flurry Heart pokes her little head out from behind Scooby, giggling ang waving at her aunt.


Upon seeing her niece, Twilight's face lit up and she scrambles toward Flurry. She scoops her up with a big hug as Flurry giggles.

"Oh Flurry, there you are!" Twilight cried. "I was so worried something bad happened!"

"Uh Twi, in case you haven't noticed, something bad 'did' happen," Rainbow points out. "We're in another world and no we can't go back!"

Scooby approaches Twilight Sparkle, gently poking her with his paw to draw her attention.

"Rhat rose rat mean?" He asked.

Twilight shrieks and jumps back toward the others, clutching Flurry closely. The others, aside from Rainbow Dash, looked just as scared. Even Fluttershy, who is able to understand the language of all creatures and conversed with other talking animals, was greatly nervous.

"D-D-Did that d-dog just t-talk?" Fluttershy shook.

Shaggy walks right up to Scooby, placing is hand on his furry shoulder.

"Yeah, that's ole Scoob for yah," He replies, reaching his hand out. "We haven't been properly introduced; I'm Shaggy Rogers and this is Scooby Doo."

The others wearily shook his hand, as well as Scooby's paw. But it was good to know these two were friendly, for the time being.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle," Twilight introduced. "And these are my friends: Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie."

Twilight then lifts up Flurry Heart, who reaches her tiny hooves toward Scooby.

"I suppose you already know my little niece, Flurry Heart."

Shaggy smiled and ruffled her mane, making Flurry Heart giggle.

"Like, nice to meet you all," Shaggy chuckled. "Sorry in advance because I'm still trying to wrap my hand around the fact this isn't a dream and it's really happening."

Twilight and the others merely shrug, brushing it off.

"No worries Shaggy," Fluttershy said. "We understand how shocking this is."

Shaggy and Scooby take their seat along the floor of the van, as the ponies got comfortable.

"So, where are you all staying?" Shaggy asked.

"Nowhere, really," Twilight admits. "You see we sort of pop into worlds randomly and we can't go home until we've stopped some huge evil from destroying the world."

The others just nod in agreement, as Shaggy laughed nervously.

"Like, this seems like a weird dream that I'll wake up from any minute.

Every pony, even Scooby Doo, looked at him. Eventually Shaggy shook his head and accepted the circumstances.

"Sorry about that. Anyway, if you've got nowhere to say, you're more than welcome to stay in the van with us. It might be a tight fit, but like we'll make it work."

Every pony smiled at the offer.

"Are you quite certain, darling?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah, I mean we hate to impose," Rainbow said.

"Oh, it's no worries," Shaggy smiled. "Anything to help out. Like, how often do you get to say you've got six talking ponies and a cute little foal living with you?"

Scooby Doo scratches his chin, trying to think of an answer to that question.

"Ri don't know Raggy," He answered.

"Exactly old buddy, old pal. So, you girls hungry or anything? Scoob and I were just sitting down for lunch."

"Do you guys have any salad or hay or anything?" Fluttershy asked.

Shaggy peaks around the cupboards before pulling out some lettuce and a few other ingredients for a salad. He quickly whips something up into a large bowl and once he's done he starts placing a pile into separate paper plates.

"Like, here you go! One salad de pony for our new friends, courtesy of your Master Chef, Shaggy Rogers!"

Every pony laughed at the man's joke as they dig into their food. Pinkie looks around, then spots something along the side.

"Say, can I borrow some of that chocolate sauce?" Pinkie asked.

"Like sure, help yourself," Shaggy offered.

Pinkie takes the chocolate sauce and proceeds to squirt a glob into her own salad. Under normal circumstances, the other girls would be disgusted but they were too hungry to care. Given the weird food fusions Shaggy's eaten in his life, this didn't bother him in the slightest. Once again, he picks up his eggplant burger and just when he was about to take a bite:


Every pony turns toward the back doors, while Shaggy and Scooby looked somewhat worried.

"I'm looking for a "Mr. Rogers" and a "Mr. Doo"," A voice called out. "The detectives?"

"Who is that?" Pinkie asked.

Shaggy leans in to talk to Scooby.

"Like, it's probably just somebody else looking for us to solve some terrifying mystery!"

"Robody home!" Scooby called back.

The ponies all look at the Great Dane with a 'Seriously?" expression, as the dog just shrugged.

"Quick Scoob-O," Shaggy whispered. "Grab the food-o and let's scram-o!"

Scooby quickly scrounged up as much as food as possible, as once again they heard a man call out.

"I'm looking for a 'Mr. Rogers' and a 'Mr. Doo'."

"What about us?" Twilight asked Shaggy.

Shaggy looked around, gesturing to some pillows off the corner of the van.

"You girls like hide in that big pile over there. We'll go out there and get rid of him!"

Every pony nodded and quickly ducks into a pile of pillows, while Shaggy and Scooby jump out of the Mystery Machine and close the doors behind them. The walls of the van were so thin the ponies could hear what they were talking about.

"I'm sorry dude," Shaggy explained. "We'd love to help you out; you seem like a really nice guy. It's just that we're not detectives anymore."

"Oh, it's just that I've been sent here by my employer, Mr. Emile Mondevarious," The man spoke back. "To invite you to his world-famous amusement park, 'Spooky Island'."

"Oh no! We don't go anywhere with the words 'spooky', 'haunted', 'forbidden', or 'creepy' in the name."

"Or 'hydrocolonic'," Scooby added.

"Right, or 'hydrocolonic'," Shaggy laughed. "But that's for a whole different reason man."

Twilight looked at all her friends with a look of disgust, they all had the same reaction.

"I have an idea what that word means but I really don't want to say it," Twilight said, grossed out.

Pinkie Pie reaches into her mane, pulling out a dictionary and a pair of reading glasses. Putting the glasses to her face, she opens the pages to the 'H' section and scrolls down.

"Ooh, here it is! Hydrocolonic: A procedure where you stream gallons of water into your body through your—"

"PINKIE!!!" Every pony yelled.

Pinkie squeaked and immediately put the dictionary and glasses back into her mane. Thankfully, Twilight had Flurry's ears covered the entire time much to her confusion. Back outside, their new friends and the man didn't seem to pay attention as they continued their conversation.

"Mr. Mondevarious would like you to solve the mystery," The guy insists. "He'll pay you a fee of ten thousand dollars."

"Yeah, it's just materialism isn't really our bag, man," Shaggy shot down.

"Free airfare."

"No thanks."

"Room and board."

"Eh, no thanks."

"And... 'All you can eat'."

There was a moment of silence before Scooby spoke up.

"R-R-Rall you can eat?"

Then, the ponies heard the sound of a certain Great Dane falling flat on the concrete.

"Is he going to be alright?" The guy asked.

"Uh yeah, he'll be alright," Shaggy assured. "Like, we'll be on the next flight, if not sooner. Thanks man!"

Next thing they knew, the back doors flew open and Shaggy, along with a very disoriented Scooby Doo, hops into the back of the van. The ponies all step out from their pillow fortress.

"What in tarnation was all that hullabaloo about?" Applejack asked.

"Well, it looks like we're going on vacation!" Shaggy said, excitedly.

"Ten thousand dollars, free airfare, room and board, and 'All You Can Eat'!" Pinkie listed, smiling. "Sounds like my kind of vacation to me!"

"Pinkie, do you even know what ten thousand dollars is?" Twilight asked, eyebrow raised.

"Hmm... I don't know," Pinkie shrugged. "But it sounds like more bits than Filthy Rich can make."

"Excuse me boys, but what was that gentleman talking about 'solving mysteries'?" Rarity asked.

"Oh, yeah... About that," Shaggy spoke, awkwardly. "Like, me and Scoob here used to solve terrifying mysteries."

"So, it was just you and Scooby solving them?" Twilight asked.

The moment Twilight asked, Scooby and Shaggy looked at each other. Then they turn back toward the others with sad faces.

"It didn't used to be," Shaggy answered, sadly.

The others reel back a little, realizing they must have said something 'wrong'.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Twilight said, guiltily. "I didn't mean to bring up anything bad. If you don't want to tell us, it's all right."

"No, it's fine," Shaggy waved it off. "It's already out there, so we may as well tell you guys."

All the ponies, including Flurry Heart, gather around Shaggy and Scooby. The two friends, as sad as they were, began to tell their story.

"You see, when I was in high school, I was a lonely loser who secretly hoped to find a couple friends. Then one night, ole Scoob here somehow came into my life out of nowhere and we've been best buddies ever since. Shortly after, we met Fred, Daphne, and Velma and we all bonded after solving our first mystery. We formed a mystery solving team, solving cases all throughout college and foiled many crimes. But after a while, we started to fall apart. It all came to a chaotic end, two years ago..."


Mystery Incorporated had just solved the case of the Luna Ghost at the Wow-O-Toy Factory. As it turned out, a creepy janitor, Old Man Smithers, wanted revenge against the pretty owner after she refused to go out with him. Things seemed to end smoothly until it became clear something troubled the Mystery Inc. team. As they walked back toward their van, it was clear they were upset with each other.

"Fred, I can't believe you took credit for my plan again," Velma told Fred.

"Some plan," Daphne complained. "That ghost pawed me for an hour and a half!"

"Daph, it's not our fault you always get kidnapped," Fred said.

"I do not always get kidnapped!" Daphne responds. "I can't believe you'd even say that."

"Oh please," Velma rolled her eyes. "You come with your own ransom note."

This, of course, infuriated the already agitated fashionista. Daphne grabs Velma's glasses right off her face, holding them high in the air.

"Hey, my glasses!" Velma cried.

Velma dropped to the ground, unable to see, crawling around and trying to feel for anything.

"Who's helpless now?" Daphne mocked.

"I'm going to kill you, Daphne!" Velma threatened.

Velma finally grabbed ahold of something, presumably Daphne, and tried to strangle her. Only, it wasn't Daphne... It was Fred, who got caught in the middle.

"Woah—Woah!" Fred gasped, as Velma quickly lets go. "Watch the ascot!"

Seeing the team in disarray, Shaggy felt it was time to jump in and say something encouraging.

"You guys, look, I know I'm just the dude that carries the bags. But it seems to me like we all play a very important part in this group."

Although Fred, Daphne and Velma were paying attention to what Shaggy was saying, it didn't seem to help that much. As Shaggy continued, Velma quickly snatched her glasses from Daphne and put them back on.

"I mean we're like a huge, delicious banana split. Fred, you're the big banana. Daphne, you're the pastrami and bubblegum flavored ice cream. And Velma, you're the sweet-and-sour mustard sauce that goes on top."

As weird as it was for the gang, Scooby Doo licked his lips with a big 'Mmm mmm!'.

"That sounds pretty good, doesn't it Scoob?"

"Ruh huh!"

"You know what, Shaggy?" Velma asked, sadly. "You really know how to put it in perspective, don't you?"


The next thing Velma uttered were perhaps the two most devasting words any of them had ever heard.

"I quit!"

In that one moment, the world stood still as the rest of the gang looked at her in shock, as if she had just uttered the worst thing anyone could ever imagine and multiply it by a thousand.

"No," Shaggy gasped.

"No way, you can't quit!" Daphne complained. "I was gonna quit in like two seconds and now everyone is gonna totally think that I copied off the smart girl."

"Hey now, wait a minute!" Fred butted in. "Wait a minute!"

Everyone turned toward him, as though he was about to break this all up.

"Maybe I quit," Fred said, seriously.

This was unbelievable and nearly a lot for Shaggy and Scooby to take in. Fred Jones, the leader of 'Mystery Inc.', saying that he quits. Now the entire system was falling apart before their eyes.

"I do—Yeah, I quit!" He said, storming off.

"I'm out of here!" Velma stormed off, as well.

"Good riddance!" Daphne muttered, as she left.

All Shaggy and Scooby could do was watch, as their friends walked towards their separate vehicles.

"No, don't go!" Shaggy pleaded. "Come on guys, don't do this. Please don't go."

Beside him, Scooby Doo whimpered with tears in his eyes watching them all drive away.

"Do I quit?" He asked, looking at Shaggy.

"No Scoob, friends don't quit."

(End flashback)

"—So it's just been me and Scooby ever since," Shaggy concluded, sadly. "It's been two years and we haven't seen the old gang ever since."

Every pony in the group had tears in their eyes. It was the most heartbreaking story they've ever heard, a group of seemingly great friends coming to such a horrible end in one night. Pinkie was practically crying crocodile tears.

"That's terrible darling," Rarity choked out.

"That's the saddest story... I ever heard!" Pinkie cried, wiping away her tears.

"I'm so sorry to hear that you guys," Twilight said, sadly. "That sounds just awful! I couldn't imagine my friends and I ever splitting up like that."

Shaggy nodded sadly, as poor Scooby Doo nuzzled into his side and whimpered. Unbale to bear the sight, little Flurry hops out of Twilight's grasp and crawls toward Scooby. She lightly taps his side with her little hoof as Scooby looks down and sees the sad expression on her face. Flurry stuck out her hooves and Scooby picks her up in his paws, hugging her closely. This brought a smile to the big dog's face, which in turn made Flurry giggle and clap.

"Ranks Rurry!" Scooby thanked her.

Flurry, as cute as she is, gave Scooby a tiny kiss on the cheek. Twilight and the other ponies gave a big 'aww' at the cute scene. Even Shaggy couldn't stay sad for long.

"Like I never thought I'd see the day," Shaggy replied. "Scooby Doo cuddling a baby alicorn."

"Re quiet," Scooby growled, annoyed.

Shaggy merely shook his head, chuckling to himself, before facing the group of ponies.

"I'm sure the old gang would have thought that was adorable too," Shaggy sighed. "I wish I could see the look on their faces."

It was then, as Twilight sat quietly, an idea pops in her head.

"You know Shaggy, I've been thinking," Twilight ponders. "If 'you' got an invitation to this island to solve a mystery, it's possible Fred, Daphne and Velma got one too. Maybe, 'just' maybe, this could bring you back together!"

Shaggy thought for a moment, realizing Twilight was on to something. If Shaggy and Scooby were wanted, then surely the rest of 'Mystery Inc.'... But...

"You might be right Twilight, but even if that's the case, Mystery Inc. is broken up. Like, I don't even think they even consider each other friends, anymore. They never even sent us a postcard, not even a phone call... Probably don't want to talk to us."

Hearing that, Twilight and the other girls look at each other, smiling slyly as they stood up.

"Well, luckily for you," Twilight said. "You just so happen to have the 'Masters of Friendship' right here in front of you."

"Yeah, when it comes to friendship, we're like totally awesome!" Rainbow bragged.

"If any pony can help resolve your problems, it would be us," Rarity added, with an eye flutter.

This managed to bring a smile to Shaggy and Scooby's faces, perhaps giving them hope after a period of uncertainty. Even for just a moment that they'd all be together, to showcase how close they are and how good of friends they used to be, maybe things will work out.

"Well, if you think you can help then far out!" Shaggy smiled. "I guess you're coming with us to Spooky Island!"

"Rooyah!" Scooby cheered.

Flurry giggled and clapped her hooves, as Twilight and her friends cheer and hoof-bump. It was then, however, Shaggy realized something very important.

"Wait a minute! How are you guys gonna come with us as ponies?" Shaggy asked. "No problem for us, but it's just that people don't normally see talking ponies every day."

"Yet their all just fine and dandy with a talkin' dog?" Applejack rolled her eyes.

"Rou bet," Scooby smiled.

Twilight thought hard for a second, pondering the circumstance. True, back in Oz, the citizens were alright with talking animals given how whimsical it was. But here, Twilight considered that things work completely differently as if this world had it's own set of rules. Then, she thought of something.

"Girls, I'm going to need to take your hooves!" Twilight declared.

"Uh Twi," Rainbow said, awkwardly. "I know we're friends and all, but I don't roll that—"

"Just do it!"

Unsure, each of the Mane Six grabbed each other's hands, Pinkie grabbing Twilight's left hand enthusiastically and Rainbow Dash tentatively holding Twilight's right.

"Hold on girls, this is going to feel odd," Twilight warned. "Plus, I've never done this before."

"WHAT?!" Rainbow asked, in shock.

But there was no time to say anything as Twilight concentrated her magic around them (Minus Shaggy, Scooby and Flurry), covering them in a blinding purple light. Shaggy and Scooby fold their arms over their eyes, while Flurry looked as if it was the most beautiful sight she ever saw. After a few seconds, the light vanished, and what Shaggy and Scooby saw left them completely shocked. No longer were Twilight and her friends ponies; they were now humans, like as they'd appear in Canterlot High.

Or, to save time on description, whereas 'this' Twilight Sparkle and the girls retain the 'Equestria Girls' appearance from the current series.

Look it up on the wiki, folks.

As they all looked down at themselves, every pony, except Twilight, were shocked. For her friends, this was completely different for all of them seeing as how Twilight was the only one to visit the other world. And now to see what they look like as humans; this was a shock.

At least the magic includes giving them clothes or else that would be 'really' awkward.

*Pause* You're sick, you know that?


"What in the name of Celestia!" Rainbow blurted.

"What are these things on the end of our hooves?" Rarity asked, examining her 'hands'.

"They're not 'hooves', Rarity," Twilight explains. "Their called 'hands' and those little things are 'fingers'."

"What do they do?" Fluttershy whispered.

"Try picking something up.

Fluttershy looks around the Mystery Machine and spots a spatula on the ground. Using her new hands, she reached down and clutches it until the spatula is gently in her hand. As she lifts it to her face, she was stunned of how different it felt to pick things up with hands instead of hooves.

Pinkie Pie, on the other hand, enjoyed her new appearance as she took off one of her sandles and wiggled her dainty toes.

"Wowie, this is super-duper!" Pinkie rambled. "This is cooler than the time I was stuck in the ice box at 'Sugar Cube Corner'! Mr. and Mrs. Cake had to thaw me out with hot water and a hair dryer... Two of them."

"As long as I'm still majorly awesome, I don't mind at all," Rainbow said, cockily.

"I adore this outfit, darling," Rarity said, admiring her clothes. "I can't wait to see what outfits I can try in this new world."

"Alright Shaggy," Twilight said, adjusting her glasses. "Looks like we're ready to go!"

Shaggy was still in shock when he turned to Scooby.

"Like Scooby Doo, that was the most awesome thing I've ever seen!" Shaggy said, cheekily.

"Re too!" Scooby responded.

"But what about Flurry?" Shaggy asked.

It was then the girls realized they forgot something...

Apart from leaving Spike out of this story of course...


*Ahem* It was then the girls realized they forgot something, as they looked toward Flurry Heart, who eyed her aunt and her friends curiously while sucking one of her hooves.

"Whoops, I reckon we missed on," Applejack points out.

Twilight walks over to her alicorn niece, lifting her up in her arms. She grabs a blanket from the corner, wrapping Flurry until only her cute face was showing.

"As long as I keep Flurry wrapped up like this, I think we'll be alright," Twilight said. "When we get there, we'll figure out the rest."

"Well, far out! Next stop: Spooky Island!"

With that, Shaggy and Scooby hop in the front seat of the Mystery Machine as all the ponies, now 'Equestria Girls', sat in the back and hung on as the van drove off the beach.

For as of this day, a new adventure had just begun...

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