Meeting the Gang
As the Mystery Machine rolled on, most of the ride to the airport was quiet. The only sounds made were those of Flurry Heart, giggling and babbling. The girls had just finished telling Shaggy and Scooby of their adventures for at least a half hour before a long silence commenced. Quite frankly, it was fine since everyone wanted some time to relax after what just happened this morning.
Finally, after a while, the group pulled the van toward the airport. Shaggy and Scooby Doo jumped out from the front of the Mystery Machine, carrying all the stuff they packed for the trip, and opens the back door to let the girls out. They all jump from the back, stretching their limbs.
"Oh, thank goodness," Rarity complained. "It was so cramped in there; I thought the ride would never end."
"Like, I did say the van would be a tight squeeze," Shaggy points out.
"Yah wanna talk about cramped Rarity?" Applejack asked, annoyed. "Try falling in the hay baler and spending the next two weeks shaped like a square."
Twilight just rolled her eyes at the two bickering friends, as she picks up Little Flurry, all bundled up in her blanket, and kept her close.
"Alright Flurry, I need you to be good and don't use your magic or wings for a while," Twilight instructs, sweetly. "Can you do that for Auntie Twily?"
Flurry giggled, hugging her aunt as a response. Not many ponies would understand, but Twilight knew that meant 'yes'.
"Well, are we doing this thing or not?" Rainbow asked.
They all nod and start walking toward the airport. Just then, Shaggy realized something important and stops them in their tracks.
"Hang on a second guys," Shaggy said. "Like, how are you gonna come with us to Spooky Island if you don't have tickets?"
This was very serious predicament, as the girls looked amongst each other. Shaggy did have a point: While he and Scooby were personally invited to this island, that didn't mean the girls too. Without tickets, they couldn't possibly fly with them to the island without revealing their true nature to anyone. Just then, Twilight had an idea.
"Can I see your ticket to 'Spooky Island', Shaggy?"
"Like sure."
Shaggy hands her the ticket, while Twilight looks around to see if anyone was around or looking. She waves her hand, as a lavender aura circles the ticket. In a quick flash of light, a few more tickets appear in her other hand, the one holding Flurry Heart, just enough for all of them. Twilight hands the original ticket back to Shaggy, who had wide eyes and his mouth hung open. Scooby had to reach his paw and close Shaggy's mouth for him.
"Like, I'm still gonna have to get used to that," Shaggy laughed.
Everyone else just chuckled along, as Twilight hands a ticket to each of her friends. Yet even Pinkie Pie, known for being the most random member of the group, had her questions.
"Didn't you say you couldn't use magic when you became human in that other world?" Pinkie asked, scratching her head.
"True, but you do learn things over the years," Twilight justified.
"Well, let's just hope my wings don't have to grow back," Rainbow smiled, smugly. "Otherwise, you're all going to have a hard time picking your mouths off the floor after seeing my awesome flying!"
Shaggy and Scooby Doo both smiled, rolling their eyes as Rainbow Dash's ego reminded them of one of their friends. As they made their way into the airport, Twilight and the ponies could hardly believe the sight. Considering Equestria didn't have airports, they had never seen anything quite like it. As Shaggy was about to lead them through, passing a few billboards of 'Spooky Island', Scooby stops Shaggy.
"What is it, old buddy?" Shaggy asked.
"Ri gotta range," Scooby replied.
"You've gotta change?"
"Ruh huh!"
"Alright, Scooby. Just meet us at the security check when you're finished."
With that said, the Great Dane walked off towards another direction while Shaggy led the girls through the airport. Yet as Twilight looked on, she couldn't help but feel suspicious.
"Hey Shaggy, what was that all about?" Twilight whispered.
"What was 'what'?" Shaggy asked.
"You know... 'That'?" Twilight whispered, slightly louder.
"Oh... Trust me. This will all go a lot better when he gets back."
Neither Twilight nor any of the girls knew what to believe with that statement. Nevertheless, they decided to just go along with it for the time being. It was probably the only way things were going to get done around here. Eventually they made their way toward the security checkpoint.
"Alright guys, now you're like gonna have to show the guy your tickets," Shaggy said.
The girls nod, as they watch Shaggy go first. They observe as he hands the security guy his ticket, before he was allowed to go through. Shaggy had placed his personal effects, his shoes included, in a plastic bin and sent it through a scanner. Shaggy then goes through a giant detector to check for any dangerous materials before he was finished.
As for Twilight and her friends, considering they didn't have a ton of baggage to bring along, they were mostly concerned with the rest of the procedure. But otherwise, they had no problem getting their tickets through security. Fluttershy was the last to go when she felt someone bump into her and made her squeak.
"Rorry rout rat, riss."
"Oh, that's quite all right," Fluttershy replied, not looking back.
Suddenly, Fluttershy froze for a moment and slowly looks back. Her eyes wide as she took a close look at the 'woman' in line behind her.
"Oh... My..."
Meanwhile, at another part of the airport, a tall handsome blond man, with sunglasses over his eyes and a leather blue jacket, strolled by with a single bag over his shoulder. Recognized by the white cotton shirt, blue jeans and what appears to be an orange ascot hidden below the collar, this was Fred Jones, formerly the leader of 'Mystery Inc.' As he walked by, with a ticket in his hand, he didn't notice a familiar face approaching him.
It was a mousy young girl with a bob haircut, square rimmed glasses and an orange sweater, with a red open shirt over it that matched her skirt. This was Velma Dinkley, the brains of 'Mystery Inc.' or at least... Used to be. She was looking at the handsome man next to her, as if suddenly he looked familiar to her.
"Fred?" The girl asked, drawing his attention.
"Velma?" Fred asked, surprised. "Are you going this way?"
Velma didn't answer right away, as if this happened so fast, but all she did was nod with a small smile. This was very awkward for them as it's the first time they've seen each other in years and they just happen to be going on the same flight. They were quiet for a moment, unsure of what to say until Velma eventually breaks the silence.
"How have you..." Velma began
"Been?" Fred interrupts.
"Great! Great, I'm on the lecture circuit with my new book," Fred explains, showing a book with his face. "'Fred on Fred: The Many Faces of Me'."
At a convention center, 'Fan-Con-A-Thon', Fred Jones was indeed doing a promotional speech on his book toward a crowd of fans gathered just to attend his lecture... Actually, just two or three kids while everyone just walked by. He stood on the podium next to the poster of his book along with a rubber mask next to him for demonstration.
"And in Chapter 7, I detail how the Black Knight Ghost was no supernatural phenomenon but a cowardly yet ingenious man in a mask," Fred explains. "I induced this from a nearly imperceptible detail that a man of a lesser skill would have passed over a zipper in the back of the head."
To prove his point, Fred Jones turns the mask around to show said 'zipper' thus revealing the illusion. Needless to say, the kids weren't exactly impressed in the slightest.
"Now later for $5.00 you can come up and touch it," Fred continues. "Any questions?"
One kid raised his hand drawing Fred's attention.
"Yeah, why do you suck?" The kid asked, obnoxiously.
"Yeah, who dyes your hair?" Another kid asked.
Fred was at a loss for words, clearly this was not going the way he planned out. Here he was trying to promote his material and these little brats were making a mockery out of him. It's clear things weren't as awesome as Fred had planned.
(Flashback ends)
"Jinkies, that's impressive," Velma said.
"And yourself?" Fred asked.
"I've been working at NASA, developing hydro-powered missile defense systems," Velma replied. "But, more importantly... I'm on a journey of self-discovery."
To Fred Jones, that sounded very impressive and he thought Velma was doing very well. But actually...
Velma Dinkley was before a group of people in a room with portraits of black splotches. It was one of those therapy sessions for trouble grown-ups and Velma just happened to be a regular.
"Velma, when did you first experience these feelings of low self-esteem," The therapist asked.
"Well, for a long time, I was part of a group where I didn't get the attention I deserve," Velma spoke.
"Which group was it?" Another member asked.
"Mystery Inc.," Velma answered, reluctantly.
Suddenly, everyone started jumping out and recalling everything they know about 'Mystery Inc.' Shouting about the gang like Fred Jones, Scooby and even Daphne, whom two men thought were extremely hot. But not one member in attendance brought up Velma Dinkley's name nor even recalled her being part of the group. Suffice to say, Velma would always be the odd man out... Or odd 'girl' in this case.
(Flashback ends)
"Charter service to Spooky Island will begin boarding momentarily," The loudspeaker announced.
Fred and Velma were just nearing the gate, making their way toward their plane. A group of girls just left the desk while another girl still stood there having an argument with one of the airport staff. She was undeniably beautiful, with long red hair and dressed in all purple attire. This was Daphne Blake, who left the team over the 'damsel in distress' ordeal.
"What do you mean I can't have seven carry-on bags?" Daphne complained, referring to her luggage. "That's so economy!"
"Daphne?" Fred asked.
"Crap," Velma said.
Should we really be using this kind of language; what will our fans say?
It's in the bloody script; if they don't like it, they can pop off!
Daphne turns around, tipping her sunglasses over her eyes. Needless to say, she was least happy to see her old teammates.
"Oh no," Daphne whispered. "I'm not talking to you guys."
To prove her point, Daphne made a motion of 'zipping her lips', throwing the 'zipper' aside, before turning back toward the desk. Still, when Fred Jones looked at her, he couldn't deny that she was still the same beautiful girl from ages ago. After an awkward pause, Daphne turned back toward them.
"What the heck are you doing here?"
"Isn't it obvious?" Velma asked, sarcastically. "We all received the same letter from one Emile Mondevarious, the reclusive owner of Spooky Island."
"It's not fair!" Daphne complained, stomping her heel. "I was gonna solve the mystery all by myself for the first time ever."
"How are you gonna save yourself when you get caught?" Fred asked.
"I'm not like that anymore! I've transformed my body into a dangerous weapon."
Fred Jones and Velma Dinkley couldn't hide a chuckle after hearing that. Daphne Blake a.k.a. 'Danger-Prone Daphne' insisting that she was a 'black belt'? Even that was hard to believe.
"It's true!" Daphne insists.
A board breaks apart after Daphne Black delivers a palm strike, decked out in martial arts attire which matched her favorite color. As she warms up, she recalls the words she recalls from her training. She was among a group of fellow martial artists in what appears to be either China or Japan. Her master, an old man with a long beard, overlooks Daphne's training as she displays some impressive maneuvers like something out of a Bruce Lee movie.
"My opponent is my insecurity," Daphne states, while breaking more boards. "My strength is my resolve."
"Excellent Stephanie," The sensei replies. "Now summon your chi, you are no longer helpless. Your body is the dangerous weapon."
Daphne assumes a fighting position as another fighter jumps from the tree ready to combat the rising student. He appeared to be rather intimidating, refusing to hold back just because Daphne is a girl. But Daphne was not scared, this was finally her chance to prove herself and to women everywhere that she was not helpless. Daphne charges toward her opponent, performing back flips and stating the motto her sensei taught her.
"My opponent is my insecurity; my strength is my resolve."
Daphne flips high into the air and the man looks on. But then the sound of branches snapping leaves the man baffled, scratching the back of his neck.
"Oh! My butt is stuck in a tree!"
Daphne Blake was not kidding. She was hanging from a branch where her Gi was caught on a loose branch. For all her skills and hard work, Daphne Blake still found herself prone to doing something embarrassing. She was having a worse wedgie, reminding her of when she was taken by the Luna Ghost as her sensei and fellow students looked on.
"Remember, the path to independence is winding and most difficult," The sensei spoke.
One of the guys spoke to the master in a foreign language, telling him 'Dude, this chick is hopeless!' Whether Daphne could understand it or not, she knew that she embarrassed herself before her pupils... Again. She was just glad that no one she knew was aware of this or she'd never hear the end of it.
(Flashback ends)
"So just you know, watch it!" Daphne warned.
Meanwhile, Shaggy and the girls had just made it toward the gate when they noticed three faces from Shaggy's face standing by the desk together.
"I'm assuming that's them?" Twilight asked.
"You got it!" Shaggy smiled. "Wait here, I'll introduce you guys."
Shaggy casually walks over, trying to make it seem as though this was a pure coincidence.
"Far out!" Shaggy said, drawing their attention. "I guess we're all going to Spooky Island, man!"
"Hey, Shagster!" Fred greeted.
The two men embrace in a quick hug, before Shaggy and Velma do the same thing.
"Good to see you, Shaggy," Velma said.
"Hey Daph!" Shaggy greeted.
Daphne just gave a small wave, barely smiling. This was not going the way she planned at all.
"Oh, I'd like to introduce you guys to my new posse," Shaggy said, waving. "Come on over girls."
It was then the trio all noticed a group of five girls walking towards Shaggy, much to their surprise. They were unlike any girls they have ever seen, Fred especially who in his eyes they look like models walking down a catwalk. After an awkward glance, Fred immediately snapped out of it.
"So, who are your friends, Shag?" Fred asked.
"Oh yeah, so like Fred, Daphne, Velma, this is Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity, Applejack, and... Pinkie?" Shaggy introduced, but thought someone was missing.
""Nice to meet ya'll," Applejack greeted, tipping her hat.
"Hello everyone," Rarity said, with class. "Tis a divine pleasure to meet you."
"Sup guys," Rainbow said, casually.
"Hi! My name is Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie said, excitedly. "I'm super-duper excited to meet you all! Any friend of Shaggy is a friend of mine! He's so nice, kind and I really like that in others!"
As Pinkie rambled on, she shook the hand of each and every one of Shaggy's old pals, really hard and rapid. They all pulled back, shaking a bit to dull the feeling. They all turned toward the other girls for an explanation.
"Yeah, you get used to it," Rainbow said.
"Uh Twilight," Shaggy whispered. "Where's your other friend?"
"Fluttershy?" Twilight asked, looking around. "I hope she made it through the gate; she probably just wanted to make sure 'you know who' is okay."
"So, how do you guys know Shaggy?" Velma asked.
Shaggy and the other froze for a moment, as a bead of sweat fell off Shaggy's head. They didn't think the question would come so far and Shaggy didn't exactly plan this out.
"Well um—" Shaggy stuttered. "Their uh—"
"I'm Shaggy's cousin!" Twilight jumped in. "And these are all my friends. We just arrived from..."
"CANADA!!!" Pinkie jumped in.
Applejack looked at Pinkie Pie with a raised eyebrow, especially since she's not used to lying. Or for that matter, how Pinkie would come up with something so random as a place they don't even know. Rainbow Dash even eyes at Pinkie Pie with a 'seriously' expression. But Shaggy saw this as a means to improvise.
"Why yes, they were just visiting from... 'Canada'," Shaggy added, awkwardly. "They wanted to spend spring break with me at the last minute and I completely forgot, heh heh. So, I decided to have them come along instead of just leaving them at my place alone."
The other girls nod quickly, agreeing with the story. It was then Twilight could feel Flurry stirring and held her up before the group.
"Oh and this is my..." Twilight paused, thinking. "My sister! My little sister, Flurry. My parents are on a honeymoon, couldn't find a foal—I mean 'babysitter', so I decided she should come along."
While not the smoothest explanation Twilight ever made, the gang couldn't help but fawn over the little one. Thankfully for her, they were oblivious to the fact that the baby was really an alicorn foal. At least so long as they don't look too closely.
"Um Shag, can I talk to you for a moment?" Fred asked.
Shaggy nods as the two men walk to the side leaving the girls to get acquainted. Fred made sure no one else was listening, as he whispers to Shaggy.
"You do realize this place we're going to is for college kids, right?" Fred points out, whispering. "These girls barely look like their outta high school and one of them is a baby!"
"Yeah, I know," Shaggy whispered. "But I just didn't want to leave 'em alone, you know?"
Whether that was intentional or not, Fred felt a slight down about it especially the word 'leave'. But Fred, being macho as he is, tried his best to make it seem it didn't phase him. It was then the girls noticed someone from the team was missing from this gathering.
"Hey, where's Scooby?" Velma asked.
Pinkie Pie looks over and suddenly her eyes widen. She slaps Rainbow on the shoulder, who turns toward her direction. Rainbow does the same and slaps Applejack's, causing her to look. They see their friend Fluttershy helping an old woman up toward the gate to meet with them. Only, this wasn't a woman at all... It was Scooby Doo!
Walking rather unsteadily on his hind legs, barely fitting in yellow beach sandals, Scooby Doo approached the gang dressed like a woman with a grandma style dress with plants, a hat and glasses over his eyes. Twilight, the other girls (Including Flurry) and the gang, minus Shaggy, look with wide eyes and open mouths. Scooby said 'Hello' to some passengers, while Fluttershy helped to keep Scooby steady. The meek girl with the long pink hair would say 'Sorry' or 'Excuse me' or her usual lines as they made their way toward their friends.
"They don't allow big dogs on the plane," Shaggy said, looking on.
"Whoa!" Rainbow gawked.
"Took the word right outta mah mouth!" Applejack agreed.
"I don't think I'll ever be able to unsee this," Rarity said.
"I like it!" Pinkie smiles, with a thumbs up.
"You've got to be kidding me," Velma said, in a 'seriously' tone.
"No one is stupid enough to believe that," Daphne deadpanned.
Fred leans in to talk through Shaggy's ear.
"Who's the ugly old broad?" He asked.
The girls slapped their foreheads at that question, as Scooby walked right up to Fred and gave him a big, slobbery kiss on the cheek. Fred looked disgusted, wiping himself off.
"Say hello to Grandma," Shaggy said.
"Aloha grandma!" Pinkie waved, cheerily.
"Raloha, Rinkie!" Scooby greeted, chuckling.
Flurry didn't quite realize it was Scooby at first, pressing against Twilight's chest and whimpers. Scooby looks from side to side, leans down a bit and whispers.
"Ron't wrry, Rurry. Rits re!"
Flurry peeks toward Scooby and gets a close look at his smiling face toward her. Flurry's mood immediately changed, as she giggled and babbled while reaching towards him. It was more surprising for the girls how Scooby even made it passed the checkpoint with no problem.
"Alright, how is that even possible?" Twilight asked, bewildered.
"Fluttershy, haven't they noticed something?" Applejack asked.
"I'm honestly not sure," Fluttershy admits, shyly. "I was just worried they were looking at 'me'."
"Oh, you'd be surprised of the number of things we pulled on people," Shaggy replied. "Eh Scoob?"
"Rou ret!" Scooby agreed.
"Flight 3774 to Spooky Island no boarding," The check-in lady announced.
The gang all looked at each other, but it was clear that they were not excited to see each other.
"Look, I wouldn't have agreed to come if I knew," Velma said.
Seeing the obvious tension, Shaggy decides to jump in before things went south.
"Wait, just think about it for one minute. Mystery Inc. reunites. We'll be a team again, just like the old days. So come on, let's do that thing where we all put our hands in, lift them up, and go: 'Woo-hoo-hoo!'"
"Ooh, ooh, I'm game!" Pinkie said excited, holding her hand in.
Everyone just looked at her, until Pinkie awkwardly pulled her hand out rubbing the back of her neck. For a moment no one said anything, until Daphne broke the silence.
"Only if Fred and Velma do it."
So they waited to see if either Fred and/or Velma would do the thing, as the girls waited anxiously. But neither one were really in a hurry to do so and all Fred said was,
"People are watching, Shag."
The rest of the gang made their way aboard the plane, going their separate ways. Fred walking ahead and Daphne following with her sunglasses over her eyes. Although Velma seemed like she wanted to, as Shaggy urged her on, she too turned her back on her old friend to board the plane. Shaggy felt a bit disheartened by this, as the girls looked at him sympathetically.
"Sorry Shaggy," Twilight said. "I guess this will take more work than we thought."
"But don't worry, we're here to help you," Rarity said, sweetly.
"All the way to the end, sugar cube," Applejack agreed.
It was more than enough to put a light smile on Shaggy's face, as Scooby reached his paw in the center.
"Roo-hoo?" Scooby asked, reeling his arm back.
"Yeah, Scooby, 'roo-hoo'," Shaggy said. "Come on guys, we've got a plane to catch."
After a while, everyone was on board the plane, 'Spooky Air', as it took off into the air. All the girls found themselves in different seats during the entire flight. Rarity and Fluttershy sat by Daphne, who was reading a magazine and giving a flirting guy next to her the cold shoulder. At least, it seems Rarity and Daphne were getting along just fine seeing as they both had a passion for fashion.
Get it? 'Passion for fashion'? *Chuckles*
Yeah... I got it.
"So, they wouldn't let you bring seven carry-on bags on this flight, darling?" Rarity asked. "That's preposterous! Without my clothing and make-up, I'd be lost!"
"I know, right?" Daphne agreed. "It's so ridiculous! I mean, no offense or anything, but why does Shaggy get to bring you guys and his cousin, while I can't even bring my own bags?!"
While the two kept talking, Fluttershy kept herself occupied with a nice book. But occasionally, she turns to keep an eye on Velma and Fred, who was reading a copy of his own book to pass the time. Regardless if they were the only seats available, they didn't speak for most of the flight.
A flash of light draws Fluttershy's attention as she turns to Pinkie Pie, who had just snapped a picture of Rainbow Dash and Applejack sitting together. They were merely just taking a nap, but the way they cuddled together with them holding hands you'd swear there was something more. Pinkie merely giggles as allows the photo to clear and hide her camera in her hair. She was sitting next to Twilight Sparkle, who eyes her with an annoyed look. Pinkie merely just puts a finger over her mouth saying 'shh' while Twilight shakes her head, as Pinkie was just being... Well, "Pinkie".
Twilight was merely playing with Flurry Heart, trying to keep her occupied during the flight. They were sitting close to Shaggy and Scooby by a 'bar' near their seats. Scooby sniffs and hungrily eyes a sandwich that Shaggy was admiring.
"Now that is a beautiful work of art," Shaggy said.
Shaggy was just about to take a bite when his eyes widen at what strolled down the aisle. A very pretty blonde girl, looking around for a place to seat. She was the most beautiful creature Shaggy had ever seen, so much he didn't notice Scooby ate the sandwich from his hand and put a magazine over his face to hide his actions. But Shaggy didn't care, he was entranced by the power of love, the like of which he never felt before...
At least compared to all the "other" girls Shaggy did date during the whole franchise.
Dude, those are completely separate canons.
The girl eventually noticed Shaggy staring at her and smiled back at him.
"Would you mind me taking a seat there next to...?" The girl began, looking at Scooby.
The girl paused for a bit staring at the most unusual 'woman' she ever saw. Shaggy immediately butted in before things got awkward.
"To my grandma," Shaggy spoke. "That's my grandma."
"Hi, Grandma," The girl greeted.
"Like, no."
Shaggy offers a seat, which the girl appreciated. She slides along Shaggy, who did his best to stay calm. Then suddenly, the girls sneezes with a cute 'achoo' before taking her seat next to 'Grandma'.
"Bless you," Shaggy whispered, smiling.
"I'm sorry," The girl apologized. "My allergies. It's usually only dogs that do it."
Scooby Doo was just scratching with his hind leg, almost blowing his cover, when he stopped mid-sentence. Shaggy and Scooby look at each other nervously, as the girl's allergies kicked in.
"Maybe I'd better move," The girl said, about to get up.
"No, wait!" Shaggy said, stopping her. "It's probably just my grandma's perfume. Yeah, even I sometimes get a little allergic, you know."
Shaggy made it seem like his own allergies kicked in, shouting 'achoo' almost imitating the girl. The girl at least thought it was funny enough, as she sat back down. Shaggy, meanwhile, as awkward as it appeared, had to make a 'slight' arrangement to this predicament.
"I'm pretty sure Grandma wants to go back and visit with her pal, Velma," Shaggy continued. "Right, Grandma?"
Scooby Doo was stunned that he was getting pushed aside just so Shaggy can spend more time with some girl he just met. But the look on Shaggy's eyes made it hard for Scooby to say no and even he didn't want to spoil things for his best friend.
"Rokay," Scooby said, reluctantly.
This did not go unnoticed by Twilight Sparkle, who couldn't help but overhear. She watches as Scooby Doo steps off his seat so Shaggy can sick next to the blonde girl. From the look of his face, as he passed by, Scooby was a little upset.
"You okay, Scooby?" Twilight asked.
Scooby doesn't answer, instead he turns to her sadly and shrugs. Flurry Heart's coos get Scooby's attention as he looks down toward the disguised little foal. He leans down and the little lass hugs his face while planting a kiss on his nose. Twilight smiled at the interaction between the two.
"Rank you," Scooby said, smiling.
"You know Scooby, if you ever need someone to talk to or need cheering up, we'll always help you if you want," Twilight offered.
"Rank you, Rilight," Scooby said.
As Scooby walks back further down the plane, Twilight keeps an eye on Shaggy, as he continues to talk to that girl. She was making herself comfortable and he noticed that she was taking out a 'dog biscuit' from a plastic bag and prepared to munch on it. This surprised Shaggy because he knew what they were.
"Boy, oh boy," Shaggy said. "Those sure do look like Scooby Snacks."
"I know they're for dogs," The girl said, nervously. "But they're 100% vegetarian, and I love them."
"Like, me too!"
"Far out!" The girl said, surprised. "I've never met another person who loves Scooby Snacks."
"Me neither."
"I'm Mary Jane."
"Like, that's my favorite name."
"Really? No way."
Twilight just shook her head, as clearly the two were flirting with each other. But, given that she had met a few boys herself whether it was a pony or a human from the other realm, it didn't bother her so much.
Meanwhile, Scooby Doo found an empty seat next to Velma and Fred, despite the fact all the passengers were looking at him.
"Rello," Scooby said, casually.
Just then, Scooby's nose catches a whiff of a peculiar scent. He sniffs the air and his eyes widen at what was right by him. A white cat with green eyes, sitting on the lap of a woman (Who ironically had 'kitten' written on it) and the cat itself was looking back at him. His instincts kicking in, Scooby barks at the cat who meows and hisses defensively. All eyes turned toward Scooby Doo, who was unintentionally drawing unwanted attention. This woke Applejack and Rainbow Dash who saw they were holding hands and quickly released, turning to the side while their cheeks blushed.
"Grandma?" Velma asked.
"Velma, it's simple behavior modification," Fred explains. "To cause a dog to discontinue any action, flick it on the nose. Observe."
Fred turns toward Scooby.
Scooby Doo turns to face Fred, who flicks him right on the nose drawing him back.
But Scooby Doo, not taking it very well, punches Fred right in the face. The cat escapes from the passenger's lap and Scooby Doo hops off his seat. Next thing Twilight and her friends witnessed was loud barking filling the plane, as Scooby rushed by on all fours chasing a cat. Shaggy practically had to leave his seat to get his friend to stop.
"Sit, Grandma! Bad, Grandma! Don't eat the kitty!"
Flurry Heart laughed and clapped at this funny scene, while Twilight rubbed her temples and sighed.
"This is going to be a 'long' flight," Twilightmuttered.
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